Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Feb 27, 2001


Hey every body! Travis here! I hope you all enjoyed the First Installment of Get Another Boyfriend. I know I threw out a bunch of stuff for the first installment and there is some of you may think I am moving the story along to fast. But don't worry. There is still a bunch of stuff in the works. For instance. What is Brian up too? I would love to open it up for suggestions. I have a good story line all thought out. So if you have any ideas what Brian is up too I would love to hear them. The one who gets the right answer will be mentioned in the revealing chapter.

I would like to send out a shout out to the author of the Forever Series. Wow!! That has got to be the greatest story on the site. I can't wait to see what happens to Kevin and Dylan. Part of me wants them to get together like they should be. And part of me wants Nick to get together with Dylan. That would be a great story line. But hey it's not my story so all I can do is sit on the edge of my seat and wait for the next installment. If you haven't read the Forever Series than click off this story and find Forever and read it from the beginning. You won't be sorry. Oh and after you are done reading Forever get your tail back over to Get Another Boyfriend and read this one too.

Disclaimer: The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bears no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Now with out further ado! I am proud to present the Next Installment of "Get Another Boyfriend!"

Comments welcome at

Oh Yea! I almost forgot! Thanks for all the E-mails I received.

Get Another Boyfriend

Chapter 3

From Kevin's point of view.

It has been three hours since we heard the news. The firm released a statement to the press that Matthew Whitewater and his son was live and well. Our schedule was postponed and our bus was headed to Colorado to Matt's hometown. I had pressed the issue with management and they reluctantly caved. There was no way I was going to let Matt and Tyler go through this alone. Speaking of Matt.

Matt had passed out and was sleeping in his bunk. I wanted to be in there with him so bad. But I understood that he needed time alone with his son. I had held him while he told his son that his Grandmother and Grandfather were dead. It tore my heart in two to watch that three-year-old boy cry his little heart out. Matt had taken him into his bunk with him and was holding him. It had seemed that they were comforting each other. I felt like a stranger, like an outsider. I wanted to hold him and comfort him and let him know that some how it would be all right.

"Kevin?" asked Brian. I looked up and smiled. "How is he?"

"He is in the bunk with Tyler," I whispered. "I want to be in there with him."

"Than go and be with him," Brian instructed me. Grabbing my hand he pulled me to his feet. "He needs you." I walked over to the bunk and slid in. Matt was awake staring at he ceiling with tears streaming down his face. I don't think he even saw me.

"Matt?" I asked softly. He looked at me and scooted over to allow me in. I gestured to the sleeping child cradled in his arms. "Do you want me to move him to his bunk?"

"No, I need to hold him and he needs me," he said smiling his thanks too me. "And I need you too." More tears flowed down his face. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me.

"How are you doing?" I asked as I wiped the tears from his face.

"I hate him!" he hurled at me. "I hate myself because I couldn't protect my family!"

"You need to understand that this is not your fault," I said softly as I kissed the top of his head. "This is all James fault. He did this to you and your family. Please don't blame yourself."

"I can't help it," Matt said bitterly.

"Can I give you some advice?" I asked. Matt nodded and snuggled closer to me.

"Lean on me," I replied. "I'm here for you and Tyler too. We all are. The next three concerts are canceled and we are headed to your hometown. We are going to be here for you every step of the way." Matt nodded quietly and looked down at Tyler who was stirring in his arms. He bent down and whispered in his ear causing the child to calm down. "You need to rest to baby. Why don't you let Brian take Tyler so you can get some sleep." Matt reluctantly agreed to it. I slipped out of the bunk and got Brian. "Hey Brian?" I asked. "Can you watch Tyler for a while? I'm trying to get Matt to rest."

"Sure Kevin, anything to help," Brian quickly agreed. In no time at all Brian had Tyler in his arms talking quiet to him. I went back to comforting Matt. It was going to be long next few days.

The next few days were long and painful. A single funeral is hard enough on some one but to have to go through a double funeral and bury both of your parents is almost impossible. But Matt did it. I was amazed at how strong he was. He was always at some one's side comforting them as best he could. And Tyler was attached to either his father's side or Brian's side. He even slept with him. Brian was patient and loving to Tyler and never cross with him. It pained me to see him in a fatherly way when it was evident that he and his wife would not be able to conceive one of their own. It was the evening after the funeral and I walked into Matt's living room. I found him staring out the window. "Hey sweetie," I said softly. He looked up and smiled and patted the seat next to him. "How are you doing?"

"I will be fine Kevin," he tried to sooth me. I smiled and took his hand and looked into his eyes. The pain was there and it tore my heart in two


"It is all right for you to mourn the loss of your parents Matthew," I said softly. "You need to mourn." Matt shook his head and stared defiantly out the window. "Please Matt, you're starting to worry me."

"I don't have time to mourn right now Kevin!" he hurled at me. "I have to get the house ready to sell and than I have to meet with Dad's attorney to go over the will."

"At some point you are going to have to take time out for yourself!" I hurled back at him.

"Well that is all fine and good but right now I have work to do!" his answers were short and to the point. I could tell he still carried around a lot of anger. "Where is my son?"

"He is around somewhere. Do you want me to get him for you?" I asked trying to be helpful.

"I think I am capable of finding my own child!" he hurled at me again. Ok that hurt. But I knew he was hurting so I let it slide and I backed off leaving Matt to himself. I walked out onto the front porch and spotted Brian napping on the porch swing with Tyler cradled in his arms.

"Brian?" I asked softly. He opened his eyes and smiled up at me. "Matt is looking for Tyler." I saw the disappointment in his eyes of having to let Tyler go. I frowned at him.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"What are you up too?" I asked him.

"Nothing!" he hurled at me. "I am just trying to help is all!" Tyler woke up and started sniffling.

"Where is Daddy?" he asked me. I held out my arms and he climbed into them. "I want my Daddy."

"Let's go see him ok?" I asked giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I want Grandma," he whimpered out. Ok so that did it. I broke down as I carried him into the house. I quickly deposited him in his father's arms and quickly excused myself from the room. Once out of sight I broke down leaning up against the wall and slid down to the floor and pulling my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them and started crying. I cried for the loss of life. I cried for Tyler who would have to grow up without the love and guidance of his Grandparents and I cried for Matthew who was in so much pain right now that he didn't know how to release it. At some point I gathered myself and left the house and climbed into the rental and started driving. I had no idea where I was going. All I knew is that I needed to drive.

From Matt's point of view.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked. I looked down and saw him standing there looking up at me.

"Yes Tyler?" I asked back.

"I miss Grandma," he whispered, as a tear fell from is face. I gathered him up in my arms and held him tight to my chest. I could feel him sobbing into my chest. Only then did I allow myself to mourn. Together as Father and son we mourned the loss of a mother and Grandma, a father and Grandpa. I had no idea what I was going to do from here on out. My life was pretty much planned out for next few years. I would dance to my heart's content. But now that had all changed. I was left alone with my son. I had to raise him now all by myself. There would no time for dancing now. I quickly pushed the thought out of my mind. There were more things to worry about now. I noticed that Tyler was asleep in my arms. I stood up and gently carried him to his room and laid him in his bed and covered him up. After I made sure he was asleep I headed back out to the living room. I sat back down on the sofa and waited for Kevin to return. I had a lot of thinking to do and I needed Kevin.

Out side on the porch.

Brian was sitting on the front porch trying to figure out what to do about his situation. He wanted a family so bad and it looked like he wasn't going to get one.

"Oh Matt," he sighed. "You have no idea how lucky you are. You have a wonderful son and you don't appreciate it. If only I could show you how lucky you truly are." He heard a car door shut and he looked up and saw a suited man walk up the walk. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Whitewater," the man said.

"I'm sorry but he isn't taking any visitors at the moment," Brian said as he stood up and walked to the edge of the porch. "I would be happy to deliver him a message for you." The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a card.

"Tell him his father's attorney was here to discuss his father's will," the attorney said.

"What, the old man had money?" joked Brian. Ok it was in bad taste but hey it is part of the story line.

"Trust me sir Mr. Whitewater or his son will never want for anything for as long as they live," the attorney said as he handed Brian the card. "Please give him my card and have him call me as soon as possible." With that the attorney turned and left. Brian looked at the card for a few moments and promptly tore it in two and tossed it over his shoulder.

Ok so what is Brian up too?

From Kevin's point of view.

"Ok ok I'm lost!" I shouted up at the sky. "Is that what you wanted me to say?" I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Matt's home phone number. In about two rings I heard my baby's voice on the other end.

"Matt here," he said.

"Umm sweetie?" I replied sheepishly. "Umm I kinda sorta got lost." I could hear him giggling in the background. "Hey stop laughing at me!" His giggling turned into a full-blown laugh. I waited until he stopped laughing before I continued. "Umm sweetie? Could you um please meet me at 6th and Commerce?"

"Ok Kevin, I'll have Brian drive me over so I can rescue you," Matt giggled. "And Kevin?"

"Yes?" I asked back.

"I love you," he answered me back. The phone went dead and I sat back in the car seat and waited for my "Hero" to come to my rescue.

