Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Nov 19, 2001


The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18. Sorry it has taken me so long to get this next installment out. But here it is.

Get Another Boyfriend Chapters 34 & 35

Chapter 34

I woke up from our afternoon nap and heard Nick talking to someone on the phone. I could tell he was upset. I got out of bed making sure that Kevin was still in bed sleeping. He was a little rough on me and I think he was wore out from our love making session because he was sleeping peacefully. I kissed him on the shoulder and pulled the sheet up around his sleeping form. I headed out into the living room and found Nick talking into the phone wiping his face that was wet from tears.

"AJ," Nick said in a strained voice. "I know this was a hard decision to make. I'm so proud of you man." I sat down next to Nick and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Let me know when you get checked in. I gotta go and let Kevin know. Bye AJ I love you man." Nick hung up the phone and ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

"Nick?" I asked softly.

"Umm AJ checked himself into rehab," Nick sobbed out. "God Matt, I'm so worried about him."

"Was AJ doing a lot of drinking?" I asked. Nick nodded. "Well than we should support him in his decision to get help. This is actually a good thing."

"I'm just worried about him is all. He is one of my best friends," Nick sobbed. "I hate the fact that he is going through this all alone."

"Nick," I said in a soothing voice. "Don't you see? He isn't going through this all alone. He has you and the rest of the guys and his family too."

"I guess you are right," Nick sniffled. "Umm I need to talk to Kevin."

"I'll go check on Tyler and see if he is still sleeping," I said to nick as he headed off into our room. I turned and headed into Tyler's room. I saw him sleeping on the bed with his arm wrapped around Jake. He looked so cute laying there in his beach shorts and his little t-shirt. He was konked out sleeping like an angel. After making sure that he was ok I turned and headed back into the living room. The sun was starting to set and I walked out onto the front porch. I sat down on the porch swing. I looked out over the beach and decided that I wanted to stay here forever. I was wondering if Kevin would want to join me. I heard the creaking of floorboards as Kevin and Nick walked out onto the front porch. Kevin's hair was all messed up from his nap and I had to grin at him. He looked so cute. "Kevin?" I asked softly. He carefully made his way over to the porch swing and sat down. I immediately wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close.

"What's happening to us Matt?" Kevin asked in a soft voice. "I'm blind, AJ is in rehab. Are we breaking apart?"

"No," I said with conviction. "Kevin, you guys have been going strong for almost a decade now. You all need rest. The strain is starting show. AJ is doing his part by getting the help he needs. You need to rest too. Once AJ gets the help he needs and you get your sight back than the Backstreet Boys can get back in the grove again."

"Promise?" Kevin asked me.

"Yes Kevin, I promise that this is not the end, well maybe the end of Chapter one," I said as I leaned in for a kiss. "Now what is the plan?"

"Well we have to fly back to New York for a interview with MTV on TRL," Kevin stated. "We have to be honest with our fans. They've been with us through the thick and thin. We gotta let them know that if we are canceling tour dates it is for a good reason."

"Do you want me there with you?" I asked hoping that he would say yes.

"What do you think?" Kevin asked. "Of course I want you there with me. I love you and I need you. We all need you."

"Good," I sighed as Kevin lay down in my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair. I enjoyed the soft moans of contentment coming from him. "Kevin?" I asked softly.

"Hmmm?" Kevin mumbled.

"I love it here," I replied. "I'm thinking of selling the Mansion and moving out here."

"Really?" Kevin answered. "I'll help you move."

"I was kinda hoping that you would want to move in with us," I mumbled. "I mean that is if you want to."

"Want to?" Kevin asked waking up. "Of course I want to. You are my family now. You and Tyler, I could never live with out you. I love you and Tyler. Matt honey, I would follow you to the end of time just to be with you."

"Well that was what I hoping you would say," I smiled down at him. "So when can we move?"

"Well there is a little matter of AJ's recovery and my eyesight," Kevin reminded me. "And I think you have to tell your son too."

"Oh yea I guess we do have to tell him," I giggled as I kissed Kevin on the nose.

"Mmmmm," Kevin moaned. "I liked that."

"Oh really?" I smiled down at him. "Do you like this too?" I slid my hand down his pants and took hold of his hardening cock. I gently begin to stroke it. Kevin let out a soft moan and I eased his pants down and exposed his erection. "Do you like that?" I asked as I gently laid him down on the soft seat of the swing. "I bet you will really like this than," I said as I drug my tongue down his chest and across his rock hard abs and through his dark forest of pubic hair and up his shaft until my tongue was resting on the tip of his cock.

