Genny Story

By Genny McCain

Published on Oct 24, 2003


I know I promised this story a while ago, but the summer was happily full and I just haven't gotten around to it. This is the almost completely true story of how I met my one great love. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to write me anytime.

It was late spring and I was dating a guy (yes a guy) named Danny. We had been going out for about three months and had been having very average sex for two. Danny was a nice enough guy he just didn't have much imagination, or a very open mind concerning alternative life styles. Danny sold insurance. He considered this a "white collar job" and always seemed to point out that me being a firefighter was very "blue collar". I always figured he was a little intimidated by my job because he was one of the few people that never wanted to hear any of my fire stories, and if the conversation ever came up about how cool I thought my job was he was quick to change the subject.

Anyway, it was late spring and we were out to a local bar/grill for dinner and a few drinks. Our conversation had kind of dried up because every time I looked across the table his eyes were about two feet above my head watching the Red Wings playing hockey on the bar's TV. I was doing a slow steam and Danny's time was just about up. Right then the table next to us filled up with five women. They ordered drinks and it was obvious that they were there to have a good time. They were laughing and talking and from the conversations I was picking up it was clear that they were all nurses from the local hospital.

Danny and I had received our meals and the girls were on their second and third drinks when one of the girls spoke to me. She said I looked familiar. I hadn't noticed before that but when I looked at her I did recognize her from the Emergency Room where we had brought in patients. I said yea I was a firefighter and had seen her in the ER. Introductions were made all around. Her name was Karen and it was plain to see she was the leader of this little band. The conversation flowed back and forth between the two tables and when the next round was due Danny bought drinks for all. Karen invited us over to their table and Danny thought that was a grand idea. He settled in between two smiling nurses and I sat across from him next to Karen and a pretty dark haired nurse. We started talking about people we both knew from the hospital and the fire department. Another round of drinks showed up and a DJ started to play some after dinner dance music. it seemed everyone was having a good time. Danny's ego was being inflated (among other things) by being the only guy at a table full of women and the rest of us were telling stories and laughing. I was starting to feel a good buzz when I felt Karen's hand on my knee. I was a little surprised by that. I looked down and she gave my leg a little squeeze. I looked up and she had a big smile on her face. It had been a while since I had been with a woman (only two since college and none in more than a year) so maybe my gaydar wasn't up to speed. I decided that I liked her hand there and returned the smile. I even put my hand over hers and gave her a little squeeze.

It was only a few minutes later that Karen announced loudly "I want to dance."

I had an idea what she was talking about but Danny sure didn't. He looked a little surprised but smiled and said "Sure" as he started to stand and head out to the floor. Karen stood quickly, grabbed my hand and said "Come on." She pulled me up and I followed her out to the dance floor. I didn't dare make eye contact with Danny but I knew it must of been embarrassing for him to sit back down while his date was going out to dance with another girl.

The DJ was playing mostly rock with a little country thrown in. It was a fast song and we were rockin. A second song started right up and we stayed out there. We were both sweating and having a real good time just goofing off together. Karen kept eye contact with me and I was getting a vibe that I hadn't gotten in a very long time. When the second song ended he played a slow country tune. I started to turn back to the table but Karen moved in and took me in her arms and we started to move together with the music. There were only two other couples dancing (guy-girl, guy-girl) so we stuck out more than just a little. I heard bits of conversations and I was sure we were the center of attention. I kept my eyes on Karen and when she pulled me closer I let her press up against me and I laid my head on her shoulder. We moved nicely together and I was nervously feeling contented to just stay there with her.

Eventually of course the song ended and we had to make our way back to the table and Danny. I didn't let myself look around the bar and the eyes I felt on us. But when we got back to our spot I couldn't help but see the look in Danny's eyes. He was upset. As soon as I got there he stood and said it was time for us to go. All the girls there gave little grimaces (I learned later that they were laughing and teasing him a little about loosing his girl to Karen). I decided it was better to go and get this over than to make a scene and stay, so we headed out to his car. As soon as we got in he started yelling. He said it was "Disgusting" and "Sick" and "You are to never..." That's where I came out with "Fuck you. I'll do anything I want and no man will ever tell me..."

