Gay For Pay

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 15, 2009



I have been racking my brain for hours trying to figure out how I can describe Mark Anthony Borden for you. It's not an easy task. I finally decided just to begin writing and then go back ten, thirty, a hundred times, if necessary, to edit the text. What you read should be the final edit, and I sure hope I can translate him well enough from my vision of him to yours.

Mark is the perfect specimen of manhood. Please believe me when I say that he is manlier than the ancient Greek and Roman statues of gladiators and Olympians. Send him to a gym and measure his body fat. It would probably be near zero. He stands six feet, two inches tall. He is all muscle and sinew.

He keeps his curly, dark brown hair short. It frames his face like a wreath, and is reminiscent of the Roman emperors who wore laurel wreaths on their heads. His eyes are not really blue, but rather a glowing violet. His nose is chiseled and his chin is square. He has a dimple on the right side of his mouth. His lips are voluptuous. His face is prettier than any movie star that ever graced the silver screen.

What of his manhood? It is only about four and a half inches flaccid and six and a half inches hard. Nevertheless, its beauty is in its girth. It is thick and solid and uncut and a joy to behold. It hangs longer than his balls. His butt is round and firm and bubbly and even a person with large hands could not grab hold of it in its entirety.

In short, when God created Mark, he created the ideal man, flawless, beautiful, sexy and without peer. A man like Mark does not walk around unnoticed. His mere presence in any vicinity, electrifies the air. Heads of every sex turn to stare, to desire, even to drool. With a nod of his head, Mark could conquer every man or woman who gazes upon him.

I know what you are thinking. Nobody is perfect. Even Mark must have an Achilles' heel. Somewhere Mark must have a fault. You're damn right.

Mark doesn't always operate with a full deck. He spent his high school years fucking the female student body and beating the crap out of some of the braver boys, both gay and straight, who came on to him. His grades were barely passable and he didn't care. Like all good looking people, he believed that his good looks would always be there to get him through life.

College was out of the question for him. After high school he was able to obtain employment, but only because of his good looks. Those who hired him never questioned him about his academic achievements. Generally, he was able to obtain sales positions, but he didn't last long at any of them. He couldn't take an order correctly, and generally he fucked it up. If he sold a car or a TV set, he couldn't complete the paper work. If he sold a tie or a hamburger, he couldn't manage to make the right change, often short changing the till and his employer.

Alas, by the age of 22, it was clear that he could not make a living and his parents were not willing to go on supporting him. He was beginning to get desperate. He tried furthering his education in night school, but he was so busy fucking girls, he hardly attended classes, and he flunked out after a month. Finally one day, he was lying in bed, alone for a change, and what brain he had told him that he had to figure out a way to make money. Nothing came immediately to mind, but help came to him the next day in the form of his best friend, Ben.

Ben was just the opposite of Mark. He was short, overweight and rather plain looking, but Ben hung around Mark hoping to get Mark's leftover women. The other guys saw Mark as competition and none of them wanted to be around him. Since Ben was the only person who wanted to be his friend, Mark accepted him. In fact Ben was Mark's only friend.

Neither Mark nor Ben was employed at the moment, so one afternoon they were hanging around in Ben's living room sipping beers. Ben's mother was deceased and his father was at work. After a couple of beers Ben went upstairs and retrieved a DVD from his dresser drawer. He popped it into the DVD player and to Mark's delight it was a porno entitled California Boobs. Since they lived in Los Angeles, the guys made a game out of trying to spot someone they might know.

Halfway through the film, Ben blurted out, "See that guy sucking that girl's twat, I know him. I worked with him at my last job."

"No shit," Mark said.

"Yeah, he told me once that he acted in porno films, and I didn't believe him. You know what else he told me? He said that he made better money when he made gay pornos, than straight pornos. I asked him if he was gay, and he laughed and said that he was gay for pay. I told him that I thought that he was disgusting. He said that if I stuck it up a tight ass just once, I'd have a change of opinion."

"For Christ sake," Mark said. "Why didn't I think of that? I'll bet I could make pornos, straight of course, but I wouldn't know where to begin and where to go for an audition."

