Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Dec 18, 2002


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking (but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

I had no particular reason for writing this story when I started apart from wanting to experiment with the style of writing. My purpose for continuing is to keep the many fans of the story happy. My aim is to write a love story that shows how two people can make a relationship work, while entertaining. I have no special message.

Once again Jamie has provided me with vital input on the story.

This story is now also appearing on the Gareth Gates Gay Fantasy website. If you are a Gareth fan check it out at

All comments on this gratefully received at

I stated in an earlier introduction that there was no Hilton Hotel in Melbourne. I was right from the start, there is. In fact there are two, the one I am writing about is called the 'Hilton on the Park', there is another one by the airport. This Hilton is roughly where I said it was too! Sometime you get lucky.

Chapter 7 Showdown at the Olds Coral

Sunday had certainly been a good say for us. It had been very lazy in that we had spent until about 6pm in bed, but there was some exercise involved.

I was a little concerned that Gareth was going to react badly to being a bottom, but quite the contrary. He was full of life for the rest of the day, although he did walk a little awkwardly around the suite all evening.

We had dinner in the suite and watched England get thrashed in the one day match by Australia again. Gareth moaned that we needed a PS2 so he could beat me on the video games again and wished he had brought his from the UK. I was happy with the cricket, but it wasn't his game. Gareth curled up on the sofa next to me, resting his head against me. He kept saying things like, "Why didn't he hit that?" and "Have they stopped?" and "They should kick it." He had a point; they might do better. If cricket was Gareth's game we might have gone the 500 yards to the ground where the match was being played. At least there was football on the telly tomorrow night.

We went to bed about 11 pm. Despite our all day dozing we both slept well, probably accumulated tiredness from the early starts and late nights.

Once again I was woken by the phone ringing. Gareth had to climb over me to get to it this time so I was very awake as he replaced the receiver. I quickly ducked down a few inches and began to nuzzle and lick his hairy stomach. It felt warm and soft. I couldn't resist the urge to tickle him. Unfortunately Gareth couldn't hold his position and collapsed on top of me in a fit of laughter. He has a funny laugh; a sort of series of inward laughs, I loved hearing it.

He decided to retaliate and took advantage of the fact he was on top. He put his legs either side of me and began to tickle my sides. He was sat right on my dick and it began to push up at him as he did so. I was pretty helpless.

"Surrender?" he asked.

"Yes. I give up." I laughed. He stopped and bent down to kiss me good morning. At the same time he shifted his weight so his hand could grab by stiff dick. He stroked it gently and his cock rose to nestle in the sea of hair than ran from his crotch to his stomach.

"I'd like to spend some time on this." He said, "but I must get ready."

"Okay." I was getting used to his devotion to his schedule.

"What are you going to do today?" he asked as we got off the bed and headed towards the bathroom.

"Look around Melbourne a bit. Think about tonight and what to say to my parents."

"God. I'd forgotten about tonight. I hope we can smooth things out." He said with genuine concern in his voice.

I began to piss, having to lean over a bit to account for my half erect cock. Gareth gently stroked my bum as I did so. "We will see."

We swapped places, Gareth having less of a stiffy to cope with stood upright and I put my arms around his shoulders and kissed his ear.

"Gaz, no matter what happens tonight..."


"Can I come back here anyway?"

Gareth turned and placed his hands on my waist. I looked straight in to his big brown eyes, the pupils seemingly filling all the space. "Babe, you can be with me anytime, anywhere. You must never think I don't want you around." He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me and hugged me.

"Thanks man." I said, overcome with the strength of his emotion. I wasn't ready for separation yet and I knew he was away tomorrow night.

We showered and once more enjoyed the act of washing each other. I was definitely getting used to this. My favourite part was running my hands across his chest and feeling those short chest hairs on my finger tips. I always did his chest at least twice. Then Gareth began to get ready, shaving, gelling, drying and gelling again. I went and ordered some breakfast, specifying pineapple juice and tea to avoid Gareth's allergies. I returned to the bathroom to watch Gaz until it arrived.

Gareth dressed, while I just put some shorts on. As always he looked totally cool in a tight T-shirt and jeans. We sat and ate breakfast and I read the paper a little. Gareth watched the news a bit and kept checking his two phones.

