Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 14, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend.

Get Another Boyfriend Painful Month Part Nine

Disclaimor! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination!

On with the story!

From Kevin's point of view.

"What?" Matt stammered out. Anne was still standing in the doorway Justin and JC were gapping at her. I was silent because I really didn't know what to think. What had started out as a casual conversation had turned into a very serious one. Anne had just volunteered to carry my child.

"I said I would like to volunteer to carry Kevin's child," Anne said again. "I think that Kevin would make a great father."

"But but," Matt stammered again.

"Please Matt," Anne pleaded. "Look at everything that you have done for Leo. You've taken him in when no one else would. You've covered all of his medical bills. I want to do this for you."

"Ummm Kevin?" Matt asked in a scared tone of voice. "Do you think this is wise?"

"I think that we need to sit down and talk about it some more. I mean I really appreciate Anne offering to carry my child for me. And I'm really tempted to take her up on it but there is a huge amount of stuff we need to talk about. So I recommend that Justin and JC head back to the hotel and the rest of us go to bed and sleep on it. We can pick up on this conversation tomorrow over breakfast." I took Matt's hand and led him back into the house. "Good night Justin and JC," I said over my shoulder as I walked up the stairs with my lover in tow. I had to admit that this was a little overwhelming. I hadn't really thought of becoming dad and I certainly didn't wake up this morning thinking that this would be a possibility. Once up stairs I stripped out of my clothes choosing to sleep in the nude. I need skin to skin contact with Matt tonight. I turned and looked at Matt and smiled when I saw him standing there in his naked glory. There wasn't anything sexual about it just him and me enjoying the feel of each other's flesh next to each other. I slid in between the sheets and held them open for him. He slid in too and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "I love you Matt," I whispered in his ear and I nibbled on his lobe.

"I love you too sweetie," Matt mumbled as he yawned.

"You sleepy?" I asked as I stroked his peck. He nodded as he snuggled deeper into my arms. "Than go to sleep my angel." He sighed and closed his eyes and I laid there for hours listening to his breathing. At some point he fell asleep and I drifted off too. But alas it wasn't to be. I was up and awake in a few hours. I tossed and turned for a half an hour before giving up and getting up. I padded down stairs and looked out the windows. The east was just starting to get pink with the rising of the sun. I smiled as I padded into the kids room. I walked up to Tyler and picked him up and carried him out on to the porch. Once out on the porch I sat down and laid him in my lap. His eyes opened and he let out a huge yawn. "Good morning buddy,"

"Good morning Pappa," he replied sleepily as he sat up and wrapped his arms around my neck and laid his little head on my shoulder. "Why are we up?"

"I wanted to ask you a very important question," I replied. He pulled back looking at me with his innocent blue eyes. "It is a very important question."

"Ok Pappa," he said as he yawned again. I had to smile at how cute he looked. His blonde hair was all messed up from his sleep.

"Well what would you think if I had a baby?" I asked. Tyler scrunched up his face as he looked at me. "Well?" I asked again.

"You are a boy," he said matter of factly. "Boys can't have babies, only mommies can have babies." I laughed when he said that. He was a smart little guy.

"Let's go for a walk Tyler," I said as I took his little hand and we walked out on the beach together. The wind was warm as it blew in off the ocean. I loved the warm wind as it caressed my skin. This was walking and talking weather. "Have you ever thought of having a little brother or sister?" I asked. He looked up at me with those eyes of his again. My heart melted all over again as I fell in love all over again.

"I would be the older brother?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes you would," I replied. "That would mean that you would be able to help me and daddy with him or her."

"I want a baby brother!" he said as he smiled.

"You wouldn't want a little sister?" I asked surprised.

"Ewwww girls are yucki!" Tyler retorted with a frown. "Besides they can't play boy games!" I threw back my head and busted up laughing. I looked down to see Tyler frowning up at me. "Well they are!"

"Ok Tyler," I giggled. "I'm not going to argue with you."

"So how are you going to have a baby?" Tyler asked. I sighed as I realized that we had just crossed over into uncharted territory. I grinned an evil grin as I turned to him and replied

"We'll let your daddy explain that too you," Tyler just nodded as he broke away from me and started to chase seagulls. For the next hour Tyler and me played on the beach having the time of our lives. It wasn't until I heard Matt calling for us did we finally head back to the house.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked as he tried to shove a whole strip of bacon in his mouth.