Ben said, "Let me see if I can find this guy in the phone book. I know that he lives nearby."

Ben was able to reach his friend, who gave him several phone numbers to call. After Ben hung up, his friend laughed hysterically. He thought the numbers were for Ben, who didn't stand a chance of getting cast, especially since all the numbers he gave him were for male films.

The next morning, Mark called the first number on the list and was able to make an appointment for an interview that afternoon. He drove his jalopy to what he thought would be a studio, but it turned out to be a private home in the Hancock Park section of Los Angeles. He rang the bell and the door was opened by a beautiful buxom blond. She took one look at Mark, and ran to get her boss. Mark could hear her yell, "I got a winner here."

She led Mark into the living room where an obese, cigar smoking man was sitting in his boxer shorts on a leather recliner with a furry throw rug. He was reading some sort of magazine. Mark could just about discern that there were naked men on the cover. The moment he saw Mark, the man dropped his jaw, and the magazine, and he stood up.

"Wow," the man said, "Take your clothes off, and show us what you've got." When he said, "us," Mark realized that the woman was still in the room with them. He smiled at her. She smiled back, and he began to get hard. He knew he was there to audition for a porn film so he did not hesitate and stripped quickly. Knowing that the woman was staring at him, he became as hard as he would ever get.

When he was naked, he looked over at the man he believed to be the producer, or the director, or both. The man's cock was protruding through his boxers and it was as hard as Mark's. When the man saw Mark staring at his cock, he said, "Just call me Dick."

Mark would have run away if he wasn't naked, and if he didn't need the money so badly. He tried to concentrate on the woman, and as he did, she started to smile at him. Mark began to get excited. This is going to be an easy audition, he thought. He got even more excited when the woman began to undress. Mark stared in amazement as off came the wig, the phony eyelashes, the phony bra, the hip and ass padding, the make-up, and all the female clothing. In a few short seconds, the buxom blond was a handsome, red-headed man. Even his pubic hair was red and accentuated his 7" erect, uncircumcised cock. Now Mark wanted to run more than ever, but his financial needs kept him glued to the spot. These guys obviously liked the way he looked.

"Are you a top or a bottom?" Dick asked.

Mark thought that he was asking if he preferred the woman on the top or if he preferred to be on top.. "I like it both ways," he said. "I even like to do it doggie style."

Dick smiled at the red head. "You hear that Red?" he asked his assistant. "He's very versatile." The two men smiled at each other so Mark smiled back.

"We can't afford to waste film," Dick said, "So you'll audition right here. We'll put you in front of a camera as soon as we see how well you can perform."

Mark vowed to perform better than he ever had. It would be a hard act to follow himself, but he knew he could do it. He expected Dick to push a button, or pick up the phone, and summon in one or two beautiful women, but he made no such move. Instead he simply told Mark to lie on the floor. Instinctively Mark lay down on his stomach, but the two men rolled him over, and Dick spread his legs. Mark was getting nervous so he shut his eyes, but suddenly he felt two lips suckling his nipples. Boy that felt good until he opened his eyes and he realized that Red was doing the suckling.

Again he would have gotten up and run, but he thought of the money, and by this time he realized that Red was making him feel really, really good. Women never sucked his nipples. He sucked theirs. He sighed and things then got better. Dick was sucking his cock. He had to admit to himself that it felt better than any blow job that any women had ever given him. Dick knew just how to tease Mark's erogenous zones. All thoughts of running were gone. This felt so fucking good.

When Dick came up for air, he murmured, "My God, you taste so good." Then he dove right back on Mark's dick. Mark could not conceive that a cock could taste good. That's disgusting, he thought, but he was not about to stop Dick. His climax was near, but before he could cum, Dick stopped sucking, much to Mark's disappointment.

Dick and Red got on their knees, and they both started to feed Mark their cocks. That was it for Mark. He shut his lips tightly, and tried to turn away. Even though he could feel their cock heads trying to pry open his mouth, he would not allow entry.

