Gay Tales from Richland


Published on Nov 8, 2004


Disclaimer: The story that you are about to read is my first go at writing. I have read and enjoyed many of the authors who have contributed to What you are about to read are thoughts that I have written down in a journal for many years. Some things are partly true. Others are purely fictional. Names and places have been changed in order to protect the innocent. There are graphic sexual acts portrayed in these stories, so if you are offended by these situations, please go no further than this disclaimer. If you are not offended, please continue and enjoy.


Dave & Me

By Roger Beals

Chapter 4.


Recapping what has taken place thus far: Dave and I have just spent a glorious night of sexual pleasure in the Physical Therapy Department of the Richland Memorial Hospital. We had been snowbound by and early New England storm. We had been allowed to spend the night in the therapy department, rather than try to drive thirty miles to our homes in the country.

It hadn't been planned, but it happened that Dave and I wound up in one of the treatment rooms. I had promised to give Dave a neck and shoulder massage to help get rid of some of his tension. Well, as things worked out, Dave wound up having more than his neck and shoulders massaged. There were other parts of his body that were massaged that relieved his tension, and then some, if you catch my drift. It was quite a night. There may not have been a whole lot of sex, but the sex that was most pleasurable. We slept well that night.

It is the next morning at Richland Memorial Hospital. Dave and I are working together, treating the in-house patients. Their treatments ranged from assisting them in walking with crutch, cane, or walker to exercising limbs that had, for one reason or other, become stiff. Some patients we would bring to the therapy room and teach them to exercise on stationery bikes, walk in parallel bars, climb training steps, take steam baths, whirlpool baths, and of course, hot packs and massages. When we finished putting a patient back to bed, Dave and I would head for the elevator and return to the therapy department. If no one was in the car with us, we'd sneak a kiss. I couldn't believe Dave's and my good fortune. In one short night, we had gone from best friends to best friends and lovers.

The day flew by rather quickly. Only 4 outpatients dared brave the still-falling snow, and they all lived within a mile's radius of the hospital, and, they all had 4-wheel drive. And, as most of you may know, when you discover that very first love, time flies as you seem to walk on air.

The night before, we had decided that when he reached his 18th birthday, Dave was going to move in with me. While we were eating our lunch, I asked Dave how he was going explain this move to his mother.

"That's not going to be a problem," Richard. You know that I have four more siblings at home. It's hard for her to make ends meet, The little bit I bring home helps a little bit, but once I turn 18, I'm going to have to move because the money that I bring in will increase her rent." Dave explained.

"That's cool, Dave," I replied, "That should make things a little easier for her. I understand the receives Social Security payments due to the fact that your Dad passed away last year."

"That's right! And with me out of the house, my sister can help Mom out when she starts working here next week," said Dave.

"Great, Dave! I'm sure that your Mom will appreciate that. I am really looking forward to having you move in with me. You're to be great company," I said.

I looked over at Dave after I took a bite of my mashed potatoes and gravy. Although he was trying to hide it, I could see that his eyes were welling up with tears. "Dave, what's wrong? Are you will? Do you hurt somewhere?" I asked

"There's nothing really wrong, Richard. It's just that I'm so happy that you asked me to move in with you. I can't think of anyone that I would rather live with. You're one of he nicest guys that I have ever met. It's going to be a pleasure living with you." Dave said, with a tear of two rolling down his cheeks (no, not those cheeks. that wouldn't be tears).

"Why, thank you, Dave! That's the nicest compliment anyone has given me in a long time, and coming from you, well it means more to me than you'll ever know," I said. "To tell you the truth, babe, if you weren't moving in with me, there's no one else that I would want to share my home with. You and I are going to hit it off really well. I just know that we are."

"Richard, can I let you in on a little secret?" He asked. "And will you promise that you won't be upset with me after I tell you?"

"Dave, there is nothing that you can say that could possibly get me mad at you," I said. "Whatever your secret is it will always be safe with me."

Dave gulped, took in a deep breath, and began to fill me in on his secret. "Well, love, it's like this. Do you remember the first day that I came to work for you?"

