Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Apr 14, 2002


Disclaimer! If you are a minor please do not read this! This is fictional story written for Adults. Please exit now! The characters portrayed in this story are purely fictional. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys and their sexualities. This is a creation my imagination!

Note: several readers have asked me if Sympathetic Pregnancy is real. Yes it is. A very close friend of mine went through. Even though we all wanted to laugh at him we didn't dare. He was twice our size and could kick our buts if we did. Ok so on with the story. I am moving this on and forward pretty fast. In the next two installments we will witness the birth of the twins and the planning for the wedding. Oh yea and a few surprises thrown in for good measure.

Lions Tigers and Twins oh my part three

From Matt's point of view. In the Ninth Month of Anne's' pregnancy.

"Do you feel better sweetie?" I asked Kevin as I rubbed his lower back. He moaned an answer and given the tone of his moan I could assume that he was very relaxed. I leaned down and kissed his bare shoulder snaking out my tongue to lick the droplet of sweat that was beading on his skin. We were sitting in a sauna trying to relaxed Kevin. It had been a very long few months. Kevin thankfully didn't get the huge mood swings anymore. He still had the cravings and now they happened at three in the morning. Now it was hot fudge Sundays. I of course was very happy to get up at three in the morning and make him his treat. I usually got a treat afterwards too. That was the part I looked forward too. "I think we should get you out and into a shower," I said as I helped him up. I looked up at him and marveled again at how incredibly good-looking he was. His towel was hung low on his hips and the noticeable bulge was very evident. He reached for me and placed his hand on my chest. His other hand found it's way to my towel. "Umm Kevin this isn't really the best place for this."

"I suppose you are right," he replied. "So I guess we are just going to have to get into the shower so I can make love to you properly." Oh yea, did I mention that Kevin's sex drive was in overdrive? Well it was. I was beginning to walk bowlegged but it was so worth it!!

In the shower Kevin slid his erect cock up me and I reared back and moaned loudly. "Ohhh that is it baby," he whispered into my ear as he tugged on it with his teeth. "Oh baby, you are so tight," he whispered into my ear. I just moaned in response. "What was that sweetie?" he chuckled. "I didn't get that." He slammed into me hard causing waves of intense pleasure to sear through me. I was under his control and was submitting myself completely to him. Anything he wanted I gave to him. And right now he wanted my body and I gave it to him. Why? You may ask. Well it is simple. I love him. What I have and what I am is his. Right now he wanted to spew his seed into me. His rock hard chest pressed up against me as he slid in and out of me. I could feel his breath on my neck as his teeth nipped at my shoulder. I tried to reach his lips with mine but he was busy giving me love bites and hickeys. I had gotten used to walking around with the little bruises on my neck chest and abs. I was Kevin's and that was the way he marked me. I was proud to wear them. I had even gotten use to wearing button down shirts so that they showed to anyone and everyone who looked at me. Kevin would stand beside me with his arms around me protectively and all eyes would be on us. Everyone in the room knew the minute we walked in that I was Kevin's. I loved being Kevin's man and he loved it too. I whimpered as his teeth bit down hard on my shoulder. I could feel his cock swelling in me. It wouldn't be long now. I urged him on by thrusting back to meet his thrusts. "You want it?" he asked with that sexy smirk.

"Please Kevin," I pleaded. "Cum in me." He rammed in hard again and held it in place. I could feel the huge spurts of his seed sear into my bowels. I groaned with him as I blasted my load across the shower and watched it slam up against the wall. I sunk back against Kevin as he pulled out.

"You were great sweetie," He gasped out. "Thank you." I looked up at him with his heaving chest and sweat pouring off of him. He looked so hot right then that I could've jumped his bones right there again. He saw it in my eyes and smiled and bent down and kissed me on the lips. "Later," he said. I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout. "Behave yourself Matt," He teased me. "I promise later tonight we will spend all night making love."

"Really?" I asked gleefully. He busted up laughing as he reached for the shampoo bottle. "What?" I asked all innocent.

"You are too much!" he giggled.

"Hey!" I complained. "I can't help it if I am horny all the time."

"No sweetie, I guess you can't," Kevin giggled some more. "Now stick your head under the water so I can wash your hair." After our shower I walked down stairs. I was wearing a black wife beater and a pair of soccer shorts. My three new hickeys proudly showed. I looked at Leo who was staring at them.

"Man you let him use you like a vampire victim," he grinned and shook his head.

"Oh hush!" I giggled. "You're just jealous that Brian doesn't give you any."

"Hey he does!" Leo exclaimed as he pulled up his shirt to expose his recent love bites. He had quite a few of them. My eyes widen at that large one.

"Where did that one come from?" I asked pointing at it.

