Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Feb 21, 2001


I've been a reader of Nifty for almost three years. I've seen the great stories such as Brian and Justin, Forever and the Twist and Turns series. I've always wanted to write one so I decided to give it a shot.

First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Travis, and I live somewhere in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I love to write and of course I love the Backstreet Boys. As you will soon discover Kevin is my fav.

I look forward to being able to post this work on the Archives. I have to warn you in advance that Grammar was not strong point. But hey! I try.

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fiction and not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of any member of the Backstreet Boys.

I hope you enjoy this story and I am always looking for input. So with out further ado! I am proud to present to you for your reading enjoyment.

Get Another Boyfriend!

By travbsbfiction

e-mail at trav14due

Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved.

Chapter one

From Kevin's point of view.

I was sleeping real good having this dream about a hot guy sucking me off. I was just about to cum when some little blonde headed brat woke me up.

"Hey Kevin!" shouted Nick as he walked into the room. "Time to get up man!" I groaned and rolled over taking the pillow and placed it over my head. "Kevin!" Nick wined again. "

"What?" I shouted as I threw the pillow at Nick hitting him square in the face. "What the fuck do you want?"

"The guys are here and the new dancers are here too," Nick said sounding a little hurt. "Man that is the last time I wake your ass up. You are an ass hole!" With that said Nick stomped out. I could hear him yelling at the other guys. "That is the last time you send me in there to wake up his sorry ass! He always yells at me!" I made a mental note to apologies to Nick later. Groaning again I climb out of bed and heads into the shower. On my way I glanced at the clock. "What the fuck?" I shouted. It was only 7:00 in the morning. I still had almost an hour to sleep "Nick!" I shouted. "You are in so much trouble!"

In a hotel room in Orlando Florida.

Ok real quick, I'm Matt and a Dancer. So here goes!

"Oh shit I'm late!" I shout as I looked at the clock. I saw that I was thirty minutes late. I scrambled out of bed and threw on my clothes and raced out the door and smack right into some one. "Ouch!" I shouted grabbing my nose. "Watch the fuck where you are going!"

"Sorry about that," said a voice from heaven. I open my eyes and smiled. Ok so the guy I collided with was cute.

"Oh that is all right," I said flirting with him. "You can bump into me anytime." His eyes bug out and his mouth pops open. I reach up and close his mouth. "Better close it or a bug will fly in." I giggled as I headed towards the elevator. I slowly counted the seconds and I made it two.

"Hey!" he shouted after me. "What is your name?" I shook my head laughing as I pushed the button and leaned against the wall and smiled at him. He just stood there with this dumbfounded look on his adorable face. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

At the Firm,

"Where the hell is he?" demanded Kevin. "I mean what is it with 18 year olds any way? I mean come on! Is to much to ask for them to be on time?"

"Take a chill pill Kev," laughed AJ. "They will be here when they get here."

"And that is it?" Kevin shouted back at AJ. "Do they think they are the best? Do they think that they are irreplaceable? Well they are not!"

The elevator door opened and I stepped out and was immediately assaulted with a man's voice yelling. "If those little shits aren't here in the next three seconds their asses is fired and I'll make sure they don't work in this field again!" I mentally counted the seconds and rushed through the door at about 2.75 seconds.

"Did I make it?" I asked the startled faces on the other side of the door.

"Did you make what?" shouted Kevin. Oh shit, I've had it. I was going to loose my job. This was it, I would never work again. So what do I say? Remind me to cut out my tongue.

"You said if I didn't make it in three seconds you would fire me," I giggled out. Nick fell off the chair laughing. The rest of the guys just stared at me.

"Oh brother!" Kevin groaned slamming his hand on the table. "Not another Nick!"

"Don't worry about the old guy," laughed Brian. "Hi, I'm Brian and this AJ, Howie and Nick and of course you know Kevin." I shook hands with everyone. When I got to Kevin he glared at me.

"I'm sorry I was late Mr. Richardson," I said formerly. "It won't happen again sir."

"Well ummm that is Ok," stuttered Kevin. Obviously he wasn't prepared for that. The door opened again and everyone turned to see who it was. I smiled widely at the figure standing in the door. "Well now everyone is here why don't we start? The new guy walked in and sat next to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I didn't get your name?" he asked after the meeting.

"That is because I didn't give it to you," I said smirking. "The name is Matt."

"I'm James," he smiled.

"So are you gay?" I asked bluntly staring into his eyes.

"What?" he yelped.

"You heard me," I giggled. I was horny and I wanted some action. This guy was hot and if he was gay I just might get some action. "Are you gay?"

"Umm yea," he mumbled.

"Good!" I smiled grabbing his crotch and giving it a gently squeeze. He smiled and took my hand and we headed for my room.

In the other room.

"Man," whined Kevin as he glared out the window. "I will never find a boyfriend!" Brian chuckled softly and patted his cousin on his shoulder. "Well it is true!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Just be patient Kevin," Brian said soothingly. "The right guy will come around."

"Yea when hell freezes over," grumbled Kevin.

"You excited about the new tour?" Brian asked.

"Yea I guess," Kevin replied.

"Gee try and show some enthusiasm Kevin," laughed Brian.

"I'm sorry Brian," Kevin apologized. "It is just that I am so tired of being alone. I'm tired of the one-night stands. I want some one in my life. I have so much to offer and no one to share it with."

"Why don't you come over to my room first thing tomorrow morning. And we will work on a strategy to get you a boyfriend," Brian promised as he headed out the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Kevin.

"Leihanne wants to go out to dinner," Brian said with a grin. It had seemed that Married life was treating Brian well. Kevin sighed as he was hit with a tinge of regret. Brian was happy as hell with the woman he loved.

"Ok Rock, I'll see you in the morning," Kevin said as he picked up the remote and started flipping through channels.

In my room.

I drug poor James into my room tearing off his clothes as we went. "Hey slow down," he laughed at me. "I want this to last a little." I stopped and took a breath as I looked at him. He was a mess. His shirt was half off and his belt buckle was undone. He looked cute standing there all messed up.

"I'm sorry, I guess it has been a little while since I've had any," I said looking down. I felt a gentle hand on my chin and I looked into his eyes.

"We have all night and all tour to get to know each other," he said with a smile. He than took the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss. His tongue gently probing my lips and I parted them to allow him in. Once in he went wild probing everywhere. He than slowly started to grind his crotch into mine. I let out a whimper as his hand found my belt and pulled it open. Soon I felt my pants being lowered. They were cast aside with his. My shirt followed than my wife beater. Soon All I was wearing was a pear of boxer briefs. He stood back and admired me. I blushed under his intense gaze. He giggled and reached for my waistband. I closed my eyes as he gently pulled them down. I shivered as the cold air it my cock. He just giggled as he planted a kiss on my abdomen. I shivered again. "Cold?" he asked grinning up at me. I nodded silently. He grinned again. "Well this will warm you up." Taking my cock in his hand he guided it to his mouth. An intense warm feeling washed over me as he engulfed my cock.

"OOOOHHH GOD!" I groaned trying not to thrust.

"Shhh," he soothed as he looked up at me. "Just enjoy this." And I did enjoy our first of what I thought would be many love making sessions.

Two hours later.

I was worn out as I climbed out of the shower and slid on a pair of silk boxers. I than limped over to the bed and fell into it face first groaning as I hit the pillow. I felt a weight on the bed and than gently touch of hands on my back. I moaned as he started to gently massage my aching muscles. "I'll give you a million years to stop." I mumbled into the pillow. He laughed as he straddled my waist and continued my massage. After about five minutes he stretched out on top of me. It felt so good to have a man's skin touching me. It wasn't sexual or anything. It just felt good. In no time at all I was snoring softly as I drifted off to sleep. James covered me and held me for the rest of the night.

The next morning.

I woke up to my sweetie staring down at me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down so that he was lying on top of me. "Good morning," I smiled as I brushed his lips with mine.

"Good morning to you too baby," he smiled at me as his hand traveled down to my crotch. "Is he up for some action this morning?" he asked as he stroked my growing erection grinning wickedly. I responded by thrusting my hips to meet his hand. "I'll take that as a yes," he giggled as he dived under the covers. I could tell it was going to be a great day. He started to attack my cock like it was his last meal. I started to thrust my hips in time with his bobbing. I was getting close.

"Ooooh James, I'm getting---, Ohhh fuck!" I shouted trying to hold back. But James wouldn't let me. He reached around and rammed a finger up my ass. "FUCK!" I screamed as my load shot out from my cock into his mouth. After swallowing it all he climbed back up grinning. I kissed the tip of his nose and giggled. "Wow!" I sighed. "That was great!" He reached over and picked up the tube of lube and condom. My heart quickened its pace in anticipation of what was to come. He quickly slid the condom on his cock and lubed me up.

"I'm going to fuck you like there is no tomorrow!" he said smirking down at me. I moaned softly as I waited for him. "You want this?" He teased me waving his cock in my face. I licked my lips and nodded. "Beg for it!" he demanded.

"I want your cock up my ass!" I demanded. "Please baby, fuck me!" I pleaded. With one brutal thrust he rammed all seven inches of his cock up my ass. I screamed in pleasure and hung on for the ride of my life.

In another room in the same hotel.

"I need a boyfriend!" complained Kevin as he sat in a chair glaring at his cousin who at the time had his arms around his wife and they were kissing. "Excuse me!" exclaimed Kevin. "Gay guy here in front of you. Do you mind?" Brian looked over at his frustrated cousin and grinned.

"Umm, you are like umm, in our room," Brian reminded trying not to laugh.

"Oh, go ahead and use that as an excuse!" grumbled Kevin. Brian sighed and reluctantly broke away from Lieghanne and sat up. "There, much better," smiled Kevin. "Now help me find a boyfriend." Brian rolled his eyes. He liked his cousin better when he was straight or at least when he pretended to be straight. "Don't roll your eyes at me. You owe me!" Brian raised his eyebrows at Kevin. "If it wasn't for me you two would've never met!"

"He is right dear," said Brian's wife. "Now be a good Cousin and help find him a boyfriend."

"Fine!" grumbled Brian. After thinking for a few moments his eyes lit up. "Hey what about Nick?" Kevin groaned loudly.

"Are you kidding? He is a slob! He and I would never get along!" Sighed Kevin. "Let's face it I'm doomed to be alone forever."

"What about Matt?" asked Brian.

"The new dancer?" asked Kevin. He had to admit he was good looking. And with that dancer's body he was bound to be good in bed too. "He is too young and besides I saw him looking James over yesterday at the meeting!"

"Yea I saw it too. Matt would be better off to stay away from James," muttered Brian.

"Why?" asked a curious Kevin. "They would make a an adorable couple."

"James is an abuser," Brian said bluntly. "The last tour, James hooked up with another guy. I walked into one of their fights. It wasn't pretty. James beat the crap out of that guy." Kevin shook his head in amazement. "I hope that Matt has enough sense to stay away from him."

"Well anyway, Matt is young and impressionable. If James is looking for a new punching bag Matt would be the one he would hit on," Kevin said looking concerned.

"Well let's hope that doesn't happpen," Brian replied.

"Well we have to help him then," Kevin stated looking out the window. "As a matter of fact I am going over there right now and talk to him."

"Don't do that Kevin!" exclaimed Brian. "You will scare the shit out of him and you might even tip James off that you know what is going on. Than Matt will really be in danger!"

"Don't worry Brian," Kevin quickly assured him.

In my room.

James walks out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. I whistled at him and he just grinned as he flashed me. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to find us some breakfast," he said grinning as he headed out of the room.

"Well hurry up, cause I'm lonely," I whined patting the bed. James laughed at me as he closed the door.

An hour later.