"Do I remember?" I thought to my self. "Gawd! How could I ever forget? When Dave walked back to the patient treatment area, my heart almost stood still. I began to understand the meaning of drop-dead gorgeous. My heart began beating a mile a minute, and my drum stick began to rise to the occasion. That beautiful wavy black hair, that exquisite smile, that fabulous body. Dave was, what is that other expression, o, yes, too die for. I was quite impressed with what I saw the first day Dave came in to my life"

I was suddenly brought back to reality when I heard Dave asked me once more if I remembered that first day.

As we were talking, Dave and I entered the elevator at the 5th floor and headed back down to the ground floor where the therapy department is located, and we continued our conversation.

"Yes, Dave, I remember it very well. I was quite impressed with you because you informed that you were planning on studying to become a registered therapist. Why do you ask?

"Well, Richard, the truth is this. I have had a crush on you since the first day I met you," Dave said

"Are you serious, Dave?" I asked. "You've actually had a crush on me for these last 6 months? But why? What do you see in me?"

"Because you are so handsome, and you have such a great looking body Your curly blonde hair and blue eyes really set my heart a fluttering. I knew from the first day that I met you that I wanted get to know you better, and last night, I got to know you better than anybody else in this department," Dave answered.

"If I had known back when I met you," Dave continued, "what I learned last night, I know that you and I probably would have gotten together long before this."

"Why do you say that, Dave?" I asked

"I didn't know that gay sex was so exquisite," Dave said, "it gives me goose bumps all over just thinking about us."

"I have noticed that you have a special glow about you since last night, and, may I add that I found that the love and sex that I shared with you last night was most gratifying," I said.

Dave gave me that wide, toothy grin of his. As I've said before, It always makes his face light up when he smiles like that. He leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the lips and whispered, "Thanks, Richard. You sure know how to make a guy feel appreciated."

The elevator reached the ground floor, and we exited, turned right, and headed down the short corridor for our final destination (o c'mon, you know how it is on soap operas).

It was still snowing pretty heavily. The storm was lasting longer than the forecasters had predicted (isn't that always the case)? I knew that my country road had barely seen a plow, because most of the crews were concentrating once again within the 7 mile, citywide radius. As it was nearing closing time, Ira Holiday asked me if I wanted to spend the night in the therapy department again, and I told him that I would appreciate it very much. He asked me if Dave would be an imposition if he also spent the night. I told him that it would not be a problem, and that I appreciated the company.

Dave gave me a knowing smile. "This," he told me later, "will be a test to see just how well we can get along as live-in partners."

"Well, babe," I remarked, "we've been working together for more than 6 months now, and you and I have never had a disagreement. That says a lot about us."

"You're right, Richard! You and I get along better than most of the workers in this department. In fact, I think that we get along better as a team than most of the people in this whole hospital.

"I can't argue with you there, Dave. Something, somewhere must have been telling us that we were meant for each other."

Five o'clock finally arrived, and the city folk left for the night, leaving Dave and me behind to hold down the fort. We waited for about 15 minutes, making sure that the PT parking lot was empty, then Dave and I embraced each other and kissed. We were both moaning and sighing as we probed the depths of each other's mouths. Our hands, as if by magic, found their way down to each other's crotches, and, finding each other hard, We squeezed and rubbed each other's throbbing manhood through the fabric of our slacks. We had been waiting for this private time together all day long. We had fought the urges to run into one of the bathrooms stationed throughout the hallways of the hospital designated for public use. But for reasons of our own, we decided to wait. Quickies are all right if that's what you're paying for, but when two hot studs who love each other, they want to make every precious minute count. I was most unprepared for what transpired next.

"Oh, fuck, Richard!" Dave said with desperation ringing in his voice. "I can't stand this any more. I've got to see that gorgeous cock of yours!"

Before I knew what was happening, Dave had loosened the belt on my slacks, popped the button, slid the zipper to the "open" position, opened the flaps and slid them down over my hips until they fell to the floor around my ankles, leaving my tented FTL briefs fully exposed. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of my briefs, he slid them down to my knees, letting them fall alongside my slacks. Finally released from its red cotton clad prison, my cock sprang upward, slapping against my white PT smock.

I was about to offer a slight word of protestation, but words failed me when Dave, now kneeling in front of me, wrapped his hot hand around my turgid cock and began to pump it.

"Ohhhhh, Babe!" I gasped. "That feels so good! But we haven't even had supper yet."