"Shy are you," Mark observed. "Oh well, let's get on with it." Suddenly Mark experienced the very familiar sensation of a condom being rolled down his cock. It felt so good that he almost came, but he restrained himself. He looked over to see that Red was right next to him on his hands and knees. Then much to his dismay, Dick greased his cock with KY Jelly and told him to fuck Red doggie style, the way he said he liked to do it.

By this time Mark needed to cum so badly, he had no thoughts of running. Besides he had always wondered how it would feel going in through the back door. Even though he had always envisioned that it would be a woman's back door, he rationalized that with his eyes closed, it would not feel any different if the back door belonged to a man.

Until this day, no man or boy had ever touched Mark's cock. He almost died when Dick grabbed his cock and guided it into Red's waiting ass hole. As he was entering, Red was making little whimpering sounds. When he was all the way in, Dick told him to start pumping. Never in his whole realm of sexual experience had Mark's prick ever been so tightly held by a vagina. Red was sighing, "Please don't cum too soon. I love this. It feels so great." But Mark's cock had other ideas. He couldn't hold back and he spurted into the condom screaming his lungs out.

He lay exhausted on the living room floor, and Red lay down beside him.

"Why don't you take Mark into the shower Red, and when you come out we'll talk business. I have a job for him this afternoon, if he wants it."

Red stood up and offered Mark his hand. Mark took it and Red pulled the bewildered stud up onto his feet. He led him into the bathroom. Red started the shower, and much to Mark's horror, he led him into the stall. Mark realized that Red was going to shower with him. He wanted the job badly so he said nothing. Besides, the audition had been more fun than he had bargained for, especially fucking Red in the ass. That was a definite first for Mark and he liked it.

In the shower, Red started rubbing soap all over Mark. "Stop it!" Mark yelled. "I can do that myself."

"It's a lot more fun when someone does it for you. Let me show you." Suddenly he wrapped his soapy fist around Mark's cock and started stroking. Mark was certain that a man would never get him to cum, but it sure did feel good. Besides, Dick had nearly gotten him off, and Red had finished the job, hadn't he? Eventually Red abandoned Mark's cock and did the rest of his body. Mark even liked how it felt when Red washed and soaped his ass hole. I'm turning gay, he thought and he started to shudder.

"You're straight, aren't you?" Red asked and totally surprised Mark who nodded his head.

"Why do you want to be in gay porn? A guy like you could conquer the straight porn industry."

Mark answered simply and honestly, "I thought I was auditioning for a straight film."

"Jeez, you better leave," Red said.

"Do you have the telephone number of any of the straight studios?"

"No. I wish I did so I could help you. You're a nice guy. I really like you."

Mark was flabbergasted. Red was a male and he really liked him. Other men usually hated him out of pure jealousy. This was another definite first.

"I'm here already, and Dick wants to talk business, so I might as well stay," Mark said. He started to leave the shower, but Red grabbed his shoulder.

"Please," Red said, "let me give your cock a lick and a promise before we dry off. He fell to his knees, and grabbed Mark's cock. He began to lick and suck it and Mark allowed him to do it. Red got Mark's cock erect, and then he quit.

"More later," he said.

Dick offered Mark $250 for a shower scene orgy that he was filming that afternoon. There would be eight guys in the shower. Some of them would go down on Mark, but Mark didn't have to go down on anyone if he didn't want to. The shower was a mock set which was installed in Dick's rec room. The scene took about two hours to film and was not over until all eight men had cum. Besides sucking cock, some of the men were directed to fuck each other, and Mark managed to fuck one of the other actors, although he was not required to do so. Action was temporarily stopped so the guys could put on condoms. Mark could not believe his good fortune. They were actually paying him to have sex. He conveniently forgot that he was having sex with men.

When the scene was finished, the set was disassembled in seconds and brought out to a van parked in front of the house. Dick asked Mark to dress and meet him in the living room. Red was not present, and that made Mark wonder why he suddenly missed him.