"Ok breath in and out Kevin," sighed Kevin as he stood outside my door. He couldn't believe he was standing outside the door of my room. Unknown to me he was ready to put into motion something that would change my life forever. "God what am I doing? He probably thinks I am way to old for him." Sighing Kevin turns and heads back the other way. He runs right into Brian who takes him by his shoulders and turns him around and pushes him in front of the door and reaches out and knocks on the door. Grinning he pats Kevin on the shoulder and walks off.

"Traitor!" grumbled Kevin.

James had left over an hour ago and I was napping from our love making session. I loved James so much. Ok so maybe not love love him. But hey I definitely felt something. I had never met some one who could make love to me so long in my life. He had the endurance of a horse ridding me for over an hour before cumming. I sighed as I remembered our love making session. James was a good lover and good in bed. He knew all my weak spots and believe me, he played me like a harp. I heard the knock on the door and groaned and tossed the pillow at the door. Thump!

"Go away!" I shouted at it. "Now that was rude, wasn't it?" I scolded myself.

From Kevin's stand point

"Oh great," I sighed as I lightly banged my head on the door. "This is really a good start." My heart jumped for joy when the door popped open and a shaggy haired youth stuck his head out. I almost laughed when I saw the bad case of bed head. But I held myself in. This was the time for good first impressions. I knew I was in love as soon as Matt opened his mouth and spoke. "I will never forget his first words," I sighed to myself.

"Oh hi!" He giggled sheepishly as he picked up the pillow and shuffled back to the bed falling into it face first. "Come on in!" he mumbled into the pillow. I smiled and walked in. This was getting interesting. I looked down at him. I had a real good view of his ass. All he was wearing a pair of silk boxers. They accented his ass muscles real well. I felt my cock twitch in anticipation. He turned over his limp cock was clearly visible and I quickly looked away. "Oh um sorry about that man!" he giggled as he grabbed his pillow over his crotch.

"I thought I would come by and get acquainted with you," I said raising I eyebrows at the mess. It seemed that Matt was just like Nick. His room was a total mess! For some reason that new bit of knowledge made me laugh. "Umm don't like to clean your room very much do you." I started to pick up clothes and laid them on the bed.

"Hey!" he exclaimed snatching the shirt from my hand. "I have a system all set up so don't ruin it." I just busted up laughing. "So what can I do for you?" He asked with that carefree boyish grin. I marveled that the sight of it. It was kind of lopsided and very cute. I was falling hard for this kid.

"Just wanted to talk and umm maybe see if you wanted to go for umm coffee or something," I stuttered out. He busted up laughing. "Umm if you're busy I understand," I mumbled and turned to head out of the room.

"No!" he exclaimed litterly tackling me. "Stay and talk for a while," I led me the chair. "Sit!" he commanded me. I sat as he hurried and put on some clothes. I laughed softly at his rushing around like a mad man finding some clean clothes to wear. When he was finally dressed he sat down too. "So what can I do for you Mr. Richardson?"

"Just wanted to um get to know you and maybe ask you out for dinner or something like that," I stammered out. I suddenly found myself wishing that the floor would swallow me whole. But no such luck.

"Not much to get to know. Let's see, I love to dance but than you already know that. I'm a complete slob, and I can't keep a room clean even if you paid me. And I'm kinda involved with someone right now." I cringed when I heard those words. "But hey we can still hang," he smiled. The door clicked open and in walked James. His eyes landed on me and at once I could see the dark anger in them. "Oh Hey James, look who came over to visit?" Matt said with a grin.

"Umm I should get going and let you two get to your breakfast," I stuttered out. I quickly left the room.

From Matt's stand point.

"Hey sweetie," I smiled at him. "What took you so long?" I asked as I went up to him to give him kiss.

"What the fuck was he doing here?" yelled James as he punched me in the face. I grabbed my nose to catch blood. "You fucking slut! As soon as I leave you get someone else to fuck?" He went to hit me again only I hit him first. "Oh I see you want to fight back!" he taunted me rubbing the side of his face. In a flash he was on me hitting me faster than I could fight him off. After he knocked my wind out he kicked me hard in the side. I felt at least two of my ribs crack. I screamed in pain and blacked out.

I woke up later in bed to find James sitting at my bedside. "Thank God you're awake!" he breathed out. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I'm so sorry I did that to you baby." He sobbed out. "I don't know what came over me." I looked the other way not wanting to meet his gaze. "Please baby talk to me," he pleaded.

"I'm real tired now James," I lied.

"Umm Ok, I'll talk to you later," he whispered as he tried to kiss me. I turned my head away. He roughly grabbed me and jerked my head to his. "Listen here slut!" he rasped at me. "You belong to me now! You will do as I say, cause if you don't I will kill you and your son!" I paled when he said the word son. He just laughed at me. "You think I'm stupid?" He reached over and grabbed my wallet and showed me the picture of my son. "I know all about you Matthew Whitewater!" I knew from that moment on that this wasn't going to be a dream of a lifetime but a nightmare. The next morning I woke to a pair of arms holding me. It was James. I gently moved out of the bed only to be stopped by the pain in my ribs. I moaned in pain as I grabbed my side.

"Where do you think you are going?" demanded James.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I muttered at him.

"Oh my aren't we in a grouchy mood today," he said in a nasty tone. I heard him get up and walk up behind me. "Turn around!" he ordered. I turned around and he pointed at his crotch. "You don't do shit until you take care of me first! Now get on your fucking knees and suck me off!" Tears came to my eyes as I gingerly knelt in front of him. He jerked his boxers down and shoved his cock in my face. Normally it would have turned me on to suck him off first thing but not this way. "Come one whore!" he shouted at me. "I need to get my fucking rocks off before I eat!" I slowly lowered my self onto his erection. He let out a groan and started to thrust in and out of my mouth. It was not gentle it was rough. His head of his cock kept slamming into the back of my mouth. His balls kept slapping me hard under my chin. I wanted to gag didn't dare. I was being fucked in the face. There was no love or emotion. Just pure lust. I made my mind retreat somewhere else. In about five minutes it was over. He had blasted his load into my mouth and wiped the rest of it on my cheek. He looked down at me with a smirk on his face. "For now on your mouth is mine. You will service me and me only. Your ass is mine to be fucked! Now get your lazy ass in the shower and clean your worthless ass! We have practice in an hour."

"I don't think I can go because of my ribs," I said softly.

"Oh you will go to practice and you will fake an accident, so they won't suspect anything. Cause if you don't your ass will pay for it later!" he shouted at me.

In Kevin's room.

"Hey cousin?" asked Brian. "How did it go with Matt yesterday?"

"Not good. He is seeing James," Kevin muttered over his coffee.

"Oh shit that is not good," moaned Brian. "There has got to be a way to help him."

"Well let me know if you come up with one," Kevin said. "We should head to the dance hall. The rest of the dancers should be there by now."

At the dance hall.

"Remember what I said whore!" James whispered in my ear. "You fake that accident or your ass will pay for it later!" The door popped opened and Kevin stuck his head in.

"Is everything all right in here?" he asked looking right at me.

"Yea every thing is fine," stated James glaring at me. "Right Matt?"

"Yes Mr. Richardson, every thing is fine," I said looking down.

"Well come on you two. Let's get this show on the road. Matt you are going to be my partner," Kevin said with a smile.

"But I thought I was your partner?" asked James.

"The producers want to change the color of hair schemes. You know, your hair is dark and Matt's is blonde. They want the contrast," Kevin quickly said. "You will be Nick's partner."

"Oh," stammered James. I could tell that he was not happy about this. For some reason he thought that I was trying to get into Kevin's pants or something. When Kevin left he grabbed my arm and twisted me around so that I was looking up at him. "Enjoy your fucking time with Kevin!" he sneered and stormed out. "Oh and remember to fake the accident!"

I groaned softly as I bent over to tie my shoes. The pain was getting worse. I didn't know how much longer I would last. A knock on the door interrupted me. I rolled my eyes and opened it. It was Brian, I stepped aside to let him in. "Umm can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked. I nodded and resumed getting ready. "That is a nasty bruise you got there," pointing to my rib cage. "You should get that checked out."

"Damn exercise equipment," I grumbled. "I was working out late and some ass hole turned out the lights and I ran into one of the weight machines."

"So you and James seeing each other?" he asked. A cold stab of fear stabbed my heart. "Hey don't worry man, we're used to having gays around. You will get now flack from us." I looked over at him and he had this big smile. "So spill the goods man. Are you and James seeing each other?" I blushed and looked down. "Ok, I'll take that as a yes." I giggled and grabbed the bottle of water and took a swig out of it. "Can I give you some advice?" he asked seriously.

"Sure," I smiled at him.

"Get another boyfriend," he said bluntly. I jerked my head up at him. "That bruise didn't come from a weight machine. James did that to you." I got scared and started moving towards the door. But Brian was faster and blocked my way. "I know James from the last tour. I've seen what he can do to his boyfriend. He is an abuser and he is going to ruin your life."

"We love each other," I stammered out.

"All I am saying is it would be in your best interest to stay away from him," Brian said again patting me on the shoulder and walked out. "Now come on because we are going to be late and Kevin is being a real hard ass this morning."

Brian and I walked out into the hall. James was talking to Nick. He was flirting with him and I got jealous and glared at him. He just glared back.

"Come on every one!" shouted Kevin. "Let's get this show on the road!"

After taking our places we started working through the basic moves. The pain was intense. I didn't know how much longer I would last. I was moving around the stage and saw my chance. There was an orchestra pit below me. I moved towards dancing my heart out. Kevin saw me moving to close to the edge of the stage. He tried to warn me with a look and I just smiled and nodded. I allowed my foot to land right on the edge and than it happened. My foot slipped and I fell into the pit. I twisted my body around to make sure that I landed on my injured side. It was a convincing fall. I landed hard I felt the ribs break. I screamed in pain and blacked out.

"Matt!" Screamed James as he bolted down the stairs leading to the pit. He was at my side in a flash. I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me. I actually believed the worried expression on his face. "Where does it hurt baby?" he asked as he gently probed my rib cage. He found the spot and I groaned loudly. I tried to sit up.

"Don't move!" ordered Kevin. "Some one call 911!" Turning to me he glared at me. "Didn't you see the edge of the stage?" he demanded. James got pissed and put him self in between Kevin and me.

"Hey it wasn't his fault!" shouted James. "It was an accident!"

"Do you realize how far this is going to put us behind schedule?" demanded Kevin.

"God all mighty Kevin!" shouted Nick. "There is a man hurt here and all you care about is the fucking schedule?" Kevin glared at him and moved to my side.

"Where does it hurt Matt?" Kevin asked gently. James glared at him with Jealousy raging.

"My ribs hurt, I think I might have cracked a couple," I winced out. By this time the ambulance had arrived and had taken over.

From Kevin's point.

"Some thing is not right!" I grumbled at Brian.

"You got that right!" Brian whispered back to me. "Where he landed is the same spot where I saw a nasty bruise on him just before we started dancing. James is beating him and Matt is covering for him."

"That fucker!" I rasped out glaring at James. "I'm gonna kill his worthless ass!" I started moving towards him but was stopped my Nick and Brian. "Let me go!" I hissed at them.

"This is not the time or the place Kevin!" Brian ordered. "We have no proof!" I reluctantly backed off glaring at James. James just grinned at me and leaned down and kissed Matt on the forehead. "I assume you have a plan?" I hurled at Brian.

"As a matter of fact I do," he smiled with a naughty gleam in his eyes. "Let's get to the hospital."

From Matt's point of view.

"OUCH!" I yelped. The nurse rolled her eyes as she tried to apply more tape to my rib cage. "That hurt!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see James. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Now Matt," he lightly scolded me. "Let the nice Nurse do her job," He light touch turned into a painful grip. After making sure I understood him he let up.

