Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Feb 22, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend Painful Month part Two

Remember this is fiction and in no way reflects the actual views of any true to life persons. If this is illegal for you to read this than please leave. Now on with the story.

"Yip yip yip!" sounded the puppy. I groaned and turned over stuffing my face in the pillow. "Yip yip yip!" sounded off the puppy again. I groaned and turned over and saw the confused look on Kevin's face.

"Honey let Jake out," I mumbled.

"Honey Jake is dead," Kevin replied. I sat straight up in bed looking around for the puppy. "That is coming from outside!" Kevin quickly left the room and trotted down stairs and I quickly followed him. He opened the door and there sitting on the front porch was an adorable puppy. He was a black lab just like Jake only much smaller. He looked thin too for you could see his ribs showing. "Hello there little fella," Kevin said as he bent down and picked him up. The small pup squirmed and tried to lick Kevin in the face. "Whoa there." Kevin giggled as he walked into the living room and sat the puppy down on the soft carpet. The puppy started to sniff and walk around. His wobbly little legs made me smile. He looked up at me and yipped again and wagged his tail as he walked over to me. I picked him and he promptly licked my face. I heard a noise at the entrance of the hall and looked up to see a sleepy Tyler staring at me.

"Good morning Tyler," I said as I set the puppy down. The puppy trotted over to Tyler and sniffed his leg and than sat down and looked up at him.

"YIP!" barked the puppy. Tyler looked down at him and than looked back up at me.

"I want Jake!" he said bluntly and turned around and headed back into his room. I looked at Kevin for help.

"He is still going to be morning the loss of Jake honey so you have to expect this. Come here little guy and lets see who you belong too," Kevin said to the little puppy. The puppy picked up on Kevin's cheerful attitude at once and trotted over to him and jumped up on him. Kevin picked him up and begin to inspect him. "Yep,' Kevin said grinning. "You are a little boy. Haven't fed you much have they?" The puppy begin to bark at Kevin as if to agree with him. "Let's see what your dog collar says." Kevin glanced at the dog collar and frowned. "Well Blackie, let's see about getting something to eat." I followed Kevin and Blackie into the kitchen and I watched Kevin get a can of puppy food from the pantry and poured in Jakes doggy bowl. Blackie dug in started to eat like he was starved. "Someone abandoned him."

"How can you tell?" I asked watching him eat. I tried not to laugh when he climbed into the bowl to get at the rest of the food. Jake had grown considerably and the dish was almost two times as big as Blackie.

"That is Jakes food!" said Tyler as he walked into the kitchen. "Why is he eating it?" Kevin sighed and took Tyler by the hand and led him out of the kitchen. I could tell that it was time for Kevin and Tyler to have a talk. Kevin didn't look to happy with Tyler right now. I heard a whimper and I looked down to see Blackie looking up at me with pleading eyes. I could tell that his little but was moving.

"So you have to go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"Yip yip!" Blackie barked.

"Well than let's get you outside," I said as I picked him up. I walked through the living room to see Kevin talking to Tyler. Tyler had a pouting face and his arms were crossed. Not a good sign. It was obvious that Tyler was not in agreement with Kevin. "I'll talk to you later mister about that face you are wearing." Kevin nodded and looked at Tyler to see his face soften a little. I went outside to make sure that Blackie did his duty.

From Kevin's point of view.

"You have to understand that it is not Blackie's fault that Jake died," I explained to the toddler. "Why won't you give him a chance?"

"I want Jake!" Tyler said stubbornly. "I don't like that other dog!"

"We know you are still upset about Jake," I said as I knelt down and put my arm on his little shoulder. "But Blackie is a puppy that has been abandoned and he needs a home too."

"You mean his master doesn't want him anymore?" Tyler asked shocked. "He is a puppy! Everyone wants a puppy!"

"Not everyone Tyler," I said sadly. "Now Blackie is all alone and he needs someone to love him."

"But what about Jake?" Tyler asked. "Won't he be mad at me for loving Blackie?"

