Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 2, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend Painful Month part four

Remember this is fiction and in no way reflects the actual views of any true to life persons. If this is illegal for you to read this than please leave. Now on with the story.

From Matt's point of view.

"Daddy?" asked Josh again. I stepped up and took Josh by the hand and led him quickly from the room. "Why is Daddy upset?" Josh asked looking up at me. I knelt down so that I was talking directly to him.

"Daddy is just worried about Leo is all," I replied. "Why don't you go find Tyler and go play. I'm sure that your daddy will explain everything to you in a little while." Josh turned and trotted down the hall to find his friend. I sighed and turned and headed back into the room. Kevin was standing there with his arms crossed and waiting for Brian to respond. Brian was still standing at Leo's bedside with a scared look on his face.

"Brian?" Kevin pushed. His voice was raising and it had taken on a harsh tone. I knew I had to defuse the situation quickly. "Are you gay?" Kevin demanded. Tears flowed down Brian's face as sat on the floor. I walked over to him and knelt by him and took him in my arms. "Matt?" Kevin asked confused. "Why are you supporting him?"

"Kevin not now!" I barked at him. "Give us some room will you?" Kevin sighed and stomped out of the room. I turned to Brian to see him looking at Leo again. "Yea he is a hottie isn't he?" I asked. Brian looked at me with the same fear in his eyes. "Hey don't worry about it. You are not the first "straight" man to fall for a hottie." Brian smiled alittle. "Why don't you start from the beginning?"

"I don't know where to begin," Brian mumbled.

"Well for starters, are you gay?" I asked softly. Brian nodded as a fresh flood of tears flowed forth. "How long?"

"How long what?" Brian sniffled.

"How long have you been gay?" I asked.

"I don't know," Brian replied. "I guess it was when I met Jack."

"Who was Jack?" I asked.

"He is a neighbor that moved next door. He is really good looking and gay," Brian replied.

"Have you and him had relations?" I prodded further.

"No," Brian said loudly. "I'm still married to Leigh!"

"Ok ok, calm down," I replied. "Can I ask you another question?"

"Sure I guess," Brian mumbled.

"Does Leighanne now you are gay?" Brian jerked his head up glaring at me. "Hey!" I barked at him. "It is an honest question."

"Yes she knows I'm a fucking fag!" Brian shouted. Leo opened his eyes and looked around. I cursed myself for not taking this to another room. "Oh man!" Brian sobbed. "Look what I've done now."

"What is going on?" Leo asked as he rubbed his eyes. "Hey I don't mind being woken up you cutie," he smiled at Brian." Brian blushed and quickly left the room. "Hey don't go!" Leo shouted after Brian. "What is his problem?"

"Brian just came out," I replied. "And I think he has the hots for you."

"Really?" Leo asked grinning. "Wow! Is he looking to get hooked up?"

"He is married Leo!" I scolded him. "And you are in no shape to be starting a relationship."

"Hey just asking!" Leo replied looking innocent. "Hey thanks for the nice room." It was at that point that I took notice of the room. Kevin had worked over time to make sure that Leo was comfortable. "I've always loved the breezes off of the ocean."

"Well we want your stay to be a comfortable an enjoyable one. And that means rest!" I instructed him. "You have a chemo session first thing in the morning."

"They're coming out here to do it?" Leo asked surprised.

"Yea that is one of the perks of being incredibly rich," I said smiling. "Now I want you to get some more rest."

"Umm do you think that maybe Brian would want to talk to me later?" Leo asked looking up at me hopefully.

"Oh I'm sure that Brian would love to talk to you later, but you have to promise to get some rest," I replied as I kissed the top of his head. "We are worried about you and we want you well." Leo nodded as I walked out of the room closing the door to keep it quiet in his room. I took a deep breath and headed out into the living room to see how Kevin and Brian were fairing.

"How is Leo?" Kevin asked. I could feel the tension in the room the instant I stepped in. Kevin was just trying to change the subject.

"Leo is resting, now onto the heart of the matter," I replied. "Brian is gay and is attracted to Leo. We are going to be supportive of him and what he is going through."

"Why the hell should we support him when he is hurting his family!" Kevin demanded. "And where was his support when I first came out and not to mention when he tried to steal your son!"

"Everyone is entitled to mistakes Kevin!" I hissed at him. "Are you trying to tell me that you won't support Brian in this very confusing time of his life?" Kevin was silent as he I stared at him. I looked at Brian who was sitting in the chair with his elbows on his knees looking down at his feet. "Well I for one am not going to abandon him! Come on Brian, let's go for a ride to clear our heads and talk." Kevin jerked his head up and I could see the hurt in his eyes. "I would suggest you think about your cousin. Think about how much he is hurting. Think about how he is going to tell his son. These are all things that are going to affect us in one or the other." I than walked over to him and pulled him in a hug and kissed him long and hard. "Remember that I love you sweetie," I said kissing his nose. "I promise we won't be gone long."

"I love you too Matt," Kevin said softly as he laid his forehead against mine. He looked so cute like that.

Later from Kevin's point of view.

