Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 20, 2001


The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18. Sorry it has taken me so long to get this next installment out. But here it is.

Get Another Boyfriend Chapters 32 & 33

Chapter 32

You going to be allright here?" I asked Kevin as he sat down in the living room. "I have to go up to the study and do some work."

"I'll be fine sweetie," Kevin said turning his head in my direction. "I have Tyler to keep me company," Tyler had attached himself to Kevin ever since Kevin had walked into the house. It was stressful for Kevin after being let out of the hospital. The Press was there and were firing questions at him right and left. I had taken over and shouted that there would be no comment at this time and rushed Kevin to the limo. Tyler was sitting in the car holding Jake when Kevin sat next to him. I could still see the bright smile on Kevin's face when the little pair of arms wrapped around Kevin's neck in a hug.

"Yes Daddy!" Tyler said happily. "Pappa and I are going to sit here and talk!"

"Don't wear your Pappa out Tyler," I said as I bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey!" pouted Kevin. "Where is mine?" I bent down and gave him a kiss too. Only this one was on the lips. He let out a small moan as his tongue snaked into my mouth. I could tell he was horny but I had to get some work done.

"Later tiger!" I teased him. He pouted for a few minutes until Tyler brought him to laughter.

"Daddy always tells me not to pout Pappa!" he exclaimed. "He says my face will freeze like that. So you don't pout either!" I left the two together as they giggled and played on the couch. I also saw that Jake was getting into the act too by barking loudly. I headed up stairs and into my office and started my work. The Tour was starting up again in a few weeks. Hopefully Kevin's eyes would be healed by then. The doctor said that they should heal up nicely. I sincerely hoped so. Seeing my baby walk out of the hospital room wearing dark glasses and a sight seeing cane tore my heart in two. But I put on smile and walked up to him and took his arm and we walked out together.

"Matt?" asked a voice. I looked up to see Nick leaning against the door jam. "You have a minute?"

"Yea sure Nick," I smiled waving him in. "Come on in." He smiled and walked in and sat down. I could tell that something was bothering him. I waited until he was ready to talk.

"Umm I'm not sure how to say this," he mumbled.

"Well just put one word in front of the other and tell me," I smiled.

"JC and I broke up," he mumbled. I could see his bottom lip trembling. I quickly got up from behind the desk and walked around to the other side and pulled him in a tight hug. Once my arms made contact with his shoulders he fell in my arms sobbing. "He says he doesn't love me anymore he says he loves Justin." A surge of anger raged through me but I refrained from saying anything. "He says he always loved Justin."

"I'm so sorry Nick," I whispered as I stroked his hair. He broke away from me and stood up and walked to the window and looked out.

"Why can't I be happy?" he demanded. "I mean come on! All I want is for someone to love me! Is that to fucking hard to ask?"

"No Nick," I replied. "It is not to hard to ask for. You should have someone to love you. And you will someday." He glared at me with anger and hurt in his eyes. "I know it is not what you want to hear but it's the only thing I know to say right now."

"I'm sorry Matt, but I'm really angry right now," Nick muttered. "You know how I found out?" I shook my head no. "I walked in on them. Justin was fucking JC's brains out."

"Wait a minute!" I said as I stood up and walked towards him. "Justin and JC are in my house fucking?" Nick nodded. "FUCK!" I shouted as I stormed out of the room and into JC's room. I could hear JC moaning as I walked into the bedroom. "Get out!" I shouted. Justin lifted up his head from JC's crotch. "Get the fuck out of my house!"

"Matt don't!" Nick shouted as he come up behind me.

"He hurt you!" I shouted at Nick. "No one hurts my friends and they sure the hell don't it in my home."

"Please Matt," JC pleaded. "Let me explain!"

"All I know is this!" I shouted at him. "You hurt my friend Nick! And I don't take kindly to that! Now you are my friend too and I appreciate all you have done for me but I can't accept you hurting Nick!"