A half hour later I saw the headlights of a car. It slowed down and stopped. I saw Matt climb out of the car and walk over to me. I opened the door for him and he climbed in. "Thank you so much for coming to my rescue," I smiled at him. He gave me directions to the house and in no time we were back at the house.

"What do you want for dinner sweetie?" he asked me. I giggled at Tyler when I saw the frown on his face when Matt called me Sweetie.

"Whatever you want to fix me is fine," I answered. I heard the doorbell ring and I heard Brian give a shout for joy. That could only mean one other person. His wife. "Why don't you meet Leighanne," I suggested. He shrugged his shoulders and picked up Tyler and followed me out into the living room. "Leighanne, I would like you to meet Matthew Whitewater and his son Tyler."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Litteral," Matt said formerly.

"Oh don't be silly," she giggled giving him a hug. "You call me Leighanne. And this cutie has got to be Tyler," she said as she gave Tyler a quick hug and kiss. Tyler giggled at the show of affection. It was obvious that he was flirting. I couldn't help but smile.

"We were just about to start dinner," Matt said. "Would you like to join us?" Leighanne looked at Brian who quietly nodded.

"We would love too," she smiled. "Do you need any help?" Matt wasted no time latching onto the help. I decided to follow them in but was stopped by Matt.

"Uh uh," he scolded as he pushed me out of the kitchen.

"But I'm hungry," I whined. He plopped an apple in my hand and pushed me the rest of the way out of the kitchen. "I don't want an apple!" I grumbled as I took a bite of it any way. I spotted Brian headed towards the kitchen door and saw Leighanne's arm exit the kitchen and plopped an apple into Brian's hand too. He grinned widely and took a bite out of it. "You want to watch the news?"

"Might as well, we are going to have to wait until they get done cooking in there," grumbled Brian as he plopped down beside me.

From Matt's point of view.

"So Matt?" Asked Leighanne as she chopped up some vegetables for the salad. "How long have you and Kevin been an item?"

"Since the last concert," I replied as I grinned at her.

"He is so cute," she giggled. "I had a crush on him until I found out he was playing for the other team."

"It is called being gay," I laughed at her. "I fell in love wit him the first time he yelled at me." I giggled remembering the time I almost got fired.

"Matt?" she asked again. "I'm real sorry that you and Tyler had to go through all of this with James and all. And I am real sorry that you lost your parents over this."

"It is going to take a long time to get over the pain, but I can't think about that right now. Right now I have to figure out how to continue making a living and taking care of my son," I sighed as I leaned against the counter. "We've only been apart for short periods of time and he always had family around. What am I going to do?"

"Actually Brian and I were doing some talking last night and we've come up with a plan. Why don't we run it by you and see what you think?" she said as she rubbed my shoulder. "But in the mean time we need to get this food out to Kevin and Brian and the rest of the guys." I nodded and helped her place the food on the dinning room table. I couldn't help but wonder what they had worked out. I was just putting the salad on the table when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled at him.

"Hi!" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a quick kiss.

"Hi yourself baby," he smiled back as he licked his lips in response to the kiss. "MMM you taste good." I of course blushed and looked down. "You're doing that again."

"And whose fault is that?" I flirted with him. He just winked at me and sat down. I looked over at he door in time to see Nick walk in with Tyler on his shoulders. Tyler had one of his creations in his hands and was babbling about it to Nick. "Did you wash your hands young man?" I asked. I had to laugh when I saw the guilty look on Kevin's Brian's Nick's and Tyler's faces. "All right you guys. March into the bathroom and wash your hands." With groans from just about everyone they all filed out to do what they were told. I could hear Kevin grumbling about dying of hunger. I laughed softly to myself and started putting food on the plates.

Dinner was good everyone was in a good mood. I was in a pretty good mood too and I made it a point to remain cheerful with Kevin around. He was trying so hard to make me happy and I didn't want to let him know how much I was hurting. He kept looking over at me with love and worry in his eyes. I just patted his hand and smiled at him. Tyler was in bed after a good game of Nintendo from Nick and a bath. Now Kevin and I were in the dinning room with Brian and his wife. I was about to find out what they had planned.

"So let's get this over with," I stated looking directly at Brian. "How do you and Leighanne think you can help me with Tyler?"

"Well umm since we still have a few months on tour and it really isn't a good idea to have Tyler along for the whole trip Leighanne thought it would be nice if Tyler could stay with her in Atlanta while you are on tour," Brian explained. I looked at Kevin and he just shrugged his shoulders. It was obvious that he was going to leave this up to me. "We will have a few days off every week and we could fly out to Atlanta to visit. And Leighanne would make sure he calls every night." It seemed to good to be true and it also seemed that Brian was to eager to get me to agree. I looked at Kevin again for his take on it.

"It does seem like a good idea honey," he said rubbing my back.

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I need some time to think about it." Brian was going to protest but was elbowed by Nick. I got up and headed into Tyler's room. I paused at his door way and looked in. A lump formed in my throat as I looked at him. His little thumb in his mouth as he sucked on it. I smiled as I remembered the many hours I spent trying to break him of the habit. I had to admit he looked cute. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked back to see Kevin standing there. We just stood there in the dark looking at my son.

"You know he will be safe there," Kevin said softly. I nodded, "Than why the long face?" he asked as he kissed my neck.

"I was so happy when he was with me. I know it was only a few days but I was so happy then. Now I'm going to loose him again," I said as I wiped a few tears away from my face.

"Hey, hey," Kevin soothed me. "You are not going to loose Tyler!" His voice was a little loud. I guess he was trying to convince me. "You will always be his father. Nothing will ever change that."

"But I should be with him every day. I should be the one who puts him to bed every night. I should be the one to tell him it is ok to cry when he misses his Grandparents. I should be the one to take that thumb out of his mouth so he wont have to wear braises when he gets older," I hurled at Kevin. "I don't want to be one of those parents who never spend any time with their kids. I promised him I wouldn't be that way! And look at me! I'm getting ready to do the very thing I promised I wouldn't do!" I walked further into the room and sat quietly on the bed. Tyler wrapped his arms around his teddy bear and turned over to face the other way. I gently rubbed his back to calm him down. He was restless, I could tell by the look on his face. After a few moments of rubbing his back he sighed and calmed down and put his thumb back in his mouth.

"He looks so cute like that," Kevin chuckled.

"He is going to have bucked teeth if he doesn't stop that," I grumbled as I gently removed his thumb from his mouth. He promptly stuck it back in. I sighed and bent down and kissed his forehead and stood up. "I do have a duty to make a living to support him. Let's go tell Brian that I accept this."

I was in heaven as Kevin slammed into me repeatedly. Sweat was dripping from his body as he made love to me. "Ohhh God Matt," he groaned out. "I'm almost there!" I reached in between his legs and gently massaged his balls. "Ohhh shit!" he screamed out. "Here I cum!" His entire body shuddered from the force of the orgasm. I could feel his cock pumping his seed into my ass. I came too showering my chest with my cum. After he was done shooting he pulled out and lay down beside me. He saw the cum on my chest and raised up and licked me clean. After he was done he covered my body with his and showered me with small light kisses.

"Wow!" I smiled. "That was great!"

"It was special for me to babe," he smiled as he lay down beside me. I laid my head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. I allowed my hand to do some exploring too. "What are you doing?" he giggled as I lightly traced his abdomen muscles.

"I'm just letting my fingers do the walking," I giggled back and I reached my ultimate goal. I gently wrapped my hand around his limp cock.

"Matt," Kevin scolded me gently. I pulled away and pouted for a few moments and than yawned. "You tired baby?" he asked me as he brushed some stray hair from my eyes.

"Only a little," I lied.

"Liar!" he snickered. "Admit it! I wore you out didn't I?"

"Aren't we the conceited one tonight?" I laughed back. I swung out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I was almost back to normal and I had most of my dancing moves back so I decided to show off a little. This of course got several whistles from my Sweetheart. I winked at him as I slipped into the bathroom.

"I'm lonely!" he whined loudly.

"Than why doesn't Mister Lonely join me?" I called back. I heard the rustles of blankets being tossed aside and than the soft patter of feet across the carpet and than a shaggy headed Kevin appeared in the door way. "I'll wash yours if you wash mine," I flirted waggling my eyebrows. He busted up laughing as he climbed in to the shower beside me. His limp cock brushed up against my leg. Just the feel of him against my skin sent shivers up my spine.

"Cold?" he asked concerned.

"Just a little excited is all," I smiled as I leaned against him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "You make me so happy," I sighed as I aloud my eyes to roam over his body. "No wonder they call you "Mr. Body Beautiful." He blushed as he reached for the shampoo and started to shampoo my hair. "Did I embarrass you?" I giggled.

"Hush and wash my back," he laughed softly. After about fifteen minutes we were all clean again and headed back to the warm bed. I looked at the clock and saw that it was after 12. "Happy Valentines Day sweetie," he cooed in my ear. I froze. I had completely forgotten about it. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized that I didn't have anything for him. Kevin felt the change at once. "What is wrong baby?" he asked softly.

"I'm a horrible boyfriend," I sobbed out. I could feel him chuckling. "Why are you laughing?" I demanded. "I completely forgot about Valentines day!"