"Look," Dick began. "Until now, all my films have been a series of unrelated sex scenes, but now I want to film something with a story line so that the sex makes sense. I've got a script I really dig, and you would be perfect for the lead. It's called Don Juan of West Hollywood. The story is about a young man who is too handsome for his own good. All the men who meet him want to sleep with him, and he happily obliges them. There will be several sequences of you having sex with one or two men. You care nothing for these guys and brush them off after you have had your way with them. But fate catches up to you. In the last sequence you fall in love with the man you are with. I want this sequence to be different than all the others. The opening sequences will be raw sex. All the men, including you, will be interested in only self gratification without giving any thought to the needs of the partner. In these scenes you can

be as passive as you like. You won't have to suck cock or get ass fucked; the men will all service you. But in the final scene I don't want you to have sex with the man you fall in love with, I want you to make love to him. I want both of you to desire to give pleasure to the other. You will both suck and fuck each other only for the purpose of giving pleasure to the other. I will direct you in the most sensual, steamy love scene ever filmed."

"I don't think I can do that. Suck cock or get fucked, I mean. How much would you pay me for all this?" Mark asked out of curiosity. He truly believed he would turn down the offer.

"As the star of the picture, you would get $750 for each sequence. That comes to $4,500 or $5,250 for about a week's work. Most scenes will have some small amount of dialogue. You'll get an additional $250 for each scene with dialogue." Mark didn't have the ability to add the additional money in his head, but he knew that this was the biggest pay check he had ever earned in his life. He was also smart enough to know that if he did well, other films would follow.

"I'd like to try to do it," Mark said, and he extended his hand toward Dick as an indication that the deal was set.

"I'll prepare a contract, and you can come around tomorrow to sign it. We're doing a couple of more sequences tomorrow. I'll try to squeeze you in, and you can earn another $250 a pop."

Mark was elated, and couldn't wait to tell Ben.


He could not tell Ben that he was in a male porno. He would have to tell Ben that they put him on a waiting list or something, and he had to report to the studio every day like for jury duty.

As he and Dick were shaking hands, Red came into the room.

"Congratulations," he said. "I'm the guy you fall in love with at the end of the film."

"Really?" Mark asked. "I'm glad it's you," and somehow he meant it.

"Let's celebrate," Red said. "I'd like to take you out for a drink and dinner. How about it?"

"That's great," Mark said, "as long as we don't go to a gay bar."

"I had a great place in mind, but I'll respect your wishes. You should really change your mind. The food there is great."

"Please, NO!" Mark insisted and Red just gave up in defeat.

They sat at a quiet corner table in a nearby bar, each nursing a cocktail. Red was fully aware that both men and women kept staring at Mark, and he began to feel a little smug. As for Mark, he was so used to that treatment that he was pretty much oblivious to it. He was thinking that this was the first time he was actually socializing with a gay person and it was cool. Conversation between him and Red flowed easily, without any shyness. Mark was surprised how much at ease he was with Red. He really liked the guy in spite of having seen him in drag.

"What's your real name?" Mark ventured to ask Red.

"Promise not to laugh?" Red actually blushed.

"No, I can't promise."

"I'll tell you anyhow, because I like you. My real name is Wilfred Bates. When I was a kid, boys used to make fun of me and call me Norman Bates, the psycho. Because of my red hair, little by little, I cajoled everyone into calling me Red."

"If I wanted to call you by your real name, would you prefer Wilf, Fred, Wilfy, Freddy or what? Mark asked.

"I'd prefer if you called me, Honey, but since that is out of the question, stick to Red.

Mark blushed. His face turned a deep crimson, but he was not offended. He didn't know why, but he liked Red, and was not uncomfortable with Red's homosexuality. Besides all that, he truly believed that neither one of them could offend the other, and he was right. He was awakened from his reverie when Red said, "It's going to be fun rehearsing our love scene with you."

"What?" Mark screamed. "We have to rehearse?"

Red broke out laughing. "Relax," he said, "I was only teasing you, straight boy. Look, get over yourself and come to the gay restaurant with me. You'll appreciate the food. I promise" Mark nodded his head in defeat.

