
By Dusty Miller

Published on Dec 26, 2019



After I got out of the Army, where I had worked in IT for four years, I got a job with a company that installed secure networks. We had a team that traveled around to job sites and ran ethernet and fiber and setup switches and servers for corporate networks that were willing to pay extra for very high security setups. After the North Korean Sony hack, CEOs started taking security seriously. It wasn't just their customers' credit card numbers being stolen anymore, now they had to actually worry about their emails too.

Some of these job sites were in city downtowns and some were in godforsaken remote areas. The standard of our accommodations varied. Sometimes it was a Hilton, sometimes it was a cots in a trailer. I preferred my own room in a Hilton downtown, since that was the best setup for a grindr hookup, which I did whenever I had the opportunity in a new city. I was enjoying being single but not celibate. But more often, the client wasn't willing to pay for single rooms and we had to share motel rooms. Or so my company said.

Three months after I had started, we were at a greenfield construction site in the middle of nowhere with not even a motel around. It was going to be a data center and we were wiring some of the special bits. We lived in a couple of trailers with portapotties outside. This must be why they liked ex-army, I thought to myself, as I trudged through the mud in the middle of the night to take a leak. I didn't use the green rocket, I just pissed out in the field in the dark under the stars.

For showers, we took a van and drove to a hockey arena in the village 5 minutes down the road. It was the most basic indoor rink you've ever seen. There was a small change room and a cinder block and concrete shower room with two faucet heads that was no bigger than a walk-in closet. The passageway between the change room and shower was barely bigger than shoulder width. It was an unusual setup that put the two guys showering in oddly close proximity, yet out of sight of anybody in the change room.

I didn't have any close friends on the crew, but I got along with everyone. On the data center job, there was a Polish guy named Tomasz that I had never worked with before. He was short, wore glasses and looked a bit scrawny and nerdy. When we went for showers, though, he took off his clothes and you could see he was really more slim and fit than scrawny. He also had the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life.

In the Army, there isn't a lot of privacy. I had seen a wide variety of cocks in the showers, to say nothing of the guys I had actually hooked up with, but I had never seen anything like this in the flesh. It was long and thick and uncut. It hung down like a hose between his legs and swung back and forth like a pendulum when he moved. The foreskin covered the head, but he was so thick that his I don't want to guess at the dimensions, just take my word for it that it was a massive tube of meat. The thought of being fucked by that thing was terrifying. I had to be careful not to stare too much, but not even a straight man could help but look at that thing.

Tomasz mostly kept to himself and didn't talk much. When he spoke, it was in good, but heavily accented English. He had been in the army too, but never talked about it. He read a lot in the evenings, on a kindle. I didn't know what books though.

One evening when my crew was taking a turn for showers at the arena, it was me and Cody in the shower room together. I had the nozzle closest to the door. When Cody was done he slipped out and Tomasz came in. As Tomasz tried to squeeze by, he accidentally brushed my cock with his hand.


"No worries!" I didn't care, or mind.

He mattered to him, though. He started to bone up.

He turned away to hide it, but it was impossible in such close quarters. Besides, it was like a flagpole.

I finished my shower and walked out. The towel hooks were in the change room at the entrance to the showers, such that you had to exit the showers on display before you got to your towel. Some perv must have designed this place.

It occurred to me that Tomasz would have to do the same parade, only with an enormous erection for everyone to see. I decided to take pity on him and took his towel back to him.

"Here," I said as I handed it to him, "you might want to cover that thing up. You could frighten someone."

"Thanks," he said gruffly.

I got dressed and waited out by the van for the others. Tomasz was the last out and we headed back.

The dining trailer was also where guys drank beer and watched movies on a projector in the evenings. Tomasz was already in there when I went in to see what the movie was that night. He motioned me over to where he was sitting at the far end when I entered.

"Do you play chess?" he asked.

"Not well," I said. "I'm way out of practice."

"Sit." He pulled a board and pieces out of tube and started to set up. I sat and helped.

He offered and I chose the fist with white. I started with a standard opening and he proceeded to beat the snot out of me over the next twenty minutes.

"You're good," I said as we shook hands.

"You are not bad," he allowed. "You could be good if you practice."

"I'll play again," I said with a smile.

