Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 7, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend.

Disclaimor! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination!

Painful Month Part Seven

Justin clicked off the phone and sat down next to Leighanne. "I want to thank you for coming to my rescue," Leighanne replied. "I just didn't know who else to turn too."

"Hey it's cool," Justin replied with a grin. "No worries. Besides you are helping JC and I out. By the way how are you and Brian and your new child doing?"

"Oh we are doing great!" Leighanne gushed. "Josh is such a good little boy. And Brian loves him so much. So how long have you and JC been together?"

"For a few months," Justin replied. "He is great and I love him so much! That is why I contacted you so that you could help us adopt a child of our own."

"Well we are definitely off to a great start," Leighanne replied. "You and JC are going to be great fathers." She patted the large briefcase that held over 5 million dollars in it which was the first installment of Justin contribution to her "Adoption Agencey."

"How did you get all the way out here in Mexico anyway?" Justin asked frowning.

"Oh it is a very long and painful story. I really don't want to talk about it," Leighanne replied. "The important thing is we get back to the states and get you and JC that Child you've been wanting."

"Yea I guess you're right," Justin said with a dreamy look in his eyes. "I can't wait to be a father."

"Well it is just a matter of time Justin," Leighanne said as she patted the brief case again.

Back in Florida from Kevin's point of view.

"Good Morning love," I replied as I reached down and took hold of Matt's cock. "You ready for some fun?" Matt moaned sleepily as he turned over and nuzzled my chest. "Come on Matt," I wined. "I want to play."

"Sleep more," Matt mumbled into my chest. I giggled as I slid down and took Matt's Cock into I mouth. You see I was getting back at Matt. He had kept me up for most of the night making love. I woke this morning horny as hell and wanted some action. But my lover was being stubborn in his quest for more sleep. But now that I had his cock in my mouth I was starting to get a rise out of him which I loved. A horny happy Matt was a beautiful thing indeed. He reminded me of a kid on Christmas morning. I loved sucking Matt's cock. It wasn't to big or to small. I guess you could say he was perfect. I eagerly swallowed the Precome that flowed from his cock head. He moaned as his hands gently massaged my scalp. His hips gently begin to move as he slid his cock in and out of my hungry mouth. "I'm cumming!" he gasped out. His cock exploded as his juice filled my mouth. I moaned in passion as I swallowed his sweet nector. After spending a few extra minutes licking my sweetie clean and giving him a bunch of hickies from his abs to his neck I snuggled back up to him. "Did you enjoy yourself?" he asked sleepily.

"Yes as a matter of fact I did. Now be a good boy and go back to sleep!" I ordered him as I pulled him close to me. "I love you Matt," I whispered in his ear.

An hour later I looked down at my sleeping lover. Matt was curled up sleeping on his side with his arms wrapped around my waist. I noticed that he had a peaceful expression on his face. He also wore his patented look of pure innocence too. I brushed a lock of his unruly hair out of his eyes and he grunted and snuggled closer to me. I looked at the clock and counted the seconds before I heard the thunder of little feet as they approached the door. I smiled at the little knock. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. The Knock came again and than the distinct creak of the door. "Pappa?" asked Tyler. "Are you up?" I tried not to smile at the sound of his voice. I felt the mattress sink in as he climbed up into the bed. "Pappa?" he asked again as he looked down over the top of my shoulder. "Wake up!" I grabbed him and pulled him under the covers tickling for all I was worth. Soon the room was full of his laughter and squealing. I also heard the hyper barking of Blackie as he tried to get into the act. After a few minutes of tickling I let him up.

"Good morning Tyler," I smiled down at him as I messed up his already messed up hair. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"I miss Josh!" he replied with a small pout. I pulled him close to me and he snuggled into my arms. "When is he coming back?"

"We have to make sure that it is safe for him to come back first," I said carefully.

"Ohh baby do it again," mumbled Matt in his sleep. Tyler's eyes bugged out and I struggled not to laugh. I decided that I should move quickly to wake him up.

