Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Dec 27, 2001


Disclaimor: This is a fictional story. I do not know the Backstreet Boys and I do not know there true sexuality. This story has a very strong story line about homosexual relationships. If this offends you than please leave now. If reading this is illegal for you than do yourself a favor and leave. If you are legal and this type of story doesn't offend you than you are welcome to stay.

Not here it is.

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Special note: I am deviating from the story line just a little. I'm brining you all the Christmas Addition.

Get Another Boyfriend Home for the Holidays

Part two

"Wow!" exclaimed Tyler. "That sure is big tree!" He stood with his small hands on his hips as he looked up the tree. I just stood back and admired Tyler as he was looking at the tree. I realized that this was a very magical moment for my son. He was just now beginning to really get into the holiday spirit. He was trying to convince everyone that the chimney was way to small for Santa. He even tried to talk Kevin into going up on the roof and measure it. After all you couldn't have Santa getting stuck in the chimney! Kevin of course being the good sport he was got up on the roof and measured the chimney and assured Tyler that the chimney was indeed large enough for Santa.

Nick and AJ was already settled into the guest room. We were waiting on Brian and Josh. Tyler was really getting exited at the prospect of his best bud coming to spend Christmas with him. "Daddy?" Tyler asked as he pulled on my hand. "Can we put on the onrments?"

"Ornaments son," I smiled down at him. He nodded and tried to get me to follow him. "Ok son," I chuckled. "Let's see how you do." I handed an ornament and he walked over to the tree and being true to form as only a four year old could do he put the ornament on the lowest branch and reached for another one. That one too ended up on the lowest branch. I looked at Kevin and he just smiled at me and took one from the box and put it right next to Tyler's. I had a feeling that this was going to be a very strange looking tree.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Kevin asked as he sat down next to me. The tree was all decorated. If you could call it that. Most of the ornaments ended up on the bottom of the tree. Tyler was very pleased with it. After all it was a special tree. One that he and Daddy and pappa decorated.

"You know it sweetie," I smiled up at him. I had to laugh because he hand a candy cane stuck behind his ear. "Is Tyler down for his nap?"

"Yes dear," Kevin sighed. "After we had to put the wise men all around the house. You see Tyler informed me that the wise men are traveling to see the baby Jesus and couldn't be at the manger yet."

"Oh?" I asked grinning. "And tell me, just where are they?"

"Well one is in the kitchen and the other is in the dinning room and the third one is on the entertainment center and the camels are in the bathroom," Kevin said shaking his head.

"He sure is having fun isn't he?" I asked as I snaked my hand into Kevin's arm. "Are you having fun?"

"I couldn't be more happy. I get to see my son really exited about Christmas. It does me so much good to see him all exited and happy," Kevin said as a tear ran down his face. I gently wiped it free.

"Want to tell me what that is all about?" I asked kissing him softly on the lips.

"I'm just happy is all. I mean I never dreamed that I would have a wonderful lover and a great little boy in my life. I mean when I met you I never dreamed I would even stand a chance with you. Now look at us," Kevin said getting more choked up. "I love you and Tyler so much." I took him into my arms and hugged for all that I was worth. "I never want this to end."

"And it won't if I have anything to say about it," I smiled up at him. He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. I leaned into his touch and my crotch came in contact with his leg. He opened his eyes and grinned at me.

"Is someone exited?" he asked as he reached down and stroked me through my jeans.

"Well it is all your fault!" I said with a pout.

"Oh and just how is that?" Kevin said as he slid his hand down my pants and took hold of my hard cock. I moaned softly as his hand closed around my shaft.

"Because you are just way to sexy," I moaned out as I reached for his belt. He gently took my hand away.

"Not here sweetie," He said as led me by the hand and upstairs and into our room. He let go and in a very swift and sexy move he slipped out of his shirt revealing his tight ripped chest and abs. I swallowed hard and bit my bottom lip. He smirked as he reached for his belt and very slowly took it off and cast it aside. I moaned and reached for him but he backed up shaking his head no. "Uh uh," he scolded me. "Watch and enjoy." He slid out of his pants leaving him only in his boxers. He toyed with the waistband giving me a wicked grin. I whimpered and tried to get to him but he chuckled and backed up. "Do you want this off?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Please?" I pleaded with him. I was so hard that I thought I was going to rip my own jeans.

"Well I don't think it is very fair that I am all undressed and you are still dressed," he said with his trade mark pout. Is there a record for stripping out of your clothes? Because if there is I think I broke it. In no time at all I was stark naked laying on the bed feeling very horny and ready. "Well that didn't take you long," he snickered as he climbed on the bed and slowly covered my body with his. I shuddered as he lowered himself onto me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me hard on the lips driving his tongue deep into my mouth. I arched my back to meet his urgent thrusts. His rock hard cock was straining in his boxers. After kissing me for a few minutes he broke away and attacked my neck sucking and biting hard. All the wile his entire body was thrusting against mine. I wanted his cock free and I reached for his boxers and slid them down until I could feel his cock against mine. He moaned softly as he slid down to my nipples sucking and biting them hard. I moaned and whimpered as I felt his Precome drop onto my abs.