"All done Matt," the Nurse said as she planted a kiss on my cheek. "The Doctor will be in a few moments to go over the x-rays." With that she left the room.

"Well at least you are good at faking accidents," James said as he sat down. "I almost believed it was real."

"It was real," I hurled at him. "I did break two ribs. Only difference is that you broke them!"

"Listen here you little shit!" he shouted at me. "You keep your fucking mouth shut. If you value your son's life you will do as I say!" He reached into his pocket and dialed a number. "Hello, is Tyler there? This is James from the band. His father would like to talk to him." There was a pause, "Tyler?" James asked with an evil grin on his face. "Would you like to talk to your daddy?" He handed the phone to me. I took it with a shaking hand.

"Tyler?" I asked.

"No not Tyler," laughed a male's voice. "But I am very close to him right now. I can see him eating dinner right now. If you want him to live you do as you are told slut!" The phone went dead and James wrenched it out of my hands.

"You fucking sick bastard!" I hissed at him. He just grinned at me.

"And don't you forget it!" he taunted me. "Now put on your show face! The rest of the gang is about to arrive." Sure enough the door popped opened and Kevin came in followed closely by Brian. "Now Matt," James scolded me with a soft voice. "You need to rest."

"James is right Matt," Kevin said with a stern voice. "That was a bad fall you took. Don't worry about the schedule. We can make it up later. You just concentrate on getting better." He smiled at me and I knew that I was falling for him. Me? Falling for him? God! He was like really old! Ok not that old but 29! I'm only 18. Ok so I'm getting off track again. "So what did the doctor say?"

"He should be ready to be discharged in a couple of days. But he is going to have to stay off of his feet for a couple of weeks." My heart sank. I loved to dance and not to be able to do that was going to be hard.

"Well he is going to have to recover on the bus cause we leave in two days," Kevin informed us. My heart sank again. I was not looking forward to spending time on the bus with James. "Well get plenty of rest Matt," Kevin said patting my leg. "Come on James, let Matt sleep. We will bring you by first thing in the morning." With anger in his eyes James gave me a quick kiss and reluctantly followed Kevin out of the room. "You coming Brian?" Kevin asked.

"I'll be out shortly," Brian said. "I just want to pray with Matt first." I raised my eyebrows. I was Roman Catholic and he was Baptist. This would prove interesting. Kevin nodded and James giggled and they left the room. As soon as they left Brian turned to me. "So he did this to you didn't he?" I looked away not wanting to look him in the eye. "God Matt!" he shouted. "This can't keep going on. You are going to get killed. I'm putting a stop to this right now!" He reached into his pocket and started dialing a number.

"No!" I shouted. "Don't do it!"

"I'm not going to let him kill you!" Brian shouted again. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at my son's picture. Brian followed my eyes and gasped. "Oh my God!" I lost it and started to sob.

"Please don't call the police. He will kill my son," I sobbed into my hands. I felt the weight of the bed sag and two arms surround me. I continued to cry until I fell asleep.

Chapter two

Two weeks later,

I was in heaven, as I danced to the music of the Backstreet Boys. Kevin was my partner in a couple of songs. Mostly he danced with a girl. (YUCK) But the last two fast songs we danced as a team. No touching you know. We mimicked each other's moves. I allowed the music to flow through me as I moved with the music. Kevin was sweating bullets and man did he look hot. He smiled at me as I finished the difficult move. I must of hit it just right cause he winked at me. Auuugghh I was in heaven. Finally the last song was done and we were running off the stage. "I saw what you were doing you slut!" James hurled at me. "Stay the fuck away from him!"

"Oh yea right like I'm supposed to stay away from him. He is my boss!" I hurled right back at him with out thinking. SMACK! Right in the eye. I brought my hand up to cover it.

"You are fucking worthless!" he shouted at me. "Remember that!" With that said he stomped off. Tears filled my eyes as I ducked into the dressing room. I frantically looked around for the make up. I couldn't let any one see me like this. Especially Kevin. He already suspected something even though he didn't say it. Five minutes later I was my hyper happy self again and stepped out in the hall. Just in time too. The Backstreet Boys were just arriving. I smiled at Kevin all drenched in sweat and looking really fine. James hissed at me and I looked down.

"Great show everyone!" shouted Kevin as the group exited the stage. "Way to go Matt, that was some of the best dancing I've seen I've seen a long time."

"Umm, thanks Mr. Richardson," I stuttered out. I went back to guzzling my water. I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye and I looked over at James in time to see him glare at me. I quickly looked down and got my stuff together and headed for the bus.

"Hey Matt?" asked Kevin coming up behind me clamping his hand on my shoulder. "You coming to the party at the hotel?"

"Party?" I asked playing dumb.

"Yea silly, it is the first show of the tour and we're throwing a party." Kevin said laughing. "I would really love to see you there."

"Well I guess it would be all right," I glanced over at James to see him glaring at me again. Kevin caught me looking over at James and raised his eyebrows.

"I really want you to come. We need to talk!" Kevin said. "I'll make it an order if you want me to." I nodded quickly. "Ok than consider it an order. I'll see you at the party." I breathed a sigh of relief. James came strolling over after Kevin left.

"You are not going to that party!" he instructed me.

"Sorry, James," I said back. "Mr. Richardson says I have to be there." James drew back his hand as if to hit me but thought better of it.

"Fine," he spat out. "Go to the fucking party! But tonight when we get back to the hotel your ass is mine!" With that he stomped out. I knew from that moment on that I was in trouble. How do I get myself into these messes? Two weeks ago when I was talking to Kevin James walked in on us. Of course he was real polite to Kevin. But as soon as Kevin left he was on me beating the crap out of me. I was shocked and hurt. I thought James was one of the good ones. Boy was I mistaken. From that day on I was his "Slut." Not worthy of his love. I was desperately looking for a way out. A lot of people say that if you are in an abusive relationship that all you have to do is walk. Well let me tell you. It is not that fucking easy! They control you in ways you can never imagine. So don't judge me until you hear whole fucked up story. Speaking of which I guess I should get back to it.

Ok so back to the story.

I walked into the banquet room where the party was already in full swing. I see Kevin, (Mr. Richardson,) Hey I'm only 18 and he is like 29. Respect your elders and all that. He smiles and walks over with a glass of sparkling cider and hands it too me. "Let's go somewhere quiet."

"Sure Mr. Richardson," I said shyly. I was still new to the group and was still not sure what to think of Kevin. He was like really old. Incredibly good-looking and all but still old. Hey give me a break I'm only eighteen. And 29 is like ancient in our standards.

"No," he said bluntly smiling at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"James calls me Mr. Richardson and all the other dancers calls me that, but you call me Kevin," he smiled. I nodded.

He leads me to a sitting room. Once there he spins me around and quickly wipes my right eye with a tissue. The Makeup came off revealing the brand new shiner. I looked down. "Where did you get that or should I say who gave it to you?".

"I ran into a door," I lied. Ok let me let you in on a little secret. I can't lie. My face turns beat red when I do it. So as a habit I usually don't lie. Until recently that is.

"Ran into a door my ass!" he shouted. I cringed at his harsh words. "James did this to you didn't he?"

"It was my fault," I whispered out. "God I'm going to get into trouble." I really don't know when it happened but the next thing I knew I was in his arms sobbing like a baby. "You can't tell him you know."

"How long?" Kevin asked again. Only this time he used his gentle tone. He gently took me by the face and peered into the black eye. I shivered at his gaze. If you ever get the chance to look into his eyes do it at your own risk. Because once you look into them and see the depths of his soul you are hooked. "Did you put some ice on that?" He asked gently massaging it. I moaned softly. "That really needs some ice." I shook my head no. "Please Matt, I want to help."

"You don't have to help, I have it under control," I replied wiping my face. "Umm we should get back to the--,"

"Uh uh," Kevin retorted. "Now I asked you a question. How long has James been hitting you?" Silence. "So you're not going to answer?" Silence again. "Than you are fired." I looked up shocked. "I'm sorry but we can't take the chance of you getting seriously hurt."

"Two weeks ago he started hitting me," I whispered out. "Please, you can't tell him I told you. I love him!"

"Let me guess?" Kevin asked. "The beatings started when James caught me in your room." I nodded silently.

"If James finds out that you know he'll kill my--," I stopped myself. Kevin gazed at me again.

"What kind of monster does this to people?" Kevin rasped his eyes watering. God that hurt. Seeing his eyes water over in pain sent an arrow deep into my soul.

"The kind of monster that I love," I mumbled. Kevin jerked my head up with his finger under my chin.

"Love doesn't involve someone hitting you!" Kevin replied. "Two weeks ago that you were off. That accident? You faked it right?" I didn't answer him. So I guess he took it as a yes. "He broke your ribs didn't he?" I nodded. "Fuck!" he shouted. "That son of a bitch!" I cringed at his harsh tone. Kevin looked at me for a minute and than reached in his pocket and grabbed his cell phone. "I have to take action on this." I glared at him. "Don't look at me like that. I'm trying to help you and you are not being very cooperative." I had to do something to stop him from calling anyone. So I sat down groaning in pain. He frowned at me and sat next to me and started to poke and prod me. He seemed to know where all the points were. The rib cage, the back and abdomen. The more I moaned and groaned in pain the madder he got. "Take off your shirt!" he demanded. I shook my head no. "Dammit I said take off your shirt!" I reluctantly took it off. Usually I jump at the chance to show off my body. But not now. It was covered in bruises and I looked and felt ugly. Kevin sucked in a sudden breath as he resumed his poking and prodding. By the time he was done I was in tears, humiliated that I was exposed like this. Kevin kept swearing every time he would find a new bruise. There were many so the cuss words were many too. Finally he stopped and looked down at me. "You can't keep going on like this. He is going to either seriously hurt you or kill you. I have to report this." He went to reach for his phone again and I reached out with my hand and touched his arm.

"Please don't do this," I sobbed out. "You don't understand."

"You're right Matt, I don't understand how anyone could do this to you." It wasn't a question. I nodded. "I won't have him abusing one of my best dancers." I looked pleadingly at him. "Ok I won't say anything tonight. But first thing tomorrow he is gone."

"You mean you're not going to say anything?" I asked shocked.

"I wouldn't put you in danger like that," Kevin said patting me on the shoulder. He opened the door and we walked right into James. Thinking quickly Kevin turned to me and said. "So just remember that little rule and you won't miss that step again. Oh hi James, sorry I've been monopolizing Matt's time. But we are all done so you can have him back."

"Good, I missed him something terrible," cooed James as he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I blushed and looked down. "You ready to go back to the room sweetie?" I slid my arm around his waist and nodded.

"Matt, remember we have a meeting with our team at 9:00. Try not to be late," Kevin said as he headed back to the party. We walked to the elevator. I pushed the button and waited for the door to open. We walked in and once the door closed I felt the tight painful grip on my arm. I was roughly spun around and slapped hard across the face, I raised my hand to ward off the blow and was hit again.

"You two aren't fooling me!" rasped James. "Where is the fucking make up that you were wearing?" A cold chill ran through my veins. "Just wait until we get up to the room. You're ass is mine!!" I was tempted to stop the elevator and run but I realized that would do no good . James was bigger and stronger than me. He would catch me and than the marathon beating would start. If I went along with him maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

9:00 AM the next morning.

"Where is he?" demanded Kevin as he looked around his hotel room. "I told him the meeting was at 9 sharp. And where is Nick too? God dammit! Why can't we have some responsible people around here anyway? Brian go wake up Nick and I will go hunt for Matt." Kevin stormed out of the room and ran right into James.

"Oh Mr. Richardson! Matt asked me to let you know he is sick. He wont be at the meeting this morning."

"What is wrong with him?" demanded Kevin.