Dave looked up at me with a sly grin and said mockingly, "What! Aren't you even going to allow me to have an appetizer before my main meal? Sheesh!" The last sentence came with slight chuckle.

The next thing I knew, my dick had disappeared from my sight and into Dave's hot, wet mouth. Oh, Gawd, did it ever feel good. But good got better when Dave's tongue started swirling around the head of my cock, and better got best when Dave's head began to bob up and down the entire length of my rock-hard shaft. Oh, my precious Dave was good. So good in fact, that he had me on the verge of shooting my wad into his hot mouth. My breathing became heavier, my eyes appeared to be glazing over, as I had a hard time focusing. Running my hands through Dave's thick, wavy hair, I pulled his head closer to me.

Sensing my approaching eruption, Dave's hands reached under my smock and undershirt and slid them upwards until he found my taut nipples. He began to caress them at first, then he started pinching them, all the while speeding up the action on my cock. That did it. I could feel my balls drawing up, and my orgasm building up.

"oooooooooh! Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh! Fuck, Dave, Baby, I-I-I'm cummmmmeeeeennnnng!" I cried as my hips thrust into the back of Dave's throat. blasting his tonsils with my hot man-cream. I was able to shoot a couple of more rounds into Dave's mouth before I finished cumming. Dave removed his mouth from my dick, and milked me like Farmer Brown's cow until every last drop of cum had been drained from my urethra.

"Just like the ad says, stud, you're good to the last drop!" Dave said, wiping the taste of my cum from his lips with his tongue. "Do you think that we ought to go to supper now? You should be hungry by now.

You just gotta love a kid with a great sense of humor. I pulled my briefs and slacks back up, and we headed for the bathroom to wash our hands, and comb our hair. As Dave was combing his hair, I looked at his reflection in the mirror. You just gotta love a kid with a beautiful countenance and so I did. When he turned around to face me, I decided that he needed a good cock sucking. I backed him up to the bathroom door and planted a kiss on his sweet lips. I broke the kiss and looked into those liquid blue eyes of his.

"I want to taste you, Dave! I need to have that cock of yours in my mouth!" I said in a husky voice.

"Well, what's stopping you?" Dave asked as he dropped his slacks right where he was standing. "We've been waiting for you, Dick and I, and wea're getting just a mite impatient."

Dave was definitely right about one thing. Dick was trying to escape the confines of Dave's briefs, so I aided and abetted Dick Stiffy from Dave's briefs, only to recapture it again in the confines of my own hot mouth. Dave moaned and shuddered as I swallowed his 8 inches of man meat all the way down to his thick, curly black pubes. It wasn't long before Dave was giving me my reward for capturing this fine, upright citizen. You gotta love a kid rewards you with his love-juice.

After washing up for the second time, Dave and I headed for the cafeteria. After selecting our entree, salad, vegetables and dessert, we headed for the cashier. We were surprised and happy to learn that Ira had stopped by the cafeteria and asked them to put our supper and breakfast on his account. It seems that Ira was really pleased with the work we had done during the day, and he wanted to reward us (we thanked Ira the next day).

Dave and I found our favorite booth toward the rear of the cafeteria and sat down to eat our supper and chat as we ate. Dave was finding it quite difficult to keep his hand away from my crotch, and I was finding difficult to resist his playfulness. Being right handed, I had to put my fork down every so often so that I could reciprocate. I could see Dave's dilemma. It was either paying attention to the meat on my plate, or play with the meat that was tenting Dave's slacks. Decisions, decisions, decisions. It's hard to have to make choices.

Finishing our meal, Dave and I sat for a few minutes at the table until our cocks went flaccid. Mission having been accomplished, we returned our trays and trash to their proper receptacles, then headed back to the therapy department. We stopped at the hospital gift shop and purchased a large bag of chips, a two-liter bottle of Pepsi, and a couple of snack cakes.

"We can snack on these later on in the evening," I told Dave

Dave looked at me with that impish grin of his and said, "Right now, the only thing that I want to snack on is your dick."

"Hmmmmm! Is your new theme song Me, So Horny?" I asked Dave, returning his grin.

"I guess you could say that," he answered with a chuckle.

Entering the therapy department, Dave locked the doors behind us as I went to the kitchenette and put the Pepsi in the refrigerator, and the chips and snack cakes in the small cupboard. We retired to the treatment area and, as we had done the night before, we placed two cots together and spread the sheets over them.