"Please?" I pleaded with him. He looked into my eyes with lust and passion. "Make love to me?" With out saying a word he positioned my ankles on his shoulder and with one plunge he shoved his cock into my ass. I arched my back and screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Kevin didn't give me time to recover. He started ramming in and out of me as hard and as fast as he could all the while his lips and tongue were all over my body.

"Oh yea baby," he grunted out. "You are so fucking tight!" I just moaned in response and arched my back and reached for his neck and pulled him back down on me as I kissed him hard. He continued to fuck me hard and fast. I could feel his cock slide in and out of me. Every time his cock would slam into me it would slam against my prostrate gland causing me convulse with pleasure. I could tell by his moans and grunts and the erratic thrusting movements that Kevin wasn't going to last very long. "Ohh Jesus!" He grunted out. "I'm so fucking close!"

"Give it to me Kevin!" I hissed at him as I bit down on his nipple. He let out a yell and rammed in one last time. I could feel his entire body quaking and convulsing as his seed shot out of his cock into my ass. He continued to ride me until he stopped shooting. Finally he pulled out and fell down beside me. I watched as his chest heaved up and down. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "That was great!" He looked over at my still rock hard cock and licked his lips and dived in. He took my cock deep into his mouth and started sucking and bobbing hard. I through back my head and moaned and ran my fingers through his long hair. I didn't last very long. In no time at all Kevin was trying to swallow my load as it shot out of my cock. When he was done cleaning me up he snuggled up to me and laid his head on my chest and closed his eyes. "Did I wear you out?" I asked I ran my fingers through his damp hair. He nodded and yawned. "Than sleep my love." In no time at all Kevin was snoring softly and I turned over and spooned him and closed my eyes too.

From Kevin's point of view.

I woke to find myself in an empty bed. I sat up and looked around for Matt but didn't see him anywhere. I slid out of bed and pulled on my boxers and pants and headed down stairs. As I approached the first landing I heard the welcome sound of Tyler's laughter. I peeked around the corner to see him and Matt involved in some sort of game. It involved Matt chasing Tyler around the house. "Ahem!" I coughed. Matt looked up and grinned up at me. "Are you two enjoying yourselves?"

"Yes we are," Matt said as he walked up to me and put his arms around my naked waist. "Did you have a good sleep?" I nodded and continued to walk downstairs. Matt had lit the fire place and I looked outside to see the snow falling. It had seemed that Matt had gotten his wish, a white Christmas. "Are you hungry?" he asked as he stroked my back. "Cause if you are I can fix you something before dinner."

"A sandwich would be nice," I said quietly as I sat down in the soft confines of the couch. Tyler bounded up on the couch followed by a hyper puppy named Jake. "What are you up to?" I asked Tyler. He just shrugged his shoulder and laid down on my chest. "You tired?" I asked softly as I stroked his hair. Again he shrugged his shoulder. "Well why don't you just lay here for a while and rest." In no time at all Tyler was sleeping soundly. I looked down and saw that Jake was sleeping too.

"They are really wore out," a voice said softly. I looked up to see Matt holding a sandwich. "They've been going ever since we got here."

"When are Brian and Josh getting here?" I asked as I took the turkey and swiss sandwich from Matt.

"In about an hour," Matt said as he sat next to me careful not to disturb the sleeping child stretched out across my chest. "I figured we can have a nice sit down dinner as a family."

"That would be nice," I replied as I continued to munch on my sandwich.

"After dinner I plan on taking Tyler down the mountain so we can go shopping for you," Matt said as he took a bite of my sandwich.

"What are you going to get me?" I asked grinning innocently.

"You are just going to have to wait until Christmas Morning," Matt scolded me. I stuck out my lip in a pout and he chuckled. "It is only two more days sweetie, you can wait that long."

"Ok I'll be a good boy and wait," I replied giving him a quick kiss.

"In the mean time I am going to get up and get dinner started. Brian and Josh should be here in a bout an hour," Matt said as he stood up.

"I'm going to go put Tyler on the couch and got take a shower," I said as I smelled myself. I still smelled from the love making from earlier. "I don't want Brian or Josh to see me like this."

"You look great," Matt said grinning at me. "You want some company?"

"If you join me than we are never going to get dinner done," I scolded him. "Go fix dinner and I will make myself all pretty and clean." I headed upstairs and took my shower and than headed back to my sweetie. As I walked into the kitchen I frowned for he wasn't anywhere in sight. I walked out into the living room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Matt asked a very attractive young lady at the door. "Well I'm waiting."

"I'm here to see Tyler," she answered.

"Why?" Matt hissed. A cold feeling of dread crawled up my back. "You made your decision four years ago when you left your son at the hospital!"

'OH shit!' I thought to myself. Matt was talking to Tyler's mother. I decided to step in find out what was wrong.

"Matt?" I asked softly. He jerked around and I was floored by the look on his face. He was scared to the bone. "Can I help?"