"Take little bites," Matt scolded him. "And what do you want?"

"How can Pappa have a baby?" Tyler asked. The entire table became deadly silent as we all stared at Matt waiting for him to answer his son.

"Did I miss something?" Brian asked as he walked through the door.

"Pappa is going to have a baby!" Tyler said gleefully.

"Umm wow!" Brian replied as he bent down and kissed the top of Josh's head. "Morning Jelly Bean." Josh giggled as wrapped his arms around Brian. "Now why don't you all tell me why Tyler thinks that Kevin can have a baby?"

"Actually we are still talking about it," Matt replied. "Anne has volunteered to be a surrogate mother."

"Really?" Brian asked. "Umm wow so are you guys going to do it?"

"We are thinking about it," Matt pressed on. I got the impression that maybe Matt was having second thoughts. "Nothing has been decided up on yet."

"What if I want to have a child?" I asked bluntly. "I mean I've always wanted to have a son or a daughter of my own."

"Kevin," Matt sighed. "There is still a lot of things to think about. We can't make this decision over night with out consulting an attorney and a doctor." I nodded as I realized that Matt was just being cautious.

"So you guys hoping for a boy or girl?" Brian asked as he got a plate of food.

"We are having a boy!" Tyler announced matter of fact. I glanced over at Tyler and grinned.

"You sound pretty sure of yourself," Brian giggled.

"We can't have girl!" Tyler exclaimed. "They are yucki! They can't play boy games or anything!" By now the whole room was laughing. "Well they can't!"

"And they cooties too!" Josh threw in.

"Hey!" exclaimed Anne. "I'm a girl!"

"Uh uhhh,' Tyler explained sighing. "You are lady! That is different!"

"Oh really?" Anne replied with a smile. "And how is that?" Tyler just shrugged as took a another bite of his bacon.

"You don't have cooties," Josh added. "And you can play inside camp out too."

"Yip yip!" barked blackie as if in agreement.

"See?" Tyler exclaimed. "Blackie agrees too!" So it was settled. If we were going to have a baby it would have to be a boy. If we ended with a girl it would definitely ruin Tyler's and Josh's little world. Only problem was how do we tell them that it is not up to us. We have no control over if it is a girl or a boy. I looked over at Matt and saw him grinning at me. He looked so cute this morning. The sun was shining in the east window casting a halo affect around him. He picked up a piece of bacon and fed it too me.

"I love you Kevin Richardson," he said as he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

"EWWWWWWW yucki!" exclaimed both Tyler an Josh at the same time. They pushed their chairs on and ran from the room. I heard them talking about finding Nick and burying him in the sand again. It was definitely going to be one of those days.

"How is Leo?" Matt asked Brian breaking the silence.

"He is doing much better. The fever is gone and the doctor is talking about releasing him this afternoon," Brian replied with a grin.

"You look tired cousin," I said softly. "You get enough sleep last night?" Brian shrugged his shoulder. I knew that was a no. "Well after breakfast lie down and get some sleep." Brian nodded as his face broke into a huge yawn. "And you my love," I smiled over at Matt. "Would you like to join me for a walk on the beach?"

"With pleasure sweetie," Matt smiled at me. "Besides we have to rescue Nick at some point." I took his hand and we walked out onto the porch enjoying the warm breeze from the ocean. "MMMMMM," Matt moaned softly. "I love the ocean." Suddenly I was very horny and I took his hand and led him to the embankment that hid us from everything. I pulled him close and pressed my lips to his driving my tongue into his mouth tracing every square inch of his mouth. After breaking apart I quickly pulled up on his shirt and pulled it off of him. "Umm Kevin?" he asked with a nervous grin. "Um what are you doing?"

"I'm going to fuck you right here and right now!" I rasped as I slid off his trunks taking his boxer shorts with him. Soon he was naked standing with the ocean to his back. He looked so hot with the wind blowing his almost white blonde hair and his cock sticking right out at me. "God you are so fucking hot!" I said as I quickly stripped off my clothes. I reached out and took hold of his cock and he let out a small groan. "Ohhh no my sweet, that will never do," I said as I roughly pulled him to me grinding my aching crotch into his.