"So you're not to happy about Brian liking me," Leo stated as he walked out of the guest room and sat down next to me. "What is it? Me?"

"No it is not you," I said sighing. "I'm just very worried how this is going to affect his son."

"Tyler is with a gay dad and doesn't seem to affect him," Leo said. "I don't think you are giving your cousin enough credit."

"And I think you should mind your own business!" I snapped before I could stop myself. "I'm sorry Leo, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"No it's ok," Leo replied. "You are under a lot of stress with me being here and your cousin coming out and all. I would be a wreck too."

"So what should I do?" I asked the younger man. "Should I just accept him for what he is and forgive him for all the crap he's done?" I suddenly realized that I had a lot of issues to work out with Brian. When I had first come out Brian was really cruel to me. Than when I started seeing Matt he tried to steal his son. I thought I had gotten over all of that but obviously I hadn't. "I guess I have a lot of stuff to talk about with him don't it?" Leo nodded but I could tell he wanted to ask me a question. "Go ahead and ask before you bust," I giggled.

"Do you think um that maybe that um Brian could go for someone like me?" Leo asked raising both of his eyebrows as he asked. He looked so much like Matt that it shook me to the core. "I mean I think he is really hot and all and I would really really love to get to know him." I had to laugh at his eagerness, another thing he had in common with Matt.

"Oh I think he would definitely want to get to know you," I replied. "So you want something to drink?"

"Water is fine unless you have some fruit juice or something," Leo replied.

"Lemonade good?" I asked. He nodded and I went into the kitchen and retrieved a pitcher of ice cold lemonade and two glass full of ice. "You want to take this on the porch?"

"Yea that would be great," Leo smiled. Together we walked out on the porch and sat down on the swing and sat the pitcher of lemonade on the side table.

"So what is your story?" I asked pouring him a glass. He took and smiled his thanks and took a drink.

"Not much to tell. I came out on High school grad night and my dad and mom gave me the foot for my present. Matt came to my rescue when he found out. That was when I found out that he was gay," Leo said starting his story.

"I remember when he flew out to get you," I replied. "I have never seen him so angry before. He said that he could never understand why family wouldn't accept the fact that you were gay. He said that you should always support--," I paused when I heard myself repeat what he had said so many months ago. "Umm I guess I should take his advice."

"Yea you should," Leo replied. "Matt is a good person. He only thinks of other people. He is always looking for ways to make other people's lives a little easier. When he found out I had Cancer he was like right there taking care of me."

"I remember," I said as I refilled Leo's glass. "I held him all night long while he worried and fretted and cried over you."

"He did that?" Leo asked shocked. I nodded as I took a sip of my drink. I heard the rumble of Matt's truck coming up the beach.

"Umm you want to tell me that story about that?" I asked grinning and pointing at the red beast coming our way.

"Well I have one back home and Matt took it for a drive and fell in love," Leo replied giggling. "Why don't you like it?"

"It will take some getting use to," I laughed as Matt pulled up the drive deliberately gunning the gas. I smiled and waved at him and he blew me a kiss. "But hey, if my sweetie loves it than I guess I love it too." Brian hopped out of the truck looking much better. In fact he was smiling.

"Your fiancé is crazy!" he laughed. "He almost got a speeding ticket!"

"Brian!" hissed Matt but it was too late. I winked at him to let him know that it was ok. I walked up to Brian and pulled him in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Brian," I said softly in his ear. "I should've never have jumped all over you like that. Can you forgive me?"

"Yea I guess I can," Brian said as he looked at Leo and grinned. Leo grinned back and Brian swallowed hard.

"I think someone wants to talk to you," I smiled at him. Brian stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down at the sand. I watched Leo walk down the stairs and up to Brian.

"Umm hi," Leo said grinning at Brian. "I'm Leo, Matt's cousin."

"Yea umm hi," Brian stuttered. "I'm umm Brian, Kevin's cousin."

"So you want to go for a walk?" Leo asked. "I'm feeling a little frisky and I want to get some exercise."

"Don't stay out to long Leo," Matt instructed. Leo rolled his eyes and held out his hand and Brian took it and they walked off down the path that led to the beach. I stood there watching them walk away. I got the impression that one chapter in Brian's life hand closed and another one was just opening. I jumped when I felt Matt's arms surround me. "So did you and Leo have a good talk?" he asked as he kissed my neck.

"Yea we did, how about you and Brian," I asked looking into his loving eyes.

"Brian is getting a divorce," Matt replied. "Leighanne has known this for weeks. She is not dealing with it well at all. That is when she started taking it out on poor Josh."

"I'm so sorry that he didn't think he could talk to me," I said as I turned so that I was facing Matt. Matt laid his head on my chest. "How is he doing? I mean how is he really doing?"

"He is not doing so good. Brian strikes me as that type of person that surrounds himself with as much normality as possible. This divorce has shattered it. Plus the fact that he has just admitted that He is gay and than Leo walks into his life. He is really going to need our love and support," Matt replied.

