Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Nov 20, 2002


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking (but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

Thank you for the continuing kind comments on the story. Please let me know if you are reading and, if you like, what you think. Thanks to Jamie for reading the draft.

All comments on this gratefully received at

Chapter 5 The Beach

I was woken by the sound of the phone. It didn't seem like time to get up. Then I heard Gareth speak.


I remembered where I was. How good it felt to wake up next to somebody again. But it was too early. I reached over and gave Gareth a butterfly kiss, wrapping my free arm around him. I began to go back to sleep.

Gareth moved slightly, and then the deeply satisfying smell of musk, of Gareth, began to rouse me. He stroked my hair.

"Morning lover." He said and kissed my forehead. "Sleep well?"

"Well. But not enough." I murmured. I was well happy with my place, my head resting between Gaz's armpit and chest, my arm around his waist.

Wait, what's that. Gareth's erect prick rubbing against my arm. I instinctively put my hand on it. It was firm, warm and slightly wet. I gently rubbed my thumb and forefinger around the head.

"Mmmm. That's nice." Said Gaz, quietly. "But we must get up now or I'll be late."

"I like it here." I said and squeezed his dick.

"Me too. But work calls. Come on, you can wash my back." He began to get out of bed, pulling me by the hand. He tried to step towards the bathroom.

"I'm a student. I have to get 9 hours a night. You owe me three hours in bed," I said as I allowed myself to be pulled along.

"And I will happily pay. But tomorrow." He replied.

I watched as his erection began to subside. I decided against doing anything about it as he was clearly determined not to be late.

We repeated the ritual of the morning before. First Gareth and then I pissed while the other stood behind. Then we entered the shower. No time for anything but washing, but soaping Gareth's body was great fun and I managed to get him nicely stiff again as I worked my hands all over his body.

Rinsing off I felt it was time for a proper kiss and Gareth fell back against the wall as I forced my tongue into his mouth and licked around his teeth. He reciprocated with vigour.

Then it was dry off and dress. I threw on some Jeans and a shirt, while Gareth dried his hair and then ran his electric razor over his face. He grabbed some old jeans and a white tee shirt. As he put on a denim jacket the phone rang again. Steve was downstairs.

Gareth put on a blue Nike baseball cap. "Okay. Lets go man." He said. I followed.

"When we get there it will get quite busy. Just stay with me. Where I go, you go."


"Except in front of the camera of course."

"Of course." I said.

"There will be someone from management there. Probably Sheila as there is no representatives of '19 Management' out here. There will also be a PR person, John. They get fussy sometimes, but don't worry."

"Okay." I was listening to my instructions carefully.

As we left the lift Gareth asked. "Would you like to go to a beach this afternoon."

"Sounds cool. Yeah." I replied.

"Good. I only have this afternoon and tomorrow off until Christmas. We must make the most of it." He went to the Reception desk and spoke to the clerk. Steve was sat in a chair reading a paper.

"Morning men." Said Steve in the sort of way that morning people do, just to make the night people feel worse at 6 am.

"Hi Steve. Sam's coming with us today."

"Fine." Steve said.

"I need to run through the rest of the day with you too." Gareth continued. "I want to go to the beach this afternoon, somewhere quiet obviously."

"No worries." Said Steve, "I'll take you down the coast a bit, near where my Mum lives."

"Excellent. Then tonight I want to go out to dinner and then to a club."

"Both of you's." Asked Steve.

"Yes. That alright Sam."

"Yeah. Wicked." I said.

We reached the car and got in. Gareth sat in the front, with Steve.

"I'll ask Denis to take you tonight." Steve said. "He's an ex-soldier, young and he will blend into the club. You can trust him Gareth."

"Thanks." Said Gareth. "We'll confirm times this afternoon."

"Don't get upset fella's. But what sort of club do you need tonight." Asked Steve.

"Dancing. Somewhere that stays open till 2 or 3am." Gareth said.

Cautiously Steve said. "Yeah. Not what I meant."

"Steve means do we want to go to a gay club Gareth." I decided to help out. Gareth hadn't learned the signs yet.

"Shit. You know?" Gareth said in a worried tone.

"It is sort of obvious up close. But Sam's dad never left the entire street in any doubt. But hey, it's fine with me. And I'm paid to be discreet."

