Gay/celebrity/Loving A God

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jun 3, 2012



Avengers/Marvel/DC/WHATEVER. If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to to keep the site running. Reach me at and enjoy.

Loving A God-1

I layed on my bed beaten and abused by my father. He did this every day....he would drink, rape and then beat me. It started when I was 10 years old. My mom was killed by a drunk driver, it was horrible. My dad forgot to come home, he was so drunk. He would make it to the porch, and I pulled him inside slowly.

Then he started making it inside, sleeping on the couch. He started drinking at home to just skip coming home. Then he started getting for no reason, yelling at things that weren't even there.

Then it got worse....he struck me. He said he was sorry, even wrapped his arms around me and cried repeating his apology over and over again.

Eventually he stopped caring and even said it was my fault....that if I wasn't alive she wouldn't have worked two jobs. He began saying stuff like I reminded him of her. That is where the raping started, no matter how I kicked and screamed.

(9 years later)

It was my 19th birthday....I was leaving. NYU....finally able to leave this hellhole on a full scholarship. I looked at myself in the mirror my pale lean tight muscular body. Baby I was ripped, I rubbed a hand down my abs. My plump pink lips stood out against my white flesh. My unnatural golden colored eyes stood out against my platinum hair that reached my lower back ( dad never wanted my hair short.) The ends were black about two inches in length. I parted it so it covered my right eye....going Aaliyah today.

I played "Over and Over" by Nelly played on my Ipod speakers as I got dressed. Today....I'm leaving....I said over and over in my head. I needed this.... to be free.

I slipped black skinnies and a black and grey stripped shirt I swear I thought of Wednesday Addams wearing it. I placed my black converse shoes on and put on my silver heartless necklace. Putting on black guyliner that made my eyes pop!

I stopped the song and put my ipod in my pocket, and packed the last of my things. Carrying my last box to my friends car. My dad was waiting by the door. "You still believe your leaving?" He said with a taunting lecherous smile. "I'm pretty confident." I said with a smile, setting down my box. My Dad's face turned red and veins appeared. He rushed me, missing me as I moved and watched my dad trip over the box.

"Hey is this going to take long? Cause I gotta go." I said with a crooked smirk, he yet again rushed me. His fist making contact, yet I felt no pain or even an impact. I looked on as my dad yelled in pain holding his hand. "What the fuck!" He yelled in pain and anger.

"I think my hand is broken." He said, as I grabbed the box and opened the door, accidentally ripping the door off it's hinges and I set it down on the floor. Wow this is a freaking crazy day....I have superpowers! I said, that's the only thing I could think of.

"Get this fixed along with your hand, or people will just waltz right in." I said walking to the car and putting the box in. Getting inside of the car as Jason and I drove off.

"What was that?!" Jason said finally coming to grips of what just happened, "No idea." I said telling him about what happened and the crazy experiences I have had lately.

Like not getting hurt, being really strong. My senses have gotten better. How I sneezed and it blew leaves off my front lawn and into the street. "Dude! You're becoming superman!!!" He yelled in excitement, as we started thinking back to all the the times we watched superman and all the other super hero's save the world time and time again.

How I hated them. I went through hell for a decade and they haven't once saved me....I saved myself. "Lithium" by Evanescence played in my ears as I just sat there in my hatred. Jason knew what was wrong but never mentioned it....he didn't want to deal with the storm.

(Hours Later)

We had made it to New York City. The first thing that happened was we got a flat tire. We were alone at night in a bad neighborhood. Gunshots were heard, Jason jumped inside the car and locked the doors. "Hey! Open the door." I said in annoyance, he was afraid of everything!

"Sup faggot?" I turned seeing a tanned man dressed in baggy clothes. "I don't want trouble." I said he just kept walking towards me, "Trouble always finds faggots." He said, punching my stomach before pulling his hand back in pain. "Fuck!" He yelled pulling out a gun, I screamed in terror as he pointed it at me. Hearing the gun go off but felt nothing, I looked to see the bullet on the floor.

"What the fuck! You one of them supers?" He said taking steps back, "Listen I don't want any trouble." He said before running off, tripping over a trashcan.

I punched through glass to the car and unlocked the door manually, as I pulled the door open I accidentally ripped the door off the hinges. I sat in the car and held the door to the side. Making it look like I was hanging my arm out the door. "Dude! He shot you!" Jason yelled pointing to the hole in my shirt, but no injury.