When all was in readiness, I took Dave in my arms and kissed his sweet lips. Once again our tongues were searching the depths of each others' mouth. I unbuttoned Dave's smock and opened it up. Dave's nipples were pressing hard against his tight tee-shirt. I reached out and began to caress one of the taut nubs through the fabric. This brought soft moans from Dave's throat.

"Ohhhhh, Richard! I love you so much. Please, would you mind taking my clothes off. I want you to have the pleasure of stripping me naked," Dave whispered.

"Nothing would please me more, babe," I replied as I removed his smock. I couldn't resist pinching his nipples until he started moaning again. After a few moments, I reached for the hem of the tee-shirt, lifting it up over his arms. Dave's beautiful, pink, quarter-sized tits, with their quarter-inch nipples were quite tempting. With the tee-shirt covering his face and halfway up his arms, I took each succulent nipple into my mouth, and swirled my tongue around each one. This action caused Dave to squirm and squeal"

"Fuuuck, Richard! This isn't fair. What am I supposed to do now?" he whimpered.

"All you have to do is just enjoy every sweet moment of this, babe," I replied. "I want to make you feel like the prince that your are. I want you to know just how much I love you, Dave.

I finally removed Dave's tee-shirt completely. His face was so radiantly beautiful, I couldn't resist kissing him again. As I kissed him, my right hand moved down his chest to his navel, down his wispy happy trail, slipping down inside the waistbands of his slacks and bikini briefs, down through his thick patch of pubic bush, and to the base of his nine-inch fuck pole. Dave's moans became louder as I wrapped my hand around the hardness of his cock and began to massage it. Dave squirmed as I played with his man-meat.

"Ohhhhh, baby, I love what yoiu're doing to me. Hurry and finish stripping me. I can't wait until I'm standing in front of you the way that I should be," Dave begged.

"And just how should you be standing in front of me?" I asked him.

"As naked as the day I was born, Richard!" he replied, "I want to stand in front of you so that you can see me naked."

Removing my hand from the inside of Dave's clothing, I loosened the belt that was holding up his slacks, popped the button, lowered the zipper, and, hooking my thumbs into the waistband of the slacks, I slid them down over his ass cheeks and hips until they fell to the floor. Dave was now standing in front of me clad only in tiger-striped bikini (we had both taken our shoes & socks off when we had entered the therapy department earlier). The bikini was fabulously tented by Dave's fantastic boner. Gawd! How breathtaking he looked. Hooking my thumbs into the waistband of his tiger-striped bikini, I slid the offending fabric down over his golden globes until it released its captive, causing it to spring up and slap against his smooth belly. I continued to slide the brief down Dave's thighs to his knees, where it dropped to his ankles. Dave stepped out of his slacks and bikini brief.

My beautiful, wonderful, love-of-my-life, Dave, was, as he wished to be, standing in front of me stark naked. I knelt in front of my nude Adonis, and was about to run my tongue along the edges of the head of his cock, but Dave stopped me, and helped me to my feet. "Not yet, Richard, please, not just yet!" he pleaded with me. "I want to strip you now. Is that all right with you, babe?"

"Of course it's OK with me, Dave," I replied. "After all, one good stripping deserves another.

Getting my OK, Dave proceeded to strip me of my clothing. I was getting excited. I wanted to feel the warmth of Dave's nakedness next to my own nude body. As soon as he had removed my FTL briefs, we immediately fell into each other's arms and started French kissing. As we kissed, we allowed our hands to roam over each other's nude bodies. I reached behind Dave, placed my hands on his perfectly formed alabaster globes, and as I massaged them, I pulled his crotch into my own, causing our blood-engorged cocks to come in contact with each other. We ground our hips together, and the friction that our cock heads were receiving was just like rubbing two match heads together. It was most intoxicating. I wanted Dave, Dave wanted me. We wanted each other! We needed each other. With all of the grinding and rubbing and the steamy, sex-driven passion that we were generating, I became painfully aware of a certain buildup in my groin. Dave must have felt the same urges, because, without warning, his body suddenly stiffened, and I felt his hot cum shooting against my belly and running in to my pubic hair. That threw me over the edge, and our male juices were blending together. We held each other close as we continued our orgasm, with each of us cumming about 4 more loads.