"God Matt," Kevin breathed out. "Please baby," he whimpered.

"Please what sweetie?" I asked I licked up the drop of precum that was sliding down his cock.

"Please don't tease me," he moaned trying to get me to engulf his cock. "Please?" I giggled as I slowly took the entire length of his cock down my throat until the head of it was tickling the back of my throat. The sounds that were coming form my sweetie almost drove me over the edge. I loved the taste and feel of Kevin's cock down my throat. I loved looking up his rock hard chest and see his head tilted back in pleasure. I continued my slow torture of my lover's cock. By the time I was really into it his cock was slick with Precome and my saliva. Kevin was moaning and thrashing around. "Ohh baby," he moaned. "I'm close baby." I loved the way his voice sounded when he was about to cum. It was deep and quivering with lust. I tighten my grip around his cock and pulled all the way up and started to jerk his cock with my hand. "FUCK!" groaned Kevin as his hips bucked off the seat of the porch swing. The first blast of his cum slammed into the back of my throat. I quickly swallowed in rapid succession. Finally after about ten good shots his limp cock fell out of my mouth. Kevin was breathing heavily.

"Did you enjoy that?" I asked as I pulled up his pants for him.

"Umm yea," Kevin said shaking his head in bewilderment. "Wow! Where did that come from?"

"I love you and I wanted to make you feel good," I said grinning up at him.

"You're doing it again," Kevin, scolded me.

"What?" I asked all innocent.

"You're grinning that wild lopsided grin that I fell in love with," Kevin continued to scold me only this time he tapped me on my nose. "You know how I can tell?"

"No but I'm sure you are going to tell me," I replied as I snuggled up to him. I gently sucked on his nipple.

"The tone of your voice when you grin like that," Kevin chuckled. "It gives you away all the time."

"I'm that easy to read?" I asked looking up at him.

"Only because I'm in tune with you baby. I love you so I make it a habit of storing all the good things away. Like the way you wake up and the way you moan and whimper when we make love. All those little things that make you, I love you like crazy!" Kevin replied. He sat up and I was a little disappointed but let him up. "Walk with me please?" he pleaded with me as he held out his hand.

"For you, I would walk to the end of the world," I smiled up at him as I took his hand and helped him down the steps and down the walk and onto the beach. I laughed as Kevin kicked off his sandals. I kicked off mine too. The sand was cooling down and it felt good to walk in the cooling evening air. I breathed deeply the fresh ocean air as it blew in off the ocean. Yes I was definitely going to love living here.

In the house Nick was on the phone with AJ again.

"I can only have visitors after I've been in here for two weeks," AJ explained to Nick. "I want you to be the first one here."

"Umm ok umm sure umm why?" Nick asked confused. He blushed when he heard AJ's laugh from the other side of the line. Than Nick realized that was the first time he had heard AJ laugh for the longest time.

"Because silly," AJ chuckled. "You are one of my best friend and I want to tell you something."

"What?" Nick asked scrunching up his nose.

"Uh uh," AJ scolded him. "I have to figure out some stuff first. I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"I miss you," Nick sniffled. "I hate the fact that I'm out here and you are stuck there."

"Hey," AJ said in a soothing voice. "Don't you dare worry about me. I finally know where I am. For the longest time I was in a really dark place. I finally am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I gotta tell you I'm ready to step into the light."

"You sure you are all right?" Nick asked wiping the tears from his face.

"No, Nick," AJ sighed. "I'm not all right now. But I will be. I finally know where I am and where I have to go. Nick I gotta go. I love you man."

"I love you too bro," Nick said as he pushed the off button on the phone. He got up and walked to the table and opened his folder of music he had brought along. He picked up a sheet and begins to hum to the tune. "Hey!" he said to himself as he continued to scan the music. "This is a great song!" He finished the first page. "A great one for our comeback!" He quickly stashed the song away and went to look for Tyler. He could hear Tyler squealing with laughter somewhere in the house. He needed a Tyler fix real bad.

Back on the beach Kevin was sitting on the beach with me lying in his lap. I was enjoying all this alone time with him. "Kevin?" I asked as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Yes love?" Kevin whispered down to me.

"Make time stand still?" I asked.

"Now why would I want to do that?" Kevin chuckled.

"I feel so complete right now," I sighed. "I mean I have a very loving and caring man. A cute adorable son and a whole bunch of friends."

"There are times I whish we could make time stand still too sweetie," Kevin sighed. "But this is the real world and we have to live in it." I heard the bitterness underlying the comment.

