Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 5, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend.

Disclaimor and a Special Announcement! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination! Now on with the Special announcement!

Coming April 1st, 2002 the author of Get Another Boyfriend, The Beginning of Something Wonderful and Whiplash is proud to give another fictional BSB/NSYNC and Briefly mentioned 98 Degrees story.

Preview number two

"JC!" exclaimed a shocked Justin. "What are you doing here?"

"I stopped by to apologies," JC replied. ("And to see if you wanted to fuck around." Justin raised his eyebrows in shock. He always suspected that JC had a thing for him but he never thought that he would act on it. "What do you say stud?" JC said as he whipped off his shirt. "You want to fuck me or not?" Justin grinned a evil grin as he started to strip out of his clothes. He reached for a condom but JC stopped him. "No need," he grinned as he tossed the condom over his shoulder. "I'm a virgin."

"I missed you last night," Nick said with a small pout. "Why didn't you come home?"

"I told you why," Kevin said with a sigh. "Trevor was sick and I didn't want to leave him alone."

"Bull shit!" Nick hurled at him. "You wanted a new ass to fuck!"

Michael was seated behind his work station waiting for me.

"Good morning Trevor," he smiled at me.

"Good morning yourself," I grumbled as I took a sip of coffee. "I assume you know that is going on in the other room?"

"Nick is being a pest," Michael commented calmly. "He is also on Lucifer's list to be controlled."

"You mean Nick is the inside man to disrupt our plans," I gapped.

"Not yet," Michael replied holding up his hand. "Not if we get to him first."

"Tell me what to do," I said. "I'm ready to help in anyway I can."

"OOOOOHHH God that feels so good." He frowned when he saw his lover wince at the word of God. "JC?" he asked with concern. "You ok?"

"Yea," JC muttered. "I'm fine."

"What was up with face when I mentioned God?" Justin asked as he kissed his lover's shoulder. "You know I really love him."

"Who?" JC asked in a nasty tone of voice.

"God," Justin replied. JC moved so quick that Justin didn't have time to defend himself. JC drove his fist into Justin's gut hard and fast and than followed it up with a fist to the face. Soon JC was staring down at Justin who was curled up on the shower floor with blood spilling from his nose. He was wimpering in pain and fear. "Why JC?" he pleaded as he looked up at his Lover.

"Don't ever mention his name in my sight again!"

"Justin Timberlake is still good, and he believes with everything in his puny heart that the Father is all good and that his puny son is "His Personal Savior!" Lucifer hurled at Damion as he pounced on him and drove his cock up JC(Damion's) ass. Damion screamed a terrible scream as hundreds of other demons descended upon him. "Let this be a lesson to you not to defy me again!" roared Lucifer as he plunged in and out of Damion's ass.

Now on with the story!!

Painful Month Part Six

Brian sat on the couch waiting for Leo to get done with his chemo. He could hear Leo in the other room retching. Brian wanted to be in there so bad but Leo didn't want him in there. He said he didn't want Brian to see him like this. It hurt Brian because he loved Leo. Brian knew it was love. He thought about Leo all the time now. Ever since he had lost his son to Leighanne when she kidnapped him and fled the country over a week ago Leo had been there for him. Brian saw that Leo was hurting and needed to be held and comforted but Leo had pushed him away and that hurt him.

"Mr. Litteral?" asked a male voice. Brian jerked his head up and looked up at the Doctor. "You may see him now." Brian almost ran into the room in his hurry to get to his lover's bedside. Walking into the room he saw the much thinner version of Leo. He looked so small in the huge bed. A IV line was still in him replenishing the lost fluids. He had also lost his hair too. He was staring out the window enjoying the breeze that blew in the window.

"Hey beautiful," Brian said softly as he sat down on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," Leo croaked out. "I'll be so glad when this is over." He lay his head on Brian's chest relishing the soft and steady beat of Brian's heart.

"Leo?" Brian asked as he kissed the top of Leo's head.

"Yes love?" Leo asked as he snuggled closer to Brian.

"Why do you keep pushing me a way?" Brian asked. "Every time you have a chemo session you push me out. I want to be here with you."

"Ever seen someone go through a chemo session?" Leo asked. Brian shook his head. "It is not a pretty sight babe. I know you have so much to worry about right now and I don't want to ad to it.

"I love you," Brian said as tears threatened to spill out. "I don't care how bad it is or how much I have on my plate. I wanna be here holding you and caring for you and helping you through this. Why won't you let me?"

"Are you really ready to see what I go through every other day?" Leo asked. "Are you ready to hear me barf my brains out until I have nothing to throw up but bile?"

"I want to be here with you when you are in pain. It kills me every time I hear you and I can't be at your side! Dammit Leo I love you! Let me the fuck in!" Brian shouted at him.

"No!" Leo shouted back. "You have way to much to worry about without having to worry about me!" Brian stepped back a couple of steps glaring at Leo. "Get out!" Leo shouted.

"What?" Brian asked. "You can't mean that!"

"Yes I do!" Leo sobbed. "I want you out!"

"I love you Leo," Brian sobbed out.

"Get the fuck out!" Leo shouted. "Get out and stay out!" Brian took off running out of the room slamming the door behind him. Leo buried his head in his hands sobbing loudly. "I love you Brian." But Brian was already gone.

From Matt's point of view.

"Hey Brian!" I asked cheerfully. But Brian brushed by me and ran off the porch and onto the beach. I could tell he was crying. He had came from Leo's room and that could only mean one thing. Leo had pushed Brian away. Sighing I went in to do damage control. Opening the door I stuck my head only to have a pillow hit me square in the face. "Hey!" I yelped.

