Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Hey all... new part here for you, hope you like it.

WARNING: If you are not of legal age to be here, please leave now. I'm not the one who is gonna get their ass fried for you doing something illegal. I have met the band before, but I do not know their sexuality, not that it is my business, but I am still gonna dream... I mean Daniel is so HOT! Any songs that appear in the story will be credited at the bottom. If it says that the song is mine and you want to use it, just ask. Probably won't be a problem but just ask. If you are offended by m/m concepts, please leave and don't come back to any of my stories, I don't appreciate abuse for it which I am really pissed off about. T. Churchill don't ever write again... you have been warned.

Stories I like: Search and Rescue - (boy-bands) great JC from Nsync story. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!

Jamie's Romance - (boy-bands) A fantastic story that is worth the time to sit and read. Never doubt the power of love is the message I seem to get from this story. MORE MORE MORE!

JC Dreams - (boy-bands) I enjoy writing this one as much as Garden. If you haven't read it, do me a favour and read it then let me know what you think.

Yesterday's Child - (high school) same as above. :o)

Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) Jonathan Brandis... I haven't seen or heard from him for a while. Except in this fan-fucking-tastic story.

Feedback can be sent to -= =- apart from the previously mentioned T. Churchill. I do appreciate hearing from my readers, lets me know how my story is going.

Thanks to my matey Casey who gives me lots of feedback and who has joined the JC Dreams crew. I appreciate it though mate, thanks.

I am Australian and trying to write in an international lingo so give me a break if I spell something different or have a different phrasing to what you are used to.

Well, now that's over I'll start the story.

Garden of Songs 08 by Sun Child

After I had finished eating I stood and cleared the dishes from the table. As I was rinsing them I felt Daniel come up behind me and slip his arms around my waist. Relaxing back into his hold I smiled, secure in his embrace.

"Are you going to use the studio now?" asked Daniel.

"That's be right. Be sweet and romantic to get into the studio." I moaned playfully at him. Daniel laughed.

"I left my music in there if that gives you a hint." I suggested.

"Well actually I wanted to know so I could tell if you would mind coming out with me tonight." He said. I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Baby, I would love to. We need to stop by a petrol station or something though." I told him. He reached around into his pocket.

"Let me guess, smokes." He said producing a pack from his pocket. I smiled and nodded.

"You know me too well. You even got my brand." I told him, kissing him lightly.

"Dan, you think that I don't know most of you, considering how long we've known each other. Hell, I knew you smoked before your parents."

"That's because I sat out the front of your place when I was 15 and had a smoke and didn't let my parents know until I was 18 that I smoked. I wasn't going to tell you but you caught me."

"Dan, I already knew, you had a habbit of leaving your pack on your bed for me to find." Daniel countered. I smiled.

"Guilty as charged. Did you ever tell Mum?" I asked. Daniel shook his head.

"It wasn't up to me. It was your call because it was your habbit. She knew though because she could smell it." I hung my head a little then put my head down on his shoulder.

"Why do I love you so much?" I asked.

"Misfortune?" Laughed Daniel. I poked my tongue at him and he leant in and started to suck on my tongue. I opened my mouth and started to kiss him, closing my eyes to enjoy the kiss. After a time we broke the kiss and I opened my eyes and looked into his eyes. I felt a warmth seep through my body and I liked it.

"Well, where did you want to go?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Movies?"

"And stand by while you get mobbed by screaming fans."

"It'll be dark in the theatre and we can snuggle."

"I'm there." With that I walked over and grabbed the movie times.

"There's an 9:10 screening of 'What Lies Beneath'" Sugessted Daniel.

"Totally romantic." I told him. He just shrugged.

"'Charlie's Angels'?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I've seen it... it's crap." I just nodded and finally agreed on 'What Lies Beneath'. With that I went to my room and grabbed some clothes and headed for the shower.

Standing in under the water I felt something behind me. Turning I saw Daniel standing there, undressed in the shower with me. It wasn't the first time we had seen each other naked, but this time there was a little more to it. I took the step towards him and then leant in and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close. Our bodies touching, we shared body warmth as the water trickled down in small streams over our bodies. The water hit our heads and slid down over our faces, we didn't pay attention, we were too focused on the moment we were sharing at that point. When the kiss ended I looked at him.

"Don't think you can make a habbit of this. Next time wait for me to make the offer." I told him. He just nodded.

