Genderqueer Sex

By Eli Me

Published on Dec 21, 2020


Thanks to the folks who've told me they enjoyed part one of this story. I am completely reliant on emails to know what people think and I'm VERY needy, lol! If you liked what you read, let me know at

This is part two of what will probably be a three-part story. There's a character with an accent in this part. I apologize now if his dialogue comes across as funny instead of sexy, but in my head it was super hot!

This story contains explicit sexual content between adults. Also, don't forget to donate to Nifty to keep the archive going!


End of Part 1:

"Yes, yes, oh Lorde, fuck yes!" I put my arms around her back and pulled her chest into mine, while desperately humping her leg. My diclet was pulsing wildly as my cunt thrust against her. Eventually I stilled, resting my body on top of hers, with my head in the crook of her neck, breathing hard, her hands rubbing gently over my back and ass.

After a few minutes of quiet BJ said "Damn were good at this!"

I chuckled, "Yeah, we are, aren't we?"

Part 2:

I should probably back up and explain how BJ and I ended up fucking that night and the other activities she alluded to... A few weeks after that first rehearsal, Sarah and I met up at a local coffee shop. She was visibly nervous when she arrived, looking a little flustered, carrying stacks of music scores, a few books, and yellow notebook with several of the first few pages already filled with writting. I had gotten to the place about an hour early and was grading papers when she walked in, so I didn't even notice her arrive until she walked up to the table. "Hi Sam! You look busy" she said looking around at the stack of papers I had spread around the table, "if you've got too much going on we can reschedule, it's really no problem."

"No, no, I've been looking forward to this," I said, as I gathered things up, "I got here early to do some grading. I get bored working in my office, so it's a nice change of pace."

She smiled and put her things down as I made room, "I feel totally out of my league here, I'm so glad you're taking the time to meet with me."

I smiled warmly back, trying to put her at ease, "I'm sure you're better prepared that you think you are."

We spent the next few hours working our way through her ideas on music for the season, talking about who was represented and who was left out, in terms of composers, lyricists and musical genres. I learned how smart Sarah was and how much she cared about using the visibility and prestige of our choir to get music by non-traditional composers more visibility. I even convinced her to start offering a pay-what-you can option for tickets, to make our concerts more accessible to folks who couldn't afford $30 per seat. I warmed to her quickly, even though I was still grieving the loss of our previous AD. I was excited at what this year singing with her would be like!

Later that evening I texted Riley: Me - Ok, Sarah is actually pretty great, I think this might be a fun choir-year! Riley - Oh good, what changed your mind? Just the few rehearsals we've had? Me - that helped, but I just spent a few hours with her talking about rep and prorgramming, she's got some exciting ideas Riley - I'm glad that happened, the Board told her to connect with you on that Me - yeah, we finally did, did you know that she minored in women's and gender studies? Riley - no, didn't realize that Me - she's really fucking sharp, and is willing to take risks! Riley - it sounds like you two really hit it off Me - we totally did, she's not exactly hard on the eyes either... Riley - she's very much your type, creative, artsy, smart, progressive, there are so few of us! :-) Me - sounds like she's in a serious relationship, but fun to think about, for sure!

Riley was 100% right, Sarah was exactly my type. Once we chatted for a bit her shyness wore off and her fierce, firey self came through. Talking about music with her was incredible, she has so many ideas and knows everyone, it was easy to get lost in the possibilities! We started to connect in non-musical ways, too. She was a little younger than me, but we had a lot in common. Her hazel eye were so earnest and endearing and she laughed with her whole body! She also had seemingly effortless style, even if we were just going to the farmers market on a Sunday morning she could make denim overalls and a flannel shirt look, somehow, put together.

We didn't have the kind of relationship where we talked about our partners incessantly (mine non-existent), but I did know her's used "he" pronouns and had some affiliation with the University. Since they were new in town and didn't know many people, Sarah and I spent a lot of time together and got close quickly.

After rehearsal one week where BJ was in rare form, flirting away, as Sarah and I were cleaning up she asked, ""What's the deal with you two any way?"

"BJ? Oh, she's always like that, it's just our dynamic."