"Well he's got it for as long as he needs it. Thank God we've decided to hold off on the next album for later on in the year. It will give us some time to really rest up," I replied.

"You want to go for a drive?" Matt asked dropping the keys in my hand. "You can drive if you want."

"Really?" I asked grinning.

"Be good!" Matt scolded me. I laughed as I climbed into the truck and started it and put it in gear.

"This is great!" I exclaimed. "I love it!" Matt just laughed as I put it in first gear and started down the road.

On the beach we see Leo and Brian sitting in the sand around a bon fire. Leo is snuggled up Brian with his head on Brian's shoulder. "So you want to go out with me?" Leo asked shocked. "I mean why me? I'm sick and skinny and ugly and --," He stopped when he felt Brain's shoulders shake. He looked up and saw the tears streaming down his face. "Brian?" Leo asked his voice quivering.

"Please don't say that," Brian pleaded. "You are not ugly. You are so beautiful and yes you may be sick but that don't matter. I am so attracted to you and I want to try to have a relationship with you. Please say yes?" Brian pleaded.

"Ummm yes?" Leo replied. Brian smiled as he lowered his lips onto Leo's and applied the most gentle kiss he had the power to give. Leo let out a soft moan and leaned into the kiss. After a mere two seconds they broke away looking into each other's eyes. "Umm is this what love feels like?" Leo asked as he ran his hand along the side of Brian's face.

"I sure hope so," Brian grinned back. "I've waited so long to feel this way about someone." The two new lovers sat on the beach as the sun set behind them.

Up on a hill over looking them was Leighanne. Tears streamed down her face. "Fuck you Brian!" she hissed at them. "If I can't be happy than you can't be happy either." Turning her back she walked back to the beach house and crept into the house and walked up to Josh. Josh looked up and tried to get away but she grabbed him to fast. "Uh uh," she sneered at him. "You are going with your mommy! I'm getting you out of this fag house for good!"

"You leave my friend alone!" shouted Tyler as he ran up and kicked her in the shin. "Let him go!"

"You little brat!" Leighanne shouted. A small growl and a lot small barking sounded as Blackie rounded the corner. He sank his teeth into her ankle and started pulling. Tyler started to pound on her too.

"Let him go!" Tyler shouted again. "You mean lady!"

From Matt's point of view.

We pulled up in the drive and climbed out. "Well what do you think of her?" I asked. Kevin frowned and held up his hand for silence.

"You let him go!" Tyler shouted. "Help!! Daddy!! Pappa!!! Help!" Kevin took off running into the house and I was fast after him. Once inside I found Kevin ripping Josh out of Leighanne's hands.

"Get out and get out now!" Kevin shouted.

"I won't leave without my son!" she shouted at him. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. "I won't have him living with a bunch of faggots!"

"Get out of my house!" I shouted at her. "I've called the police and they are on the way!"

"Fuck you all!" she screamed. "I will be back and I will get him!" She ran passed me and up the drive. I stopped Blackie from going after her.

"Good boy!" I smiled down at him. He squirmed in my arms and whimpered. "You are a brave puppy!" I than turned my attention to Josh and Tyler. "Are they all right?"

"Yea I think so," Kevin said as he cradled a crying Josh in his arms. He was whispering words into Josh's ear. After a few minutes Josh had stopped crying and was just staring into space. I felt my heart go out to the little guy. His world was falling apart and he had no idea what to do. I felt Tyler tug on my hand. I looked down to see a frightened little boy. I picked him up and held him close.

"What is wrong?" Brian asked as he walked in.

"Leighanne was here," Kevin said as handed Brian Josh. "She tried to kidnap him."

"Ohh God," Brian replied with a shaky voice. He carried Josh over to the couch and sat down. Leo sat next to him and put his arm around Brian talking to him softly.

"Brian?" Kevin said softly. "We have to get her out of the situation."

"How?" I asked.

"We have to have her arrested," he said bluntly as we heard the sirens coming up the drive.

"Ok let's do it," Brian said with a hard look in his eyes. "Leo will you take Josh into the children's room while we talk to the police?"

"No daddy," Josh whimpered. "I don't want to go."

"Honey," Brian said softly. "I will be right here. All I am going to do is talk to the nice policeman."

"Promise?" Josh asked holding up his pinky finger. Brian locked pinkies with him.

"Pinky promise," Brian said in a serious voice. Josh took Leo's hand and walked out of the room. There was a knock at the door. Kevin opened it and allowed the police to enter.

"Mr. Litteral?" asked a female officer.

"Yes that is me," Brian replied. The door opened again and Leighanne walked in. "What the hell is she doing here?"

"I am here to deliver these court papers to you," the officer replied as he handed Brian papers. Brian read over them and lost all color in his face. "I have a court order that gives your wife custody of your son."

I felt a chill run through my bones. The nightmare had come full circle only this time it was Brian that was losing his son.


Oh yea oh yea I am so mean!!!!!!! Remember me saying that Kevin and Matt had some things to work out with Brian. Well it is starting!!!!! E-mail and let me know what you think at

Next: Chapter 28: Painful Month 5

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