Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 25, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend.

Get Another Boyfriend Painful Month Part Ten

Disclaimor! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination!

On with the story!

Painful Month part Ten

"I'm so glad to be home," Leo said as he snuggled up to Brian. Brian smiled down at his lover and kissed him on the top of his head. "I'm so tired.

"Well than let's get you in bed where you belong," Brian replied as he helped Leo up.

"You coming too?" Leo asked grinning and patting Brian's denim clad crotch.

"You behave yourself mister," Brian giggled as he slapped Leo hands away. Leo stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. "You need to rest."

"But I wanna play too," Leo said he wrapped his arms around Brian's neck and laid his head on Brian's fore head. "Please?" He asked giving Brian his best puppy dog eyes.

"Ok," Brian relented. "But we have to make it quick." Leo giggled as he grabbed Brian's hand and dragged him into the bedroom.

"He is as bad as you," Kevin snickered at me. I slugged him in his arm. "Hey!" Kevin yelped. "What was that for?"

"What about yesterday?" I demanded. "You kept raping me all day long!"

"Yea but you enjoyed it didn't you?" Kevin grinned as he rubbed his crotch against mine. "In fact I bet you would love a repeat of it today." I eagerly nodded and than glared at the door when I heard someone knock. "Come in!" Kevin said giggling at me. The door opened and Nick poked his head in. I must have still had the glare on my face cause he looked sheepish. "What is it Nick?" Kevin asked.

"Umm you guys need to turn on the news," he said in a shaky voice. "You are not going to like this at all." Kevin frowned and picked up the remote and switched on the set.

"In other news today," the broadcaster said. "Brad Newbury escaped from prison today. Brad was sentenced to ten years from assaulting and attempted murder on Nick Carter and conspiring to commit murder on Matthew Whitewater. The Law enforcement officials are currently on his trail as we speak." I felt my head get light headed. I stood up and walked over to the window and looked out. I vaguely heard Kevin on the phone. After about five minutes I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on sweetie," he whispered into my ear. "Let's get everyone packed. We are going to the Bahamas." I nodded silently and followed him up the stairs. We were running from my precious beach house. Running from a monster that tried to kill me. Only now we were taking a lot more people. We were taking Leo, Anne, Brian and Tyler. Nick and Justin and JC were hightailing back to their security houses.

"Do we have to run?" I asked softly as I packed my lap top. "I don't want to leave my home Kevin." Kevin wrapped his arms around my narrow waist. "Dammit Kevin, how the hell did that monster escape?"

"I don't know sweetie, all I am worried about is getting you to safety, you and Tyler and the rest of the family," Kevin said in his soothing voice. "Now please, we need to get going."

"Did you make arrangements for Leo and Anne and Brian too?" I asked looking up at him with love and trust.

"Yes dear," he smiled down at me. "Keeping my family safe is priority number one."

"Daddy daddy!" exclaimed Tyler as he ran into our room. "Brian said we are going on a trip!"

"Yes buddy," Kevin replied picking him up and tickling. "We are going to Bahamas!"

"What is a Bahamas?" Tyler asked scrunching up his nose.

"It is a neat bunch of islands with lots of fun stuff to do," Kevin said giggling. "We are going to have so much fun!" I left the two alone and headed down stairs to see if Leo and Brian and Josh and Anne was getting packed and ready to go. I walked down stairs and walked into Leo's room.

"I'm worried Brian," Leo said in a small voice. "Who is this Brad person?"

"Brad was James' brother," Brian replied.

"Oh," Leo as he raised his eyebrows. "How did Matt get wrapped up with him?"

"Brad was hired as his butler in Vermont. We had no idea who or what he was. He tried to kill Nick and JC," Brian explained. "He was definitely a nut. Hell he still is."

"Brian?" Leo asked in the same small voice.

"Yes sweetie?" Brian wrapped his arm around Leo and pulled him close.

"I'm scared," Leo sobbed out. "What if he finds us and kills Matt?"

"Kevin wouldn't let that happen," Brian replied kissing Leo on the cheek. "You can trust Kevin. He knows what he is doing."