"You want to tell me about it?" I asked.

"You already know baby," he sighed again. "You already know."

"Is this about your sight?" I asked carefully.

"Partly," Kevin admitted. "I try to imagine me being blind for the rest of my life and I don't want to live that way. I want to see Tyler grow up I want to look into your eyes when we make love. I miss all the little things that I used to take for granted like the sunsets and sunrises. I'm afraid I will never get to see those things again." The tears had started to fall again.

"Kevin?" I asked.

"Never mind Matt," he brushed me off. "I don't mean to be a bother."

"You could never be a bother!" I shouted up at him. "Don't you ever say that again!" Kevin nodded slowly. "You still don't get it do you?"

"Get what?" he asked confused.

"I love you!" I screamed at him. "I am not leaving you! I will be at your side for as long as you need me. If needed I'll be your eyes for you. Baby I love you and I really wish you will just trust me and take my hand so we can walk through this hard time together!"

"You would do that for me?" Kevin asked with a sense of awe. "You would give up your life and be with me for the rest of your life and be my eyes for me?"

"Kevin if there is one thing I figured out since I met is you is this," I said looking into his dark glasses. "I have no life without you and Tyler. You and Tyler are the only thing I live for. Without either of you I'm done through finished. So in answer to your question my love of my life. Yes I would gladly give up my small petty meaningless life to be with you and be your eyes for you. And I have a feeling that Tyler would want to help too." By now Kevin was in tears. I gently wiped them free. "I love you. Remember that Kevin." He nodded not trusting himself to talk. I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips to his. For the next hour we sat on the beach and watched the sun set. I, being true to my word was Kevin's eyes for him as I described in vivid detail all the colors of the sunset.

"The first star is out sweetie," I whispered to him. "You ready to go back in?" Kevin nodded and stood up. I put my hand on his arm and we walked together into our rented beach house. Once inside I was met with the laughter of my son and the hyper barking of his puppy. I looked up at Kevin and saw his face come alive when he heard the sounds of laughter too. "We're home sweetie," I whispered in his ear and I sucked in his ear lobe.

"Not in front of the children," Kevin scolded me with his trademark grin.

"Here!" Nick exclaimed as he thrust a piece of paper in my hand. "Read it!" I looked down at the paper and saw that it was sheet music. "I wanna use it on our next album." I quickly read over the lyrics.

"This is beautiful," I breathed. "Where did you get it?"

"We pick up songs all the time. This is a new one that just came in from the home office," Nick explained.

"Well it is a good one. One of the best ones I've seen so far. But you get it on one condition," I grinned at him.

"What?" Nick asked confused.

"Kevin gets a solo in it," I smirked. "You know he has the best voice around."

"Yea right!" Nick snickered.

"Hey!" yelped Kevin.

"He is only kidding dear. Nick tell Kevin you were only kidding," I scolded him.

"I'm only kidding Kevin," Nick grumbled with a pout. "I wanna use this as our comeback song."

"That gives me an idea! Well actually Matt came up with it!" Kevin exclaimed. Ok, so now I was confused. "Matt you remember what you said earlier?"

"Kevin I said a lot of stuff today," I replied. I was confused not getting at all what Kevin was trying to get at.

"You said something about it being the end of Chapter one and moving on," Kevin reminded me.

"Yea I did say something about that," I replied confused.

"Well that is what we will do," Kevin said exited. "We will put together a greatest hits cd and call it Chapter one!"

"And we could include the new song!" exclaimed Nick. "Do you know what this means?"

"No but I'm sure you are going to tell us," I replied.

"Matt here has just set up the stage for our comeback! Well we were never really gone but with everything that has happened for the last few months it sure feels like we are coming back from something!" Nick exclaimed. "We have the bases to start the next chapter!" I looked at Kevin and saw him smiling.

"Yea I guess he did," Kevin smiled. "By God there just might be hope for this group yet! Come on Nick!" Kevin said with an excitement that seem to fill us all. "We've got work to do!"

Two weeks later Nick is standing outside AJ's door in the rehab center. He knocks on it and the door opens and he lays eyes on AJ. "Come in Nick," AJ said as he stood aside to allow Nick in. "Umm thanks for coming."

"Yea well I really wanted to see you," Nick mumbled.

"Yea I wanted to see you too," AJ replied. Nick frowned at AJ as he suddenly realized that AJ was scared of something.

"Alex?" Nick asked putting his hand on AJ's shoulder. "You all right?"

"Well that depends on you," AJ blurted out.

"Huh?" asked Nick confused.

