German Cowboy

By Stuart James

Published on Jan 10, 2013



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German Cowboy

As the old saying goes, if something seems too good to be true, then it probably isn't true. I have always liked going to sex shops to have a look at the goods on sale. I don't often buy anything as the prices are usually outrageous. I was in Amsterdam for the first time having flown out from London for a 5 day 'weekend'. I went to the famous red light district off Dam Square. There were a number of sex shops and I saw one that catered only for gays and that advertised a massive sale in their window. I went in and looked around. There were a few guys in, browsing like me. But I carefully avoided making eye contact. I moved from the leather gear to the back of the store and the sex toys. I picked up a chastity tube. You know the type - a long thick and heavy steel tube curving slightly downwards with a handcuff device that clamps it round your balls. I was examining the small piss slit in the end, when a guy came up behind me - a sales assistant I guessed- and said, in perfect English "that is the X1000 model. First class quality." I looked at the price tag that read 100 Euros. I knew that was a very good price and was really tempted to buy it.

"I think I only have about 70 Euros in cash on me. I need to go to the bank again."

"We take credit card", the assistant said.

It would not have been wise to use my credit card as it was supplied by my employer, which while I could use if for personal purchases - as long as I reimbursed them - would record any sex shop transaction.

The assistant said "Of course it is reduced by 40% in the sale. It's a bargain at 60 Euros. Why not try it." Giving me little choice, he took me by the arm and led me to a large round cubicle in the centre of the shop that was surrounded by a heavy leather curtain suspended from the ceiling. He pulled the curtain slightly apart for me and we both went in. There was a spotlight above the cubicle so it was much brighter inside. For the first time I got the chance to examine the assistant. He was tall - about 2 metres - and wore a tight denim shirt with the top 3 buttons open that showed that he was broad and quite muscular. Even though he had blond hair, he had quite dark stubble on his chin and quite a bit of hair on his chest. His jeans were as tight as his shirt and displayed a good bulge at his crotch. The slim legs of his jeans gripped the shafts of his brown pointed and high heeled sendra cowboy boots. They had sharp metal toecaps that made them almost like needles at the point, and they had thick vibram rubber soles put on (the ones with a heavy tread), with higher heels to match. I guess that accounted for a little of his two metres height.

Under any other circumstances I guess I would have got a hard on. He was just my type. But I have to be honest. The thought of trying on the chastity device - with a spectator - made me a little apprehensive. I undid my jeans and let them fall around my ankles. He reached across and pulled my underpants down. He took my cock and placed it in the flat palm of his hand. A drip of pre-cum leaked onto his hand. He pretended not to notice. He held the metal tube alongside my cock and said "I think it will be a perfect fit." With that he pushed the metal tube over my cock and then fastened the cuff around my balls. It was self locking and it felt glorious. Strangely there was no mirror in the cubicle, so he pulled back the curtain, and I could see the reflection of my steel encased cock in the mirror against the wall. The tube curved down, so that the piss slit pointed to my feet. Yes, I wanted it! The sight of a guy with his jeans round his ankles would, in the same circumstances, have made me move closer to have a look. Certainly a couple of guys were moving towards my end of the shop.

So, in some embarrassment, I quickly pulled my pants and jeans up and fastened them. The chastity device made my bulge look bigger, but not obscenely so. I told the assistant that I would buy the chastity tube and we went to the sales desk. He wrote out a receipt on a plain piece of paper that said '1 chastity tube X1000 - 60 Euros'. I handed over the money.

I was about to leave the shop when I remembered that I would have to get the device off - not least to get through airport security on my way home in 3 days time - so I went back to the counter and said "You have not given me the key." I smiled as best I could as I was still feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Oh, you want the key as well. That will be an extra 100 Euro's." The smile on his face said it all.

Gotcha! We argued for a while. He pointed out that the sales receipt did not mention a key - just the tube. When I told him I did not want the tube then, he pointed to a notice that said that items could not be refunded if they had been soiled. He pointedly licked his hand where my pre-cum had marked him. He told me that even at 160 Euros - tube and key - I had got a bargain. And actually he was probably right. And I did love the feel of my cock's imprisonment within my jeans.

I tried bluster and made threats about the police and even the British Embassy. But we both knew that I was not going to report him to anyone. I had been had. I told him that as I did not have the money on me I would go to the bank and get some more cash.

