Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Mar 15, 2003


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking (but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

Once again Jamie has provided me with vital input on the story, in particular he stopped me making one particularly bad mistake. Todd likewise gave me his input for which I am grateful. I seem to have lost with Todd, please contact me so we can continue our discussion.

All comments on this gratefully received at

In this chapter the narration once again switches between Gareth and Sam. A line of 8's marks the change. Gareth begins the narration.

Gareth and Sam Chapter 9 Reunited

I sat bolt upright on the bed. Shit I've left my phone on. It was dark and I struggled to find it or the light.


"Gareth. It's me." It was my sister.

"It's 5am Nic." I said

"Sorry darling. I thought it was about 8 am there. Must have got it wrong."

"It's 8 in Melbourne, I'm in Perth. What do you want?"

"I've been thinking about your problem."

"It's not a disease Nic." I said, now slightly annoyed at being woken up.

"Sorry. But I thought about it and as long as we keep it totally to ourselves things can carry on exactly as before." She said.

"What? How?"

"Easy. We don't tell anyone else at all. Nobody need ever know. Any publicity or film and you keep Sammy boy out of the way. You're still the heart throb of millions of teenage girls."

"Nic that won't work."

"Why not?"

"Sam is living with me so all the family is going to know and I can't keep Sam in a box and just bring him out when I want him."

"Why not?" That question again.

"And I am in love with him and want to be with himÉLook I'll phone you later. In about three hours!" I rang off and turned the phone off.

`Shit' I thought. It was too good to be true. Nic didn't understand as well as I had hoped. I looked at the photograph I had taken of Sam on the beach and thought of him asleep in Melbourne. Probably getting up soon. I hugged a pillow and went back to sleep.


"Mum, Dad." Gareth said, taking my hand gently in his. "This is my boyfriend, Sam."

"What. No, no, NO." His father flew into a rage and rushed at Gareth, shouting "You dirty little queer!" He let go of my hand and was knocked flat by a flying tackle. His Mum ran towards me screaming and swung a bunch of flowers at my head.

I woke up ducking the swing and in a cold sweat all over. Shit it was a dream. It seemed so real. I realized that I was more worried about how Gaz's parents were going to react than I thought.

I looked at the clock. Too early. I thought about Gaz in Perth, sound asleep I'm sure. I hugged the pillow that was my Gareth substitute and imagined that it was gently moving up and down with his shallow breathing and went back to sleep.

The next thing I knew there was a strange knocking. What? Another dream? No.

"May I clean now?"

"What?" I looked up. There was a maid at the bedroom door.

"Oh sorry. I'll come back." She said and scurried away.

I quickly looked down to make sure I was covered up. I was which was just as well because my dick was brick hard and I was lying on my back. I heard the front door to the suite close and I got up to sit on the side of the bed.

I still felt tired, but it was 9.30 and I needed to go to see Mum. I showered and dressed and decided to eat on the way. It was still early in Perth and I knew Gaz would not call until later.

I walked out of the hotel. There were four girls waiting by the door, looking for Gaz. I decided not to spill the beans about where he was and walked to Flinder's Street station. I got a cup of tea and a doughnut on the station concourse and went to the platform to wait for the train.

With a cup in one hand and a doughnut in the other it was inevitable that this was the moment Gaz would choose to phone. I struggled with the cup and, placing it on the sloping metal seat, tried to balance the doughnut on it as I got the phone out of my pocket. As I pushed the button to answer the doughnut fell into the cup.


"Does this mean it's over between us." Gaz said giggling.

"No not you babe. Doughnut crisis." I fished out the doughnut, but decided both it and the tea were a lost cause.

"How are you?" Gaz continued, seemingly ignoring my problems.

"I'm good apart from my breakfast is ruined." I said. "You?"

"Just on my way to the first radio station of the day. But I slept well until Nic called at 5 am."

"What did she want?"

"A cover up that would make the Kennedy assassination plot look simple."


"She wanted to suggest we don't tell anyone else at all about us." Gaz said. "I'll sort her out."

