Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jan 17, 2002


Home for the Holidays

"What do you think they are talking about?" Kevin asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Well I think they are figuring out the best place to watch for Santa." I looked at Kevin and saw the same twinkle in his eyes whenever I caught him looking at Tyler. "That is what I would be doing if I was them."

"Did you ever see him?" I asked snaking my arm around his narrow waist.

"Nope," Kevin giggled. "I missed several nights sleeping in my nice warm bed trying to catch a glimpse of him. I used to camp out on the couch Christmas Eve. I found out later that it really caused my parents some trouble trying to get me to sleep so they could sneak out the presents."

"I never stood up waiting up for him," I replied. "I was always scared that he wouldn't leave me anything if I stayed up."

"Woose!" he snickered.

"Hey!" I yelped but I smiled when he smiled down at me.

"So is it a deal than?" Tyler asked Josh. "We stay up all night!"

"And pray tell just why you are staying up all night for?" I asked in mock scolding mode.

"We're going to catch Santa!" Tyler said rubbing his hands together.

"And what do you plan on doing with him when you finally catch him?" I asked grinning. Tyler looked at Josh and Josh shrugged his shoulders. "Hmmmm," I replied. "Didn't think of that did you?"

"We'll figure something out," Tyler said with that same stubborn look in his eyes that I used to have when I set my mind to something. "I'm hungry!"

"Well dinner isn't for another hour so why don't you and Josh go play for a while?" I asked. I could tell that Tyler was not happy about not eating. "You won't starve I promise."

"Come on Josh," Tyler conceded. "Let's go find Nick!" Soon the two young and hyper children and an equally hyper puppy were tearing through the house looking for their next victim. Kevin used this chance to gather me up in a hug and pressed his lips to mine. I moaned softly as he snaked his tongue into my mouth.

"I love you," Kevin whispered. "Now if you will excuse me I have to help Brian put together two little boy bikes."

"You need some help?" I asked hopping to get some more time with Kevin.

"Nah, I've got it covered," Kevin said as he gave me a quick peck on the lips. All to soon I was left alone in the large living room. I sat down in the couch and looked into the flickering fire place and thought back to the many Christmases I had spent here a kid. The happy feelings return and they soon turned to sad ones when I realized that this was the first Christmas I would be spending without my Mom or Dad. At some point the tears started and I couldn't get them to stop. I don't know how long I was sobbing quietly to myself but at some point I felt two very loving and strong arms surround me. I heard him whisper into my ear that everything would be all right. I looked up and saw the loving eyes of my lover. "Hey," he mumbled as his lips graced my eyelids. "Want to tell me what that was all about?"

"I was just thinking about Mom and Dad," I replied wiping my eyes. Kevin fingers gently wiped the tears from me. "The holidays were always so special for us. And I guess I'm just missing them more at this time of the year."

"You don't have to explain yourself baby," Kevin said softly. "If you want to cry your eyes out than go ahead. I'm here and I will be here for as long as you need me to be." I snuggled deeper into Kevin's arms and laid my head on his chest. I could feel the slow steady strong beating of his heart. It was a very comforting feeling.

"I think I cried myself all out," I sniffled. "Besides you came along and made it all better."

"Good," Kevin said as he kissed the top of my head. "Brian and I finished putting the bikes together."

"You remember your first bike?" I asked softly as I played with a ring on his finger.

"I remember my first pony more," Kevin chuckled. "You see I learned how to ride a horse before I ever thought of riding a bike."

"Well I remember my first bike," I smiled to myself. "I thought it was huge! Less than two years I out grew that bike."

"Yea it was the same thing with Jake," Kevin chuckled. We heard the thunder of little feet as Tyler and Josh came rushing into the room. They looked like they were on a mission to hide. They ducked behind the tree just in time for Nick to come rushing in with whip cream all over his face. "Ohh this should be good," Kevin chuckled.

"Where are they?" Nick asked as he wiped some of the whipped cream off of his face. AJ poked his head around the corner with whipped cream on his face too. By now both Kevin and I were rolling with laughter. "It is not funny!" Nick exploded. About three seconds they were laughing too. I guess Tyler and Josh figured it was safe to reveal themselves. Nick and AJ snatched them up and ran out of the room. Kevin and I could hear Josh and Tyler squealing with laughter all the way down the hall.

"Do you think we will ever find out what happened?" Kevin asked me.

"I think some things are better left a mystery," I chuckled. Kevin nodded his agreement.

"Sirs?" asked a formal voice. I looked up to Jared standing in the door. Ok maybe I should explain myself. Jared is the butler that Kevin insisted on hiring for us. So my lover wants to spoil me! "Dinner is served."

