Game Sessions

By Ben Coolen

Published on Sep 14, 2013


Game Sessions Part 5

By Ben C.

I followed Cameron through the hallway towards Jesse's bedroom. I admired his tanned V-shaped torso, clearly visible in the form-fitting wife-beater, his broad shoulders bare. The shirt disappeared into his cut-offs, held up by a wide canvas camo belt.

Cameron's cut-off jeans were slim, but not skinny enough to show clearly the form of his butt muscles. But I knew they were strong and hard for all the skating and surfing. The denim was torn above the right back pocket, showing some of his snow-white underwear.

The cut-offs ended five inches above his knee, as the current teen style required. Cameron's thighs were tanned and almost hairless. Only a soft fuzz of blond hair sparkled in the sunrays that shone through the window.

Cameron walked into Jesse's bedroom. He stopped at the door and scanned around. Finally he chose a black recliner in the corner.

Cameron studied the mechanism of the chair for a while until he managed to tilt the backrest back, which also automatically extended a footrest.

Cameron settled comfortably into the recliner, his bare feet on the foot rest. He searched his pockets and found a pack of chewing gum. He popped the gum in his mouth and clasped his hands together behind his head, showing his baseball-sized biceps.

I never miss a possibility to check a hot guy's armpits. Cameron had shaved his pits with great care. Even his armpits were evenly tanned, thanks to the countless hours of skating in the sunshine.

As Cameron lounged on the recliner, I stood in front of him, nervously shifting my weight from one foot to another. He kept watching me without a word, with a slight smirk on his handsome face, chewing his gum lazily.

I was afraid my knees would soon start shaking, so I sat tentatively down on the corner of Jesse's bed.

Cameron broke his silence.

"Did I tell you to sit down?"

He had a stern look on his young face.

"Umm... no, no, sorry," I stuttered and stood up.

"Go get me a Coke."

I went back to the living room where Jesse was slouching on the couch, watching TV. I took Cameron's glass and hurried to the kitchen. I heard Jesse chuckle behind me.

I fixed Cameron a fresh glass of Coke with ice and went back to the bedroom.

"Here you are, Cam," I said and placed the glass on a small table beside his chair.

Cameron chewed his bubble gum slowly, watching me.

"It's Cameron to you, dude. Only my friends call me Cam."

"Sorry, Cameron."

Cameron picked his glass, rolled it in his hand and took a sip.

"How old are you, dude?"

It occurred to me that Cameron never called me by my name. I was always "dude" or "fag".

"Seventeen." I had turned seventeen a week ago.

"Seventeen. Well, well, I'm seventeen too."

He took another sip of his Coke and burped.

"Okay, let's see. We are two seventeen year old high school kids here, right?"

I nodded.


"So tell me something, dude."


"How come I am chilling here comfortably in this recliner, sipping the Coke that I told you to get me, while you stand in front of me, waiting for my orders?"

"Umm... well, I'm just a helpful guy, I guess."

Cameron laughed.

"You know better than that, dude. Try again."

I felt my face turn red. I looked down.

"Don't look at the floor when I am talking to you, dude."

I raised my eyes and looked right into Cameron's deep-blue eyes. I fought to keep my voice steady.

"Umm... I guess... well... I suppose... it's because I'm a fag. And you're not."

I huge grin appeared on Cameron's handsome face, showing his perfect white teeth.

"You got it right this time, dude," he said cheerfully.

"You're a fag." He stressed the word "fag" like a teacher repeating the right answer to a dumb kid.

"That's what fags do, dude. They take orders from real guys."

"I want you to keep that in mind. Now tell me you're a faggot."

I swallowed.

"I am a faggot."

Cameron sipped his drink.

"Say it again."

"I am a faggot."

"Good." Cameron grinned. I could see he really enjoyed humiliating me, as he had a notable bulge in his tattered cut-offs.

He sneered at me.