"Sorry," Leo muttered. "I thought you were Brian."

"Yea I know, so you want to tell me about that?" I asked as I placed the pillow back behind his head.

"I'm such a jackass!" Leo sobbed. I had to remember that the chemo sessions took a lot out of him. "I love him!"

"Than why are you pushing him away?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around my cousin. He laid his head on my chest sobbing. "He loves you like crazy you know."

"I know he does and he wants to be with me during those chemo sessions," Leo sniffled. "But he has to much to worry about with his son gone and all."

"You know something Leo?" I asked looking down at him. "You are right. You are a complete jackass."

"Hey!" Leo exclaimed.

"No you listen to me!" I hurled at him. "Brian loves you. And right now you are the only constant in his life. He wants to be there helping you and comforting you and caring for you during the most difficult time of your life! And what do you do?" I asked. Leo glared at me his stubborn streak really starting to show. "Don't you look at me like that mister!" I ordered him. Leo looked down in shame. "Now what are you going to do?" I asked. Leo shrugged his shoulders. "I tell you what you are going to do. You are going to apologies to him and let him hold and love you and care for you. Do you know why you are going to do that? Leo shook his head no. "Because he loves you and you love him too!" With that I stomped out of the room and outside to find Brian only to find Kevin pushing him back up the stairs.

"You are a complete jerk!" Kevin hissed. "A great guy like Leo falls into you lap and you fuck it up!" Kevin boxed the back of Brian's head making Brian wince in pain. "Now get your ass back into that house and apologies to him and love him and hold him like I know you can!"

"But but--," Brian stammered.

"Now!" Kevin shouted.

"Fine!" Brian grumbled as he stormed passed me. I had to giggle at the display that Kevin showed. I looked up at Kevin to see the twinkle in his eyes.

"Hi sweetie," he said as he grinned at me. "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled as I walked into his arms. "Mission successful?" I asked as I kissed him on the nose.

"I certainly hope so," Kevin sighed. "I don't know how much more of this I can take. Have you heard from Roger?"

"They are on the trail. They are pretty sure that they have her located in Mexico," I replied.

"Mexico?" Kevin yelped. "What the hell is she doing in Mexico?"

"Umm running from the law?" I asked. "Roger has his team in place. At some point she is going to stumble and than he will nab her and Josh."

"Isn't kidnapping illegal?" Kevin asked.

"Not when you have hired bounty hunters and everyone of them armed with extradition papers and everything," I smiled at him. "Don't worry Kevin. I would never put that little boy in danger. We will get him back and home safe with his daddy where he belongs."

"I certainly hope so," Kevin sighed. "You want to go for a walk?"

"Why yes I would," I grinned holding out my hand. "I think I hear Tyler an Blackie on the beach. Let's go see what they are up to."

"Probably burying Nick again," Kevin chuckled.

From Brian's point of view.

I walked back into the room. I watched as Leo was staring out the window. Tears were flowing down his face and my heart broke for the pain he was suffering. "Leo?" I asked softly.

"Brian?" he asked back. I sat down next to him and he launched him self into my arms sobbing loudly. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to throw you out. I'm such an ass and I promise I won't mmmmmmpphhh!" I had to stop him so I pressed my lips to his kissing him thus shutting him up. After kissing for a few minutes I broke away and grinned down at him. "Ummm ummm wow!" he breathed as he blushed.

"I love you," I whispered as I slid into bed with him pulling him close. "I love and care for you. I'm going to be at your side for as long as you need me. Like it or not you are stuck with me. So get use to it Mr. Whitewater!" Leo swallowed hard and nodded with out saying anything. "Good!" I stated proudly. "Now that we have that all settled I have been ordered by my well meaning cousin to hold and love you!"

"Well I've been ordered by my well meaning Cousin to let you hold and love me!" Leo said grinning as he snuggled closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. I noticed that he was grinding his crotch up against my leg.

"Why Leo!" I exclaimed as I peaked under the pillow to see that he was sporting a hard on. "Are you exited to see me?" He blushed and looked away. I took his chin and pulled his face towards me and I covered his mouth with mine. He moaned softly as I slid my tongue into his mouth. I noticed that his thrusting movements was getting more intense. I reached down and took hold of him and started to stroke him softly. His little whimpers and moans told me that my horny little lover didn't have long to last. Finally he let out a strangled groan and his load shot out all over my hand. I quickly cleaned him and myself up. "There all better?" I asked. He yawned sleepily and nodded. "Sleep my angel," I whispered as I lay his head on my chest.

In Mexico<

"Fuck!" shouted the Bounty Hunter as he watched the plane climb into the sky. "Always one step in front of us!"

"Don't worry about it," Roger said. "We'll get her next time. I just wonder who is helping her. I mean all of her assets have been frozen. Someone with a hell of a lot of money has to be helping that bitch!"

On the plane.

"We made it clear this time," Leighanne said as she looked up at her partner. "But we have to be careful. Next time we might not be so lucky."

"I know," replied a male voice. "But don't worry, I have a plan that will take care of our problem for good." He picked up a phone and dialed a number. The phone rang and soon a voice answered. "JC?" asked the Male voice. "We are coming back to Orlando. Did you miss me sweetie?" Justin asked as he grinned at Leighanne. "Yea I missed you too baby," Justin continued. "I have a surprise for you when we get home. Remember that little boy you have always wanted?" There was a pause while he listened to JC on the other line. "Yea well I think that thirty million we invested in the adoption agency has just paid off!"


Ok so Justin and Nsync are back in the picture. E-mail me and let me know what you think. E-mail at

Next: Chapter 30: Painful Month 7

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