"Have you ever...." she left the question hanging.

"Ha, no, she's a goofball, we're just having fun."

"She IS a rather good looking goofball, you could do worse."

I blushed a bit, "yeah, she's really come into her own in the last few years. I don't know, I guess I still think of her as a kid.

"Yeah, a soccer-playing, smart, angel-voiced kid who's in her mid-20s" Sarah teased some more.

Then I heard a distinctly German, baritone voice from the back of the room "Hi Sarah, I brought the music you asked for, verh shall I put it?"

I turned and saw hottie-coffee-shop-guy, aka Peter, walking in carrying a cardboard box full of scores. I was gobsmacked! I knew her partner had some connection to the University, but I had no idea he was the man I had been lusting after since the start of the semester!

"Bring it over here, I'll unlock the office in a minute." Sarah responded.

He put the box down on a table near where she was standing. I stood there, holding a shopping bag with trash I'd collected from the snack table, staring at the suave, sleek, sexy hunk of human I'd been lusting after for weeks on end chatting with Sarah. I was frantically searching my memory, what was her partner's name, again, what was it? I could only remember her referring to him with pet names. She MUST have said his name at some point. My thoughts were interrupted when Sarah said, "I'm so glad you two finally get to meet in person! Peter, this is Ari, Ari, this is my sweetie, Peter."

Peter cocked his head a bit, looking quizical as I approached "I see you in the coffee-shop on campus, no?"

"Yes, that's me, I recognize you from there, too. But I didn't realize you were... who you were"

"So, you two noticed each other, huh...?" Sarah teasingly asked.

Peter didn't miss a beat, slipped his arm over my shoulder, snuggled up to me and said "Damn, you have discovered our torrid love affair and now it must end, curses!" and all three of us laughed. I could feel myself blushing madly, especially feeling his firm body pushed against mine. As we separated I caught his eye and I could swear we shared...something, a moment, a connection? I don't know, but there was something there.

The next time Sarah and I got together she told me how much Peter talked about me and how glad he was to meet me.

"I was so caught off guard when he walked in, I was like, why is the coffee-shop-guy here?"

Sarah laughed, "Yeah, he basically had the same reaction. It's funny that you each noticed the other on campus but never actually talked."

"It's crazy, because I knew his name was Peter but I just never put two and two together, that he was YOUR Peter! And I've got to be honest, he's easy to notice."

She giglled a bit, "Yeah, he's handsome. I didn't think you were into guys, though?"

"I've not dated any cis guys, but I'm certainly attracted to them, even more so in the last few years."

"Hmmmmm, are you saying you're attracted to Peter...?" Sarah asked, teasingly.

I laughed, "well, maybe just a teeeny bit! He's a great dresser, attractive, a professor, not to mention that accent!"

"I know, right, the accent got me too!"

Then Sarah sighed heavily.

"Is everything ok? I haven't gone too far, have I?"

"Oh, no, no, it's not that. It's just that things haven't been great between Peter and I lately."

"Oh no, oh I'm sorry, that sucks." She just nodded.

"Do you want to say more?"

"It's the sex, actually, it's gotten so boring."

"How long have you been together again?"

"About six years. I mean, we both find each other sexy and hot, but getting freaky has just gotten really stale and boring."

"Oh, that's no fun."

"Tell me about it. I've actually thought about asking to open our relationship up, but I think it might freak him out."

"Adding a third, or more, can be super hot, but it can go really wrong, too, so I understand your worry."

We were quiet for a moment before I added, "Have you considered asking him if you can bring in a third person just to watch you two having sex? Like a third, but only as an observer, not a participant?"

Her face brighted up, "No, but I really like that idea."

"It's much less threatening, if he's not into it he'll just think you're a little more adventurous than him, but he probably won't think you want to have sex with someone else.

"Totally, that could be really, really hot, too, having someone watch us together. Damn!" I got a bit lost as I imagined what watching these two utterly delectable humans ravish each other would be like.

"Have you ever been in a threesome?" she asked, pulling me out of my fantasy.

"Me? Uhhh, well, yeah, but not since I was in my twenties, and always with cis women."