"Jesse told me you wanted to kiss his feet. Is that true?"

There was no use denying that, as Cameron already knew the answer.

"Yeah. That's true." I mumbled.

He laughed.

"Sick faggot."

"Would you like to kiss my feet?"

"Yeah. I'd like to do that."

"How do I know you ain't got some fag germs in your mouth? I could get sick."

"You better clean your mouth with a gum first," Cameron said and slid his hand in his pocket.

I automatically held my hand out, palm cupped. Cameron leaned closer and spat the gum from his mouth into my palm.

"There. Chew that," he chuckled, satisfied with himself.

I put the slimy gum in my mouth. The only taste left in it was Cameron's spit. I started to chew the gum under his watchful eyes.

I chewed it a while, until he told me to put it away. I placed the wet gum on the edge of Jesse's coffee table.

"If you want to kiss my feet, ask politely."

If felt deeply humiliated, but being mocked by this cocky hot teen also made my cock harden in my pants.

"May I please kiss your feet, Cameron?"

He smiled, pretending to consider my request.

"Okay. You may kiss my feet now."

I started to kneel down when I remembered the scolding Cameron gave me for sitting down without his permission.

"Umm... may I kneel down?"

He chuckled.

"Go ahead, gay-boy."

I knelt down at Cameron's feet. I wrapped my fingers around his left ankle and lifted his foot up from the foot rest. I could see the leather anklet right in front of my eyes.

I gave Cameron's foot a gentle kiss. The touch of his skin on my lips made my cock pulse. I could hear Cameron snicker over me.

"Come on, dude, I thought you like my feet. That was a fucking insult, you can do better than that."

I was still holding his ankle, so I kissed the graceful arch of his foot, this time using my lips and tongue. I lifted his foot higher so that I could lick the sole. It tasted salty and I got some sock fluff in my mouth.

"You're eager to please, fag. I like that."

"Now the other one."

I licked his right foot, starting from his toes and ending to the ankle.


Cameron stood up in one easy move of his athletic body. He pulled his wife-beater free from the cut-offs and stripped it off, throwing it on Jesse's bed. He looked down at me with his hands on his hips.

I gasped at the sight towering over me. Jesse was hot, but he couldn't compete with Cameron's ripped body. Besides skating and surfing, he did some Thai-boxing and it showed in the even development of his muscles.

The results of all the hard training were visible in Cameron's body. He was muscled but not in the iron-pumping buff manner, but in a beautiful, natural way. His muscles were in the right places in perfect proportions.

I drank in the sight above me, letting my eyes wonder from Cameron's long hair and boyish face, to his broad shoulders and hard pecs, then to his perfect six-pack, sexy navel and the neatly trimmed blond love trail.

Cameron's cut-offs hung low on his hips, so I could see a good part of his white boxer trunks. Big letters in the waistband right in front of my eyes declared the Diesel brand in big block letters, screaming the aura of a confident young stud to the world.

I could see a corner of a black-and-red tattoo sticking from the waistband of his boxers.

Cameron grinned as he noticed my adoration.

"Like what you see, fag?"

I blurted,

"Do you have any idea how hot you are, Cam... Cameron?"

He gave me a self-satisfied grin, looking down at me.

"Yeah, I do have a pretty precise idea about that. I've heard many chicks tell me that, but you are the first fag to drool so openly over me."

"Now, enough staring. Take my pants off, dude."

I obeyed immediately and opened the wide canvas belt of his cut-offs. When I popped the top button, the jeans dropped past his hips. It was no trouble for me to slide them completely off his feet. He was now standing there in his tight white boxer shorts. I admired his strong thighs.

Cameron chuckled.

"Do you know why a fag got fired from his job at the sperm bank?"


"They caught him drinking on the job."

He laughed.

I forced out a polite laugh to the old joke.

"That was a good one," I said.

"Yeah. But for you it isn't just a joke."

Cameron started to slap my cheeks lightly.