"Fuck. I don't want to make it too obvious though." Gareth was clearly a little flustered. "Sam, I was thinking a normal club. Okay?"

I must get him out of the habit of saying 'normal' I thought.

"Fine with me." I said. I knew that Gareth was going to find it difficult, or even impossible, to come out publicly and I was prepared to live with that. If I was still sleeping in his bed he could be as far in the closet as his career demanded. Apart from anything else if he came out it would increase the number of guys hitting on him at an exponential rate.

"Please Steve, say nothing about us to the recording company." Gareth was clearly worried.

"Mate I work for you, not them. I wouldn't get many jobs if I told all I knew."

"Thanks Steve." I said. Gareth seemed happier. I knew that this sort of thing was going to happen all the time. I began to wonder if this might lead to Gareth not taking me anywhere he was working. I decided to try and keep in the background.

The Network 7 TV studio was a real disappointment. It looked like an ordinary industrial unit. As we got out of the car, despite it being only 6.30 am, it was a glorious day. A few people were already queuing at the audience entrance.

We entered the building.

"Good morning Mr. Gates. I am Celia, I'm the stage manager for the show." She looked at me, "And you are?" She didn't really look very friendly.

"Sam." I said.

"My PA." Gareth interjected. He too didn't like the officious look on here face.

"Forgive me. I wasn't told you were coming." Then looking at Gareth. "Your stylist is already here. Please follow me."

We were shown to a dressing room and Gareth introduced me to Jeff who was to be his stylist in Australia. There was a large tray of food in the corner with a coffee machine.

"Help yourself." Gareth said. "Oh Sam. Could you go and ask them for some tea. I don't drink coffee. It gives me a migraine."

I went in search of tea and ran into Sheila.

"Sam. What are you doing here?" she asked, clearly surprised.

"I'm with Gareth. He told them I was his PA. Just to prove it I'm trying to find him some tea."

Sheila told me where the canteen was and I went and got the tea. When I returned a make-up girl had arrived and was waiting for Jeff to finish Gareth's hair.

I poured Gareth some tea and retired to the corner where I began to work through the tray of food while I watched the professionals at work.

Sheila arrived with the producer and someone else who turned out to be John, the PR person. It must be an expensive business with all these salaries to pay I thought.

They wanted Gareth to do three things. Sing 'Unchained Melody' which had recently been released as his first single in Australia, do an interview about Pop Idol, which had recently completed its run on TV, and the tour and take part in a discussion about other new releases. It was a straight copy of Saturday morning in the UK really.

I thought it was fine, but then the producer said.

"We will play the song direct from the recording. You just lip-sinc."

"No. I will sing it." Said Gareth.

"We don't do that here." The producer was a really jovial guy in shorts and a T-shit called Pete. But he wasn't happy.

"I will sing if you play the song in that is up to you." Gareth insisted.

"But what if you get out of phase."

"I won't. I never have." Gareth was using a firm tone of voice that suggested he was not going to give in.

"What if you stammer?" Said Pete.

"Mr. Gates dos not stammer when singing." Said John.

"And I'd rather do it live." Gareth raised the stakes and Pete had lost, because he hadn't done his homework. "But I am happy to record the interview, just in case."

Gareth's acceptance of the problem when talking seemed to do the trick.

"Fine. We will do the interview outside so that nobody will see the join." Said Pete. He left with John.

Sheila, silent throughout came and got a piece of cold toast. Jeff and the make-up girl continued their work. Gareth sat there chatting as if this was the sort of thing that happened all the time, and of course it was.

By 7.30 Gareth was deemed ready and he got up to get dressed. The make-up lady and Jeff left.

"Anything for me Sheila?" Gareth asked.

"Yes. We have some alterations to the programme in Perth. Can you do an extra appearance on Tuesday evening? They would like you to go to a club. It means that you are working until 9 pm."

"No problem."

"Also the office in London needs to talk to you. They are going to call on Monday at 9 am our time. You might run late for the rest of the morning."

"Okay. Get them to phone my work mobile then I can talk and walk," said Gareth.

"Fine, I'll tell them." Said Sheila.

"Good. See you on the set then." Said Gareth, and Sheila took her cue and left.

"Babe, help me with this." Gareth said to me. He began to take his T-shirt off.

"What do you want?" I couldn't see what he needed me to do.