"Why two phones?" I asked.

"One is for work, the other for friends. If the friends phone rings I know I can answer it. I can switch the work phone off too."

A few minutes later his work phone rang.

"Hi Camilla." He turned to me. "It's my real PA."

"Well. That's still good." Then to me. "Sam 'What my heart wants to say' has gone in at number 5." I went over to stand by him. I wasn't sure if I should be pleased or not.

"That's fantastic. Tell the guys well done." There were a few more comments then he rang off.

"Eh up Sam. I didn't manage four number 1's in a row." He had a huge smile on his face that made his cheeks dimple, so I guessed he wasn't too upset. "So you don't mind too much?" I asked.

"No. It sold loads, it was a big selling week for all records, Christmas."

"As long as your not too depressed."

We embraced and were soon kissing again, my tongue as far in his mouth as it could go. He rang home to give them the news. He had a short conversation with each of his entire family. Mum, Dad, foster brother and three sisters. The care he took to have a meaningful talk to each of them showed how much he cared. He still had his feet firmly on the ground in Bradford.

Gareth's work phone rang again.

"B-M-G." he mouthed to me. (His recording company.) The conversation was more serious this time. It seemed to be basically the same information Camilla had passed on. Then there seemed to be a discussion about Australia.

I sat down next to him on the sofa and Gaz idly played his hand across my chest and then laid it in mine. The hotel phone rang so I got up to answer it.


"Your car is here sir." A voice said.

"Thanks." I put the phone down. "Steve's here Gaz."

"Okay." He returned to his phone conversation. "I have to go to the car, call me back in ten?" He rang off and walked to pick up his other phone and denim jacket.

"I need to go. What time do we need to be at your parents?"

"7 pm."

"Okay I'll be back between 4 and 5 I would think, but I'll keep in touch." He put his arms around my waist and pulled me too him. The kiss was all too brief.

"See you later babe. I'll arrange for a spare key card to be left for you at reception. I'll keep in touch."

He headed for the door. "Four singles, three number 1's straight in, and a fourth on its way. Westlife your record isn't safe. Bye Sam, love you."

"See ya' superstar." I called after him. I thought about going back to bed, but settled for more tea and morning TV. TV is truly awful in Australia, even worse than the UK. Eventually I managed to get off the sofa and dress. I decided to go out into the city.

At reception they gave me the key card Gareth had promised and were able to provide a city map for me. As I left the hotel there were about twenty teenage girls outside the door, I walked past them, but noticed several had pictures of Gaz. They had found him then.

I walked towards the city centre; it wasn't far. It was bloody hot though, about 80 degrees. I was glad I borrowed one of Gaz's baseball caps to keep the sun off. My phone rang; it had to be Gaz.

"Hi. I see you have a fan club outside." I said.

"Yeah. It was a struggle to get out, but Steve managed to keep me safe. I signed a few autographs."

"What you doing?" I asked

"Going to start the photo-shoot soon. They want me bouncing up and down again. They also wanted a topless one, but I said no."

"Quite right. Keep that for me." I laughed.

"What about you?"

"I'm just walking into the city. See what it's like."

"Okay, got to go babe. Phone later. Oh, I'm on the radio this afternoon. 3pm, Vic FM."

"I'll listen. Bye."


It was nice of him to phone so often. I liked the fact he was thinking of me as often as I thought of him. It didn't matter that the call was so short. It occurred to me that I should think about a present for Gaz, something really classy for Christmas. He was so kind and generous to me. I should find something to show my love and appreciation.

I headed for the city. I reached the edge of the city centre and it was big! I tried to think about what it was I was looking for, but had no idea where anything was. I decided to just work along the road and see what I could.

There was the usual assortment of shops and at first I tried several department stores, but they were disappointing, apart from the air conditioning, which was very welcome. After about an hour I came across a store 'Makers Mark'. It looked pretty classy so I went in.

They had a range of jewellery including lots of bracelets and necklaces. I spent a lot of time looking at them. They were all by particular designers I had never heard of. They had prices to match.

I worked out my budget. I had about A$440 if I used up all my credit card. I decided that this was well worth it if I found the perfect gift for Gaz. I just couldn't find it. My main problem was that I couldn't see Gaz with a bracelet or a necklace. He didn't wear either and every one I could see in my price range was too bold or too bland.

