Geeks' Mutual Protection Society

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 18, 2007




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



I strutted into my new school with my old letterman jacket on and an attitude to match. I was going to own this school, soon as I made it on the football team and won a few games. But for now, I had to settle in the minds of the school body just who I was and what to do when I came around, which was to give me respect and give me room.

My first chance to prove it was on the steps of the school. A dozen and a half concrete steps, and this Poindexter was laboring up them with the mother of all backpacks on his back. He was already off-balance, all I had to do was give him a shove at the right moment as I walked by him, and he went tumbling down the steps, squawking like a parrot with a toothache! I snorted as I walked on up the steps. A couple of football players were at the top, staring down at the scene with a look of horror. What the hell was this? As I walked by them, I said, "Hell, he's just a geek!"

They muttered in disbelief. Well, I was new, they didn't know me yet.

The second opportunity came during the lunch hour. A chubby little bastard wearing gray sweatpants and sweatshirt (probably all he could fit into!) was making his way down the narrow path between the tables in the lunchroom, a heavily loaded lunch tray in his pudgy hands. By tripping him, I could make that cream pie he had get him right in the puss.

It smushed very nicely as he fell, and my laughter cut across the lunchroom like an eagle's cry of success. Odd that it was the only one. "Hey, big guy, better watch where you're going." I said to fill in the silence. There was a lot of muttering as the tub-of-lard got up and went over to the table of losers he was heading for. I watched in some surprise as a guy wearing the school letterman jacket took over to the fat fucker a tray of food and took away the one he had splattered over himself. And he cast a dirty look my way. I looked at the group of football players I had pegged earlier, the table I wanted to sit at soon as I could make the team. They were looking my way with...was that pity? Disapproval?

I was at my locker a bit later when another one of the losers, this one a tall, gangly drink of water, too uncoordinated to play on the basketball team, not to mention that pocket protector in his shirt. "What do you want, you freak?" I snarled. I had been pretty badly shunned by the members of the football team during tryouts, a lot of muttering aimed my way. I didn't like the vibes, but was damned if I'd let it bother me. I'd hear the coach's decision by the end of the week, meanwhile, I had my own reputation to consider here.

"You are summoned to be judged by the G.M.P.S." this nerd declared. "Be at the Audio-Visual Department for the hearing by the Council at three-thirty this afternoon."

"Aw, screw your council of geeks!" I sneered. "I'm going to be on the football field after school, training. So piss off!"

"You will be present at the Council hearing." the nerd intoned and walked away.

I turned to Jeremy McCarthy, a guy on the football team who had the locker near mine. "Can you believe that garbage." I said to him.

He shook his head. "You got to go!" He said to me. "You got to go! It's going to be so, so bad if you don't go!" Jeremy was this big hunk of a guy with deep black hair, a movie-star face, and a body that the muscle mags would drool to put on their cover. And this big guy was afraid of the geeks?

"What the hell is going on here?" I wanted to know.

"You got to go to the Council and accept their judgment." He said to me. "If you don't, every one of those guys is going to come after you. They can hack into the school computer, and suddenly, your grade point average is a set of straight 'F's.' They can get your classes reassigned, you end up in home economics and art appreciation, and classes set the same period as football practice. Man, you really should have waited and talked to us before you started pushing the geeks around. The geeks here, they're organized. Now it's too late. You got to go take your punishment."

"Like hell I will." I said. "I can take any geek in this place."

"That's the trouble." Jeremy commiserated with me. "You can take any one geek. Or even two or three. But they're all in it together. They'll gang up on you and take you down. All the way down. If you want a chance at a football scholarship for college next year, you'll go to the Council and take whatever punishment they mete out." Jeremy shook his head. "You poor sap."

I still wouldn't have gone, except when I went to the locker room after the class, the Coach himself stopped me. "Sorry, Langer, you have an appointment at the Audio-Visual Department." he told me. The look on his face was odd, like a deer in the headlights of an automobile on the highway. "Come back tomorrow. We'll let you work out with the team then."

So I had to go to the AV Department. Had to look up where it was on the school map. Down in the basement, of course. Only place to stick a pack of geeks!

There were three geeks at a table, and they had on these dumb robes. "What's this, a Dungeons & Dragons convention?"

"That's tomorrow after school." one of them added eagerly. "Do you play? We need an extra fighter at the fifteenth level. Are you fifteenth level or higher?"

"I don't play that crap." I said. "And only the geekiest of the geeks do!"

"Derek Langer, you are accused of twice disrespecting and misusing members of the G.M.P.S. More specifically, this morning before classes, you deliberately pushed Howard Mitchison and caused him to fall down the stairs in front of the school. Then at lunch, you tripped Timothy Chalmers and made him fall onto his lunch tray. How do you plead to these charges?"