"He didn't mean to hurt me Matt," Nick spoke up in defense of JC. I looked at Nick and shook my head in frustration. "Let me talk to them. But please don't throw them out." I nodded reluctantly and walked out of the room. It was going to be a long day. I sighed as I headed down stairs. It was pretty much impossible to get any work done today. I headed into the living room and I heard silence. I looked over at the couch and saw a beautiful sight. Kevin was stretched out on the couch sleeping and curled up beside him was Tyler and Jake. It was an adorable picture. I sat laid down on the other sofa and watched my little family sleeping. I guess at some point I fell asleep because I felt a small pair of fingers prying my eyes open. It could only be one person. I groaned and turned over pretending to be asleep. I heard a small giggle and felt him climb on top of me.

"Daddy?" he asked. "Wake up!"

"Don't wanna!" I grumbled.

"Come on Daddy, Pappa is awake and wants to eat!" Tyler said as he tugged on my sleeve. "Daddddyyyy!!!!!! Wake up!!!!" By this time my shoulders were shaking with laughter. I quickly turned around and grabbed him and started to tickle the daylights out of him sending him into a fit of laughter. I could hear Kevin laughing too. I looked up and saw him looking in our direction. I knew he couldn't see anything and I tore my heart in two.

"Come on family," I sighed. "Let's go get some lunch."

"Goodie!" exclaimed Tyler as he grabbed my hand and started to pull me in the direction of the dinning room.

"Tyler," I said stopping. "Why don't you and Jake head on in. Pappa and I will be there in a few minutes." Tyler and Jake took off running to the dinning room. "What is his rush?"

"You forgot dear," Kevin said with a slight smile. "It is cheeseburger day."

"So that will explain his rush," I mumbled looking down. Kevin picked up on it right away.

"So you want to tell me what is wrong?" Kevin asked placing his hand on my arm.

"JC broke up with Nick," I replied. "I really thought that Nick had found someone to make him happy."

"Did he give a reason why?" Kevin asked with his brow furrowing with concern.

"It is not in my place to say," I started but Kevin stopped me by halting and sighing. "Please Kevin, this is Nick's fight. Let him deal with it and tell you in his own time." I could tell that Kevin wasn't happy about it. "He will work it out baby."

"I just hate knowing that he is hurting, I should be up there comforting him," Kevin said as he looked around and swore.

"What is it Kev?" I asked.

"I'm fucking blind!" Kevin shouted at me. His voice was so full of anger. "I don't even know my way around the house anymore!" My heart ached for him. "I hate feeling this helpless!"

"Tell me what to do to make it better," I pleaded with him.

"What the hell can you do to make it better?" Kevin snapped at me. I was told to expect this. Taking a deep breath I put my hand on the side of his face only to have him slap it away. "Just go in and have lunch with your son and leave me alone!"

"Kevin?" I pleaded only to have him shove me away. I landed on my but shocked and hurt. I watched him turn and feel his way back into the living room. I got up headed into the dinning room putting on a fake smile and walked in just in time to see Tyler feed Jake a French Fry.

"Hey Buddy," I said in a scolding tone of voice. "What have I told you about feeding the puppy from the table?"

"I'm sorry daddy," Tyler said. "I won't do it anymore."

"That is what you always say!" I barked at him. "Just once I want you to do what you are told the first time! Now eat your lunch and go upstairs and take your nap!" I looked up at his hurt face. I knew I was taking out my anger on him and that was something that I promised I would never do. "I'm sorry Tyler, I shouldn't have yelled at you. How about you and do something after lunch?"

"Can pappa come too?" Tyler asked.

"Pappa has to spend some time alone," I grumbled as I picked up my plate and filled it full of salad. I wasn't hungry anymore. Kevin had taken all the fun out of lunch.

"Did he be bad?" Tyler asked.

"Something like that," I replied.

"Yea Tyler," spoke up voice. I jerked my head around to see Kevin standing behind me. "I'm sorry baby," He said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "I had no right to push you away like that."

"Is this how it is going to be?" I hurled at him standing up. "Every time you run into a problem you are going to push me away and stomp off by yourself and than come back a apologies?" Kevin sighed and sat down in a chair next to me. "Well I'm waiting for an answer Mr. Richardson."