"Shall we eat?" I asked Kevin. He nodded and took my hand and we walked hand in hand into the dinning room. Dianne was already seated at the table and she smiled when we walked in.

"Did you get settled in?" Kevin asked. I smiled at the thought of Kevin always being the perfect gentleman.

"Yes I did, and thanks again for letting me stay here for the holidays," she said with a small blush.

"Think nothing of it," I smiled back. I took my seat at the head of the table and Kevin sat next to me still not letting go of my hand. I didn't mind except I was starting to wonder how I was going to serve myself. We heard the thunder of little feet as two small children rounded the corner and hopped up into chairs. "Did you two wash your hands?" Both faces fell and shook their heads no. "Go wash up before you eat," I scolded them. They both climbed down and stomped into the kitchen to wash their hands. I heard Kevin chuckling to himself. "Did you wash your hands?" I asked. He nodded and held them up for inspection. I leaned forward and grabbed and kissed it quickly.

"Eww yucki!" squealed Tyler as he climbed back into the chair. "Daddy and Pappa is being all mushy again!"

"Yea I know, I hate it when my daddy and mommy gets all mushy too," Josh replied in a serious tone of voice. "Promise we won't get all mushy when we get old like them?"

"Hey!" Kevin yelped. "We are not old!" Tyler giggled loudly because he had been down this road before. Josh rolled his eyes and elbowed Tyler in the side and they whispered something to each other and promptly busted up laughing.

"Ok Tyler," I said softly. "Will you say the blessing?" Tyler folded his hands in his lap and bowed his head.

"Dear God, thank you for this food. Thank you for Daddy and Mommy. And please make sure that Santa can get to our house tonight. Oh yea and remind him that we are not on the beach tonight. Amen," Tyler said in a very serious voice.

"That was a very nice blessing," I smiled at him. I looked at Kevin and noticed that he was not smiling. Instead he was wearing a very thoughtful expression on his face. "Sweetie?" I asked. He shook his head and mouthed "Later." I nodded and started to eat my dinner. Very little was said at dinner on this cold Christmas Eve. The snow was falling gently outside giving the chalet a very comfortable look. But the mood was not a light a merry one. Kevin was upset about something and I knew what it was. Tyler had thanked God for his Daddy and his Mommy but not for his Pappa. Kevin was hurt and I was hurting too seeing him in pain. Finally I couldn't take it any longer. "Umm will everyone excuse me and Kevin for a few minutes?" I stood up and reached for Kevin's hand and he reluctantly took it and followed me into the living room. Once there I took him into my arms. "Want to tell me what is wrong?" I asked softly. He shrugged his shoulder. "He loves his pappa very much you know," I said into his ear.

"Did you hear his prayer tonight?" Kevin asked with his voice cracking. "Am I losing Tyler?"

"Oh God no Baby," I said in a soothing voice. "You will always be Tyler's Pappa and do you know why?" Kevin shook his head no. "Because he choose you, he asked you if you would be his pappa."

"But now that his real mother is back in his life what about me," Kevin said with tears flowing down his face. "I can't and I won't compete with her."

"Pappa?" asked a small voice. Kevin turned around to see Tyler standing in the door way with his arms around Jake's neck. "Are you mad at me?"

"Why don't you and Tyler have a talk," I suggested. "I'll go back into the dinning room and let everyone know where you and Tyler are." Kevin nodded and leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the lips. I turned and headed back into the dining room only pausing to say one thing to Tyler. "Your Pappa loves very much son."

"I love him too Daddy," Tyler replied in a very serious voice. I bent down and gave him a kiss on the head.

"I know you do son," I replied as I closed the door and headed back into the dinning room. I tried to get Jake to follow but he made it very clear that he was not leaving Tyler's side.

From Kevin's point of view.

I looked at the four year old boy who was standing there in the middle of the room with his arms wrapped around a black lab's neck. His shock of blonde hair was all messed up from his day of playing. He was wearing a sweat shirt that was two sizes to big and a pair of jeans that had a hole in the knees. These were his favorite clothes and there was no getting rid of them. I looked into his eyes and was shook to the core at the honesty and innocence of his eyes. I swallowed hard and sat down and patted the seat beside me. He shuffled over to me not letting go of Jake. He sat down beside and scooted closer to me. "Pappa?" He asked again. "Are you mad at me?"

"Why do you think I am mad at you son?" I asked wrapping my arms around him pulling him up on my lap.

"Umm I forgot to say thank you to God for giving me a pappa like you," Tyler said softly. "I just really truly forgot is all. I love you and I don't ever want you to go. Please Pappa? Don't go." Ok This was getting hard on me. Tears flowed down my face as I looked down at the earnest face of a child.