As we reset the pieces, he said, very quietly, "thank you for the towel today."

"You're welcome. I didn't want to see you embarrassed."

"It was the act of a friend. And thank you for not getting upset about my...problem."

"I'm not the kind of guy to get upset about something like that."

That job ended and we had a week at home before the next two-week stint in the hinterland.

The next job, we were sharing rooms in a Holiday Inn Express in a small town in along an interstate in the middle of nowhere. When the boss posted the room list, I saw I was sharing with Tomasz. I wondered if he had requested that.

He still didn't talk much, but we were comfortable enough with each other to hang out and watch tv in our boxers in the hotel room. On Wednesday, he suggested pizza and a six pack in our room for supper. I was game.

We each had a double bed and we lay on our respective beds in our boxers with the TV on. His cock was peeking out his boxer fly. I couldn't help but sneak looks.

But after checking him out, our eyes met and I knew I had been busted. I decided to make a joke of it. "That monster cock of your just can't be contained."

He blushed, "I wish it were smaller."


"I get teased a lot."

"It's just envy when guys tease you."

"I guess you don't envy, since you don't tease me."

"I wish mine was bigger, but I like you and wouldn't embarrass you."

"I would rather be normal."


"Having a big cock doesn't help you make friends, or find a lover, or... People just think you are a freak."

"I don't have a lover either," I pointed out.

"You could. You are a good-looking man. I am too much of a nerd. And too short."

"I think you're good looking. You've got a fit body, and muscles. You're smart, and trustworthy."

"Are you gay?"

The abruptness of the question caught me off guard. But I decided to be honest. "Yes, I am."

"I always thought so, the way you look at men, the way you look at my cock."

"I hope that doesn't bother you."

"No. It is okay. It is good to be honest like that."

I smiled. "You're a good man and a good friend, Tom."

"Do you want to suck my cock?" Another blunt question.

"Only if you want me to. "

"I know you want to. I can tell. All the gay guys want my cock. Come here and suck it."

I could hardly believe that last bit, but when he fished out his semi over the band of his boxers, I knew he was serious. I got up and went over to the other bed. I knelt down between his legs and stroked that uncut monster until it was hard and leaking precum. When I took him into my mouth, he let out a big sigh.

"Ah, it has been too long."

He just lay there with his head back and eyes closed while I did my best. It was truly hard to manage. I gagged a little but gave it everything I had. I tugged off his boxers to get access to his balls, which was awkward but worth it. He really liked it when I sucked on his balls. To finally make him cum I jacked him hard while using my tongue on his knob. He cried out three times, quite loudly, then exploded in my face with three blasts of cum and the rest oozing out all over his cock and my hand and his stomach. I kept jacking him slowly but he pushed my arm away.

I was pretty fucking horny by this point and I needed to cum myself. I didn't care if it grossed him out to have a gay boy masturbating on his bed, I whipped off my boxers and jacked myself until I came. It didn't take long before I blew my own load. Usually, I shoot up to my chest, but that night I sent one shot over my shoulder past my ear and another hit me in the face.

"You shoot like a machine gun." He got up and went to the bathroom. He came back with two towels for each of us. We cleaned ourselves up.

"That was the best blow job I have had in a long time," he said.

"I'd be even better with some practice," I said with a smirk.

He pulled back the covers and started to climb into bed. I went over to the other bed to do the same.

"No. Over here. You will suck my dick again in the morning." He patted the bed as a signal. I was surprised, but I got into bed beside him. We were both naked.

"I'm glad you liked it. I'm surprised you wanted it, but I'm glad."

"I am not gay, you know. But girls cannot give as good a blow job. They do not know how."

"I've never been with a girl."

"You should try it. Everyone should not be afraid of sex, but try everything."

"Do you often get guys to suck your dick?"

"Not often. You are only the third."

"Who were the others?"

"I cannot say. It is not right to talk about it afterwards."

"I thought you said we should not be afraid of sex?"

He was silent for a minute. Finally, he said "The first was my older cousin. He sucked my dick many times from when I was thirteen. The other was someone I knew in the Army. We would study together and he would suck me. Those are the only ones."

"Thanks for telling me."

"Go to sleep now."

I rolled over on my side. He put his arm around me and spooned me. I wondered if this was going to be a regular thing and we fell asleep.

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