Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Feb 17, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend

Valentines Blues

Remember this is fiction and in no way reflects the actual views of any true to life persons. If this is illegal for you to read this than please leave. Now on with the story.

From Matt's point of view.

"OUCH!" I yelped as I burned my hand for the hundredth time tonight. Smoke poured out of the oven telling me that the roast I was preparing for my sweetie's valentines diner was burned. "Fuck!" I growled as I slammed the oven shut. "Now what am I going to fix for Dinner?" I asked myself as I looked at the clock on the wall. Kevin would be here anytime. I wanted to cry because I had planned on fixing this really romantic dinner for us. It was going to perfect. The flowers were all in place and the candles were ready to be lit. I even had the music playing already.

"Pizza?" asked a small voice. I looked down to see Tyler staring up at me. I had already fed him and he was all dressed in his pajamas. Jake was sitting beside him wagging his tail.

"I can't fix Pizza for a Romantic Dinner!" I scolded him.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked. "What does romantic mean?"

"It means that you Pappa and I are going to spend some time alone," I smiled down at him. I almost laughed when he bit his lower lip as he thought about what I had said.

"You going to get all mushy with him?" he asked putting his hands on his hips.

"yes son," I laughed out. "We will definitely getting all mushy with eachother."

"Yuck!" he exclaimed. Jake made a huffing noise as he too voiced his opinion.

"So the question remains, what am I going to fix for dinner?" I asked again. It was getting late and I was going to ruin valentines day for Kevin.

"Pizza!" Tyler exclaimed. "Pappa loves pizza!"

"You know something Tyler?" I asked as I bent down and picked him up and carried him to his room. "You are right! Kevin does love Pizza." I laid Tyler down on his bed and gave him a kiss goodnight.

"Tell Pappa to come in and give me hug and kiss too?" he asked yawning.

"Ok Tyler," I smiled as I turned out the light.

"Leave the door open?" he asked in a small voice. I left the door open a crack and walked down the hall to the phone.

"At least I can't screw up the pizza," I sighed as I hit the speed dial.

Across town in a recording studio from Kevin's point of view.

"Come guys," I sighed as I plopped down in the over stuffed sofa. "Let's call it a night." I was ready to go because Matt was planning a special dinner for me. I couldn't wait until I got home with my little family. I looked at the clock and sighed. It was just now Tyler's bedtime. I would have to wait until tomorrow to spend some time with him.

"Ok all done," the studio engineer said as he closed the door. "Everybody out so I can lock up." We all filed out of the building and headed for our cars.

"Hey Kevin," Nick spoke up as he put his arm around my shoulder. "What do you and Matt have planned for tonight?'

"A nice quiet night at home," I smiled at him. "Do you realize that this valentines is the first one we haven't had a engagement of sorts?" Nick nodded and grinned as AJ snuck behind him and planted a kiss behind his neck. "See you guys later." I got into my car and started it up and drove out the parking lot. Once on the interstate I thought I was home free. I groaned when I saw the brake lights up ahead. I was at the bottom of a hill and could see for several miles. All brake lights. I sobbed as I realized that I wasn't going to make dinner.

Two hours later from Matt's point of view.

I pressed the off button on the stereo and blew out the candles. The pizza had already gotten cold. I went up stairs and changed into some sweats and came back down stairs and lay on the couch. "Some Valentines!" I grumbled. "No dinner with Kevin and no Kevin!" I closed my eyes and waited for my man to come home. I wondered where he was. It wasn't like him to be late. It must be the traffic.

From Kevin's point of view.

Thank God! Traffic is finally moving. I looked at my watch and groaned again. It was almost 12 midnight. I missed Valentines. I tried to get a tear to stop running but failed. I cried silently as I found the rest of my way home. I pulled into the drive way and noticed that the house was dark. I picked up Matt's present and headed into the house. I came in the kitchen door because I was thirsty and decided that I wanted a glass of water first. I switched on the light and saw the dinning area still done for dinner. The candles were out but the wax was melted all over the place. I looked at the pizza and had to giggle. Matt had burned the main course again.

"Kevin?" asked a sleepy voice. I looked up and saw my angel standing in the doorway wearing my sweats and his blonde hair all messed up. "You home?"

"Yes sweetie," I said as I crossed the room and took him in my arms. "I'm home baby."

"Where were you?" he asked as he buried his head in my chest and nuzzled me. "I made dinner for you."

"I can see that," I replied with a grin. "Burn the main course again?" He nodded sleepily. "I got you something." His eyes brightened at once.

"Really?" Matt asked with a grin but the grin fail and tears started to flow. I gathered him up in a hug.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked as I wiped his tears away from his face.

"I did it again!" he sobbed. "I messed up Valentines day!"

"How did you mess up Valentines day?" I asked as I smiled down at him. It hurt me to see him in pain like that.