"Fuck!" gasped Matt as the intense feeling of pleasure raged through our bodies as our cocks slammed against each other's. I pressed my lips against his neck and started sucking hard. My hand roaming all over Matt's rock hard body. I was horny as hell and I needed release and I was going to get it. I lowered our bodies to the sand and started moving down to Matt's quivering body. I reached his cock and gave it a couple of licks and than moved on to his balls and sucked each one into my mouth. My poor Matt was babbling and groaning and I tried not to laugh. I spotted my goal and parted his ass cheeks and shoved my tongue deep up Matt's ass. "Fuck!" Matt sreamed as bucked against me. Using my tongue like my cock I rammed in and out of his ass. "Fuck me Kevin!" he ordered me. I pulled out and positioned myself behind him and rammed my cock up his ass. Matt reared up on his knees and wrapped his arm around the back of my head and pulled me down so that my lips were crushing his. I continued to thrust in and out. Matt was moaning and whimpering in my mouth. The breeze blew in off the ocean cooling off our sweaty bodies momentarily. At some point the fuck session turned into a love making session. It was an endless session of me slipping and sliding out of his ass. My balls slapping up against him and my deep moans mingled with his higher pitched moans. All the while my hands were roaming all over Matt's taunt body. The sweat pouring off of his body mingled with mine. I looked up to see Justin and JC standing there with their mouths opened but I was too caught up in the act of making love to him that I didn't care if the whole world saw us. Justin quickly took JC's hand and led him away. I could tell by the way they were walking that they would probably end up doing the same thing we were and the thought of two more studs fucking on the beach made me even hotter. Matt let out another whimper as I plunged back into him.

"You like that babe?" I whispered in his ear as I continued to thrust in and out. "Hmmm baby, do you like my long hard cock up your tight tender ass?" Matt let out a moan as he tried to talk but my mouth came crashing down on his already swollen lips. "Hmmm?" I asked grinning down at him. "I didn't hear that." He opened his mouth to say something and I thrust in harder and he moaned and tried to kiss me back. I continued to make love to my sweetie torturing him as I tried to get him to talk while I was making love to him. I had the control and could talk while making love. Matt on the other hand had no control. He just made whimpering and moaning sounds. I reached down and touched his cock and it exploded a huge load of cum into my hands. I used it as a lotion smearing on his abs. He trembled as I used his hot searing cum as a lotion. "You like that?" I demanded again as I rammed in hard again. "Ohhh fuck!" I groaned as I felt myself getting closer to orgasm. "Ohh baby, I'm cumming." I picked up my speed ramming in and out fast as I shot him full of my cum. Finally the shooting stopped and we just held each other kissing and stroking each other's body. Very slowly with the art that I knew I possessed I brought my lover down from him intense sexual high. Finally he looked up at me with a smile. "Did you have fun sweetie?" I asked as I brushed a stray strand of hair from his angelic features. He leaned in to the touch and kissed the palm of my hand. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "I love you my sexy little angel."

"Wow," he finally breathed out as he laid his sweaty body against mine. "That was umm like really umm wow!" I laughed as he tried to put into words what had just happened.

"Left you speechless didn't I?" I giggled. "Want a replay?" He looked at me wit his eyes wide. I growled at him as I lowered him down onto the sand and covered his naked body with mine. "I'm going to fuck you as many times as humanly possible."

"Ohhhh God!" he moaned out as I took his still tender cock into my mouth.

Later that day from Matt's point of view.

"Ooooh man I'm so sore," I moaned as I turned over in bed and looked up at Kevin. He smiled down at me with that sexy innocent smile. "Don't give me that look mister."

"You know you liked it sweetie," he snickered. "How many times did we make love?"

"Six times," I gasped out. "I'm so sore and I still have your cum leaking out of me."

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Kevin asked as he nuzzled my shoulder with his forehead.

"Well I think you owe me a pampering session," I smiled up at him. "I think we will start with a bubble bath."

"That sounds like a good idea," Kevin giggled. "Who is going to start the water?"

"Umm that would be you Mr. "I'm going to fuck you as many times as humanly possible," I teased him. "Besides I think I'm too sore to move from this warm bed. You will have to carry me."

"I think I can do that," Kevin said as his pressed his lips to mine and his hand gently stroked my cock. "I love you Matthew Whitewater." He got up and walked into the bathroom to start the water. I closed my eyes and thought back on the morning events. It was wild. I've never seen Kevin like that before. He was like a wild man. I loved it! "Kevin!!!" I whined. "I'm lonely!" Kevin ran back into the room and slid in the bed with me. "Is that water ready?" I asked as I reached down and took hold of his cock.

"In a few minutes," Kevin said in a husky tone of voice. "Ummm you going to keep doing that?"