"Will you let it go and just accept my apology?" He hurled at me. I looked at Tyler and saw his eyes wide with fear. I decided to spare my son any more fear.

"Very well Kevin," I muttered. "You win this time." I quickly finished my lunch and got up and left the dinning room. I headed up to our room and slammed the door and plopped down on my bed. "Ass hole!" I shouted at the wall. Tears started to flow as I thought about what happened today. Kevin was supposed to come home and we were supposed to have a happy homecoming and make love and everything. It was obvious that Kevin didn't want any part of that right now. I heard the knock at the door. "Go away Kevin!" I shouted at him.

"It's me Nick," a small voice answered. I sighed and opened the door and let him in. I looked up and saw that he looked better. "Can I um talk to you?"

"Yea sure Nick," I replied as I showed him chair. I sat in the one across from him.

"You're angry," Nick stated.

"No! really?" I hurled at him. He jerked his head back. "Sorry Nick," I apologized. "Kevin being a complete ass!"

"What else is new?" Nick asked.

"So what is on your mind?" I asked trying to shake my anger.

"It is over with JC and I," Nick said sadly. "He is in love with Justin. I can tell."

"I'm so sorry," I said taking his hand. He pulled away from me and ran a hand through his hair. "So what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to go away for a while," Nick stated. Than it happened. I said the one thing that popped into my head without thinking.

"I wish I could go with you," I said looking away. That was when I heard the door slam and I turned around. There was standing next to the door was Kevin. He had on his dark glass and Tyler was holding his hand. It was obvious that Tyler had led Kevin up to our room.

"Go back to your room please Tyler?" Kevin asked in a controlled voice. Tyler knew by the tone of Kevin's voice that He didn't dare question him. Tyler turned and headed to his room. "So you want to leave me?" Kevin asked in a cold hard voice.

"Kevin, you misunderstood me," I started.

"Fuck you!" Kevin shouted at me. "So this is why Nick broke up with JC. You and Nick are seeing eachother?"

"Kevin you know I love you!" I exclaimed.

"Do I?" Kevin hurled back at me. "I find you in here in our room telling Nick that you want to go away with him? Well don't let me stop me you!" With that said he turned on his heel and walked out of the room. He was walking slower than normal. "Brian!" he shouted. Brian came around the corner with concern on his face. "Get me out of here!" Brian looked at me with confusion on his face. I was in a state of shock. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. I watched in horror as Kevin walked out of my room. I heard him mention to Brian that he had some work to do. I sat there for the longest time letting it sink in. I loved Kevin with everything in my heart. But he had changed into a very bitter person. I knew one thing. I didn't love the person that Kevin had turned into.

"Matt?" asked Nick. I looked at him. "What are you going to do?" I shook my head confused. "You want to be alone?" I nodded. I felt his lips grace my cheek. "Let me know if you want to talk. I nodded and got up and headed to my study. On the way I passed Brian's room and I heard voices. I thought maybe I could make up with Kevin. I pushed the door open and saw Kevin and Brian sitting on the couch facing away from me.

"Kevin," Brian said. "This is not going to work!"

"Why not?" Kevin asked. "You did it! Why the hell can't I do it too."

"This is not the right time to think of something like this," Brian said. "Matt is not going to buy this."

'What the hell were they talking about?' I thought.

"I have to get custody of that little boy. I love that little boy in there and I'm not going to live with out him! Brian I want a life with Tyler. I want to be real father to him." Kevin insisted. A cold chill raged through me. I quickly left the room and went to Nick's room. I pushed the door open and saw him packing his suitcase.

"Can you be ready to leave in five minutes?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked confused.

"Cause Tyler and I are going with you," I said. "I don't have time to explain just trust me on this!" Nick nodded and continued his packing. I ran to my study to make some phone calls.

Chapter 33

"Daddy?" Tyler asked as we walked up to the corporate jet. "Where are we going?"

"We are going on a vacation sweetie," I said as he picked him and carried him the rest of the way up the stairs.

"What about Pappa?" Tyler asked looking around. I sat him down and the carrying case that held Jake. "Is he coming too?"

