Game Sessions

By Ben Coolen

Published on Aug 31, 2013


Game Sessions Part 4

By Ben C.

"So waddya think of my plan, Ritch?" Jesse asked.

"Do we have a deal here?"

My position to negotiate a deal with Jesse was not the best possible, as I was on my back on Jesse's floor and he was straddling me. His denim-clad crotch was scratching my chin.

Jesse had asked me to come over to help clean his den. Jesse let me in and I started to pick up fast food wraps, soda cans and general thrash to clear the room for the actual cleaning.

Jesse pretended to help me for a while, but was soon engaged in a conversation with his girlfriend on the phone. After a few minutes Jesse settled comfortably on his bed to continue the seemingly endless chit-chat with Joanne who was on a cheerleader camp somewhere far away.

"What are you wearing, babe? A-ha. A-ha. What color?"

"Are you wearing a bra? A-ha. A-ha. What kind of panties? Strings? Ahh. I'll be there in a minute, ha-ha!"

The cooing went on and on.

Jesse would be celebrating his seventeenth birthday next Saturday with a huge pool-party. He had already told me about Joanne's present. She had told him that she would give him a present he would never forget.

"She licked my neck and rubbed my crotch when she said that!" Jesse told me, excited.

"I'm gonna fuck her next weekend. And then I'll just keep fucking," he stated with a self-satisfied grin, rocking his hip up and down on the bed.

I knew that was coming one day. And I knew Jesse wouldn't be needing me that often anymore. Jesse was constantly horny, so I was pretty sure he'd let me please him every now and then, but I still felt sad.

Jesse was like a magnet for me. When I wasn't serving his sexual needs, I enjoyed his company enormously. I loved goofing around with him, looking at his radiating smile, listening his filthy jokes. Most of all, I liked to watch how his taut body moved, how his dick and balls swayed inside his tight jeans.

I had once, not long ago, been Jesse's best friend. That had changed. Now he called Cameron, his skater buddy, his bro. I new he told Cameron things that he wouldn't tell me.

And in me, Jesse had found someone he could use for his benefit. Fearing he would dump me, I had offered to help him with his chores. It wasn't that much, mainly cleaning the den and sorting his laundry for washing.

That was what I was going to do next, sort Jesse's jeans, shirts, boxers, socks, soccer gear etc into piles on the floor according to color and washing temperature. Then I would load the piles into big plastic bags and leave them on his porch to be picked up by their housekeeper, Maria.

Jesse could easily change his outfit three times a day, as he didn't need to care about washing them, so the mountain of unsorted laundry in front of me was impressive.

Finally, Jesse finished his call. I took a brake and looked at him.

Jesse was laying on the bed on his back, clad only in his skinny jeans. His dirty white Chucks were resting on his bed cover.

He had clasped his hands behind his head on the pillow. As usual, his dark hair fell sexily over his forehead. I noticed he had developed a considerable bulge in his Nudies from talking dirty to Joanne.

Jesse grinned at me.

"I know I should be giving you a hand with that. But I'm so fucking lazy."

I grimaced back.

"Now, why would you bother to clean your place yourself, Jesse, when you have a fag around to do it for you?"

My sarcasm was totally lost on Jesse.

He laughed.

"You nailed that one, Ritch."

"You know Ritch, when I finally get Joanne to spread her legs for me, I won't be needing you so often anymore."

"But we can still be friends and hang out and party together. And maybe you could still help me with my chores?"

I smiled back, relieved.

"Sure, Jesse."

He chuckled.

"And I'm still gonna call for you once in a while for blowjobs."

Jesse was in the prime of his youth, becoming a man in a few years. But he was still basically a teen boy, inconsiderate and selfish. I was his friend but also his toy that he could use whenever he wanted.

"Remember my bro Cam you met a couple of weeks ago?"

"Yeah, I remember."

How could I have forgotten the hot skater dude? I had wanked many times thinking of Cameron, often with my face buried in Jesse's socks or boxers that he gave me. In my wanker imagination Jesse and Cameron had sort of melted to one single image of my adoration and lust.

"Well, Cam is kinda frustrated nowadays. He broke up with his girlfriend a couple of weeks ago."


"You know, a guy can always use his hand to get off, of course. But it ain't the same thing, when you are used to have someone around to take care of it for you."

I was starting to see where this was going.

"And I thought to myself, as I'm not gonna need you so much anymore, maybe you could take care of Cam, too."

"You haven't told him, have you?" I exploded.

"Oh no. I just suggested that he should find himself a fag to help him get his rocks off."

Jesse chuckled.

"Well, Cam's a smart guy. I can't help it if he puts two and two together."

This was more than I could take. Jesse couldn't just pass me on like a tool.

"I'll think about it," I told him, sulking.

"Don't think too long, Ritch. Cam's a hot dude and he might find someone else."

He continued,

"I know you would like it. And you have all the qualifications."

"What qualifications?" I asked, annoyed.

Jesse sat up on the bed and crossed his legs. He shook his head to clear aside the hair falling down his forehead and gave me a mischievous grin.

