Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 20, 2001


The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get this next installment out. But here it is.

Get Another Boyfriend

Chapter 27

"Can I see him?" I asked the Doctor when he came out of the treatment room.

"Not yet," the Doctor replied. "Were are still detirmining the extent of the injuries."

"How does it look?" I asked swallowing my fear.

"Are you family?" the Doctor asked.

"Yes he is!" exclaimed a voice behind me. It turned around to see Brian running through the doors.

"He may loose his sight," the doctor explained. I looked over at Brian to see his eyes filling with unshed tears. "We can't be sure. We will have to see how the burns heal. We might be able to salvage his sight."

"You mean he could be blind?" I asked my voice shaking. Kevin blind? How was he going to accept that?

"There is a real possibility," the doctor replied.

"Does he know?" Brian asked.

"Yes, Mr. Richardson has been informed of his condition," the doctor replied.

"When can we see him?" Brian asked.

"In a few minutes," the doctor replied as he headed back into the room. I turned to Brian and saw the look on his face and fell apart. Brian quickly moved to catch me before I hit the floor.

"God Brian!" I sobbed. "What if he is blind?"

"I don't know Matt," he said trying to sooth me. "Why don't we go into the waiting room and try to relax before going into see him?"

For the next half an hour I sat alone allowing the past few hours to replay in my head.

Flash back.

"Ok let's try that again. Only this time can we get the pyro to go off on time?" asked the technician. "Kevin I need you over here for this next set up. I want to make sure that the sparks are just right." Kevin nodded and walked over. "Ok people let's do this right. Remember safety first!" The music started and the boys started to dance. Kevin was dancing really well when of the boards on the stage came lose tripping Kevin. "Kevin watch out!" yelled the technician. Kevin tried to catch his balance but fell face first into a huge ball of fire and sparks. Brian sprung forward and grabbed Kevin and pulled him away from the ball of fire. Kevin was holding his face screaming in pain.

"Kevin!" I screamed as I tried to get to him. The ball of fire spread to the rest of the stage. Soon there was smoke and fire every where on stage.

"Fire on the set!" screamed the director. "Everyone clear the set!" I tried to reach Kevin but was held back by their bodyguard. Fire was raging around the set as the rest of the pyro was going off.

"Get Kevin out of there!" I screamed trying to break free. I could hear Kevin screaming in pain as Brian was trying to put Kevin's clothes out. Finally someone grabbed a fire extinguisher and turned it on Kevin's body dousing the flames.

"My eyes!" Kevin screamed covering his face. "My eyes!"

"God dammit!" I screamed at the bodyguard. "Let me through!"

"I'm sorry sir but I can't do that!" the bodyguard shouted back at me.

"You either let me through or you are fired!" I shouted at him. He glared at me and than stepped aside to allow me through. I ran up to Kevin and knelt beside him. "Kevin I'm here baby," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. I looked around for help but found no one. "Can someone help me move him?" I shouted over the smoke. Brian came up beside me and with his help we managed to carry Kevin out of the warehouse where the paramedics were setting up. One of them ran up to us. "He got it in the face. He is complaining about his eyes," I told the paramedic. With his help we guided Kevin over to the stretcher and laid him down. Kevin still had his hands covering his eyes.

"Matt?" he asked. I moved to his side and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm here Kevin," is said as I tried to keep the fear from my voice.

"The rest of the guys?" he asked. "Did they get out safe?" I quickly looked around to see if I could see the guys. I saw Nick getting O2, AJ was guzzling water and Brian was talking to Howie trying to calm him down.

"Yes Kevin, they all got out," I tried to sooth him. "Now please try to calm down."

"My eyes Matt," he said as tears flowed down his face. "I can't see."

"Please Kevin," I said trying to remain calm my self. "Don't jump to any conclusions just yet. We have to wait to see what the Doctors say." I was scared and I guess it showed. I was shaking like a leaf.

"Your shaking Matt," Kevin said in a small voice. "I'm so sorry." I bent down and kissed his forehead.

"You've done nothing to be sorry for baby," I said soothing him. "You really need to rest." Kevin nodded as they loaded him up on the ambulance. I climbed in with him holding his hand. The EMT glared at me. "It will keep him calm!" I hurled at him. The EMT nodded and went to work on Kevin.

End Flash back.

"Mr. Whitewater?" asked a voice. I looked up to see the Doctor standing there at the door. "You may see him now." I looked over at Brian and saw that he was napping. Going over to him I shook his shoulder and he woke up.