"Here." He said. I crossed the room and he lassoed my neck with the T-shirt and pulled me to him. He kissed me and it turned into a real clinch.

"There." He said. "It was driving me crazy watching your hot body in the mirror."

"You've ruined your make up." I said, dusting my face off.

"They always touch you up before you go on." And quickly checked himself out in the mirror. He put on a cream shirt, a smart pair of jeans and a light brown leather jacket with a high collar. He took the jacket off as soon as he was satisfied it fitted.

"I have to warm up. Lets find the rehearsal room."

We were directed to a room that was clearly intended to allow people to rehearse in a soundproofed area. The room was pretty bare, but there was a piano and a few chairs.

Gareth sat at the piano.

"Do you play?" he asked.

"No. Nothing."

"Sing then?"

I felt a bit inadequate. "Can't hold a tune in a bucket." I admitted.

"Come on, I'll teach you." He said and patted the piano seat. I sat down next to him.

"Right, what is your favourite song?" A leading question. I would have to be careful.

"Apart from all of yours, of course. Complicated. Avril Lavigne." It was a safe choice, shouting it would probably work.

Gareth began to play it. "Do you know the words?" he asked.


"Well just join in when you think you can." Gareth began to sing and I caught up in the second line. It was an awful rendition and after the third line Gareth stopped.

Gareth put his arm around my shoulder "Sam. We will never perform together." And he kissed me.

"I figured so." I said. Gareth began to play 'Unchained Melody' and sang quietly. He was about to start another song when John appeared.

"Gareth, I've got the questions they are going to ask you. Here are the answers."

Gareth took the sheet and looked through them.

"Should we really say the concerts in Melbourne are nearly sold out?" Gareth was clearly unhappy about it.

"Yes. It's fine. Actually the second one is 75% full already."

"Alright then. When are we on?"

"Interview outside in fifteen minutes. Then sing at 9.30 and then the video panel at 10.40. Your make up is smudged. I'll get that girl back."

John disappeared. Gareth decided to phone home and got his sister. His Mum was still out Christmas shopping. He spoke to Nicola and then his foster brother, everyone else was out.

"I'm going to phone you on Tuesday Nic. I've got to talk to you about something. Leave your mobile on overnight, because I'm not sure what time."

"Do they always give you the answers to the questions?" I asked.

The make-up girl reappeared.

"Jeez. What d'you do?" She said.

"Sorry. Spilled some drink." Gareth apologised and winked, then said to me. "Always and often we insist on certain questions. For example we would insist that the tour be mentioned as well as the single."

Gareth was then called to go outside and I watched as he did the interview in one take. He stumbled over one word and responded slowly to another. It was an accomplished performance and full of fun.

While we waited I called Mum. I knew Dad would be at golf and arranged times for Monday's dinner. Mum said Dad had not talked about Gareth and I since last night, but thought he would come to terms with it. She assured me that it made no difference to her.

The rest of the morning saw Sheila and John fussing around Gareth. Trying to sort out things for the rest of the week, and stopping studio guests from pestering him. Gareth tried to undermine them. Calling out 'hello' and 'how are you' to them, he knew it annoyed them.

The show ended and very unceremoniously everybody left. A few handshakes and a quick change and we were off. Steve took us back to the hotel and we were glad that the car had air conditioning. It was over 30 degrees outside.

At the hotel we got ready to go to the beach. Gareth had a quick shower but wouldn't let me in. He said he wanted to get to the beach.

I put on some shorts and a polo shirt. I prefer a collar when the sun is hot. Gareth also put on shorts, baseball cap and a sleeveless T-shirt.

"I want a tan man." He explained. He also emerged from the bedroom with a bum bag and a digital camera.

"Right I'm ready." He announced. "Got everything."

"Yes. Let's go."

Downstairs in the lobby Gareth went to the Reception desk and spoke to the clerk. He handed Gareth a large cool box.

"I love picnics." He said holding the box up. So he had it all planned.

Steve drove us out of the city. We sat in the back of the car together. Steve was in the know now so we might as well enjoy ourselves. Gareth got Steve to put on a CD he had burned himself and we alternated between looking out the window at the miles of suburbs and then dry countryside and singing along to the CD. Gareth kept trying to tell me to hold notes and other singing shit, but I knew I was a lost cause.