I suppose I could have asked him where the nearest cash machine was. But I didn't and it took me nearly 20 minutes to find one. I returned to the shop about half an hour after I had left it. I looked around but could not see my blond cowboy. (I had given him that name in my own mind because of the denim and the cowboy boots). Another assistant - not nearly as good looking - asked if he could help. I asked where the blond assistant was. He said "That was my friend Dieter. He was looking after the shop while I went to have something to eat. It has been a busy day". I explained that I had bought a chastity tube from Dieter but that when I found that I had not got enough money on me he had refused to give me the key until I got the rest of the cash. I held out the 100 Euros. He looked a little perplexed. "Are you sure it was this store? Dieter is not authorised to sell anything. And anyway we do not sell chastity devices". I described the blond cowboy and he agreed that it sounded like Dieter. He said that he might be in the bar next door as he said he was going for a beer.

At that point all I could think of was how would I get through customs wearing a large lump of steel! Next door was a gay bar. I pulled back the heavy curtain and went in. The bar had only a few customers as it was mid afternoon. Dieter was sitting on a stool at the bar. He saw me a waved me over. As I sat down next to him the barman put a beer down in front of me and lined another up for Dieter. Dieter smiled. "I hope you are comfortable", he said.

"Look, you have well and truly tricked me. But I am not mad with you as I can see the funny side.

Here is the 100 Euros. Can I please have the key?"

In reply Dieter got the 60 Euros I had paid him from out of the top pocket of his denim shirt and put it on top of the 100 I had placed on the bar. He pushed the notes back towards me. "No, I don't think you can. That is my tube you are wearing and I have decided not to sell it." He patted his left breast pocket which obviously contained a small bunch of keys. "I have the key here", he said.

"Well can you remove the tube and I will give it back".

"What I propose is that I rent the tube to you - without the key of course - for the next 10 days.

Then I promise I will unlock it."

"I go home in 3 days time. I won't get through security wearing this lump of steel." Then his earlier comment properly registered. "What do you mean by 'rent it'?"

"Yes I see your problem. I suppose you have a number of choices. You could risk the airport security and if necessary just bluff it out. You could go back by train or bus." His face creased a little as I sat open mouthed looking at him. "But you would still have security to go through. If you British would just join border free Europe you would not be in this problem." Now Tony Blair was responsible for my predicament! "You could try to fight me for the key. You would lose I promise you. But I would enjoy you trying.

You could go to the police. But I am going back to Germany today so you still won't get the key. I suppose the police might cut it off although it might need a power tool as it is thick steel." I winced at the thought of a power tool near my crown jewels. "Yes" he said "that does sound a painful and dangerous course. Your final choice is to do as I say. Come with me to Germany and in 10 days you will be free. It is not as if you must wear the device permanently. Your rent will not be cash. It will be payment in any way I think fit."

"But what about my work?" I replied.

"Surely you have heard of food poisoning. You could be taken ill. You really must make up your mind as I intend to leave soon."

So two hours later I had collected my things, checked out of my hotel and was in Dieters' Mercedes two-seater sports car headed for who knows where.

We spoke little on the trip. Occasionally he would put his hand on my crotch and feel my steel encased cock. At one point he asked me if I was scared. "A little" I said.

"There is no need. In 10 days you will be free to leave and you will be in one piece. I promise. I won't hurt you." Then he had another thought. "Well actually I may hurt you a bit. But there will be no permanent damage. You are a virgin?"

I was not sure whether the last comment was a question or a statement. "Yes and no. I have been with other guys. I have even fucked a couple. But I have never been fucked myself. I don't fancy it."

"That is a pity. Part of the rent will be your arse. And anyway that will be the best way to milk your seed." I must have looked confused. "Surely you don't want all your sexual energy to just build up within you for the next 10 days?" His words sounded so reasonable and made it seem as if he was doing me a favour.

We drove on to his home town of Hamburg and stopped in what looked to be a well-to-do residential neighbourhood. Dieter drove the car up the drive of a modest looking town house. As the car approached the garage, the door came open and Dieter drove in. The door closed behind us and the internal lights came on. We both got out of the car. Dieter got his and my bag out of the boot. "Take all your clothes off", he commanded. I just looked at him. "Take your clothes off, NOW." I obeyed. Dieter picked up my discarded clothes and pushed them into the top of my bag.