"Flu or something," stammered James. "I'm going to hunt him down some chicken soup or orange juice or something." With that said James headed down hall.

"Yea, flu my ass!" grumbled Kevin as he headed towards the room. Using his master key the door opened and he looked around. "Matt?" he called out. He looked at the bed and it was all messed up. His heart pace picked up when he saw the bloodstains. He heard a noise in the bathroom and he headed for it. "Matt?" he asked again. Reaching for the door handle he opened the door and stepped into the bathroom. He heard the shower running and saw the figure of someone in it. "Matt?" he called again.

"Yea?" I called out. "Who is it? Is that you James?"

"No it's Kevin," Kevin called out.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed. "I'm so sorry I'm late this morning. I woke up with a flu or something. Give me a couple of seconds and I will be ready."

"No I met James and he told me about you. I just stopped by to let you know to rest up for the day. We have the day off and I can fill you in the meeting later," Kevin yelled over the running water. I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought I heard the door shut and opened the shower door and limped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me waist and headed out into the living area of the hotel room.

"Oh my God!" Kevin yelled. I jerked my head up and saw him standing there. "What the hell did he do to you?" He ran up to me and grabbed me around my waist and I screamed in pain and fell to the floor. The door slammed open and in stormed James. Kevin stood up and dived for him hitting him in the face. The last thing I saw was James trying to avoid Kevin's flying fists. I don't know why I thought this but I did.

"Oh God," I thought just before darkness came over me. "James is going to kill Kevin."


"Is he coming around?" asked a worried voice. I closed my eyes tighter to avoid the blows that I knew were coming.

"I think so," said another voice. "Matt?" asked the annoying voice. "Maybe this will help. I heard a soft pop than a horrible ammonia smell invaded my peaceful slumber. I jerked my head up groaning. "Easy there Matt," said the voice again. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in bed, a hospital bed to be precise.

"Where am I?" I croaked out. I looked around again to see Kevin and Brian standing there at the foot of the bed. A doctor was standing next to me.

"You are in the hospital where you belong," the doctor said. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a Mack truck," I groaned again.

"More like a James truck!" hurled Kevin. I tensed up at he sound of his name.

"Don't worry about him Matt," the Doctor said softly. "He wont be bothering you for a long time."

"What happened?" I asked scared. If they hurt him he would make me pay for it.

"I beat the shit out of him and than threw his ass in jail," said Kevin as he came around the bed and sat beside me. "You are safe from him. He can't get to you."

"I don't remember asking you for help!" I muttered looking the other way.

"You would rather he keep beating up on you?" Kevin demanded grabbing my chin and jerked my face so that it was facing him. "I may have just saved you life!" The Doctor cleared his throat and Kevin stood up. "What?" he demanded glaring at me.

"I think that Matt needs his rest. He does have four cracked ribs and bruised spleen," the doctor said quietly. "We can settle this later."

"I'm sorry but I need a few moments with him first," said another voice. I looked to the right and saw a uniformed cop.

"Ok but only a few questions and than it is lights out for him," the Doctor ordered. The Cop nodded and ushered the rest of the guys out.

"He beat up on you real good didn't he?" asked the Cop as he eyeballed me. I looked away out the window. I was amazed at the view of a brick wall. "You need to press charges."

"What?" I asked.

"I said you need to press charges," the cop insisted. "He can't get away with this."

"It was my fault," I whispered. The cop sighed and sat down next to me. "Well it was!"

"No it wasn't," the cop said flatly. "Not four cracked ribs and a bruised spleen two black eyes and busted lip and busted nose. Now tell my that you are going to press charges."

"No," I said flatly.

"What?" yelled a voice. I turned around and saw an enraged Kevin standing at the door. "Are you out of your fucking mind? He could've killed you!"

"You don't understand!" I shouted back.

"Than make us understand," demanded Kevin. "I see a beautiful person getting the shit beat out of him on a daily basis and for no good reason. Make me understand." I looked down and allowed the tears of anger fall. "Can you leave us alone for a few moments?" asked Kevin. The door shut and I felt Kevin sit on the side of the bed. "Matt?" he asked softly. I looked up and made the mistake of looking into his green eyes and fell in trance. "Matt?" he said smiling a little waving his hand in front of me. I shook my head and looked away.

"I love him," I sobbed out. "I don't expect you to understand cause you're not gay or anything. But I love him and I can't live with out him."

"You're wrong Matt," he said so softly that I almost didn't hear him. I jerked my head up and met those blasted eyes again. "I do understand. I've been in love before. I've been in your shoes."

"What?" I asked. "You've been in love too? So what! Everyone has been in love at one time or another. I'm Gay! James was my first! I can't let go!" I shouted at him. I was crying again. "God I hate myself! I wish I was dead."

"No!" shouted Kevin. "Don't you ever say that again! You are a beautiful person and I for one don't want you dead. And dead is what you're going to end up as if you stay with James."

"You just don't understand," I sobbed out. "Don't you think I've tried to fight back? I tried, he is just to strong to big."

"Than you get an equalizer. You can't keep going on like this. We can help protect you. He's already been fired from the group. Management has taken care of that at least." I looked up in fear. "What is wrong Matt? What is he holding over you?" I looked away for a few moments when phone rang. I looked puzzled at it. "We've let you family know that you were in the hospital," Kevin explained.

"I wish you didn't do that," I sighed as I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked. The next sound brought an instant smile on my face.

"Hi Daddy!" exclaimed a child's voice. I cringed at the loudness of the voice. Kevin looked at me in shock.

"Hi little buddy," I laughed back.

"When are you coming home? I miss you Daddy," he asked. He was pulling out the big guns. Very typical of them. They knew how to get to their daddy's heart. I was hooked, on the first plane back home. But I had a job to do. Taking care of a three year old son took work and lots of money. I could almost see the pout on his three-year-old face. I smiled and shook my head.

"You know I have to work Tyler," I lightly scolded him.

"You mean dance with the Shape of My Heart guys?" he asked. I threw back my head and laughed.

"Yes son, I have to dance with the Shape of My Heart Guys," I looked over at Kevin to see him giggling. I picked up a pillow and tossed it at him. "I'm actually talking to one of them right now."

"Nick?" asked an excited Tyler. I could almost see him jumping up and down.

"No, not Nick, Kevin," I said smiling.

"Ewwww, he is the really old one!" grumbled Tyler. I looked over at Kevin to see his head cocked to the side looking at me confused. I started laughing at him and he flipped me off.

"Not in front of the children Kevin," I scolded. Kevin blushed and looked out the window. I turned my attention back to Tyler.

"Grandma said you got hurt," Tyler said again. I closed my eyes in sadness that my son had to know that. "I don't like it when James hits you. You never hit me. Why does he hit you?" Tyler was crying now and it tore my heart in two. I guess something snapped because suddenly I was very angry. I made up my mind that moment that I wouldn't let this happen again. My son was hurting because his daddy was hurt. I couldn't have that. I took a deep breath and looked over at Kevin. He nodded, I guess he saw the change.

"Tyler?" I asked softly but firmly. "I want you to listen to me. James is never going to hurt me again. So I don't want you to worry about me."

"Are you going to beat him up?" Tyler asked.

"No son, I wont solve violence with violence," I said shaking my head.

"If I was there I would punch him right in to the nose!" Tyler said very seriously. I almost laughed but kept it in check. I guess Kevin heard it too because he did bust up laughing. I glared at him and he stopped.

"Now Tyler," I lightly scolded him. "You know that hitting people is wrong!" I could almost see the pout again. "Hey!" I giggled. "What does grandma say about that?"

"That my face will freeze like that," he said sniffling.

"I have to go now son, please give the phone to Grandma," I said trying not to cry. Ever since he was born I couldn't spend nearly the time I wanted to with him. Being a single parent was hard. But I was so lucky to have my Mom. She understood and took care of him.

I guess the question that you have is, how does a gay guy have a kid. Long story, and I will tell you someday but not just now. Ok back to the story.

"Ok Daddy, I love you Daddy," he said softly.

"Are you smiling?" I asked.

"Yes daddy," he said softer. I knew he wasn't.

"Please Tyler," I replied wiping a tear from my face. "I love you and I miss you. I promise that I will see you real soon. Did you get the box of legos I sent you?"

"I don't want legos I want you!" he said rather harshly for a three year old. I raised my eyebrows.

"I know you do. And so do I. I'm coming home in just a few weeks. Now you be good for Grandma and Grandpa," I wiped some tears from my eyes. I hated being apart from him.

"Ok Daddy I will. And I'm going to build you a space ship with my legos," he said excitedly.

"I can't wait to see it," I giggled softly.

"I love you Daddy," he said.

"And I love you too Tyler," I whispered trying not to cry. The next voice I heard was my mothers.

"Matt, honey, are you all right? I got a call from that nice Brian and he told me you were in the hospital. Did James do this?" I rolled my eyes as she fired one question after another at me. "And don't roll your eyes at me young man!" she scolded. I giggled softly.

"I'm fine mom. Just a few cracked ribs. And you don't have to worry about James. He is in jail and I am going to press charges," I said into the phone. I heard Kevin breath a sigh of relief. "But Mom there is something you need to do."

"What Matt?" asked Mom.

"Have dad call his old Marine buddies. I want you and Tyler to have some protection. There is no telling what James will do. Even behind bars he still has influence on the outside. I want Tyler and you protected," I instructed her. "On second thought why don't you come out here?" Turning to Kevin. "We have extra room for two more people. He quickly nodded. "Good, Mom? Get your things packed and fly out here. You and Tyler can stay with the band for a while until it is safe."

"Do you really think that is wise?" she asked. "I mean is a band really an proper place for Tyler?"

"Mom don't worry about it. The Backstreet Boys are tame compared to some of those other groups," I giggled. "Besides I promised Tyler that he could meet Nick. Oh and Mom? Don't tell Tyler, I want it to be a surprise." After a few more moments on the phone I hung up and looked over at Kevin. He was staring at me with shock and surprise. "What?" I demanded. I was excited because in about three hours I would have my son at my side. Things were starting to look up.

"So that is why you don't want to press charges?" he asked bluntly. I nodded. "We will protect him Matt, We will do every thing in our power to make sure that bastard doesn't get near you family."

"Thank you Kevin, you don't know how much that means to me," I whispered looking down. Kevin walked over to me and took my chin in his hands and raised my face up so that I was looking into those eyes of his again. "What do you want from me?" I asked with a tremor in my voice.

"I want you to forget all about James," Kevin said softly.

"I can't, I still love him," I sobbed out. "I know he is an abuser and will never really love me but I can't help how I feel."

"Than to quote one of our songs, Get Another Boyfriend!" stated Kevin.

I looked up in shock. His stare was intense. It was like it was boring right into my very soul. I tried to turn my face away but he wouldn't let me. "Who would want me?" I asked in a small voice.

"I would," he whispered back. My mouth fell open and Kevin smiled as he bends down and kissed me lightly on the lips. My world exploded with fireworks. It wasn't a long or passionate kiss. It was just a soft application of lips on mine. But the emotion from those lips raged through my entire body. I shuddered and broke away. "Well?" he asked.

It took me a few moments to come up with a response. Ok so it wasn't the earth shattering one that you might expect. "Uhhh ummm wow," I replied. Kevin through back his head and laughed. I found myself laughing too.

"It is good to hear you laughing all though that wasn't the response I was waiting for," he giggled.

"Oh really?" I laughed back.

"So will you think about it?" he asked looking into my eyes," I shied away from his glance. "Did I do anything wrong?" he asked softly.

"Did anyone tell you that you have great eyes?" I asked daring to look into them again. Now it was Kevin's turn to blush. I busted up laughing when I saw it. He glared at me for a few seconds before joining in. "Well you do!" I exclaimed again.