Well Gareth sang along, I did my best. Will Young's version of 'Light my fire' came on. Gareth mimed to it and tried to do the hand actions from the video. I just marvelled at him. He was so bright, full of life and incredibly sexy. He looked gorgeous too, especially in that top. Even his BCG mark looked sexy.

Finally we reached the coast and drove along it. I guess we drove for about an hour in all before turning off onto a narrow road. There appeared to be no houses along the road and it quickly turned into a track. Five minutes later we arrived in a small cleared area with one other car in it. The beach was down a track below us.

"Here we are." Said Steve. "Pretty quiet, but there is a store up on the road if you need anything."

"Looks great." Said Gareth. "Are you staying?"

"No, I'm going to see my Mum. She lives just up the coast. Call me when you want to leave."

"Sure, but it won't be until 6 at the earliest." Said Gareth.

"Suits me mate." Steve replied.

I took the picnic box as Gareth went ahead with the bag containing towels and trunks and stuff, eager to see what the beach was like. Steve walked along with me, presumably just to check out anyone else on the beach.

"You two seem pretty tight mate." He said. "But be careful, some people get very funny with you guys in the city."

"Yeah we are close." I said, "It's been quick, but we get on so well. It feels right. Thanks for understanding Steve. Gareth's a bit new to this."

"It's not that I understand personally. But live and let live. And Gareth's such a good bloke."

"He's amazing." I said, then realised I was offering too much. "Sorry Steve. Didn't mean to embarrass you."

"Your alright Sam." he smiled, "Looks pretty clear. I'll see you later."

Steve waved to Gareth and turned to go back up the track as Gareth ran back to me.

"I've got the perfect spot for lunch love." He said, and turned to walk quickly towards it.

Gareth had chosen a spot at the back of the beach. The light brown rocks rose up at the back of the beach, but there were some small dunes at the base held together with grass. The rocks were only about 40 feet high, although down the beach they appeared to get higher.

Gareth had put his bag down and was already pulling things out of it. He had chosen a sort of dip between two mounds of sand. The Sun was really hot, but the rocks gave us a bit of shade to sit in.

"We should have brought a blanket to sit on." He said, clearly annoyed with himself.

"It's cool." I said. And sat down in the dip while Gareth opened the lunch box. The beach was deserted as far as I could see, but it was a small bay with the rocks going to the sea at each end. I guessed it was about three quarters of a mile long.

"Here." Gareth gave me a plastic plate and plastic glass. Then he placed foil wrapped packages on the ground. I opened one.

"What's this?" I asked. There were sandwiches with pink goo coming out of them.

"Ahh. Prawn cocktail sarnies. My favourite." Gareth picked one up and took a big bite. "Try one."

"I'll not deny you your pleasures." I said.

"Damn right you won't. But lets have lunch first." He laughed.

The hotel had done a fine job. Wisely they had packed some other sandwiches, crisps - ready salted on Gareth's instructions - a variety of pies and sausage roles. There was also a bottle of Chardonnay, which we opened; we left the water to keep cool for later.

"I love picnics." Gareth was clearly in his element. We ate and finished the bottle of wine.

"What now?" I asked.

"Bit of sunbathing then a swim?" Gareth suggested. "Mum never let us swim straight after eating."

"Fine." I said and looked for the bag. I stripped off my top and then found the swimming trunks I had used on Thursday. I threw Gareth his.

As I took my shorts off I looked at Gareth removing his shorts too. The base of his dick appeared above the waistband and I followed its progress. I wanted to go over and suck it to hardness as I looked at the perfectly round hole made by his foreskin tapering down from a wide head. Before putting his trunks on Gareth removed his top too and stood there completely naked.

"The Sun would pay a fortune for this picture." He said.

"I'll give you 50p." I replied. "Are you trying to turn me on?"

"Am I succeeding?" he asked with that cheeky wide grin.

My cock began to rise. "I think you have the evidence before your eyes." I had yet to put on my trunks.

"Later lover. But doesn't it feel great to have the sun on your dick!" Gareth wiggled his hips at me so his cock swung around, but then pulled his trunks on. Disappointed I put mine on. Only then did I look around to check there was still nobody else on the beach. It was clear.

We put our towels out in the sun and sat down to apply sun cream.

