Gavin and Walker

By Edgar Friendly

Published on Mar 7, 2022




This story contains depictions of sexual acts performed by two boys of ages fourteen and fifteen. If it is illegal for you to read such content please do not read any further. If you are too young to read such content lawfully please do not read any further. Gavin Magnus and Walker Bryant are two famous social media stars and influencers. Although the characters in this story are real people the events described DID NOT TAKE PLACE. This story is complete fantasy and is purely a product of my imagination. I cannot stress this enough, I AM IN NO WAY IMPLYING OR CLAIMING THAT WALKER BRYANT AND GAVIN MAGNUS HAVE EVER DONE WHAT IS DESCRIBED IN THE STORY BELOW OR ANYTHING REMOTELY SIMILAR. I am certain they are just good friends and have no reason whatsoever to believe their relationship is in any way physical or sexual in nature. That being said please enjoy this work of PURE FICTION. Any and all questions, comments and criticisms are welcome. Please send them to

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Thanks Edgar Friendly

Gavin and Walker's hot new challenge

"It's fine dude." Gavin assured him, "Just upload it."

"I dunno man." Walker wasn't sure, "I mean... isn't it a bit... basic?"

"It's the hot new challenge!" Gavin said, "Everyone's doing it and they get lots of likes. Come on just hit send already."

Walker sighed, "Fine." He hit the button to upload their video, "I hope you're right. After we did the ice bucket challenge way too late I lost a bunch of subscribers.

"We aren't late on this!" Gavin pointed out, "It only just started. We'll both get a cool ten thousand more subs. You'll see."

"Hmm." Walker wasn't so sure but went along with Gavin anyway. Three days later he was angry with his best friend and fellow influencer, "Look! What the fuck did I tell you?!" He was pointing out his subscriber count was now even lower.

Gavin knew his idea had failed, "I'm sorry Walker. I... I really thought that would work... "

"Yeah, well it didn't." Walker glared at Gavin, "You know what this means right?"

Gavin did, "Yeah... when should we-"

"Right now." Walker cut him off and walked over to his desk, "I'll set up the camera." He proceeded to position the camera on his desk facing his bed and turned it on. He looked at his computer screen, "Okay. Recording's good."

"Right now?" Gavin was a little nervous, "Dude... I don't know if I've practised enough yet-"

"Hey!" Walker spun around, "You got us into this mess and you agreed to do this to fix it. Don't back out on me now!"

"I'm not backing out. I just... I'm just nervous is all."

"You said you got four fingers in last night right?" Walker asked.


"Well that guide we read said you only need three to be ready for the vibrator." Walker clicked his fingers, "Which reminds me... " He began walking to the door.

"Where you going?" Gavin asked.

"I'm gonna borrow Alexandra's vibrator." Walker said before disappearing through the door. He returned thirty seconds later with the sex toy in hand, "Okay. Got it. The lotion is in my desk drawer. We're all set." He looked at Gavin, "You ready?"

Gavin sighed, "I guess." He stood up, "Regular intro?"

"Yeah man." Walker moved to stand beside Gavin in front of the camera, "We'll just do it and edit the video later."

"Cool." Gavin cleared his throat and began his performance, "Hey guys! Welcome back to another challenge video and we got a hot new challenge for you today! I'm Gavin-"

"And I'm Walker-"

"And today we are starting a brand new challenge called-"

Both boys spoke together, "The lose your virginity challenge!"

"Wooooo!" Walker turned up the excitement.

"Hell yeah!" Gavin continued, "Okay so a few things first. We have been practising this so don't try this at home without proper preparation first-"

Walker chimed in, "And always make sure your partner has consented."

"Consent means that the other person is okay with it and agrees to what you are doing." Gavin explained.

"That's right man and Gavin and I have both consented to this so it's cool." Walker added.

"Uh huh. Now for the younger kids out there this might be something a little bit grown up for you so maybe think hard about whether you wanna watch the video." Gavin said.

"There might be some bad language too." Walker warned.

"That's right." Gavin agreed, "So if that's something you don't wanna see or hear then stop the video now... Okay. Now what we are gonna do is first, Walker is gonna put his dick in my ass and fuck me then when he cums inside me that means he has-

Again both boys spoke together, "Lost his virginity!"