He reached for his iPad and pretended to start an app on it.

"Let me walk you through this simple questionnaire," he said, tapping the screen with his finger.

I smiled. Jesse had once again managed to change my mood in a split second.

I sat down on the floor.

"Question number one. Are you a fag?"

Jesse raised his eyes from the screen and looked at me, lifting his eyebrows.

"Yes," I answered.

"Check," Jesse said, tapping the screen.

"Question number two. Do you enjoy the company of a really hot skater dude like me?"

Jesse was never too modest about himself.



"Question number three. Are you willing to help a really hot skater dude if he needs it?"



"Question number four. Do you love to give blowjobs to a really hot skater dude?"



"Question number five. Are you able to take some rough treatment from a really hot skater dude?"

"Well, yes. As long as..."

"Check." Jesse interrupted me.

"That was the last question. Let's see what the computer says."

"Yeah. Here are the results."

"Five out of five. You got maximum qualification points as a candidate for Cam's cocksucker, dude. Be proud of yourself."

I laughed.

"You mean I'm the most qualified cocksucker ever tested?"

Jesse did a perfect somersault on the bed, landing on his feet right in front of me. I admired his effortless moves.

He put his hand on my chest and pushed me on my back so that my head was resting in the heap of his dirty laundry. I could smell the unwashed clothes.

"You're the best cocksucker I've ever known. And you can prove it to me right now."

Jesse straddled me, unbuckling his belt.

"So waddya think of my plan, Ritch?"

He unzipped his jeans.

"Do we have a deal here?" Jesse asked, fishing his cock from the confines of his bright white American Eagle boxer briefs.

I opened my mouth to tell him I would think about it, but Jesse used the opportunity to slide his cock between my lips.

He patted my cheek and pushed his cock deeper in my mouth.

"Good boy. I knew you wouldn't say no to me."

This time Jesse didn't want an elaborate service. He just wanted to get his rocks off by using my mouth. He started to pump his hardening cock in my mouth.

Jesse was in a mood for a really rough ride today. He leaned forward and supported his body with his strong hands on the floor, as if doing push-ups over me. With every thrust my head was buried deeper in Jesse's dirty t-shirts, jeans, boxers and socks. A metal jeans button was scratching the back of my head.

I felt slightly claustrophobic in my position between the dirty clothes and Jesse's thrusting pelvis.

I put my hands on Jesse's narrow waist, trying to slow him down – with no success. I felt his tight butt muscles tighten under my fingers with every thrust.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait for long. Jesse started grunting,

"Uhh... Uhh... Uhhh..."

Jesse shot three heavy spurts of cum into my mouth. After he came, he didn't move for a while as he was catching his breath. Finally, he pulled his dick out from my mouth and sat up, still panting.

He smiled.

"You've got cum all over your chin, Ritch."

Jesse took one of his dirty socks from the pile. He wiped my lips and chin with the sock and threw it back. He grinned,

"There. You're good as new."

"Now I gotta call Cam and ask him to come over so you can discuss the details. Try to finish the laundry shit before he gets here."

I sighed and started to sort Jesse's laundry again.

Cameron must've been somewhere pretty close, as I heard his car tires screech into the driveway only fifteen minutes later.

Jesse opened the door and greeted him with fist bumps. They went to the living room.

"Ritch is sorting my laundry. He should be ready pretty soon," I heard Jesse say.

Cameron laughed.

"You're really something else, Jesse."

"Thanks, bro. I try my best."

I was almost done with the sorting when I heard Jesse call me.

"Are you still sorting my wash, Ritch? We need some Cokes here."

"Okay Jesse. Coming right up."

I got up and went to the kitchen. I washed my hands and poured two cans of Coke into glasses. I filled them with ice and took them to the living room.

The boys were chilling on Jesse's sofa. Cameron was dressed in tattered cut-offs and a white wife-beater. Several tears in the worn denim revealed generous slices of his tanned thighs. The tight shirt showed the outlines of his tight six-pack.

Cameron had a silver stud earring in his left earlobe. The familiar amulet was hanging from his neck.

The seventeen year old skater was sprawled low on the sofa with his feet spread out. He was wearing worn-out white hi-top Nike Dunk skate shoes. I noticed a dark braided leather anklet on his left ankle. Hot, I thought.

Cameron's long blond surfer locks were spread on the back rest of the blue leather sofa. He was observing me, grinning. He didn't bother to greet me.

I put the glasses down on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Neither of the boys thanked me.

Jesse had a wicked little smile on his face.

"Now Ritch, as we have my bro Cam here as our guest, how about making sure he is feeling comfortable?"

"Ummm, sure, Jesse. What do you have in mind?"

"Your feet must be really hot in those heavy skates, Cam. Why don't you let Ritch here take them off for you?"

I could see Jesse was holding back laughter.

Cameron looked surprised, but he took the ball from Jesse and played along. He smiled broadly, showing his pearl-white teeth.

Cameron spoke in a laid-back skater-dude manner, slowly and stretching his words into a drawl.

"Well yeah, Jesse. You're right, my feet are fucking swelling in these old Dunks."