"I'll do your back." I said. I was going to have some compensation for my disappointment. I began to rub factor 15 into Gareth's back. I took far longer than was necessary. Gareth's skin was smooth and I circled my fingers around to work the suntan lotion in, enjoying the feel.

"I'm enjoying this. You can do my front as well." Gareth said.

He lay back on his elbows and I began to apply the lotion to his chest. I paid special attention to his neck and then worked down to his chest. Before applying any to his nipple I lent down to suck on the left one and then gently bit the tip. I looked up to see Gareth with his head back and tongue poking through his lips. I quickly moved up to kiss him; I loved the feel of my tongue on his.

"Later lover." I said. Got him back. Ha!

I returned to my task, running my fingers around and through his light chest hair and then down to his stomach. I stopped at his trunks.

"My turn." I said and Gareth got up and took the bottle from me. He too took his time and then I leaned back to let him apply some to my front. Gareth didn't stop when he got to my trunks. Instead he poured a large dollop of sun cream just above the waistline and then forced his hand down my trunks, working his hand around everywhere he could as I tried to resist, squirming in the sand.

"Later lover." He said removing his hand. So it was going to be war.

We completed the less interesting bits ourselves and then laid back to soak up the sun. It was very hot, but there was a gentle breeze coming off the sea. The feel of the sun was magnificent, such a change to the filthy weather in England. I looked over at Gareth, who had settled back and had his eyes closed under his sunglasses. I briefly considered a sneak attack, but decided not to waste the sun.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Gareth was standing in front of me holding the camera he had brought.

"Your really sexy when your asleep you know." He grinned. "I thought I would record the moment."

I looked up at him towering over me and my eyes were drawn, for some reason, to his legs that were covered with quite short dark hair. I had never considered Gareth to be a boy, but as I looked up from his legs to his face he struck me as a confident, assured and mature man. I realised just how lucky I was to have met him.

"Fancy a swim?" I asked.

"Actually I fancy a kick about." He replied and looked down the beach. There were four guys there playing with a football.

"Sure. Go for it." So we walked down the beach towards them. The boys appeared to be teenagers, probably 16 or 17.

"Hi." Called out Gareth. "Can we join in?"

The closest one said. "You a Pom mate?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Well you better have two of our blokes to even it up then."

"One will be fine." Gareth said.

We threw down some goals and one of the Aussies declared that as he had family in the UK he would play with us. We began to play and to start with were overwhelmed due to total lack of organisation. After going two nil down we decided to organise.

"We need a 2 - 1 formation." Gareth said. What does hair have to do with it? "Sam you defend and feed us the ball. You can come up as we attack, but always be ready to block a break away."

I had my instructions and as a rugby player they seemed to make sense. Gareth then came into his own. Getting the ball from me, or Brad (our Aussie) he was able to go around the others and then shoot or pass to Brad who had found some space. Combined with my devastating (suicidal) tackles we succeeded in coming back to 8 - 4 (Gates double hat-trick) before we decided that it was time for a break.

"Thanks fella's." I said.

"No worries mate. First thing the Pom's have won in years."

We sat and talked to them for a bit, then they said they said they wanted to get drinks from their bags at the other end of the beach. The Aussies went off up the beach and we headed in the opposite direction to our stuff.

"Your pretty good with a football." I said, trying not to sound too much like I thought he was the most wonderful man in the world. (I do think that, but I didn't want to sound like it!)

"I would have been a footballer, but for music." Gareth replied, "When I was a kid we used to play all the time, and win. It is one of the things I would have liked to do if I had time. What's your game?"

We reached the towels and sat down to drink some of the water.

"Cricket and rugby mainly. A bit of squash."

"And that keeps you in such fantastic shape? Gareth asked.

"That and a few circuits."

"You have a magnificent six pack" Gareth ran his hand down my chest and stomach.

"You're not bad yourself, but thanks." I enjoyed being flattered, especially by Gareth.

"I am too skinny, and I want to build up my muscles a bit. I just don't have time for regular activity."

"You'll do." And I leant over and kissed him.

"Let's go for a walk up the beach." Gareth jumped up, taking his bum bag and putting it around his waist.

I got up and quickly looked around the beach. The Aussies we had played with were far down the beach, at least half a mile. There was no one else in sight. I took Gareth's hand. "This way then." I said indicating the opposite direction to the Aussie guys.