"No Kevin is not coming with us Tyler," I told him. I could see that he was upset. "This is just a vacation for us."

"Ok Daddy," he said in a small voice. I walked up to the cockpit and knocked on the door. The captain stuck his head out.

"Take off now!" I ordered him. He nodded and I headed back to the cabin in time to hear Nick and Tyler laughing. "Buckle in guys," I ordered them. "Were taking off."

Back at the mansion.

From Kevin's point of view.

I knew from Brian's talk that now was not the time to talk to Matt about Joint Custody. I was blind and angry at the situation and I was taking it out on poor Matt. That was no way to begin a loving family relationship. I had some serious making up to do. I wonder if he would even want to talk to me after the ass I made of myself. But than again we were talking about Matt. He was my sweetie and he always forgave me. I found my way to our bedroom. I yelled for Matt and my face fell when I didn't get a response. I headed back down stairs taking the stairs very carefully. Finally I was at the landing and using my cane I made my way to the living room. That is of course after knocking over a few vases. Matt would probably make fun of me for breaking stuff but I looked forward to his cute teasing. I hollered for Matt again and still I got nothing. Ok now I was getting scared. "Brian?" I shouted out. "Yes Kevin?" Brian asked as he walked into the living room.

"You seen Matt or Tyler?" I asked.

"No, come to think of it now that you mention it this house is way to quiet," Brian said frowning. "You sit here and relax and I'll go see what I can find."

"Brian?" I asked with my voice trembling.

"Yes Kevin?" Brian answered me back.

"What if he heard?" I asked.

"Than we have real problem on our hands," Brian said as he headed out of living room. I waited anxiously for the next five minutes for Brian's report or for my missing family to reappear. I heard Brian's distinct walking as he made his way back to the living room. "Umm Kevin?" He asked in a small voice. I had learned a long time ago whenever Brian used that voice it meant only one thing. Bad news.

"What did you find?" I asked in a trembling voice.

"Matt is gone," Brian said as he sat next to me. "And it doesn't look like he is coming back any time soon. And Kevin?"

"Yea?" I asked as I fought back tears.

"Tyler is gone too and so is Nick," Brian said. I let it go. The tears started and Brian's arms encircled me

"God Brian?" I sobbed. "Why did he leave me?" The phone rang and Brian picked it up.

"Kevin," he said. "Matt is on the phone." I snatched it out of his hand.

"Matt honey?" I asked.

"Matt honey?" Matt replied. "You really expect me to buy that shit?"

"Listen honey I know I said some stupid stuff but I want to make up with you. Where are you baby?" I asked. I heard him sigh. "Please Matt I love you and I miss you. Please come home?"

"Why Kevin?" he hurled at me. I could tell that he was in tears. "So you can take Tyler from me?"

"Matt honey I would never do that to you," I said confused.

"Fuck you!" Matt screamed into the phone at me. "I heard you and Brian talking alone! What kind of idiot do you think I am?"

"Matt honey you misunderstood me," I replied forcing my voice into a calm voice. "Baby I love you and I would never dream of Taking your son from you."

"You got that right! Cause Tyler and I are going to be miles away form you. You will never see him or me again!" He screamed into the phone as he clicked it off.

"MAAATTT!" I screamed into the phone. But all I got was a dead tone. I dropped the phone.

"Where is he?" Brian asked. I shook my head. "Kevin?" he prodded further.

"He is gone, and he took Tyler too," I sobbed. "Matt, please come back to me. I need you." I was sobbing loudly and I barely felt Brian's arms encircle me and pull me close. "Matt please." I sobbed. My heart was breaking into a million pieces and I had lost Matt.

"Come on Kev," Brian said softly. "Let's get you upstairs and in bed." I let him guide me upstairs and into the room and he helped me out of my clothes and into bed.

From Brian's point of view.

I watched in pain as my cousin cried himself to sleep. When I was sure he was asleep I got up and walked out of the room and picked up the phone and dialed Matt's number. Nick picked up. "Nick?" I asked. "Where is Matt?"

"He doesn't want to talk to you or Kevin right now," Nick replied.

"Than you listen to me," I pleaded. I waited to hear him reply. "Nick?" I asked.

