Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Nov 19, 2000


Hey Guys, new part is up for 'Garden of Songs' (as you can guess). I hope you all enjoy it.

DISCLAIMER: (I got tired of warning so I changed it to disclaimer) If you are underaged to be reading this material please leave now, I don't want to get in trouble for things that you do. I vaguely know the band through a few meet-n-greets but I have no idea of the bands sexuality (though I can dream). All songs belong to repsective artists, poems and some songs belong to me, all songs and authors will be noted at the bottom of the story.

Stories I recommend:

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) I love this story it is beyond brilliant. It involves a person called Jamie (duh) and Justin from Nsync.

JC Dreams - (boy bands) A story about Nsync which I myself am authoring. It involves JC as the name would suggest.

Yesterday's Child - (high school) again this is another story that I am writing. Two young men at high school who are developing a relationship.

Just Together - (celebrity) A great read, involves Michael that plays Henry in Dawson's Creek... sorry I can't remember his last name off the top of my head.

Reap the Whirlwind - (college) a spin-off of 'Bleeding Hearts' which I am truly loving.

Anyways, if you want to send me any feedback, please include the title of the story in the subject and mail it to -= =-

Here we go:

Garden of Songs 06 by Sun Child

Robert came in not long after the doctor left. He sat down on the bed next to me and looked me in the eye.

"Dan, why did you ask for me and not for Daniel?"

"I asked for you because at the moment I don't really think Daniel wants to know me. We've both hurt each other badly. I just don't know if we are still together, or if we are even talking." I admitted to Robert. Robert reached over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I will check you out and you can stay at my place tonight then you will have to call Daniel tomorrow." He told me. I looked down then back up into his eyes.

"But I'm scared that he won't ever want to know me again. After the way I have been acting, I doubt anyone would really want to know me. I've been a true bitch to him and Darren. It's not that I mean to, I love him, but... I don't know." I admitted in defeat. Robert looked down at me.

"Well why don't you give him a chance, if he loves you as much as you love him, well, I don't see why and how it couldn't work." I shrugged. Shaking his head he got up off the bed.

"Well come on, let's get you home." Robert told me. Sliding out from between the sheets of the hospital bed, I look around for my clothes which Robert handed to me. I gratefully accepted them and went into the bathroom to change, I reappearaed moments later and walked out the door.

After singing several forms at the front desk, Robert led me to his car then drove me back to his place. On the way home we stopped off for pizza for dinner. I was kinda pissed because it meant I wasn't able to pay for any of it. When I said something about it Robert just shrugged and said it was his pleasure. When we were finished it was late and so we headed back to his place. It was a small one bedroom flat. After I had walked in and taken my shoes off I felt so tired. I looked at the couch, it looked so comfortable.

"Robert, I'm sorry, I'm beat, I think I'll just go to sleep if that's okay." Robert nodded and I started to head over to the couch.

"Dan, I have a queen size bed, why don't you sleep in it with me?" He offered. I looked over at him, partly in surprise.

"I don't know. I don't want to disturb you while you sleep, you've done so much already." Robert shrugged.

"The couch isn't all that comfy and I don't mind sharing with you. If you're worried that I'll try something don't. I know you are a great guy and that, but I know nothing would ever happen between us, you are still in love with Daniel. I can't compete with someone who you love. I think you know that. I'm offering my bed as a friend which is what I hope I am." Robert looked me in the eye and smiled. I couldn't help it, I had to smiled back. He showed me quickly where the bathroom and kitchen was and then led me to where his bed was and I stripped down to my shirt and boxers and slid in between the sheets. Basically as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out of it.

I woke the next day feeling relaxed, I then realised that I had Robert's head on my chest and his arm draped across me.

'Strange, I don't feel guilty about this. I should shouldn't I?' I wondered to myself. I lay there for a while contemplating what I should do next. I gently moved Robert's head off my chest and back onto his pillow and then moved his arm so it wasn't draped across me anymore. I guess me moving him kinda disturbed his sleep because he started to stir. I looked over at him.

"Morning." I told him softly.

"Mornin' Dan. Did you sleep okay?" He asked. I just nodded. Robert smiled and slid out of bed.

"If you'll excuse me, I gotta use the little boys room." I just nodded again as he walked out of the room. I sat up and then climbed out of the bed. I slipped back on my jeans and started to make the bed. When that was done I walked out to the kitchen and opened up his cupboard to find something to make for breakfast. Selecting a shake-n-make pancake mix, I walked over and started to cook. When Robert reappeared from the bathroom I had already made several. He looked at me in surprise.

"Wow, you work fast."

"Comes from years and years of cooking for people, working in a kitchen at a five star motel and just enjoying cooking." I told him. He nodded and sat down. I sat down several pancakes infront of him and went back to cooking. I made him another three then two for myself. He looked at how many I had.

"Dan, you need more than that." I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine. I just don't eat much." Robert shook his head but didn't say anything else on the matter. Once we had finised eating, I took the plates and started to wash up. Robert came up behind me and took the plates out of my hands.

"Look, you've done a lot here forme already, why don't you just leave it be and you can go and lie down and rest or something. Actually here's an idea... go call Daniel. Let him know where you are." I was about to argue but something in Robert's voice suggested that would be an unwise move. Sighing slightly I walked out of the kitchen into the lounge room where the phone was and picked it up. I stood there for several moments looking at the receiver and then put it back down. Robert, who had been watching me, came over and picked up the receiver again and handed it to me. I grimaced slightly and took it from him. I then started to dial Daniel's number. When it started to ring I came so close to hanging up that I started to move my hand only to be stopped by Robert.

"Hello?" Came Darren's voice over the phone.

"Darren?" I asked, feeling surprised that he would answer the phone.

