Games Gone Wild

By Sedrious Cottman

Published on Aug 3, 2023



Hello Readers,

My name is Fae (previously posted under the name Sed) Please enjoy this short story I wrote about three college guys having a very fun and wild games night. I Hope that you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please read my other stories linked here. //

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"Hey, do you have an extra towel I could borrow," I hear my roommate Tristan ask me. I turn to my right to see him completely naked and dripping wet standing about 5 feet away from me. I didn't even hear him walk up because I was so encapsulated by the book I was reading, and I didn't see him because my back was to the hallway. I was laying down, with my head up against the arm of the couch. As I turn to look at him, his dick is so close to my face I can feel the heat coming from it. I sit up and look him over. Tristan is taller than most people I've seen prior to starting college. He stands at 6'5" with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He has a lean and toned build. His six pack is definitely defined. He also has a really nice amount of body hair and a full bush to match. He also showers using this all-natural soap with frankincense oil, which makes him smell so good. Since he had just got done showering, his hair was wet and dripping down his body.

He waves his hand in front of my face and says, "Hello...Callum?" "Oh, right. Sorry. Check the closet in my bedroom. "Thanks," he says before leaving, giving me a nice view of his perfectly round ass. I've been roommates with Tristan for about a year now. We met through some friends last year when I was a freshman. He offered to let me live with him when I realized that the dorms were costing me more money than I could afford. He had a spare bedroom from his last roommate transferring to a different school. We barely talked much before moving in, but we've become pretty comfortable with each other in the last several months.

When I moved in, he made it a point that he liked to be as free and open as possible when he's at home. which essentially meant that I would be seeing him naked. A lot. I'm fine with that considering I'm gay and Tristan is easy on the eyes. It was difficult at first. Every time I'd see him naked, I'd get a boner and hiding them was not easy. If he ever noticed, he never said anything. It still happens, just not as much. It's especially bad if Tristan works out and doesn't shower right away when he gets home. Sometimes, he'll strip right in front of me while I'm in the common area reading or gaming. Then he'll walk around like that for at least 20 minutes before actually showering. His natural scent fills the house. On those days, I bust one out really quickly while he's in the shower.

As much as I have fantasized about it, nothing has ever happened between the two of us, and I kind of like it that way. Aside from being incredibly attractive, he's a really nice guy and we share at least 2 of our common core classes together so he makes a great study partner too. We talk about everything... well except relationships. He's never mentioned if he's dating someone, he never brings anyone over, and it never really comes up in conversation. So, we've never bothering talking about it. I've always wondered about his sexuality too. The one time someone in our friend group asked, he simply replied with, "I like all kinds of people," and left it at that.

After about 2 minutes, he walks back into the living room and spreads his still naked body out on the couch a few feet from me. He puts one of his legs in my lap, another casual thing he does sometimes. This time, his foot is practically touching my dick and I have to focus really hard on not getting a boner. "Hey Callum. So, my old roommate, Scott, is coming into town for the weekend." "That's the guy that lived here before me, right?" "Yes, it is. I told him that I already had a new roommate, so he'll be sleeping on the futon. I just wanted to let you know so you aren't surprised when he shows up." "Oh, that's fine. Thanks for letting me know." "You're okay with it? Just like that? I expected you to be upset. I mean Friday is in two days." "It is your apartment. Even if I wasn't okay with it, you let me live here for next to nothing so if it doesn't endanger me, why bother getting upset." "You might change your mind after you meet him," Tristan says before dozing off. I decide to finish my book and that's how the night ends.

Friday seems to come around fairly quickly, which may have been in-part to how busy I was throughout the week. Luckily, I don't have any weekend classes so I'm looking forward to enjoying some of the weekend. Friday afternoon comes and Tristan and I are leaving our last class together when he gets a phone call. After he hangs up he says, "So Scotty is going to be here around dinner time. He said he hasn't eaten so if you would like to make something tonight, that would be fantastic." "Luckily for the two of you, this is my last class today. I'll go by the store and grab a few things before heading home." "Great! Here are my car keys." "See you at home." Tristan and I like to carpool to school, and we alternate vehicles. I actually like driving his car. It also smells like him.