Well you can see where this was headed. The temp in the car dropped about 50 degrees and the ride back to my place was quiet as a grave. When we got there I got out without saying anything, gave my signature slamming of the door and that was the end of my little affair with Danny boy.

For the next two days that I worked every time we took a patient to the ER I made sure I went inside to look around for Karen. I did see the dark haired nurse that had been there that night and asked if Karen was working. She said no not today but she would tell her I was looking for her. The next day at the station the phone rang and it was her. I asked  how she had this number and she said she asked one of the medics what station I was at and he gave it to her. She told me she knew I had been looking for her and she was glad to hear it. It was a pleasant conversation and eventually we began to discuss getting together. She asked me if I wanted to go to a movie on Saturday. I was off that day and said I would love to. We set a time and she said she would be over to pick me up.

I have had more than a few lovers. I have picked up girls in bars and have been picked up myself. Many of my lovers on campus were just girls that I met, we would hang out and eventually end up in bed. I have been with many but I don't think I have ever had a real date with a woman before. This was a real date and that coupled with the time since my last relationship with a woman was making me more than a little nervous. I decided to dress casual. I wore a tight pair of jeans that made my ass look good and a pink girly tee shirt that would of showed some cleavage if I had any. Karen showed up at about 6:30. She came in but we only had a few minutes so she didn't get the grand tour (The bedroom). When we came down to her truck she went around to my side and opened the door. I was pleasantly impressed and while she walked around to her side took the liberty of sliding  over to the middle of her bench seat so to be sitting next to her when she got in. She noticed my spot and smiled. We drove over to the local Chili's with her hand resting on my knee. When we got to the restaurant I slid in the booth and Karen slid right in next to me. I liked that. We got more than a few looks from the other customers and the waitress seemed a little flustered but I still liked it. Conversation was easy and we both were feeling relaxed and happy in each others company. The movie was nice but what I liked best was that she held my hand almost thru the entire thing.

It was late when the movie got out and neither one of us suggested stopping off for anything. She headed back towards my place and in my head I was inventorying my room making sure I hadn't left anything disgusting laying around and was glad I had changed the sheets that morning just in case. When we pulled up in my apartment parking lot she didn't pull up to the closest parking spot but hung back out of the brighter lights. We sat there for a few minutes and I told her I had enjoyed the night. She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I think I almost swooned I wanted that kiss so bad. A few little kisses later and we were out and walking hand in hand to my front door. This was exciting and my nipples were on high alert. We got to the door and I started to put the key in my lock when she gently pulled me close and gave me a really great kiss. it was slow and warm and wonderful. My eyes were still closed when she pulled away...Said good night...turned and walked back thru the parking lot to her car.

I thought "What the fuck happened?" There I was dripping like a prom date and she just walks away. Stunned, I went in the apartment and just stood there in the dark. I was starting to get mad. "What a bitch!" "What a fucking bitch." I went to the fridge got out a beer and had just about

finished it when the phone rang. It was Karen. I wanted my voice to be cold but I was too hurt to play act. Immediately she apologized for leaving so quickly. She said she had a great time and that she really likes me. She said that she had to work early and she flt like if she came in she would not be leaving till morning. When I heard all this my heart melted. I said it was OK and that it was probably better if we get to know each other a little more before we take it any further. She asked me if I would like to come to her place next Friday for dinner and we could talk. I quickly agreed and hung up the phone in a much improved mood.

I was so excited for Friday to finally get there. I had masturbated every night thinking how nice it would be to be back with a woman again. I decided to look a little more girly for this date. I wore a short yellow summer dress I had gotten it in Northern Michigan the summer before because it looked great with my red hair. Under it I only wore a pair of white french cut panties with lace. I was hoping someone would be impressed just before she slipped them of off of me. I spent more than my usual 5 minutes on my makeup and I was looking (for me) really good.