"It's all right sweetie," he tried to sooth me. "You had so much to worry about that I understand. Besides just having you in my life is a good enough Valentine for me." It still didn't make me any happier. I did grin to myself as I remembered that we weren't leaving for a few more days. And I did have all day today to get him something. So I snuggled closer to my sweetie and closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

From Kevin's point of view.

I waited until Matt was safely asleep until I gently untangled myself from him. Which was hard to do because he loved to cuddle. I went into the living room and picked up the phone and dialed a number. After a couple of rings a sleepy voice answered. "I got your message," I stated into the phone. "What is wrong JC?"

"Do you know what time it is?" he replied sleepily.

"I had to make sure that my boyfriend was asleep. He has had a long day and a rough one at that," I retorted.

" But I needed to talk to you so bad," JC whined. He very seldom whined so I knew that it was important.

"Ok so what did the spoiled teenage brat do to you this time?" I asked.

"He spent the whole day teasing me about my gayness, only this time it came to blows. I've never hit him in my entire life. But today he was really mean he hit me first and than it got worse from there." he grumbled into the phone. "I can't believe I actually liked that creep!" He was close to tears by now.

"Are you coming up?" I asked. Hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't. This was going to be hard to explain to Matt if he decided to come over. "You know that I am there for you."

"Will it be all right?" he asked in small voice.

"Of course it is all right JC," I said soothingly to him. I looked up and cringed when I saw a very sleepy Matt standing at the door. "When can we expect you JC?" I asked. Matt raised his eyebrows and padded into the room and sat down and laid his head on my shoulder. I shuddered as his shaggy hair graced my shoulder.

"I'll get a ticket first thing this morning," JC replied.

"OK well make sure you call when you get the ticket and let us know when your plane arrives," I said as I hung up. I looked down at Matt who was looking up at me with his eyes full of questions. "That was JC."

"I kinda figured that when I heard you address him by his name. You two know each other?" Matt asked as he graced my nipple with a kiss. I shuddered at the touch. "How do you know each other?" he asked as he continued his assault on my chest. I started to get hard again so I decided to stop him. I gently pulled his head up so that he was looking at me. I smiled at his pout and kissed him on the lips. He was satisfied with that and wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled up to me.

"He is gay," I announced. When I didn't get the response I wanted I pressed on. "You don't seem surprised." He shrugged his shoulder and looked up at me.

"Well look at his wardrobe sweetie. It reeks of I'm gay!" he giggled. "So why is he coming over?"

"You know Justin?" Kevin asked. Matt shuddered at the sound of his name. "So I take it you met him?"

"At an audition," Matt grumbled. "JC loved my moves but Justin hated me cause I danced better than he did. He even said it. He said and I quote, 'There is no fucking way a faggot is going to out dance me on tour." I frowned at what that conceited ass hole said about my sweetie. "So I told him to fuck off and left. JC was not happy."

"So you and JC know each other?" I asked as I ran my hand through his hair.

"Well not really. We got as far as you've got good moves dude!" he giggled.

"You'll like JC, he is a real people person," I replied. I sighed as I tried to figure out to tell Matt the rest. I wasn't sure how he would react. JC was coming up for comfort. Not the kind of comfort that you get from your mother if you get my drift.

"Something you want to get off your chest Sweetie?" Matt asked me. I sighed and took his chin and looked him in the eyes. I shuddered at the trust and love that shown through them.

"There is something you need to know about JC and me," I said quietly. "We've been together."

"You mean as lovers?" Matt asked carefully. I nodded and he sat up and looked out the window. "I see."

"No you don't," I replied. "I don't love him. I've never loved him. You see it all happen a couple of years ago. I walked in on one of Justin's "Let's bash JC" moments."

Flash back.

"Hey Faggot!" Justin sneered at JC. JC glared at him as Justin dropped his towel leaving him standing naked in front of JC. "You want this?" he pointed at his cock. Tears filled JC's eyes and he turned away. "Yea I thought so! But remember this! You will never have it!" laughed Justin as he walked by JC brushing against him. When Justin left the shower JC leaned against the wall and sobbed openly. After a few moments he stood up and went to his shower bag. Taking out a bottle of painkillers he stared at hem for a while. He heard the door opened and he shoved them back into the bag and leaned against the wall closing his eyes tight.

"What's wrong buddy?" asked a soft and deep voice. JC opened his eyes and looked into the eyes of the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on. Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys was standing there in all of his naked glory. "I would like to help if I can."

"There is nothing you can do for me," JC muttered as he grabbed his shower things and headed out into the locker room.

"I heard those things that Justin said about you," Kevin said with a frown. "I know it is hard being gay and losing a friend because he can't except you for what you are."

"How the hell would you know?" JC hurled at Kevin. "You're not gay!"

"How do you know?" Kevin asked grinning. He reached out his hand and placed it on JC's chest. JC jumped and looked into Kevin's eyes afraid this was a trap. "I'm not going to judge you JC, I'm not going to tease you or hurt you. I would like to get to know you though," Kevin said as he leaned forward and lightly kissed JC on the lips. JC let out a small moan as Kevin pressed his naked body against JC's. JC sank to his knees and looked up at Kevin. Kevin nodded quietly and JC reached out and took Kevin's cock in his hand and stroked it for a few seconds before giving into the temptation and guided the cock into his mouth. He smiled to himself when he heard Kevin's moans as he bobbed up and down Kevin's cock.

Back to the present.

"We found out that we weren't good lovers as a couple. We still have sex whenever JC is down and being harassed by Justin," I finished.

"Do you still want to have sex with him?" Matt asked.

"I love you sweetie," I replied.

"If JC asks you to have sex with him would you?" Matt asked.

"He would never ask me that. He knows that I am in love with you. And no I wouldn't have sex with him not even if he asked," I replied leaning forward and kissing him. I almost finished kissing him when we heard a whimper. Matt looked up and saw Tyler standing at the doorway; his arm was wrapped around his teddy bear and his thumb in his mouth. Matt got up and went to him and picked him up and carried him back to the couch and sat him on his lap.

"What is wrong baby?" he asked softly wiping the tears from his face.

"I want grandma," he cried out. "I hate James!" he shouted with tears running down his face. It pained me to hear an innocent three-year-old child say that he hated someone.

"Matt?" I asked softly. Matt looked up at me with tears of his own. "Would you mind if I talk to Tyler for a little while?"

"Sure you can talk to him," Matt said smiling. "Tyler honey, Kevin wants to talk to you. Is that all right?" Tyler nodded and Matt placed him on the couch and left us alone. "I'll be in bed waiting for you." He said quietly as he closed the living room door.

"Tyler?" I asked softly. "You miss your grandma?" I asked. I almost laughed when Tyler gave me that "are you nuts look" but I refrained myself form doing so. Instead he nodded looking down. "Your father misses her too."

"Why did James have to kill her and Grandpa?" he asked looking up at with those innocent eyes. "I hate him!" I gathered him up in my arms and held him close to me.

"You should never hate anyone Tyler," I lightly scolded him. "You have every right to be angry and sad but you should never hate anyone."

"Are you angry at James?" he asked.

"I'm very angry at James for hurting Matthew and for killing your grandparents. But I'm a Christian so I realize that I must forgive him," I waited to see the response I would get.

"Daddy says we are Christian too. So I guess that means that I can't hate him either," he said with a small pout. "But I am still angry at him!" I smiled and messed up his hair. He let out this huge yawn and this time I did laugh.

"I think it is time for you to go back to bed," I smiled at him.

"I want to sleep with my daddy," he stated looking up at me. I nodded and picked him up and his teddy bear. He laid his head on my shoulder as I padded back into our bedroom. Matt was still awake when I opened our door.

"How is he?" he asked concerned.

"He is still hurting about his grandparents death. But I think I made some progress. Umm he wants to sleep with you," I said as I laid him down beside Matt. I turned to head out of the room to sleep on the couch.

"Uh uh," Matt said. "You sleep here with me."

"Matt," I said softly. "Are you sure you want me in the same bed with you and Matt when he wakes up?"

"Tyler knows that I love you and he knows you will never hurt me so I think he knows that we are sleeping together. Now be a good boyfriend and get into bed and hold me!" he demanded by patting the bed. I slid off my wife beater but left my boxer briefs on and climbed in between the blankets. I wrapped my arms around Matt and leaned my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. Soon sleep found all three of us.

The next morning.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up to the sound of giggling and laughing. I soon discovered it was my son and Kevin. I opened one eye to see my son tackle Kevin and try to tickle him. Kevin was laughing his head off and trying to tickle him too. Of course he managed to grab Tyler and hold him down and started tickling him and making monster sounds. It was so refreshing to hear Tyler laugh again.

"Are you two having fun?" I asked grinning at their surprised looks on their faces. They both look like they had gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar.

"I'm sorry if we woke you sweetie," Kevin said as he kissed me on the nose.

"Ewwww Yucky!" giggled Tyler as he climbed out of the bed and ran out of the room.

"It would seem that my son doesn't approve of us kissing," I said looking into Kevin's eyes.

"Does this mean that you are not going to kiss me back?" pouted Kevin. I tackled him and pinned him to the mattress.