"And your watch." I removed it and stood there quite naked -except of course for my metal sheath. Dieter put the watch in the bag and then un-padlocked a cupboard and put my bag into it.

He relocked it. "Follow me". He led me through an internal door and into a kitchen. He dropped his bag, and put his wallet, phone and other contents of his pockets on a table. He came up to me and proceeded to minutely inspect my body - even looking inside my mouth at my teeth. He pulled my arse cheeks apart and inspected my hole. I felt like a slab of meat. "You look as if you will be nice and tight. I shall enjoy this. Make some coffee for us both". It seemed that I had started paying the rent.

He picked up his bag and walked out of the kitchen. I looked for the coffee machine - it was one of those posh ones that take a little plastic shots of concentrated coffee. I put some water in its tank and turned it on. I looked around for some cups and saw Dieters' phone and wallet - and a bunch of keys - on the table. I rushed over to the table and picked up the keys. I looked for a key that might fit the device. I heard a click behind me and turned to see Dieter standing there with a big grin on his face. He was wearing a double gun belt, cowboy style, and he was pointing one of the guns directly at me. The click had been him cocking the gun. "Do you really think I am that stupid?"

In his other hand he jangled another small bunch of keys. He lowered the gun and pulled the trigger. It made a loud click as it un-cocked. "Don't worry. These are real guns for a real cowboy but they are not loaded. I knew you would want to try something - that is why I put the keys there.

Turn round and bend over." I did as instructed. He came up behind me and pushed the barrel of his gun up my backside. He pushed it in only about an inch, but it felt cold and unpleasant. "You can have that one for free. But any more stunts like that will mean you get punished. I am not sure how I will punish you. I am not into beatings or things like that. But if nothing else I could add a day to the time you will wear that tube for every infraction you make to my rules. You may not believe me but I was hoping you would enjoy this. But as I am doing this for my pleasure you can love your time with me or hate it. Your decision. Where is the coffee?"

After coffee, he took me into the cellar of his house. He had his playroom down there. It was not the dungeon that I had expected when we went down the steps. It was a comfortable room with concealed lighting, chairs and sofas as well as a black leather sling. It had racks of mainly leather clothes and various toys on shelves. He selected a bright steel conical shaped dildo from one shelf.

It was obvious where that was going. He indicated for me to bend over a bench. I did as instructed and felt his warm finger lubricating my hole. He then slowly pushed the steel plug into me. As it got thicker the pain increased and increased, until my tight ring went over the thickest part and closed around the thinner neck. I stood up breathing heavily and relieved the pain had subsided. I was taken to a mirror and Dieter stood me sideways. I could see the steel over my cock and the steel protruding from my arse. It looked pretty hot to me. It felt pretty hot too! Dieter grinned from ear to ear. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He had a broad hairy chest with large nipples pierced with gold barbells. His chest hair was nearly as blond as that on his head. He sat down and indicated that I should pull off his boots. As I went to take hold of his right boot he said "Kiss my boot first. Take the metal toecap in your mouth."

I did as instructed and firstly kissed the heel of his boot, then the sole in several places and then I moved his boot and took the metal needle tip into my mouth. He moved the tip around my mouth before pulling it out. I took this as the sign to remove his boot. We did the same with his left boot.

He got up and took off the rest of his clothes. His cock, which was throbbing hard, was, I guess, about 6 or 7 inches long and quite thick. Most cocks have a bend in them. His was entirely straight and the same thickness from the base to the cut tip. My brain was racing and my cock wanted to respond, but the steel tube made that impossible. When all he stood in was his socks, he went to a clothes rack and got down a pair of black leather chaps that he fastened round his waist and zipped down the inside of his legs from his crotch to his knees. Then he picked up his boots and pulled them on. He zipped the chaps down to his ankles. The chaps made his throbbing cock look even bigger, but I guess that that was just an illusion. He turned round and showed off the round arse cheeks framed by the black leather chaps that would, I knew, help power his cock deep inside me.

But at this point I was no longer afraid. I wanted it.