"How do I plead?" I said. "Hell, yeah, I did that! You got a problem with that, I'll take you down and let you eat a little dirt from the schoolyard. You can't hide from me if I get pissed, you bunch of freaks!"

"You have all heard him." the geek in the center intoned. His dignity was marred because he promptly wheezed, and had to pull out an inhaler and take a few puffs on it. "What say the Council?" He got out after a moment or two.

"He intends to continue his actions against the membership." the one on the right said. He was the Dungeons & Dragons guy. "Whatever we do must prevent his further depredations, or we shall return to the dark days of evil, when the evil footballosaurs ruled the school."

"Yes, we must arrange a punishment for him that also carries with it the fear of others learning about it." The third guy said. His acne was something horrible, I don't think a single spot of his face wasn't distorted with a pimple or blotch. "I suggest that we use Melvin on this one. And for the rest of it?"

"Let the two who were injured step forward."

The skinny geek from the morning and the chubby-butt from the lunchroom were there.

"The G.M.P.S. hereby permits you to exact retribution from this jock who has transgressed against you. You know what Melvin does and why, so go to it."

"So what are Pencilneck and Thunderthighs going to do to me?" I said. "And what makes you think I'll put up with it."

"Because if you don't, we will arrange to prevent your inclusion on the football team." the Head Geek said. "We know that you came to this school for the football team, to improve your chances for a scholarship. You even hope to play professional football someday. We not only can prevent you from playing football here, but we also can prevent your father's corporation from transferring him to another town. You'll stay right here until we decide to let you go, and we won't let you go until your chances for a football career is so much dust."

"Why, you sniveling little piece of crap." I said. "What makes you think I'll do what you tell me to?" But I was shaken. Dad had spent his life with the firm, and he had already pulled every string he had to get his job in this town, for me. He couldn't do it again, and as for him quitting and taking another wouldn't happen, not after him investing twenty years into the job.

"You need only accept your punishment here tonight, and thenceforth avoid any deliberate actions against our membership." the D&D Geek said.

"So, what are they going to do to me?" I wanted to know.

"By pushing Howard and tripping Timothy, you humiliated them. They will now humiliate you, the best way possible to humiliate a jock. By taking away your machismo."

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked, but then I was swarmed with nerds. I hadn't realized that they had gotten up behind me in a group like that. But the next thing I knew I was being spread out onto the table of the Three Wise Geeks, and I squirmed, but with two guys each on each arm and each leg, I was held firm. Then my sneakers were pulled off and my socks, and then they went after my pants. "What are you going to do, you pack of weirdos?" I said. "I'm going to whale on each and every one of you after this is over. I promise you that. No geek will be safe in this town until I get you all back!"

"Ignore his words." the Head Geek declaimed. "They will be proven empty before we are done. It was thus a year ago, and two years ago. The threats are empty once we finish with him."

I didn't like the sound of that, but I stopped fighting, going to wait on my chance, and then, I was going to throw geeks around like so many dried cow patties at a country bumpkin's cow-pie tossing contest!

"You want to take this end, Howie?" the chubby guy asked. He was at my naked end, that is, between my legs still held by snickering geeks. "You can if you want to."

"No, that's okay, Tubby." Howie said. A nasal voice, how come the skinny geeks always have a nasal tone in their voices? "You make him squeal at that end and I'll plug him up at this end."

Squeal why? And plug how? I looked down at Chubby. There was a huge belly roll of fat there, but I realized. "No!" I said, and began to struggle again. "No way! No way!"

"If you don't, you can kiss your scholarship good-bye." the Acne Geek said. "I have an uncle who sells used cars, you can work for him after you get out of school. Would you like that? He's going to make me a partner in his dealership when I graduate from college, and you can work for me. Or would you like to stick to flipping burgers at the McDonald's?"

I sank down. If these geeks couldn't deliver on their promised threats, then why were the football team members, including the Coach, scared of them? Yes, they could do it, they could mess up my life and keep it messed up until I did what they said. I tried to speak, couldn't, choked, drew a shuddering breath and said, "Okay, then. But just this once, damn it, don't any of you fuckers try for a second time with me or I'll hunt you all down and damn the consequences!"

"So long as you avoid harm to the G.M.P.S. and all its members, you will not have to return here." the Head Geek said as Tubby (what other nickname do they give the walking beachball?) began to maneuver his dinky little cock blindly (he couldn't see that dick with all that blubber blocking his view) up to my ass.