Mark had to agree with Red that the food there was wonderful. He enjoyed the meal all the more because Red was paying. He felt a little guilty because he had added $250 to his wallet just a short while ago, but he got over the guilt quickly enough.

"You know," Red said as they got ready to go there separate ways, "if you were gay, I'd be begging you to spend the night with me."

"I know." Mark agreed. He was not offended by that hint of an invitation at all. In fact, he was flattered. He put out his hand and Red shook it.

"Are we friends?" Mark asked.

"I sure hope we are," Red answered.

A small tear appeared in Mark's right eye. "Except for one guy who is nothing but a leach, you are the only male friend I have."

Red was very moved and he gave Mark a manly hug. Before they separated they exchanged telephone numbers.

That night in bed, as he tried to fall asleep, Mark could not get Red out of his mind. He kept thinking about the corn holing he had given Red, and delighted in the thought that he would do it again. He sobered a bit when he realized that Red would be doing it to him as well. The money was good, and if someone had to do it, thank God, it was Red. Red had thoroughly enjoyed being fucked by Mark, and Mark wondered if he would enjoy being fucked also. He tried to imagine Red's cock invading him as he finally began to fall asleep.

The phone rang shrilly and Mike groaned as he answered it.

"Hi," a voice said. "It's me, Red. I'm lying here, thinking about you and whacking off. Care to join me?"

"No, you pervert," Mike laughed. "Besides I have to work tomorrow so I need to conserve my orgasms."

"OK, so I'll let you go back to sleep, but you don't know what you're missing. Nighty, night."

The next morning Dick's door was opened by Red in his drag outfit. Mark was visibly annoyed, and Red could sense it.

"I'm really sorry," Red said, "but Dick wants everyone to think he has a female secretary. If it really bugs you, I'll refuse to do it in the future."

"NO! NO!" Mark answered. "I don't want you to endanger your job." Then he did something totally unexpected, he gave Red a bone crushing bear hug. Red was more than surprised; he was pleased as punch.

Mark signed the contract without having actually read it. Somehow he trusted Dick. The man was being really fatherly to him, and making him a lot of money. To prove the point, he was filming a twosome sequence that morning and he made it into a threesome so that Mark could be in it and earn another $250. In the afternoon, he used Mark in a twosome sequence. Mark only had to lie back and get sucked. Later he fucked his partner. While he was fucking, and pretending great pleasure for the camera, he wondered how it felt to have a cock up your ass. The idea so turned him on that he came prematurely, and they had to redo the sequence because Dick wanted it to last longer. Mark was totally confused by his sexual feelings and emotions.

At the end of the day, when Red was a man again, and they were getting ready to go home, Mark asked Red if he would go to dinner with him. "Tonight it's my treat," he said. "After all, I made $750 in 24 hours."

"You're on!" Red answered. He smiled broadly at Mark, and Mark's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't realize it.

Over the next seven working days, Dick filmed six sequences of Don Juan. Mark got more blow jobs in one week than he usually got in a year. Most girls he was with were young, and they were a little shy about going down on a guy, but these actors couldn't wait to suck Mark's cock. As he lay there twisting in pleasure, Mark had to wonder what a cock tasted like.

Whenever he fucked one of the actors, he began to worry that he could never fuck a woman again. No vagina was ever as tight as these guys' asses. He grew more and more confused. During one of the sequences he recognized the actor working with him. It was Ben's friend who had given him the telephone number which had launched his porn career. He said nothing about being Ben's friend, for fear Ben would find out what he was up to.

He and Red had dinner together every night. One night they had dinner at Dick's house and after dinner Dick showed them the rushes so far.

"They're rough," he told them, "I still have some editing and tweaking to do."

"I'm getting turned on watching myself having sex," Mark dared to admit.

"I'm getting turned on too," Red and Dick said in unison.

"You guys better go before I rape the pair of you," Dick said. "Besides, tomorrow we're filming your big love scene."

Mark was wearing the sexiest looking boxers he had ever seen. Red was wearing a tank top shirt, short shorts, no underwear, and sneakers without socks. They were seated facing Dick.