"It won't happen often. Do you know how much it took me to get the courage up to do this?" He laughed. I just shook my head and kissed him again. I could feel the effect of my kiss pressing against me as I slipped my hand down and started to massage his erect member. Daniel groaned into the kiss. As we broke the kiss I let my lips move down over his neck and chest. Slowly I sank to my knees and the down to his hard member and gently I started to lick it. Then in one move I inhaled it all and let my tongue move around the shaft passing incredible sensations onto Daniel. Over the water I could hear him moaning. After working on him for about five minutes I felt him tense up.

"Dan... I'm gonna... I'm gonna." He got no further before he let loose with his load and a low moan of pleasure. As shot after shot raced down my throat I made sure I let none spill out, drinking it all greedily. When I came off his cock, I rose back up to my feet, got a mouthful of water and rinsed. I then leant against him and put my head on his shoulder. We then just stood there holding each other like that.

Eventually I turned off the water and climbed out of the shower. I handed Daniel his towel and grabbed my own, drying quickly I pulled on some boxers and a shirt and walked down out to the kitchen. I had just made myself a coffee when Daniel appeared.

"You didn't wait in the bathroom for me. Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Yes and no." Daniel cocked an eyebrow. I sighed and looked at him.

"I guess I should let you know. While I was staying at Robert's... well we almost slept together. He stopped me though. It's worrying me because I almost slept with him but I know it's not as bad because we didn't actually sleep together." I confessed and looked at Daniel. "I'm sorry." Daniel just shook his head.

"Don't apologise to me. I acted like an asshole when you didn't deserve it. I wouldn't have blamed you if you had slept with him." He told me. I smiled and hugged him. The kettle took that as it's cue to let me know it had boiled and I turned and poured my coffee. Turning back I looked at him.

"Want one?"

"No, but after the episode in the bathroom I need a smoke." I raised an eyebrow.

"How long have you been smoking?"

"Since our first fight when you disappeared. I needed something for my nerves. I bought a pack and I kinda, well got used to it. I guess it was something that also kept you around." He confessed.

"Well, you're going to quit aren't you."

"Why should I?"

"Because you haven't been smoking long, it'll be easier for you to quit, it'll destroy you're voice and they'll kill you."

"Sounds like you are selling the idea to yourself as well." He told me.

"I'm not. I've been smoking too long to give up. That and what would fans think if they saw you smoking?" I threw at him. He just shrugged. He then reached behind me and grabbed the smokes and took one out.

"Please Dan, let's not fight." I nodded.

"Alright, I'm not happy but I won't fight." I conceeded defeat and grabbed my coffee and smokes then walked out the front. Sitting down on the front steps I put my coffee down, pulled out a smoke and light it up. Daniel was walking down the hall, his smoke unlit.

"Babe, before you come outside, could you go and grab my phone from my room for me." I called. He groaned.

"Make me wait for me smoke why don't you." I laughed as he turned back down the hall and grabbed my phone from my room.

When he got back to me I flipped it on and entered my PIN. Man, I had seven voice messages. Calling my voicebox I listened. The first two were Daniel when I had first disappeared, the third was my mother, the fourth Mum and then the last three were venemous messages from Darren. Deleting them all I leant on Daniel.

"Why doesn't Darren like me?" I asked.

"Why don't you like him?"

"Touche. I don't know... there's just something about him. That and the fact I just had three messages from him on my phone didn't help."

"Evil messages?"

"Evil... such a weak word for Darren." Daniel just smiled and shook his head. I passed him the lighter and he lit his smoke.

"Who were the others from? I know two were mine and one was Mum."

"The other one was my mother. I'll call her later." I told him. Daniel nodded and rested his head on my shoulder.

We were both snapped from our bliss when we heard a voice call out

"Daniel, what are you doing?" I groaned realising Darren had returned.

"Nothing special Darren, sitting out here having a smoke."

"Yeah with him." The way he said made me get ready to start an all out attack.

"Darren, don't say that. He has a name you know."

"Yeah well, I thought we had something going now?"

"Really what gave you that idea?"

"I don't know maybe last night."

"Last night?" I asked.

"Yeah when I fucked him good and proper because you had run off with your nurse and left Daniel." I looked at Daniel who was looking decidedly pissed off.

"Darren, I don't believe Daniel could do that. You know why, because in our relationship we have honesty and trust. Some talents you are yet to acquire. Now I suggest you leave before I seriously hurt you for lying about Daniel."

"You don't scare me." Darren threw at me.

"Well I should." I told him and stood up. I handed Daniel my smoke and moved towards Darren who looked me in the eye and tried to be brave. Not that he did a good job, his body shaking slightly. I grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him off the ground (amazing what gym workouts can do for the physique and strength) and shook him a bit so he was a little shaken. I then placed him down on the ground.