"What is he like?" Kevin asked changing the subject on me.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"Tyler, your son," Kevin said.

"He is great, hand me my wallet," I said pointing to it on the bedside stand. He tossed it to me and I dug through it until I found what I was looking for. I handed it too Kevin.

"He is cute!" giggled Kevin. "Where did he get that blonde hair?"

"Hello!" I exclaimed pointing to my hair. Kevin blushed and looked back to the picture. "He is my angle. And He is crazy about you guys."

"Which one is his favorite?" Kevin asked.

"Umm that would be a toss up between Nick AJ and Brian," I replied.

"Where do I fit in?" asked Kevin.

"Well to use his exact words. Kevin is sooooo oooollllld!" Kevin jerked his head up and started laughing.

"I'm not old!" he laughed out.

"Well to a three year old you are!" I giggled out.

"You love him don't you?" he asked handing the picture back. I looked at it for a few seconds and laid it on the bedside table so that I could see it.

"He is the reason I live," I said looking up at Kevin. "He is also the reason I can't allow James to win."

"Did he threaten your family?" asked Kevin.

"Don't they always?" I spat out bitterly. I let out a huge yawn and tried to stay awake.

"That would be the pain meds kicking in," Kevin laughed softly. He bent down and kissed me again.

"Wow!" I giggled. "I could get used to this!" He reached down and messed up my hair.

"I will send the cop in so you can give him the good news and I will catch you later," Kevin smiled giving me a quick kiss again before leaving.

Later that afternoon

Kevin stood nervously in the VIP lounge in the airport. Nick was with him and Nick looked up at him and shook his head grinning. "What?" exclaimed Kevin.

"You have it so bad for Matthew Whitewater," giggled Nick. Kevin blushed and looked away. "Oh my God! It is true!" laughed Nick. "You have the hots for Matt!"

"Try to yell a little louder Nick, I don't think the whole terminal heard you!" Kevin hurled at him.

"Sorry about Kev," Nick said in a much quieter voice. "But Matt?"

"Yes Matt!" Kevin glared at him.

"Kevin, he is so young!" Nick said softly.

"Love knows no age Nick you of all people should know that!" Kevin hurled at him.

"Mr. Richardson?" asked a female voice. Kevin turned around to see an older woman standing behind him. A three-year-old blonde headed boy was hiding behind her.

"Please call me Kevin, you must be Mrs. Whitewater," Kevin said holding out his hand. Tyler stuck his head around and caught sight of Nick and quickly retreated back behind his Grandmother's dress. "And this must be Tyler," Kevin laughed softly.

"Come on out Tyler and say hi to Mr. Richardson," laughed Mrs. Whitewater. Tyler stepped out into view and mumbled hi at Kevin.

"I've brought Nick along," Kevin said softly. "Would you like to meet him?" Tyler silently nodded his head. Kevin held out his hand and Tyler took it and Kevin led him over to Nick. "Tyler I would like you to meet Nick Carter one of the members of the Shape of My Heart Guys." Nick looked at Kevin like he was nuts. "Later Nick, right now you have to meet one of your greatest fans. Nick say hi to Tyler." Nick grinned and bent down so that he was eye level to Tyler and stuck out his hand.

"Hi Tyler," he said smiling his most charming smile. "It is nice to meet you."

"Do you like to play with legos?" asked Tyler.

"Of course I love to play with legos," Nick grinned.

"Good cause I brought my legos and I made a space ship for my dad and and--," Tyler babbled on. Nick took his hand and led him outside into the limo.

"Tyler thinks the world of you guys," Mrs. Whitewater said. "Matt tells me what a great boss you are."

"Thank you Mrs. Whitewater," Kevin blushed looking down. "We really love working with him. He has a lot of talent."

"Dancing is his first love," she smiled as she reached for her luggage. Kevin shook his head and snapped his fingers and the limo driver came.

"Please load the Whitewater's luggage in the trunk and than we will head over to the hotel," Kevin instructed.

At the hospital.

I woke and looked around and saw James standing there with flowers in his hand. My heart filled with fear. Thank goodness I had the call button in my hand under the blanket where James couldn't see it. I pressed the red button signaling that I wanted hospital security. Looking over at my son's picture my heart filled with anger again. "What do you want?" I demanded harshly.

"I came to see you sweetie," James said handing me the flowers. I gently laid them on the bedside stand.

"They are nice James, thank you," I said calmly. "When did you get out of jail?"

"My lawyer posted bail for me," James said. "I'm so sorry I did that to you, can you ever forgive me?" I looked at the door waiting for the security to arrive. "Please baby I didn't mean it," he said softly. I could actually see tears in his eyes. I almost caved.

"I won't be abused any longer James," I said softly. "I love you but I won't go through that any longer." He nodded and came towards me. I let him lean down and thought he was going to kiss me but he hit me in the face. The door opened and I hit him back as hard as I could. He grabbed his jaw and landed on his ass. "I said I would no longer allow you to hit me any longer!" The security surrounded him and had him in cuffs again. "Take him out of here and I never want to see him again!"

"You worthless piece of shit!" James yelled at me. "I will hunt you down and kill you. You and your entire family!" For the first time I felt as if I was in control. My son was in my care. And James couldn't get to him. I had power over James and I used it. I took a deep breath and started my new life with my next two words.

"Get out!" I shouted as I threw the flowers at him. The security guards manhandled him out of the room. I turned and faced the other way allowing the tears to fall. At some point I fell asleep again.

I woke up an hour later to the sound of laughter in the room. I opened my eyes and Tyler ran to my bedside.

"Daddy!" he squealed trying to hug me. I allowed him to wrap his arms around my neck disregarding the pain his weight was causing me. "I missed you Daddy!" he squealed again.

"I missed you to son," I smiled at him reaching up and messing up his hair. I looked up and saw Kevin standing there looking rather foolish holding one Tyler's creations.

"Umm I think it is a castle or something," Kevin said handing it to me. "He made me carry it in."

"It's not a castle!" laughed Tyler. I looked at it and decided that it certainly looked like a castle. But than I remembered the phone conversation.

"Of course not son," I smiled at him. "Kevin can't help it. He is old. But you and I know it is a space ship!" Kevin's eyes bugged out as the whole room busted up laughing.

"I am not old," grumbled Kevin.

"Yea you're not old!" laughed Tyler. "You're ancient!" That was it for me I lost it laughing as hard as I could. The pain was intense but it was worth it. Kevin pouted for a few moments before joining in.

"When can you come home?" Tyler asked sitting down beside me.

"As soon as the Doctor says I can. But Tyler, we're not going home right away. I have a job to do. So you get to stay with me at my job for a while. What do you think of that?" I asked messing up his hair. He giggled and swatted my hand away.

"You mean I get stay here with you and the Shape of My Heart Guys?" he asked excited. The guys in the room started laughing and I laughed too.

"Yes son you get to stay with us for a while," I smiled leaning down and kissing his nose.

"Ewwww Yucky!" he exclaimed wiping off his nose.

"Tyler?" asked Kevin. Tyler looked over at Kevin. "Do you want to go with Nick and Brian for some pizza while I talk to your father?" Tyler looked real nervous about leaving me alone. "I promise not to let anything happen to him."

"Pinky swear?" Tyler asked holding up his pinky finger. Kevin's face lit up with a smile as he hooked fingers with my three-year-old son.

"Pinky swear," he stated solemnly. Tyler than gave me a quick kiss and jumped off the bed and grabbed Nick's hand and drug him out of the room. "Come on Nick!" Nick gave us a pleading look as he was litterly drug out of the room. Kevin just laughed as he sat down next to me.

"You have got to be the luckiest man on earth," he said looking at me.

"Why?" I asked laying my head back on the pillow.

"Tyler is the greatest kid," he giggled.

"I hope he wasn't any trouble," I said a little worried. "He can be a handful you know."

"Oh don't worry about him. Nick kept him occupied, or was it Tyler keeping Nick occupied?" Kevin asked smiling. "Any way we are going to love having him around."

"Thank you," I said looking into Kevin's eyes. "I can't begin to thank you en--," I was stopped a finger placed gently to my lips.

"I love you Matt," Kevin said solemnly. "I would never allow any thing to happen to you or your family." Tears started to flow again and Kevin gently wiped them from my face. "Now no more crying mister!" he scolded me as he smiled. I nodded and looked over at the Space ship my son had created. "Umm are you sure it is a space ship?" Kevin asked cocking his head to the side.

"Of course it is Kevin," I laughed. I picked it up to admire it closer. "Yep it is definitely the first Space ship that could easily double as a castle." I busted up laughing at Kevin's expression. Soon we were both laughing as we examined the spaceship. When we were done we both decided that it was most definitely a castle. Of course Tyler didn't have to know. I giggled as I felt a pair of lips grace the back of my neck. "Mmm," I moaned. "That feels good." Kevin chuckled softly as he continued to softly attack my neck. I pouted momentarily when he stopped.

"Umm Matt," he said in a serious tone. I perked up right away. "We need to talk about what is going to happen next."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"James is out of jail and he is suing us," Kevin stated flatly.

"That ass hole!" I shouted. "We should be suing him not the other way around!"

"What do you want to do?" he asked as he resumed his attack.

"I've already pressed charges," I said as I snuggled closer to him. "What else is there to do?"

"Well there will be a trial and you may need to testify," I looked up at him and saw concern in his eyes. "He has threatened your family."

"I won't live in constant fear Kevin," I stated. "He is a sick person and he needs to put away." I was getting tired and tried not to yawn but couldn't help it. The pain medication they had me on was taking affect again.

"Right now you need to rest. We are going to have a busy day tomorrow. You are going to be discharged and we are back on the road," Kevin said as he kissed the top of my head.

"But I don't want to sleep," I said sadly. There is a reason I don't want to sleep. James is there in my dreams.

"He can't hurt you any more," Kevin said softly as he stroked my hair. Which only made me sleepier.

"Yes he can," I said sadly. "He comes in my dreams too you know."

"Than I will be here for you. Now try to get some rest," Kevin soothed me. I surrendered myself to him and soon I was sound asleep.

From Kevin's point of view.

I watched Matt sleep. He still bore the bruises that James had afflicted on him. But he was still gorgeous. Right now he was sleeping peacefully and that brought comfort to me. I couldn't believe it! I was in love! I wanted to shout to the world but I didn't. I felt him stir a little and a small frown appeared on his angelic features. I leaned down and whispered into his ear. "I'm here baby, nothing can hurt you now." He snuggled closer to me and continued to sleep minus the frown. I heard a light knock on the door and Brian stuck his head in. I motioned him in. He raised his eyebrows at the sight of me holding Matt.

"I see you and Matt are getting to know each other," he smiled. "Nick took Tyler back to the hotel for his bed time."

"I hope that he didn't wear him out," I said softly.

"Which one? Nick or Tyler?" laughed Brian. "That Tyler is a ball of energy. He managed to drag poor Nick around to about every store in the mall. He said he had to look for a gift for his dad!"

"He is a cute little guy isn't he?" I smiled. "I would love to be able to be a part of his life in some way."

"How do you think Matt will feel about that?" asked Brian.

"I don't know yet, we are after all just starting out," I said frowning when Matt started to moan softly in his sleep. I whispered in his hear again and he calmed down.

"Bad dreams?" Brian asked.

"James has really messed Matt up," I said bitterly. "I would love to meet him in a dark alley somewhere!" I calmed down right away cause I didn't want Matt to pick up on my anger. "So what did Tyler get his dad?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh that is a secret that only Nick and Tyler knows about," laughed Brian. "Those two have really hit it off. It is almost like Nick has found a new little brother."

"Not to change the subject Cous, but how did it go?" I asked. I knew it was touching on a touchy subject but I was worried.