"Matt honey," I said shaking his shoulder. He turned over and mumbled something that sounded like--, well there was a child present. I shrugged my shoulder and turned to Tyler. "Tyler, why don't you go down stairs and see what is for Breakfast and Daddy and me will be down in a minute." Tyler jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room. I was tasked with waking a horny lover who was having some weird sex dream. "Matt?" I pressed onward.

"Give it to me Kevin," he moaned out. I sighed and did the only thing I could think of. I pushed him out of bed. I heard him it the floor and he looked up at me with the cutes surprised look on his face. "What did you do that for?" he asked with a pout. I rolled off the bed ontop of him and kissed him fully on the lips.

"Because you were having dream and you wouldn't wake up!" I giggled. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "We have to get up and eat breakfast."

"Don't want to," he pouted. "I want to stay in bed with you all day long."

"As much as I would love to we can't," I smiled. "We have Justin and JC coming over with a surprise." I helped him up and we got dressed and headed down stairs. We walked into the kitchen and saw Tyler chowing down on French toast and bacon. Matt and I helped ourselves to a plate of food and sat down at the table and started to eat. Leo and Brian came walking in. Leo was leaning heavily on Brian. He didn't look good at all. I saw Matt raise his eyebrows at him. "Leo?" I asked softly. "How are you doing?"

"I'm managing," Leo replied as he sat down and picked up a glass of Orange juice.

"I tried to get him to stay in bed this morning," Brian said as he glared at Leo.

"I was getting bored in that room. I needed a change of scenery," Leo replied. "Besides when you left I was lonely." Brian smiled and leaned and kissed Leo on the nose. I had to laugh at poor Tyler who was covering his eyes. I heard the doorbell ring.

"That must be Justin and JC," I spoke up. "I wonder what the surprise is?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Hi Uncle Kevin!" exclaimed an exited little voice. I looked down to see Josh standing there grinning up at me. "See!" he exclaimed. "I told you Brian was my Daddy!" JC's face went pale as a ghost as he glared daggars at Justin. Josh ran passed me and into the Kitchen. "Daddy! Daddy!" he exclaimed as he launched himself into Brian's arms. Brian just held him sobbing into him.

"What the hell is going on?" Justin demanded. "We adopted him!" Justin tried to get past me but I stopped him. "Let me go!" he shouted. "That is our son!"

"Justin, JC, we need to talk," I said calmly. JC stepped forward and placed a hand on Justin's shoulder. Justin looked back with a look of terror.

"What is happening JC?" he asked with his voice quivering. "Are we going to loose our son?"

"I don't think he was ever our son Justin," JC whispered as he pulled the distraught young man to him.

"Let's go into the living room so we can talk," I suggested. Turning to Matt I asked him to come along. He slid his hand into mine as we headed out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Have seat," I said gesturing to the love seat. Justin and JC sat down. They both had tears running down their faces. "How did you adopt Josh," I asked softly.

"We did through Leighanne's agency," Justin mumbled. "We had our attorney look at everything to make sure it was legal and everything."

"There is something that you don't know about Leighanne," Matt started. "She use to beat Josh." I could hear the sudden intake of air from both Justin and JC. "Brian brought Josh and himself out here to our place to protect him and his son. Leighanne than sued for custody and got temporary custody of Josh. But before it could finalized in a court of law she fled the state and than the country."

"It is my guess that she dumped poor Josh off at a orphanage and took off," I added. "If I may ask, how did you meat up with her?"

"I was down in Mexico scooping out a new place for one of our videos and ran into her. She asked me for a lift back into the states," Justin replied. "It was at that time we found about Josh, although she swore it was a different child with the same name."

"Did she ask for money?" a voice spoke up from the doorway. It was Brian and Leo. Leo was leaning against Brian and Brain had his arm around him. It was plain by the look son their faces that they were in love. Both JC and Justin saw this. "Yea as you can see Leo and I are dating."