"Hey you two," I said cheerfully. "You all ready to hit the beaches?" Leo gave me small smile but I could see the fear in his eyes. "Brian kiss you lover and let him know that everything is all right." Brian grinned and pulled a helpless Leo into his arms and pressed his lips to Leo's. Leo let out a small whimper as Brian begin to grind his crotch into Leo's. I crept out of the room smiling when I saw Brain slip his hand down Leo's pants. I ran into Kevin as he rounded the corner. "Give them a few minutes," I grinned at him. "Brian is calming Leo down."

"OOOOOHHH GOD BRIAN!" Leo groaned out. Kevin's face turned beet red as he quickly headed up the hall and out the door. I giggled as I followed him out the door.

"When do we land?" Tyler asked as he ran up to me. I looked down at his smiling form. "Josh and I want to play in the water!"

"Yip yip!" barked Blackie.

"And Blackie wants to play too!" Josh nodded as he tugged on Brian's hand. "Daddy?" he asked looking up at Brian. "Why are you kissing Leo?"

"Because Daddy loves Leo," Brian replied honestly.

"Daddy?" Josh asked again.

"Yes son?" Brian asked back.

"What is that?" he pointed at the rather large hickey on Brian's neck. Brian turned beet red and Kevin and I busted up laughing. Josh looked at us like we were nuts.

"Umm that is a ummm well it is a umm--," Brian stammered. Thankfully a sleepy Leo came to his rescue.

"That is a bruise," Leo replied in an innocent tone of voice. I choked back a laugh.

"Does it hurt daddy?" Josh asked.

"No not at all," Brian stammered.

"I will kiss it for you and make it feel better," Josh replied with a little pout on his face. He held up his arms and Brian picked him up and hugged him. True to his word Josh kissed Brian's "Bruise". "All better?" he asked grinning from ear to ear. Kevin and I were rolling with laughter. Leo was grinning too.

"Yes buddy, all better," Brian smiled as he put the happy toddler down. Josh ran up the aisle of the private jet to find Tyler. "Thanks' guys!" Brian muttered as sat next to Leo. "You all were no help at all."

"Do you want me to kiss it too?" Leo asked as he attached his lips to Brian's neck again. "Come on Kevin," I giggled. "Let's leave these two love birds alone." I was still very worried about Brad. What if he followed us?

"What are you thinking about sweetie?" Kevin asked. "Honey, Brad can't follow us." It was obvious that Kevin had gotten really well at reading my mind. "So will you relax?" I snuggled back into his arms. "Their all better." I shivered as I felt his lips grace my neck. "You ticklish?" he asked with laughter in his voice. I shrugged my shoulders. "Hmmm," he giggled out. "Let's see if we can find out." He continued to kiss me on the neck making me shiver even more. "Yep!" he snickered obviously pleased with himself. Than he nipped me on the neck. "I going to make love to you on our private beach tonight." I immediately was hard. He saw it and laughed. "You are so horny!"

"It is your fault!" I pouted.

"Well than maybe it is time I do something about it," Kevin said in his seductive voice. He slid around knelt down on the floor and unbuttoned my tight jeans and quickly pulled them down. He than grabbed my cock and jerked it a couple of times making it even harder. "MMMMMMMM," he moaned out as he engulfed the entire length of it. I groaned loudly and bucked my hips forward. "Yea you like that don't you baby?" he asked long enough to get his breath. I nodded and he giggled as he went back to work sucking me off. In no time at all I was shooting my load down his throat. He worked hard to swallow the load and the suction that he was applying to it as he swallowed drove me wild. After I was done shooting he quickly slid down his pants and shoved his cock up my ass. I groaned with desire as he started to ram in and out of my ass. I looked up at his flushed look on his beautiful face and felt my self getting hard again. He looked down at me and shook his head and grinned. "You are to much!" he laughed as he continued to fuck me. I was in heaven for the moment. My lover was plunging in and out of me and I was the cause of his pleasure. The thought of me giving him pleasure gave me pleasure. Kevin bottomed out really hard jamming his cock up against my Prostate gland. Incredible waves of pleasure shot through me like a shot. Kevin let out a strangled grunt and blasted his load up my ass. The pressure of his shooting sent me over the edge too as I blasted my load in between us. After a few minutes we pulled apart and cleaned up and put our clothes back on. After making sure that Josh and Tyler were napping we went in search of Brian and Leo. We found them sleeping too. Anne was reading a book so that just left Kevin and myself to fend for our selves.