"Yeah Dan, it's Darren. I told you the war was far from over. You fucked up your chance with Daniel, now I'm going to have mine. It'll only be days until he's mine." Darren told me over the phone.

"That's the thing Darren, you would also be a rebound boy. We all know that those relationships don't last don't we." I seethed back.

"We'll see, you can come and get your stuff as well. I don't want it in my house."

"Your house? Daniel's house thank you."

"But for how long Dan? Daniel doesn't even want to talk about you. He used to always talk about you. Now when he does, you are just a distant memory." Darren told me, triumph shining in his voice.

"We'll see Darren, we'll see." With that I hung up the phone and then sat down heavily in the lounge with my head in my hands.

"Dan, what's wrong?" Asked Robert.

"Darren is making his move on Daniel now that I am out of the picture and Daniel doesn't even talk about me anymore." Robert sat down beside me and pulled me to him and held me, which is just what I needed at the time to release the tears that were building inside. I sat there, crying on his shoulder for ages. I didn't think they would ever stop. When they did though, Robert lifted my chin so I could look him in the eyes.

"Daniel does love you. I think with all that's happened he's very confused at the moment, give him time though, he'll come around." I shook my head.

"I wish I could believe that but I don't. Daniel loves me yes, but sometimes it takes more than love to make something last."

"That's because love won't make the relationship last on it's own. You need to work at it as well as love the person." I looked into Robert's eyes and held his gaze, neither of us looking away. I don't know what took over me but the next thing I knew, I had my eyes closed and pressed my lips against his, kissing him gently. Robert pulled back but then started to kiss me back. I slid my hands up under Robert's shirt and massaged his chest. He pushed his hands up the back of my shirt, rubbing my back. soon, both our shirts were off and on the floor. Standing, Robert gently took my hand and led me to the bedroom. Standing beside the bed, I dropped down to my knees and undid the clasp on his jeans, then pulled down the fly. He then pulled me to my feet while with my hands, I pushed the jeans down off his hips and down and then moved my legs to push them down further. When they hit the floor Robert undid the belt on my pants and pushed them down off my hips (damn having baggy pants huh), revealing my boxers. I stepped out of the pants and moved into an embrace and started to kiss him again. I started to reach for his boxer briefs when suddenly he stopped the kiss and stepped away.

"I'm sorry Dan. As much as I would love to I can't. It's taking advantage of you and you still love Daniel. I can't compete with that. I don't want to. I want you to be with who you want to be with." After saying that he scooped up his jeans and put them back on. I looked at him, then at the floor where my pants lay and stepped back into them and pulled them up then went out to find my shirt.

As I pulled on my shirt I heard Robert speak behind me.

"Dan, I didn't mean to offend you there. I just want you to go with what you know is right and you know that wasn't right. My advice is you call Daniel again. Call your mobile phone if you have to so that he answers it and not Darren, I don't mind. Just do it so you know what is really going on." I looked at him and then at the phone and slowly picked up the receiver and dialled my phone and let it ring.

"Hello?" Came Daniel's voice.

"Hi." I told him quietly.

"Dan! I called the hospital, they said you were discharged yesterday. Why didn't you call me?"

"I did call. Darren answered."

"Oh." Came the reply from Daniel's end.

"Can you come and pick me up please?" I asked him, scared that he may say no.

"You know I will. Where are you?" I gave him Robert's address.

"I'll be there soon." Daniel told me.

"Thanks, and Daniel?"


"I love you." He heard me but didn't respond instead he hung up. A few moments later the phone rang again next to me. Looking down at the caller ID, I saw it was my phone. I answered the phone.

"I love you too Dan."

"Thanks." I put the phone down and almost cried again. Robert came up behind me and hugged me.

"I take it things are okay."

"I don't know he said he still loved me. I can only hope it works." I turned in Robert's arms to face them and hugged him back.

"Thank you, I don't know where I would be without friends like you." Robert looked at me.

"Do you mean that?"

"Mean what?"

"That I'm a friend?"

"I wouldn't have said it otherwise." I told Robert and smiled.

We sat down together on the couch and flipped on the TV. There was nothing really on so Robert started to channel surf. We eventually hit MTV and the film clip playing was 'Crash and Burn'. I almost cried when I saw Daniel looking out from the screen at me. Not because of hurt this time though, but because I knew he loved me.

When you feel all alone

And the world has turned its back on you

Give me a moment please to tame your wild, wild heart

I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you

It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold

When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't take anymore

Let me be the one you call

If you jump I'll break your fall

Lift you up and fly away with you into the night

If you need to fall apart

I can mend a broken heart

If you need to crash and burn

You're not alone

When you feel all alone

And a loyal friend is hard to find

You're caught in a one way street

With monsters in your head

When hopes and dreams are far away and

You feel like you can't face the day

Let me be the one you call

If you jump I'll break your fall

Lift you up and fly away with you into the night

If you need to fall apart

I can mend a broken heart

If you need to crash and burn

You're not alone

Because there has always been heartache and pain

And when it's over you'll breathe again

You'll breathe again

When you feel all alone

And the world has turned it's back on you

Give me a moment please

To tame your wild, wild heart

Let me be the one you call

If you jump I'll break your fall

Lift you up and fly away with you into the night

If you need to fall apart

I can mend a broken heart

If you need to crash and burn

You're not alone

Robert put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it slightly.

"He loves you that's all that counts." I just nodded and watched the TV, my mind ticking over about Daniel. Next thing we knew, there was a knocking on the front door. I knew the time of truth had appeared.

--- Well, they love each other but will it work? We'll find out when I get around to typing the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed this part.

  1. Crash and Burn - Savage Garden... what else?

If you want to send my feed back send it to -= =- Please put the title of the story into the subject. Thanks. SC.

Next: Chapter 8

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