"You just try and stop me!" I growled as I planted a kiss on his lips driving my tongue into his mouth. He let out a small groan and ground his crotch into mine. He was hard and obviously he wanted some attention. So being a good boyfriend I had to oblige him. I slid down so that I was face to face to his crotch. I quickly pulled his boxers down and had his cock down my throat in about two seconds.

"Ohhh God, Matt," he groaned out. "That feels so good." He lightly thrust in and out. I was in heaven again as made love to my sweetie with my mouth. I could tell he wasn't going to last very long so I decided to be mean and took his cock out of my mouth and stare at it for a couple of seconds. It worked, because he whimpered softly.

"What is the matter?" I asked innocently. He growled at me trying to get me to take his cock back in my mouth. "Ohhh look who is growling now?" I was having fun admiring his cock. "You be patient for a while, while I get better acquainted with Jr. here." Kevin growled in frustration again but allowed me to gaze at his cock. "You are so beautiful," I breathed out as I gently ran my tongue along the underside of his cock. "You taste pretty good too." Than it happened, his cock erupted all over my face. I loved watching his cock shower my face with his seed. Kevin groaned loudly as his cock continued to shower me. It splattered against my face I came too as soon as the first load hit me. I worked quickly getting the remainder of his load in my mouth. After a few seconds he took his hand and gently lifted my head up to his and looked at me with most love in his eyes than I have ever seen.

"I love you so much Matt," he whispered softly as he gently licked my face clean from his cum. After he was done I took his hand and led him to the bathroom and we showered. Of course Jr. got all excited again so we made love in the shower. It was wonderful as usual. After we showered we slipped on some sweats and headed into the main part of the house. I could hear cartoons playing on the TV and I could also hear Tyler and Nick laughing.

"You know you shouldn't let him watch so much TV Nick!" scolded Brian.

"Oh leave the boy alone!" retorted Nick as he wrapped his arm around Tyler's shoulder and pulled him close. "He is just watching TV."

I walked in to save the day and sat beside Tyler and started to tickle him. He of course started giggling loudly. Kevin sat in a chair and snatched the remote and started flipping through the channels. After finding the local news he settled back and watched the news. I heard the doorbell ring and got up to get it. Brian jumped at he sound.

"I'll get it!" he shouted.

"No that is all right Brian," I said looking at him strangely. "It is my house and I think I can get the door." Brian sat back down with a worried expression on his face. "Don't worry about it Brian," I laughed. "It is just the door!" I walked out into the hallway and opened the door. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Kevin," JC said softly. "Is he here?"

"Yes he is why don't you come in?" I asked as I held the door open. "It's been a while JC." He jerked his head up and looked at me closely. "You don't remember me." He shook his head no. So I did a few dance steps and than his face lit up with a grin.

"You're the dancer that Justin pissed off!" he exclaimed as he gave me a quick hug. "Man how are you doing?"

"Doing better now," I said truthfully.

"What happened?" asked JC.

"We have time to catch up later. Right now let's go see Kevin," I said showing him into the living room. Kevin spotted him at once and got up and walked to him and pulled him a tight hug. It was at that point that JC lost it sobbing into Kevin's shoulder. I began to quietly clear the room. Just as I was getting ready to exit the room myself JC stopped me.

Matt?" he asked in a soft voice. I turned and looked him in the eyes. "Stay?" He asked. I nodded and sat in a chair across from them. Kevin patted the other side of the couch so that I was sitting on one side of him and JC on another.

"I'm sorry about that display of emotion just a minute ago," JC said wiping the tears from his eyes.

"You have done nothing wrong JC. You will find that emotions are pretty much accepted as the daily norm around here," I assured him with a smile.

"Let me formally introduce you two," Kevin said. "JC this is my boyfriend Matthew Whitewater, Matthew this is my good friend JC Chasez." I heard JC take a sudden breath in at the sound of my voice. The next thing I knew JC was sitting beside me with his arm around my shoulder. I looked into his eyes again and was shocked to see tears falling down his face again.

"I am so sorry about what happened to your family," he said softly. "And I am so sorry about intruding on you at a time like this. Umm maybe I should go," he stammered as he got up. I couldn't have that so I grabbed his arm and gently pulled him down.

"No," I said softly. You don't have to leave. You are hurting and you came here to see Kevin. What kind of person would I be if I prevented you from talking and spending time with Kevin?"

"But you are grieving and you need time with him more than I do," he sobbed out. I reached out and placed my hand on his cheek and wiped the tears from his face. He looked shocked at what I was doing.

"I assure you that I am doing all right. And," I smiled with a naughty look in my eyes, "there is plenty of Kevin to go around." This got a laugh out of JC and I smiled when I heard it. I had heard it before on TV but it sounded much better when he did it in person. I smiled at the sound and decided that I liked to see JC happy and not sad. I hoped Kevin was able to make him happy.

"Hey!" exclaimed Kevin as he jabbed me in the ribs.

"Oh hush!" I giggled. "You know you love it." I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Now you two talk among yourself and I will make sure that you are not bothered and I will whip us up some breakfast." I got up and quietly left them alone.

From Kevin's point of view.

"So how did you land him?" asked JC.

"Do you remember me talking about the new dancer that James was abusing?" I asked. JC nodded, "Well that new dancer is Matt and James is the one who killed his parents."

"What happened to James?" JC asked.

"After he shot Matt's parents he turned the gun on himself," I replied.

"Fucking coward!" JC spat out.

"Yea we are all pretty much in agreement on that. Matt is doing better but I am worried about his son." JC looked back at me in shock. The look on his face was priceless. I laughed softly and he lightly punched me in the shoulder. "You will love him. He is a cutie!"

"Kevin are you sure about this?" JC asked.

"Yes," I retorted a little loudly. "I love him JC, I know there is this huge age difference between us but I can't help how I feel. I love him and everything that comes with him. Tyler is a part of the package. You should see the two of them. Tyler adores his father and Matt loves him like no tomorrow."

"What does Tyler think about you?" JC asked. I laughed when I remembered what Matt had told me the first time I heard about Tyler.

"What is so funny?" JC asked.

"Well Tyler used to think I was really old!" I giggled out. "But he is used to the idea of his Dad dating me. It was so cute JC. He made me pinky swear that I wouldn't hurt his Daddy. That is pretty big for a three year old. But enough about me, what did the jerk do this time?" JC cringed at the thought of talking about Justin. I put my arms around him and pulled him close.

"He is such a fucking prick!" JC said harshly.

"Why don't you start from the beginning?" I asked softly as I wiped the tears from his face.

"There isn't much to tell. He started with his faggot jokes and when I wouldn't respond the way he wanted he decided that he wanted to use his fist." He too out a hanker chief and wiped the makeup on his cheek to reveal a bruise. I choked back some tears. "Well one thing led to another and He ended up with a busted nose and black eye. I got blamed for the whole thing got tossed out of the house.

"You mean you were still living at Justin's?" I asked shocked.

"Well we had to keep the appearance of being friends. But not any more. I don't' care if I ever see that fucking shit head again!" JC was getting angry again so I pulled him close to calm him down. It worked as it normally did. Only problem was that JC started to kiss on my neck. I pulled away and he looked up with hurt in his eyes.

"You know we can't do that any more JC," I scolded lightly. He sat back and nodded quietly. "I'm in love now with a very special guy and I won't hurt him."

"Does he know about us?" he asked.

"I told him everything, we have no secrets between us,' I replied. "Now my question is what are we going to do about Justin?"

"I don't know Kevin, I've thought about leaving the group but that won't work," I looked surprised at that remark. JC loved being in the group.

"Have you thought about going solo?" I asked.

"Justin says if I even think about splitting from the group he will out me," JC sobbed. "So I'm stuck singing in a group that hates me."

"You mean the whole group hates you?" I asked.

"Lance, Joey and Chris don't have much say in what happens. Justin is it; he makes all the decisions in the group. No one has the nerve to go against him." JC stood up and walked up to the mini bar and poured himself a glass of water and drank from it. I could tell he was tired. I stood up and made my way over to him.

"What do you have planned next?" I asked softly.

"Well we are on break now. So I pretty much have time to myself now," JC muttered. "You know he won't even let me get a boyfriend. He says the minute I try to get one he will out me to the press."

"Let him!" I shouted. I guess I scared him cause he dropped his glass. "No, I'm serious. Call the little shit's bluff. Call a press conference and out yourself."

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" yelped JC. "Our fans will flip!"

"A huge following of your fans are gay," I reminded him. "You've seen the stories on Nifty. JC take the fucking power from that little shit and come out of the closet and shut him down!"

"I would love to see the look on his face," JC giggled. After thinking about it to himself for a few moments he grinned. "Can I borrow your phone?" I nodded and handed it too him. He hit the speakerphone so that I could hear. He dialed a number. After a few rings I heard Justin answer and JC grinned wickedly, "Good morning shit head!"

"What did you call me Faggot?" shouted Justin.

"How is your eye Justin?" JC asked in a mock concerned voice.