" It would be really nice to get them off my feet, dude," he said, grinning at me.

I felt awkward standing there in the middle of the floor while the boys were making fun of me. But on the other hand, being taunted by these arrogant and handsome teens really turned me on. I felt my cock harden in my pants.

"Well sure, Cameron. I'll take them off for you."

I knelt on the floor in front of him, trying to hide my hard-on. Cameron had tied the laces of the dirty skate shoes pretty tight, so it took me a while to open them. Finally I got them opened and slid the heavy shoes off Cameron's feet.

Cameron's tanned legs were as beautiful as the rest of his body. They showed the impressive results of hard skating practice. His calves were covered with short blond hair. His tan and the downy hair formed a nice contrast with the dark anklet and the black ankle socks he was wearing.

I placed Cameron's shoes neatly on the floor beside his feet, and was just getting up, when he interrupted me.


I looked up and saw Cameron grinning at me.

"Take those socks off my feet too, dude. They feel so fucking hot and sweaty."

I heard Jesse let out a snort. I glanced at him and saw that his face was flushed and he had tears in his eyes.

I knelt back on the floor. I rolled Cameron's socks carefully off his feet with my fingers. They felt warm and moist in my hand.

Even Cameron's feet looked graceful and sexy in my eyes. He had clipped his toenails short. I could see some black fluff from his sport socks stuck between his toes.

"Yeah. That feels better, man."

Both boys were now having difficulties holding back laughter. I decided to leave them to it and took Cameron's shoes and socks to the hallway.

I heard the boys laugh hysterically in the living-room.

"He sure loves your feet, man. He was trying to hide his hard-on," I heard Jesse snicker.

"And did you see the fag's face when I told him to take my socks off!"


"I thought he was gonna cream his pants right there," Jesse howled.

More laughter.

Jesse's mocking laughter stung me bitterly, as we were once best friends.

While the boys were laughing their asses off at my expense, I took one of Cameron's socks and smelled it. The strong, sweet smell of skater-boy feet made my cock swell in my pants. And when I took a whiff of the inside of Cameron's grimy Dunks, things got even worse.

I knew I should run out immediately. But if I did that, I might never be invited back. I yearned for the hot skaters boys' company, even if it meant being the target of their cruel ridiculing.

I knew I had to get back to the living room. But I had a raging hard-on in my pants, and I couldn't walk in there with that bulge. I had to get rid of it, quickly.

"Where did he go?" I heard Cameron ask.

"I dunno. Probably sniffing your Dunks."


I grabbed Cameron's socks and locked myself in the bathroom. I opened my pants, sat on the toilet seat – which was sparkling clean, because I had scrubbed it a little while a go – and pressed the socks on my face.

Cameron's laughter was ringing in my ears and I could see his cocky grin with my closed eyes, as I inhaled his sweat from the moist socks. It took me less than a minute to shoot a generous load of cum into a wad of toilet paper.

I rinsed my cock in the wash basin and gathered myself for a while. Then I unlocked the door and placed Cameron's socks inside his Dunks.

I heard Jesse call,

"Waddya doing, Ritch? Come on here, Cam wants to have a word with you."

I walked slowly into the living room.

"Sit down, man," Jesse said gesturing to the space on the sofa between him and Cameron.

I sat down, nervous.

"I hope we didn't hurt you feelings, Ritch. We were just having a little fun," Jesse said, grinning. He punched my shoulder gently with his fist.

He did it again! I felt immediately better.

"Well, I guess boys will be boys. You've gotta let some steam out once in a while," I said, forcing a fake smile.

"Yeah. You got it right."

"Cam and me were just talking about you helping him to relax. I told him you were willing to do that."

"Oh, ummm," I tried to find words.

"See, Cam? How about a free blowjob? You sure could use one."

Cameron bit his lower lip, running his fingers through his thick blond hair.

"Fuck, I don't know Jess. If I don't get my rocks off soon, my balls are probably gonna explode."

"But the idea of doing it with a fag feels weird."

"You'll love it, I promise," Jesse assured him.

"You've got no idea what he's willing to do to please you, Cam. Right, Ritch?"

I couldn't think of anything to say, so I remained silent.

Jesse went on with his pep talk.

"It's a mind-blowing experience, Cam. Nothing like having a chick suck your dick. Girls hate giving blowjobs but fags love it."

"Just tell the fag what you want and he'll do it."

I could see Cameron was pondering his decision. He measured me with his ocean-blue eyes.

Then the cocky grin appeared again. Cameron turned to Jesse.

"Can I take him to a test drive, Jess?"

Jesse laughed.

"You sure can, bro. You can use the bedroom. I'll just chill out here and watch TV."

Cameron stood up, grinning. He slapped me in the back of my head – not too hard, but hard enough to make his point.

"Showtime, faggot," Cameron said.

Alright, I know this chapter contained more fetish and domination than many of you would have wanted. But I might still have the energy to write one final chapter, if you fags want me to. If ever written, Game Sessions Chapter 5 will be a detailed description of Ritch's test drive with Cameron.

Please let me know.

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Next: Chapter 5

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