Dieter was not finished dressing. He selected a pair of silver spurs with large spiked rowels which he strapped to his boots. He strutted around the room. He was cock-of -the-walk. He took my hand and led me to the sling. He helped me get in and to lie on my back. I did not need telling to move down the sling so that my arse was near the end. He took each of my legs in turn and strapped them to the chains supporting the sling. He stood at the foot of the sling and carefully and slowly removed the plug from my butt. Then I felt his cock head at my hole. My eyes were locked by his. He nodded his head at me with a questioning look on his face. I nodded back and slowly he increased the pressure on my hole and entered me. I felt his thick cock sliding up my chute. It hurt but in a very good way. Then a feeling of great pleasure swept over me as he hit my prostate. He started to thrust inside me and I could hear his spurs jingle with each thrust. Yet each time I thought he was getting close to coming, he would stop for a while. Then he would start again.

Suddenly a feeling of total warmth and wellbeing came over me. It was as if my whole body had come alive. My body became tense and I knew I was about to come. My orgasm was different than any I had had before. It seemed more intense and went on for wave after wave. I arched up and could see the spunk oozing out of the small slit in the metal tube. My ejaculation caused Dieter to increase the speed of his pounding and soon he came deep inside me. When he had caught his breath he withdrew his cock and quickly replaced the metal plug, He shoved it in, in one quick motion that made me gasp both in astonishment and pleasure.

"Think of all my spunk in you. Some of it will move up into your stomach - a bit like a suppository I guess. And there it will be processed by your body. A bit of me will become a permanent bit of you." That thought should probably have repulsed me. But it gave me a warm glow. He poured us both a scotch and handed me mine. "I think you enjoyed that."

"Yes and it was the greatest orgasm I have ever had."

He smiled. "And you have many more such milkings to look forward to over the next 10 days." As he spoke he strutted around the room with his spurs jangling.

"What is it with the cowboy thing?"

"The cowboy is, for me, the highest form of manhood. The all-male bonding. The code of honour.

The clothes that are showy but that are not effeminate. The chaps and the guns that draw your eyes to the arse and the crotch. The high heels on the boots that makes your arse look fuller and rounder. I was brought up on the books of Karl May. He was a German writer who wrote cowboy stories even though he had never been to the US. From my earliest childhood I wanted to be a cowboy - a German cowboy - and now I have made it my life. I own and run a specialist western shop, so I dress and play cowboys all day. I forgot to mention it, part of your rent will be to help me in the shop. My assistant is on holiday. Borrowing you - is that the correct term? - is both practical and a pleasure."

"I think the terms you are looking for is kidnapping and slavery."

"No, no, no. You can leave at any time. There is the door. Look on this as just a short break and then you can return to your normal way of life." I have to admit I just had to laugh out loud. And soon we were both creased in laughter."

He then took me through a door and into a bathroom that contained a large shower. There were chains with wrist restraints hanging from the ceiling. He fastened my wrists to them. "I am afraid I was not quite accurate when I told you that I would only release your cock in 10 days. If you are not to smell or maybe get an irritable rash, I will have to remove the sheath to clean you and it. He got out of the shower and removed his own clothes. He came back with the key and released my cock.

It felt strange. The new freedom was both a relief and left me feeling something was missing, especially when he also removed the plug. He told me to piss, which I did as he held my cock and pointed it towards the drain. He proceeded to wash himself and then wash me in the stream of hot water. (I was hardly in a position to help). He dried us both paying particular attention to ensure my crotch was perfectly dry. Then he left me hanging there while he left the bathroom. He came back, a few minutes later holding a different lump of steel. He held it in front of my face.

"This is new line I want to try on you before I decide whether to stock it". The device had the familiar cock tube and bracelet crotch fastening. It also had what looked like two heavy steel testicles. This device clearly encased both your cock and balls.

Dieter had some trouble getting my balls and cock inside - the opening was quite small. But eventually I was inside and once again his prisoner. It looked quite awesome in the mirror. It was as if someone had transplanted steel prosthetic into my crotch. From inside it felt just as awesome.

"Time for bed" he said. He took me upstairs and into his large bed and I quickly fell asleep with his arm around me and my hands feeling my steel crotch.

Dieter was obviously a morning person. When the alarm sounded he bounded out of bed and into the bathroom. When I crawled in, he was just finishing cleaning his teeth. He rinsed the brush and handed it to me. I Looked at it. "You will be ok. Remember, your body has already absorbed some of my spunk".