"Ohh Tyler," I sniffled. "I'm never going to leave you baby." He let out a sob and threw himself into my arms hugging me tightly. "We are a family and no one is ever going to change that," I promised firmly. "And you shouldn't feel bad just because you are all exited about getting to know your mommy. God won't blame you for that and I certainly don't blame you either."

"I love you Pappa," he sniffled as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. I chuckled at the child like move and handed him a tissue. He blew his nose hard and than I heard a growling sound. It came from his stomach.

"It sounds like someone is still hungry," I grinned as I poked his stomach. Tyler let out a giggle and this started one of our very famous tickle wars. Soon we were both out of breath laughing and Jake was barking all exited trying to get into the act.

"Ahem!" coughed a voice. I looked up to see Matt standing there with the rest of the gang behind him. "Are two done yet so we can all go eat?" I nodded and picked Tyler up and sat him up on my shoulder and took my lover's hand and headed into the dinning room.

Later that night I watched Matt walk up to the sleeping bags and peak in them. He grinned up at me and nodded. It had seemed that Tyler and Josh had fallen to sleep waiting for Santa. Matt and I would have to move fast to put the presents under the tree. After about an hour we were done. I was sitting on the sofa holding Matt as we stared into the flickering flames from the fire place. I heard a munching sound and looked down in time to see Matt munching on a cookie.

"Aren't those supposed to be for Santa?" I asked grinning. He put a cookie into my mouth and I took a bite.

"Yes they are and Santa is really enjoying them," Matt giggled.

"Well I know what else Santa would enjoy," I said in a husky voice. "Why don't I take Santa up to our room and make love to him?"

"Santa would like that very much," Matt giggled again. He stood up and took my hand and pulled me up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled close to him. "Merry Christmas Mr. Richardson," he whispered to me as he pressed his lips to mine.

"Merry Christmas to you too Mr. Whitewater," I whispered back as I stroked the side of his face. "Now come on and go to bed with me so I can make love to you."

"You don't have to ask me twice," Matt smiled up at me. I could see the lust raging in his eyes. I guided him up stairs with a growing erection in my boxers. It was going to be a great Christmas.

"Daddy Daddy!" exclaimed a hyper voice. A weight jumped onto the bed waking us both up. I looked up and saw a pajama clad four year old looking up us with a smile. "Santa came!"

"He did?" Matt asked as he sat up in bed and sat Tyler down in his lap. I felt so sorry for him when I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 5:30. But Matt and I would probably get to take a nap later. "Really?"

"Yes he did and he left all kinds of presents!" Matt said clapping his hands together. I could hear Josh yelling and clapping his hands too. It seems that Brian was getting the same sort of wake up call. I also heard the door bell ring.

"Who could that be?" I asked. Matt grinned at me as he pulled on a pair of sweats.

"Matt?" I asked in a scolding tone of voice. "What did you do?"

"It is a surprise," Matt said. "Now get up and get dressed before our son goes nuts with exitement." Tyler grabbed Matt's hand and started to pull him towards the door. "Ok ok," Matt laughed. "We're coming." I laughed to myself as I climbed out of bed slipping a pair a bright red silk pajama pants and a matching silk robe, I also grabbed the "Santa Hat" and put it on. After all it was Christmas. After making sure I brushed my teeth I trotted down stairs to greet the Christmas morning. I had to smile as I saw Tyler and Josh very carefully putting the wise men and camels at the nativity scene. For the last two days the wise men and Camels had made the rounds of the entire house. Than both of them did the sweetest thing. They knelt at the nativity scene and folded their hands. Matt knelt beside his son and Brain knelt beside Josh. I knelt down too. I had to suppress a laugh when I saw Matt stealing a picture of his son kneeling in prayer. It was a very cute and precious moment.

"Happy Birthday Jesus," Tyler said in a very prayerful voice.

"Merry Christmas honey," said a females voice. Brian looked up and saw his wife standing at the doorway. Josh took of running and jumped into her arms.

"But how, I mean I thought," Brian stammered as his face broke into a huge grin.

"Why don't you come over and give me kiss?" Leighanne said holding out her arms. After all the excitement died down we all gathered around the Christmas Tree to exchange gifts. Josh and Tyler were so happy that they got matching bikes. Matt handed me a gold wrapped box. I opened it and pulled out a picture frame with a Picture of Matt and Tyler. They were dressed in Christmas attire and they looked so cute. Even Jake was in the picture too wearing a pear of antler horns. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small box. I was so nervous. I wanted Matt to say yes so bad.