I picked up a bottle of wine on my way over, and I had a little panic attack when I had to ring her doorbell twice before she came to it and let me in. Her apartment was very nice. Where mine had a perfect view of a very large parking lot. Hers was just off the M.S.U. Campus and from her window you can see the Grand River flowing as it enters the park. She took the wine and put it in the fridge to chill. She pointed to a little liquor cabinet and asked me to fix us both something. I made us both a gin & tonic and followed her into the kitchen. I could smell chicken in the oven and she was at the counter making a salad. I gave her the drink and sat back to watch her. Karen is two years older than I. She was 27 then. If you seen a picture of Karen you might not think she was exceptionally pretty. She has light brown hair that she keeps short. She is about 5' 5" and 120 lbs. Her body is nice but not spectacular. The thing that is so attractive about Karen is her personality. She smiles easy and makes everyone around her feel at ease. She always looks people right in the eye when she talks to them and people just naturally gravitate to her. I have seen her walk into a room of beautiful people and not be noticed. A half an hour later they are all circled around Karen laughing and competing for her attention. 

After a few minutes I went to stand next to her. She was busy cutting up veggies. I mentioned that the dinner smelt wonderful. She turned to me leaned over a little and kissed me. We held it for a minute, with just our lips touching. when we parted we both had big smiles on our faces. Karen picked up a big peeled carrot and pointed it towards my mouth. she brought it close and asked, "Hungry?"

I tried to bite at it but she playfully pulled it back. She brought it up again and again I tried to take a bite. She pulled it back then brought it to her own mouth. She kissed the tip and let her tongue run sexily across it. Then she brought it up and pressed it against my lips.I licked it, then opened my mouth and let her press it in past my lips. We were eye to eye and she started to slowly fuck my mouth with the carrot. Our faces were very close. The carrot slipped out and was forgotten. She pressed her mouth to mine and our arms went around each other. Our tongues made wet wrestling noises as they got to know each other. Her body felt very nice pressed against mine. When we broke the kiss I was breathless. She nuzzled her face in my hair, then took my ear lobe in between her teeth and bit gently. This is a particularly sensitive spot for me and I thought my knees were about to give out. I know I moaned because she laughed and said "You have to let me get dinner done."

We finished two drinks before dinner and had a third with us when we sat down. At the table we were laughing and telling stories about the ER and the fire department, both of us feeling good. Dinner was nice. We started to play little eye games with each other. Staring into each others eyes as we bit a chunk out of the chicken. Licking our lips with lots of intended meaning.We played a little footsie too and by the end of the main course we knew where we were headed. Karen got up and poured us both a little wine. When she was behind me she put her hands on my shoulders and leaned down next to my ear. I shivered as she kissed my lobe and then let her tongue slide slightly inside. I raised my hand to her neck and turned my face to hers to accept a warm kiss. We both moaned a little as my tongue slipped into her  mouth. The kiss was exciting but the position was uncomfortable. We separated and she asked if we should wait for desert until later. I pushed my chair out and stood facing her. I got real close and said I thought that was a good idea. We kissed again. My arms went around her and we pressed against each other. I could feel her breasts against mine and it felt very good. Her hands went to my ass and pulled me against her hip. I ground my puss against her a little so she would know I liked the feeling. As my hands were in her hair pulling her mouth harder against mine I felt her hands slip up my back setting off goose bumps as they went. She got to the zipper at the back of my dress. I felt a little tug and then she broke the kiss and leaned slightly away from me. She had a smile on her face and as she gave the zipper another tug she asked "May I?"

I smiled back and asked "Is there a bedroom?"

Karen pointed over my shoulder, "Right down there."

I took her hand and turned to the hall way. I led her into her own bedroom and stopped at the foot of her bed. With my back to her I reached behind me and lifted my hair off of the zipper. "Now you may." I tried to sound sultry but I think I just sounded excited.