"You're a fucking super hero!!!" Jason yelled on surprise and awe. "Let's see super strength, indestructibility. Senses? Anything else?" I looked at him with a "Are you serious" look, "How am I suppose to know?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Try. Like focus on something." He said making half sense. He said making half sense. I focused looking forward at a fire hydrant, I felt intense heat leaving my eyes. Jason gasped, as bright red beams left my eyes. Melting the glass instantly and it melted the fire hydrant to a degree that the water began to gush out.

"See! It's like you have superman's powers. Try something else." He said excitedly.

I blew hard thinking cold and through the hole a large stream of wintery air left my lips and immediately froze the water into a polar of ice.

"I'm friends with a superhero!" Jason yelled happily. "Hey can you fix the door?" He asked with a smile. I held the door to the hinges and focused again thinking of heat. The rays left again as I melted the door to the car.

"Thanks superman!" Jason joked.....I could feel his staring burning a hole in my head. "What?" I asked annoyed, "I just wondered how strong you are....and if you can fly?" I smirked, "Wanna find out?" I asked getting curious myself. He nodded frantically, we stepped out of the car and I put my hands under the car.

I lifted, it felt as light as a feather. It rose and rose and rose, I was literally holding the car as if it weighed nothing! Funny thing was it didn't even bother me at all. I switched to one Pinky and it still caused no trouble at all.

I placed it down safely and looked at my hands. "Hayden....that. was. AWESOME!" Jason exclaimed, happily. "Try flying." He said clapping.

"Okay...." I thought of myself...floating. I closed my eyes and imagined. I started feeling weightless, I looked down I was at the very least 10 feet in the air. I leaned and I shot through the sky!

"Aaaaah!!! How do I fly this thing!!" I said thinking it was ME flying... I stopped leaning and looked around. Moving as I would to turn and I began turning. Leaning again, I flew back to Jason. Landing roughly on the car making a huge dent. I didn't even feel it...not even a little.

"Hey! Now how am I going to deal with this?" Jason said tapping his foot. "You said to try out my powers." Wow I would need to get use to that.

"I didn't say destroy the car." He said getting inside the car, as I put my hand on the top and pushed fixing the dent.

"Hey....why don't I just fly us to NYU?" I asked, Jason got scared, "No! You aren't use to your powers." He said breathing hard. "Nah. Just stay inside." I said getting out and lifting the car. Jason screamed like a and he's straight? I laughed and we began flying in the air as I held the car over me.

He played music to relax..."Gold Digger" by Kanye West.

I zoomed through the air and landed on the campass parking lot softly. "See I'm getting better at this." I said sitting the car down, people walking the campass around us staring directly at me.....and not the freak playing this song!!!

"Hi." I said smiling, going about my business. I grabbed my bags, "Alright. I'll see you later. Going to check in." I said, Jason's eyes were wide as he was gripping the steeringwheel in a kung fu death grip. He swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

I laughed as I rose and flew through the air to the office.

° ° ° ° °

I have been practicing my powers for a few weeks now. I haven't focused on my classes, yet I still pass. Reason being is that my intellect has grown and I didn't need to learn. Jason and I have been hanging out a lot more than usual....he has me fly him around the city. He enjoys my parents almost as much as I do.

Lately I have been hearing a lot of trouble in the city. Jason said I should help out now, since I'm a superhero...I should be official.

° ° ° ° °

I flew around the city in a lame costume that Jason had someone make for all silver battle armor. I felt like I was wearing a lame 80's space suit...the one the big headed bald aliens wear.

Okay it wasn't as bad as I was making it. It looked like Laura Croft's swim suit in her second movie, except it's all silver.

I heard screaming and flew to the location to see someone getting mugged. The guy ran off, I zipped in front of him. He ran into me looking as if he ran into a brick wall. "You know you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents in her purse. I'm guessing that's not what you were going for though." I commented, grabbing the purse and pulling him up. I began flying to the lady dropping the purse in her lap, "Thank You!" She yelled as I flew off with the guy, to the police station.

I just "dropped" him off in the trashcan and handed him over. "Wait! What's your name?" They asked, some taking pictures. "Umm...Paragon?" I said, it sounded okay.

I flew off into the sky.

° ° ° ° ° "Hayden! You're on the news." Jason said rushing into my room and turning the channel. "You're official. Paragon? Awesome name!!!" He exclaimed happily, "Dude you are so lucky!" "Yeah....I" I said too low for him to hear.

Avengers HQ

"Look! It's a new hero! He goes by Paragon!" One said, "That's a much hair he looks like a woman." Another person said. "What's wrong with long hair?" Thor asked the kids. "Uh...nothing!" "Nothing at all!" Thor smirked looking at the Tv. Paragon? "We should look into adding him as a member." Logan aka Wolverine said.

(That's the first chapter. Hope you like it. Reach me at

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