I went to look at the rings. I have never worn a ring and as far as I knew Gaz didn't have one either. They seemed too showy, mainly women's rings too. Then I saw the perfect thing. There were a range of rings, all A$200, simple gold rings with a pattern like runes around them. They were smart and discrete. I asked to try one on.

I easily fitted the first over my finger and tried another. It was just right. I figured that Gareth's fingers were a little thinner than mine. I found one that was very tight on my finger and managed to wrestle it off with the help of the assistant.

My brilliant idea was then reinforced with the thought of getting two rings. One for me, one for Gaz. After all at A$200 each I could afford them. I picked two that were virtually identical and the right sizes. The assistant put them in a presentation box together for me. They looked fantastic. I would present them to Gaz for Christmas, as a symbol of our love and my commitment to him.

I was totally stoked by it. I handed over my credit card. Now I was dependent on Gaz for the rest of the trip. I could probably afford about A$40 or maybe A$50 on the card and I had about £120 in my bank account. After tonight I might have no parental support either. But fuck it. It was worth it for the man I loved.

I wandered Melbourne for another hour or so and grabbed some lunch in a caf^Î. Melbourne was busy, a network of streets and many small shops, not like London at all. The number of places to eat was incredible and all full. When do Australians work?

Gaz phoned again for a few minutes. Then I went back to the hotel. I walked through something called the Fitzroy Gardens and looked at a really tacky miniature 'Tudor village'. It had apparently been presented to the people of Melbourne in appreciation of their help for Britain in WW2. Well I just hope they think we were more grateful than that! I'm sure Tudor villages all had a school! Historically na^'ve and cheap.

I got back about 2.30pm, the girls were still outside, waiting for Gaz. I went to the suite and settled down to await Gaz's radio interview. The interview was brief, but live. Gaz did well, answering questions he must have answered hundreds of times before, then they played 'Unchained melody' and 'Anyone of us'. I think it was good publicity.

He returned to the suite at about 5 o'clock, manhandling a box through the door.

"Honey. I'm home! Look what I've got."

"What?" I asked.

"A PS2 and a copy of FIFA 2003." Gaz was wearing that wide smile.

"Great." I said trying to sound convincing. "You didn't buy it did you?"

"No. Hired it. Steve organised it." Gaz said. And went to the TV to connect it up.

Just what I needed! Getting my arse whipped at a football video game. I've never played it and I just knew there was a different type of arse whipping I would prefer. But there was no stopping him. Within minutes he had loaded up the game.

"Who do you want to be? We have time for one game before getting ready."

"You decide. I don't even know the choices."

"Really. Great I'll be Leeds then, their crap in this and you can be ManU. That should even it up."

We played, and by half way through I was getting the gist of the controls, but it was unlikely I would drag back the 6 - nil deficit. Gaz kept running around the room every time he scored, although after the first four he calmed down a bit.

"Oh man. You are hopeless." He kissed me on the forehead. "Tell you what I'll give you a couple of days to practice while I'm away."


"Let's get ready." He said. We went to the bedroom and started looking for clothes. Gareth picked mine again, quite formal shirts and trousers. It is such a buzz sharing clothes like this. I haven't a clue why.

"Quick shower?" Gaz asked.

"Definitely." I said. We undressed and walked into the shower. The water running I put my arms around Gaz and began stroking his back, holding him close to me, my head on his shoulder. I wasn't saying anything and I didn't have a hard on, unlike him.

"Worried about tonight?" he said, sensing my mood.

"Yeah. As it gets closer I am getting that tight feeling in my stomach."

"I'm sure it will be okay. I'll be right there and whatever happens we have each other." He kissed me gently and then pulled me hard into his body. "I'll always love you Sam."

"Thanks. Let's just stay like this a while."

We stood and let the water fall over us until I regained the will to go on. It was a strange few minutes, but I felt better for Gaz's closeness and support. We washed and got out. Gaz did his hair and we dressed ready to go. Gaz decided not to wear after shave.

"Don't want your Dad to think I'm a tart." He grinned.

Steve was, as usual, on the dot. We negotiated the ten of so fans outside easily, Gaz signed autographs for them all.

We drove us to my parents in virtual silence. We just sat on the back seat hand in hand.