"Nick I gotta get something off of my chest, and I'm hoping and praying that it won't hurt our friendship," AJ stammered out.

"God AJ what is it?" Nick asked getting scared.

"I have feelings for someone really close to me," AJ said looking into Nick's eyes. He took off his shades and gazed into Nick's eyes. "What I'm trying to say to you is this, umm I love you." Nick sat down on the bed heavily putting his head into his hands. Silence reigned supreme in the room for a few minutes. "Nicky?" asked AJ. "Please say something, anything please," he pleaded with Nick as he knelt beside him.

"When?" Nick asked shaking his head. "I mean when did you start having feelings for me?"

"Well I guess I've always had them. I just didn't realize it until I heard you talking on MTV. Nick it broke my heart to see you crying in front of everyone. I just wanted to bust out of this place and go to you and hold you in my arms," AJ admitted. Again there was the long silence. Nick finally looked up at AJ.

"Is this real?" he asked in a timid voice. "I mean I've been stepped on before. I don't want to risk another heart break."

"I won't rush you Nick," AJ said as he sat next to Nick and put his arm around Nick's shoulder. "I know what JC did to you when he broke up with you. But you gotta understand. I love you. I think I always have. I just haven't had the nerve to show you or tell you."

"You and me?" Nick said with a small grin. "What will people think?"

"I don't care what people think. I love you Nick," AJ whispered as he laid his hand along side of Nick's face. "Please say you will give us a chance?"

"No promises?" Nick asked. "No guarantees?"

"We will go your own pace. I promise not to rush you," AJ insisted. "Please Nick I know this is right."

"Ok," Nick sighed. "I'll give it a chance."

"Can I kiss you?" AJ asked. Nick nodded and AJ leaned forward and kissed Nick on the cheek. Nick grinned widely and kissed AJ back. The kisses were totally innocent but it struck a spark that would flare up in a major way in the next few weeks.

A month later.

"I love you Kevin," I whispered to Kevin as he walked into the doctor's office. "I'm here for you Kevin."

"Thank you Matt," Kevin smiled at me. "I just hope that I can see after the bandages come off."

"I have a good feeling about this," I smiled back.

"We all have a good feeling about this," AJ spoke up as he slid his arm around Nick's shoulder. "Don't we dear?"

"You two are too cute," I teased them. AJ just stuck his tongue out at me.

"AJ dear put that back in your mouth," Nick scolded him. "I'm the only one you're allowed to do that too."

"EWWWW!" Brian laughed as he gagged. "You two need a room or something."

"Good morning everyone!" the Doctor said in a cheerful voice. "You ready for the patches to come off Kevin?" Kevin nodded. "Good, now I have the lights turned down low so don't be shocked when it looks dark" Kevin nodded again. The doctor quickly removed the tape that was holding the patches on. Than he gently removed the patches. Kevin's eyes opened and he looked around. I held my breath not wanting to say anything. I was starting to get scared because Kevin was just looking around. Finally my lover's eyes rested on my eyes. I was still holding my breath. Kevin's lips curled up in a small grin.

"Matt honey," he teased. "You really should breath once in a while. Last I heard Oxygen was still vital to ones survival."

"You, umm can see?" I squeaked out. He nodded and I fell into his arms sobbing for joy. Kevin just held me crying himself. Somehow Tyler found his way into the hug as well. We just stood there holding each other like the family that we were. I knew in my heart that it was going to be a good life for us.


"BOO!" shouted a voice behind me.

"Auuughhh!" I screamed dropping my toast. I heard the high pitch giggling of Tyler. I turned to see him run around the corner. I counted the seconds off in my head.

"BOO!" he shouted again. I laughed when I heard the distinct startled scream from Kevin. Again the laughter. I smiled widely at it. Ok maybe I should explain. It is Halloween. And my son has taking to scaring everyone in the house. I looked up and watched my lover walk into the room.

"Good morning sweetie," I smiled at him. "I see you got your scare from Tyler."

"Tell me again why I had to mention Halloween to him?" Kevin asked shaking his head from side to side.

"Because he is a cute little boy and he is having the time of his life scaring everyone?" I asked as I walked behind him and slid my arms around his narrow waist. He leaned back and I kissed his bare shoulder and started to nibble on it lightly.

"You hungry?" he asked.

"Mmm hmm," I giggled. "For you!" I pressed my crotch up against his hard buttocks. "What do you say that we go back to our room and make Love?"

"I would love to sweetie, but I promise Tyler to take him shopping for his costume," Kevin said as he gently stroked my cock through my shorts. "How about tonight?"

