Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Nov 5, 2004


Thank you all for the great response to my storys. I have met so many great women tstorysve written and said they got something from my writing. It means a great deal to hear from them. As always I am at

A Genny Story... Waiting For It

I am Genny.

The schedule Melly and I live is crazy. She is an ER nurse and I am a firefighter. Her shifts change and sometimes she is on a 12 hour starting at 4 in the afternoon or the regular day shift or once in a while midnights. I work a 24 hour shift. 24 hours on and then 24 hours off. With all this coming and going there are times when we just don't get to connect. After a few days we start leaving each other notes hinting at the things we want to do to each other. The longer the separation the raunchier the notes. I wouldn't want my mom to hear our phone messages after her little girl had gone a week without sex.

I had hurried home from the station to try to catch her before she had to leave for the hospital. I got home about 7:20 am and she usually leaves by 7:30. When I came in she was just finishing a cup of coffee and was ready to leave. Her face brightened when I came in the door. I took off my jacket and she kissed me hello. Mmmmmmmm She smelt so damn good. I just wanted to hold on tight and feel her body pressed against mine. She broke the kiss and said "Baby I gotta go."

I just moaned my most pitiful moan and begged, "No, be late. I need you right now."

she kissed me again and her hands came up and scratched across my chest finding my nipples doing their part to meet her half way. She caught both of them between her thumb and forefinger and pinched hard. She pushed back from the kiss and looked into my eyes. "Tonight. You be ready tonight when I get home."

With that she gave me one last quick kiss and she was headed for the door.

"Ok" I said "But you may come home to find me shriveled up and moaning in frustration."

She just laughed and was out the door.

"It'll be on your head." I called out to no one.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and headed for the shower. The bed in our room was still mussy from her sleeping in it. I went to her side and ran my hands under the covers. It felt like there was still a warm spot where her body had been. I pressed my face in her pillow and could smell her perfume and shampoo. I groaned.

In the shower I couldn't help myself. I masturbated thinking of her hands on my breasts. It didn't take long and it didn't do much to ease my horny state.

Once the shower was done I filled my day with the chores that needed to be done. I did some laundry and Some shopping. I stopped by my Mom's for a free lunch and got home around 3.

When I got home I checked my e-mail and seen that both Sonia and Mary had written. Sonia's letter was long and newsy. Mary's was shorter but she described a loving session with her lover Jess. It was a juicy bit of writing and it made me touch myself while I read it. Just as I was about to go, a girl I had chatted with a while back popped up on my MSN. She asked how I was doing and before long we were flirting and making each other hot. I started telling her all the things I would like to do to her. I described her naked on my bed. Laying on her belly as I made love to her pretty bottom. It got hot and it got very descriptive. I did most of the typing with just an occasional typed out moan from her. I hope she enjoyed it as much as she said she did. She offered to talk me thru a good cum but by then it was after 4:30 and Melly would be home by 5. After our chat I was trying to decide if I should go upstairs and masturbate or wait for Melly to get home. I was tempted but I decided that it would be best to be boiling over when she got there. I did go in and wash up a bit. I was smelling like pussy and even though she does love that smell I figured that it would be nicer to be fresh.

I had dinner ready (Just a big salad so it could wait) and a bottle of red wine open. She came in and was looking a little tired. I asked about her day and gave her a big kiss. She kissed me back and I pressed her up against the wall and pushed my leg in between hers. She started to giggle and said "Is someone in a mood tonight?" I pressed in even closer and moaned in her ear "You better take me upstairs and fuck me or I am going to explode."

We grabbed the wine bottle and a couple of glasses and trotted up stairs. Just following her up the steps I wanted to push her down and bury my face in the back of her uniform. Melly headed into the bathroom and started the shower. I set the wine down and pulled down the covers. Then I went into the bathroom. Melly was just stepping out of her panties and was naked in all her glory. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. I let my right hand slide down her belly and I cupped her pussy. I whispered in her ear,

"You know you don't have to wash this for me. I love it just the way it is."

She was watching me in the mirror and said "I have been on my feet all day long. Even you wouldn't like the way it smells right now."

I laughed and said "Is that a challenge?" I slid one finger between her lips and then brought my hand up to my face. We were looking in the mirror at each other and I took a deep breath. My hand smelled strong of her. I could smell pee and sweat and pussy and... other surprises. I licked my finger and said "Smells fine to me. Let me at it and I will have you clean in no time."

Melly just laughed and pushed my hand away. She turned and kissed me quick and then stepped into the shower.

I asked, "You want me to join you?" Melly said, "If your still the girl that was just dying to get fucked you should let me finish this so we can get in bed."

I just leaned back and watched as she soaped up all of her body. She seen me watching her and she teased me a little with a small smile and her hands pulling out on her beautiful tits. She soaped up her belly and then her pussy and thighs. I was ready to jump right in there fully clothed, when she turned right to me and spread her feet apart. She bent her knees slightly and with a cute little grunt I seen the soap suds on her lips and thighs start to turn yellow and flow down her leg. She was peeing. I groaned loudly and started for the shower. She laughed and said, No no, I will be out of here in a minute. You go get undressed and pick out a toy. I will be in in a minute.

