Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Sep 1, 2000


WARNING: You should know the drill by now but here we go anyways ... if you aren't 18 or 21 depending on where you live ... rack off. If you don't ... well it's no longer my problem. Those who are offended by gay (m/m) concepts please leave ... but first e-mail me and tell me why you were on a gay site. Moving along now ... I do know Savage Garden (met them a few times) but this is not a true representation of their sexuality so don't take it as one. All songs included in here belong to rightful artists ... poetry is mine, touch it and see how long you live. If any poetry or songs do appear in any way in the story look at the bottom and all will be referenced.

Okay, you probably wanna know what stories I think you should read ... not really but hey:

JC Dreams - Okay so I'm a shameless self-promoter. Justin's Dark Angel - truly wicked Search and Rescue - This is an older one and you will have to look down for it, but this is one of THE best JC stories that I have read... no it is THE best. My story being second :o) Jamie's Romance - again a Justin story My Surprise Romance - Lance and Stephen ... brilliant story. Affirmation - another Savage Garden story and I honestly have no idea where it is going, but I totally love it.

Okay what else ... do you like this story? Do you not like this story? Let me know either way or you can just like write and say hello. It's all cool. Well now I need to give you my email I suppose. You people just want everything :-P okay it is -= =- write to me to your hearts content.

Before you go off about spelling or stuff like that ... please bear in mind I am Australian.

And last but not least, to my dear special Derwan, I love you forever. Keep safe and let me hold you in my heart.

Garden of Songs 1 by Sun Child

This part takes place 1987:

Sitting in the lounge watching the television, my parents walked into the room.

"Dan honey, we're just about to go. We'd like to introduce you to Daniel. He lives up the road and is gonna look after you tonight. Turning around I saw this tall lanky kid who looked around 14. He seemed pretty nice, he had blondish hair and a nice smile. I waved at him

"Hey." Smiling at me again he looked up at my parents.

"It'll be cool. You go have fun." My parents looked at him then started to head out the door. As soon as my parents were out the door he plopped down on the floor beside me.

"So Dan ... what did you want to do tonight." I looked over at him.

"I dunno, I was just watching the movie." I said pointing back towards the TV.

"Really? What is it?"

"Star Wars." I said simply.

"Okay cool. Don't forget though, you have to be in bed by 9."

"But the movie just started. Can't I stay up for tonight Daniel?" I asked doing my best puppy dog look. Shaking his head in defeat, he looked at me.

"Alright, but we won't tell you parents in the morning and if you are grumpy..." he was about to go on when I interrupted.

"Morning? Are you spending the night." Daniel just nodded.

"That I am and I'm spending it in your room as well." I jsut smield.

"Cool." Daniel just nodded and motioned towards the television.

"We gonna watch this or not?" He asked. I smiled and turned around and watched the movie.

Sometime through the movie I fell asleep with my head in Daniel's lap. When I woke up the next morning, I was in my bed with Daniel on a matress on the floor next to me. Sitting up I looked around and looked down at him again. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. Knowing myself not to be able to resist I leapt from my bed on top of him.

"Morning Daniel." I grinned as he sleeply opened his eyes.

"Morning Dan. Anyone told you that you get up too early?"

"Well Mum and Dad told me that but I think they didn't mind much." I told him with all the innocence of a five year old. He lifted me off himself and stood up and stretched. Then he lifted me onto his hip and carried me out to the kitchen were he sat me on a chair and looked in the cupboard for breakfast.

"What do you eat in the morning Dan?" He asked.

"Rice Bubbles or museli." I told him.

"Rice Bubbles it is because I can't see the museli." He replied grinning as he pulled the box out of the cupboard. Filling our bowls and then adding milk he sat down next to me and started to eat. When we finished he collected out bowls and asked if I wanted anything else. I shook my head and climbed down off the chair and headed back to my room so I could go for a shower.

Walking past my parents room, I pushed open their door half expecting to see them lying there but the bed was empty, already made. Curious, I headed down towards the garage. Looking inside I saw the car was not there. Feeling a little paniced I went back to the kitchen.

"Daniel, when are my parents meant to be home."

"Aren't they already?" he asked. I shook my head. With that he walked over and looked at the notes they had left for him.

"It's cool Dan, don't stress. They left a note here that they may not be home until tonight." I just nodded.

"Oh okay. Well, I'm going to go and have a shower." Daniel nodded.

"Well, once you've done that we'll go for a walk up to my place so I can change and you can meet my family." I just smiled and headed for my room again.

An hour later, Daniel and I were walking up the road to his place.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked Daniel.

"I have two brothers." I just nodded.

Walking up to the front door, I grabbed Daniel's hand. He looked down at me smiling.

"My family ain't that scary. Now relax and trust me will you." Smiling back I let go of his hand and he opened the front door.

"MUM! I'm home!" Daniel called out.

"Okay sweetie. How was the babysitting?" I heard his mum call from another room.

"I'm still doin' it. Dan's parents aren't home yet so I've brought him here with me while I change and shower." Daniel called back. Daniel's mum appeared and smiled at me.