"I'll hold you to that," I smiled. "In the mean time I have to get to work decorating if we are going to have that Halloween party."

"I'll try to hurry so I can help," Kevin said as he pulled me close. I sighed happily as I laid my head on his chest. I was in snuggly mood today and Kevin sensed it by rubbing my back and shoulders. "You tired?" He asked softly. I nodded. "Go back to bed and take a nap. We will get the decorating done when I get back," Kevin suggested. "Oh yea, Brian and Leighanne will be here in about an hour. Nick will pick them up and bring them out to the house."

"I'm glad that Brian and Leighanne are back together," I sighed.

"Yea, so am I," Kevin smiled "Oh and Brian says they are bringing surprise!"

"Do you think?" I started only to be stopped by Kevin's finger on my lips.

"Let's just hope sweetie," Kevin smiled. "Now go take that nap. We are going to have a late night." I nodded and headed up stairs to our private section of the house. After we had looked for weeks for the perfect house on the beach we finally found it. There was only one bedroom on the upstairs floor, along with a sitting room master bathroom and even a small kitchen. That space was designated Matt and Kevin's domain. Tyler tried really hard to stay clear of it but every once in a while he convinced Kevin to let him have a "Sleep over". I was so happy that Kevin and Tyler had gotten so close. Kevin had even taken him with him on a couple of Backstreet boys outings. The crowds loved him and didn't ask questions as to why Kevin was hanging out with the toddler. I walked into our room and looked at our double size bed and slid in between the silk sheets. In no time I was sleeping soundly.

Later, Brian and Leighanne walk into the house.

"This is a nice place," Brian said as he looked around. "I'm glad that Matt and Kevin found it."

"Yea I'm happy for them too," Leighanne said as she looked around.

"Mommy?" asked a little boy.

"Yes Josh?" Leighanne answered.

Chapter 35

"Mommy?" asked the boy as he looked up at Leighanne. "When can I meet Kevin?"

"Who is the little guy?" I asked as I walked up behind them. Brian jerked his head around in shock. "He is cute." I was waiting for Brian to respond when Nick walked in the door carrying all of their luggage. He dropped the luggage in shock and looked up at me with his mouth hanging open. "Close your mouth Nick or a bug will fly in." I turned and looked down at the black haired little boy and knelt down and stuck out my hand. He turned and clung to Leighanne's leg. "Hi, my name is Matt, what is yours?" I asked smiling at him. He looked up at Leighanne as if to ask permission to answer me.

"Go ahead an answer him," Leighanne smiled down at the black hair little boy. He looked to be about Tyler's age.

"Hi, umm I'm Josh," he said shyly as he stuck out his hand. "This is my mommy!" He said pointing at Leighanne. Than he turned and pointed at Brian. This is my Daddy! They dopted me!" I nodded as I let go of his hand and stood up. Brian was trying to find something to look at on the ceiling. Leighanne was shifting from one foot to the other.

"When did this happen?" I asked in a neutral voice. Brian picked up on it at once and winced.

"We've been working with the adoption agency for a couple of months. We just finalized it last week," Leighanne replied.

"I'm happy for you guys," I mumbled as I pushed my way out of the living room. Suddenly I needed air. Once outside I skipped down the stairs on the front porch and onto the beach. I heard the door open and close behind me.

"Matt wait up!" Brian called after me. I picked up my pace trying to outdistance him. I could tell he was running to catch up with me. I heard him skid to a stop beside me. "What is your problem?" he shot at me. "I thought you would be happy for us?"

"Who did you steal him from Brian?" I hurled at him. I regretted it the minute I said it.

"That was cruel Matt even for you!" Brian hissed at me. I stopped and sighed heavily and turned and met his eyes. I was shocked to see them bright with unshed tears.

"Why the hell didn't you just go to an adoption agency in the first place instead of trying to steal my child from me?" I demanded. Brian eyes looked out over the ocean and I could see the tears falling down his cheeks. Sighing again I gave up on getting an answer. Brian trying to get custody of my son had happened months ago and it was still a huge gaping wound that was still festering. At some point I would have to deal with it but not tonight. "What is his story?" I asked softly.

"His parents were killed in a car accident," Brian said. "They were hit by a drunk driver."

"Oh God Brian," I gasped. "I'm so sorry." Brian just nodded.

"Leighanne called me when the agency contacted us. I flew back to Atlanta to see him and I fell in love with him at once," Brian said with a small smile. "It tore my heart in two to see him in such pain. The little guy lost both of his parents all at once. No child should ever have to go through that."