"My fucking eye is fine, where the hell are you faggot?" Justin demanded. "We have a meeting with management in thirty minutes if you are late I'm going to--,"

"What are you going to do shit head?" asked JC. "Cause it is going to take you a good three to four hours to get to me."

"Where the hell are you?" Justin shouted into the phone.

"I've already let management know that I wouldn't be in town for next three weeks so chill the fuck out!" JC hurled at him. "I just called to let you know that your game is fucking over!"

"What are you doing JC?" asked a much quieter Justin. I could almost hear the fear in his voice.

"Let's just say I'm taking the power from you," JC laughed.

"JC wait!" shouted Justin. "We can talk this out man."

"I'm done talking to you Justin, you and I used to be friends and when I came out to you after you said nothing would change you turned on me and treated me like shit. Well I am taking my life back and there is nothing you can do to stop me!" JC hung up the phone before Justin could say anything. He counted the seconds as he waited by the phone. When he reached fifteen his pocket started ringing. He grinned at me and pulled out his cell phone and answered it. "JC here," he spoke into the mouthpiece.

"Umm we need to talk," Justin said quietly. "Please don't hang up on me."

"Ok what do you want?" JC sighed. I patted him on the shoulder and headed out of the room to see what Matt was fixing for breakfast.

"I want us to be friends again," Justin replied. "I'm sorry about how I treated you."

"You know Justin, I don't think I can believe you. I mean every time you say that you end up repeating the same old tricks," JC could hear Justin swear under his breath. "If you are serious about making this friendship work your going to have to come to Colorado to see me. And you will meet with me on my own terms."

"You know I could out you right now and ruin your career," Justin stated bluntly.

"I don't care right now Justin. I am at the point where I really don't care what you do. My family knows I'm gay and they are ok with it. I have tons of friends and enough money in the bank so I would never have to work again if I didn't want to. So if you think that outing me will bring you happiness go ahead and do it. I will allow you to hold no more power over me again."

"I want us to talk," Justin said quietly. "If I come up there will you meet with me to talk?"

"I'll meet with you but not alone," JC said. Was it possible that their friendship could be salvaged? A small part of JC hoped it could be saved. He could still remember the good times they had as friends and he missed the old Justin.

"JC?" asked Justin. "Are you still there?"

"Yea, I'm still here. Sorry about that. In answer to your question, yes I will meet with you," JC hoped he wasn't going to regret this. After spending some more time on the phone with Justin giving him directions to the house and everything he hung up the phone and left the living room in search of Kevin and Matt. This was proving to be an interesting trip. He found them helping each other fixing breakfast. He leaned against the door jam and watched the two lovers at work.

Chapter 4

I was sleeping on the sofa. Tyler was in bed for his nap. Kevin and JC were out talking. Or should I say playing basketball. Brian and rest of the gang were out shopping. I had already been shopping for Kevin. It was after all Valentines Day. I had to get him something. I hoped he liked it. Any way after lunch I had another breakdown. Dad's brother called to harass me about being a huge disappointment to the family and it would be best if I didn't contact anyone ever again. After an hour of swearing venting breaking a lot of dishes and Kevin trying to calm me down I laid down on the couch to sleep. It was a good thing too because I needed it.

"Ding Dong!"

"Go away!" I shouted at the door. Plopping my head back down on the pillow I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

Bam Bam Bam! I growled and stood up and stomped to the door and opened it and ran right into a huge black man. I looked up in shock. "Who the hell are you?" I yelped out.

"Get out of the way Ritchie!" said a chillingly familiar voice. Than he stepped into view. He was still the same cocky shit I had met almost a year ago. "Hi, I'm Jus--," I promptly slammed the door in his face and turned and walked away. The doorbell rang again.

"Get off my property!" I shouted at the door. The next thing I knew the door was kicked opened and the huge monster came charging at me and grabbed me and threw me against the wall. I groaned in pain as my head slammed against the bookshelf. That was all I remembered.

"Oh shit! I think you killed him Ritchie!" said that annoying voice. I felt my eye being forced opened and a huge light shined into it.

"What are you doing?" asked the giant.

"I heard you're supposed to do this to check his pupils," the annoying voice said again.

"Get that fucking light out of my eyes!" I groaned out swatting the mag light out of the way. I sat up grabbing the back of my head and felt something sticky. I looked at my hand and saw blood. I shook my head and tried to stand and a hand helped me stand and guided me to the sofa. I sat down and stared down at the floor for a few seconds before looking up. Than it all came back. The fag hating creep was in my house. "Get out!"

"No!" Justin shouted at me. "JC is expecting me."

"That is nice that he is expecting you. There is a hotel at the end of the street. Check in there and I will send him over to you. But you are not spending another minute in my house!" I shouted at him. And as for your pet giant, he is going to spend the night in jail!" I got up and picked up the phone to dial 911.

"What the hell did I ever do to you?" Justin demanded. I stared at him like he was nuts. Than it dawned on me. He didn't remember. That is so common among stuck up artists. (Authors note: I am a fan of NSYNC too. Justin is a very talented artist and I respect his music very much. This is just part of the story line. So please Justin fans don't hate me. I like Justin too. Only what was he thinking about his hair? He cut it all off! Not a smart move.)

"Think back about a year ago!" I shouted at him. He still had a blank look on his face. "You must enjoy being blonde! You trash peoples names and believes and orientation and than forget all about it. Let me remind you air head! You said and I quote. "There is no way in hell a fucking faggot is going to out dance me on my tour!" Justin cringed when I said that too him.

"Ohhh man I am so sorry," he apologized. "Some times I can be so stupid!"

"Oh please!" I sneered at him. "Save it for some one who cares. Now get out of my house! Oh yea and I haven't forgotten about your giant friend too!" The giant backed off a few feet when I brushed by him. I'm still pressing charges."

"For what?" demanded Justin.

"Do you have any brains up there?" I shouted at him. "I mean the last time I heard it was still a crime for some one to break into peoples home and beat them up.

"You beat up my daddy?" shouted Tyler. I turned and groaned at the sight. There was my child standing at the doorway glaring at the bodyguard. And before I could stop him he ran up to him and kicked him in the shin. Than he stomped over to me wrapping his arm around my leg. "Meanie!" he shouted at the bodyguard. I think the giant was actually frightened. I almost laughed at the look on his face. Justin did but quickly stopped when I glared at him. Bending down I gathered Tyler up in my arms and carried him back into the living room and sat down on the couch and him on my lap.

"Tyler," I scolded him. "What have I told you about hitting people?"

"But Daddy," he whined out. "I didn't hit him, I kicked him." I smiled a little but than remembered that I was scolding him.

"Tyler, you know it is wrong to hit or kick any body," I said wiping a tear from his face.

"But he hurt you," he whimpered out. I sighed and looked over at the bodyguard who was standing behind Justin. I realized at that point he was just doing his job. Maybe he got a little carried away but he was just doing his job.

"He was just doing his job sweetie. And he is going to fix the door and apologize to me and to you. But you have to apologized for kicking him," I said looking down at Tyler. I could tell he didn't want to do that. "Tyler, what would grandma say if she were here?"

"Good Christians don't hit people," he whispered out.

"That is good boy, now go apologies to Ritchie," I said as I put him down on the floor. Tyler walked over to him and looked up and stared at him for a few seconds and than stuck out his hand. Ritchie smiled a huge grin and knelt down and took Tyler's hand and shook it gently.

"I'm sorry for kicking you," Tyler said a soft voice.

"I'm sorry for hurting you father," Ritchie said in just as soft of a voice. "Have you ever seen a limo?" Tyler nodded yes. "Would you like to see another one?" Tyler looked over at me and I nodded yes. He put his small hand in Ritchie's hand and they walked out of the house. Tyler immediately started to babble about how he was touring with the Backstreet Boys.

"So you know the Backstreet Boys?" asked Justin. I glared over at him. "Look I fucked up ok? But I'm really a nice guy once you get to know me." He smiled that million-dollar smile and I almost bought it until I remembered JC.

"Is that what you tell JC?" I asked bitterly. "Is that how you treat your friends? Because if it is than I want nothing to do with you."

"I don't hate him ok?" he hurled at me. "I'm just angry at him for not telling me! I mean we are friends! We've been best buds for years. He drops this bombshell on me and I handled it all wrong! I'm trying to make it better ok?" I looked over at his pleading eyes and decided that he was being honest.

"You want something to drink?" I asked pointing at the bar.

"Thank you," he said as he headed for the bar and picked up the brandy snifter and started to pour himself a drink. I raised my eyebrows and shook my head. I heard someone shout at the door and I went to see who it was. JC was glaring at the door.

"Where is he?" he demanded.

"Where is who?" I asked. Kevin came up behind JC and inspected the door. He saw me and came up to me and too my head in his hands and kissed me on the lips. I noticed his frown and he pulled away and looked at his hands and saw the blood.

"What the fuck?" he yelped. Taking my head in his hands he gently turned my head so he could see the back of it. "That fucker!" brushed passed me and stormed into the living room.

"Kevin!" I shouted at him. "Wait!" But there was no stopping him. He charged at Justin grabbing him and shoving him against the wall. He drew back his fist to hit him. "Kevin stop!" I shouted at him. He glared at me but backed down. "Justin didn't do this. His bodyguard did. It was an misunderstanding."