"Go ahead," He replied. "I'm listening."

"Matt has it all wrong. Kevin doesn't want to steal Tyler from him," I started.

"How do I know?" Nick asked. "This could be some sick joke to get him to turn back."

"Nick, I swear to you that I am being truthful. Kevin is a complete wreck. Matt overheard us talking about Kevin wanting joint custody and misunderstood. Please Nick. You've got to understand that Kevin would never steal Tyler away from him. It would kill Matt."

"Ok I believe you Brian, but how do we convince Matt?" Nick replied. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ask the pilot to turn the jet back. Get him home so he can talk to Kevin," I instructed him. "Once we get him home safe we can convince him to listen to Kevin."

"Ok Brian," Nick agreed. "I will work on Matt. I can't promise you anything but I will try to convince him."

"Good now I will let you go so you can get to work," I said as I turned off my cell.

From Nick's point of view.

"OK Carter," I said to myself out loud. "You've got your work cut out for you." I headed back to the cabin and peaked in and had to laugh. Tyler was sitting on Matt's stomach tickling him as hard as he could. Jake was bouncing around the two barking loudly with his puppy barks. Matt was laughing and tickling Tyler too. The cabin was full of laughter.

"Umm Matt?" I asked softly. He looked up at me with a flushed face. "Umm can I talk to you alone?"

"Yea sure," Matt said as he sat up and swatted Tyler lightly on the but and stood up. "What about?"

"A huge misunderstanding," I replied.

"Yea, umm Tyler, why don't you go up to the cockpit and talk to the pilot?" Matt said as he put his hand on top of Tyler's head.

"Ok Daddy," he said with a smile. "Maybe the pilot will let me fly." Matt smiled and sent Tyler on his way. Jake went to follow but Matt picked him up.

"Ok Nick I'm listening to you," Matt said as he sat down on one of the couches and put Jake in his lap and petted him.

"Kevin doesn't want to steal Tyler from you," I said. Matt went to but in but I stopped him with my hand. "He wants to get joint custody of Tyler. Matt he wants to share in raising Tyler with you." I waited for the words to sink in. He finally got up and walked to the control panel and pushed the talk button.

"Pilot?" He asked. "Turn the plane around. We're going home." I could hear Tyler squealing with happiness on the other end.

Later at the mansion.

From Kevin's point of view.

I woke up to a body next to me. "Brian?" I asked with tears in my voice.

"No," giggled a voice. "I'm not Brian baby." I smiled when I recognized the voice.

"Matt!" I exclaimed. "Oh God baby, you came home!"

"Of course I did. I mean I had to come home and see for myself all the damage you did to my house," he replied with laughter behind his voice.

"Sorry for the stuff I broke," I mumbled. I felt his hands on the side of my face and than I sobbed as I felt his lips land on mine. After a few minutes of intense kissing on his part we finally broke apart. I was gasping for breath he giggled that adorable laugh that I fell in love with so many months ago.

"No Kevin," he replied growing serious. "I'm the one who is sorry. I'm a complete ass! I should've known that you would never do anything to hurt me like that. Can you forgive me?" I felt something wet hit me in the face. I knew that he was crying. I reached up only to find his hand. He gently guided them to his face. I gently wiped his tears away. "I'm so sorry I ran out on you."

"I was so scared I had lost you," I whispered. "I could never live with out you baby." I jumped when I felt his hand on my crotch. It grew hard almost at once. "Umm Matt I squeaked out.

"Shhhh," He whispered to me. "This is the part of the make up session I love." He slowly pulled my boxers down and I let out a whimper as his hand closed around my cock. "MMMM, such a beautiful cock and to think, it is all mine!" I shivered as his lips closed around it. "Yummy," he cooed. "And it taste good too."

Later from Matt's point of view.

"Kevin?" I asked wondering if he was still awake.

"Yes dear?" he answered with that deep sexy sleepy voice that he used after we made love.

"Let's run away," I said.

"Umm why would we want to do that?" Kevin chuckled as he kissed my right nipple before sucking it into his mouth. "I mean who are we running from?"