We walked to the sea and then along the shore, the water lapping around our feet. It was really romantic as we idled hand in hand along the beach. I think we both liked it.

"I'm so new to this." Said Gareth. "But I don't think I've ever been so happy to be with anyone. I do love you Sam."

"And I can't imagine ever being apart from you Gaz. I know I said one day at a time and its only been two days, but I couldn't stand the thought of not being with you."

"I'm so glad you said that, because that's exactly how I feel. I thought I might be being a lovesick teenager."

"You are a love sick teenager Gaz. But there is nothing wrong with that because you are my lovesick teenager." He took his hand away from mine and put his arm round my waist and kissed me, our tongues exploring each other's dental cavities.

"Race you to the rocks." He said and bolted for the rock that jutted out into the sea at the end of the beach. It was only 100 yards and I never had a chance of catching him. I thought of a flying tackle, but decided I would probably end up face down in the sea.

"What do you think? Climb over?" Gaz looked at me slightly breathless but excited.

"Sure. Let's see what is on the other side." The rocks were only about 20 feet high and we easily climbed to the top of the gently sloping outcrop. At the top it went on along the shore for a bit and we carefully followed the waterline. The rocks fell away after about 20 yards to a small bay, no more than 30 yards long and about as deep. The sand in the bay showed that most of it would be underwater at high tide.

Gareth half ran and half jumped down. "Come on Sam. This looks cool." I descended rather less quickly to join him.

The bay was totally secluded and very small, we walked to the end and then around the back. There was nothing there. At the back the rocks rose to about 40 feet high, maybe more.

"Well, that's that then." I said.

"Yeah, but its nice, lets sit here for a bit." Gareth sat down. The sun was less fierce now, lower in the sky and more pleasant to sit in. I sat next to Gareth and he put his arm around my shoulder and lent his head against me.

"This is beautiful." Gareth said.


"And very secluded."


"Have you ever made love outdoors?" he asked.

"Once, in a field in Suffolk." I realised that I hadn't thought about Mark in over a day. The longest time since we broke up. "I was staying at Mark's and we couldn't do anything in the house when his parents were there because they didn't know we were gay."

"Was it fun?"

"Yeah. Different. When we had finished we had flattened an area of wheat the size of a large double bed!" Gareth laughed.

"What about on a beach?" he started to nibble my ear.

"No, never. But safe sex babe." I said as Gareth's tongue entered my ear.

Gareth unzipped the bum bag. "I came prepared." Scheming bastard, I was impressed. He smiled a huge smile and then forced me back onto the sand as he attacked my mouth with his.

'I've been wanting to do this all day." He panted and then resumed his attack. I held him as close to me as I could, running my hands over his back and down across his luscious bum. Gaz had been a fantastically quick learner, now being very assured in his touch, while still being gentle. There was none of the uncertainty of Thursday night.

I felt his hands move to my chest and he began to fondle my nipple, squeezing one then moving his mouth down to the other. I squeezed his arse cheek to show my approval.

"That's great babe." Gaz licked and then bit. A shiver ran through my body at his touch and I started running a hand through his hair. Involuntarily I let out a "Gaz" as he transferred his mouth to my other, now very sensitive nipple.

I could have stayed there all day, but my love muscle was straining at my swimming trunks. I put my hand down to Gareth's trunks and began to run it along his rock hard cock, encouraging him to start moving his hips back and forth.

I wrestled with the trunks. It was high time I got my hands on the real thing. Gareth moved and then pulled his trunks down himself. I did the same. His erection was standing straight up against his flat stomach, leaking pre-cum. I pulled his face back to mine for another kiss.

"Fuck me Gareth. I want you inside me... I need you inside me."

"Cool man." He kissed me again and then moved down my body. The feel of the sand on my bare arse was strange. I felt Gareth's lips on my cock as he took the tip into his mouth and forced his tongue into the slit. I writhed in pleasure.

Gareth reached for the bum bag and took out the tube of lube. He left my cock momentarily to open it and apply some to his fingers. As he did so the sun shone directly onto me and the warmth of it on my throbbing cock was a whole new and pleasant experience. I sat up to kiss his chest and then led back down to raise my legs and give him easier access to my hole.

Gareth resumed his cocksucking but pushed the tip of his finger into my arse as he did so. He began to work the finger in and out, getting my arse ready for his dick. Soon he had two fingers working my whole, as he paused to apply more lube I said "Babe, work your fingers up towards the back of my cock. Feel for a harder lump."