I decide to make alfredo pasta since I'm short for time. It's also one of Tristan's favorites. He begged me to make it last week and even joked that he'd let me cuddle with him if I did. Of course, I got too nervous and spent twice the amount of time making something else. Since I've spent a lot of time cooking since my teen years, I can make pretty much anything as long as there is a recipe to follow. Making alfredo from scratch is fun and super easy so it's always my go to meal whenever I'm pressed for time. However, my favorite dish to make normally takes well over an hour. Shopping for the alfredo ingredients takes less than 10 minutes, and after another 15, I'm already home and starting on dinner. Normally, I only make the pasta and the sauce, but today I've chosen to include chicken. I also decide to buy a more expensive bottle of Tristan's favorite white wine, since I am using his credit card.

Everything goes according to plan and just as I'm finishing up, I get a text from Tristan saying they were about 5 minutes out. I take that time to set the small dinner table and they walk in as soon as I put down the last plate. "Wow looks like you've redecorated," Scott says as he walks in with his bags. "Actually, Callum did all the redecorating," Tristan says as he walks in behind him. I walk over to Scott to get a good look at him and introduce myself. "You must be Scott," I say as I shake his hand. "Hi, yeah. I'm Scott," he says as he shakes my hand and winks at me. I pretend like I don't see it though. Scott is a few inches shorter than Tristan at about 6'2. He has short black hair, gray eyes and an athletic build. He has quite a bit of tattoos. His lips are also a lot fuller than Tristan's, even though Tristan himself already has rather full lips. Scott has snake bits and 14mm gauges. He has a bit of a facial hair too.

"Well dinner is ready," I smile. "Oh nice! What'd you make?" "Chicken alfredo, I hope that's fine. Tristan didn't tell me if you had any allergies or anything. "Nah, that's totally fine dude. I'm not allergic to anything. It smells amazing." "Thank you." "You actually made alfredo?" asks Tristan. "Yes, I did." "You know what this means right?" "No..." I say while blushing, even though I know exactly what he's referring to. "You guys should come and eat, or the food will get cold." Scott drops his bags in the middle of the floor and they both sit down at the dinner table. I look over at Tristan, then at the bags, then back at Tristan and he nods signaling that he understands. "Please don't leave your bags there Scott." "Yeah, no worries." I'll grab them after dinner he says. We start to eat and Tristan kind of moans a little and it kind of turns me on. "You okay bud? It kind of sounded like you jizzed your pants just now." "Oh, you guys heard that?" he asks sounding embarrassed. I smile awkwardly without responding. "I'm sorry. It's just been so long since I've had Callum's alfredo. The only thing that would make this better is a glass of wine." "Oh shit. I completely forgot. I'll be right back."

I quickly get up from the table and remove the wine bottle from the fridge. I pour three glasses and set each one on the table. Tristan sniffs the wine, gives me a strange look, then asks, "Did you buy something different this time?" "I did." "Well it smells great. Let's see how it taste." He takes a small sip and lets it sit on his palate for about 15 seconds before swallowing. "This wine is amazing! I could kiss you." I say nothing hoping that the beet red hue of my face isn't too noticeable. "You can say that again," Scott says as he takes a sip. "I'm glad you both like it." "What is it," Tristan asks. I point to the bottle on the counter and Tristan gets up to read it. " It is a 2018 Domaine Zind Humbrecht Pinot Gris." "That sounds expensive," Scott says in a low but still audible tone. "It was only $75. It was also on sale."

Tristan and Scott both kind of choke on their wine. "For $75, I hope someone is getting their dick sucked," Scott says. I quickly glance at Tristan and he's just staring at Scott with a look of utter shock. After that there is an awkward silence for about 10 seconds before Tristan says, "He's joking Callum." I laugh nervously and say, "It's fine." "If he's not going to give you a blowjob then I want one," Scott says causing me to choke on my food. "Dude, stop," Tristan says sounding irritated. "What? Like you said, I'm only joking," Scott says while winking at me. The rest of dinner is actually pretty relaxed after that. I learn that Scott transferred out of our school due to an athletic scholarship. I also learn that Tristan's openness has been around for as long as Scott has known Tristan. Scott tells us that he's newly single. That's when I learn that Scott and Tristan are both pansexual. Throughout conversation, I find Scott to be a little immature and a bit overly comical but mostly a pretty decent person. Towards the end of dinner, I notice that Scott and Tristan are texting back and forth a lot. But I don't say anything about it. As we finish dinner, Scott offers to clean up, which surprises both Tristan and me.