"From the world?" I asked as I looked down to see that he had moved to my neck. I knew what was coming next. "I mean a tropical island sounds real nice right about now."

"You're serious aren't you?" Kevin asked looking up at me. I knew he couldn't see but the gesture was nice.

"Yea I'm serious Kevin, I mean think about the last few months. It would do us good to get away for a while. And I can just see Tyler and Jake running up and down on a beach. And I think it would do us both good," I said as I attacked his neck to return the favor.

"Ok let's do this," He replied.

"You mean it?" I asked popping my lips from his neck. I smiled at my handiwork. "I mean we can run away?"

"Yea let's do it," Kevin said with a grin.

"Ok," I grinned. I laid back down and Kevin snuggled closer to me. "So where do you want to go?"

"Some where private and sexy," he smirked. "I want to be around you without any clothes on at all."

"Why Mr. Richardson!" I teased him.

"Hey can I help it if I want to keep you all naked and ready for sex all day?" He giggled.

"Well we have Tyler to worry about," I replied.

"Ok well at least the evenings will be ours," Kevin chuckled. "How about it?"

"Well now all we have to decide is where do we go," I replied as I took hold of his cock. He swatted my hand away. I pouted for few minutes.

"Matt?" He asked in a scolding voice.

"Yes dear?" I asked in a completely innocent smile on my face.

"Behave," He giggled.

"Yes dear," I replied as I pouted some more. So for the next few minutes we planned our trip. It was going to be the four of us. Myself Kevin and Tyler and Jake. Our first vacation as a family. Oh yea and Nick was coming along too only he didn't know it yet. You see we both decided that we were going to play matchmakers and find Nick a sweetheart. I was looking forward to it. Kevin on the other hand needed some convincing. But I managed to convince him. He he he. Wouldn't you all love to know how? Sorry that part will remain a secret. Ok here is a hint. Remember when Kevin bribed me to get Tyler a puppy? Well just say that we had a lot of fun!!!

Chapter 34

"But Maaaattt!!!" Nick complained in his best Eric Cartman voice. "I don't want to go!"

"Now Nick," I replied in my best "Father's voice." "You know this is for your own good. Kevin and I are treating you to a nice vacation to accomplish two things. One to you a new boyfriend and two to get you laid. Now be a good boy and help Tyler pack his suitcase and get ready to go in a few minutes." I trotted to the bedroom to see if Kevin was up yet. I had packed all of his stuff and mine too. I decided to let my sweetie sleep in. He was so tired from my "Bribing" last night that he was wore out. I peaked in and saw that the bed was empty. I heard the water running the bathroom. I peaked in to see him standing in the shower. I stood there marveling at his form for a few minutes. I was still awed at how gorgeous he was. I wasn't looking at him in a lustful way but in loving way. Kevin was a very beautiful man. I loved his body, soul and mind. My throat choked up when I thought how close I came to losing this man. I took a deep breath and slipped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower behind him. "Good morning sexy," I whispered in his hear. He leaned back against me. "You still sleepy?" I asked as I kissed his bare shoulder.

"Mmmmm," he moaned softly.

"I'll take that as a yes," I giggled. "I promise you can sleep on the plane," I whispered in his ear. "After of course I have a another round with the mile high club."

"You never quit do you," He giggled. "You are like the energizer bunny."

"Yep that is me," I snickered as I knelt down and slipped his limp cock into my mouth. I sucked on him until he was hard than I stood up and turned around. "Speaking of which," I said softly as I guided his cock to my hole. "Please baby?" I pleaded. "Make love to me?"

"You," he said as he kissed my shoulder. "Are a bad boy."

"Yea, but you know you love it," I giggled. It was stopped short when Kevin rammed his cock into me. "OOOOOOHHHHH GOD baby!" I moaned loudly. "Fuck me Kevin!"