"Woooo!" Gavin cheered.

Walker continued the intro, "Then Gavin will put his dick in my ass and do the same thing and that will be us completing the challenge!" Walker turned to Gavin, "Dude I am SO excited for this."

"Me too bro. Well then, umm I gues we should start." Gavin began removing his clothes, "Now, you don't have to be naked for this but we're gonna be."

"Yeah." Walker was also getting nude, "It's just easier and besides, I like this shirt haha. I don't wanna get it all messy."

"That's right." Gavin was down to his boxers, "There is gonna be alot of sweat, lube and cum and stuff so yeah, it's probably better to do this naked." He slipped off his boxers and stood naked in front of the camera, his fourteen year old, cut cock standing erect, "As you can see guys this is my penis and right now it's hard."

Walker slipped off his own boxers to become as naked as his friend, his own dick also standing to attention, "So is mine. This is called an erection and I'm sure alot of the boys out there will have had one before."

"That's right man. When a boy gets aroused like this he can do something called masturbate. It's when you take some lotion in your hand like this... " Gavin squirted some lotion in his hand, "... and then you rub your erection like this." He began to rub lotion all over his stiff prick and gently jerked off for a few seconds.

"And doing that feels REALLY good." Walker pointed to Gavin's cock, "See how he's doing it slow like that? Well that's how he likes to do it but all boys are different."

"Yeah man." Gavin stopped rubbing and handed the lotion to Walker, "Some boys like to do it slow, others like to do it fast. Just experiment yourself and find the pace that works best for you."

"And lotion really helps." Walker said holding up the bottle.

"Uh huh it does." Gavin agreed, "And it DEFINITELY helps with what we're about to do." Gavin turned to Walker, "So. If you're ready I'm ready."

"I am READY dude." Walker replied coating his own hard member in the slippery solution, "Okay, so guys, Gavin here is already a little stretched since we have been practising but we'll show you how to do it before I put my dick in there." He turned to Gavin, "Where you wanna be bro?"

"I was thinking I bend over on the bed and give the camera a good view of my ass so they can see you stretching me." Gavin replied.

"Good thinking man." Walker said and stood beside the bed as Gavin got onto it on his hands and knees, his teen boy butt held high, "Okay guys, pay attention here. This is important." The camera had the perfect view of Walker's lubed up fingers slipping inside Gavin's hole, "Now what I'm doing is stretching his asshole first. You MUST stretch first or it will hurt and you could do yourself or someone else a serious injury-"

"Mmmm safety first!" Gavin called out.

"That's right man, safety first. Like I said Gavin has already been stretching so we are gonna skip to the vibrator." Walker picked up his sister's sex toy and turned it on, a light buzzing noise filled the room, "Okay now we have this vibrator here to help with the stretching but you don't need one. You can use a dildo, a banana-"

"A cucumber if you're feeling brave haha!" Gavin quipped.

"Haha yeah man. Okay, I got the vibrator all covered in lotion and now I'm gonna slip it up inside Gavin."

"Hmmm... " Gavin moaned as he felt Walker's fingers replaced by the buzzing vibrator. Walker began to fuck him gently with it, "Ohhhhh... "

"You good bro?" Walker asked.

"Hmm yeah. Yeah I'm good man." Gavin replied.

"Okay." Walker looked at the camera, "It's also really important you keep checking with your partner they're okay."

"And that you... ahhhh... say stop if you want to." Gavin added.

"Yeah. Some people even have special words they say if they want to stop. They're called safety words and they can be whatever you want them to be. Just make sure you both agree on it first." Walker explained to the camera.

Walker kept working Gavin's hole with the vibrator for a little while then said, "Dude you seem pretty stretched now. You ready for my dick?"

"Uhh... I think so yeah." Gavin replied.

"Cool." Walker got on his knees on the bed as Gavin turned his body to his right, his ass now facing away from the camera and parked right in front of Walker's crotch and his waiting, lubed, hard fifteen year old dick. Walker lined his cock up with Gavin's hole and said, "I'm coming in now, okay?"