Now I really was boiling over. I went out in our room and pulled my clothes off. The cool air on my wet pussy was shocking. I was literally dripping. I went to the drawer that we keep our small collection of toys. In the last year Melly has gotten better about penetration. I have used a small dildo on her a couple of times, and we have used a double headed dildo together sitting face to face in the bathtub, but for the most part she would rather fuck me than the other way around (which is ok with me). I first grabbed her strap-on, but then I spotted our thigh high. We bought it in Canada when we were sailing with some friends. We had only used it once and had wonderful results. I grabbed that and some lube (not that I was going to need it) and set them out next to the bed. I heard the shower stop, so I jumped up on the bed and tried to look seductive for Melly. I lay on my left side with my right foot flat on the bed so my leg was up and all that I have on view.

It seemed to take her a long time to come out of the bathroom. When she did She was drying her hair in a big towel. She looked magnificent. Her wet hair wild and animal like. Her body clean and shiny in the dim bedroom light. Her eyes went to the thigh high and she smiled. She looked at me. "Is that what you want?"

"Yes. I thought it would be perfect."

Melly crawled up on the bed and on top of me. We kissed and I rolled onto my back pulling her against me. Her body was warm from the shower and felt wonderful pressed down on mine. As we rolled, her wet hair fell over both our heads. We broke the kiss and we were in our own dark wet world. She whispered "I do love you." I tasted her mouth again. My tongue was going up into her mouth only to find hers coming down into mine. I moved my legs apart and felt her settle in against my sex. We kissed and nibbled on each others face for a long time. I kept pushing my pussy up against hers and she kept pushing hers down against mine. We were building up a very good rhythm.

"God that feels good." I said, as she was biting on my ear lobe. I meant her pussy against mine, but she must of thought I meant the ear because she bit even harder and growled like a dog chewing at a bone.

"Oh baby, fuck me. I need it right now Melly. Fuck me now."

She pushed up on her arms and looked down to my face. She pressed her sex harder against mine and rocked against me. "You still want the cock."

Now right then I was thinking that I would die if she took that wonderful pressure off of my clit. I almost said no and grabbed her ass to pull her against me even harder. But I said, "Yes."

She smiled down and then rolled off to grab the dildo. It is attached to a stretchy band that is about 4 inches wide and fits snugly on Melly's upper thigh (skinny girls would have a problem keeping this on). She stood at the side of the bed and slowly slipped it up her leg. I let out a low needy moan just watching pure sex in motion. She grabbed the lube and crawled up the bed to me. She handed me the lube and slid her leg up close to my hand. I squeezed a little on my hand and then started to stroke the cock as sexy as I could. Looking right up in her eyes as I jacked it. Puling it out and letting it spring back. Melly gave me an evil smile and said, "Who's your daddy?"

I giggled back and said, "Your my daddy. Now come fuck me Daddy."

Melly moved down a little until the dildo was between my legs. If you have never used one of these it is not as easy as it seems. She can't feel the end of it of course and some times there is a tendency to slide up and down instead of in and out. Between the two of us we got it positioned right and she eased it in me. Mmmmmmm it felt very nice. Again she lowered her body on mine and we kissed. Her legs straddled my thigh too and I could feel how wet she was against my skin. I raised my leg to press it firm against her sweet pussy. She moaned and started to rock. The dildo was slipping in and out of me and each time it went all the way in the stretchy part on her leg bumped nicely against my clit. She pushed up again on her arms and pressed down harder against us both. Her head was back and she was breathing hard as she seriously started to fuck me. She looked so beautiful like that. Her black hair all wild. Her eyes shut with a stern look on her brow. I could feel myself getting close to a well earned orgasm. My hands came up and first I started to pinch and pull at my nipples. That set off little explosions in my pussy and pushed me very close to the edge. I let go of my tits and grabbed Melly's. They felt so full and wonderful hanging down to me. I found both nipples and holding then between my thumb and forefinger started to pull them out. Melly growled again and doubled her efforts with the dildo. She started to talk dirty. A sure sign she is getting ready to cum. When she starts yelling "Cunt. Fucking slut cunt" her trigger has been pulled. She was almost to that point, and so was I. I pushed my leg up even harder against her slippery pussy and stated to talk to her.

"Come on Baby. Give it to me. Give me your cum. Fuck me Melly Fucking fuck me."

Two seconds later I was hearing "Fucking cunt. Fucking slut cunt." Followed by an orgasm produced scream. I felt her pussy spasm and gush against my leg. She fell back down on me and I held her tight as we both came together. It was wonderful.

We lay quietly for a few minutes. The world slowed down again so we could both breath. Melly rolled over to her right and I felt the dildo slip out of me. I looked down at it and had to laugh a little. We were both wiped out but it was still standing proud with my cum shining on it.. I reached over ahd brushed her hair from her face. I leaned in and kissed her lightly. Keeping my lips right next to hers I moaned "God I needed that."

Melly chuckled lightly and said "Me too. Me too."

Eventually we got up and went down stairs to eat. I slipped the strap down her leg and brought it with us to toss in the dish washer. (We learned our lesson with an infection from not cleaning her strap-on) We ate the salad and drank some of the wine in just our robes and slippers. After dinner we cuddled up on the couch. A little more wine and some kissing and caressing, and it wasn't long before we were heading back up stairs for more lovin.

Well that's my story. I know it isn't as wild and crazy as some of the others, but hey, We're settling in. :-)

As always I would love to hear from anyone that would like to write me.

Kisses to you all Genny

Next: Chapter 12

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