"That is what I plan on doing," he rasped as he begin to thrust in and out. I was in heaven. My lover was making love to me and I was right where I wanted to be. In his arms with his cock up my ass. I knew Kevin wouldn't last long and I was right. In about five minutes he blasted his morning load up my ass and pulled out and leaned against the shower wall. "That was great Matt," he gasped as he tried to catch his breath. I picked up the sponge and added some body wash and begin the process of cleaning my love. That was one of the things I loved to do. It gave me a good chance to be close to him and worship his body. He knew it too but didn't say anything. All to soon we were done and drying off.

"So," Kevin started as he pulled on a pair of sweat pants. "Has Nick decided to come with us?"

"Yep," I replied as I helped him with his shirt. After Kevin was dressed I gave him long kiss and than sat him down. "Be good while I get dressed." I heard the thunder of little feet and the door flew open and Tyler and Jake came bounding into the room.

"Pappa!" Tyler squealed as he hopped into Kevin's lap wrapping his arms around Kevin's neck. "You ready to go?"

"You sure are happy this morning," Kevin replied as he messed Tyler's hair.

"We are going on a cation!" Tyler giggled. Kevin chocked back his laughter at Tyler's word for Vacation. "Nick says we are going to a island with a beach!"

"Yes Tyler that is true," I spoke up. "We are going to have a beach vacation."

"Why?" Tyler asked.

"Want to tell him the real reason?" Kevin snickered at me.

"Behave Kevin," I scolded him. "Kevin and I and Nick need a rest."

"But Nick said you have to find a boyfriend for him!" Tyler exclaimed. I heard Kevin snort with laughter. "He says you are Matchmaking. Daddy?"

"Yes son?" I asked. Kevin was laughing his head off. I promised myself that he would pay later.

"What is a matchmaker?" Tyler asked. By this time Kevin was laying on the couch laughing his head off. He was in so much trouble. A surge of happiness raged through me because I hadn't seen him this happy since the accident.

"A matchmaker is when well meaning friends take it upon themselves to find me a boyfriend," Nick voice spoke up from the door way.

"You ready to go?" I asked him. He nodded. I could tell he was still heartbroken. "Don't worry Nick, you will get through this." The tears started to flow. I looked at Kevin.

"Let me talk to him?" Kevin pleaded. I reluctantly agreed and took Tyler's hand from Kevin's hand and led him out of the room.

From Kevin' point of view.

"Hey little brother," I said patting the seat beside me. "Come here and tell me about it." I felt him sit beside me and I wrapped my arms around him. He fell back in my arms sobbing loudly. I held him until he stopped crying. "You better?"

"Yea, um thanks," he said softly. "I still love him."

"What happened Nick?" I asked. It tore my heart in two to see him in such pain. Nick was silent. "Please Nick, I would like to help."

"Justin happened," Nick spit out. "He wormed his way in between our relationship and JC fell in love with him."

"OOOhhh Nicky," I said softly. "I'm so sorry."

"Yea yea," he said bitterly. "Everybody is sorry for poor little Nicky! I'm so fucking tired of not having anybody! All I want is someone to love me for who I am and I want to love that person back."

"I promise Nick," I said. "You will have someone who will love you like you deserve to be loved. You are a beautiful person."

"Than why can't I find love?" Nick pleaded with me. I could hear the pain in his voice and my heart went out to him. "I mean I have fame and God knows I have enough money. The one thing that continues to elude me is love!"

"I don't know the words to make it better Nick," I admitted. "I just want to make the pain go away. Maybe this vacation is what we need. Matt and I need to work through some stuff. You need rest and you need to have fun too. Tyler needs major quality time with his daddies."

"You're right Kevin, and you need to rest too. Part of you regaining your sight depends on you living a stress free life as much as possible," Nick reminded me. "So why don't we go and find Matt and Tyler--."

"To late!" a voice giggled behind us. I smiled when I heard his voice. "We found you and we are ready to get to the beach!"

"Ok sweetie," I chuckled. "You win." I jumped a little when Tyler climbed up in my lap. "Hey Tyler!"

"Hi Pappa!" he said in a hyper voice. "I wanna go on our cation!" I could tell he was really hyper this morning.

"Tyler?" I asked in scolding voice. "Did Nick let you eat M&Ms for breakfast again?"

"Hey!" yelped Nick. "I do not let him eat M&Ms for breakfast!" He must have been pouting because Tyler couldn't resist.