"Umm sweetie?" I asked as I cleared my voice. He turned his head and fire from the Fire place caught his golden highlights making him look even hotter than before. "Umm I have something for you." I stood up and took his hand and knelt down in front of him. I could hear Tyler whispering to Josh. I smiled down at him and he stopped whispering. "Umm I love you so much Baby, and I can't stand the thought of us not having a life together. And I know there is like this huge age gap between us and umm well I was wondering if you would umm--," I stammered.

"Oh will you just ask him already?" demanded an inpatient Nick. "You know he will say yes!"

"Umm will you marry me?" I blurted out as I shoved the box in this hand.

"Yes Kevin I will," Matt said as he pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his and gave him a proper kiss. I than opened the box and Matt took a sudden breath in. "Ohh Kevin, it is beautiful!" The ring was a simple gold band with a carat diamond in it. It was a rather large man's ring but it fit Matt's finger perfectly. He held it up in the light so he could admire. "So I guess we are getting hitched." The room busted up laughing.

From Matt's point of view

"Umm I have something for you Matt," Nick said softly as he pulled out a rather large gift. It was on an isle. "I hope you really like. I've been working on it for a while now."

"I'm sure I will love it Nick," I smiled at him as I pulled the velvet covering off of it. I gasped out loud and my heart was filled with emotion as I beheld the picture. You see it was the picture of Kevin and Tyler. The one that Nick had been sketching so long ago when Kevin and Tyler were watching the sunrise together. Only this one was in color. Seeing that picture brought it all back. I could still see Tyler asking Kevin questions just as fast as he could. You could almost feel the magic on that morning as a four year old boy watched his first sunrise with his new pappa. I looked up at Nick and smiled. I couldn't talk because I was crying at the beauty of the picture. Kevin moved over to my side to look at the picture. He reached out and touched it.

"Wow!" Kevin breathed. "This is beautiful!"

"Thanks," Nick mumbled. "I knew I had to paint it the minute I saw you two sitting out there that morning. I just had to capture that moment."

"I'm glad you did," I said as I finally was able to speak. I felt Kevin's thumb gently wipe the tears away from my face. "I will treasure this for the rest of my days." Kevin leaned down and captured my lips in his and I folded into his arms and let him take control. After a few minutes we finally came up for air. He had the usual twinkle of love in his eyes. "Ummm wow," I breathed.

"Yucki!" gagged Tyler. I looked down to see him standing there with this hand on his new bike. "Come on Daddy!" he squealed. "Teach me how to ride my new bike!"

"We will after breakfast, but first I want to give Kevin his present," I said grinning as I walked over to the tree and picked up one final present. It was a long narrow box. I heard Nick whisper jewelry. I winked at him and handed the box to Kevin. "Merry Christmas Sweetie." Kevin took the box and opened and gasped. He pulled out the gold Chain with a gold key on it. He looked at me rather confused until I took the key and placed it over my heart. "That key represents ownership. And I want you to have my heart always. Know that I love you very much and want to spend the rest of my days with you." Kevin leaned into my touch and wrapped his arms around me pressing his lips to mine. We could hear Tyler and Josh making gagging noises in the background but that didn't stop us from kissing. After we finish filling the room with our kissing sounds we finally broke apart and gazed into eachother's eyes. "I love you Kevin Richardson," I whispered as I laid my head on his forehead.

"I love you too Matthew Whitewater," Kevin said as he stole a kiss on my nose.

"Ok ok so you both love each other and all that," whined Nick. "Can we eat now?" Everyone busted up laughing with the exception of AJ. He was looking hard at Nick and finally he shook his head and walked out of the room. Nick didn't catch it and just walked into the dinning room. I excused myself from Kevin's loving arms and followed AJ out into the hall way. I watched as he leaned against the wall and wipe some tears from his eyes.

"AJ?" I asked softly. He jerked his head up and quickly tried to hide his sadness with a grin. "You don't have to hide AJ. I can see that you are hurting." That did it. AJ came into my arms sobbing loudly. I held him for few minutes so that he could get it all out of his system. After a while he stopped crying and looked up.

"Sorry about that," he said in his rough voice. "I shouldn't be crying on your shoulder especially since it is Christmas and all."

"AJ," I said as I wiped some tears from his face. "Don't ever apologies for showing your true feelings around me. Now why don't you tell me what is going on?" AJ sighed and walked over to the steps and sat down. "Is it Nick?"

"I love him so much that it hurts," AJ whispered. "I can't get him to show any emotions or love at all. You know how much I want to take him in my arms and kiss him like you and Kevin do?"