"No she was just leaving," He said shortly and tried to shut the door. But her feet was in the door.

"He is my son too," she said with a quiver in her voice. "Please Matt, you don't understand."

"Can we take this inside?" I asked softly. "It is cold and I'm sure that she is cold." Matt glared at me and I backed up hurt. I guess he saw the hurt and backed off.

"Yea umm maybe it is a good idea to come in out of the cold," he mumbled as he stepped aside. Once she was inside we all went into the living room. Tyler was still sleeping on the couch. Jake was curled up beside him. It did make a very cute picture. I heard a sob and looked back and saw Tyler's mother with tears flowing down her face. Matt was standing off in the corner with his head hung low. I took control of the situation.

"Won't you please sit down," I asked politely. "Matt honey, won't you please go to the kitchen and get some coffee." I walked up to the sofa and gently woke Tyler up. "Tyler honey?" he looked up at me. "Will you please go play with Jake in your room. Tyler looked over at his mother and looked back up at me. "Please Tyler, I promise we will talk later." He nodded and grabbed Jake by the collar and led him up stairs.

"I wanted to see my son," Tyler's mother said in a pissed off tone of voice. I sighed and sat down beside her.

"And you will get to see him, if you can convince Matt that you deserve to see him," I stressed the last part. "I'm Kevin, Matt's lover." She nodded and smiled and stuck out her hand.

"I'm Dianne," she said softly. "I'm Tyler's biological mother."

"I gathered that much," I replied. "Umm how did you find us?"

"I used to be good friends with the family and I knew about this place. I also know Matt's fondness of White Christmas," she answered. "So I took a gamble and I guess it paid off."

"I still don't know what the hell you want!" Matt said as he came in carrying three mugs of steaming hot coffee. "You're not taking him from me!"

"Is that what you think I'm doing?" Dianne asked. Matt shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not here to take him from you."

"Than why are you here?" Matt demanded as he handed her a mug. "If you're not going to steal him away from me than even bother to show up at all."

"Matt Honey," I said in a soothing voice. "Let her try and explain." I was hurt when Matt threw me a look of anger. He saw the hurt and regretted the look at once.

"I'm sorry," he whimpered as he placed his forehead on mine. "Ok, I'll be good and listen." I leaned in and have him a light kiss. We broke apart and looked at Dianne who was wearing a smile.

"You two been in love for long?" she asked.

"It will soon be a year," Matt replied as he snuggled deeper into my arms. "Now tell me, what are you doing here and what are your intentions?"

"You need to know why I left in the first place," Dianne started. Matt nodded for her to continue. "I was on drugs."

"I know that," Matt interjected. "Who the hell do you think sat up with Tyler while he went through the withdraws?" I took a sudden breath in as I realized that Tyler was born addicted to drugs.

"I didn't have the right to be a mother back then," she mumbled. "So I went to get help."

"It took you almost five years?" Matt hurled at her. "Five years to get well?"

"Matt honey," I said as I slid my arm around him. "The point is that she went to get help. These things take time. Getting over an addiction doesn't happen overnight."

"The reason it took me so long was that I finished high school and went to college too," Dianne continued. "I fell a couple of times and ended back up in rehab."

"Are you clean now?" Matt asked.

"I've been sober now for over six months," she said with obvious pride. "This is the longest I've been clean."

"What's happens if you fall again?" Matt asked bluntly. "What are you going to tell Tyler?"

"I haven't decided if I'm going to tell him that I'm his mother," Dianne replied wringing her hands.

"Why not?" Matt pressed on. "You're his mother, he has a right to know you."

"I don't want to mess up his happy life with you and Kevin," she replied. I could tell that Matt was floored. So could Dianne. "Matt, anyone would have to be nuts not to see that Tyler is crazy in love with Kevin. I know he calls him his Pappa. There is no way that I want to mess that up."

"You mean you've been spying on us?" Matt demanded. I squeezed his hand for support.

"I had someone watching you. I had to check out the situation first before I barged in here," she tried to explain.

"You spied on us?" Matt repeated raising his voice. I decided to interject again.

"Matt honey?" I asked softly. He looked at me. "What was she supposed to do?" Matt lowered his eyes and nodded his head. "Maybe she went about it wrong but here intentions were the best."

"I'm just not all that comfortable with someone spying on us. I don't care how good her intentions are," Matt replied. "Ok so you don't want to take Tyler away from us. I get that much. But just what are your intentions?"

"For now all I need is to see that he is happy and healthy and loved," Dianne answered. "And from I can see Tyler is very happy and very healthy and very much loved. I do have one favor to ask of you."

"And that would be?" Matt asked.

"I want to have some small part in his life," Dianne requested hopefully. "I've been doing a lot of thinking while I was in rehab and I've come to realize that I love Tyler. I want to do right by him."

"When you say small what are you talking about?" Matt asked.

"A friend of the family or a distant aunt or cousin or something," Dianne replied.

"No!" Matt said bluntly. "There is no way that I am going to accept that!"


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Next: Chapter 20: Home for the Holidays 3

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