"Well we don't have to if you don't want to." I said, not really understanding.

"It's okay. I'll explain later. What are you doing?"

"I'm waiting for a train to go to see Mum." I replied.

"Well give her my love. And tell her you will be in Sydney Friday to Sunday."

"Really!" I said excited.

"Yeah. I can't possibly be away from you for two whole nights. It would kill me."

"Great, I'll look forward to it. But I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight more."

"Me too babe. Oh we're here. Call you later. Bye."

I threw the paper cup and doughnut into a bin as the train arrived and I rode the twenty minutes or so to Surrey Hills and my parents home. I knew Dad would be at work, but it didn't stop my stomach tightening as I walked down the road and up the drive.

Mum opened the door as I approached. "Hello darling."

"Hi. How are you?" I kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm fine love. What about you."


"And Gareth?"

"Doing well in Perth. And getting odd calls from his family."


"Nothing. Sorry." We went into the lounge. There was a large bunch of fresh flowers in the vase on the table. I took this as a sign that Dad had been building bridges, which must be a good thing. "Has Dad calmed down?" I hadn't meant to ask so soon but the flowers encouraged a lack of caution.

"Being a complete bastard." She said matter of factly. "We haven't spoken since you left, except a brief restatement of our positions."

"I'm sorry." I said pathetically. " I thought the flowersÉ"

"No dear, they are from Gareth. Of course I hid the card and told your father they were from you. You didn't know he sent them?"

"No, I didn't; how sweet."

Mum reached into her pocket and handed over a card. It said `Thank you so much for your help. Love Gareth.' Well he was a real smoothie and so thoughtful.

We talked about what was going to happen next. We didn't have any sort of solution. Mum felt that Dad would take a long time to come around and she didn't want to do anything to encourage his current attitude.

"But tell me about Gareth." She said. I felt myself go momentarily dough eyed.

"We get on really well." I said, understating my case.

"Darling, you must tell me. Does he make you happy?" she said looking me right in the eye. I realised that she needed to know that her fight with Dad was going to be about more than a passing fancy, and she was trying to find out without getting into personal areas that would embarrass us both.

I was surprised by what I said next. I had not been able to talk to anyone about Gaz until now and I really wanted to tell someone. That it was Mum I talked to so frankly was something I would never have imagined. I had heard her and my sister have incredibly personal conversations about her boyfriends and, after all, there was no real difference here.

"I have never been so happy Mum. I am so in love with Gaz, I don't think I can express it."

"Good. I'm very happy for youÉReally" she said. " haven't known him long have you?" Mum was investigating how serious things were, just like she had always done with sis.

"I know it has only been just over a week, but I know he's the one. It's like I'm walking on clouds when we're together. When I see him my heart leaps and when I'm not with him I long to see him so badly it's like a sharp pain." I was amazed at how much I was prepared to say. Until a few days ago, I had kept everything concerning my love life from her. Not only that I had resented any attempt by her to `pry'.

"Oh darling. You're in love, no doubt about itÉIs it going to be hard for you both because of who he is?"

"I think so. He is going to have to be very careful. He told his sister yesterday and at first she seemed fine, but this morning she had some sort of second thoughts. But the important thing is we have decided we want to be together."

"You are right, of course." She paused and said, "And what about AIDS darling. You will be careful won't you?" "I am Mum, we both are. Of course I'm Gareth's very first boyfriend so I am sure we will be fine. But safe sex only." I felt myself go a bit red as I said it; perhaps this was getting too personal now.

"Good." She said with a sort of finality that suggested she was now completely satisfied. She stood up. "Would you like some lunch?"

I stayed until 2.30 and then headed back to the centre of Melbourne. As I kissed Mum goodbye I realized that I had a closer relationship, no friendship, with her than I had ever had before. I felt so much better for that and having talked to someone about my feelings about Gareth. I was also grateful for the $200 she pressed into my hand as I left, that would help too.