Gavin turned his face to the right, towards the camera and smiled, "Yeah man. Do it."

"Okay." Walker pushed in.

"Hmmmmm!" Gavin closed his eyes as he felt the bulbous head of Walker's hard dick pop inside his tight hole, "Ohhhh yeah.... fuck yeah."

"Yeah? Haha. You like that dude?" Walker asked.

"Uh huh... ahhhh push... push in a little more." Gavin encouraged Walker.

"You... phew... You got it." Walker pushed in hard, "Unnnnggggrrrr... "

"Mmmmm! Ohhhh! Fuck man! Aww fuck... aww fuck... " Gavin could feel Walker's dick drilling deep into him and he loved it, "Ohhh... you... ahhhh... you balls deep yet?"

"Al... most... there... ah!... ahhh... phew! Okay, yeah now I'm balls deep." Walker replied as he buried his last inch inside his friend.

"Hmmm... " Gavin's face was pressing into the matress, "...ohhhhkay... okay... tell'em about balls deep while I... While I just take a minute okay?"

"Sure." Walker remained still as Gavin's ass got used to his cock's invasion. He turned his face to the camera, "Okay guys, I'm now What's called 'balls deep'. It basically means I got my cock all the way up inside Gavin's ass as far as it would go. Now for any younger boys watching, if you're doing this with an older boy you might not be able to take it all the way but that's okay, you don't have to be balls deep to fuck. Ask the older boy to be gentle and careful and not push in too far. Once you get balls deep you just wanna wait a little while so your partner's ass can get used to the cock being up there... Oh! And one thing to say for the boy who is doing the fucking. If your partner's ass is tight like Gavin's-"


"- then the skin of your dick might get pulled back as you go in. Just take your time and use plenty of lotion and you'll be okay." Walker turned back to Gavin and stroked his back, "How you doing man? How's it feel?"

"Good, yeah. I uhh... I think I'm ready." Gavin replied.

"Awesome. Well, I'm gonna start fucking you now, okay bro?" Walker felt like he could explode right then but wanted to last long enough for the video. If it was too short it would be deranked by the algorithm.

"Yeah man." Gavin couldn't wait to feel Walker's cock hitting his special spot, "Fuck me."

"Alright then." With his hands holding Gavin by the hips Walker began by slipping his dick out of his friend just a little before pushing back in, "Hmmm... Ahhh man. It umm... It will feel tight... and hot... "

"Hmmm in a good way though." Gavin added.

"Oh yeah. Definitely in a good way." Walker agreed as he slipped out a little further before going all the way back in, "Just make sure... ahhh... make sure you start slowly and gently. Your hmmm partner might like it hard but don't rush. Take your ti- ohhhfuck... take your time and be careful."

"Ohhh man... ahhh fuck dude." Gavin moved his hand to his own cock and began stroking, "If you... oh goddam! ... If you jerk yourself off while your friend is fucking your ass it feels soooo good too."

"Ahh yeah! Yeah it does. In fact-" Walker bent over Gavin and laid his tummy and chest on his back. He reached one hand down under Gavin, taking hold of the boys hard dick and stroking it, "-the boy doing the fucking can masturbate his friend. This is called a reach around and it is something nice you can do for your partner while they let you fuck their ass."

Gavin's hands held up his bodyweight as well as Walker's while Walker fucked and jerked him at the same time, "Oh my god! Ahh fuck man this feels so good."

"Yeah?" Walker timed the strokes of his hand on Gavin's dick with the thrusts of his own into the boy's tight hole, "You like that bro?"

"Fuck yeah!" Gavin loved the combination of sensations he was feeling, "Aww dude... oh man could you... ahhh... faster. Go faster man."

"You want it faster?" Walker asked increasing the speed at which he fucked and jerked, "You want it faster and harder?"

"Hmmm! Yeah! Yeah harder man!"

Walker's breathing became heavy as he obliged his friend, "Okay... okay I'm... ahhh fuck... okay I'm really gonna go for it now." A light slapping noise filled the room as Walker began to really pound Gavin's tight little ass., "Uh uh uh uh you... uh uh uh you okay dude?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah yeah! Ahhh ah ah ah just... oh fuck just like that!" Gavin could feel Walker's cock stimulating that oh so special place the two of them had discovered on one of their sleepovers about a year before, "You're there bro! You're there! Ahhhh!"