"Damn, is it as hot as it seems?"

"They were exciting, but they were mostly a result of being in the right place at the right time, ya know? I've never tried to do the poly- thing." Sarah noded.

"So wait, have you never been with a cis guy before, then?"

"Only in my very adventurous fastasies! And of course, porn."

"And you were interested enough in Peter to have noticed him in a coffee shop?"

I was blushing, and getting turned on. It was clear Sarah wasn't angry, if anything she seemed a little...excited, maybe? "Ummmm, well, I mean, yeah. He's really attractive, I definteily looked forward to seeing him a few times a week."

"You academics are so awkward, you should have just said hello!"

"I know, I know, we're not so good at being, you know, human, and talking about something other than our work."

"And Peter can be pretty aloof. Speaking of sexy people, though, what about BJ? I know you're not looking for a relationship, but that could be really fun!"

"Yeah, it really would be. We're toeing the line, I'm flirting back far more than I have before. We'll see where things go." _________

A few hours after I got home from hanging out with Sarah that day, she texted me:

Sarah- I brought up the idea of brining in a third person to watch and Peter jumped on it, he's totally into it! Me - omg, yes, that's going to be so hot! Sarah - there's more Me-????? Sarah- his response to me posing the question about having someone watch was, "can it be Sam? The person who watches?"

Now, what I wanted to write back was, "hell yes I'll watch you two have sex any time! What about now, does now work for you?" But I didn't know how Sarah would take that, so instead I said:

Me - Me? He asked if I could be the one to watch?

I honestly was a bit curious, I mean I'm not a hideous troll or anything but he and I just met.

Sarah- He told me he's bi and that you remind him of his first male lover, he's really hot for you. Me- whoa

This was partially a true reaction but also partially me not wanting to freak Sarah out, I mean her long time and so-far-monogamous partner just admitted he was attracted to me!

Sarah - I fucking love the idea of Peter with a man, he's always had that metro sexual vibe, I can't believe we've never talked about this before, actually Me - yeah, you know I love gay man sex! Sarah - there's more, too, but it's kind of a lot Me - a lot - good? A lot - freaked you out? Sarah - he said he asked if it could be you who watched, not only because he was attracted to you, but because he saw the chemistry between you and I

My first reaction was to deny it, to protect my friendship with Sarah, but then I realized he was inviting me to watch, he must not be threatened by her attraction to me! Wait, I dont even know if she's actually attracted to me! While all of this was going through my head I realized I hadn't replied to her text yet. Then her next message came through.

Sarah - he's not wrong, Sam, I've felt something for you for a while now

I didn't give myself time to think about how to respond, I just did it.

Me - I'm attracted to you, too, basically since we first met

A few seconds after sending my text my phone rang with a video call, it was Sarah. Again, I didn't let myself think about it, I just answered. She was sitting on a comfy looking couch, wearing a thick green cowl neck sweater revealing just a bit of the creamy skin of her delicate collar bone.

"Hi" she said, with a bewitching smile.

"Hi" I responded, "so this in an interesting situation we find ourselves in."

"Isn't it?"

"Funny that it took your partner to get us to acknowledge" I waved my hand between us "this."

"Right? He said he could tell when I came home from our first rehearsal that I was into you."

I smiled and my heart thumped, "was that true?"

She looked down at her lap for a moment, then back up at the camera, "Yeah, it is."

"It was true for me too. And I really wasn't even ready to like you, at first, let alone..." I wasn't sure how to finish the thought.

She looked at me, expectantly, "let alone, what?"

After a moment of looking her in the eyes I continued, "let alone to want so badly to touch you, to kiss you, I wasn't ready to be so turned on by you." I couldn't believe I was saying what I was saying.

Sarah took a quick breath in and I saw the colour rising in her cheeks, which made me blush, too. We were both grinning at one another like fools.

"So do you want to do it, then?" asked Sarah, then Peter's head popped into view and he added "Yah, vaht do you think?"

I laughed but also felt a bit worried, how much of our conversation did he hear? "Oh, hi Peter!" And also, what, precisely did she mean by "do it"....? Do what exactly?