"Now you need to be scared, I'm not a good person to fuck with Darren." As I turned I heard him.

"Yeah, you're probably not a good person to fuck either." With that I spun on my heel and brought my fist around and caught him on the chin. He sank rapidly to the ground. I looked down at him in disgust.

"Asshole." I spat. Turned and walked back to Daniel who was standing up in alarm now and reclaimed my smoke.

"He'll learn not to annoy me one day." I grinned. Daniel looked down worriedly.

"What if he goes to the police?"

"And say what, he had an arguement with his bandmates boyfriend because he wants to sleep with the bandmate? I don't think so. It would be really bad press." There was a disdain obvious in my voice. Daniel nodded not fully sure of my logic but accepting it because it was me.

When we were back inside sitting down together on the lounge and I knew Daniel was pissed over what I did to Darren.

"Daniel, I'm sorry, but it just hit boiling point for me." Daniel just waved it off.

"It's fine Dan, don't worry about it." Knowing that this was going to take a while to blow over I stood up.

"I'm going for a walk." Daniel stood straight up.

"Like hell you are."

"Why not?"

"And have you disappear like last time only to find you in hospital?"

"Fine, give me your car keys, I'll go for a drive."


"Fine, I'll cab it." With that I walked out of the room, down to my room and grabbed my phone and wallet. Coming by the kitchen I stopped to grab a smoke. Daniel was there and looked at me.

"Don't even think about it. Those are mine." I just shrugged and put down the pack.

"Fine, I don't care." With that I started to walk down the hall.

"Dan..." Daniel called from the kitchen

"Forget it."


"I said forget it." As I walked out the door I heard Daniel one last time.

"I love you." Leaning back against the wall I sighed.

"I love you too Daniel. I love you too." I told him under my breath.

Climbing into the cab I looked back up at the house and tried not to see Daniel standing there at the window watching me. I soon arrived at the mall, not that I had been paying attention in any great detail so it could have been much longer. I payed the cabby and climbed out of the car. Walking around the mall aimlessly, I was snapped to reality by my phone ringing. Looking at the caller ID, it showed that it was Daniel, as much as I didn't want to talk, I answered so he wouldn't worry.

"Hello Daniel... yeah I'm fine... Queen St Mall... okay, well what's say twenty minutes and I'll meet you at the cinema... okay see you then." I told him with fake cheer. He sounded happy enough over the phone, I wish I was the same. I continued to walk down the street and as I walked I spotted a couple who looked strangely familiar. When I got closer I realised why. Madison Avenue had a signing in the HMV store earlier that day and now they were probably on their break. I was contemplating on whether or not to go and introduce myself to them when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Spinning around I saw Daniel standing there behind me.

"What happened to twenty minutes?" I asked.

"I know you are still pissed and I didn't want to leave you like that."

"It's okay, I'm fine now." Daniel nodded not fully believing me. Looking behind me he waved. I turned a little and saw that he was waving to the same people I had been wanting to go and meet. Turning back to Daniel I looked at him.

"I take it you know them."

"Yeah. I've worked with Andy before Savage Garden and we've kinda kept in touch. Kinda. Let's go say hi." I just shrugged and let myself be led over to them. Daniel pulled out a seat between Andy and Cheyne and started to talk briefly then signaled for me to join them and take a seat. As I sat down he introduced me.

"Andy, Cheyne, I would like you to meet Dan, my boyfriend." I was a little startled he was so open. Andy reached out and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

"Likewise." Cheyne smiled and shook my hand as well.

"Nice catch Daniel. You got yourself a cute one." I started to turn red causing her to laugh.

"He ain't just cute. He can sing, dance and has just finished travelling around with a play. He's a multi-talented bitch." Grinned Daniel.

"So he can suck and fuck at the same time." Threw in Andy making me go red again. The other three all laughed while I sat there quietly.

"Oh dear, I think he's star struck by famous people." Cheyne commented.

"There are famous people around here?" I threw in getting my own back at all three.

"Good call." Andy told me and I smiled.

"He's right. How many can kill three birds with one stone?" Cheyne told me.

"And here I was thinking I was sitting with a lady and two gentlemen, but if you want me to call you birds..." I laughed. Daniel looked down shaking his head while Andy and Cheyne laughed.

"You coming to the show tomorrow night?" Andy asked Daniel and I.

"I tried to get tickets but they were sold out." I told him. Andy cocked his head to the side.