As we got close to the house I said. "I hope this won't turn into an argument."

"Me too. I'm no good at arguing."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Cos I can't speak." He said and giggled a bit. He was doing my job now and providing the light relief.

As we got out of the car Gaz said. "I'll call when we're ready Steve."

"No mate. I'm staying right here. Any problems whistle and I'll be in there."

"Thanks Steve." Gaz said.

"No worries. Good luck fellas." Steve waved and reached to the glove compartment where he retrieved a book.

"Come on then." Gaz said and took my hand.

Instinct told me. Public place, don't do it. But then I thought, everybody heard on Friday. No more damage to be done really. So I squeezed his hand back instead. We walked to the door and I decided to ring rather than use my key.

Mum answered the door.

"Come in boys." She said and headed back down the hall. "Your father's in the garden. Go into the front room." She went to the kitchen and we heard her call Dad.

Mum came back. "How are you Sam? And you Gareth?"

"Fine thanks. And you?" I said.

We exchanged small talk. What we had done on Saturday mainly (with some important omissions). Dad hadn't appeared after a quarter of an hour; this was not good. Mum went back to the kitchen to see to the dinner and we heard her call Dad again.

We sat down and I turned the TV on.

""Shit. We forgot to record the footie." Gareth said.

"Maybe we can do it here." I went to the kitchen to ask Mum if there was a spare tape. Dad came in from the garden as I walked through the kitchen door.

"Hi." I said. He didn't reply and went to the sink to wash his hands. Definitely not good. I returned to the front room to find the tape.

A few minutes later Mum called us to say dinner was ready. We went through to the dining room. The table was set out so we sat around one end of an eight-seater table. Mum directed me to one side, Gareth next to me. She put Dad opposite me so she could sit between us. This was not the usual arrangement, as Dad would normally sit on the end of the table. It was looking worse by the minute.

"Well Colin, Gareth has been on TV you know."

"Really." Dad said in a sort of grunt.

Mum brought in four plates with pate and salad on them and then brought a large basket of toast and placed it in the middle of the table.

"I hope you like pate Gareth?" she said.

"Yeah. Lovely. Thanks."

We ate in silence for a minute or so. Mum decided she had to make conversation. She began asking questions about the hotel, Gareth's schedule, nothing in particular. Dad said nothing at all. Then as we began the main course, roast chicken, she asked about my plans after the end of the academic year.

"I hope to stay at Warwick and do an MSc. But I will have to do well enough in my finals"

"Economics?" Mum asked.

"Yes. But mainly econometrics." I said.

"What exactly is that dear?"

Gareth interrupted. "The application of statistical techniques to economic theory." He smiled; pleased to be able to show he had remembered my explanation.

Dad cut his pleasure short. "And who pays for this?" he said, aggressively.

"Well I'll get a grant which covers the tuition fees and something for living." I replied.

"As long as you don't expect me to pay while you continue to live this perverted life style." Dad snarled.

"Colin. Don't be like that." Mum was upset. I think by the 'pervert' reference.

"That is my condition. Sam: you give up this disgusting and immoral behaviour and I will support you for as long as you want. If not I want nothing to do with you... Ever again."

"Dad. Please, if you don't want to support me financially okay. But respect who I am."

"No. I've thought a lot about this. It's un-Christian and unnatural. I won't stand for it." He was becoming even more aggressive. I felt Gareth's hand on my knee in a token of support.

"Colin. That's not what I want." Mum was clearly close to tears.

"Well you do what you want. But that is my final word. We will see how long he lasts on his own."

Well this was about as bad as I thought it could be. We hadn't really had any sort of discussion; I had expected to talk for hours, not a few minutes.

Dad pushed his plate away and began to get up.

"Mr. Bates. Wait" Gareth spoke confidently, but quietly. Dad stopped and settled back on his chair. "I think you are entitled to your opinion, but you are asking Sam to change who he is."

"Really. And why would I want the opinion of another poof?" Dad said, trying to bully Gaz.

"Don't be so rude Colin. Gareth is a guest and Sam's friend. He wouldn't be rude to you in your own home." Mum was angry rather than upset now. I was quietly resigned to the situation; for now.

"But Mr. Bates the fact is that Sam is gay. We are in love and this won't go away."