"What do you think?" I asked. "Do you really think that Jake could be mad at you for loving another puppy as much as you loved him? I think he would want you to give Blackie a nice home." I heard the door open and the patter of little paws on the hardwood floor. I turned and saw Blackie walk around the corner. He stopped and looked at Tyler with his little head cocked to one side. Tyler slowly walked over to it and held out his hand. Blackie stuck his nose in Tyler's hand making him giggle. Than Blackie jumped up on him all exited. I looked at Matt and smiled. He smiled too and took my hand as we left the two new friends to get to know eachother.

"Is he really abandoned?" Matt asked.

"I'm pretty sure, but there was a number and I'm going to call it now," I said as I went to retrieve the little pup. I walked into the living room and saw that Tyler was giving Blackie the tour.

"Here is a picture of AJ," Tyler rambled out. "Make sure you don't pee in his shoes. He hates it. Oh and here is a picture of Nick. He is really cool. He is my bestes friend!" All the while Blackie listened to Tyler explain all the pictures in the room. I didn't have the heart to break up their little meet and greet session. I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me and leaned back into them.

"A happy Tyler is definitely better than a sad one," Matt's voice whispered in my ear. The phone rang Matt went to answer it. When he came back his face was creased with worry.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked going up to him.

"Do you remember me telling you about my cousin Leo?" he asked. I nodded for him to continue. "Well he is in the hospital."

"What happened?" I asked shocked. I remember Matt showing me a picture of him. He was as good looking as Matt was except that he had black hair instead of blonde.

"Well when he came out to his parents they tossed him out. You remember when I set up that trust fund for him a few months ago?" Again I nodded. I was so proud of him that day. "Well I just got a call from his sister Anne. He was diagnosed with lymphnoma this morning." I took a sudden breath in. "He is asking for me." I sat down and leaned back in the soft confines of the couch. "Kevin, I have to go." I nodded and got back up.

"I'll call the airport and make arrangements for you," I replied. I headed into the kitchen and picked up the phone and dialed the airport and made the arrangements. I was going to be alone for a while. I had to get back into the studio and Tyler and Matt had some family matters to attend too. I sighed as I looked out the window and saw Brian coming up the walk. He didn't look happy. Josh was with him and he looked upset too. This was definitely turning out to be a very upsetting week. I opened the door and let Brian in. "Morning Brian," I said giving him a hug. "What's wrong?"

"Leighanne and I had a fight and she went to her mothers," Brian sighed.

"She didn't take Josh?" I asked concerned. Brian shook his head no. "Why?" Brian gave me a pleading look. "Ok but we will talk later." Matt appeared in the doorway. "Hey Matt, look what the cat drug in?"

"Hey Brian, Josh," Matt said with a strained smile. I could see his eyes were red from crying. "Kevin honey can I talk to you?"

"Excuse me Brian," I smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "Come on Josh let's go find Tyler." Josh took off running to find his best bud. After following him to the bedroom I closed the door behind me and gathered him up in my arms. He let loose sobbing into my shoulder. "SHHHHH baby," I cooed in his ear. "It will be all right." He continued crying in my shoulder for a few more minutes before stopping. "Better?" I asked softly as I wiped some tears from his cheek. He sniffled and nodded. "Good, now why don't you tell me what you needed me for."

"It's about Tyler," he mumbled. "Can he stay with you?"

"I don't know Matt," I said honestly. "I'm going to be in the studio all week. It is really going to be hard to watch him and attend to my work too."

"I understand," Matt mumbled. I made the decision right than and there. My sweetie was hurting and he needed help from me and I had just brushed him off.

"No," I replied. "Your right, I should watch Tyler. You are going to be dealing with so much with your Cousin Leo and you don't need Tyler underfoot. We'll manage some how."

"You sure?" he asked in a small voice.

"Of course I'm sure," I smiled as I kissed him on the nose. "Now let's get you packed and down stairs for the limo. Your flight leaves in three hours."