Karen was close behind me. she put her mouth on my bare neck and I could feel her teeth press in slightly. The zipper went down and I could feel the cool air on my bare back. Karen slid both shoulder straps off me and it fell into a puddle at my feet. Her hands slid down my sides teasing the sides of my tits to rest on the lacy panties covering my hips. She played her finger tips over the laces and said "Nice." (Yes! She noticed). I turned to her before she could pull them down. I am always a little nervous when a new lover sees my small breasts so I stood very close to her and started to unbutton her blouse. I undid the buttons quickly and she slipped it off her shoulders and let it fall with mine. Her bra clasped in front so we both looked down as I unhooked it. Her breasts sprung free and pressed against mine. Her 35Cs looked formidable pressed against my 33Bs. This time I leaned in and started nibbling on her neck. She reached down and undid her shorts. I was doing my best to leave a little mark on her neck when I felt them fall to the floor also. We both slipped out of our shoes and stepped out of the pile of unwanted clothing.

Her panties were black and a little more sensible than mine. her ass looked yummy and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. She leaned past me and crawled up on the bed. Adjusting the pillows behind her like a queen on her throne she pointed at my panties and just said "Off."

I hooked my thumbs on the sides and started to pull downward. The upper part of the panty was below my sex but the gusset was still stuck to me covering my slit I stopped there and looked her in the eye then nodded at her panties still on. Karen smiled and lifted her ass off the bed. In one swift motion hers were hung on one ankle and with a luugh flung off into the corner. I chuckled and pulled mine the rest of the way down. I stood at the end of the bed for a second just looking at her. Her pussy had a small patch of light brown hair just above her lips, maybe a little bigger than a postage stamp. She was checking me out too and said "I'm glad you don't shave that off".

I looked down and ran a few fingers over my rusty hairs fluffing them up a little. I smiled as I crawled up the bed and said "Red heads never completely shave off our pride."

She opened up her arms and I crawled right up like I belonged there. We kissed and felt each others bodies press together from knee to shoulder. She rolled us on our sides and slipped her leg between mine. I opened up a little and she pressed it firmly against my sex. I moaned into her mouth and pressed my leg equally hard against hers. We started a slow rocking against each other. My hands slipped down to the cheeks of her ass to keep the pressure up.  As I pulled against her I felt her cheeks part and I couldn't help but try to picture the visual from the other end of the bed. Her little bottom, open and inviting yet dark and mysterious.

Karen whispered in my ear, "This feels very nice."

To answer I  pressed my leg harder against her wet sex. I turned my head and captured her mouth with mine again. My nipples felt like little stones pressed against her chest and side. Her hands came up and held my face as we kissed. I could of stayed like that forever. Her mouth tasted of the chicken and drinks from dinner. It excited me that she had a real taste, not tooth paste or mouthwash and I pressed my tongue in deeper to capture as much as I could.

After a minute or two I felt a subtle pressure from her hands on the top of my head. I gave way happily and started to kiss my way down her chin to the side of her jaw and her neck. I stayed there for a little nibble, then I started kissing my way across the top of her chest. I could feel her wet pussy sliding against my belly and I could feel mine soaking her thigh down to her knee. Karen's hands were still in my hair directing where I was going. She turned my face to her right breast and pulled my mouth to it. I kissed the warm brown nipple and felt her give me a little shiver. My tongue came out and circled it three times slowly. I could feel it harden even more as my saliva chilled the little nub. I captured it with my teeth and teased it with little bites. I held it there and pulled back slightly. Karen's finger nails dug into my scalp and she moaned. She pressed her breast up into my face and I took the nipple in like a hungry baby. I started suckling on it and let my hand come up to torture the other one. I rolled it between my finger and thumb slowly. I felt a little shudder in her body and gave a little more pressure. I added my finger nails and pulled at it a little. Her fingers pulled my hair and lifted my face up to see hers. She had a smile on her face and she asked "Do you play rough?"

I wasn't sure if she approved or not. I smiled back and said "If you want me to."

She chuckled and pulled my mouth back to her nipple "We'll figure all that out later."

I moved to the other tit and gave that one the same treatment.