"My daddy says not to pout! He says your face will freeze like that!" he instructed Nick in a very serious voice. I could hear my sweetie laughing in the background.

"Come on you guys," I chuckled again. "Let's get this vacation on the road."

On a remote Tropical Island we find Kevin and Matt resting in lounge chairs facing the aqua blue water. We can hear Tyler squealing with laughter and Jake barking loudly. We also hear the soft crashing of the waves against the shoreline.

From Matt's point of view.

I breathed in deeply again allowing the fresh sea air to fill my lungs. I looked over at Kevin. He was naked from the waist up. His very tight and toned chest and strong arms shimmered in the sun. He looked just like a Greek God. I allowed myself the time to stare at his gorgeous body. I took in every inch of his hot body. I loved the way he breathed in and his rock hard chest rose and fell. I allowed my eyes to travel up to his face. His long hair lightly blowing in the breeze. He was wearing his dark shades to protect his eyes from the harsh sunlight.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked me softly.

"Just admiring the view," I smiled at him as I laid my hand on his chest. "Did you know that you are a very beautiful man?" He chuckled softly and turned so that he was facing me. "Well you are."

"Thank you baby," he whispered as he held out his hand for mine. I eagerly reached out for his and was elated when I finally touched his flesh. "I'm so happy that you talked me into going on this trip."

"You needed sweetie," I cooed at him. "You've been working way to hard."

"I didn't realize it until I got here. How are Nick and Tyler doing?" h asked me as he brought my hand up to his lips and graced the back of it with a kiss.

"Ohh I think they are using all the sand on the beach building a castle or something," I giggled. I could hear Tyler squealing with laughter and Jake barking in the background.

"He sounds like he is enjoying himself. Shall we go see what they are doing?" Kevin asked. I could tell that Kevin wanted to walk. So I got up and helped him up. We headed in the direction of the laughter and the sight I saw was worth laughter of my own. "You want to tell me what is so funny?" Kevin asked.

"Well Kevin, it seems that our son and his puppy has buried our Nick in the sand," I giggled.

"Hi Daddy, Hi Pappa!" giggled Tyler. "I buried Nick in the sand!"

"Yes son I can see that," I giggled looking down at poor Nick. "Now why don't we dig him out so that we can go get lunch?"

"I want lunch now!" Tyler exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Now Tyler," I giggled at him. "As much as we would love to leave Nick buried in sand we have to let him out."

"Ok daddy," Tyler said as he picked up his shovel and started to dig poor Nick out. Kevin and I headed back to our lounge chairs. About half way there I heard Tyler squeal with laughter and Nick growling at him. I looked back to see Nick running towards the water with Tyler over his shoulder and jump into the ocean. I busted up laughing. Jake was jumping up and down barking loudly trying to defend his little master.

"So it seems that Tyler is enjoying himself," Kevin said with a small smile.

"I'm sorry you can't see this," I said softly.

"Don't be sorry," Kevin said putting his hand on my arm. "I can enjoy this vacation without seeing with my eyes. I have my ears and nose and hands. I can see with my hands and ears and nose. I'm enjoying the beauty of the ocean and beach and this beautiful tropical island." I looked at his face and could tell that he was telling me the truth. I chocked back some tears as I fell into his arms and pressed my lips to his kissing him as hard as I could.

"EEEEWWW Yucky!" exclaimed a small voice. I broke away and looked down in time to see a soaked Tyler who was holding an equally soaked puppy.

"You hungry?" I asked him. He nodded and yawned loudly. "And tired too. Time for lunch and than it is a nap for you."

"Actually a nap for us all would be good," Kevin spoke up. "Right sweetie?" I could tell by the tone of his voice that we would not be doing much sleeping.

"Umm yea," I gulped loudly. "Ummm yea sure." Kevin chuckled softly as we headed back to the rented beach house. I knew that this was the start of a good vacation.

Stay tuned for the next installment of Get Another Boyfriend.

NICK falls in love!!! Will it be for keeps?

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Next: Chapter 17: Get Another Boyfriend 34 35

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