"Who needs tickets when you know the performers?"

"Funky, I'm there. Better ask the old man if he can cope though." I said having a dig at Daniel.

"Hey I can party better than you any day."

"Just like I can drink you under the table."

"Oh shut up." Andy and Cheyne looked at my intrigued.

"Last time I was here visiting him we had a drinking competition. He had four tequilla shots and was gone. Meanwhile, I went on to have another two shots of tequilla not to mention a few cocktails and various other shooters." Cheyne looked at me impressed.

"Someone can hold their alcohol."

"It's taken me three years to get that good though. That and a pickled liver." I laughed. Daniel sat their quietly. I kicked him under the table.

"Head up and cheer up sweetie." Daniel lifted his head and looked at me. It was then I realised I would need to be sleeping lightly that night.

"We're heading off to see 'What Lies Beneath' soon. Do you want to join us?" I asked them. They looked at each other then at me.

"We'd love to." They responded together.

"My god, they talk in stereo. What are you two? A couple?"

"No, we actually hate each other as a rule but we're getting along at the moment. Which is pretty good." Cheyne told me. We all stood together after talking some more and made our way to the cinema.

When we finally got home, sitting there on the steps was Mum. She stood up and hugged me then smacked me in the back of the head.

"What was that for?" I asked confused.

"The hug was for waking up to the fact Daniel loves you and you love him. The reprimand was for hitting Darren. I know he may have had it coming but still, there are other ways."

"He ran straight to you about it?" Daniel asked, his jaw dropping to the ground.

"Yes he did. I know why he did too. Because he knew I would come around here and tell Dan off. I'm not going to say any more but on a quieter note just between us... good work Dan." She smiled and hugged me again.

"Now that's over, what say we go and have a coffee." Daniel offered unlocking the door.

"Here, here." Mum and I chorused together. Walking inside we were like we had always been from when I was five. Three people who were the best of friends. I guessed Daniel wasn't as pissed as he was before. After a while Mum decided she was tired and left and I grabbed Daniel's car keys and called out to him.

"Daniel, I'm going for a drive. I won't be long."

"Where are you going?"

"Petrol station."

"Well can you put some petrol in as well please." He called down to me from upstairs.

"Okay. Be back soon. Love you." I called to him as I walked out the door.

Driving along I realised how long it had been since I had been in a relationhip. 7 months now. Seven months since... well I wasn't going to finish that thought. Indicating I pulled over a lane then drove into the servo. Climbing out I poped open the petrol cap and put the funel in and started to fill the tank. When it was full I put that cap back on and grabbed my wallet then headed inside to pay. After telling them which number and asking for my smokes, I pulled out my credit card and swiped it through. I then took the card back after signing the docket and as I was turning around fumbling with my cards and smokes I walked straight into someone. Looking up my heart stopped. The soft brown hair, the hazel eyes. This guy, whoever he was... he was, looked like, I don't know. It was as though Brendon had returned. I smiled and stepped back a little.

"Sorry. I need to pay more attention." The guy smiled back.

"Yeah well, these things happen. Be careful though man." I nodded and walked hastily out of the store and climbed into the car. Sitting there for a few minutes I tried to figure it out in my head. Shaking my head I started the car and pulled out of where I was and back onto the road. I wound down the window, my mind still on the guy who I had just seen in the petrol station. Deciding not to try and logic it out, I pushed play on the CD player and listened to whatever Daniel had been listening to. Finding it too depressing I just turned it off and drove in silence.

Pulling into the house I climbed straight out of the car and headed straight for the studio calling out that I was home on my way. I opened the door and walked into the studio then closed the door and sat down at the piano and started to play.

Every time I begin to forget the pain

I see or hear something that reminds me of you

Like a steady falling rain

Of an honest that is never untrue

Opening my heart, brings back feelings

That every time is of you

I can't ever for you, you are in everything

My heart shows you to me in ways, uniquely you

Please stay with me, watch over me as I sleep

Every time I dream of you

Let it be that my dreams are of things we whispered as we fell asleep

Let me always remember and be remembered by you.

Happy with my effort I stopped the recording equipment and walked out. I found Daniel waiting outside the studio.

"Another hit single I take it?" He asked smiling.

"Something like that." I told him, a small, sad, smile on my face. Daniel's face instantly became serious.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Anything, everything." I told him. "I saw a guy and he looked like Brendon. I didn't know what to do or say. I walked straight into him. He could have been Brendon's twin. I felt tears starting to build in my eyes. I felt pathetic more than anything." I admitted. Daniel smiled softly and pulled me close.