Karen shifted slightly and I felt her spread her legs. I adjusted with her and moved in between them and could feel her juice spreading across my chest. I slipped down until I was kissing her belly. I licked and sucked at the soft skin. I nibbled a little with my teeth and it must of tickled. She laughed softly and pulled my face slightly away when I tried to do it again. I moved down to her belly button and slipped my tongue in to it. I felt her hold her breath. I moved the tip of my tongue slightly and she started laughing again. I raised my face up to look at her, A little ticklish?"

"Yes!" she gasped "Very.

I leaned back down and gave her belly a warm wet kiss and then slipped further south. I could smell her warm, musky excitement and I loved it. I let my nose trail down thru her little fur, breathing in her woman smell and realized that I had missed that greatly. I turned my head and let my tongue slide up her right inner-thigh. Her hands left my hair as she spread her legs wider for me. I turned and licked up the other thigh. I pulled back just a little to get a good look at her pussy. It was bright pink and swollen. I could see some juice on her lips and more running down between her cheeks. I thought for a moment of running my tongue after those escaping drops but I wasn't sure how she felt about my face between her cheeks so quickly decided to concentrate on the pretty prize in front of me. I blew slightly on her lips and she rewarded me with a soft moan and her hips rising slightly towards me. I could se up her belly and her palms were flat against her breasts, pressing down and moving in circles. I opened my mouth fully and moved in to capture her whole sex in my mouth. I gave her a gentle sucking, alternating on how hard and soft. I was getting my first taste of Karen and I love that moment when you discover a new lover's flavor. She tasted devine. Not like some fu-fu shampoo or douche, but like a real woman, rich and earthy. I pressed my tongue in deeper and felt Karen press harder against my face. I was trying to get my tongue to touch every little place in side her pussy. I was moaning into her puss, and the vibrations were getting her hips moving. Karen planted her feet flat on the bed and pushed up at me. I reached my hands under her ass and held them there like two ripe, tasty melons. I slipped my lips up a little and captured her clit. It was pointing out like a tiny finger. I gently took it between my lips and heard her gasp as my tongue brushed over the tip. I licked around and around it. Listening to her breathing becoming more and more like little gasps. I used the tip of my tongue on her nerve center and started flicking it over the nub. Karen's fists were beating the sides of the bed and her hips were humping up and down with the rhythm of my tongue. Her orgasm started with little squeals. Then her voice dropped and she started yelling "Oh god, oh god, yes god, fucking yes." I held on to her ass and was not going to stop till she cried for mercy. Her hips were bucking so hard that my face was wet from chin to brow with her wonderful flavor. When she slowed down a little I went right back to her clit. I sucked it up between my lips and gave a little hum. Karen's thighs closed in on my head so tight I could hardly hear her yelling some more. Her second orgasm was not as strong nor as long as her first. As she loosened her grip on my head from her thighs I tried again to move in. I had barely gotten my mouth on her when I felt the palm of her hand pushing on my forehead. I got in one more lick before she groaned and pushed me away. I laid my head on her right thigh. I could hear her breathing was still labored and her hips were still trembling with little mini cums. I tilted my face up and breathing thru my nose was just basking in the warm rich perfume of sex.

After a few minutes, Karen's hands were on the sides of my face pulling me up to her. I crawled up on her left side and laid my head on her shoulder. Her arm was around me and it felt really nice. Once she caught her breath Karen said. "Wow! You are very good at this. I was afraid you might be a newbie." 

I cuddled in closer and gave the side of her breast a kiss. "I'm not without talents."

"You've done this before?"

I smiled and with a little chuckle, said "We'll talk about that later."