"Hey there kiddo. You must be the Dan that my boy looked after last night." I nodded shyly. Laughing she looked back at Daniel.

"Shy one ain't he. Well, we'll soon do something about that. You are welcome up here at any time kiddo." She said looking down at me again. "Most people Daniel makes friends with end up as part of the family." I started to feel myself become less nervous and smiled a little at her. Daniel then piped up.

"Mum, can you watch Dan while I go shower please?" His mother nodded and put her hand out towards me.

"Come on, you can come and help me cook this cake I'm working on." I smiled and took her hand and she led me into the kitchen. She lifted me up onto the counter next to where she was stirring the cake mix. We sat there happily chatting and I realised that there was something different in the way she spoke.

"Mrs Jones, why do you speak funny?" I asked innocently. Laughing out loud she looked at me.

"Dan, you are too polite. Please, call me mum, because even if you don't come to visit Daniel, I hope you'll come visit me. The reason I speak 'funny' as you put it is that I am from overseas. I'm from Essex in England. I have what's called an accent." I nodded, barely grasping what had been said. Smiling she looked at me again.

"Ask Daniel about it. He can probably explain it better than I can." I just smiled at her again. I liked her.

I watched as she finished stirring and put the mix into the oven. She then handed me the wooden spoon.

"Daniel normally gets to lick this, but I think that it'll be fine if you want to lick it seeing as though he isn't here." I smiled and took the spoon from her and started to lick it clean.

As I was finishing Daniel walked into the room. He looked at me, spoon held in my paw.

"Trust you to take off with that Dan. That's normally mine." I smiled cheekily at him.

"I know, but it's mine now." Shaking his head he walked over and lifted me off the counter and once I had finished with the spoon he handed it to his mum and looked at me.

"Wanna go check if your parents are home yet?" I nodded excitedly. I had such a cool story to tell them about meeting Daniel's mum. Smiling, he took my hand and I slipped my hand out turned around and hugged my newly aquired mother.

"Thank you for that mum." I smiled and got a smile in return.

"Any time kiddo, any time." Grinning happily, I took Daniel's hand again and we walked out of the house.

When we got home, my parents weren't home but I walked over to the phone and pressed play on the answering machine. It was my grandma.

'Hello.' She started, her voice shakey and I jerked my head up, she was usually so happy, voice always strong. 'I don't know who's going to get this message seeing as Dan's parents are here with me. I need to let Dan know that his grandad passed away last night. When you get this message, can you please call me. The number is on the fridge I am told. Daniel? Can you please call. Thank you bye.' I pressed stop and looked over at Daniel.

"What does my grandma mean by passed away?" He looked at me, unsure how to answer it.

"I don't know." He lied. "I'll give your grandma a call to find out huh kiddo." I didn't like the tone in his voice but nodded anyways. Daniel walked over to the fridge and took the number off it. Slowly he dialed the number.

"Uh hello, this is Daniel, Dan's babysitter." He began when my grandmother answered the phone. He spoke to her for a while then hung up. Gently he took me by the hand and led me to my bedroom.

Sitting me down on the bed he spoke softly.

"Dan, last night, your grandfather had a heartattack." I looked at him quizzically.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Dan, your grandfather's heart had a problem. He ... he died Dan. I'm really sorry." In his voice I could hear true sorrow for me. I just sat there, tears pooling in my eyes then starting to slide down my cheeks. Then the real impact of what had been said hit me and I fell onto his shoulder and cried. It felt like I cried for hours. Kissing my head softly, Daniel just held me which is what I needed.

When I finally stopped he looked at me.

"I'm going to be staying here for the next few days until your parents get home okay?" I just nodded and hugged him again. He held me again.

"Just remember, I'm a friend and I'll be here for you from now until forever." His words soft, touching.

----- Now from the present (2000) -----

The bus ride had been a total pain, though worth it ... man it was good to be home. Out of the little back water place I used to live. Home once more to Brisbane. Stepping off the bus, I went over to where all the cabs were waiting. Giving the driver directions he sped away.

On the drive, the cabbie tried to start a conversation.

"So, what are you here for?" I looked over at him.

"I'm here to visit an old friend before I move down in a month or so." I told him.

"Okay. Known them long?"

"Since I was only little."

"Sounds good, always good to catch up isn't it." I just smiled and nodded, continuing the rest of the journey in silence.

When we pulled up out the front of the destination I just looked up at the house. I then looked back at the cabbie and passed him his money. Smiling I got out of the car and went to the boot to get my bags then watch as the cab sped out of sight. Swallowing hard, I walked up the path to the front door.

'It's been a long time and he doesn't know I coming. I only hope he doesn't mind. Hell we've known each other for years.' I thought to myself.

Setting my bags down I reached up, hesitating before ringing the bell. Fighting the nerves I pushed the bell and waited. As the door opened I smiled as sweetly as I could.

"Hey Daniel. It's been a while."

Next: Chapter 2

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