"Okay, Langer." came the nasal voice of the skinny geek I had flipped down the stairs that morning. "Time to say hello to the whanger! Ah-henh-henh-henh-henh! SNORT!" God, that nasal laugh! And he ended it with a snort full of mucus that bounced off the walls!

I had to ignore all that fat scraping my inner thighs somehow, so I looked up to see what this Pencilneck had for me. "Oh, my God!" I gasped when I saw it.

This geek may be a pencilneck, with pencil-arms and pencil-legs, but there was nothing pencil-like about his cock. It was the fattest damned dong I'd ever seen! Good God, if he could manage to show that to the girls, they'd chase after him and to hell with his personality! He was bigger than me! Bigger than anyone I'd ever seen! "Oh, my God!" I said again as he managed to somehow strain enough blood out of his skinny body to fill that huge pud full and get it stiff, and he aimed it at me!

"Open for the whanger, Langer!" the Pencilneck guffawed. "Larry here wants you to get to know him! Open the railroad track, here comes the choo-choo train!" Like I was some kid in a high-chair being coaxed to eat something he didn't want. Well, I didn't want!

"Nu-uh!" I groaned, my mouth tightly closed.

"Scholarship." the Pencilneck taunted me. "Pro football. We can get your name onto the try-out rosters when the time comes, if you're nice to little Larry here."

"Oh, God!" I sighed and I opened my mouth. I was the fuck-toy of a couple of geeks! All the geeks, they were watching my misery! All I'd wanted to do was impress the guys on the football team at a new school! I wouldn't have kept picking on them, well, not especially so, after I was in with the team!

And "Larry" came sliding into my mouth. This geek had no finesse to it at all, well, how is a geek supposed to know how to give someone a good cock-insertion? I was lucky he was going slow to begin with! I knew a little about cocksucking, at least in principle, and I began trying to work up my saliva, coat this monstrous schlong and hope this geek was a fast comer!

I had forgotten about Tubby, honest! I guess the pause was his getting his pud greased up somehow, maybe someone under the table helping him aim it, because God knows, I don't think the Fatso would be able to reach the thing himself! All I know is that Tubby's chubby started knocking at my door, and I only felt relief to discover that not only was his chubby the skinniest part of his body, but also that he had managed to get it all slicked up for me.

Tubby had both my legs clamped to his chest in a vise, and he was using that to help keep the bulk of his stomach out of the way, and he pushed in what felt like about five inches of not-too-fat cock into my butt. Really, if you have to get fucked by someone you don't want fucking you, I recommend someone like Tubby here, he wasn't big enough to bother me much, it was about like having a turd pushing itself in instead of pushing out. Distending my sphincter, but not stretching it any further than it had to go anyhow.

This left my body free to work on managing my other geek's pud, Mr. Pencilneck Wonderschlong! God, I was stretching my jaws out wide as I could get it, he was pushing that huge prick into my mouth, and I didn't have a third of it down me, yet. Forget about breathing, I was more concerned with the mauling my tonsils were about to get!

He got his cock about halfway down my mouth and throat, and that seemed to be as far as it was going to go. He was still hunching at me, but he wasn't getting anywhere. I started milking at his pud as he pulled it out to try to ram it in again, and after a few strokes like that, Pencilneck seemed to get the idea and I was spared any deeper incursions with that tunneling machine he carried between his legs.

So there I was, impaled between two geeks, a tiny dick in my butt and a monster dong in my mouth, and I finally figured out what Melvin was for, he must be the guy who was running the videocamera and capturing the scene for posterity. I understood now about their keeping me from doing anything in future, if I tried anything else with these geeks, they had the video to pass around to anyone who wanted to see, to see Derek Langer servicing two cocks attached to the two worst physical specimens you'd ever not want to see naked!

Humiliation. Right. I cringed at the thought of them showing this to people, I cringed even at the thought of them seeing it again. Would these geeks have a popcorn-and-a-movie night out of it, and watch it. Would they turn the tables on me and show it to any girl I tried to make into my girlfriend? I was truly going to be under their thumb for as long as I went to this school.

Humiliated, subdued, then, I just wanted this to be over, and the best way to do that was to get these two pitiful specimens of manhood off. I commenced to sucking Wonderpud in earnest, and I even managed a bit of fucking back at Tubby's slim pud. You know, that dick wasn't feeling so bad in there at all. Kind of like the doctor who gives you the physical and slips his finger up there to feel your prostate? They aren't supposed to start doing that to you until you're about forty years ago but some doctors get off on doing it to a young teenaged boy, I guess, and so I'd had a doctor's fingers rubbing my prostate gland. He told me what he was doing, and I didn't tell him what it was doing to me, which was giving me a really major erection. He rubbed and rubbed it for a time, and then the nurse came in which was good, because if he'd kept it up, I would have creamed on his examination table. Well, this dong was doing the same thing and there wasn't any chance of him stopping it any time soon. Chubby Tubby Timmy was out of breath and a lackluster lover, but that cock stroking my prostate made up for a lot of his shortcomings. I threw a huge woodie and the geeks all stared at it and snickered and giggled and whispered. I didn't care about then, I just wanted to get this over with, and me shooting a load wouldn't make things any worse, so why the hell not?