"These things happen, we've just got to be strong and learn to ignore them. I know you can do it. I love you babe." With that he planted a kiss on my forehead. I rested my head on his shoulder and just stood there holding him. He gently ran his hand through my hair and kissed my forehead. Relaxing in his arms I didn't put up any resistance. Letting me go, he then grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs to the bedroom.

Walking in Daniel turned around and gently kissed me. It was feather light but it slowly built in passion. Soon we were hungrily devouring each other. My lips soon wandered from his mouth down the side of his neck and my hands started to undo the buttons on his shirt. When they were all undone, I slipped the shirt back off his shoulders revealing his slim body. My lips then wandered down to his shoulders. Kissing them is gently rubbed his back firmly but delicately. My hands slowly slipped down over his front and undid the clasp of his jeans then unzipped him letting his jeans fall to the floor. I then let my hands slip down inside his boxers. I gently grazed his erect member and brought my lips back to his and kissed him lightly. Daniel then pulled my hands away from him and started to undo my shirt and pushed it to the floor. Reaching down his undid my cargos and let them fall uselessly to the floor. He then pushed my boxers down to the ground. He then sank to his knees and started to gently suck on my own erection. I inhaled sharply. My God, this boy knew how to suck cock. He continued to suck for a few moments then brought his lips off and stood up. He then pushed his own boxers to the ground and picked me up and lifted me onto the bed. Lying on top of me he kissed me long and hard, his hands making their way down to my groin again. He started to work his hand up and down my shaft making me groan in a pleasure. Reaching over to the bedside table, he opened the top draw and pulled out a condom and lube. He gently rolled the condom down over my cock and started to rub lube over it. I looked at him.

"Are you sure?" Daniel took a slight breath and nodded.

"Have you ever done this before?" I asked, again there was a slight pause and Daniel shook his head. With that, I gently rolled him over and grabbed some of the lube and rubbed it over his hole and then leant forwards and kissed him.

"Just relax, it'll make it easier. Now are you sure, if you aren't say so now."

"Dan, I'm sure, just a little nervous about not doing as well as your past boyfriends."

"You've already gone beyond what they did. You haven't given up on me when the others would have."

"Even Brendon?"

"I don't know. But let's not worry about that, that's the past, this is the now, tomorrow is the future. The now will shape the future and leave behind the past." I told him and leant in to kiss him. When the kiss broke he looked at me.

"I love you Dan."

"I love you too Daniel." I told him. Then I leant in and applied a little more lube to the condom and to Daniel's opening. I placed the tip of my covered cock at his hole and pushed forward slightly, noticing him wince in pain I stopped to get him used to the feeling. I then pushed forward a little more. After 5 minutes or so I was fully in and I waited for him to get used to and accomodate me being in there. When he nodded slighlty I started to pull back out and then in, slowly at first so he could get used to the sensation, as it moved along though, I started to pick up a little more momentum. Daniel was soon groaning in a combination of pleasure and pain, more pleasure than pain. I slowed again slightly to stop the pain and Daniel stopped groaning in pain and just moaned with pleasure. I kept a steady rythm and after a while, my breath started to become ragged. Daniel must have guessed what was going to happen because all of a sudden his ass muscles clamped down on me and sent me over the edge. Calling out I released my load into the rubber. With one more stroke I hit Daniel's prostate and sent him over the edge and he released his load. After my breathing returned to normal I pulled out and removed the used condom from my spent and rapidly softening cock. I then lay down on top of him and kissed him. His arms went up around my back and rubbed it gently.

"Thank you. For offering what you did." I told Daniel as we lay there.

"Well I wasn't about to offer it to Darren was I?" Daniel threw back grinning. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." I told him. "I just need to ask a favour."

"I love you too. What's the favour?" Asked Daniel.

"Never ask me to compare you to my past boyfriends. You are different, the same as they were different from each other. It'll be okay though, just do that for me. Please." I basically begged him. Daniel just nodded.

"I can do that for you, now shut up and kiss me." I nearly laughed as I leant down to kiss him.

There ya go. Sex scenes have started making appearances. Ain't ya lucky. Let me know how you think the story went, I'm curious to know.

  1. Every Time - mine... dedicated to Brendon (yes he was a real guy who I loved and lost through death like Dan did). I still miss you Boo.

Thanks for reading guys. Feedback as always is welcome. -= =- Keep safe... if ya don't I'll hunt ya down. SC.

Next: Chapter 10

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