"This is what I want from you guys," he said. "Mark, you'll be seated in an easy chair reading a porn mag. The doorbell will ring. You'll answer it, and Red will come in.

"Red will say his lines about how great it was to meet you at the bar the other evening, and how glad he is that you asked him to come over. Mark you'll say that it's your pleasure, but when you do, look and sound like you don't mean it. Ogle Red with lust as he begins to undress. When he's naked take his hand and lead him to your bed. Red will lie down. Mark, you remove your underwear, and climb into bed with him. Lie on your back, just as you did in the earlier sequences, expecting him to go down on you.

"But he doesn't. Instead he leans over you and gives you a kiss; no tongue. You look surprised but you like the taste of his kiss. He gives you another kiss, this time he parts his lips a little and you do too. Red will do this several times until your tongues are deep throating each other, and you are both showing some passion. From then on, I want you to make love like you are Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria, or in this case, Damon and Pythias, maybe.

"Do not cum orally. There are condoms and lube on the night stand. I want you to end up fucking each other. When you cum, be sure to pull out, remove the rubber and let the camera capture your juices flowing. Be as imaginative and inventive as you want to be. I'll put in my two cents if I have to. Any questions?"

The two men shook their heads. Their hearts were pumping wildly. Red was excited, anticipating making love to forbidden fruit, a straight man that he had fallen madly in love with. Mark was plain scared shitless, yet he wanted what was going to happen, to happen. He was confused, but horny and turned on. He couldn't wait to make love to Red. He still had no idea that he loved Red as much as Red loved him. The concept of a man loving a man escaped him.

They were kissing wildly and Red was whispering into Mark's ear. "I love you," he repeated over and over.

"I love you more," Mark said as he looked deeply into Red's eyes.

"Good acting," Red whispered.

"I'm not acting," Mark whispered back. Red had no time to react, Mark had leaned over and was kissing Red's cock. Mark ran his tongue over the piss slit and tasted pre cum for the first time in his life. He could hold back no longer and took Red full into his mouth. He had learned lots from his fellow actors this past week, and he used his lips and his tongue to their full potential. Red had to pull away or he would have cum. "My turn," he said to the camera, and he went down on Mark.

After allowing this for a rather long time, and successfully holding back his orgasm, Mark knew he could hold back no longer. He pulled away and begged Red to fuck him.

As Red's cock penetrated Mark, the pain was nearly unbearable. He wanted to run off the set, but he was in front of the camera, so he let it happen, pretending to be loving it. Suddenly the pain began to ease. Red's cock was rubbing against Mark's prostate and the pain had become pure pleasure. He wondered how much better it would feel without a condom. Just when he was enjoying it to the utmost, Red pulled out, ripped off the condom and came all over Mark from his belly to his chin. Red used his index finger to scoop up some of his own cum. He offered it to Mark, who sucked it off Red's finger and swallowed it without hesitating.

Once again they began to kiss. They could taste Red's cum and they wanted more. "Fuck me now," Red said.

Usually when the camera caught the cum spurting, it marked the end of the scene, but after Mark came, Dick kept the cameras rolling. His two stars were lying in bed in an embrace that made them look like one person. They were kissing so long and so hard, Dick wondered if they would ever come up for air.

Finally he touched them both on the shoulder and said, "Congrats boys. That was the most believable love scene I have ever filmed. You are both fantastic actors."

"I can't speak for Mark," Red said, "but I wasn't acting."

"Neither was I," Mark said. They fell into each other's arms again and resumed kissing.

Dick was grinning from ear to ear. I'm a regular Cupid, he thought.

Red and Mark continued to make male films for a few more years. Off the set they were a couple. Mark moved in with Red and they made love as much as their busy schedules allowed.

Red was the business man in the family. He saved every penny he possibly could of their joint salaries, and after five years they bought a gym in West Hollywood. They retired from the porn industry and led a happy monogamous life running their gym, which catered mostly to gay men. Mark even gave Ben a job as a "gofer" around the gym.

I guess you might say that they all lived happily ever after.

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