As Scott is cleaning, Tristan leaves to take shower. I decide to return to the book I'd started a few nights ago. About a minute after I hear the shower turn on, Tristan comes out of the bathroom. He walks up to me and says, "Hey, can I borrow another towel?" I turn to look at him and immediately my nose is filled with his scent. I also notice that his dick is at half-mast and its slowly growing. It's always soft whenever I see it. so, I am shocked to see him like this. I am completely embarrassed but also turned on. "Y...yeah sure. You know where they are." My eyes are completely fixed on his dick. He says, "Thanks bud," and before leaving he grabs his dick and squeezes it slightly. Now I'm sitting on the couch, unable to focus on my book due to my own cock waking. I turn the look at the kitchen and Scott is staring back at me.

"What?" I ask nervously. "Nothing," Scott shakes his head and goes back to cleaning. About 10 minutes later, Tristan comes out of the shower and sits down on the couch. "You can go ahead now Callum, if you want." "No, it's fine. Scott can go on ahead." "Thanks man," Scott says as he makes his way to the restroom. "Well, that was awfully nice of you," Tristan says. Then he reaches for my book which is sitting in my lap and asks, "What are you reading?" before pulling it away. I'm too slow to react and my boner is very visible. I look away while chuckling nervously and Tristan says, "Oh... uh, I'm sorry. I'll just put that back." He places the book back into my lap but presses just hard enough to meet resistance from my boner.

I look at him and he's just staring at me. "I have a question for you Callum." "Okay, what's up?" "Do you find Scott attractive? Other than the comment he made earlier; he's been on his best behavior today. Him offering to clean up and asking me if you were dating anyone makes me think he likes you." "He what...? When did he ask that?" "That's what the texts were about. I saw the look you gave me," he laughs. "I do think he's attractive," is all I manage to say. I find myself attractive. I'm 5'11. I have very curly red hair, freckles across my face, and hazel green eyes. I knew from my parents that the combination of red hair and hazel green eyes is pretty rare. I work out enough to maintain my current toned build but not excessively to become muscular. Despite all of that, I don't really get a lot of guys that flirt with me; tons of girls flirt with me though. But whenever a guy flirts with me, I always get a little nervous.

"Don't tell him I said anything. He asked me not to, which is rather unlike him. People don't normally make him nervous." "I won't say anything," I say smiling awkwardly. "What about me? Do you think I'm attractive too?" "Y...Yeah." I say while looking away. "You're so cute when you blush." He says while smiling. Holy fuck. Did he just call me cute?" He gets up from the couch and says, "Let's play a board game when you're done in the shower," as he walks to his room. "Okay!" Scott comes out of the bathroom and asks, "Where should I put my towel," as he's holding it in his hand. I turn to look at him and he's much more attractive than I initially thought. He's much more toned than I am, and he has a lot of body hair. His dick is uncut, the first I've seen in person, and he has a very wild bush. Tristan's body hair is more groomed and maintained but Scott's body hair is all over the place.

I find myself staring at his body and almost unable to speak. "Uh..." is all I manage to get out of my mouth. I notice he starts to blush. Luckily Tristan comes back from his room. He grabs the towel from Scott and says, "I got it. No worries." "Thanks dude. Uh, Callum is it okay that I'm like this or should I put on clothes?" I don't respond as I'm still staring at his body, and I can feel my dick throbbing in my pants. Tristan throws Scott's towel at me, and it lands on my face and I get overtaken by the smell. Just his smell makes me start precumming. I jump up and dart past them into the bathroom without saying anything. Tristan definitely did that on purpose," I think to myself. I can hear them both laughing from the other side of the door. I decide to take a cold shower as I don't want to be hard the entire time were hanging out and I don't want to masturbate, or they might get curious and ask me what I was doing.