So I slurped on the hugest pud I'd ever seen and I let this chubby fucker fuck me, and by closing my eyes I could actually imagine I was enjoying it. I gave those two geeks the ride of their lives, I flatter myself by thinking now, and Pencilneck was howling and groaning and muttering about he was nauseous, he was nauseous, oh, God, oh, God, I'm nauseous, OH, GOD, OH, GOD, OH, GOHHHHHHH, GUH, UH, HNNNNNKKKKKKSNOR-R-R-R-R-T!"

And with that snuffling whine of mucus inhalation, Pencilneck creamed his load down my throat, he was whimpering like a kicked puppy on acid, and I took the entire chunky wad-packets down and swallowed them and Pencilneck let go of me, and I looked down at Tubby, all red-faced and breathless.

"Hey, Tub of Lard, let's roll you over onto the bottom and I'll finish you off that way." I offered.

"Really?" the fat jerk asked.

"Sure, let's get this fuck the fuck over with." I said. "You want to tape me, well, I'll give you something to tape. I'll ride this fat fuck all the way off and then I'll get dressed and if a geek ever gets in my way again, I won't leave a smear big enough to bother mopping up! Come on, Lard-butt, get on the table and I'll ride you."

Tubby was dubious but he did it, and I got on top and managed to worm that dick back into me. Ooh, that felt even better, so I rode that dinky little pud until Tubby either came or had a heart attack (they sound alike to me!) and when he was done, I climbed off of him. My own cock was roaring by then, so I turned around, gave my pud a few whacks and I splattered that tub of butter with my own spunk. "That's for making me do all the work!" I sneered as I finished.

"The Council has been lenient with you." the Head Geek intoned as I put on my pants. "We will not be so gentle if you are brought into our presence again, I must warn you."

"Yeah, yeah." I said. "Listen up, you pack of pencil-necked, acne-faced, nasal-voiced, mucus-sucking, butt-scratching geeks, you stay the fuck away from me and I'll do the same! You want anything more from me, you can fight me for the privilege, you got me! Nobody does this to Derek Langer twice!" I got my pants up and grabbed my shoes and socks and got the hell out of there.

That was my only visit to the Geeks Mutual Protection Society (I'm assuming that is what the G.M.P.S. stood for, nobody ever told me). And I wasn't too interested in bothering the geeks, anyhow, after I got on the football team. Nobody said anything about me missing that first afternoon of training, and after a week or so, I was pretty much putting it behind me.

Then, about two weeks later, I was at my locker again with Jeremy and we were talking when the Head Geek himself walked up. He had a half-dozen of his buddies with him, so I guess he was feeling cocky. "Hey, Derek." he said to me like we were old friends.

"What do you want, you freak?" I said to him.

"Nothing." he said. "Just glad to see two of our former miscreants are behaving themselves so well. Have you two compared notes? You have a lot in common, you know." And snorting that disgusting mucus-filled laugh of theirs, the geek pack moved on.

I looked over at Jeremy, and his face told me everything. He beat me to the next line by a heartbeat. "They did it to you, too, huh?"

"Yeah." I said. I had names to put on the two Geeks that had screwed me that day. "Tubby and Howard were the two who got me. How about you?"

"You had Howard, too?" Jeremy said. "God, did he fuck you with that thing?"

"No, no." I said. "I had to suck it though. God, my jaw was sore for a week."

"So was my butt." Jeremy said. "You were lucky."

"Yeah, Tubby has this tiny little dick, but you know, I kind of enjoyed that part." I admitted.

"Yeah?" Jeremy looked at me. "Just what are you saying here?"

I put a hand on Jeremy's shoulder. "Just offering to reminisce with a buddy of mine." I said. "Someone who knows all about what you went through."

"I could use some reminiscing." Jeremy said and his hand went up to cover mine. "How about tonight after practice. You could come to my place, my parents won't be home until late."

"Sounds good." I said. "We'll see how I measure up to Howard. I know you can beat Tubby for sure."

"Yeah." Jeremy smiled and, two good buddies with their arms around each other's shoulders, we walked off to our next class.


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Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.



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