"Why?" he asked.

"That will be my prostate. It feels fantastic when you massage it with your fingers. Even better with your cock though."

Gaz reinserted his fingers and almost straight away found his target.

"Ohhhh Gaz. That's it babe. That's so good." Gaz began to lick my balls, then sucked one then the other into his mouth.

I was getting to the point where only his rock hard dick was going to do in my arse.

"Gaz, I'm ready babe. Please fuck me now." Gareth drew up and took a condom from the bag. He rolled it down his long cock and squeezed some lube on. I decided that I wanted it from behind, partly because I was quite worried about picking sand out of my arse for days, and turned over on to my hands and knees. I got the glorious feel of the sun on my arse again, but the heat of the sun was quickly replaced by the heat of Gareth as he placed his cock head against my hole.

Gently Gaz applied pressure and the head of his cock entered me, he stopped.

"Okay love?" he said.

"Uh huh." Was all I could manage.

Gareth pushed his red hot rod slowly into me. Withdrew slightly then pushed the rest of his length in. I felt his public hair against my arse. He began to shag my arse, but slowly, so slowly, it was exquisite. There was no hurry, just long slow strokes. He wasn't fucking me; he was making love to me. I had never had such an experience as a bottom before.

Gaz maintained his rhythm, holding my waist, quietly grunting as he let out his breath every time he was fully inside me. My arse felt full, and I felt the pressure of the top of his dick deep in my guts on each stroke. I began to contract my arse muscles and move back to meet his thrusts. I felt the tension rising in me. Gareth clearly had the same feeling and began to make the strokes faster and shorter. He led down on my back and began to kiss my ear. I turned to kiss him, but it was awkward.

Gareth breathed in my ear. "Lay on your back Sam. I want to be able to kiss." He withdrew and I turned over and hooked my arms under my knees. Fuck the sand.

Gareth quickly replaced his cock in my chute and began to repeat his slow stokes of earlier. Then he leant down so my dick was against his belly and his elbows were either side of my head. I had to let my legs drop a little and put my arms around him. He began to kiss me and as he did so his cock began to massage my prostate.

"Oh, yes." I mumbled through his kiss. "That's it, keep doing that." His dick rubbed up and down against my prostate and I writhed in the pleasure, I was going absolutely mad, it felt like I was coming and coming, but I was not yet at orgasm.

"Christ babe that's fantastic." Gareth was breathing heavier grunts and began to fuck faster in response to my ecstasy. His stomach was rubbing against my bursting dick and his dick against my prostate. I could hold on no longer.

"Gaz, Oh God, Oh God." I was practically screaming as I began to shoot jism between our two bodies. The smell of our love making suddenly changed as our sweat mixed with the smell of my cum. I squeezed Gareth's cock with my arse muscles as I came and as I finished my orgasm he began his. I was able to watch his face as it became tight, lips pressed firmly together and then the release of the orgasm.

"Uh, Uh Uh, Uh, Uhhh." Gareth came in great spurts, his man juice pumping from his cock. He collapsed heavily into my arms and I wrapped as much of me around him as I could. After a few seconds he looked up, dripping with sweat. He has a huge smile on his face.

"God I love you Sam." and we engaged in a long and passionate kiss. We lay there, possibly for five or ten minutes, just stroking each other and exchanging light kisses. Then Gaz pulled his softening cock out and took the condom off.

"Wow. I'm certainly getting the exercise I need now." He said. I got up to join him.

"Come on. Lets have a swim, and clean up a bit." I said.

We ran into the sea and kept going until the water was up to our waists. We splashed about a bit and then dunked each other a few times. The tide seemed to be coming in a bit and we decided we should return to the main beach. After putting our trunks back on we climbed the rocks and jumped down onto the main beach.

Steve was waiting by our stuff. "Hi, fella's. Good afternoon?"

"Great thanks." Said Gareth, "Are we late?"

"Well it is just gone 6 so I thought I would come down."

"Fine. I think we are ready to go."

We dressed as best we could and headed off to the car park. The car that had been parked there when we arrived was still there. Must belong to the football players. We went back to the city.

Don't forget to tell me if you are reading. Chapter 6 will probably take another 10 days or so.

Next: Chapter 6

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