I decide to take a pretty quick shower and focus on deciding a board game for us to play. I settle on Muffin Time. Its more of a card game but it makes for a pretty fun and interactive experience. I silently open the bathroom door and peak my head into the hallway. Scott and Tristan are in the living room talking. So, I quietly move across the hall into my room. I throw on some sweats and my Assassin's Creed t-shirt and make my way back into the living room. "You sure ran out of here in a hurry," Tristan grins. "I needed to pee," I say trying to think on my feet. "Sure. So, what are we playing?" "Muffin Time." "Oh, we've never played that one." "I've been waiting for us to have more people," I say while looking at Scott who is still naked. He immediately blushes as soon as he notices I'm looking at him. "You didn't say anything about me needing to wear clothes and Tristan said it was fine," Scott says. "You're fine. Tristan is still naked and is like that most of the time, so no worries."

We start playing the game and all is going well until I pull one of the write-in trap cards. Its one that I'd saved specifically for Tristan. The trap activates if someone in the room is naked. It forces them to give you 4 cards. At this point in the game, they have both been ganging up on me and I have no cards while they each have more than 6. So, I activate my trap and they are both stunned. I just shrug my shoulders and say, "Sorry." "That card is written in too! Did you write that just to use against me?" Tristan asks. "Hell yeah I did, and now I'm so close to victory I can taste it. It's actually a complete stroke of luck that you're both naked." "Well, the game isn't over yet," Scott smiles. Its no use though. After a couple more turns, I beat them. "That was rigged," Scott says disappointed. "Let's play again," Tristan says. "But this time, let's make a deal," he adds on. "What kind of deal?" "Well other than seeing you wrapped in a towel when you're leaving the bathroom, I've never seen you naked. So, if we win, you have to get naked." I start blushing and get kind of quiet. "And what happens if I win?" "If you win, we'll both get hard for you."

If this were an anime my nose would've started bleeding. Even Scott was turning red from Tristan's comment, and I think the gravity of it all set in for Tristan when the room fell completely silent. "Do we have a deal and is that alright with you Scott?" "Only if its okay with Callum." "Why not?" We play for about 6 minutes before Tristan pulls a card and starts grinning wildly. He looks at Scott and says, "Oh, we're definitely winning this." "Oh yeah? Now I'm excited." I know the exact card he's just pulled. It basically lets him declare himself the winner. On his turn, he puts down the card and much to my demise, I was correct. "Well, there you have it Cal. Time to get naked. "Alright fine," I say as I stand up. I slowly get undressed and as I do, Tristan and Scott are both quietly watching me. Their eyes are fixed on me and it kind of turns me on a bit, but I'm not visibly aroused. Once I'm fully undressed, I turn to look at them and they are both covering their dicks with their hands. "What?" I ask shyly. "We're both hard," Tristan says nervously.

I actually laugh out loud because for once I'm not the one who's nervous or embarrassed. "Are you guys going to be okay?" "I...I'm not sure if I'll be able to focus on anything else if you stay that way," Tristan says. "You're so hot I'm already leaking precum," Scott says. "Fine, I'll get dressed again. Don't blow your loads all over the floor." "Look who's talking. You definitely liked my smell on the towel. I saw how red you got. I bet if I started stroking right now, you'd get hard," Scott says before moving his hand away. His dick is twitching from how hard it is, and he is leaking precum, just as he'd said. His dick is also super veiny and is a nice size and shape. And he was right about his dick making me hard. He starts stroking it and Tristan looks at him and says, "Dude, what are you doing? The plan was just to get him naked." "So, you guys planned this? You could've just asked to see me naked Tristan," I say annoyed as I start getting dressed.

"Cal, wait! It's not like that. We both wanted to see you naked, and it became sort of a friendly competition to see who could do it first. I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry." "Well, I'm naked. Now what?" "Well, we honestly didn't think we'd get this far," Scott says nervously. I guess the idea of me being upset is making him feel bad too. "If your uncomfortable we can all get dressed and do something else. Or we can call it a night and go to sleep," Tristan says. "We were just messing around. We don't want to do anything to make you uncomfortable," Scott says. I think silently for a moment. This could actually be a really fun night.

"No, it's fine. I'm just surprised by everything, that's all." "Let's just play another game," Tristan says. "I have a game in mind, and this time, I get to choose the stakes," I say excitedly. They both look at each other and say, "Deal". "I should warn you Tristan, you won't like the game." Tristan's face gets visibly confused for a brief moment before realization sets in. "No. We are not playing that game!" "What's the game," Scott asks. "It's called The Grimwood. It's another card game. It's actually kind of fun. My only issue with it is that I've never been able to beat Callum." "Doesn't mean I won't. Tell me how to play," Scott says.