"You mean you don't do that?" I asked surprised. AJ shook his head. "Have you know well umm," I stammered.

"Had sex?" AJ asked. I nodded. "No," he answered bluntly. "Every time I try to do something he pushes me away." I was shocked. I thought that Nick really loved AJ but maybe I was wrong. "I don't know how much more I can take of this. I love him but I won't sacrifice my sobriety for him."

"Are you close?" I asked. AJ choked back a sob and nodded.

"God I want a drink so bad!" he sobbed out. "But I can't have one cause if I do I will just go back to the time when I was drinking. I don't want to do that."

"Have you called your sponsor?" I asked. He nodded his head yes. "Has it helped?" He shook his head no. "Do want to find a meeting?" He shook his head. "Than what do you want?"

"I want Nick to love me!" AJ hurled at me. "I want him to love me like I love him!"

"I do love you," Nick said from the doorway.

"Well you have a really fucked up way of showing it," AJ hurled at him. I studied Nick's face and saw the hurt rage through it.

"Why don't I leave you two alone and let you talk," I said as I gave AJ a quick kiss on the cheek. I patted Nick on the shoulder as I headed back into the dinning room and caught sight of Kevin. He was looking up at me with concern written all over his face. I sat down and took his hand in mine.

"Everything all right?" he asked as he kissed my hand.

"I hope so," I replied. His eyebrows shot up. "Nick and AJ have somethings to work out." Kevin got up to go but I gently pulled him back down. "Kevin dear, they need to work this out on their own and on their own terms." Kevin nodded and reluctantly sat back down. I looked around the table to see how everyone was doing. Tyler and Josh was eating and talking quietly to themselves. Brian and Leighanne was feeding each other. Jake was hovering near Tyler's and Josh's chair waiting for some food to hit the floor. There was plenty of scraps hitting the floor. With two four year olds it was a sure bet that you would get a treat or two if you were a dog.

"Tyler?" I asked softly. He jerked his head up. "I love you."

"I love you too Daddy," he said with his smile that melted my heart. I turned to Kevin.

"I love you Kevin," I smiled at him.

"And I love you too," Kevin said smiling back at me. "Now eat!" he scolded me. I nodded and dug into my breakfast.

Out in the hall.

"I love you AJ," Nick said as he laid his hand on the side of his face.

"You never show it," AJ said bitterly. "I want to hold and kiss you but you always shove me away." Nick sighed and walked away. "See?" AJ sobbed. "You're doing it again!"

"I don't want to hurt you," Nick replied.

"You won't hurt me," AJ replied. "Please baby, I love you and I need you."

"But if I let you in my heart I know I will fuck up and hurt you and I don't want that," Nick sobbed back. "I've already fucked up before and I know I will again."

"I'll take that chance," AJ said as he held out his hand. Nick took it and fell into AJ's hold. "I love you Nick," he sobbed. "I want to make love to you so bad."

"Please?" Nick asked. AJ lead Nick up stairs and you could hear the door close behind them. Once inside AJ started to undress Nick and Nick undressed AJ too. Soon they were naked and staring at eachother.

"God you are so beautiful," AJ breathed out. Nick blushed and looked away. "Oh baby, you have nothing to be bashful about. You are hot!" Nick reached out and took hold of AJ's rock hard cock and gently stroked it. AJ let out a soft moan. "Ohhh baby."

"Shh," Nick whispered as he knelt down and slid AJ's cock into his mouth. AJ's knees buckled but Nick caught him before he hit the floor. Nick than gently lowered AJ onto the bed before attacking AJ's cock again. He teased AJ lightly by running his tongue across the slit of his penis.

"Ohhh Jesus," AJ moaned out. "Please Nicky, don't tease me like that." Nick giggled before taking AJ's whole cock down his throat. Needles to say AJ didn't last to long. Before long he was blasting his load down Nick's throat. After Nick was finished cleaning up AJ's cock AJ looked down at Nick's face. "Please Nick?"

"Please what?" asked Nick with a grin on his face.

"Make love to me?" AJ pleaded.

"Are you sure?" Nick asked. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You could never do that," AJ smiled at him. AJ held up his legs and Nick slid in between him and lubed up his cock and placed it at the entrance. "Go ahead." Nick pushed the head of his cock past AJ's ring. AJ let out a small whimper of pain.

"I'm hurting you," Nick argued trying to pull out.

"No," AJ insisted. "I want this." Nick continued to insert his cock into AJ's ass. Finally he was buried to the hilt.

"You ready?" Nick asked. AJ nodded.


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Next: Chapter 22: Home for the Holidays 5

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