Sarah was laughing, "He's been here the whole time, he fucking loves that we're into each other."

"She is gorgeous, is she not?" Peter asked.

"Hell yes she is!" I replied.

"I told Zarah I would be happy for you and her to have fun together, or her and whoever she wants, as long as her and I stay together, what's the harm?" Peter and Sarah were both in the frame now. Sarah pipped up "So looks like we're poly now!"

"That's awesome, congrats you two!"

"Ve vere serious about you watching us, too. Vaht do you think?" Peter asked. Ok, so the "it" Sarah asked about was me watching, not her and I getting it on.

"Yes, yes, definitely, that would be so hot!"

Sarah giggled "I can't wait for this to happen."

The three of us made plans. We all agreed that I would only watch, no getting involved with either of them as that could get complicated, fast. I was kind of titillated at the notion of having to hold back like that, seeing this raw sexuality right in front of me, but not actually touching anyone. They were turned on by me looking but not touching, too. I asked how they felt about me touching myself and they thought that would be hot.

What do you wear to go to someone's house to watch them have sex? Is this like, dinner-party chic? Business casual? If I was dressing for ease of access to my vag I'd just put on some baggy sweatpants and call it a day. I was really into both Sarah and Peter, though, so I wanted to look good, wanted to peak their interest for a potential future date. I decided on some drawstring linen pants and a white and blue striped long sleeve shirt I picked up a few summers ago in Greece. It was classy and interesting but not stuffy.

I got to their place at 4:00 on Saturday, as we had agreed. Peter answered the door and immediately pulled me into a warm hug "Hallo, Sam, we're so glad you're here!"

"Hi" I hugged him back, enjoying the feel of his warm, firm and compact body against mine. I saw Sarah over his shoulder and waved. She came over with a gorgeous smile, two glasses of red wine and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You like Shiraz, right?"

I nodded, "sounds great" and took the glass she offered.

They ushered me into their living room where they had classical guitar music playing softly and some snacks on the table.

We chatted for a bit and when things got quiet I saw a look pass between Peter and Sarah.

"What's up? What is it?"

Sarah responded "We just wanted to make sure you are really ok with this, with what we talked about."

"Yeah, absolutely, I'm really excited and turned on and looking forward to it!"

"Ve vant you to know that you can change your mind any time you vant, no problem." Peter added.

Sarah nodded, "I mean, the idea is super hot, but who knows what it'll be like for real? You know?"

"Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I don't think we need a safe word or anything, since I'm not going to be involved in the action. If it starts to feel weird for me maybe I'll just slip out of the room, or something."

"If you vant to stay over the guest bedroom is ready for you" said Peter.

"Oh, ok, thanks, that's nice to know. In that case I'll definitely have another glass of wine!" Peter topped off Sarah's glass and his own, then came over and refilled mine.

He leaned over to me and mock whispered, "I am zee luckiest man in zee world, no? I get to make love to zis woman." I smiled broadly as Sarah strode over, grabbed the collar of Peter's plum dress shirt and pulled him down for a deep, wet kiss. I felt my diclit lurch in my underwear at the sight.

When they came up for air Sarah told Peter to tell me about his first male lover. As he was talking she proceeded to kiss his cheek, ear and neck, while slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

"I met Michael in my first year of ze University. As soon as I saw him I knew I wanted him. I was very young and inexperienced, but I could not deny zees feelings, zees urges." Sarah moaned at the description, "how old were you?"

"I was 18 and he had just turned 17, he was brilliant, a mathematician. Neither of us knew much about what we were doing, but together we tried everything. Ah, his body, so lean and firm. His cock was magnificent, like a work of art, I worshipped it." Sarah had undone all his buttons and was pulling his shirt off to reveal a toned, somewhat furry torso, his small nipples totally erect. She rubbed her hands all over his pecs and chest.

"Fuck Sarah, can you imagine Peter worshiping a cock?"

"Goddess damn, yes, him kneeling in front of a younger man, a boy, really, discovering what it feels like to have a cock in your mouth. The rush of sucking on balls, tasting under his foreskin."