I spend about 10 minutes explaining the game to Scott before he finally catches on. "Since you're probably going to win, what are the stakes," Tristan asks. "It's simple. You guys made me get naked so now I get to choose something equally daring. If I win, you guys have to make out for 20 seconds while holding each other's dicks." "Wait, are you serious?" Scott asks as he looks at Tristan. "Yes, I am in fact." "I'm down," Scott says. "Me too, but what happens if we win?" Tristan asks. "If either one of you beats me, I'll suck both of your dicks for 20 seconds." "Holy fuck," Tristan says shocked. "Dude, we have to win. I've been imagining that pretty face buried in my bush all night," Scott says. Just hearing Scott say that makes me hard all over again. "Sounds like you guys are up for it so let's get to it," I say.

We play the game for about 10 minutes before getting down to the final few cards. So far, Tristan is in the lead with me closing in on him. However, there's one card that hasn't been played yet that I know will turn the tide of the battle. Luckily it's my turn next and I'm hoping the card hasn't been drawn yet. To my surprise, it's exactly the card I need to put myself in the lead. Tristan never recovers and 5 turns later, I win. Once it's confirmed that they lost, they both look at each and Scott says, "A deal's a deal."

As they reach for each other's dicks, they are already at half mast. Not even 5 seconds into the kissing and they are both fully hard and stroking each other's dicks. I time them to make sure they do it long enough and after 20 seconds, I say, "Alright, that's time." They both back away from each other slightly and smile wickedly, keeping their eyes on each other. "You guys have definitely made out before. That was too hot to have been the first time that's happened." They both laugh and Scott says, "We've done it once or twice," while grinning. "So what next Cal?" Tristan asks. "I want to play a game." "What kind of game?" Scott asks. "How do you guys feel about being tied up?" "Scott and Tristan both look at each other with curious expressions. Tristan says, "I'm kind of into it." "No one has ever offered to tie me up so I don't know," Scott says.

"I want to tie you guys up and edge you." They both look at each other with uncertainty. "What's edging?" Tristan asks. "Yeah, I've never heard of it either," Scott says. "Well in order for it to be effective, you guys will have to give me complete control and follow all of my rules." "What kind of rules?" Scott asks. "For starters, once we start, you guys have to refer to me as sir until we're done. My goal is to get you close to an orgasm without actually letting you cum. I'll do this until I'm satisfied with how long I've edged you, and technically the edging doesn't start until you guys get close for the first time. The whole purpose is to prolong your orgasm and once you finally do release, it's meant to feel 10 times better than just bringing you to orgasm. When you are ready to cum, you kind of have to beg. I prefer the phrase, I'm getting close sir. Please let me cum. What do you guys think?

"Honestly, that sounds like a lot of fucking fun," Tristan says. "Maybe. I don't know about the begging part though," Scott says. "It's all about surrendering. I'll make you a deal. If you guys let me edge you, when I do let you cum, I'll suck your dick until you finish cumming. But, if you cum without permission or before you're allowed, your orgasm will be ruined." "That sounds like a pretty good deal," Scott says. "What's a ruined orgasm," Tristan asks. "Well it's kind of like a hands-free orgasm. You get close but there's no stimulation after you start to cum. Instead of heightening your orgasm, you decrease its pleasure." "I guess I better be on my best behavior then," Tristan says. "Are you guys up for it?" "Hell yes," Scott says. "Let's do it," Tristan says. "Okay, while I go get my rope and lube, can you guys grab a couple of chairs and put them here in the living room?" "Yes sir," they both say in unison.

I go to my room to retrieve my rope and lube. I also grab my lavender coconut oil. "It might help them last longer," I think to myself. When I return, they are both sitting in a chair, facing the hallway. Both of them are completely hard and throbbing with their hands behind their backs. "Is this okay sir," Tristan asks. "Absolutely. I may use coconut oil with lavender. Are you guys okay with that?" "Yes sir," they both say. I have to admit, the two of them calling my sir is turning me on so much. I am finally about to fulfill my fantasy of edging not one guys but two and at the same time. I tie their hands behind their backs and to the back legs of the chairs they are sitting in. "Is the rope tight enough?" I ask. "Yes sir," they both say. "Good, that means we can get started then."