"I'm hungry," I pouted as I looked down at his beautiful cock.

"After our bath I will feed you a proper lunch," Kevin said as he gently removed my hand from his cock. He picked me up and carried me into the bathroom and lowered me into the tub. I looked up at his towering figure as he stepped into the tub and settled behind and pulled me so that I was laying against his chest. I settled back to enjoy his attention that he was giving me.

A few hours later I was up sitting at my desk working on some papers that I needed to have signed for Jive's board meeting. They were thinking of signing a few new acts and I wanted to be up to speed on them. I had also contacted my dance instructor to get me back in shape. I loved to dance and I had gotten out of practice over the last few months. The phone rang and I picked it up. "Matt here," I said causally.

"Hello love," Kevin sexy voice came over the receiver. He was still using his "After Sex Voice" and it sent shivers down my spine. "Whacha doin?" he asked in his "I want to cuddle" voice. I had to smile because he was using his cell phone which meant that he was still upstairs.

"I'm working on some papers for next weeks board meeting," I smiled. "What are you doing?"

"I'm lonely and missing you," Kevin replied. I could almost see the pout on his face. "Come back up stairs to bed?" How could I refuse an offer like that? Kevin was probably still naked and I'm sure he had recover enough to give me a repeat performance. In fact my cock was already getting hard. "I want to make love to you baby," he said in his sexy voice. I quickly shut off my computer and carried the handset out of my study and up the stairs and into the bedroom. I watched him as he slid off the silk sheets revealing himself fully.

"Umm Kevin?" I said into the phone. "Umm something has just come up and I have to go now." I clicked the phone off and dropped it on the phone. I than proceded to strip out of my clothes and was in bed with Kevin in about three seconds. I moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure as he slid his rock hard shaft up into me. I reached up and grabbed onto his strong shoulders and pulled him down on top of me. "I love you Kevin."

"I love you too Matt," Kevin replied as he begin to thrust in and out of me with gentle and loving care. "Please baby?" he pleaded.

"Please what?" I asked grinning up at him.

"Don't ever leave me," he pleaded with me.

"Why would I do that baby?" I asked suddenly concerned. He stopped thrusting and pulled out and laid down beside me. I was disappointed that he had stopped but quickly pushed it aside.

"I'm getting all old," he said in a small voice.

"I don't care how old you get sweetie," I said as I ran my hand down the side of his face. "I love you and I will never leave you."

"Promise?" he asked.

"Promise, now you going to make love to me or what?" I asked. He grinned like a kid at Christmas and resumed making love to me. But I couldn't help wonder what he meant. Why would he think I would leave him?

"Matt?" Kevin asked me as he pulled me closer to him. We had just finished taking another shower and we were sitting down stairs in front of the fireplace in matching robes and boxers.

"Yes sexy?" I asked as I played with one of his nipples.

"What would've happen if we never met?" he asked as he pulled my hand away from his chest.

"I don't want to think about that," I replied as I replaced my lips with my hand. I sucked his nipple in and enjoyed the taste of my lover. "I love you and I'm glad that we did meet."

"What's going to happen to us when all of this is over?" Kevin asked.

"When what is over?" I asked back.

"Backstreet," Kevin said as he looked down at me with those incredible emerald green eyes. They were so full of love and emotion that I got choked up with emotion. "I don't want us to drift apart."

"Kevin dear," I sighed. "I have no plans of drifting apart. I love you and Tyler loves you too. Our two families are connected now. There is not way that we could ever separate. Why all the questions baby?"

"I was just thinking about the baby and all," he replied. "I want to have a baby."

"If you want to have a baby than so do I," I said as I slid my arm around his bare waist. I loved the feel my bare skin against his. "What are we going to call him?"

"Are you sure it is a boy?" Kevin asked grinning.

"You heard our son," I giggled. "Girls can't play big boy games and they have cooties!"

"Oh yea I forgot," Kevin giggled. "Umm I was thinking of Jerald."

"After your father?" I asked. He nodded as his lips found mine. I found myself surrendering to him fully. I allowed him to ravage my mouth for as long as he wanted. That was why I lived. I lived to make Kevin and Tyler happy. And right now Kevin was happy.


Ok I decided to have a good one this time. Lots of sex and love and cuddly happiness. I hope you all enjoyed it because next time their happy world gets turned upside down so enjoy the break! E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 33: Painful Month 10

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