"They will have the results in a week," Brian said with hope in his eyes. "I just want a family Kev."

"Any ideas what the problem is?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder. He shook his head no looking down.

"They're pretty sure that it isn't her. So that leaves only me," he replied looking at me. "I can't be sterile Kev! I just can't be!" Tears flowed down his face and my heart went out to him. I pulled him into my arms to comfort him.

"What if you are?" I asked.

"Don't even say that!" he hurled at me.

"Brian, I'm not saying it to be mean but at some point you need to face and cross that bridge when it comes." I got up and sat in the chair the furthest from Matt. I didn't want him to wake up. He needed his rest. "Have you thought of adopting?"

"We thought about it but the industry is full of problems Kevin," Brian sighed as he picked up the picture of Tyler looking wistfully at it. "Some people have all the luck in the world Kevin. I mean look at me. I'm a good Christian, I do all the right things. I saved myself for my wife. I treat her right I try not to sin and still I am left with out the greatest gift of all."

"What gift is that?" I asked.

"To father a child," he sobbed into his hands. "That is all I ever wanted. I wanted to have this big family you know with lots of kids running around."

"Hmmm a house full of little Brians running around," I chuckled. "Is the world ready for that?" I was trying to lighten the mood. It worked because it brought a smile to his face.

"Better than a bunch of Kevins running around or Nicks," he laughed out.

"Or AJs running around!" I laughed out. By this time we were in stitches laughing so hard. "Shh, I don't want to wake Matt. You hungry?" I asked as my stomach made itself heard.

"Yea I could eat something," Brian smiled.

"Good let's go out to get something to eat," I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and we headed out.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke to find that someone was laying beside me. I panicked thinking it was James and I sat up in a hurry yelling. "Get a way from me you freak!" The figure sat up and scrambled out of bed. Only then did I realize my mistake. "Oops sorry about that Kevin," I said sheepishly.

"Who were you yelling at?" He asked sitting back on the bed.

"I thought that you were James," I mumbled.

"He can't get to you Matt," Kevin ran his hand through his hair. "We have guards around you and your family." The door opened and in walked my mother. She frowned at Kevin sitting so close to me.

"Good morning Mrs. Whitewater, Kevin said formally. She nodded and sat a vase with flowers in it on my beside table.

"I thought these would bright up the room," she smiled at me as she bent down and kissed on the forehead. "Kevin, can I see you outside please?" I started to argue but her tone made it clear that arguments would not be tolerated.

Once outside my mother turned to Kevin and looked him up and down. Kevin blushed at her scrutiny. "What are your intentions with my son?" she asked bluntly.

"I want to take care of him," Kevin answered truthfully. "He has been hurt by James and I hate that, he deserves someone to love him for who and what he is. I'm hoping that he will allow me to be that person."

"Honesty," she replied smiling a little. "That is a quality that you and James don't share." Kevin felt anger build up in him at the mention of his name. "I know how you feel. I would love to inflict some damage to him too. But we have to let the police handle it." They heard the elevator door ping and the sound of a child's laughter ring out. "That would be Tyler and the rest of the gang. Shall we go back in?" Kevin held the door open for my mom and they retreated back into my room.

"We have to warn you Matt," smiled Kevin. I looked at him confused. "Umm your quiet time is about to disappear!" As if on cue the door pops open and Tyler comes running in.

"Daddy!" he squealed. I held out my arms to receive the bundle of energy that made my life all worth it. I started to tickle him and he squealed with laughter. "Stop it plllleeeeaassseee!" he laughed out. After about ten more seconds of tickle torture I let him up. "When do you get out of this place?" he asked frowning.

"They will let me go this morning son," I said kissing him on the cheek. "I missed you."

"I missed you to Daddy, Nick and I had fun last night," he rambled on.

"You haven't been pestering him have you?" I looked over at Nick and he shook his head no.

"I got you a present!" Tyler exclaimed. Nick stepped forward and handed me a bag. I looked in and started laughing. The rest of the guys looked at me confused.

"Care to let me in on the joke?" Kevin asked. I reached into the bag and pulled out a multi colored Teddy Bear. "He is cute!" laughed Kevin.

"Thank you son," I said as I messed up his hair.

"Do you like it?" Tyler asked grinning. "Nick helped me pick it out!"

"Oh really?" I looked over at Nick who was trying to make himself look as small as possible. He was saved by the door. The Doctor came in for morning rounds. In a few moments I was declared that I could go home. After signing the discharge papers we headed out of the hospital and into the waiting limos. Tyler was right beside me all the way. Kevin sat on the other side of me with his hand in mine. I noticed that Brian was looking at Tyler. Tyler noticed it too and moved to sit next to him.

"Hi!" he exclaimed. "You want to build something with my legos?"

"Sure!" smiled Brian. Tyler got out his legos from his backpack and dumped them on the seat. Soon Brian and Tyler was busy building whatever it was. Only they knew what it was.

"Psst!" Kevin whispered in my ear. I looked over at him and grinned. "I can't wait to get you alone." I blushed and looked down. "You are so adorable when you do that."

"If you don't stop embarrassing me like that I'm going to have a melt down here," I glared at him. He just grinned and decided to help Brian and Tyler with the construction of the Lego thingy.

"Matt?" asked my mother. I looked over at her. "I have decided to head back home."

"Mother!" I exclaimed. "You can't do that. What about James?"

"I'm leaving Tyler with you for a while. But with your father getting up in years I really should be home for him. My mind is made up," I knew better than to argue to with her.

"If you think it is for the best," I mumbled. I noticed that the car had turned into the airport terminal. "You're leaving now?" I had wanted at least a day with her to talk about Kevin but it looked like that wasn't going to happen.

"I need to get home to your father," she said as he picked up her purse. Turning to Tyler. "Tyler?" he looked up from his project. "Grandma is going home so you promise me you will be a good boy."

"Ok Grandma," he said. "I promise to be good."

"And try not the drive Nick and Brian nuts," she said with a grin.

"Really Mrs. Whitewater," Brian spoke up as he sat Tyler down on his lap. "He is no problem at all. We really enjoy having him around."

"I will walk you to the gate," I said as I tried to get out.

"You're in no condition to be getting out and walking son." Turning to Kevin. "Take care of my son." Kevin nodded as he sat back down next to me.

"Good by mom," I said as she leaned over and hugged me tightly. In another minute she was gone and we were back on the road to the hotel.

Later in my hotel room.

"Man I am tired," I sighed as I sat on the bed. I looked around the room nervously. "I should change rooms." I mumbled softly.

"Than change rooms you shall," Kevin said as he started to pack my things. "You can room with me." There is two beds so you and Tyler can share one and I can have the other." He stopped as I stared at him surprised. "I'm sorry," he said as he put the shirt down. "If I am pushing let me know."

"No, that is fine," I said smiling at him. "I kinda like the idea of rooming with you."

"Good than it is settled. Why don't you go to my room now and try to get some sleep. You're still recovering. I'll pack your things and move them into our room." I smiled at the sound of that. I was going to like rooming with Kevin.

In Brian's room.

"Are you sure baby?" he asked excitedly. "Yea but you've been late before." Another paused. "Well let me know as soon as you get back from the doctor. I'm praying for you right now." Pause "Ok I love baby." He pushed the off button and jumped. "YESSS!" he exclaimed. Nick and Tyler looked up in shock. "That was Leighanne, she is late!"

"Umm late for what?" asked a confused Nick. Tyler just shrugged and went back to playing video games.

"For her period!" Brian smiled.

"Umm what is a period?" asked Tyler. Nick chocked back laughter.

"Umm Brian, would you like to answer the boy?" giggled Nick. Brian glared at him.

"When you are older," he gently told Tyler. Tyler just shrugged again and went back to his game. "Do you know what that means?"

"Umm she is going to have a baby?" Nick asked. Brian smiled and nodded as he lay back on the bed. "Oh dear, another Brian running around."

Back in our room. Kevin walked back in and dropped the second load of stuff. He looked over at me sleeping and smiled. "Well back to work Kevin," he said to himself as he set about putting my things away.

A few hours later I woke up to find the room dark. I slowly made my way up and headed towards the door. I reached for the door and opened it to find Kevin getting ready to slide the card into the slot. "Hey Matt," he said softly. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Come on I've been sleeping all day. I want to see my son," I said as he looked into his eyes. "Please?" I pleaded sticking out my lip in a pout.

"Tyler is not here," Kevin said as he guided me back to the bed. "Brian and Nick took him out to the park. But they should be back in a little while."

"Brian is getting a little chummy with my son isn't he?" I asked.

"Brian has always loved children. And the kids seem to flock to him. He is really going to make a great father some day," Kevin smiled. I sat down on the bed and frowned at it. It was a mess! But than again I was always a restless sleeper. "Umm can I ask you a question?" Kevin asked softly. I nodded. "Um can I kiss you?" Again I nodded not saying anything. I closed my eyes as Kevin's lips descended down upon me. It was a soft and gentle kiss. His tongue gently raked across my lips. I parted my lips to allow him. He slid his tongue in and started exploring my mouth. The next thing I knew I was laying on the bed with Kevin over top of me. His kiss had turned more passionate and he had started to grind his crotch into mine. I moaned softly as my body responded to his touch. I felt his hand reach for my boxers and gently started to pull them down. I lifted up so that he could get them off. My hard cock slapped me on the abs as it swung up. Kevin looked down at me with love and lust in his eyes.

"Well are you going to shed some of those clothes too?" I asked as my hand found his belt buckle. If I was going to be naked so was he. Besides I wanted to see him naked. Not like in the shower after the show I had seen that. It was great but not like this. I wanted to see him naked in the aroused state that he was in. He chuckled softly as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. He was wearing a skintight black wife beater under his royal blue shirt. I liked my lips in anticipation.

"See some thing you like?" he growled at me. I growled back and tried to pull him down on me. BAM BAM BAM!

"Daaaaddddyyyyy!!!" shouted Tyler. I groaned in frustration and so did Kevin. "I want to see you!" I quickly put on me boxers and slid on a pair of sweats. Kevin whistled at me and I smiled back at him. Slowly walking to the door and opened it. Standing there holding Tyler was Brian. "Hi Daddy," he squealed as he struggled to get out of Brian's arms. Brian's face fell a little when he had to let Tyler go. "Brian and Nick took me to the park!" he rambled on as his tiny hand found my hand and drug me back in the room.

"Come on in Brian," I laughed. "Hey Kevin, it looks like we have some company."

"Hey Tyler," Kevin said. I noticed that he was wearing his clothes again. "Did you have fun at the park?"

"We fed the ducks!" he said as he sat next Kevin and patted the seat next to him. I sat down next to him and ruffled his hair.

"You behaved yourself right?" I asked looking over at Brian.

"Of course he behaved himself," Brian gushed. "Tyler is a very good little boy." I looked over at Kevin, I could tell he was a little disappointed about our session being interrupted.

"Is any one hungry?" I asked. Tyler perked right up. "How about Pizza!" He squealed with excitement. "How about we have a pizza party just us guys?"

"No girls right?" demanded Tyler. I nodded. "Good cause they are yucky!" Brian busted up laughing along with Kevin and me. Tyler just shrugged his shoulder and snuggled deeper into my arms. Brian's cell phone went off and he answered it.

"Hello Brock here!" he spoke into the phone. "Hi Sweetie!" I slipped my hand into Kevin's and smiled at him. He smiled back as he paged through the phone book looking for Pizza pallor. "Oh God!" Brian sobbed. Kevin dropped the book and was at his side at once. "Why can't things ever be easy for us?" Brian was sobbing now into the phone. "All I want is a family, a wife and children. Is that too much to ask for?" I took Tyler by the hand and slipped out of the room so that Kevin and Brian could be alone.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Brian?" I asked softly. Brian just sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands sobbing. "What is wrong Brian?"