"Is he happy now?" I asked.

"He seems to be. We have him in therapy and it seems to be helping. When we first brought him home he wouldn't even talk. He would just sit in corner and cry. It was heartbreaking for us both," Brian replied as he wiped a tear from his eyes. "I'm not ashamed to tell you that when he first smiled and I heard him laugh for the first time I cried for joy." I took a hard look at Brian and didn't see a member of a boy band any longer. I saw a grown man who had become a father. I was moved to embrace him and that is what I did.

"I'm sorry for jumping on you like that Brian," I apologized. "I'm really am happy for you. And if there is anything I can do to help him adjust to his new life please let me know."

"Thanks Matt," Brian replied. "You don't know how much this means to me." I heard the door slam and I looked up to see a very small version of Zorro come bounding down the steps. Only this Zorro had blonde hair. Kevin came running behind him too and he was dressed as Zorro too. I had to admit he looked extremely sexy. He ran up to Brian and gave him a hug. Than he turned to me and wrapped his cloak around me and pulled me close and kissed me. I moaned softly and returned the kiss. We broke apart and looked around to see where Tyler was. He was pretending to hold Brian a bay with his sword. I laughed when I saw Brian giving me a helpless look.

"Easy there Zorro Jr.," I scolded him. "Brian is one of the good guys."

"Me and Pappa are going to be Zorro!" Tyler squealed jumping up and down. "Pappa is going to take me Trick or treating!" I looked at Kevin and smiled. I could see the twinkle in his eyes. He was having the time of his life. He could see again. Chapter One was a huge hit and there latest hit was climbing the charts. When I first heard that song I bawled my eyes out. Drowning was without a doubt one of their biggest hits. I was so proud of him. He was happy again and I was happy too. I was feeling better and eating better and working out on regular basis and getting plenty of rest. Our sex life was great and Kevin went out of his way to make sure I was loved the way I should be. Tyler was ecstatic about living on the beach. He was as brown as an Indian and his hair was almost bleached white. Fall had come for our little family and we were loving it. Kevin was very busy going here and there with the guys but Tyler and I had made the most out of our new home. Tyler hand insisted on having a jack-o-lantern in every room. I would have to agree that fall was fast becoming my favorite time of the year.

"Sweetie?" asked a voice startling me out of my trip through time. I looked up to see my sweeties face shining down at me.

"Yes?" I asked with a sappy smile on my face. He rolled his eyes when he saw my expression.

"Let's go inside," he suggested. I looked around to see if I could see Tyler. I heard him yell Boo inside the house and heard Brian let out a yell. "I think we need to rescue the rest of the house from Tyler," Kevin giggled. Kevin wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close and kissed me on the top of my head. "I love you Matt," he whispered.

"I love you too Kevin," I whispered back. I shivered as the cold crisp fall wind blew off the ocean.

"Come on sweetie," Kevin giggled. "Let's get you inside where it is warm."

"Sounds good to me," I smiled up at him. In no time at all we were inside walking into the living room hand in hand. Brian frowned at us when he caught Josh looking at us. I held on tighter and looked hard at Brian daring him to say something. He nodded and looked away. A small victory for Kevin and me. Tyler ran up to Josh and looked at him with his hands on his hips.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

"I'm Josh," Josh replied. "My Daddy is Brian!"

"Well my Daddy is him!" Tyler retorted as he pointed at me. "And there is my Pappa!" pointing at Kevin. "Do you have a Pappa too?" Josh shook his head no.

"I have a mommy," He said pointing at Leighanne. "Why do you have two daddies?"

"I just do!" Tyler replied shrugging his shoulders. "You want to play in my room?"

"OK," Josh replied as he took Tyler's hand and followed him into Tyler's room. In no time at all we could hear them squealing with laughter. Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whhhhheeeew!" he exclaimed. "I'm glad they're getting along."

"Tyler is a good boy," I said as I sat down and started to poke at the fireplace. "He and Josh are going to be good friends I just know it."

"BOOO!" exclaimed both of the boys.

"AUUUUGGHHH!" screamed Nick. I struggled hard not to laugh but gave up when I heard Josh and Tyler squeal with laughter. A few minutes later a red faced Nick walked through the door. "They have got to stop doing that," he grumbled.

"Oh Nick," I snickered. "You know you love it." He grinned at me and shrugged his shoulders. "So anyone up for dinner?" I asked. I got requests from all corners from the house, including demands for pizza from the kids. Pizza won out.