I turned towards Karen a little and let my left leg slide over hers. I kissed the side of her breast again and pressed my wet pussy against her hip. She turned towards me and our mouths met with a tender open mouth kiss. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and I gave it a little suck. I enjoyed the kiss and just lazily rubbed my pussy against her, wetting her hip and getting a little moan out of me. Karen turned towards me as we kissed and held me tight. She moved over me and it felt nice to have her weight on me. Her hand slipped down my belly and between my legs. I let them open up for her and her finger tips played around my lips. I could feel her spreading my cum on her finger tips and all over my crotch. Two fingers slowly entered me and I arched up and moaned in her mouth. Karen started kissing the side of my face and worked her way to my right ear. As her fingers teased my cunt her tongue was teasing my ear. She would slide the hard tip of it around my the inner canal and then nibble at the lobe. As her fingers became more aggressive so did her mouth. she started biting my ear lobe. I could feel her teeth pressing in and then pulling at me. All this was exciting me a lot. I was sorry when she left my ear but was thrilled when she kissed her way down my chest. She got to my right breast and lightly kissed the nipple. Her face came up and looked at me.

"They are very pretty."

"Their a little too small."

"Nonsense, they are perfect. Nice and pink and firm. I don't have much that is still pink".

Conversation ended after that because her mouth came down and sucked up my little nub. I stretched like a cat, raising my arms up over my head and spreading my legs wide for her insistent fingers. My hands found the cross bar of her head board and I grabbed on tight. Her teeth were teasing my nipple and her fingers were sawing in and out of my puss. I was getting close to my cum and had no intention of holding back. Her two fingers curled in and rubbed against my g-spot. I gave a low deep moan of appreciation and she continued to focus on that magic little pad inside of me. When someone rubs that just right I feel like I have to pee and I know my orgasm is going to be great. She was taking little bites of my nipple and pulling it out till it was on the verge of painful. The stretched muscles in my arms and legs ached for release. I felt the orgasm coming and it washed over me like a tidal wave. I was seeing stars. My hips were bucking like crazy and I was making sounds like a crazy lady. It went on for a very long time. Eventually I came back to earth. Karen's hand was pressing down on my mound and the after shocks felt wonderful. She let go of my tortured tit and looked up at me. I smiled down at her but still was too breathless to speak. While looking up to me Karen brought her shiny fingers up between us. Her hand was completely covered in my juice. She took the two fingers that had been in me and sucked them in her mouth. While she was doing that I licked my lips. She pulled her fingers out of her mouth with a pop and then slid them down my belly and back to my swamp of a cunt. the same two fingers curled back in and I had to close my eyes to keep from jumping at the sensation. She churned them around for a second and then brought them back up between us. Again we were staring at each other when she brought her fingers to her mouth. I opened my mouth and gave a little pout. Karen smiled and inched the wet digits close to my face. I could smell my cum on her fingers and I really wanted to lick it all off. She put the tips of  her fingers on my lips and slid them around my mouth. When I puckered up to kiss her finger tips she pushed them both into my mouth and I greedily sucked them both clean.

Karen slipped her clean fingers out of my mouth and held my chin. She moved up and kissed me. We both gave the other little mewing sounds and sighs. I could feel her sweaty boobs slipping across mine and I liked it. We melted into each other and rested. After a little while we started again with some soft kisses and some deft touches. We made slow sensual love that ended in a 69 with her pussy pressed down on my happy face. I stayed the night and the next morning in the shower we got each other off one last time before I had to leave.

Karen and I became lovers. It was white hot but destined not to last for long. I could see that she was no where near ready to settle down and I felt that I needed something more. After about 4 months our love afair turned into a true friendship. We are still best friends today. As a matter of fact I just stood up at her wedding (To a really nice guy) not long ago.

I know when this started I promised I was going to describe how Melly and I met. I guess I got off on a little tangent. I hope you don't mind. The truth is that Melly was the pretty, dark haired nurse that was at the bar that first night. She and I got to know each other thru Karen. We seen each other at a few partys and eventually started hanging out together. After Karen and I cooled off we started going out. We were both taking it slowly (After Karen I was a little gun shy), trying to build a relationship. Once we got to know each other I fell in love.

I hope you liked the story. I know there wasn't as much steamy sex in this one but real life is like that. I would love to hear from anyone that would like to Kisses to all... Genny

Next: Chapter 6

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