"So what do you want to do?" Kevin asked. The door to the cargo hold opened and I didn't really think about it. "Make love again?"

"Do I get to watch?" a chilling familiar voice asked. I went to turn around. "Did you really think that flying all the way out here would stop me?" I turned around to see Brad's smirking face glaring at me.

"Brad," I started. Smack! His fist connected with my face. I could taste the blood. Kevin started to lunge forward but Brad reminded him that he had the gun. "Kevin don't!" I urgently requested him.

"Yea Kevy," Brad sneered. "Listen to your little lover boy. We wouldn't want him to get all messed up now would we."

"Bastard!" Kevin hissed out. Brad swung again this time connecting with Kevin's face. I sobbed out trying to get to him but Brad pushed me away. I saw him move and heard distinct clicking of metal against metal. I knew he had managed to slip hand cuffs on Kevin.

"Now you!" Brad hissed. "Over here now!"

"What if I don't?" I demanded. I watched in horror as Brad slugged Kevin again. Blood was sliding down Kevin face. I complied with Brad's wishes. I found myself being Handcuffed too. "You're not going to get away with this," I said calmly. "They have everyone looking for you," I tried to reason.

"Did you really think that I wanted to get away with this?" Brad asked laughing. "Oh no I know I'm going down. But I'm taking you all with me!"

"What do you have planned?" I asked glaring at him.

"Daddy?" Tyler's voice asked as he ran into the compartment. I groaned as I watched Brad's evil grin turn sick and ugly as he smiled at Tyler. "You leave my Daddy alone!" Good little brave Tyler. Always to the rescue. I heard him kick Brad in the shin and than run away. "Help help!" he screamed out. Brad swore and limped after him. I spoted the keys the on the table. I walked over to it and turned around and picked them up and walked back to Kevin. Working blindly and with Kevin's help I managed to get the handcuffs off of Kevin. Kevin quickly unlocked mine too.

"Now let's go get that bastard!" Kevin hissed. "He is not going to hurt anyone ever again."

From Tyler's point of view.

That meanie was chasing me around. I kept yelling. I heard Brian and Leo talking. "Uncle Brian! Uncle Leo!" I shouted. "Help me!" Brian stuck his head out the door and saw me running towards me. Just as I got close enough Brad grabbed me and pulled me back. "Let me go!" I shouted as I bit down on his hand. "Let me go meanie!"

"Fuck!" hissed Brad as let me go. I kicked him again but only this time he kicked me back. "Take that you little fuck!" I screamed as his foot came down on my stomach. It hurt so bad. "I'll teach you to bite me!" I felt something really hard hit my head and than I saw black.

From Brian's point of view.

"You fucking bastard!" I shouted as I launched myself at him. I knew he had a gun but no one ever hurt little children. Brad brought the gun up and pulled the trigger. I heard Leo scream out. I didn't really hear anything. I saw the blaze of flame and smoke. I felt the hot searing pain slam into my chest. I kept coming toward him. He shot again. This time it went wild. I heard a sucking sound and the air around me started pulling me and Brad backward.

From Matt's point of view.

I heard the shot and Leo scream. I heard the second shot and than the alarms sounded. The cabin had lost pressure. The O2 masks dropped out of the ceiling. I ran to the back where the shots had come from. Bursting through the doorway I saw Brad and Brian slam against the wall of the plane. Brian was bleeding from his chest and was fast loosing consciousness. Brad was fighting to keep his footing. I saw grabbed Brian's hand and pulled him back. Kevin arrived on scene and helped me get Brian out of harms way. I heard Brad scream as the rest of the side of the plane gave away. Kevin grabbed my head and pulled me close so I couldn't see. For a few minutes there was only the sound of wind rushing around us. Finally I heard Kevin talking.

"Brian?" he asked. I looked at his face and saw that he was gray with fear. "Brian please talk to me." I felt the plane wheels hit the hard pavement. I looked around to find Tyler. He was sitting up holding his stomach and there was blood in his hair. I made my way over to him and took him in my arms. His arms wrapped around me and I could hear him sobbing. I just held him until I heard the paramedics and cops and firemen on the plane. I continued to hold him even when I felt the hand on my shoulder.