"You're bleeding!" he shouted at me.

"It was an accident! Let it go. I'm all right!" Kevin walked up to me and too my head in his hands and looked into my eyes.

"Are you sure?" he pressed on. I nodded yes and smiled. "I don't want you hurt baby."

"Kevin not in front of the company," I blushed. I looked back at Justin who was standing there with the most priceless look on his face. Kevin just grinned that naughty grin and pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine kissing me passionately. Ok so I really enjoyed it.

"Ahem!" coughed Justin. Kevin pulled apart and glared at him. I patted him on the shoulder and walked to the couch and sat down. Kevin headed towards me and that was when I saw that he was soaked in sweat. Very pretty picture I might add. But not a very nice smelling one.

"Uh uh mister!" I scolded him. "You go take a shower first." He pouted for a few seconds before running up the stairs to take his shower. I looked up to see JC standing in the hall. "Umm I will leave you two alone. Justin if you are staying here you can have the second bed in JC's room. But you have to promise to behave. I hear one Anti gay joke from you and you are history!" Justin nodded. "I'm going to spend some time with Tyler." I left the room to find my son.

From JC's point of view.

I looked over at Justin and saw a scared child. My heart almost caved but than I remembered that I was mad at him. I plopped down on the chair across from him. "I'm still mad at you!" I hurled at him. He nodded looking into his glass. "But I'm still your friend, I've always been and I hope we can get through this."

"Why do you have to gay?" Justin asked in a pleading voice. Thankfully there was no hostility in it. "I don't understand. And I want my old friend back."

"Justin I haven't changed. I'm still the same person I've always been," I said laying a hand on his shoulder. I was pleased when he didn't try to move away. He did tense up a little. "I'm still your best bud."

"But you're gay, who am I supposed to talk to when I get all excited about a girl," Justin replied. "You and I used to have so much fun talking about girls and stuff. I feel like I've been lied too. That is why I am so mad. It's not the gay thing it's the being lied to thing that hurts so much."

"How do you think I feel?" I replied softly. "I finally get up the courage to tell my best friend the most important thing about myself and you reject me. You told me that you hated me. God Justin that hurt so much. For almost two years you treated me like shit! The only reason you're talking to me now is because I threatened to out myself to the press." Justin jerked his head up in fear. "Tell me something Justin," He looked away. "What was your first thought when I said I was going to take the power from you? Did you think of our friendship first or our careers?"

"Honestly?" Justin asked scared. I nodded. "Ok I thought about our careers. Not just because of me. But because of all of us. Outing yourself would affect all of us." He paused to let that information sink in. It did hurt to know that he thought of our careers first before our friendship. "Than I thought of our friendship. I'm so sorry I treated you like crap over this. I really don't know why I did. Ok so I do know why. I felt like you had lied to me. Lied to all of us. I was like how could you? I love you man. I mean you were always there for me. And now you're not."

"That is not because of me. You made that decision Justin. You decided that you didn't want to have any thing to do with "Faggots." I hurled at him. There was no way I was going to allow him to make this my fault. "Do you remember that day in the showers?" He nodded, "You made me feel so low that day. I mean that really hurt. I was going to kill myself after you left." Justin jerked his head up with tears running down his face. "But Kevin stepped in and taught me that I had more to live for."

"I um uh had no idea," Justin stammered with tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry, I umm umm," unable to finish what he was saying he buried his head in my chest sobbing loudly. I held him while he cried for a while.

We talked for a little longer making sure that everything was cool. "So Justin, we are cool now?" I asked looking at him.

"Yea we're cool," he smiled. "Hey I have to tell you about my new girlfriend!" I laughed when he got all excited. It was just like old times.

"I thought you were hooked up with Britney?" I asked feigning shock. He just glared at me for a few seconds. "Well are you going to fill me in or what?" Just as Justin started to talk we were interrupted by Tyler's giggling and Matt's laughing. Justin looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"I wonder what that is all about?" he asked.

"With those two? Who knows? They are really close," I sighed. "Now back to the subject at hand. Tell me all about your new girlfriend.

From Matt's point of view.

After about a half an hour of playing with Tyler I decided that I needed to bug my lover. Now don't ask me why I still thought he would be in the shower but I did. And I worked out this plan to join him. First I would sneak upstairs and into the bathroom once in there I would strip down and than whisk open the shower door and feast my eyes on him. I made it to the bathroom door and opened the door. I could hear the shower running. I grinned to myself and stepped into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" asked a voice behind me. I looked back and saw Kevin. Now at this point I should've realized my error in time judgment and give up. But hey! When I am on a mission there is no stopping me.

"Shhh!" I told him. "I'm gonna sneak in and join you in the shower." I slipped out of my clothes and put my hand on the shower stall door.

"Matt don't open that door!" ordered Kevin trying not to laugh. My hand grabbed the handle and I whisked it open.

"Surprise baby!" I shouted. The world stood still as I came face to face with JC. I turned around and looked at a Laughing Kevin. "Umm that is not Kevin. Kevin why aren't you in the shower?"

"Excuse me!" demanded an embarrassed JC. He closed the shower. I was confused and pouted for a few seconds. I heard Kevin chuckle as he approached me.

"I just don't understand," I complained. "I had it all planned out."

"Yes dear you did," laughed Kevin as he leaned down and picked me up. "Let me take you in the bedroom and we'll talk."

"But I don't want to talk," I grumbled. "I want to have sex with you!"

"Oh we will be having some of that too," grinned Kevin as he pushed open the door and dropped me on the bed. He quickly removed what little clothes he had on and quickly buried his head in between my legs tenderly licking my balls.

"Umm Kevin, why was JC in the shower?" I asked.

"Hush!" he ordered. "No more talking! Time for sex now!" Ok who was I to argue? I laid back and enjoyed the sensations of him sucking me off. Than it stopped. I looked down to see him grinning up at me.

"Why did you stop?" I asked confused. He just kept grinning and admiring my cock. So I let him for about two more seconds. "Excuse me!" I demanded. "A little less looking and some more attention please!" He busted up and laughing and crawled up to me and laid down on top of me.

"Hi!" he giggled. I growled at him letting him know I was frustrated. "What?" he asked innocently. I could feel his hard cock grinding up against my leg.

"What are you doing?" I demanded grinning back at him.

"Just wanted to spend some time with you," he teased. I flipped him over so that I was straddling his waist. Hr groaned loudly as I reached around and felt his hard on.

I leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "I want you to fuck me hard!" His eyes widened at the sound of lust in my voice. He quickly flipped me over and lifted my legs over his shoulder and rammed all eight inches of his cock up my ass. I threw back my head and screamed in pleasure. Kevin's mouth came crashing down on top of mine silencing any scream. He began to thrust in and out with out mercy. I just hung on for the ride. His eyes were wild with lust. His animal grunts and groans turned me on like crazy. His rock hard abs raking across my hard cock with every thrust. I closed my eyes to enjoy the ride.

"No!" ordered a husky voice. I popped them back open. "I want to look into your soul when I cum!" I swallowed hard a little scared but extremely turned on. I groaned loudly as his teeth found my shoulder. The pain mixed with the pleasure of sex turned me on further. "You liked that?" he growled at me. I nodded and he lightly bit me again. Than he covered the bites with light kisses. God! I was in heaven. "I'm close now!" he grunted out. I took his face in my hands and stared into his eyes. I was close too. I felt his cock expand in my ass. He thrust in one last time and let loose his seed. Keeping our eyes opened during the entire orgasm was the most erotic experience of my life. For as long as I live I would never forget the look of intense love and emotion coming from his eyes. It shook me to my very soul. I don't even remember cumming myself. All to soon it was over and I was being carried into the shower. After showering we both put on some clothes and headed back down stairs. I looked out side to see that the sun was setting. Justin was playing with Tyler in the living room. Brian and Leighanne were talking in the dinning room with the rest of the gang.

"What's up?" asked Kevin.

"Management just informed us that it is time we hit the road again," Brian said looking sad. "We have to leave first thing in the morning."

"But they said," started Kevin.

"I know what they said," Brian said taking control of the situation. Turning to me, "Matt? Leighanne wants to head back tonight." My world came to a screeching halt. I was looking forward to a few more nights with my son. But hey the show must go on.

"I'll get his things packed," I mumbled. Tyler and I had already had our talk. He was excited about staying with Leighanne but not to happy about leaving me.

"You want some help?" asked Leighanne. I nodded and she fell instep behind me. For some reason I couldn't get the feeling out of my head that I was being led to the slaughter. I could swear that I could hear my mother's voice screaming no. I should've listened to her but hey when you have a job to do and money to make to support your family you have to make sacrifices.

Down stairs in the dinning room from Kevin's point of view.

"Ok Brian why the sudden change?" demanded Kevin. "And more importantly why didn't management come to me?"

"Well Kevin," sneered Brian. "It seems that you were up stairs doing God knows what to your lover when they called."

"That is enough you two!" ordered Nick. "We are all upset about going back on the road. But we have our fans to think about. Now question is this. Is Matt ready to go back to dancing?" Brian jumped right in answering quickly.