"Hoo fuck! Ung ung ung yeah! Take this dick! Take it all!" Walker had pretty much forgotten about the video by now. All he could think of was the rising climax he could feel coming, "Ung ung I'm... ahhh I'm gonna fuck you! I'm gonna fuck you and cum inside you!"

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Do it man! Fuck mmmmmmeeeee... oh fuck!" Gavin encouraged Walker.

Walker raised himself off of Gavin's back a little and used his left hand to grab Gavin's shoulder while his right rubbed his friends dick furiously. Using his grip on Gavin's shoulder Walker pulled the boy into him fucking his friend deep, "Ah ah ah ah fuck yeah! Ah ah take this dick! Take this fucking dick!"

Gavin was beside himself, "Ahh! Ahh! Oh my god! Oh fuck me! Fffffuuuucccckk mmmeeeee!"

Walker's movements were automatic at this point. His body was just doing what was natural for all boys as his dick slipped up and down, deep inside his friend's ass. He whimpered a little as his balls tightened, "Ohhh... Ohhh fuck man! I think... I think I'm... ahhh fuck man I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cuuuummm!"

"Ah ah ah fuck yeah! Ah ah ah cum! Cum inside me bro! Ah ahhhmmmygod!" Gavin could feel his own climax rising. He didn't want to cum yet. He wanted to wait his turn fucking Walker but... , "Ahh! Ahh! Ahhh! Ahhhhhhh... " His teen boy cum shot forth from his fourteen year old cock in four powerful spurts.

"Ohmagod! Ohmagod! Ohhhhh!" Walker felt Gavins ass tighten around his shaft and it pushed him over the edge, "Oh my gooooooood! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh!" With one last slam of his hips against Gavin's ass Walker buried his dick in the boy as far as it would go. Holding it there it pulsated as his balls emptied and deposited his load deep inside Gavin's bowels. He collapsed on top of Gavin and laid on his back whimpering, "Oh god... oh my god... oh god... " Was all he could say.

The two boys breathing heavily fell to the side and lay on the bed together, Walker still inside Gavin, their sweat sticking their bodies together. Walker reached an arm over Gavin and hugged him tightly, ... You... phew!... You good bro?"

"Yeah... oh man... yeah I'm good." Gavin patted Walker's hand, "That was... man that was something else hehe... "

"Yeah haha." Walker agreed, "Dude, did you cum?"

"Yeah." Gavin admitted, "I couldn't help it bro."

"It's all good dude." Walker reassured his friend, "We can always shoot a different video of you fucking me."

"Yeah man. We can do that in a few hours then edit them together." Gavin said.

"Cool. Hey pass me the paper towels." Walker said and Gavin reached oout to the bedside table to retrieve the box of tissues, passing them over, "Thanks bro." Walker addressed the camera, "Okay guys, I've cum inside Gavin's ass and now I need to pull out. What I'm gonna do is grab some of these paper towels and have them ready to stuff in Gavin's ass crack when my dick slips out. They're there to catch my cum as it leaks out of him."

"Yeah, don't wanna get my sheets too messy haha." Gavin added.

"Yeah haha. Okay, I'm just gonna slip out... " Walker pulled his dick out of Gavin's freshly fucked hole.

"Hmmm... "

"... and put these here... " He stuffed Gavin's ass crack with tissues that began to dampen immediately then turned his face to the camera, "... and that's how you lose your virginity. How you feeling bro?"

"Umm... sore." Gavin said, "But in a good way."

"Cool. Okay while Gavin rests a little I'm gonna go take a shower and clean my dick off." Walker stood up from the bed, his cock quickly deflating, "It is so important to clean up afterwards. Hygiene is a big part of staying healthy."

"Yep." Gavin agreed as he lay there feeling his anus begin to readjust itself, "And it's important to rest after taking a dick. Don't do it then go skating or something straight away."