"We thought this was it this time. We thought that she was pregnant. I mean all the signs pointed that she was expecting this time," he sobbed. He stood up and wiped his face with the sleeve of his shirt. I handed him a hanker chief from my pocket.

"She isn't pregnant?" I asked. He shook his head no. I looked around and didn't see Matt or Tyler around. They must have left so that we could be alone. "Do you want me stay with you tonight?" I asked. When Brian first came to group I would room with him because he was so homesick. It took him almost a year before he could room alone.

"No I'll be all right Kev," he sighed as he sat back down.

"You know that is a lie!" I lightly scolded him. "You are hurting and you need someone to hold you and comfort you. Now your wife is in Atlanta and you are here. Let me do this for you!"

"What about Matt?" Brian asked. "He needs you too."

"Matt will understand, you are family," I said crossing my fingers hoping that Matt would indeed understand. "You shouldn't be alone tonight." Brian nodded and fell into my arms sobbing. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the most loving eyes in the world staring down at me. Matt knelt beside us and joined us in the hug.

"I need to stay with--," I started but was stopped with a finger to my lips.

"You don't need to explain. You take care of your cousin. Tyler and I will be fine," Matt said with a smile.

"Are you sure it will be all right?" I asked. I could see the disappointment on Matt's face. He reached up and wiped a tear from my face. It was probably the most simple and yet touching things that anyone had ever done for me. A surge of emotion raged through me and threatened to overcome me. But that would have to wait. I needed to be the strong one for Brian.

"Of course it will be all right. Tyler and I need some Daddy and Son time any way," Matt smiled. "Brian?" Brian turned towards Matt. "I'm so sorry that your wife isn't expecting." Brian smiled a small smile and nodded. Matt kissed me lightly on the lips than kissed Brian on the cheek. "Now Mr. Richardson, take care of your cousin. I'll see you in the morning."

"I love you Matthew Whitewater," I smiled. He winked at me as he closed the door.

"That is one incredible guy you've latched onto Kevin," Brian stated. "Hang on to him."

"I plan on it. Now let's get you cleaned up and fed," I turned to pick up the room service menu when there was a knock at the door. I shrugged and got up to open it. Brian had headed into the bathroom to shower. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Room service," the voice behind the door said.

"I didn't order anything from Room service," I shouted back.

"Compliments from Mr. Whitehead sir," the voice called back. I smiled and shook my head. My sweetie had thought of everything. I got up and opened the door and the card was rolled in. I tried to tip him. "That has already been taken care of sir. Enjoy your meal." I lifted the lid off of one of dishes and laughed softly. It was Mac and Cheese. That was obviously for Brian. I lifted the other and laughed again. Matt had thought of everything. I had pasta. I quickly set up dinner and by the time Brian was done with his shower Dinner was ready.

"Wow Room service was quick!" Brian said with a confused look on his face.

"You mean Matt was quick," Kevin smiled. Brian cocked his head to the side. "He ordered for us."

"That was nice of him," Brian sat down and bowed his head for a quick prayer and started eating. I said a small prayer too and started eating my dinner too. I would have to make sure that Matt got special treatment tomorrow night.

From Matt's point of view.

"So little buddy," I said sitting beside Tyler and wrapping my arms around his small shoulder. "It looks like it is you and me tonight."

"I'm hungry daddy," he said looking up at me.

"Well let's see what they have on the menu," I said picking up the menu and flipping through it. "Do you like chicken fingers?" I asked him.

"Yea!" he exclaimed. "With fries!"

"And a vegetable," I finished. He made a sour face. "And if you eat them we'll finish up with an ice cream sundae!" His face turned into a smile at once. "After dinner we'll order a movie."

Later that evening Tyler was watching the movie with me when he looked up at me. "Daddy?" he asked. I looked down and smiled at him. "Why is Brian so sad?"

"Well son," I started. "Brian is sad because he wants a family."

"Like what we have?" Tyler asked.

"Well yes, but he is married and he wants a son or daughter too. And so far they haven't been able to do that yet and that is why he is so sad," I explained.

"I don't like seeing him sad. I want to do something to make him happy," Tyler spoke up in a very serious tone of voice.

"Well what would you like to do?" I asked.

"I could draw him a picture," he said with a smile.

"I think that is good idea son," I smiled back. I helped him get his crayons out and paper and soon he was busy drawing Brian's picture. He was being very secretive about it. Covering it every time I walked by him. I chuckled quietly to myself. I yawned heavily as I realized that the next dose of pain medications was taking affect. I waited until Tyler was done and I gave him his bath and got his teeth brushed and into bed. We were sleeping in Brian's room so I had to borrow a pair of Brian's pajamas for me. I would have to talk to him about his choice of bed wear. It seems that Brian had this obsession with teddy's bears. Tyler busted up in a fit of laughter when he saw me in them. I rolled my eyes and climbed into bed and pulled my son close to me. Soon we were both asleep.

The next morning I was woken by feather kisses on my bare shoulder. I smiled as I snuggled deeper into the pillow. I heard a deep but soft giggle as the kisses persisted. I tried not to giggle but couldn't resist because he hit my soft spot.

"So, I see my sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up," spoke the voice from heaven. I opened my eyes to see the smiling face of my lover looking down at me. I looked over to where Tyler was supposed to be sleeping. "He is in our room watching cartoons with Brian. It was his idea. He said he had to cheer Brian up."

"So are you going to join me?" I asked as my hand traveled to his waistband of his work out clothes. That was when it hit me. He had just come from the gym. I wrinkled my nose at the smell. "I tell you what, why don't you shower first than join me." Kevin laughed and trotted off to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned over and went back to sleep. Just as I was getting into a real good dream I was woken again. "If this isn't Kevin, than you are dead!" I grumbled. That same soft deep giggle sounded in my ear. I turned over slowly and came face to face with a totally naked and aroused Kevin and he was all mine. He lay down on top of me covering my body with his. I moaned softly as he gently ground his crotch into mine. My lips captured his and we kissed for what seemed to be an eternity. Kevin's hands found their way to the waistband of the pajama pants I was wearing. Soon they were tossed across the room followed quickly by my boxers. He sat back to look at me. I shivered at his glance. He took all of me in and made no secret about it. I looked at him too. God! He was so beautiful. My eyes traveled up and down his rock hard body stopping at his cock. My hand reached for it and he smiled and took it and guided it the rest of the way. I gently wrapped my fingers around it. It was hot and throbbing and I knew at that moment that I wanted it. I wanted it bad. I licked my lips and scooted over so that I was right next to him. "Now that I've caught it what do I do with it?" I teased as I lightly stroked it. Kevin let out a small groan. I jumped when his hand closed on mine.

"Two can play at that game," he giggled. He than bent down and took my cock in his mouth. I fell back on the bed as the intense pleasure assaulted my senses. Kevin just ignored the world around me as he continued his assault on me. He started at he tip paying attention to the sensitive slit hole. Every time his tongue would dive in it would send waves of pleasure through me.

From Kevin's point of view.

It is like a drug. Sex I mean. Here I was laying in-between Matt's legs paying homage to him. I usually don't suck cock but for some reason I felt at home with Matt. I was tuned into his moans and whimpers. I wanted this to last for him. So I took my time making sure that I covered every square inch of his gorgeous cock. It tasted good too. I was rewarded with a soft moan from his hot lips. Every moan, every gasp, and every whimper I drank in like a succulent wine. I enjoyed watching his body and his face. You know that you are making your lover happy when you look into his face at the moment of orgasm and they managed to look you in the eye. The passion and emotion that sears into you at the moment of orgasm is so intense that some times it frightens you. The first shot hit me in the back of the throat. I smiled to myself as I milked him of his load. He moans and whimpers finally die down as I lick him clean. When I am satisfied that he is happy I make my way back to him and capture his lips in a small kiss.

"Wow," he sighs as he lays his head on my chest. "What was that for?"

"I love you sweetie," I said to him as I brushed a stray hair from his angelic face. I frowned when it wouldn't stay. He giggled at my attempt to straighten his hair. Than it got silent for a minute.

"Kevin?" he asked softly. I looked down at him and saw lust in his eyes. But I also saw fear. "Will you umm make love to me?"

"Are you sure baby?" I asked softly. "I mean it hasn't been that long since you've been out of the hospital and your ribs still have to heal."

"Please?" he begged as his hands found my cock. I couldn't resist that face. I gently turned him over and slid in behind him. After applying a generous amount of lube on my cock and on and around his whole I reached for a condom and put it on.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked softly. He nodded and I placed my cock at the entrance of his hole. Gently pushing in I slid passed his ring. He tensed up from the pain. I saw some tears roll down his face. "Baby am I hurting you?"

"You're bigger than James was," he gasped out. I went to pull out but he stopped me. "No! Please don't stop. It will get better." So I waited a few moments for him to signal me to continue. He did by moving against me. So I started to pull out again and thrust back in. This time the response was one of pleasure. "OOOOOOHHH God Kevin," he moaned out. His whole body trembled with pleasure as I continued to thrust in and out.

From Matt's point of View.

"Wow!" I thought to myself. Kevin had been riding me for almost a half an hour. He was riding from behind me as his arms cradled my body. He was so gentle and loving. Not at all like James. James was rough. I guess all he cared about was his feelings. But Kevin was so different from James. Everything about him showed me that he was loving and caring. Even the way he made love.

"I'm close baby," he gasped in my ear.

"Let it come Kevin," I moaned out. He quickened his pace as his orgasm approached. I had come twice all ready during the love making session. That surprised me. I had never even touched myself. I was going to have so much with Kevin.

"Oooohh God Matt!" he groaned out as he plunged in one last time feeling condom with is seed. After his orgasm he pulled out of me and slid off the condom and threw it away and than picked me up and carried me into shower. I was startled at how strong he was.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"I'm taking care of my baby," he smiled down at me. So what was I to do? I let him carry me into the shower. I felt a little foolish but if it made him happy to do it than whom was I to complain? The water felt so good as it cascaded over my aching muscles. And when his hands started it's magic I was hooked.

"How does that feel?" he asked as he kissed my bare shoulder. I groaned in response. He chuckled softly. "I'll take that as a feel good sound." I giggled and turned around so that I was facing him.

"Thank you so much," I said looking into those green eyes of his. "No one has ever treated me like this before."

"Well get used to it baby," he smiled as he kissed me on the nose. Tears came to my eyes and for some reason I couldn't stop. Before long I was sobbing like a baby. Poor Kevin got scared and stopped what he was doing. Wrapping a big towel around me he guided me out of the shower and sat me up on the counter. "I'm so sorry, tell me how to make it right?" Tears were streaming down his face too.

"No, Kevin you don't understand. I'm crying because I am so happy," I smiled at him as I wiped his tears from his face. I decided that I didn't like to see tears on his face. "I mean it has been so long since anyone has treated me like a person worthy of love that it just overwhelmed me is all."

"Than I didn't do anything wrong?" he asked. I could see the confusion on his face. I smiled and leaned up and planted a kiss on his confused lips.

"Of course not Baby, you could never do anything wrong," I giggled. He smiled back and went back to work drying me off. It was at that time that my stomach decided it was time to let us know that it was hungry. I blushed at the noise and Kevin laughed.

"We need to get some food for you," he said as he walked out of the bathroom and picked up the phone and ordered breakfast. "I hope you're up for some company, I've invited the rest of the guys up."

"That will be fun," I said as I made my way slowly to the bed. After about fifteen minutes I was ready. I was dressing comfortable with a loose sweat suit. Blue which was my favorite color. Kevin was of course very hot with his black jeans and black wife beater that clung to his body. He went to put on a shirt to cover his arms and I let out a whimper. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders and left the shirt off. I grinned happily.