"So you hungry for Pizza?" Kevin asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. He was helping me decorate the house for the Halloween party. "The kids seem to be getting along."

"Yea I think it is so nice that Tyler has a little friend to play with. Josh is such a good kid," I replied. "Did you see how fast Tyler warmed up to him?"

"Yea well I think he figured out that Josh had a rough life," Kevin replied as he dangled a piece of orange and black garland over his head and waggled he eyebrows. I laughed at him and planted a kiss on his nose. He pouted and pointed to his lips. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and tried to get away but he caught me in his arms. "Uh uh," he scolded me. "I want a good kiss."

"You mean like this," I replied with a smirk and wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his and drove my tongue into his mouth and wrestled with his tongue. After a few minutes I broke away.

"Wow!" he gasped. "Now that is a kiss!"

"Yea well if you are a good boy than you will get more of those tonight and something else too," I grinned at him as I handed him a rubber bat. "Now be a good boy and hang the bat over the fireplace." I heard the doorbell ring and I heard the kids yell that the pizza was here. So Kevin and I called it quits and joined the rest of the family for dinner. We watched Tyler and Josh closely as the whispered to each other. They were obviously cooking something up. Sure enough as soon as they were done Tyler came up to me and stood nervously looking up at me.

"Umm daddy?" he asked in a small voice.

"Yes son?" I smiled down at him. I had a feeling what he was going to ask.

"Umm can Josh have a sleep over with me?" he pleaded looking up at me.

"Well son," I replied. "I don't know, maybe his mommy and daddy wants him to come home with them."

"Well Leighanne and I are going to stay at a hotel. So if Josh wants to stay with his new friend than I don't see a problem with it," Brian said as he ruffled Josh's hair.

"GOOODDIIIEE!" squealed Tyler jumping up and down. "Come on Josh! Let's go make a haunted house!" Tyler and Josh ran out of the room.

"I had better go help them," Kevin replied. "You want to come?" he asked me. I shook my head no.

"I think I'm going to watch the moon rise," I replied. "I hear it is going to be close to full tonight."

"Ok sweetie, but don't stay up to late," Kevin replied as he planted a quick kiss in my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered to him. I hurried out side to watch the moon. As I sank down into the soft confines of the porch swing I heard the door open and watched AJ walk out. "Hey," I said patting the seat beside me.

"Hey," he replied as he plopped down. "Got a minute?" I nodded. "How do you feel about Nick and I?"

"Nick is a good friend of mine," I answered. "I don't want him to get hurt."

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about," AJ said as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "I really love him Matt but I feel he is holding something back. Something about you and Kevin." I sighed heavily and looked out over the ocean. "Do you and Nick have a history?"

"A few months ago Nick was really going through a hard time. It was the same time that we were going through the custody battle over Tyler," I started. The memories were still painful. The night we shared, the three of us was probably the only thing that kept me sane. "We, all of us, I mean Kevin Nick and I were together."

"You mean you slept with him?" AJ asked scrunching up his nose. "Like in a threesome?" I nodded. "Wow!" he breathed. "What was it like?"

"Well I was sore for a week," I giggled. "No he was great. He was caring and loving. Have you guys did it yet?" AJ shook his head no. "Is that a problem for you?" He nodded and looked away. "Do you want me to talk to him?"

"Could you?" AJ asked with a pleading look in his eyes. "I mean he trusts you and so do I."

"What do you want AJ?" I asked him.

"I love him," AJ whispered. "But I see him in so much pain and it scares me. I just want to hold him and make love to him and make that part of Nick that causes him to cry at night to go away. I love him Dammit!"

"I'll talk to him, but you have too," I instructed him. "Promise me you will." AJ stood up and walked over to the porch railing and leaned on it. The door opened and Nick stepped out. "I'll leave you two alone," I said as I stood up and walked back into the house.

From AJ's point of view.

I watched as Nick walked out onto the porch. My breath caught in my chest as I beheld his beauty. He reckless smile and sexy smirk that he constantly wore. He was like a drug to me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Umm Nick?" I squeaked out. "Umm can we talk?" I pleaded with him.

"Yea sure baby," he smiled at me. "What about?"

"You?" I sat back down on the porch swing. "I have something to ask you. And I'm hoping that you don't get mad at me."

"I could never be mad at you AJ," Nick replied. "Go ahead and ask any thing you want."