"That's right. Okay I'm gonna go get cleaned up." Walker left the room and returned fresh from his shower a few minutes later. He stood still naked in front of the camera and announced he was, "Clean as a whistle haha. Gavin? You okay dude?"

Gavin stirred, "Huh? ... Oh man haha. I fell asleep."

"Haha. I must have tired you out huh?"

"Yeah haha." Gavin replied sitting up, "So worth it though." He looked up at Walker, "You hungry bro?"

Walker smiled, "Yeah man. Let's eat before you fuck me."

"Cool." Gavin smiled back before looking at the camera, "We're gonna take a break before we switch places but we'll see you guys real soon."

"With the magic of editing! Hahaha." Walker walked up to the computer and stopped the recording before turning back to Gavin, "So. Pancakes?"

"Hell yeah!" Gavin responded."

The two boys rested and ate. A couple of hours later Gavin was ready to cum again so they returned to the bedroom. As Walker knelt on the bed working his asshole with the vibrator Gavin resumed the recording and spoke into the camera, "Hey guys we're back and ready to continue. In the first part of the video you saw Walker fuck my ass and lose his virginity but I liked it too much so I came. That's alright though, we took a break and now I'm ready to fuck his ass and lose MY virginity and then that's the challenge done!"

"Its... hmmm... It's totally fine to take a break if one of you needs to." Walker chimed in as he buried the vibrator inside himself over and over again, "Hmmm fuck this IS good."

"Told ya." Gavin said as he got onto the bed, "Hey dude? You wanna do it the same way or should we try a different position for the guys watching?"

"Well if we were live streaming I'd say let us know in the comments haha. But since we're not I guess we'll do it a different way just to show them how. You want me on my back?"

"Yeah man that would help." Gavin replied then seeing the confusion on Walker's face added, "You're taller than me."

"Ohhh right." Walker understood that fucking face to face would be easier for Gavin, "Okay. Cool. Lemme just get in position here." He began shifting his position.

Gavin turned back to the camera, "Okay guys now it's my turn to lose my virginity and I'm gonna do that by fucking Walker's ass. We did it doggy style before when he fucked me but this time we're gonna do it face to face to show you guys a different position you can do it in... plus he is taller than me so me doing him doggy style would be a little difficult."

"It's just easier this way." Walker added as he rested comfortably on his back, his head on a pillow, his hand still fucking himself with the vibrator while he held his legs up, "Ready when you are dude."

"Cool. Lemme just... " Gavin grabbed the lotion and squirted some into his hand before rubbing it all over his hard, teen boy cock, "... hmmm. There we go." He looked at Walker's smiling face and smiled back knowing exactly what he was thinking, "... and don't worry boys-"

They both spoke together, "You can never use too much lube!"

"Hahaha... " Gavin laughed.

"Hahahaha... " As did Walker, "Ohhh man. I am sooo glad we found that guy."

"I know right?!" Gavin agreed as he got on his knees between Walker's legs, "He knows EVERYTHING about doing this."

"Yeah man. We should message him when we're done. You know, say thank you." Walker prepared to remove the vibrator, "You coming in?"

In position with his cock lubed and ready, Gavin nodded, "Yeah man. Ohhh I'm so exited!" He really was. To think in a few minutes he would become a man. He couldn't wait.

Walker smiled, "Okay. Ready?" Gavin leaned in, cock in hand and nodded. Walker pulled out the vibrator, "Okay now." Gavin put his cock head to Walker's open hole and pushed in as Walker moaned, "Mmmmm... ohhh fuck... "

"Ahhh... damn! It is tight... and hot haha." Gavin said as the first couple of inches of his dick disappeared up inside his friend, "You... hooohhh... you okay bro?"

"Yeah bro!" Walker had really gone to town on himself with the vibrator, "Come on! You can get more than that in."

"Hah!" Gavin pushed in a little more, "I am... I am.. it's just... goddam it really is tight you know?"

"Skin of your dick being pulled back too much?" Walker asked. When gavin nodded he responded, "Yeah I know. It does that but trust me dude, push through and get balls deep and it'll all be fine. Promise."