"I burned dinner! Than I had to order pizza for the main course and than it got all cold and than the candles melted and and," I decided to step in and press my lips to his kissing him with as much passion as I could. After a few minutes Matt folded into my arms as my tongue snaked into his mouth. His sobs turned into moans of desire. Finally after a few more minutes of some serious kissing I broke away and laughed at his dazed lust glazed eyes.

"Now let me explain something to you," I said softly. I guided Matt to a chair and sat him down and knelt at his feet. "You did not ruin valentines day."

"But I burned the main--," he interrupted me. I quickly placed my lips over his lips again shutting him up. After a few more minutes of kissing I broke away and giggled again at his dazed look.

"Now are you going to be quiet and let me talk?" I asked.

"I don't know, the kissing sure is fun," He giggled as he tried to kiss me back.

"Kiss later and talk now!" I scolded him. He stuck out his lip in a pout but I wouldn't give in. "Now are you going to let me finish?" I asked grinning at him. He licked his lips and nodded. "Now first thing is first. You did not ruin Valentines day. I was just as guilty as anybody was. I was the one that was late getting out of the studio this evening. If I had gotten out earlier I would've missed the traffic jam. And the second thing is , I love you. I don't need you to make me dinner or light candles and play romantic music for me. You being you is more than enough for me." I waited a few minutes for it to sink in. He finally nodded and pulled away and walked over to the counter and picked up a box. I reached into my pocket to pull out his. We both started to laugh when we saw that it was the exact same box. "Umm something tells me that we got each other the same thing."

"Why don't you open yours first," Matt said as he handed me the box. I opened it and nodded as I took out the ID Bracelet. It was Silver with Matt and Kevin 4 Ever on it. I handed him his and he opened it and took his out and it too was silver with the same thing on it. We both laughed over it as we both helped each other put our bracelet on.

"You still sleepy?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Well I was wondering if you umm maybe wanted to make love?" He grinned widely and nodded and grabbed my hand and started to pull me upstairs. "Hold on sexy," I giggled. "I have to stop off Tyler's room and say good night." I walked into Tyler's room and looked down at the sleeping angel. I bent down and kissed him on his cheek. "Good night Tyler," I whispered in his ear. I heard a grunt and looked down beside him and saw Jake looking up at me. "Good night too Jake," I smiled as I patted him on the head. He huffed as he laid his head between his paws and closed his eyes. I turned to head out and saw Matt standing there looking at me. "Hey," I whispered.

"Hey your self," he smiled as he held out his hand to me. I took it and walked up the stairs to our room knowing that Matt would be all over me in a few minutes making love to me.

I pulled my sweatshirt over Matt's head and ran my hand over his well defined chest. "So you want to tell me why you like wearing my sweats?" I asked as I slid my sweat pants past his hips and caught his cock peeking out from his boxers.

"They are comfortable," he giggled. "And they smell like you."

"You are silly," I sighed as I knelt down and took off his pants the rest of the way. In a few seconds more I had his boxers off to. I looked up at him and breathed in heavily. He was beautiful. His chest rising and falling as he took slow steady breaths. His face was looking down at me with a smile on his lips. His blonde hair all wild and uncontrollable making him look so hot. I was reminded on the day I first laid eyes on him. He was so wild and carefree that anyone red blooded man couldn't help but feel something for this stud. I felt his cock brush up against my cheek and I looked at it and watched it in wonder as it throbbed in time with his rapidly increasing heartbeat. Here he was standing there in all of his naked glory with his hips thrust forward slightly and the rest of his body towering over me. I looked up at his face and didn't see the smug smirk that most guys would wear if they were in the position he was in. Instead I saw the young innocent look of a 19-year-old looking down at me with pure lust and longing and behind all that was intense love. He moaned softly as I snaked out my tongue and licked the tip of his cock. "Yes sweetie?" I asked innocently.

"Please Kevin?" he pleaded as he moved his hips. I smiled at his helpless pleading look and decided that if I didn't want to sleep on the couch I had better give my baby some relief.

"Does someone want some attention? I asked as I slipped his cock into my mouth. I knew the minute I put his cock into my mouth I had him under my spell. His moans and whimpers told me that much. The head of his cock slid past my lips and the length of him slid down my throat. He was thrusting in and out of my mouth with slow and gentle thrust. I deliberately slowed him down because I wanted to make this last. As he was thrusting in and out I massaged his balls trying to draw more moans from his lips. Hearing my baby moan for my attention was almost enough to get me off.

"ooohhh," Matt moaned again. His balls were getting tight and his thrusts were coming faster. I sucked down hard drawing his entire length down my throat in one swift movement. "FUCK!" he grunted out as his knees buckled. I gently laid him down on the floor all the while I worked on his cock. I was hungry for his seed and I wasn't going to wait to long. "I'm close Kevin," he panted out. I grinned up at him as I slid my finger up his ass and dove in until I felt his prostate gland. Once I found it I flicked and he let out a high pitch yelp as his cock exploded and huge long streams of cum basted forth and down my throat. I moaned loudly as I swallowed his load. After what seemed to be an eternity his cock finally stopped shooting. I cleaned him up and made my way back up his now quivering body.