When I got back to Melbourne I walked around the centre a little, looking in several shops and then went into a chemist to buy some more lube and condoms because we were getting low and I had plans for Gaz's return.

Normally I felt slightly uneasy buying condoms and lube, but today I would have welcomed people noticing how happy I was to be in love with my boyfriend. Actually I would have been happy to stand in Federation Square and shout of the top of my voice, `I'm in love with Gareth Gates, the most wonderful man in the world, and he loves me!'

But I didn't.


"We'll just do that last question again!" The producer said over the intercom. The recording of a five-minute TV interview for a Perth youth magazine show had taken over an hour already.

"What was the problem?" I asked.

"Couldn't quite make out one word. Sorry."

I realized I had said `aren't'. Shit. The interview had been a nightmare from the start. My speech was getting better in private, but in interviews I was still hopeless. TV interviews were the worst. I was afraid of stammering and I stammered. But on the Saturday morning TV programme I had aced the interview. This had been agonizing.

Sam had been at the TV interview in Melbourne. His presence was enough I guess. I spoke most freely when I was with Sam or Nic. Thank God Sam was coming to Sydney. I would have to practice my McGuire speaking technique more.

"OK. Rolling."

"So finally Gareth, how do you feel about all the attention you get from girls? I understand you have several offers of marriage every week?"

I breathed in and went for the first sound. "More than that sometimes. I'm flattered, and I enjoy it,"É."if that's the price of fame I can live with it. Of course I hope to meet someone one day, but I'm too young to think about marriage." I avoided `aren't' by changing the sentence structure, but of course I was lying about marriage. That question, when she had first asked it, immediately made me think of Sam. Yeah, I could so handle being with him for the rest of my life.

"Great. Thanks Gareth." The producer announced.

"Right. Lets get goin." I said jumping up and pulling my microphone off at the same time. "John, how long do we have to get to the airport?"

"We can make it if we're quick. I've got all your stuff here."

We ran to the car. I didn't even say goodbye. I knew that even if we made the plane it would be gone 10 pm in Melbourne when we returned. I was dying to see Sam.

We arrived at the airport and rushed up to the check in desk. I looked at the board, and saw the flight had not been called, and then saw next to it DELAYED'. Fuck, being peeved' didn't even begin to cover how I felt.

"How long is the delay? John asked as he handed over the tickets.

"Probably get off about half an hour late. They had problems with a passenger earlier and had to throw him off. They are catching up."

`Great', I thought. I called Sam to tell him.

"Best guess is 11pm at the hotel." I said. "You eat, I'll get something on the plane."

"Okay babe. I'll be waiting. And I'll have something really special for you."

"Can't wait." I replied, and for the first time since I was a little boy waiting for Christmas to come I knew the true meaning of the phrase. "I'll phone if there are any more problems. Love you."

"Love you more." Sam replied.

"Not possible. Bye."


I walked over to the balcony and opened the window to step outside. It was dark already, but the city lights were bright. Too bright. I looked across the city in the rough direction of the airport. As if I could see if Gaz's plane was landing. `Muppet', I thought.

It was only 10pm anyway and he said 11 at the earliest. I had heard nothing since he called about the delay.

I went back inside and sat in front of the PS2. I had already spent a couple of hours practicing and was quite bored with it, or just distracted? I put the TV on and immediately got up and walked about the suite.

This was total murder. I sat back down. Got up, closed the balcony window, and sat back down again. Shit Aussie TV was incapable of holding my attention. Surely we would never show this stuff on terrestrial TV in the UK. Cheap American sitcoms and copied game shows.

The minutes dragged like hours. I checked the fridge, plenty of beer, some wine and lots of nuts and crisps. Come on Gaz.

My phone rang. "Gaz."

"We just landed. Be there in half an hour."

"Fantastic. Everything ok?"

"Yeah fine. See you soon. Bye.'

He rang off. I began circling the room more quickly.


The flight seemed longer than on the way out as the time dragged. I tried to write my song for Sam, but I struggled again and decided it was going to have to do it with a guitar in hand so I could get the tune at the same time.