Gavin shook a little as he looked into Walker's eyes. He trusted him, "Okay." He pushed more of his hard cock into the tight, vice like grip of Walker's asshole, "Hmmmm! ... Hmmm... "

"You got this bro... hmmm you got this." Walker encouraged his best friend while stroking his back.

"I... hnnngggrrr! I Got this!" Gavin made one final push and felt the last inch of his dick slip inside, "Ahhh... ah... hmmm." Gavin was trembling a little as he looked into Walker's eyes, "B... balls deep."

Walker looked at Gavin. He felt him shaking, "Hey... Hey bro? You okay?"

Gavin waited a moment before answering, "Uhh... yeah... yeah I... I think so. It's... it's a bit much you know?"

Walker looked at Gavin and for the first time in a long time appreciated he was older, "Yeah... Yeah it is at first but you got this dude! I believe in you. Okay?" He summoned his most reassuring smile.

Gavin loved that smile and returned it, "Okay." He always felt better when Walker reassured him. He looked up to Walker, he always had, "Okay umm... so... so I just... " Gavin pulled out slightly then pushed back in.

"Hmmm yeah... yeah just go in and out a little at first... " Walker advised his younger friend, "You're doing great."

Gavin pulled out and pushed back in a few times, "Ohhh... ohhh damn this is... hah! This is different from jerking off haha." He was slow and careful, unsure of himself.

"Yeah! Haha!" Walker agreed, "It is. Just go at your own pace bro. You'll find your rhythm just like I did. Just like he said we would."

"Hmmm yeah!" Gavin was busy finding his rythm, "Fffuck yeah!"

"Aww yeah... yeah you got it." Walker reached his arms around Gavin and pulled him in close. He hugged his young friend close to him and wrapped his legs around him too, "I'm all yours bro. All yours... just do it. Fuck me."

That was all Gavin needed to hear. He began to move his hips faster, slipping his hard dick up and down inside Walker's ass, "Hooohhh... Wa... Walker... "

Walker used one hand to stroke Gavin's back while using his other to hold the boy's head by his own. He whispered in Gavin's ear, "Shhh... shhh you got this bro. You got his... "

"Hmm! Hooohhhh fuck!" Gavin's body took over. He was pumping away at his friend's asshole with no regard for his actions anymore. He moved purely on instinct, "Aaaahhhhh goddam! Ahh... ahhhh fuck!"

"Ohhh yeah!" Walker could feel his own cock begin to stiffen as Gavin's strummed his special spot. He hadn't expected to want to cum again so soon but he was getting there, "Yeah... yeah man. Just like that!"

"Hmm! Ung ung ung yeah?" His pumping became the automatic and forceful thrusts of a fourteen year old boy in heat, "Ung ung ung like... ung... like this?"

With Gavin's head by his, Walker's hands storked his best friend's back as his asshole was invaded oh so well, "Ahhhhh... ahhh yeah man! Yeah! You... ffffuuuuccckkk! ... Yeah you got it.. ahhh fuck right there! Right fucking there!" Gavin's dick was hitting it over and over, "Oh shit man!... That thing! You're... oh fuck you're hitting it just right!"

Gavin was no longer listening, "Mmmmmm ohhh! Ohhh I... Oh fffuccckkk!" His thrusting hit a new high. He really was just a slave to his intincts at this point. A boy with absolutely no control over himself. Nature was at the wheel, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!"

"Do it!" Walker grabbed Gavin's head and brought the boy's face to his own, "Do it! Fuck me!"

"Ahh. Ah. Ahhhh... " Gavin looked into Walker's eyes as he fucked him. He knew what he wanted to do but... maybe Walker wouldn't want-

Walker interrupted Gavin's thoughts as he placed his lips on his and pushed his tongue into his mouth. It was too much, "Mmm! Mmmm! Mmmmwwwaaahhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!... ahhh!... ahhhh.... " Gavin came inside Walker.

Gavin's whole body shook as his cum was injected into Walker's ass. He collapsed on top of Walker as his dick finished depositing his load and he breathed hard.

Walker held Gavin close to him while kissing his head, "Aww dude... I'm so proud of you. Well done. You did it."

Gavin lay there listening to Walker's heart beat through his chest. He heard the birds chirping outside the window, the gentle breeze through the bushes in the yard. He felt the beads of sweat travel down his forehead and drop onto Walker's skin. He was content. This was bliss.