"Soon you're gonna suck my young balls dry and then I will feed you my cum. And you're gonna drink every drop of it. And then you're gonna thank me. Understood?"


Cameron took a coupe of steps back and lay down on Jesse's bed. His long blond hair sprawled over the black silky pillowcase. He clasped his hands behind his head.

"Start pleasing me, faggot."

I got up and climbed on the bed between Cameron's tanned legs. I considered for a moment how I should begin. I decided I would use the same technique that Jesse enjoyed so much. I guess hot straight boys love to have their body worshiped, and chicks just don't get that.

I lifted Cameron's left ankle and kissed the graceful arch of his foot. I continued kissing and licking his ankle, being careful not to wet his leather anklet. I moved slowly higher. The short blond hair of his shin felt soft under my tongue.

When I got past Cameron's shin, I bent his knee gently, spreading his legs to give me room to service them.

I took my time heading higher, trying to cover every inch of Cameron's muscular inner thigh with my lips and tongue. I reached out with my right hand to caress his hard abdomen.

Eventually my lips reached the white cotton of Cameron's boxers. I could already smell the musk rising from the tight trunks. I couldn't resist the temptation and pressed my face on the pouch. I could feel the hardness and heat of his pulsing cock through the thin cotton. I took a deep breath through my nose.

"You really love my smell, fag, don't you."

I didn't answer him but took another whiff. The musk of his crotch was strong and intoxicating. I had smelled Jesse's crotch many times by now, and I loved it. But Cameron's aroma was somehow still more raw and powerful. His teen-boy essence rushed through my nostrils straight into my brain cells, ordering them to serve this superior young man in any way he desired.

And that was what I intended to do, no matter how bad he treated me. I hooked my middle fingers under the waistband of his boxers, by the D on the left and the L on the right. I started to slide the trunks slowly down. Jesse's abs tightened and he lifted his hips a little so I could slide them below his butt.

Now I could see the whole tattoo, fully visible on the right side of Cameron's neatly trimmed blond pubes. It was a Playboy bunny. Most of it was normally hidden inside his underwear, so the only people able to see it were the guys in the locker room and the girls he fucked. It was a shameless statement of Cameron's sexual power, permanently written on his pelvis.

I leaned over to lick the bunny.

Cameron laughed raspily.

"All my bitches want to taste the bunny."

I let my tongue wander slowly higher on his flat abdomen until I reached his navel. I stuck my tongue in it and swirled it around – another trick I had learned while pleasing Jesse.

Then it was time to get rid of the boxers. As I pulled them down, Cameron's cock sprang into its full glory. My eyes widened as I saw it: it was about the same length as Jesse's but clearly thicker. If I would've had time to prepare myself, I would've bought a bigger cucumber to practice with. But there was no time now, so I had to trust my newly developed cocksucking skills.

I moved Cameron's ball sack gently aside with my fingers and licked the sweat off the skin between his sack and upper thighs.

I kissed and licked Cameron's shaft and the purple crown. Then I took it between my fingers and opened my mouth. I slid the head in my mouth and took a couple of tentative sucks, getting the feel of it. I felt relieved as I had no difficulties to fit it in.

I began to work my mouth up and down Cameron's love organ, simultaneously caressing his thighs and abdomen with my hands. Cameron put his hands behind my head, guiding my movements. He started to thrust his hips forward to give more power to my movements.

After a few minutes Cameron took an iron-tight grip of my hair and pulled my head up from his dick. He grunted and used his foot to push me on the floor, not letting go of my hair.

Cameron stood up and kept pulling my hair until I got myself settled into a kneeling position at his feet.

He slapped my cheek, this time a bit harder, so it stung a little.

"Open wide, faggot."

I complied with his order, of course, and opened my mouth. Cameron shoved his cock in and took a tight hold of my head with his hands. He started to fuck my head, thrusting his pelvis against my face and pulling my head inwards with his strong hands to give maximum power to his fucking.