I watched the film, but couldn't concentrate as I kept thinking of getting `home' to Sam. As my thoughts focused more on Sam my dick began to strain on my jeans. I had to shift positions to avoid John seeing and work really hard at thinking about something else. Of course after a few minutes I began to think of Sam again and my erection returned and so I had to shift again. John must have thought I was an awful fidget.

At last we landed and we were able to exit the plane quickly from Business Class. I had my bag with me on the plane and so phoned Sam and Steve as we got into the terminal building. Calls completed I just ran from the gate after shouting my goodbye to John. The always-dependable Steve was waiting as I emerged from the terminal.

"G'day Gareth. Okay." He said in his usual cheery way.

"Yeah, just a bit frustrated by the delay. It's been like it all day.'

"Want to get back to see Sam I expect." He said.

"Yeah." I said quietly. Steve had been so kind and understanding. I just hoped everyone was going to be like him.

Steve broke all records from the airport and barely 20 minutes after getting into the car I was bounding up the hotel steps. I fumbled for my keycard in the lift and jogged down the corridor.

As I opened the door and walked through it I was engulfed by Sam and almost fell back out into the corridor. His arms were around my neck and his lips pressed to mine in an instant. As our tongues entwined I managed to move a step or two inside the door as we kissed a long, long hello.

"Oh I've missed you so much." I said.

"I've never known such a long two days babe." Sam replied. "You are looking sooo fine." He was hanging round my neck and began to kiss me again.

"Perhaps we should shut the door?" I said and managed to break long enough to do it. I turned to face Sam. He looked so good, handsome, strong and so sexy all at the same time. I could see how much he liked the look of me by the lump in his Chinos.

I was torn between the impulse to rip at Sam's clothes or to just hold him close and feel the love between us. I was quite thirsty and decided to wait a little. "Let's get a drink." I said and took his hand to walk over to the fridge. "My mouth is all dry, despite your tongue." It was dry with the anticipation of seeing Sam. I took two beers out and opened them and gave one to him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I am now." Sam said putting his free hand around my waist as we walked to the sofa. We sat down and my spare arm went around Sam's shoulder.

"It's been a nightmare day. Everything ran late. We did all these little radio stations and then had to record a segment for a TV show. First there was a problem with the staging, then when we at last got Unchained Melody in the can the interview took an age." I took a long draw on the beer. "I had to keep doing the questions over again. Mainly because of my speech and sometimes they didn't understand my accent."

"Oh babe?" Sam said, kissing my nose.

"My speech was bad." I explained "Then we nearly missed the plane and the bastard was delayed anyway! And all the time I was thinking it was time lost with you."

"Awww. Poor thing." Sam said and kissed me lightly on the lips.

Sam had finished his beer as I had done all the talking. "Another?" he asked.

"Yeah, this ones going down well." Sam went and got another bottle for me and returned. We sat with our arms around each other, drinking the beer and simply exchanged looks, strokes and kisses. I so enjoyed running my hand through his hair and round his face. Simple, but so satisfying to be with him. Sam finished his second beer.

"Are you tired?" he asked, placing his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm not too bad." I said and Sam ginned.

"Good. Cos I got plans for you! Come on." He got up and pulled me off the sofa. I knew and wanted what was going to happen next.

"I need a shower babe." I said as Sam pulled me towards our bedroom. I still had make up on from the TV studio.

"Suits me." Sam smiled and turned, pushing his hands under my jacket and helping me to take it off. I pulled at his shirt as he undid my jeans and somehow we managed to get our clothes off while we snatched kisses and exchanged giggles. I ran my hands over Sam's bare chest and down to his hips.

"Let's wash then." I said, stroking his bum. We went to the shower, I was so hot for Sam, I couldn't keep my hands off him and he seemed to feel the same. His hands moved between my chest and my hard dick, while I couldn't take my eyes off his, and I stroked his arse as he massaged me with his soppy hands. I looked down and held Sam's rigid tool.