"Oh, wow! That was fucking wild! I never expected that to happen!" Dave exclaimed rather excitedly.

"You said a mouthful there, babe! That was an experience that I'll never forget," I said in agreement.

"I shan't forget it either," Dave said, "and speaking of mouthfuls, What are we going to do with all of this fine cum? I hate seeing good food going to waste."

"Well, we can do one of two things," I began. "We can take a quick shower or, we can do this."

As I had done the night before, I backed Dave close to the cots, I lifted him effortlessly and laid him on the fresh sheets. I then climbed on to the cot and laid beside him, and said, "We can clean each other off. Like you, I don't like seeing good cum going to waste. Do you want to give it a go?"

"Why not? This should turn out to be a quite tasty blend," Dave said with a chuckle.

We both turned onto our sides facing each other's crotches. We began lapping up the cum that we had shot on each other's belly, and worked down to our pubic bushes. And it was just like Dave had said. It was an exotic blend of the finest cum that two lovers could produce.

Unable to extract all of the cum from our pubes, an idea suddenly struck me. I asked Dave if he wanted to do something different. Nodding his consent, I got up from the cot and asked him to follow me, which he most happy to do. Taking Dave by the hand, I led him to the rear of the therapy room where we kept the Hubbard tank.

To those of you who may be unfamiliar with a Hubbard Tank, I offer this very, very brief synopsis: Hubbard Tank; large stainless steel tub shaped in the form of a human body; filled with warm water; patient place on canvas cot, and hoisted up, over, and into the water; several jets circulate the water around the pts. body, thus relaxing the muscles, and aiding the therapist to manipulate upper and lower extremities.

"What did you bring me in here for?" Dave asked.

"We're going to fill the tub with water as hot as we can stand it, climb in, sit down, turn on the jets, and take a nice warm, relaxing bath and let nature take it's course," I answered.

"That sounds like a great idea to me, I can hardly wait," Dave exclaimed.

Once the tub was filled, Dave and I climbed in, sat down, turned on the jets and let the warm water circulate over and around our tired bodies. It wasn't long before we were in other's arms, French-kissing, and fondling each other. We worked on each other's nipples and cocks. We even managed to plug each other's assholes with our fingers. Finally, we decided to do something that we had not yet tried as a couple. While we kissed, we masturbated each other. What a delicious feeling that was.

The pace started off slowly at first, then increased in rhythm. It wasn't long before we were both writhing in great expectation. We both felt our climaxes building up inside us. Pledging our love for each other, we watched as our cocks erupted like liquid volcanoes, spewing ropes of hot, white cum on our faces, chests, and bellies. Some even sank into our pubic hair. The cum that had fallen on our face and chest, we greedily lapped up.

"Jeeeeez, Richard, that was really wild! What made you decide to do this?" Dave asked.

"Babe, have you ever beat your meat before?" I asked.

His face turning beet red, Dave admitted that he had matrubated quite often, at least 2 or 3 times a day.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, lover," I said. "I do it 3 or 4 times a night myself. But I've always to masturbate another man while he jerked me off. Now I know just how it feels, and do you know what, Dave? I wouldn't go back to solo sex for anything."

"I'm with you on that, Richard. That was really incredible. But to tell you the truth, after last night, I prefer sucking and fucking!" Dave said.

After washing ourselves off with some liquid body soap, we exited the tub, scrubbed it up really well with antibacterial detergent. Once the tub and tub room were spic and span, we headed for the shower to really clean our bodies off well. After drying off, we headed for our very special booth.

Once in the booth, Richard spoke up:

"Richard, would you mind leaning over the cot please?" he asked.

"Sure Dave, I'll be more than happy to. What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"You'll see, lover-boy! Do I ever have a surprise for you," he said?

"Well, you make this sound quite interesting, babe. I'll be more than happy to oblige you." I said

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate this," Dave said with a tear in his eye. "I love you so much, Richard.

Dave leaned over and kissed me, and once we broke the kiss, I turned around and leaned over the cot as my young lover had requested me to. There was nothing that I wouldn't have done for him, short of murder of course.