"Oh he will have to be ready. He is one of our best dancers so if he is not ready he is just going to have to get ready," I looked over at him like he was nuts.

"Why you heartless son of a bitch!" I shouted at him. "He just lost his parents and he is getting ready to say good bye to his son for almost three months!" Brian just shrugged his shoulders.

"It is time for us to get back on the road. Our fans have waited long enough!" he insisted.

"What is really going on Brian?" I demanded. Brian just sat back with that innocent choirboy expression on his face. "Whatever it is I'm going to find out. Sooner or later I will find what you are up to." I stormed out of the room. I should've stayed to listen but I didn't. I had to get to my lover. He needed me right now. For what reason I didn't know. But I had this sinking feeling that he needed me.

Back in the Dinning room.

"Brian?" asked Nick. The rest of the guys had left. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Of course I'm sure this is going to work!" Brian hissed at him. "It has too!" He got up and walked out of the room.

"I just know we are going to hurt a lot of people doing this," Nick whispered to himself.

I gently knocked on the door and Matt looked up at me and smiled. I could tell he was hurting inside. Tyler was sitting on his lap holding his teddy bear and he had his thumb in his mouth. This time Matt didn't even try to remove the thumb.

"He is going to get bucked teeth," I said lightly.

"He is hurting right now and I can do nothing to calm him," Matt whispered.

"You are not losing him!" I said wrapping my arm around him and pulling him close. "You're just going to work is all. You will be coming back to him."

"Don't you think I know that?" Matt hurled at me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you." A soft knock at the door interrupted us. I looked up.

"It is time to leave for the Airport," Leighanne said. Matt smiled down at Tyler.

"Well little buddy, it is time for you to go," Tyler tightened his hold on his father. "Please Tyler, you need to go with Leighanne."

"Promise you will call me every night?" pleaded Tyler.

"Hey you know I will," Matt said in a forced cheery voice. "But you have to promise me that you will behave yourself and do what Leighanne says too."

"Ok Daddy I promise," Tyler said wrapping his little arms around his father neck giving him a hug. Matt choked back some tears but managed to keep a smile on his face.

"I know you will be a good boy," Matt said. "Now go with Leighanne and be good." Leighanne's hand found Tyler's and they walked out of the room. The chauffer gathered Tyler's luggage and carried it to the car. A minute later the stretch limo pulled away from the house.

I stood by Matt's side long after Leighanne and Tyler left. I could feel Matt shivering. "You need to go inside where it is warm," I whispered in his ear. He nodded and turned around and walked into the house. I followed him.

Brian stepped out from the bushes and looked up the road. He made sure that know one was around. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. It rang and a male voice picked up. Brian spoke into the phone, "Phase one complete. Move on to phase two. I want a complete background check on one Matthew Roger Whitewater. I want to know every thing." He clicked the phone shut and slid it back into his pocket. He turned and walked into the house. JC walked out from the bushes and looked at the retreating figure.

"Brian Litteral, what in God's name are you up too?" he whispered as he walked around to the back of the house.

Chapter 5

Three weeks later.

"But daddy!" whined Tyler. "Tike chewed off the head of my Batman action figure!" I tried not laugh but couldn't help. "Daaaadddyyyy!" Tyler whined again. "It's not funny!" I could picture the pout on his little face and I promptly stopped laughing.

"Your right son it is not funny. Tike is being a bad dog. I will tell Brian all about it. Now are you being a good boy?" I asked. Kevin looked at me and I smiled and shook my head. He plopped down on the hotel bed sliding out of his boxers. My eyes popped opened when I saw that he was already hard. I gave Kevin a scolding look and turned the other way to continue my talk with my son. I heard Kevin whimper a little.

"When are you coming to see me Daddy?" he asked. It had not been like Brian said it would be. Turns out that there were no days off like he had promised. There was always a function that he and Kevin just had to be at. And for some reason the firm had screwed up my paycheck so I was left with out funds. So I couldn't fly out to Atlanta to see Tyler. The separation was killing me. And on top of that my cell phone disappeared and I had to borrow Brian's phone. He was kind enough to allow me to use it.

"I'll be over as soon as I can Tyler. We are really busy here on the road," I explained to him. "Hey buddy? I have to go now. Brian wants to use his phone. You be a good boy for Daddy ok?" After hanging up I looked over at Kevin. He was wearing a confused look on his face.

"Where is your phone?" he asked.

"It disappeared just before we left to go back on tour," I explained. "I have no idea what happened to it. But don't worry I had it disconnected the minute I noticed it was gone."

"Why didn't you get another one?" he asked. "We pay you enough to do that you know."

"The firm fucked up my payroll. I haven't gotten paid in over three weeks," I told him as I retrieved my shower bag and headed into the shower. "They promise me it will be all cleared up this pay day." After I got out of the shower I headed back into the room and climbed into bed with Kevin. "You tired baby?" I asked him as I rubbed his back. He moaned sleepily and turned over. He was fast asleep. I sighed and looked down. "Well no play time for you tonight." Wrapping my arms around him I snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes.

The next morning I woke to Kevin standing over me with a gift-wrapped box. He had this cute grin on his face. "I come bearing gifts," he giggled. I sat up rubbing my eyes and took the box from him. I removed the lid and smiled. It was a cell phone.

"Thank you sweetie," I smiled up at him. But there was more. Three checks. Obviously he had contacted the firm and got on their Asses on getting me paid.

"Now that you have off three days and we have meetings there is nothing to distract you from going to see your son," he smiled at me. I looked up at him and smiled back at him.

"Thank you Kevin," I replied as I kissed him on the lips.

"Now hurry and get packed. Your plane leaves in just two hours," he smiled. I swung out of bed and trotted off to the shower. I was very happy. I was going to see my son. Nothing was going to stand in my way. Wrong! As I was shaving I heard a knock at the bathroom door and I opened it. Kevin was standing there with a nasty look on his face.

"Fuck him!" he shouted as he stormed in. "He did it again!" Ok I was confused. Washing off the razor I dried off and looked at my enraged boyfriend.

"Want to fill me in?" I asked.

"Brian convinced Management that the dancers needed to rehearse for the next two days. So that means that you have to stay here. I swear there is a fucking conspiracy going on to keep you away from your son!" I shook my head no.

"I don't think that Brian would purposely keep me from seeing Tyler. I mean look at all he has done for Tyler and me?" I said softly. Kevin sat there in silence for a few moments. "I will be all right. And we do need some work on our new moves. I'm still getting back into the grove and Brian's new ideas are really hot. I want to incorporate them in the new song."

"But you need to spend time with your son," Kevin whined.

"And I will," I smiled. "If you are convinced that Brian is trying to keep me from my son let's call Leighanne and get her come out here. It will be a surprise. We will watch the reaction of Brian and see if there is something going on." I could tell the Kevin liked the idea.

"Good thinking I will set it up," he smiled as he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. "I'll get started on it right away. "In the mean time why don't you use that new phone and call Tyler and say good morning?"

Later that day.

"Matt?" asked Brian. "You want to use my phone to call Tyler?"

"No thanks Brian. Kevin got me a new phone of my own and I've already talked to Tyler this morning," I replied. I looked at his face looking for the slightest hint of something amiss. But there was nothing.

"That was so good of him Matt," Brian said with his usual million-dollar smile. "Did you get that pay roll problem fixed?" Ok now I was confused. Only one other person knew about it and that was Kevin.

"How did you know about the payroll problem?" I asked.

"Jack," he replied. "He had the same thing happened to him." Ok so now I was getting paranoid. I was going to have to talk to Kevin about it. "By the way did Leighanne say anything about leaving the house today? I tried to call the house but can't get through. All I get is the answer machine."

"No Brian, but than again I really didn't talk to long to her. I was on the phone long enough with her to ask to talk to Tyler," again no sign of anything was wrong. No warning bells or anything.

"How is he doing?" he asked sitting beside me.

"Well he and Tike are still fighting," I chuckled. "Last night he told me that Tike ate the head off his Batman action figure." Brian threw back his head and busted up laughing. "Oh I did that too and got chewed out by Tyler. He was really mad at Tike. But I am sure they will get to know each other better." I could see the dancers were getting ready to start rehearsing again. "Well Brian I've got to go now. The rest of the guys are here and it is time I start earning my salary." Patting him on the shoulder I trotted over to the rest of the dancers.

Brian walked calmly into his dressing room/office. Picking up his cell phone he dialed a number. After a few rings he hissed into the phone. "What the fuck were you thinking? You were supposed to hold his pay until I told you to release it!" He paused for a few seconds. "No leave it alone for now. We'll have figure out another way." Slamming the phone down he stormed out of the dressing room in search of Nick when he spotted Leighanne.

"Leighanne?" he asked confused.

"Oh hi sweetie," she smiled as she handed Tyler to Kevin. "We decided to surprise you and Matt."

"Ohhh that is wonderful," Brian smiled as hugged her and kissed full on the lips. "Matt is going to be so happy. He has missed Tyler so much." He looked over at Kevin who was standing there staring hard at him. "Did you get him a new batman action figure to replace the one that Tike chewed up?"