"I need this Sam." I almost whispered it to him.

"I know Gaz. I know." And he kissed me and turned the water off. We left the shower and quickly dried each other off. Sam led me to the bedroom and we sat on the side of the bed and I wrapped my arms around Sam as he stroked my back.

Sam looked so fine and I knew that right now the thing I wanted more than anything else in the world was for him to make love to me. I began to kiss him and my hands pulled him close. We lay back on the bed and Sam's hand ran up and down my leg and up around my buns.

Sam began to kiss my neck and his hand transferred to my chest. He pushed me onto my back so that both his hands were now free to explore my body. I breathed a deep sigh of contentment and relief to be back with Sam as his mouth found my nipple and began to nuzzle at it. One of his hands was now between my legs gently stroking my inner thigh.

"Oh Sam. Babe, babe.."

The feel of his mouth on my chest and the stroking of his hand between my balls and thigh was electrifying. I so wanted to be a part of him. I grabbed at his dick and began to stroke it.

"Easy tiger." Sam said. "Don't want to spoil anything."

I realized I was being a little quick and reduced the pace and firmness of my strokes.

"Still if you're that anxious." Sam said and moved his hand onto my rock hard and throbbing dick. His touch made me strain forward with my hips. I felt I was about to explode with excitement. Sam's dick slipped from my grasp and his mouth was now on my cock head. He licked gently at it and put his lips over the top to suck on it. I was never going to last long like this. I was so aroused I was oozing a stream of pre-cum.

Sam stopped and looked up at me. "Move onto your side babe." What? Okay, I was in no state to resist.

"I thought you would enjoy something different." Sam said as he moved himself behind me, one hand moving my shoulder so I lay almost flat on the bed with my top half while I lay mainly on my hip with my bottom half. Sam reached over to get the lube from the bedside.

Sam opened the lube and then positioned himself so his left arm was around my shoulders; his other hand found its way between my cheeks and then came the familiar feel of his finger on my hole. Sam kissed me. "Okay?" he asked seeking my approval.

"Yeah. Please." I said, totally at his mercy and placing my right arm behind his head and drew it closer so I could kiss him. Our tongues flicked across each other and as they did so Sam pushed his finger into my hole.

As we kissed Sam gently worked his finger in and out of the first inch or so of my arse. I felt the muscle relax and I gently moved my bum back and forth a little to encourage Sam to move deeper. Sam briefly withdrew his finger to apply more lube and then returned it and probed deeper. The warmth of his gentle rhythm made me want him all the more.

I liked this. I was able to reach Sam to kiss him easily and I realized his hand, currently paying close attention to my arse was going to be free to roam while he fucked me. I was getting so hot for his dick as his finger found the magic button each time he pushed in.

"Sam babe, I'm ready darling." I said.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Oh yes. PleaseÉNow babe." I moaned. Sam looked so lovely next to me. Hot, handsome, strong and rampant (by the look of his cock, close to bursting).

Sam removed his finger and reached across to pick up a condom packet, He bit the corner off and removed the rubber. He placed it carefully on his dick and rolled it down. I watched captivated by his beauty, but becoming more and more impatient.

"Please Sam, please." I whispered in his ear as he applied more lube to his sheathed dick.

"Okay babe." He replied, "Lift your leg up a bit." He helped by lifting it and then returned it to my cheeks, I felt him separating them and his fingers rub my hole. His cock head pressed against me and I held my breath anticipating his entry. Gently Sam pressed forward and my hole opened, reluctantly, to accept him. I tried to relax and Sam's dick pushed an inch or so in.

Sam held himself perfectly still, while I breathed deeply. Sam felt the tension Ð of anticipation - in me "Relax babe." he said, kissing my shoulder and stroking the hair on my stomach to encourage me. Gradually the muscles relaxed and Sam moved in further.