"And your parents approve of your choice?"

"Actually they don't know...Yet. I am going to tell them when they arrive next week for Christmas."

"Well, we'll see how they take it then won't we." Dad snapped.

"I am sure it will take get some getting used to. But they have seen my world turned upside down and shaken around totally in the past year. They have always supported me. I think that is what you should do for Sam."

"I really don't care what you think Gareth!" Dad shouted.

I tried to speak but Gareth got in before me, and he said he couldn't argue!

He didn't try to shout back, but spoke in a measured tone. "Very well. But I will support Sam through his University career if you won't. You must realise that is easily within my means. I am also sure that despite your homophobic attitude you will grow to realise that he is the same person you have always known. You just know more about him now."

"How can I ever know him again. All those years, and not a word. I don't understand it. Sam; how could you? All the sport you played, you're not Jonny Wilkinson, but you could have had a career in professional rugby. And now this." Dad was shaking, either with anger at having his high card trumped by Gaz or he had struck a sore point. Dad had obviously also concluded that sportsmen couldn't be gay. He was ranting rather than making any sense.

He started to get up again. "While you insist on this lifestyle you are not welcome here Sam." and he walked out of the room and we heard him leave the house and go into the garden.

"I'm sorry love." Mum said, taking my hand in hers.

"Me too." Said Gaz, taking the other one.

"Well he might come around with time." I speculated.

"He will love. I'll work on him and so will your sister."

"You told her?"

"Yes. I had to talk to someone about it. She said you should ring her, she doesn't have a number for you."


"What will you do now?" Mum asked.

"He will live with me until its time to go back to the UK" said Gareth.

"Thanks Gaz." I said.

"Perhaps we should get the rest of your things together." Gaz said.

"Okay. I'll come and see you during the day on Wednesday Mum."

We collected all my things, putting then in the bags I had brought from the UK. Then we said our goodbyes to Mum.

She stopped Gareth as we got to the door. "Thank you for being so kind to Sam Gareth. I appreciate it." And she kissed him on the cheek and did the same to me. Well at least I had 50% support from my parents and Mum obviously approved of Gaz.

Steve came up the drive as he saw us come out with the bags taking one from me.

"Not go so well then mate?" he said.

"Not with Dad anyway." I replied.

We waved to Mum as Steve drove off and once again were virtually silent for the journey back.

During the time at my parents home I had not really felt anything. I had been nervous before hand, and now I was beginning to think about the consequences I was getting angry. During the meal I it had been like watching a film. I watched the events unfold, but felt strangely detached from them.

Back at the hotel I was getting things clear in my mind. Mum was the person worst off. I was fine, I was with Gareth and so quite secure, but Mum was at home with Dad, totally at odds with him. I began to worry that it could split them up and I couldn't think what I could do about it.

I sat down heavily on the sofa and Gaz came and sat next to me.

"Penny for them?" he said.

"I'm worried about Mum." Gaz put his arms around me and I lay back onto his chest. "I'm afraid that this might end up in a divorce or something."

"I don't think it will come to that babe. But it will take time." He paused. "Your Dad was pretty unreasonable, but he isn't over the shock yet."

"Maybe. I hope you're right."

"In the meantime we have each other eh?" And he squeezed me and I grasped his arm and squeezed back.

"Yeah. Thanks a lot Gaz. And you don't have to pay for my university career either."

"If I have to I will Sam. That's a promise." We sat together for a while and just thought about the day. My thoughts eventually turned to Gaz and his resolute defence of me. It was a really brave and measured response. I was so lucky to have him.

"You did well again." I said eventually, breaking the silence.

"I said what I felt." Gaz said. Then added. "I'm away early tomorrow and not back till late Wednesday."

"I know. I'll miss you." I said, turning in his arms to face him. We began to kiss and I traced my fingers around his face, stroking his ears and cheek.

"Sam. I'd like to be on the bottom again tonight."

"Me too babe. You don't want too much sleep do you?"

Well that is it for chapter 7. I am away at the moment so the next chapter may be some time. Apologies to those of you who like more sex in the story. I will try to make up for it next time, however I felt that an indepth description on what follows was simply not justified by the story. I will fill you in on the night at the start of chapter 8.

Next: Chapter 8

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