"Matt?" asked a small voice. I looked up to see Kevin's tear streaked face. He had Brian's blood on the front of his shirt. "Come on sweetie," he said as he helped me up. I kept a hold of Tyler picking him up. "The paramedics need to take him to the hospital." He tried to take him from me but I held on tight. "Please Matt," he pleaded. "Let them take him."

"He'll be afraid," I sobbed out. "I'm not letting him go."

"Sir," a kind voice spoke up. I looked up to see a very attractive young man standing there. "You can still hold him while we take him into the hospital. You don't have to let go." I nodded and followed him off the plane. Once inside the ambulance I let them take Tyler away long enough to lay him on the stretcher. I could tell he was really afraid. I took his hand and squeezed it. "Sir?" the paramedic asked again. "I'm going to have start an IV on him." I winced at the sound of the IV. I knew that Tyler did not like Needles. But I nodded. The paramedic knew what he was doing.

"Tyler?" I asked softly as I wiped some of the blood from his angelic face. "The nice man has to start a IV on you."

"Is it going to hurt?" he asked in a small voice with a little pout. Fresh tears filled my eyes but I quickly brushed them away.

"It will but just for little bit," I said smiling down at him. "He has to put it in to take care of you."

"I don't want one," Tyler pouted some. I could see the stubborn look in his eyes and had to smile. "Tell him I don't need one."

"I'm sorry son," I smiled down at him. "But I can't do that. He has to do his job. And part of his job is taking care of you. Now please be a good boy and let him do his job?" I pleaded with him.

"Ok Daddy," he relented glaring at the paramedic. The paramedic looked a little sheepish as he started to work. I held on to him all the while the Paramedic put the iv in. Tyler did cry some but not much. I actually cried the most. I was very glad that it was over.

"So you gay?" the paramedic asked. I nodded. "Seeing anyone?"

"He is getting married!" Tyler exclaimed still glaring at him. "Pappa and him are getting married!"

"Oh I see," the paramedic replied blushing. He busied him self checking Tyler over. At some point he actually got Tyler to laugh at him. I was relieved when we finally arrived at the hospital.

"Where are we anyway?" I asked him.

"We at Orlando General," he replied calmly. I frowned.

"But we were headed to the Bahamas," I stated. He shrugged his shoulders as he unloaded the stretcher. I followed him into the emergency room. I heaved a huge sigh of relief when I saw my sweetie getting the gash on his fore head cleaned up. He smiled at me and winked at Tyler as we passed him. We also passed the cubicle where they were fighting to save Brian's life.

"We're losing him!" the nurse shouted as she pulled the curtain. Tyler started to cry as he realized that his Uncle Brian could very well die. I looked back at Kevin and saw that his face was gray with fear as well. It was going to be a long night.

At some point I calmed down. Tyler was resting comfortably in the hospital bed. I was outside watching both Kevin and Leo pace the halls. Brian was in emergency surgery to remove the bullet and repair the damage. He had lost a lot of blood. Josh was sitting in my lap with tears running down his cheek. He was devastated. His daddy was fighting for his life and his best little bud was in the hospital too. Blackie was curled up at our feet looking all worried too. Every once in a while he would look up at me and whimper and thump his tail. I would reach down and stroke him behind the ear. He would grunt happily and lick my hand and go back to worrying for Josh. I saw a shadow cross over me and I looked up to see Kevin over me. "Hey," I said softly. "How you holding up?" He sat down beside and leaned against me. I reached up and took hold of his head and pulled it down so that it was laying on my shoulder.

"How long has it been?" he asked his voice cracking from the lack of sleep.

"Just over two hours," I replied looking up at the clock.

"What is taking so long?" Kevin muttered.

"Kevin," I sighed taking his hand. "They had a lot of damage to repair. Plus the fact that he lost a lot of blood. It is going to take a while."

"I'm just worried is all," Kevin sighed. The door opened and out walked the Doctor. He wiped his hands clean on a paper towel and tossed it in the waste basket. "Is he going to make it?"


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Next: Chapter 34: Painful Month 11

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