I panicked at first, afraid he was going to choke me. But I managed to gather myself despite the merciless pounding. I repeated in my mind the lessons I had with the cucumber and Jesse's cock. I eased my neck and throat muscles so Cameron could fuck my face deeper. At the same time I squeezed my lips around the shaft to give him all the pleasure he deserved.

I put my hands on his hard butt cheeks and started to pull them in rhythm with Cameron's thrusts. Soon I could feel my nose pressing on his pubes.

Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I noticed a large mirror on the wall. I focused my eyes in it and saw the hottest sight any young fag in the world could ever have seen.

We were positioned slightly sideways to the mirror, so I could see Cameron's backside and myself on my knees at his feet, partly facing the mirror.

To sum up the sight in the mirror, I could see a tall, muscular teen boy using a kneeling fag of his own age for his pleasure. The boy's spit-soaked cock pumped in and out of the fag's mouth. The blond teen's solid butt cheeks tightened every time he fucked the fag's face.

It was obvious that the fag's well-being was of no concern to the boy. But the fag was loving the hard treatment, no doubt, as you could see his fingers squeezing the hard muscles of the blond teen's bubble butt, begging the boy to fuck his face harder.

I could see that the fag had a huge bulge in his pants. Suddenly a wet point appeared in his crotch. The fag had creamed his pants as he was kneeling there, pleasuring his stronger peer.

Suddenly I remembered that the kneeling young fag in the mirror was me. I felt my pants with my hand and yes, they were wet.

I had no intention to let that spoil Cameron's satisfaction. I caressed his lower back, butt cheeks and his strong thighs, all the time keeping my lips wrapped tight around the shaft of his cock.

Cameron pumped my face harder and harder. Drops of sweat ran from his navel down his flat pelvis, wetting my forehead.

I knew Cameron was close to the climax. Suddenly he slowed his fucking motion and tightened his grip of my head.

"Uhhh... Uhh... Uhh..." Cameron grunted as he shot his load in my mouth. Part of it flew right into my throat, but as he pulled his cock back, the next load of teen cum landed in my mouth so I got a good taste of it.

Just as the sweat in Cameron's crotch, also his cum had a stronger, more powerful taste than Jesse's. I knew I wanted more. I would beg him for his cum if necessary.

Cameron kept his softening cock in my mouth for a while and let me lick the cum off it. Then he pulled it out completely and let go of my head.

I looked up. Cameron's face was flushed and his blond locks looked sweaty.

Cameron looked down to me, straight into my eyes, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Thanks, Cameron. Thanks for letting me give you a blowjob."

Cameron grinned at me. His smile was almost friendly now.

"You're welcome, dude."

Then he noticed the wet spot in my pants. He chuckled.

"And it seems you really enjoyed it."

I smiled, wiping cum off my lips.

"Yeah, I did. And I'll do it again, anytime you want. Just give me a call."

"I'll do that. Now get up and go wash your face."

I managed to get up, although my feet were numb from the kneeling. I was heading to the bathroom, as Cameron interrupted me.


I turned around.

Cameron flashed me his cocky grin.

"Jesse told me he sometimes gives you a tip if the blowjob was good."

"I can't give you my boxers, dude. I'd get arrested going commando in those cut-offs. But you can have my socks. Just pick them on your way out."

"Thanks, Cameron."

I served my country as Cameron's fag for two years. I saw Jesse less and less, as he had managed to convince his parents to include the cleaning of his den in their housekeeper's duties. Jesse just called me sometimes when Joanne was on a cheerleader tour and he needed to get off.

Cameron treated me well. In a few occasions he bitch-slapped me for doing something stupid like talking back to him. I apologized for my behavior every time, and the incidents were soon forgotten.

He still enjoyed making fun of me in front of others. But that was his right as a straight boy. And I loved doing his laundry.

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Next: Chapter 6: Game Sessions II 1

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