"We can go see him now," I said to him. "Tyler honey?" I asked the napping toddler. "You want to go see Pappa?" He nodded sleepily and took my hand. Together we headed into the room. He was sitting up in bed with patches on both eyes. I quietly walked up to him and gently laid my hand on his arm. "Hey sweetie?" He looked in the direction of my voice. "You had us both scared Kev," I said trying not to cry. He nodded not saying anything.

"Pappa?" asked Tyler. Kevin jerked his head over in my direction.

"You brought him?" he asked me harshly.

"He wanted to come," I said calmly. "He loves you and was very worried about you."

"He shouldn't have come," Kevin hissed at me. I was taken back by his sudden anger. "He shouldn't have to see me like this. Get him out of here now!"

"Kevin--," I started.

"Get him out of here now!" Kevin yelled at me. "Get out!" By now Tyler was clinging to my legs crying.

"Ok Kevin," I said in a deadly calm voice. "I'm leaving. I'm taking Tyler with me." I picked up Tyler who buried his head in my shoulders sobbing. "I know you are hurting and you are scared but you had no right to yell at Tyler like that." Without giving him a chance to say anything I headed out. Once in the waiting room I walked up to Nick. "Can you hold him for a while? I need to go back in and talk to Kevin."

"Sure," Nick said as he took the sobbing boy from me. "Hey Tyler," he smiled down at the boy. "You want some ice scream?" Tyler shrugged his shoulders. "That is as close to a yes you are going to get." I turned and headed back into the room. Once I got in I could hear Brian yelling at Kevin.

"You need to apologies to him Kevin," he shouted. "He is a scared little boy who just saw you go through something very scary."

"Kevin?" I asked softly. Kevin jerked his head in my direction.

"What are you doing here?" he asked harshly.

"Kevin!" Brian hissed at him.

"Well?" Kevin hurled at me. "I asked you a question? What the hell are you doing here?" Ok so I was mad now. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand and held firmly.

"I'm here because I love you!" I shouted at him. "I'm here because you would be here for me if I was in your shoes. I'm here because I am scared to death of what is going to happen to you!"

"Well I don't need you!" Kevin shouted back at me. "Get out!" My heart broke the instant he said those words. He wrenched his hand away.

"Kevin--," I stuttered.

"Get the fuck out!" he screamed at me. "Brian call security and have him thrown out!" By now I was furious. I stood up and walked to the door.

"I know you are angry and hurt right now Kevin and I know you don't mean those mean and horrible things you are saying," I said calmly with tears streaming down my face. "That is why am leaving as you requested." I walked through the door and let it close behind me. Walking into the waiting room I walked over to where Nick and Tyler were playing. "Come on son, it is time to go home," I said as I held out my hand. "You coming or staying Nick?"

"What's wrong?" Nick asked when he saw the tears in my eyes. "What did he do to you?" I could tell he was getting angry.

"He needs some time alone right now," I struggled out. "He asked me to leave so I am honoring his request."

"Oh no he is not!" Nick shouted. He tried to get past me but I stopped him. "Let me go!"

"Nick!" I shouted back. "He is blind and he is hurting and scared to death. I'm going to give him his space that he needs. I suggest that you do the same thing." Nick took a couple of steps back and glared at me for a few seconds. "You know I am right about this." He nodded and headed out the door.

"Matt?" asked Brian. I turned and saw him walking out of Kevin's room.

"Yes Brian?" I asked back.

"You have to excuse him," Brian said looking back over his shoulder. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I know Brian," I said smiling. "He is hurting right now and he is lashing out."

"He shouldn't have said those things to you and Tyler," Brian mumbled.

"Give him time Brian," I said giving him a quick hug. "Now if you will excuse me I have a child to get home. You promise you will come home and get a hot meal and some sleep later?"

"Yes mom," He giggled. I'm umm going to umm--."

"Go ahead and take care of your cousin Brian," I smiled gently shoving him in the direction of Kevin's room. I watched him go into Kevin's room. My heart aching to follow him but I knew that Kevin needed his space. Sighing and turning with a heavy heart I walked out of hospital to go home with my son.

Chapter 28

"Is he asleep?" Nick asked me. I nodded. "Poor guy, he is really taken what happened to Kevin really hard."

"I know," I replied as I rubbed my hand over my eyes. They ached and had that gritty feeling in them. I was tired but I didn't want to go to bed alone.

"You should get some sleep to Matt," Nick said softly.

"Yea Matt," JC said softly as he came into the room. "You are not doing Kevin or your son any good by not taking care of yourself." I glared at both of them for a few minutes before turning and looking the other way.

"Matt?" asked Nick.