"You are too much sometimes," he smiled at me as he leaned in for a kiss. It was at that time when the rest of the gang came barging in.

"Ahem!" cleared a throat. We quickly broke apart and looked up to see Brian who was holding Tyler. "You two need to watch where you are doing that, especially in front of children." I almost said something but Kevin beat me to it.

"Take a chill pill cousin," he laughed. Tyler climbed out of Brian's arms and made his way over to me and climbed up on my lap. His little elbow rubbed against my ribs and I cringed due to the pain. Kevin was there in a heartbeat.

"It's all right Kevin," I assured him as I gently sat Tyler down beside me. "Daddy is still sore so can you sit beside me instead of on my lap?" I asked him. He nodded happily.

"Umm Daddy?" he asked softly.

"Yes son?" I asked.

"Umm does Kevin umm you know - does he love you?" Tyler asked. I looked over at Kevin. Kevin scooted over so that he was sitting beside me.

"Tyler," Kevin started. "I love your daddy very much. Is it all right if I date your daddy?"

"If you promise not to hit him like that meanie James did," he said very seriously. Tears came to Kevin's eyes as he looked at me and than at Tyler.

"I promise that I will never hit your daddy ever," Kevin said as a tear rolled down his face. I reached up and wiped it clear. Than Tyler did something that got me crying too. He stood up and gave Kevin a hug. The touching moment was interrupted by the knocking of the door. "That would be the rest of the gang," Kevin sighed as he gently moved Tyler aside. Tyler sat back down next to me. I noticed that Brian was looking at Tyler and me with a strange longing in his eyes.

"How are you doing Brian?" I asked softly.

"Much better thank you, oh and thanks for ordering dinner for Kev and me last night," He smiled.

"Think nothing of it. You would've done the same for me, besides Tyler was really worried about you last night." The door was opened and the rest of the gang walked in. Tyler headed right over to Nick and whispered into his hear. Nick looked up at Kevin and than at me. I blushed and looked away.

"What is wrong sweetie?" Kevin asked me.

"I think Tyler has just told the rest of the guys that we are now dating," I sighed as I shook my head.

"So Tyler tells me that you two are dating," Nick said with a grin on his face.

"Yea I guess we are," I stuttered out. Kevin's hand found mine and gave it a squeeze. I looked into those eyes of his waiting for whatever wise words he had to say. I was not disappointed.

"Breakfast is here," he smiled at me. Ok so not the great awe inspiring words I was hoping for. But when you're hungry and hearing him say anything was enough to send me over the edge. I just swallowed hard and nodded. Nick busted up laughing and I glared at him.

"Boy do you have it bad," he giggled. I lightly punched him in the arm. He of course had to make a big deal out of it. "Kevin," he whined. "Your big boyfriend is picking on me. Make him stop!"

"I think you can take care of yourself Chaos!" he laughed softly as he handed me a plate. I smiled smugly at Nick and snuggled up close to Kevin. Kevin chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around me. "And you behave Matthew!" I looked up and grinned at Kevin and he winked at me.

"So Cousin," Brian started. "What do we have planned for today?"

"It is back on the bus for us," Kevin sighed. I tensed up. I hadn't made too many friends on the dancers bus and wasn't looking forward to the ride. Kevin sensed this. "You will be riding on our bus. "You and Tyler that is."

"Is there enough room for all of us?" I asked.

"Of course there is sweetie!" he smiled at me. "Now eat!" I shrugged my shoulders and started to eat.

Two hours later.

I stepped onto the bus. The place was huge. Kevin came up behind me and whispered in my ear. "Come on follow me, I'll show you where you will be sleeping." He moved around me so that he was now leading me. Tyler was with Nick and Brian at the back of the bus carrying on about something. He was laughing so I assumed that everything was all right. Kevin impatiently drew me to the middle of the bus and pulled back a curtain to reveal a spacious bunk. It could easily sleep two nicely. He grinned and looked over at me. "You like?" I reached out and placed my hand on his crotch and gave it a gentle squeeze. His eyes got real big and I just smiled.

"Do you want to try it out?" I asked licking my lips. Kevin swallowed real hard and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Grabbing my hand he guided me into the bunk. My hands were very busy freeing Kevin's cock from his jeans. Once he was free I slid his cock into my mouth. I had wanted a taste of him for so long and I wouldn't be denied. He gently pulled my head from his crotch. I pouted for a few seconds but was stopped when his lips found mine. I slid my tongue into his mouth. I was in heaven, Kevin was on his side kissing me like today was the last day of our lives. After about two minutes of kissing I went back to my mission. He tried to stop me again and this time I growled at him. He laughed softly and let me have my way. So I was happy again as I sucked Kevin's cock for all it was worth. I loved the feeling his cock in my mouth. I got high from his moans and his gentle thrusts. Every time the head of his cock graced the back of my throat I moaned softly. I found his balls and gently massaged them causing him to moan a little louder. His cock was twitching and his balls were getting tight so I knew that I only had seconds to spare. I picked up my pace and when Kevin tried to pull out I wouldn't let him.

"Pleased Matt," He groaned out. "I'm gonna cum." I shook my head grinning at him and sucked all the harder. The first blast almost chocked me but I remembered to swallow and breath at the same time. The harsh manly flavor of his seed assaulted my senses so much that I came myself. After cleaning him up I slid out of the bunk and grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. In no time I was back in bed with Kevin. Only I found him sound asleep. I smiled at him looking so peaceful sleeping there. I lay on top of him and covered us both up with a light sheet. Closing my eyes I soon drifted off to sleep.

"Daddy!" exclaimed a child's voice. I opened one eye to see my son's smiling face shining down at me. "Are you going to get up?" I yawned and climbed out of the bunk and made my way to the back of the bus. Kevin was standing over the stove cooking something. I peaked and saw that it was soup.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked. I nodded quietly and reached into the small fridge and pulled out a bottle of water and took the top off and drank heavily from the bottle.

"How about you?" I asked handing Tyler the bottle. He giggled as he took off up the aisle of the bus. I looked back at Kevin who just smiled.

"You know I slept real good," He grinned. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yup!" I giggled.

"Well lunch is ready," he announced as he poured half of the soup in a bowl and handed it too me.

"I should fix Tyler something," I said heading for the small refrigerator.

"Don't bother," Kevin said as he gently pulled me towards the small dinning table. "Brian and Nick split a pizza with him."

"Those two are going to spoil him," I said grinning.

"Or he is going to spoil them," Kevin chuckled. "Nick and Brian love children and Tyler is just what they need."

"Umm Kevin?" I asked softly.

"Yes sweetie?" he asked softly in return.

"What is the deal with Brian?" I asked. "I mean if I am butting in to his business let me know. But is his wife having trouble conceiving?"

"You're right you are butting in where you don't belong!" a voice said behind us. We looked up to see Brian standing there glaring at me.

"I'm sorry Brian, it is just that I am worried--," I stammered.

"Well don't! You should concentrate on minding your own business and your son!" he hurled at me as he stormed out. Kevin was quiet as he sat there stirring his soup with his spoon. I got up and placed my bowl in the sink and headed up towards the front of the bus. I was hurt that Brian had acted that way. I was only trying to help. I looked at a clock and saw that it was after two. Time for Tyler's nap. I headed into the entertainment part of the bus. I hated to interrupt them playing their video games but a schedule must be maintained. I smiled as Nick and Brian was wrestling with Tyler. It appeared that Tyler had some how beat Nick in a game.

"Umm Tyler honey?" I asked softly. He looked up. "It is time for your nap," I stated holding out my hand. He frowned at me and stood up slowly.

"Does he have too?" asked Brian. Ok so the next words out of my mouth wasn't the smartest in the world.

"It's like you said Brian, mind your own business and I will mind mine and my son!" I said a little harshly. Brian quickly closed his mouth and looked away. I could tell he was mad and hurt. Tyler put his hand in mine as I led him to his bunk. It took me a little while to get him calmed down to sleep. After getting him to sleep I headed up to the front of the bus to listen to the music so I could go over the dance steps in my head. A half-hour into the cd I felt a hand on my shoulder. I took off the earphones and looked up. It was Kevin, I patted the seat next to mine and he sat down and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Brian is upset with you," he stated softly. I shrugged my shoulders. "That was uncalled for Matt." Kevin lightly scolded me. I jerked my head up at him glaring at him hard. "You didn't need to be so hard on him."

"I was hard on him?" I hurled at Kevin standing up. Kevin took my arm and gently made me sit back down. "How the hell can you say that?"

"What I am saying, is this," Kevin sighed. "Brian has wanted a family all of his life. And the fact that they can't conceive a child is breaking his heart."

"So that gives him an excuse to dump on me and tell me how to raise my son?" I asked still glaring at Kevin.

"Remember that I love you and please don't look at me like that," Kevin instructed me. I bowed my head in shame. "And no that does not give him the right to tell you how to raise your son."

"Ok I promise to apologies to him," I relented. "But I won't let him tell me how to raise my son." Kevin nodded and I leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. A shadow crossed over us and I looked up and saw Brian staring down at us.

"Umm can I talk to you Matt?" Brian asked looking down at his feet. Kevin nodded and stood up.

"I'm going to go back and work on a song. If you need me you know where I am," he smiled as he gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze. Brian sat next to me looking into his hands. It took him forever to say anything.

"I know it is a sin to covet your neighbors goods or family but right now I am so jealous of you and what you have," he said softly. Ok so I wasn't expecting that.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded. "What do I have for you to be jealous of?"

"Oh come on Matt!" he hurled at me. "Please don't make me say it!" He glanced at the bunk below mine. My eyes got real big.

"Ohhh," I mumbled. I was really getting uncomfortable right now and started to stand but Brian put his hand on my shoulder and made me sit again. "It's not my fault that you and your wife is having trouble conceiving a child." Brian nodded silently. "And I'm sorry that I butted in where I didn't belong. But I consider you a friend and I would like to help if I can, even if it is moral support or a shoulder to cry on."

"I know and I am sorry that I jumped on you and accused you of not watching your child. I had no right to say that. Especially when you have been in the hospital. You are a great father and I see the way Tyler adores you," Brian said smiling a little. "Where is his mother? If I may ask."

"She wanted nothing to do with him after he was born. So she took off and we haven't heard from since," I said bitterly.

"Are you glad she is gone?" he asked.

"Not at first. When I was first left with Tyler I wanted nothing to do with a newborn. But my mother stepped in and taught me everything I needed. I tried to get her to adopt him but she wouldn't hear of it. Boy am I ever glad I didn't make that mistake." I looked over at the lower bunk and smiled when I heard his soft snores coming from the bunk. We saw a shadow cross over us and I looked up and saw Kevin standing there. I saw the look on his face and fear stabbed me in the heart.

"What is it Kevin?" Brian asked.

"On the TV-Matt should see," Kevin stammered. I stood up and followed him to the middle of the bus. I caught sight of the TV and saw the cameraman standing outside a house. My mother and Father's house to be exact.

"Early this morning the quietness and peaceful slumber of this upper middle class town was shattered by gun shots coming from this home. In this home Robert J. Whitewater and his wife Jacqueline was shot to death in their sleep. The gunman later turned the gun on himself and killed him self. His name was James Ritechester. It is not known whether a Matthew Whitewater or his three-year-old son was injured in the shooting. We will have more on this shooting as the story develops." The newscast was replaced by regular scheduling. I just stared at the television screen in shock.

"Matt?" asked a small voice. I looked at Kevin. He was trying to say something but his words failed him. He just held out his arms to hold me. I started towards his arms and then passed out.

Well folks that is it for now. This is my first attempt so please be kind. I would apreciate any input or advice that you may have to offer.

Next: Chapter 2: Get Another Boyfriend 3 4 5

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