"He was perfect, Michael, just on the cusp of becoming a man and always horny. Sam, you remind me of him a lot."

"Mmmm, how's that?"

"He was quiet, like you, he didn't say much, but because of that, when he spoke people listened. Your face, the roundness of it, your smile, and the way your hair sometimes falls in your eyes, that was him, exactly. I used to enjoy brushing it out of his eyes."

"You said you two tried everything together, did he fuck your ass?"

"Goddess, yes, I miss his cock in my ass, I miss being mounted by him." Peter was feeling Sarah's breasts through her shirt when he paused and turned to me "Sam, do you have a do you call it?" he was making a jack-off motion near his crotch, "der umshnalldildo?"

Sarah jumped in "A strap-on? Do you want Sam to fuck you with a strap-on?"

"Yes, that's the vord, do you have one Sam?" He asked me.

"Sure do, it's purple with sparkles!"

"Mmmmmm, yes, I would love for you to fuck me, yes." He paused, clearly lost in thought, then turned back to Sarah "But that will have to wait." He lifted her shirt off, reached behind her and undid her bra, releasing her small but heavy tits. I was staring. I've fantasized about them so often, and here they were in person! Her skin was very pale and her nipples a rosey pink, both standing firm. Peter caressed them lovingly and teased her nipples with the palm of his hand and his fingers. He lowered his head to use his mouth on her and I was transfixed. His small, pink tongue peeked out of his mouth and stroked her breast. He licked his luscious lips, opened his mouth, and took her breast. She moaned in response. I could see his tongue was moving even though his mouth was closed, and I imagined him rubbing it all over her soft skin and her firm, taught nipple. I envisioned myself in his place, imagined what he must be feeling, the warmth of her body, the texture of her areola and nipple, the smell of her hair, her soap, her lotion, of her. I noticed that Sarah had stopped running her fingers through his hair, so I looked up at her face. She made eye contact with me and smiled, she'd clearly been watching me watching them. I smiled back.

Sarah gently caressed Peter's head, so he detached from her breast and the two of them stood up. They made a striking image standing there together, hand in hand, both bare chested. Sarah's brests swayed when she stood and Peter's chest was rising and falling, he was clearly very aroused.

"Let's take this to the bedroom, we need more space." Sarah said huskily. Peter collected both of their glasses and the open bottle of wine. I grabed my glass and the unopened bottle sitting on the side table and followed them down the hall.

The bedroom was all clean lines and modern decore but the bed was lush and inviting. I sat in a comfortable arm chair and set my wine glass and the extra bottle down on a small table beside it. Peter and Sarah embraced standing next to the bed and heavily kissed and groped. Sarah's hands roamed all over Peter's back and eventually found his pert, round ass, gripping it firmly with both hands. Peter's barione moan followed soon after. They undressed each other while continuing their kissing. I was so excited I didn't know where to look! Peter's back was to me, so I enjoyed getting to see more of his flesh as Sarah removed his pants and briefs. His lightly furred legs, round delicious butt, and lovely back. Finally they disengaged. Peter sat on the bed and scooted to the other side, leaving Sarah standing, facing me, completely bare. Again, we made eye contact, "Like what you see?"

She was perfection. Nude, silhouette by the soft light behind her accentuating her perfect curves, her delicately sloping shoulders, rounded belly, flared hips and ample thighs. Her public hair was a bit darker than the blond hair on her head and it was nearty trimmed. I walked over. Of course I wanted to touch them, but I knew that's not what tonight was about. I needed to be closer to her, to both of them. I needed to see more, see better and closer, more detail.

As I approached, Peter rolled on his side with his head propped up on one arm, putting himself on display to me. His dick was hard, standing up and away from his lower thigh. His foreskin still covered most of his head, his balls rested lazily on his leg. He had lots of dark public hair that extended from above his cock to his upper thighs. He gently stroked his cock a few times, sliding the skin up and down as I watched, mesmerized.