"Haven't had the chance to yet but I will," Leighanne said. "Those two are something else. One minute they are best friends and the next they are shouting at each other and I have to play referee." Brian laughed and led his wife away from the onlookers to spend some quiet time with her. Kevin looked down at Tyler and smiled.

"Let's go see your daddy," he said as he headed off to the rehearsal hall.

At the dance hall.

"Ok guys good job on that lance dance," said Fatima. "Let's call it a day." I sighed happily and jumped off the stage and trotted off the showers.

"Matt?" called Kevin. I stopped and turned around and smiled widely. Kevin was walking down hall with my son riding on his shoulders.

"Daddy," squealed Tyler. Kevin laughed as Tyler tried to get down. Once Tyler was on the floor he took off running and jumped into my arms. It felt like a small piece of heaven to hold him again. I buried my head into his chest and inhaled. Yup! It was my son. I looked up at Kevin who was standing there looking very pleased with himself.

"Thank you," I mouthed at him as a tear rolled down my face. He nodded and turned and walked away to give me some time with my son.

Brian stormed into his hotel room with Leighanne following him close behind.

"Why the hell didn't you call to let me know that you were coming?" He demanded. Leighanne backed up shocked at her husband's reaction. "We are extremely busy and we don't have time this weekend for a visit!"

"You haven't seen me in almost three weeks. Tyler misses his daddy some thing terrible!" Leighanne shouted back. Her eyes snapping with anger.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you about it. It is just that we are working on a complicated piece and I need Matt's attention to be focused on his job. I don't want a three-year-old boy running around getting into trouble. And that is what is going to happen if he stays," Brian tried to explain.

"Uh uh," Leighanne said bluntly. "There is more going on here than just work! Now you tell me what is going on!"

"Nothing is going on!" Brian exclaimed. "Why does everyone think something is going on? All I am trying to do is help Matt. He is going through a rough time right now. And I don't appreciate the shit I am getting from everybody!" Brian stormed out slamming the door.

Later in my room.

"Ok guys what do you want to do?" I asked Kevin and Tyler. They were coloring in a coloring book. I had to smile at Kevin to see him bent over a coloring book working on a page. When I got no answer I repeated my question. "Childern?" Kevin jerked his head up with a shocked look on his face. "Yes dear I'm talking to you. What do you guys want to do tonight?"

"Pizza!" exclaimed Tyler. "Please Daddy, can we have Pizza?"

"Yea please Daddy?" joined in Kevin. I shook my head and laughed at him.

"You two are something else. It looks like I am out voted here," I sighed as I sank to the bed and wrapped my arm around Kevin's waist and looked over his shoulder. We were just getting ready to kiss when a pounding on the door alerted us.

"Kevin!" shouted Brian. "Open up! I need to talk to you!" Kevin sighed and walked to the door and opened it. Brian stormed in. "What the hell were you thinking?" He shouted pointing at Tyler. Tyler scooted over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I could tell he was scared. "This was your idea wasn't it?"

"Yes as a matter of fact Brian it was. Matt needs to see his son once in a while. They just lost family and they need time together!" Kevin shouted back.

"I had all weekend planned out. Rehearsal all weekend with no time for goofing off!" shouted Brian. "Now I'll have to scrap the whole freaking thing!"

"Good!" shouted Kevin. "For the last three weeks we have been working non stop and it all seems to revolve around you! Why is that Brian? Why is Management coming to you instead of me? And why tell me did Matt's paycheck get conviantly fucked up?"

"The same thing happened to Jack's check too Kevin!" Brian shouted at him. "Don't you dare try to blame this on me!" By now Tyler was in tears and I decided to put a stop to this.

"Enough!" I shouted. Brian glared at me and backed off. "You have Tyler terrified!"

"Well he belongs at home with Leighanne!" Brian hurled at me. "Now get your things Tyler we are going back to Atlanta!" Ok that floored me.

"Like hell he is!" I hurled at him. "He goes back when I say he does! I am still his father and I call the shots around here where he is concerned!" Silence racked the room and the only sound was Tyler's whimpering. I picked up Tyler and carried him out of the room and over to Nick's room. Knocking lightly on the door I heard him swear and open the door. When he saw Tyler he grinned.

"Hey guys!" he said cheerfully. "What's up?"

"Brian is an ass!" I said in a soft tone of voice. "He is trying dictate to me when I can see my son!"

"Why don't you sit down and calm down before telling me the whole story," Nick said guiding us to the sofa.

From Kevin's point of view.

"What the hell was that all about?" Kevin asked shocked.

"I'm sorry," Brian mumbled. "I didn't mean to get all upset in front of Tyler."

"Well you owe him a huge apology. I've never seen you angry at anyone before in all the years I've known you. Something is wrong and you're not leaving here until you tell me what it is!"

Brian sighed and looked out the window. After a few moments he looked at me with a hurt expression. "What do you think is wrong? I mean what gives you the idea that anything is wrong? I mean I move heaven and earth to make things easier on Matt. And this is the thanks I get? See if I ever fucking help you or your fucking boyfriend again!" He stood up to leave but I grabbed his arm and held him down. "Let me go!"

"No!" I shouted at him. "We are not done!" He plopped back down on the sofa glaring at the floor. We sat there in silence for a few moments. I took a deep breath before talking. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. And I appreciate every thing you are doing for Matt, I really do."

"Why the treatment?" he blurted out. "I mean you guys act like I am planning some evil trick or something. Like maybe I'm going to steal--," he stopped suddenly looking away.

"Steal what?" I pressed. He shrugged his shoulders. "You have to be honest with me Brian. If you want me to help you, you have to be honest with me."

"I'm being as honest as I can," Brian said glaring at me.

"You know, as long as I have ever known you Brian, you have never given me a reason to believe that you were lying. But right now at this very instant, I have a very strong feeling that you are not being honest with me," I stated looking into his eyes. He looked away from my gaze. "And you used to be able to look me in the eye too cousin."

"Things change Kevin," he muttered getting up and walking to the sliding glass door.

"What has changed Brian?" I asked walking up behind him and putting my hand on his shoulder. "Please Brian," I pleaded. "I am your cousin and I want to help you!" Brian just shook his head no and turned and quickly walked from the room. "Well that sure helped a lot didn't it?" I scolded myself. I walked over to Nick's room just as confused as ever over this. When I approached the door I smiled when I heard the welcome sound of Tyler's laughter followed by my sweeties laughter too. I knocked on the door and I heard Nick holler for me to come in. I opened the door and walked in. Tyler was sitting on top of Matt tickling him for all he was worth. Matt was tickling him back. Both were laughing their heads off.

"Hey guys," I said grinning. "Anyone still up for Pizza?" The tickling stopped at once and Tyler bounded off of his dad. Matt rolled over and looked up at me. His blonde hair was all wild and sticking up every which way. His wild carefree grin took my breath away. He caught on and winked at me. I growled softly at him so that only he could hear.

"Hey Kevy," he cooed. I rolled my eyes and plopped down beside him grabbing his waist and pulled him close and pressed my lips down on his sliding my tongue into his mouth. "Mmmm you taste good!" He smiled as he attacked my neck.

"Honey?" I gasped out. "Your son is watching."

"Oooopps!" he giggled breaking away standing up and held out his hand to me. "Now what was this about Pizza?"

"You hungry?" I asked. He nodded. "For Pizza?" He shook his head no. "Matt," I scolded. "Your son is present in the room."

"Pizza?" he asked again. I nodded and took his hand and he pulled me up.

"Do you mind if we join you?" asked a voice with a soft southern accent behind up. I turned around to see Brian and Leighanne standing at the door.

"Sure the more the merrier!" I said smiling. So we all headed out to the local pizza hut for dinner. Tyler latched onto Nick's and Brian's hand. Leighanne shrugged her shoulders and fell into step behind them. I stayed at Matt's side the whole trip to the lobby and than backed up a couple of steps to keep it casual. Matt caught and picked up his pace to keep up the act.

Later that night at the pizza hut.

From Matt's Point of View.

"So tell me Tyler," I said looking over at him. He had pizza sauce all over himself. I picked up a napkin and tried to wipe off his face.

"Daaad!" he whined trying to get away. Finally I gave up.

"So tell me Tyler," I said again. "Are you having a good times at Brian's house?"

"Yes Daddy," he smiled. "I am taking swimming lessons." I saw Brian cringe at that revelation. "I can doggy paddle now. Tike swims with me too."

"Ok, so you are taking swimming lessons. What else have you been doing for fun?" I asked.

"Well we did go to the Doctors office," he said grinning. Ok now I was getting mad.

"Brian can I talk to you outside?" I asked. Kevin hand found my arm and I brushed him off. I stood up and Kevin stood up and followed us out. Once outside I turned on Brian. "First things first," I said sternly. "I really appreciate you doing this for me and Tyler. I don't know what I would do with out your help. I mean you have given me a chance to dance and make a living at what I do. But I have real problem with Tyler taking swimming lessons with out my knowledge. And why is he being taken to the doctors?"

"I'm afraid that is my fault," said a voice behind us.

And the plot thickens! Any one has any ideas what Brian is up too?

Any guesses e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 3: Get Another Boyfriend 6 8

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