Later that night Josh and Tyler and Blackie are in bed asleep. I headed in to the living room just in time to catch the last of Brian's conversation with Leighanne. "NO!" Brian said loudly. I frowned as I heard the panic in his voice. "If you can't reframe your self from hitting Josh than I'm taking steps to make sure you don't go near him!" A cold chill ran through my bones. Leighanne beating Josh? No wonder Brian is a wreck! I stepped back into the hall and walked outside and onto the front porch and sat down in one of the rocking chairs. The breeze coming off of the ocean was moist and warm tonight. I let it wash over me like a warm blanket. It was indeed turning out to be a rough week. First Jake died leaving poor Tyler a wreck. Than Matt's cousin was diagnosed with Cancer and he was flying to his side. Now Brian was dealing with Leighanne beating Josh. I was getting a headache and I was thankful for the warm breezes coming in off the ocean. I heard the screen door swing open and I watched a weary Brian walk through them. I gestured to the chair beside me. He sank into it and looked out over the ocean. "So want to tell me how long Leighanne has been beating Josh?" I asked softly. It was almost a whisper but Brian heard it as he jerked his head and glared at me. "I had no intentions of listening in. I walked in and caught the tail end of it." An uneasy silence settled over us. After about five minutes I started again. "Brian, what are you going to do with Josh?" He shook his head as if to say he didn't know what he was going to do. "Well you have to do something," I insisted.

"Can he stay with you and Tyler for a few days?" he asked pleading.

"Sure Brian," I replied smiling. I knew I was really sticking my neck out for him but he was family. "Now you have to answer some questions for me." Brian nodded. "How long as Leighanne been beating Josh?" He shrugged his shoulders. "That is not an answer!"

"God Dammit!" Brian swore. "I really don't know how long she has been beating him! All I know is that I went to give him a bath last night and she pitched a bitch fit. That is when I got suspicious and took off his clothes and saw the bruises. Than she really went nuts and started going after me. I had to call the police Kevin."

"What did they do?" I asked shocked.

"They kept her controlled while I got her things together and threw her out," Brian sobbed. "I hated doing that to her. I love her Kevin."

"What about that little boy in there?" I asked pointing in the house where the laughing of little boys came out and the very welcome sound of the barking of a puppy. "How is he handling it?"

"He is doing pretty good. I think he is thankful that he is somewhere safe where he can't bet beat." Brian's voice broke as tears streamed down face. "What am I going to do Kevin?" I gathered him in my arms and let him cry him self out. It was indeed going to be a very long week. The phone rang and I picked it up.

"Kevin here," I spoke into the phone.

"Hi sweetie," spoke a voice from heaven. I smiled brightly at the sound of it.

"Hey baby," I cooed back. "Did you have a good flight?"

"It was ok I guess, security was a little tight but the point is I made it in one piece," Matt replied.

"How is Leo doing?" I asked concerned.

"He is resting, and he sends his love," Matt replied. I knew he was hiding something.

"Matt honey?" I scolded him. I heard him sniffle. "Please don't cry." I whispered to him. "I want to be there for you so bad."

"I'm ok," Matt replied quickly. "It is just so hard to see him so sick. I remember him when he was so healthy."

"We'll get through this baby," I promised him. "Now how is he really?"

"Well the doctors say that the chemo and Radiation treatments should take care of the cancer but the treatment is so hard on him," Matt replied. I heard the door opened and I saw a blonde hair boy stick his head out.

"Is that daddy?" he asked walking towards me.

"Matt honey," I said smiling. "Someone wants to say hi to you."

"Tyler?" Matt asked. I could almost see his face light up with a grin.

"Yea here he is," I smiled as I held the phone to Tyler's ear.

"Hi Daddy!" exclaimed Tyler. "I miss you!" he said with a little pout.

"Miss you to baby," Matt said as he held the phone out from his ear. "Are you being good?"