"I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself, too." she commented as she looked down at my lower half. It was then I noticed I had been rubbing my crotch through my clothes. I pulled my hand away for a second, then laughed and returned to pleasuring myself. My dick was solid and I was very, very wet. I loved being so close to this hot action, these two lovers unabashedly showing themselves to me, but not including me in the activity. I enjoyed having to hold back, seeing and looking but not touching, being restrained.

I reached for the drawstring of my pants and paused for a second. Peter smiled and nodded, encouragingly, so I untied the drawstring, undid the button and zipper and let the pants fall to the floor, pooling at my feet. I reached down and pulled my boxer briefs off, revealing myself to both Sara and Peter. I didn't hesitate a second, reaching for my rigid diclit, drowing in my wetness and surrounded by my soft, swollen, wet lips. I love getting myself off. I know when I'm hard and when I'm wet, but feeling it with my own hands is always a thrill. Even though it's been several years, I'm still fascinated when my clit get's hard and sticks out.

Both Sarah and Peter were staring at my crotch. To give them a better view I put one foot on the edge of the bed, opening myself up to them completely. I was stroking my little dick and occasionally finger fucking myself, too. They both scooted over to get a better look, leaning so close I could feel their breath on my genitals.

"Damn, Sam, you said your clit grew, but it's not just big, the shape is amazing, it totally looks like a little cock!" Sara exclaimed.

Peter chimed in "Yah, it's got ze head and ze shaft, and everyzing." I blushed a bit and smiled, I liked showing off for them.

"You should see it when I cum, it spasms and jerks around, it's pretty cool." I said as I kept rubbing myself.

I took my foot off the bed, took a few steps back, leaned back against the wall, and spread my legs open so I could keep touching myself but also have a good view of the action. Sarah took hold of Peter's cock and began jacking him off, he moaned in appreciation, leaning his head back.

"Sam, feeling a hard cock is such a turn on. Knowing that you made it get that way is a trip! Like right now, Peter is rigid as a nail because he's looking at us, watching me totally naked, knowing we're going to fuck, seeing you stroking like that, thinking about having sex with me, maybe fantasizing about having fun with you too?"

Peter nodded vigorously "Yes, yes, so much, fuck, I know we have zees rules, but I'm really hot for you, Sam, and to watch ze two of you together, fuck!

Sarah slowed down her action and leaned closer in to Peter's dick. "Peter is the first uncut guy I've been with. I love the extra skin on his dick. You've not seen him totally soft yet, but his foreskin forms this cute little nipple over the top of his head when he is. I love sucking and nibbling on it, then feeling his dick get thicker in your mouth is SUCH a turn on!" While she talked she had her hand wrapped around the middle of his shaft and was slowly moving it up and down. I loved watching the skin slide up and over his head, hiding It for a second, then revealing it again a moment later.

"Ah, Sarah, I vant to be inside of you, I vant my cum in you."

Sarah nodded, "let's switch places, so Sam can see better."

Peter scooted over and got on all fours while Sarah took his place lying on the bed. She put her hands under her knees and pulled them up, spreading herself wide open. I needed to see better, so I walked over to the edge of the bed while still playing with myself, enjoying the flow of juices I was producing and the hardness of my dick. I expected Peter to line up his dick and get right to fucking, but instead he moved towards the foot of the bed and attached his mouth to her clit, sucking hard.

"Fuck yes, Peter!" She released her legs and started squirming around.

"Ah, that feel good Sarah? You like it when your man sucks your clitty?" I asked? Both Sarah and Peter made appreciative sounds.

She mewed, "Yes, fuck, I love it, goddess damn" and she continued writhing around.

"Is this how he gets you ready for his cock? Makes sure you're nice and wet and horny? But now there's something extra, isn't there? Now I'm watching, too. You're putting on a show for me. This is your most private, personal time, the most intimate thing you do together and you're being watched."

"Fuck yes, I love it, I love you watching us" Sarah interrupted.

"And I'm so fucking hot for you two! Watching you, seeing you two naked and sucking and licking and touching and soon fucking, it's making me really hard and really, really wet." I was really rubbing my hard dick, now, I had to force myself to pull pack, to draw things out.

"My body is ready to have sex with you, I'm wet and open and hard and hot. My mind is holding me back, but my body is so fucking ready!"