"What do you want out of this relationship?" I asked looking into Nick's eyes. I waited patiently for an answer. Nick sat there looking up at the moon. I could see the emotions raging through him. That was one thing with Nick that made me love him so. His face was like an open book. You could tell what he was thinking and feeling. Right now he was scared. Scared of what I didn't know but I intended to find out. I took a deep breath and walked up to him and held out my hand. He stared at it for a few seconds and than up at me. "Take my hand and walk with me Chaos." He sighed and took it and I led him off the porch and onto the beach. Once we were out and away from the house I turned to him and looked at him in the moonlight. He was like an angle. His golden hair blowing lightly in the breeze and his lips pulled up in a concentrated and serious look. I would give anything to know what was going on in his mind right now. "I love you," I blurted out. "I can't help it. I think I always have loved you. I just didn't have the courage to say it."

"I'm not sure about my feelings AJ," Nick replied looking at me with those angelic eyes. "I've been in and out of so many relationships that I don't know what is real anymore."

"Let me help?" I pleaded. "Please Nick, I can see you hurting. I want to help. You were there for me for what was the roughest part of my life. I want to be here for you. No promises or guarantees. I just want to be here for you. If something comes out of this than great. But if not than I'm cool with that too. Just as long as I get to be with you for a little while."

"Do you know what you are getting yourself into?" Nick asked me frowning. "I mean do you really know?"

"I get to spend some time with the greatest, sexiest man I know," I replied grinning up at him. I held out my arms and he walked up to me and fell into them. I sobbed as I wrapped my arms around him. He buried his head in the crook of my neck sobbing too. It was just a simple touch. One man hugging another but I didn't want it to stop. I heard the crunching of sand behind me and I turned around.

"Hey guys," Matt replied. "How is the talk going?"

"Good," Nick replied with a grin. "Now can we please go back in?" He wrapped his arms around himself in an attempt to keep him self warm. So we all headed back in. Once in side we were greeted by two hyper kids running around the house squealing in laughter as Kevin ran behind them in a monsters mask and making monster noises. Matt busted up laughing and swatted his lover on the shoulder. Kevin of course turned on poor Matt chasing him around with that silly mask. The kids immediately got caught up in the act too. So for the next few minutes we had to watch and listen to them make all kinds of racket. I glanced over at Nick and watched the wistful look he was casting in Matt's and Kevin's way. That was when it dawned on me. Nick wanted a family. A family that he could call his own. I guess at that moment I made it my mission to make his dream come true. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped with a guilty look on his face.

"Wanting a family is nothing to be guilty about Nicky," I soothed him by running the back of my hand along the side of his face. "Give me a chance and I can give you that too."

"Can you really?" Nick asked looking back at the happy family. "I mean can you really do that for me?"

"Baby," I whispered pulling him into my arms. "I'll move heaven and earth to do that for you." I kissed Nick lightly on the lips and he responded too. "Come on," I smiled up at him. "Let's go to our room where we can talk in private." Taking his hand in mine I guided him out of the living room and into our little room. I had a feeling that things were going to be fine. I was falling in love and Nick was too. And the great thing about it was that we were falling in love with each other.

From Matt's point of view.

I looked at the clock and than at Tyler and Josh. Brian and Leighanne had left for their hotel a couple of hours ago. Some how I was going to have to get Tyler and Josh to go to bed. They were both yawning like crazy and I knew that they wouldn't go to bed without a fight. I looked at Kevin for help. He smiled and winked at me. I watched him go into the other room and come back in with a tent. I grinned at his idea. "Ok boys," I grinned. "Who is ready for our campout?" Josh looked up at us confused. Tyler had done this before and started jumping up and down. I knelt down to explain it to Josh. "You see Josh, we are going to have a camp out. We set up a tent in the living room and sleep in sleeping bags and stuff." I could tell that Josh liked the idea. In no time at all we had the tent set up and Tyler and Josh tucked away in sleeping bags sound asleep. I watched them sleep for a few minutes.

"Sweetie?" asked a deep and soft voice. I looked up and met my lover's eyes. They were twinkling with love and devotion. "You ready for bed?" he asked softly as he held out his hand. I took his hand and headed up stairs and into our room. I slid off my clothes and headed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and than headed back into our room and grinned at the bed. There was my sweet heart laying on his side of the bed sound a sleep. I slid in beside him and spooned him relishing the warm feel of his flesh against me. In no time at all we were sound asleep.

In Colorado in a rehab center.

"Diana," Doctor Smith said as he walked into the room. "I have your discharge papers."

"Good," Diana replied. She looked at a picture on her table. She picked it up and looked at the blonde headed little boy. "Tyler baby, Mommy is coming for you baby."


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Next: Chapter 18: Home for the Holidays 1

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