"What is wrong with him?" Justin asked frowning. "Does he have cancer or something?"

"Lynphnoma," Leo replied. "I'm getting better though." He added with the Whitewater trade mark smile.

"You're related to Matt aren't you?" JC asked.

"He is my cousin," Matt smiled. "Come on in you two." Brian guided Leo to the other part of the sofa and sat down and Leo laid down with his head in Brian's lap. Justin and JC smiled at the sight.

"So how much money did she ask for?" Brian pressed on.

"Thirty Million," Justin replied. "But she has only gotten the initial down payment."

"When is she expecting the rest?" I asked. A plan was already formulating in my head.

"Tomorrow," Justin replied. "But the skank aint getting another cent from us."

"Actually Justin," I replied. "I have an idea that just might flush her out."

"Well I'm listening," JC replied.

"Me to," Justin added.

"Ok here it is," I replied. I quickly let Justin and JC in on my plan for nabbing Leighanne.

Later in Leo's room Brian is sitting by Leo's bed looking at his lover sleep. He hears the door knock and he gets up and walks to it and opens it. It is JC. Brian can tell he is really upset about losing Josh. "One minute JC," Brian says softly as walks back to Leo's bedside. Bending down his kisses Leo's forehead softly and whispers into his ear. "Let's go outside to talk." Brian and JC walk outside onto the porch that over looks the ocean. "So what do you want to talk to me about?"

"How bad was it?" JC asked.

"How bad was what?" Brian asked back confused.

"When Leighanne would beat Josh," JC pressed on. Brian closed his eyes to shut out the pain of the memories. "Please Brian I have to know."

"Why?" Brian hurled at him. JC hung his head not wanting to say. "JC?" Brian pressed on. "I'm waiting for an answer."

"I love that little boy Brain," JC replied. "It is killing me to know that one moment I was a father and now I am not. I still care for him and I still want to be a part of his life."

"That would up to Josh," Brian said. "I hope that he will let you into his life."

"So what was it like?" JC pressed on. Brian sighed knowing that he wasn't going to drop it.

"It was hell JC," Brian replied shuddering. "I would come home and find poor Josh huddled up in a corner crying his little eyes out. At first I didn't think to much about it. Than one night came when Leighanne was away and I had to give him his shower. That was when I first saw the bruises."

"What happened next?" JC asked.

"I packed my things and his things we got the hell out of there," Brian replied. "That was when we came here and that was when the nightmare really started."

"What is the deal with you and Leo?" JC asked. "Do you love him?"

"Yes I love him very much," Brian replied. "I want to spend the rest of my life with him."

"But you're not gay," JC stammered.

"Well that is not entirely true," Brian explained. "I am gay. I just haven't admitted until now."

"So how did you meet Leo?" JC asked. "He is cute by the way."

"I met him when he first came here," Brian replied smiling at the memory. "I saw him all cute and sleeping that I had not choice but to fall in love."

"Are you happy?" JC asked. Brian nodded. "But what if he dies?" JC asked.

"He is not going to die!" Brian hurled at me. "He is going to beat this cancer thing! He has too!"

From Matt's point of view.

"Leo?" I asked cheerfully as I walked in with a pitcher of Lemonade for him. It was his favorite drink. I waked in and saw him shivering and sweating. I sat the pitcher down and ran up to him and checked him. "My God!" I gasped. "You are burning up!" He looked at me with his eyes wide with fright. "I'm calling the ambulance!" Brian walked into the room and ran to Leo's side.

"What is it?" Brian asked as he ran his hand along Leo's face. "What is wrong?"

"I don't know!" I shouted at him.

"Shit!" Brian hissed. "He just passed out!"

"This Matthew Whitewater at 333 Shoreview lane. I need an ambulance here right away!" I shouted into the phone. I watched as Brian cradled Leo in his arms sobbing.

"Please stay Leo," he begged. "I love you baby! Don't die on me!"


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Next: Chapter 31: Painful Month 8

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