"Fuck me Peter, get in my cunt, i want you in me now!"

He immediately pulled away and as he moved up on his knees Sarah grabbed her legs again, pulling them up and showing off for me. She turned her head to me, smiled, and beckoned me over with one finger "come watch, I want you to see my man's dick sliding into my pussy."

I got right up next to the bed and put my right foot up on the edge again, to give me better access to pleasure myself and to be visible to Sarah and Peter. Peter put his thick helmet head at Sarah's vaj and gently pushed it in with a bit of extra pressure, leading to "umh, yessssss" from Sarah.

Then he slowly entered her the rest of the way until his balls were resting against her asshole. I loved that view, seeing his yummy ball sack and nuts snuggled up to her body, knowing it meant he was inside of her. He stayed there for a moment and then drew his dick out. I was obsessed with watching his dick exit and enter her body. I'd seen strangers do this on porn hundreds of times, but seeing it in real life did not even compare! He went slowly and gently for several strokes and I imagined what it must feel like to have a human dick inside your pussy. I've had lots of other human parts inside of me and, of course, sex toys galore, but never an attached penis. I mirrored his fucking of Sarah with my own fingers, in addition to rubbing my clit every now and then.

"Do you like his cock in you Sarah? You like being fucked by him? Knowing he's getting ready to cum in you?"

"Mmmmm hmmmmm, yes, I love milking his dick, squeezing it with my pussy muscles." She must have just done that because Peter instantly groaned "ffffuuuuccckkk yah." And picked up the pace. He was fucking fast and hard now and her body moved with every instroke. His balls were slapping against her body, making that super horny, hot sound of flesh on flesh.

I was getting really close to cumming too, I wanted so badly to join in this fuck fest! I wanted to rub Sarah's clit and suck on her breasts, I wanted to kiss her, to provide that extra bit of stimulation, instead I said, authoritatively, "Sarah, rub your clit."

She did instantly, I saw her hand moving up and down on her little nub, bumping up against Peter's dick fucking in and out of her. This took things up a level, she became frantic, rubbing up and down and making sounds "mmm, yes, fuck, uhhh, so close."

I decided to just go for it and began matching Sarah's frenzied rubbing pace and within a few seconds hit a hard, phenomenal orgasm! I felt my dick lurching and spasming in my hand. I had to bring my foot down to remain standing. A moment later Peter pushed up against Sarah exclaiming "oh, oh, yes!" and stayed pushed up insdie of her as his body quaked, then Sara's orgasm must have hit as she cried out "fuck yes, yes, yes!" as her body rode wave after wave of pleasure.

All three of us were breathing hard. Sarah had released her legs and I heard the squishy sound of Peter slowly pulling his dick out of her. He moved over a bit and collapsed next to her. She snuggled up to him, drapping her leg over his, resting it against his soft, sloppy penis. He looked up at me and motioned to the other side of the bed, "Vant to join us?"

I felt my heart and my dick lurch, yes, I'd have loved to get in bed with them, but I didn't trust myself to just sleep.

"I better not. We're all taking a break now, but it would be a lot harder to keep away from you two if we were in the same bed." He nodded. "I'll head to the guest room." He smiled. As I turned to walk out Sarah called my name,

"Sam, wait. Come here."

I turned back around and came right up to her. She beconed me down, so I bent over and without hesiation she kissed me on the lips and said "Thank you, this was amazing." I was stunned. We had said no touching, no involvement, but that just happened. I looked over at Peter and he was grinning. That was a relief, because my biggest concern was impacting their relationship and he seemed just fine with it. I reached down and squeezed her hand "Yeah, it was."

I spent that night in their guest bedroom, sleeping some and touching myself a lot. I didn't know precisely what would be next for the three of us, but I knew I loved watching them. I knew I loved touching myself while watching them. With this experience my curiosity about dicks got stronger, I was not satiated. I still really wanted to play with a dick, and I really wanted to it be Peter's. And Sarah, fuck, I was even more horny for her, and I knew, now, that both of them were hot for me, too. What I didn't know was weather this would stay fantasy, or if they were willing to take things further.

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