"Oh Sam. WhoaaÉthat's good." I breathed into his ear as his rock hard rod slid further in, filling my hole. It felt so good, and Sam was so gentle. Sam felt he could press on now and he pushed his cock in as far as he could. Not as deep as before I thought, but it felt so good.

The first few times Sam made love to me I had felt like I was having a shit. That feeling was not longer as strong, but I felt full and, oh yeah, his dick was massaging my prostate oh so gently. I was consumed by the feeling of passion and love for Sam. I began to try to move my hips in time with Sam, but had little room to move.

"It's okay Gaz, this is a gentle slow position. We make it last yeah?"

"Oh yeah, please." An hour or so would be about right!

Sam gently moved back and forth, slow, long thrusts. I lowered my leg a little and pushed it forward a bit, away from Sam so we moved into a `spoons position'. I couldn't keep my leg in the air forever. Sam continued to maintain his gentle love making, brushing his hand across my chest, and massaging my pecs. My nipple was so sensitive to his touch I was gaining such pleasure from both his fucking and his caress.

"This is so good Sam." I said, "But can we kiss again?" Sam took his hand from my chest and lifted my leg so I could turn back towards him. Our mouths met and I pushed my tongue forward to meet his. We engaged in a long kiss that locked us together. Sam almost stopped moving, just very shallow thrusts, which just brushed my prostate. I wasn't about to come, but that feeling of rising orgasm was filling my body without pushing me over the edge.

I have no idea how long we stayed together kissing, but at last Sam took his hand from my leg to let it drop. "Gaz, let's change position, eh." He said. I was disappointed, but then realised that the tempo was about to change.

"I'll lay on the bed, you hold yourself over me." Sam said and began to move onto his back. He withdrew from me, and I felt empty. Sam shuffled up the bed to lie on the pillows so he was propped up a little.

"Here babe." He said and pulled me up under the arms. I found myself with my back arched over him, in a crab like position, arms outstretched, either side of Sam, down to the bed my legs taking most of my weight.

"You can lean against me Gaz." Sam instructed. I lent back so my shoulders rested on the top of his chest. Sam held his cock and placing the fingers of his other hand on my arsehole to guide him in. He re-entered me and the combination of my bearing downward and him thrusting upwards meant I was filled in an instant.

"Oh SAM."

"Okay?" he asked.

"Oh yes babe, oh yes." I replied, exhilarated by the boldness of his entry. Sam fucked and I reacted, the pace quickened and quickened, a total contrast to the previous quarter of an hour. Sam's cock pummeled my arse and I reached a new height of pleasure as his dick slide across my prostate again and again.

This was an exciting, but exhausting position. I was keen to continue, but tiring and I knew I was close to coming.

"Let's move again Sam." I said and without waiting for a reply lifted myself off of him and rolled over onto my back. I hooked my hands under my legs and assumed our most familiar position. Sam followed and positioned himself over me. His hand reached forward and stroked my aching cock, which by now had totally covered my stomach with pre-cum. It felt so good, but I was so close.

"Quick Sam. I need you." I was dizzy with our activities and I just wanted the pleasure I was beginning to know so well. Sam entered me again, and leant down so his face was over mine. My knees pressed into my chest and we began the final frantic moments. Sam slammed into me and I screamed. "God, Sam Sam SAM." There was no holding me back and I began to come, pulse after pulse left my cock and mixed with the smell of our combined sweat. My arms wrapped around Sam's, soaking, back and I tried to hold him as far inside me as I could as I came.

As I came down from my high Sam began to orgasm. He tensed, his body was hot and rigid and his eyes were closed tight.

"Aghhh. Gaz Gaz, babe. God I love you." He began to shoot his load into me, shaking with each shot of jism. Finally he relaxed and collapsed into my arms. His dick slipped out from within me and we lay there, hot, sticky and so happy in each other's arms.

I held Sam close, his head leaning against my neck, my hand behind it. I stroked him gently, his body covered in a sheen of sweat.

"I love you so much Sam." I said quietly. He looked up at me.

"And I love you with all my being Gaz."

Next: Chapter 10

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