"What?" I barked at him. I regretted it at once. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"Maybe you should," Nick said sitting forward and putting his elbows on his knees. "I mean if you are angry than it might do you some good to yell and get it out of your system." I shook my head no and sat back glaring out the window. "Are you angry?" he asked.

"Yes I'm angry!" I hurled at him. "You happy?" Nick smiled and nodded which made me even angrier. "You ass hole!"

"You sure it is me that you want to yell at?" he asked taunting me.

"No Nick!" I shouted at him playing into his hands. "I really want to yell at my fucking boyfriend for being such a fucking dick head!"

"Ok that is a start," Nick said sitting back.

"It is perfectly all right for him to want to protect me and take care of me when I'm down and out. But when the shoe is on the other foot he won't let me near him!" I shouted at Nick. The tears started to flow. "I want to hold him and take care of him. I want to comfort him and tell him that everything will be allright!" By now I was sobbing. At some point Nick was beside me with his arms around me. "Why?" I pleaded. "Why won't he let me near him when he is hurting?"

"I don't know baby," Nick soothed me. "All I know is that Kevin is used to being in control of everything. And for the first time in his life he has no control of his life. He is blind and he is scared to death and when Kevin is scared he lashes out."

"Well he shouldn't lash out!" I muttered. "He has people that love him very much. Look at poor Tyler. He loves his Pappa so much and to have Kevin yell at him like that really hurt him. It took me almost an hour to get him calmed down to go to sleep. You know what he told me?" Nick shook his head.

"He told me that his pappa doesn't love him any more. Do you have any idea how much that hurts?" by now the tears had stopped flowing. "Fuck him!" I grumbled. "If he can't see that he has two people who love him very much than fuck him!" I stomped out of the room and headed to the bedroom. Once there I was stopped by his scent. I looked at the mattress and saw that it was still messed up from last nights sexual escapades. "I can't sleep here," I muttered as I turned and headed into the one of the guest rooms. Falling into the bed I closed my eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

In the hospital from Kevin's point of view.

"Brian?" I asked. "You still here?"

"Yea Kevin," he mumbled. "I'm still here."

"You're mad at me aren't you?" I asked.

"No Kevin," he sighed. "Disapointed in you but not mad."

"You don't understand," I mumbled.

"Than why don't you explain it to me," Brian pressed. "Maybe I can help." I shook my head. "Dammit Kevin!" he shouted at me. "You are blind!"

"Don't you think I fucking know that?" I shouted back at him.

"Why are you shutting him out?" Brian demanded. "He loves you!"

"I know he does and that is why I am doing this!" I hurled back at him.

"Educate me here," Brian said. I could smell his cologne now so I knew he was sitting closer to me. "You have a great boyfriend and little boy who wants you to be his other daddy and you want to push them away at the time you need them most?"

"I don't want to be a burden," I muttered looking down.

"You proud ass hole!" Brian hurled at me. "You don't want to accept charity! You think by letting them close to you that you will be accepting charity. God you are so stupid! You can't mistake Love for Charity. What Matt does is love you. What that little boy is doing is loving you. And for a little boy to give you his heart is a true gift indeed. You are an ass to throw it away!" I heard him get up and than I heard the door close. I was left alone in that cold hospital room, devoid of all feeling. I realized something that night. I needed Matt. I needed his son. I loved them and I missed them so much. Only problem was did I push to hard and will be able to get them back?

The next morning from Matt's point of view.

I woke to an extra body in my bed. I raised my head up and looked around. I saw the shaggy haired toddler curled up next to me. I smiled at first but my smile soon turned into a frown. I saw the tear stains on his face. It was apparent that he didn't sleep so well either. I very quietly slipped out of bed and headed down the hall.

"You didn't sleep in your room?" asked a voice. I looked up to see Brian standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"Didn't feel like it," I muttered. "How is Kevin?"

"Stubborn as hell," Brian grumbled. "I tried to get him to see the light. But he won't budge. He says he doesn't want to be a bother."

"Well you tell him that I won't stop loving him or worrying about him," I said shaking my head sadly. "Although I can't say the same for Tyler." I sat down next the end table just as the phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked into the receiver.

"Matt," asked a voice. My heart stood still. There was so much pain in that voice.

"Kevin?" I asked trying to keep my voice neutral.

"Baby?" he asked. I heard his voice crack. I lost the battle too as tears flowed down my face. "I need you, please Matt, I need you and Tyler."

"I'm on my way Kevin," I whispered at him. "And Kevin? I love you."


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Next: Chapter 15: Get Another Boyfriend 29 31

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