Leaning over the table, I waited expectantly to see what my special lover had in store for me. I didn't have long to wait. Dave had scooped up a generous gob of Albolene cream, and applied to my rosebud, and worked it into my asshole. He had already greased up his turgid ramrod, so he placed the head of his cock against my pucker, and slowly pushed himself inside me. His nine-inch dagger entered its sheath until it reached the hilt, his thick, black bush grazing my ass cheeks. Once he was fully inside me, Dave was still for a few seconds until he felt that I had gotten accustomed to his fullness.

Dave began to fuck me, sliding in and out of me with the greatest of ease. His cock felt so good sliding in and out of me, that I began to meet his thrusts with a backward push of my own. Dave reached around and began to pump my Dick. It wasn't long before we both came. Dave filled my intestines with his hot cum, and I spilled my sperm on the sheets.

Ohhhhh, Dave," I whispered, "that was divine. I can't get over how you've become an expert in anal sex. Now I know why it is that I love you so much. You're sooooo sexy. We were definitely made and meant for each other."

"Thanks, Richard! I love you too, Now, be a good boy, and show your lover just how much you love him and fuck me the same way I fucked you! I want to feel that beautiful Dick of yours up my ass," Dave pleaded.

Having thus spoken, Dave leaned over the cot and waited while I greased my throbbing cock, and Dave's twitching pucker. I entered Dave's chute with the greatest of ease and began to give him a royal fucking. I wanted to make him feel as good as he had just made me feel.

The friction generated between my cock and Dave/s asshole was unbelievable, and it wasn't long before I was filling my young lover's slippery hole with the contents of my balls. When my cock had softened, and had slipped out of Dave's ass, we dragged our cum-dripping bodies to the shower room once more. We soaped each other up, scrubbed, and rinsed off. When we had finished drying off, we returned to the booth, changed the sheets, and pillow cases, put the cum-stained sheets in the washer, then headed for the kitchenette to have our bedtime snack.

While we waited for the washer to stop, we told each other just how much we loved each other. We discussed our upcoming move to my home in the country, and many things too personal to mention here.

The wash completed, we put the sheets in the dryer and went back to our special booth. Climbing into our makeshift bed, we covered up with sheet and blanket and then cuddled up together, with Dave's back pressing into my chest and the crack of his ass pushing against my hard-on. I reached over and wrapped my hand around Dave's turgid manhood. Dave let out a long sigh, as did I. Declaring once again our love for one another, we drifted off to dreamland. This was at 10:30 PM. At 4 AM, when the alarm went off, Dave and I were in the same "spoon" position.


Five years have passed since Dave and I spent those two glorious nights fulfilling our greatest sexual fantasies. We are still living together as same-sex partners in OUR home in the country. Ira has retired as head of the PT Department. At thirty years of age, I am now the department head. With some of the money that I received from my parents' estate, I was able to help Dave reach his life-long goal. He graduated magna cum laude from the Richland County School of Medicine as a Registered Physical Therapist. He is now my assistant department head in charge of the men's section, the same position that I had held before taking over as head of the department. As far as we know, no one suspects that Dave and I are lovers, and, for the sake of our jobs, it will remain that way until the intolerant behavior of the homophobes is overcome, and same-sex partners, no matter what their gender, are legally recognized as married.

Since I first wrote these stories in my Journal, Massachusetts is the only state in the union to date that has opened its arms to the GLBT community, and has granted legal status to those who wish to same-sex partners who wish to marry. My thoughts on the matter: in the words of the song made famous during the 1960's Civil Rights movement, WE SHALL OVERCOME!

Thus ends the story of Dave & Me for the time being, but it doesn't close the book on gay life in Richland. My next installment, Rashad & Jason. I think that you will enjoy this heartwarming story.


This ends chapter 5 of "Dave & Me." For now, we say good-bye to "Dave and Me," and we will welcome 2 new main characters, "Rashad & Jason." If you liked "Dave and Me," you're gonna love "Rashad & Jason" What's going to happen next? Well, I can hardly wait to tell you, so watch for the next exciting episode. If you have enjoyed this story so far, and, if you have any comments or suggestions of any kind, please feel free to write me at

Thanks, and please, read the stories that all of the fine authors have posted. They are excellent.

Happy Reading Roger Beals Richmond, Virginia United States of America

Would you ride a motorcycle without a helmet, or Work on scaffolding without a safety harness? PLAY SAFE! USE A CONDOM!

Sincerely, Roger Beals Richmond, Virginia

Next: Chapter 6

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