I cleaned my teeth and used his razor to shave. Dieter took me into a room off his bedroom which was his walk in closet. Most of the clothes - neatly arranged shirts, trousers and so on - were cowboy gear. He chose what I was to wear. White boxer shorts were followed by a white tee-shirt, a deep pink shirt with fancy flower decorations around the chest and back. Then came tight leg black denim jeans, a black leather belt with a large brass buckle. He followed this with black harness boots with square toes and brass rings at the ankles. Then he put a black Stetson on my head. A black suede jacket with long fringes down the arm and across the back finished my wardrobe. Dieter himself stuck to blue denim and pointed black sendra harness boots, although his denim shirt was embroidered with multi-coloured flowers. He wore no tee-shirt and showed off his chest. He put on a brown leather bomber jacket. He picked up a yellow straw Stetson and put it on his head. Breakfast was just a quick cup of coffee before we headed for the car at just before 8.30am.

We quickly got to his downtown shop and he parked in an underground car park. From there we went up two flights of stairs to his ground floor shop. We entered from the rear to find a guy banging on the front door. Dieter turned off the alarms and unbolted the door. He let up the window shutters, as the guy entered carrying plastic cups of steaming coffee and a box of what turned out to be savoury pastries. He said something in German to Dieter. I had not let on that I speak a passable if basic German. The best translation of what he said would be 'who's the cutie with the big bulge?'. Dieter said "He is English" rather as if that was the explanation for a virulent infection. Marc, the other guy, came and took my hand in a rather limp wristed way while carefully looking me up and down.

"Better than your usual sidekicks, Dieter. Your tastes are improving." I smiled at Marc as he was the sort of guy you could instantly take too - especially when he boosted your morale as he just had.

The three of us stood at the counter by the till drinking our coffee and eating the delicious pastries, with Marc continually examining me. "I hope you are staying a long time. You could be a welcome boost to trade", said Marc. I hoped he was talking about the clothing trade. After coffee Marc left and Dieter showed me around the shop and showed me where the stock was kept. The first customers arrived and Dieter went to help them. I spent the next hour or so fetching and carrying items for him. I watched him flirt with some guys. For example he would carefully 'arrange' a shirt a guy was trying on, brushing imaginary creases across a guy's chest with his hands. With others he would bend in front of them so that they got a good view of his chest. With others he was completely businesslike.

At 11.00 sharp, Marc arrived with more coffee and chocolate fudge brownies. I found out that he owned the local coffee shop and personally supplied his friend Dieter in whose presence he clearly delighted, even though he must have known he did not have a chance of getting into his bed. Still Dieter clearly liked his friend and flirted unmercifully, much to Marc's giggling delight.

When Marc left I said "You flirt with Marc, who you clearly don't fancy and you flirt with customers who I guess you do fancy. I don't get it."

"Marc is my friend. We were at school together and I like to make him feel loved - which he is. The other is just business. Cowboy land is fantasy land for most Europeans - and maybe for most Americans for all I know. I just try to give customers the best fantasy - and then they spend more.

Germany is business first", he laughed. I realised that he was right. As I later watched him serving customers, he seemed to know exactly how to extract - by flirting, flattering and sometimes just plain lying - the greatest number of D-Marks from them. Like many Germans D-Marks were much more real to Dieter than Euro's! As lunchtime approached the shop got busier and busier. One guy approached me at the till with a boot in his hand and asked me in German if I had a size 45. I told him in German (much to Dieters obvious surprise) that I would check. I came back with a pair. "You are English", he said repeating the accusation. I said that I was - in German. But like many continentals who complain about the lack of languages of the English, he insisted on conducting the conversation in my first language. He pulled on the boots. I stood in front of him as he seemed to be admiring the bulge in my jeans. I could flirt as well! He asked me whether he thought there was enough room in the toes. I suggested he put the boot up and I would feel. He pushed one up and straight into my crotch. He obviously felt the resistance of the hard metal in my crotch. He looked a little perplexed. I told him that they were plenty big enough and, for good measure, that they looked so good on him. But he insisted on pushing the other boot in my crotch for me to check his toes before he agreed to buy them. As I handed him his receipt, he asked me what time I finished. I told him that unfortunately Dieter worked me all day and all night. He just said "Lucky Dieter" and left.