"Yea Daddy!" Matt said. "Blackie is being good too! And Josh is here. He is going to stay for a while. I have to go now! Bye Daddy I have to go now and play!" He handed the phone back to me and took off running back into the house.

"Honey?" Matt asked confused. "Why is Josh staying with you?"

"He and Brian are staying here for few days," I said as I tried to keep my voice normal. "Leighanne had to go home to her mother's."

"Ok so that this the version you tell the press now how about you tell what is really going on," Matt demanded. I sighed as I realized that I couldn't hide anything from Matt. "I'm waiting."

"Brian and Leighanne are going through a rough period right now," I said honestly. "I would tell you more but you have way to much to worry about right now."

"Ok I guess I'm going to have accept that for now," Matt replied. "But tomorrow I want the whole story!" I had to smile cause I knew he was wearing his scolding look on his face.

"Ok sweetie," I grinned. "I promise tomorrow that you will get the whole story but I have to warn you. You are not going to like it."

"That is ok sweetie," Matt replied. "We are in this together. We might be separated by miles right now but we can try and be there for each other in spirit." I could tell he was tired cause I heard him yawn.

"I'm going to let you go so you can sleep," I said. "I love you Matt."

"I love you too baby," Matt replied. "I'll call you first thing in the morning."

"Good night love," I said as I shut the phone down. I sat it back down on the table and looked over at Brian. "That was Matt." He busted up laughing shaking his head. "What?" I asked all confused.

"I knew that was Matt," Brian giggled. "I'm going to bed. Good night Kevin."

"Good night Brian, I'll make sure that Josh gets to bed," I replied. I watched my cousin walk into the house. I walked back into the house to make sure that Tyler, Josh and Blackie got to bed. It was a long and tiring process. They both wanted water than they wanted a hug and than a story and than they had to go to the bathroom and finally after I threatened to turn into a monster did they finally go to sleep. I walked back out to the living room and tried to relax. I missed Matt and I couldn't sleep. At some point I finally drifted off to sleep.

From Matt's point of view.

"Stupid pillow!" I grumbled as I punched it hard. You see for the last hour I had tried to sleep. But I missed the strong loving arms of Kevin to hold me. And I was taking it out on my poor pillow. I growled and punched it again. I heard a giggle from the doorway. I glared at it and saw Anne standing at it. "What?" I demanded.

"Missing Kevin?" she asked sympathetically.

"Yea I guess," I mumbled. "I can't sleep without him holding me." I pouted. "And I miss Tyler too. I always give him a hug and kiss goodnight before putting him to bed. I miss not doing that."

"Well if makes you feel any better Leo really appreciates you being here for him," She smiled.

"I'm glad I'm here for him too," I sighed as I sat up in bed. "You two should come out to the beach."

"Is it nice?" she asked as she sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Oh yea, Kevin and I call it our little piece of heaven," I grinned. "You and Leo will really like it. Promise me when he gets better you will come out?"

"Ok I promise I will talk to Leo about it," Anne smiled laughing. Than her face fell. "I hated seeing him such pain today," she mumbled.

"Yea, I hated it too," I said looking into my hands. "I want to do something to help."

Matt you are," Anne said.

"No I mean more. I know I am paying for his medical care and all but I want to do more," I sighed. "You can only do so much with money."

"But don't you see? Anne said as she took my hand. "You are helping. Just by you being here with him is more than enough. You should've seen him light up when I said that Matt was coming to see him. I haven't seen him that happy since the day he came out."

"Yea but," I stammered.

"No more buts!" she ordered. "You are doing so much to help Leo." I finally gave up. "So tell me," she said with an evil grin. "What is it like having sex with that hot Backstreet Boy Kevin?" I immediately blushed and looked away. "Come on tell me!" she whined. "Oh wait!" she giggled as she got up and ran out of the room. In about five minutes she returned with a bucket of ice cream and two spoons. I busted up laughing. "Ok now we have the junk food so spill the goods!" I shook my head and laughed at her. It was going to be a very long night.


Next: Chapter 26: Painful Month 3

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