They stayed that way for a couple of minutes before Walker patted Gavin gently on the back, "Dude? You umm... you should probably pull out now."

"Huh?" Gavin was brought back to reality, "Oh.. Oh yeah umm... " He raised himself up on his arms but waited, not sure what to do.

"Here." Walker handed him the box of tissues, "Take out a few and bunch them up. Have them ready by my asshole for when you pull out." Another reassuring smile.

Gavin smiled back, "Okay." He took some sheets of tissue paper in his hand and held them next to Walker's asshole as he slowly removed his quickly softening cock, "Ahhhh... oh man." Finally his cock head popped out of Walker's hole and he quickly placed the tissues there just in time to catch his cum which immediately began to seep out, "There... there I... I got it." He looked at Walker, "You okay bro? I mean... was that okay for you?"

Walker smiled, "Yeah man. I umm... I'm glad that... it was you."

"Huh?" Gavin stood up from the bed.

Walker looked up at Gavin, "I'm glad I did this with you."

"The video?" Gavin asked perfectly innocently.

Walker took a moment to respond, "... Yeah... Yeah the video... ahem... err you should go get a shower and clean your dick off."

"Oh yeah." Gavin turned to the camera, "Because again, good hygiene is a huge part of staying healthy." Gavin approached the desk, "Okay guys well that was it. Walker came inside me and I came inside him-"

"You came twice! Haha." Walker added as he flipped over to lay on his front, resting his freshly fucked asshole.

"Haha. Yeah, yeah I did. But we did it! We both completed the losing your virginity challenge and I gotta say this is one of my favourite challenge videos I've made. How 'bout you bro?"

"Oh yeah!" Walker agreed, "So fun."

"Yeah, it was." Gavin reached out to the laptop, "Well now it's done this is Gavin-"

"And Walker."

"-signing off. Have a great day everyone!" Gavin stopped the recording and turned back to Walker, "Okay I'm gonna go get a shower."

"Cool... oh! Hey bro?" Walker stopped Gavin before he left the room, "Be careful with the shower on your dick."

"What do you mean?" Gavin asked, his hand on the doorknob.

"It's just gonna be really sensitive." Walker explained.

"Oh... err okay." Gavin left the room for the bathroom and returned ten minutes later, "Oh shit man!"

"Told ya haha." Walker laughed.

"You think it's that sensitive every time you fuck or is it cos it's the first time?"

"Umm... I dunno. We should ask him." Walker replied.

"You wanna send him a message now?" Gavin asked.

"Yeah... yeah we should thank him." Walker replied as he pulled on some boxer shorts, the damp tissues stuffed in his ass crack held there by the thin fabric as he got out of bed to join Gavin who had sat in front of his laptop.

Gavin logged into the messaging server and began to type, 'Dear dirtyboylove. Thank you so much for the guide you sent us. It really helped in making our new video. We were just wondering if our cocks will always be this sensitive after fucking or if it is just because it was our first time? Hit us up when you can. Gavin and Walker.' Gavin looked up at Walker, "How's that?"

"Good man. Send it." Walker squeezed Gavin's shoulder.

"Cool." Gavin hit send then looked up at Walker, "What you wanna do now?"

Walker looked at Gavin, "We gotta edit before we upload.

"Oh yeah... grrr... I hate editing." Editing was the most tedious and laborious task when it came to being a social media influencer.

"Me too." Walker agreed, "But, it's gotta be done. Let's just get it out of the way then wencan sit back and watch the subs roll in."

"Okay." Gavin said.

The two of them edited their video for hours before finally declaring it ready and uploaded it, sharing the video of their first time with the world. It quickly went viral and became their most successful venture ever...

... with hundreds of thousands of new subscribers to both their channels.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys. This one is a little different to what you have come to expect from me. A friend who is a huge fan of Gavin and Walker asked me to write a story involving them and I said I would. To be honest I much prefer writing with characters my own imagination has created but I think it is important to experiment a little from time to time. How else can my writing improve? Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. Have a lovely day all. X

Edgar Friendly

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