I sold a great many items that day and felt I was keeping pace with Dieter. The only discordant note had to come from a 30 something Englishman. Probably a public school educated one. "Hey Tonto"

he shouted to Dieter. I went over and asked if I could help. "Going to a fancy dress party and need the full works to impress the little German filly". Right, I thought, Tonto is it? I started by showing him an over elaborate shirt at 199 Euros. I eventually got him up at a suede one at 399 Euros. And so it went on. Leather boots became snakeskin boots. "You will want spurs with those, of course".

Of course he did not. He could barely walk on the high heeled boots. Tonto would have managed, but this guy did not realise what a prat he looked. So he bought some spurs. I even successfully suggested that chaps might emphasise his manliness. With a fringed leather jacket and huge white Stetson, the bill was horrendous. But to keep him sweet and happy and convince him what a bargain he had got, I gave him a 2.5% discount on his platinum card. Two and half miserly percent! After he left, and the shop quietened down, Marc arrived with his boyfriend Paul together with coffee and cream cakes. Dieter told an amazed Marc and Paul about my sale. Paul said "You want to keep this sidekick Dieter". That word again.

Marc said Mae West had the right quote for that transaction. He looked at me and much to his delight I fed him the line. "What's subtraction teacher."

In a wonderful take off of the great lady, complete with swaying hips, Marc replied. "Oh that's very simple. A man has $100. You leave him with 2. Boy, that's subtraction." We all laughed.

At 5.00pm we closed. Marc and Paul, holding hands, were waiting outside, together with two more friends dressed from head to foot in tight black leather and another 'cowboy'. The cowboy was called Shane. Not sure if it was a real or an assumed name. But he looked a real cowboy. We all headed for a local bar where Dieter ordered beers. A buxom wench (which was the only way I could think of her as her tight bodice pushed her breasts up and out) filled large glass tankards directly from a barrel on the bar. The barrel was empty before all our glasses were full. She stamped on the floor three times and the barrel disappeared down a hole - it was clearly on a lift - and a new one appeared within 20 seconds. German efficiency. We soon got our beers.

I looked around the bar which was full of 'suits' and laughing students and even families. Everyone looked at home with everyone else. I got talking to Shane and he asked me if I was Dieters new sidekick. I said "Everyone asks that. Does 'sidekick' mean something special in German?"

"It is a joke, I suppose. Even at school Dieter was into the cowboy thing. When people used to talk about getting married and having kids, he used to say that a cowboy only needed a loyal sidekick.

Unfortunately, his sidekicks so far have been anything but loyal. So any guy he is seen with is always described by his friends as a sidekick. We don't mean it offensively."

"No offense taken", I said.

We had some more beers with pretzels and then beer with a delicious pork stew and dumplings. It was a fun evening that I had a terrible premonition was going to end badly.

It was about 8.00pm before we got home. Once again Dieter made me strip naked, which after the day we had had together, I felt was a little humiliating. Then Dieter said he would go down to the cellar and get some more beer. I felt we had both had enough.

I said "One thing I did not get to try on was the gun belt. Can I try one of yours?" He told me that I would find one in the filing cabinet in his office. I went in and opened the top drawer and took out the double gun belt. I fastened it round my bare waist and tied the cords that fastened it at the bottom around my legs. It looked great, and as Dieter had said, emphasised and drew your eyes to my metal crotch. I reached into the cabinet and got the guns. They surprised me how heavy they were. Then I noticed some boxes in the back. I could read the word 'ammunition'. I pulled one out and found it was a full box of live ammunition for the guns. I examined the other boxes and then I loaded the gun. I went back into the kitchen where Dieter was pouring the beers. I carefully aimed the gun at his chest and cocked it. The click made him look up as the day before it had done to me.

His eyes showed that he could see the bullets in the chambers on each side of the main body of the pistol. "You left live rounds with the guns. That was rather stupid."

Dieter sat down heavily. "You seem to have turned the tables on me. What are you going to do? Put me into that steel contraption?"

"You mean to get revenge? Then maybe steal your car and go back to the UK and then, if you are lucky, return in perhaps month to set you free?" Dieter nodded and took the keys from his pocket and threw them to me with a look of dejection on his face. I caught them and looked at the keys for a moment.

"No", I replied throwing the keys back. "As your sidekick, I was going to say that you should be a bit more careful with live ammo. Someone could get hurt. This gun has got dummies in by the way."

"You want to be my sidekick?"

I lowered the gun and put it in the holster and felt my steel crotch. "Oh yes" I said "and permanently, cowboy".

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