I kneel down in front of them and pour astroglide on their dicks. They both start throbbing and Tristan is already leaking precum. "I can already see this is going to be lots of fun," I say as I start to smooth the lube on Tristan's hard cock. He let's out a deep breath and says, "Fuck sir, that feels so good." I use my other hand on Scott. Most of the lube has dripped down into his thick bush causing his hair to curl even more. I can smell his scent lifting from his cock and I slowly stroke it up and down. He breathes slowly and tilts his head back. "How does it feel Scott?" I ask. "It feels so good sir. Your hands are so soft." "Thank you," I respond with a wide smile. My own dick is leaking precum onto the hardwood floor.

I start stroking them faster, tinting my grip and they both start moaning a little louder. I stand up slightly to luck Scott's nipples and he let's out a noise or pure ecstasy. "Damn sir, you're getting me close already," he says. The taste of him is intoxicating. I almost start cumming myself despite not even touching my dick. Tristan laughs at Scott and mocks him. So I do the same thing to him. I start sucking his nipple while taking both my hands and stroking him in a circular motion. "That'," he says through strained breathing. "I can't wait to cum down your fucking throat sir," Tristan says. It's so hot seeing such a different side of him. He's never this aggressive or dominant around me. I kind of like it. "Sir, stop please. I'm close," he says as he starts arching his back forward. I remove my hands from his dick and he starts to catch his breath. "You're amazing at this sir," Scott says "Thank you." I edge them for about an hour, bringing Scott close to orgasming 4 times and bringing Tristan close to orgasming 6 times. "Guess what boys? You've been so good, I think I'll finally let you guys cum." "Oh thank God," Tristan says. "Don't thank God. Thank me, especially after I let you cum," I respond while snatching my hand away from him. "Please sir, I'm sorry. Please let me cum sir. I'll do anything." At that moment, I realize that I've achieved exactly what I want. Tristan was broken. All he can think about was his desire to orgasm. I have him exactly where I want him. I continue stroking him and Scott. Tristan is red, sweating, and breathing heavily. Scott is trying hard not to make it obvious, but he's slightly fucking my hand and grinding into my strokes while breathing heavily. He wants it and I can tell. I snatch my hand away from him and he says, "Sir please. I need to cum. I can't take it anymore. At that moment, I am completely fulfilled and I start to stroke them harder, faster, and tighter. Scott starts bucking like crazy and says, "I'm so fucking close sir. Please don't stop. Please let me cum down your throat." I move over to him and I start sucking his dick. He starts fucking my mouth hard and fast and within seconds, he starts spewing cum into my mouth. To my surprise, he keeps going for a solid 30 seconds and absolutely fills my mouth completely. There's so much cum, it starts spilling out of mouth and into his bush. I swallow as much as I can, but there's more coming out than I can swallow. He 's moaning so loud, I'm almost certain the neighbor can hear him. He finally starts to slow down after 40 full seconds and says, "Thank you sir. Thank you." I like his bush clean and he lays his head back on the chair. I immediately turn to Tristan who had been waiting patiently. I don't wait for him to get close, I immediately start sucking him. "Oh my God sir," he says as he starts bucking his hips. It only takes him about a minute to reach orgasm. "Yes sir. Please keep going. Please let cum sir. Please let me cum." My dick is throbbing so hard listening to him moan. "I'm cumming sir. I'm cumming," he shouts as he starts bucking his hips. I can't take it anymore and I grab my cock and start stroking it as he's cumming in my mouth. I swallow his dick all the way down to his balls to make sure I get all his cum. The feeling of him pulsing in my mouth and the taste of his cum sends me over the edge and I shoot all over his leg. My cumshot is the biggest I've ever felt and we both come down from our orgasm at the same time. Tristan immediately passes out, and as I look over at Scott, I see he's also asleep.

"That is one of the hottest experiences I've ever had," I think to myself. I untie them both, but neither seems phased. They are both sound asleep. I clean up as best as I can and go to my room and pass out myself.

Part 2

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