"Hi," I smiled down at him. His eyes were closed but his lips wore that naughty grin. "Ahem!" I coughed as I pried open his eyelid. "Anyone in there?" He giggled as his arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer driving my hard cock against his crotch. "Yes dear?" I asked all innocent again.

"Make love to me?" he pleaded.

"Let's move this to the bed," I said as I helped him up and into bed. He gave a little gas as his hot sweaty flesh hit the ice cold silk sheets. "Shhhh," I whispered in his ear. "Are you ready?" I asked in a soothing voice. He let out a whimper as he pushed his ass to my crotch. "I love you baby," I whispered as I pushed my cock past his ring. He tensed up as he grimaced at the intrusion. I kept pushing knowing that the pain would soon pass. He reared back as I pushed furthering. I slid my arms around him and took hold of his cock with one hand and with the other I gently rubbed his flat hard stomach. He shivered and moaned in my arms. "Ready?" I asked as I nipped his ear with my teeth taking the silver loop that hung from his ear in my mouth and tugging on it lightly.

"Please?" he pleaded with me. I bent down and started to suck on his neck hard my tongue lapping up the remains of his salty sweat.

"Please what?" I whispered in his ear.

"Please fuck me?" he pleaded arching his back again.

"No," I said as I attacked his neck again. I had just finished a hickey and was starving to make another. "I won't fuck you." I heard a whimper of dismay from him. "But I will make love to you," I replied as I slid out of him slowly and rammed back in. I felt his entire body shudder as I set up a good steady pace. My lips and teeth continue to play on his neck and shoulder as my one hand continue to pull on his cock and the other one ran up and down the length of his chest and abs.

From Matt's point of view.

"Ohhh Kevin," I moaned out as he continue to thrust in and out of my ass. I could feel every ridge and ever vein on his cock as it slid in and out of me. His moans and grunts were getting louder and faster. His thrusts were getting harder and rougher too. "I want your cum inside of me," I requested as I tried to reach his lips. But they were too busy attacking my neck giving me the fifth hickey of the night. He glanced up at me for only a second but it was enough to shake me to the core. His eyes were so green and bright as the lust and love seared out of them and pierced my very soul. "OOOH GOD!" I hissed as I finally latched onto his lips and drove my tongue into his mouth. He sucked my tongue hard into his mouth his teeth biting down on it. I could feel his cock expand in my ass and than I felt his entire body tense up as ever muscle in his body tensed up.

"OOOOOOHHHH FUUUUUCCKK!" Kevin screamed as his cock exploded into my ass. The sudden rush of his hot seed blasting into my bowels caused me to blast my own seed all over Kevin's hand. He continue to ride me as his cock continued to blast his seed into me. Finally he pulled out and gently laid me down.

"I'll be right back," he whispered in my ear as his tongue traced my jaw line to my adam's apple. I lay there trying to catch my breath and I heard the water start. After about five minutes he came back and picked me up and carried my into the master bathroom and he placed me in the tub. The hot water shocked me awake. "Now the fun really begins," he smiled at me as he picked up a sponge and poured some body wash on it and than slid in behind me and started to wash my shoulders. "You are so beautiful," he cooed at me. "I love you baby."

"I love you too," I said back as I lay back against his chest. I loved feeling his hard chest against my skin. "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Kevin asked with a grin.

"Thank you for tonight," I smiled up at him.

"Tonight isn't over yet," He grinned down at me. I was shocked that he still had energy for more. "After I give my sweetheart a bath I'm going to wrap him up in a soft towel and dry him off and than I'm going to put him in bed and than I'm going to wrap my arms around him and hold him all night and watch him sleep all night long."

"But what about you?" I asked concerned.

"Don't worry about me sweetie," he said as he kissed my lips. "Tonight is all about you."

"But--," I started only to have his lips come down on mine. His tongue snaked into my mouth and in no time I was wrapped up in his kiss. After he broke away I tried to talk again but he clamped his mouth over mine again. As much as I loved to be kissed by him this was getting annoying. But hey he did say that tonight was mine and he wanted to stay up all night and watch me sleep than who was I to argue? I gave up and snuggled deeper into his arms as he rested his head on my shoulder. After about an hour soaking the water started to cool off and Kevin and I got out of the tub and Kevin being true to his word wrapped me up in a huge towel and dried me off and than carried me back to the bed and laid me in it and than slid in behind me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"Sleep my angel," he whispered in the deep sexy voice that he reserved for after we made love. I snuggled deeper into his arms and closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take me over.

Happy Valentines Day. Ok ok so I'm a little late. So sue me!!

E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 24: Painful Month 1

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