"That came from last night. Matt he was great!" Leo said with a dreamy look in his eyes. "We made love on the beach last night. It was so romantic!"

"Yea Kevin and I do it all the time too," I sighed. "That is where I got this one!" I pointed to the one that was starting to fade. "And this one came from us doing it in the rain." I pointed to the one on my other shoulder.

"What is it like?" Leo asked.

"What?" I asked as I plopped back on the sofa putting my legs up in his lap.

"Making love in the rain," Leo pushed on.

"It is great!" I sighed. "As long as you can figure out a way of doing it without getting all muddy." Leo eyes fell on the bite mark.

"You let him bite you?" he asked surprised.

"Yea," I replied. "He never bites hard. Only hard enough to make it exiting."

"What are you two doing?" Brian asked as he walked into the living room. Kevin followed up behind him.

"Looks like they are comparing hickeys," Kevin snickered. "Good job Brian," he giggled as he pointed to the large on Leo's neck. "Where did that one come from?" Brian blushed and looked down.

"Now Kevin," I teased him. "You know it is not nice to kiss and tell."

"And what were you and Leo doing?" Kevin asked shocked.

"The bottoms always talk to each other like that," I reasoned. "You know how it is." Kevin grinned and shook his head and leaned in for another kiss.

"You are cute," He smiled down at me. "I want to fuck you right here and now."

"But Kevin dear, what about the children?" I asked all innocent.

"What children?" Kevin rasped out as he snapped at my nose. I kissed him on the lips slipping my tongue into him.

"Brian and Leo," I replied. "Besides Tyler and Josh are running around here." As if on cue Tyler came running in with a hyper Blackie following him. His high pitched squealing laughter lit up the room causing us all to grin. "What are you up too?" I asked him.

"We buried Nick and AJ!" he said as he climbed up on the sofa.

"Umm don't you think we should unbury him?" I asked.

"No," Tyler said as he giggled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well because they are asleep," Josh giggled as he made his way in. I heard Kevin snort back a laugh. I sighed and got up and held out my hand for Tyler to take it.

"Come on little buddy," I said to him. "Let us go and unbury your uncle Nick and AJ."

"Ohhh Daddy," Tyler whined. "Do we have too?" This did get a laugh from Kevin and Brian and Leo."

"Go ahead and laugh mister," I teased Kevin. You just wait a few years. I can't wait to see just how much trouble those twins of yours get into." Kevin stopped laughing almost at once. "Now come on family. Let's go unbury Nick and AJ."

"But Daddy," Tyler whined again. "Nick and AJ are going to be mad at us!"

"And why are they going to be mad at you?" I asked looking down at my son.

"Umm because we buried them," Tyler said. "They told us not to."

"You disobeyed an adult?" I asked sternly. Tyler looked down at his feet and mumbled. "I didn't hear you. Did Uncle Nick and Uncle AJ ask you not to bury them in the sand?"

"Yes Daddy," Tyler mumbled. "I'm sorry Daddy." He whimpered out.

"Well sorry is not going to cut it this time," I scolded him. "Now you and Josh go out and unbury your uncles right now. And when you are done you come back to me!"

"Yes sir," Tyler said in a small voice. With his head hung low he walked out of the house with Josh following him.

"Um Josh?" Brian said sternly. "You come back to me when you are done too."

"Yes daddy," Josh replied in a small voice. He too headed out of the house and Blackie headed out too with his head hung low. I don't know why he was all upset. We weren't mad at him. Oh well I guess he figured that if his best little friend were all sad than he should be too. I felt the welcomed feeling of Kevin's hands on my shoulder.

"I hate punishing him," I sighed looking up at him.

"I know you do sweetie, but he has to be taught to obey," Kevin said sternly. "Do you want me to do it?"

"What?" I asked shocked. "And make you the bad guy? No Tyler adores you. I couldn't do that too you."

"Do you want me to take a parental role in his life?" Kevin asked me sternly. I nodded not liking where this was headed. "Than let me do this for you." We heard the footsteps from AJ and Nick. They came in carrying Josh and Tyler. I could tell that Nick was ready to step in and stick up for Josh and Tyler.

"Uh uh," I said sternly. "Don't even think of covering for them." Nick blushed and looked down. "Tyler, Kevin wants to talk to you." Tyler got this terrified look on his face. He was not expecting this. Nick put Tyler down and Tyler walked up to Kevin with his head hung low.

"Let's go to your room and talk shall we?" Kevin asked.

"Am I going to get a spanking?" Tyler asked with tears rolling down his face.

"No," Kevin said softly. "But we do have to punish you for disobeying Nick and AJ."

"Ok Pappa," Tyler sniffled as he took Kevin's hand and together they walked out of the living room. To see them like that broke my heart.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Now let's have a little talk shall we?" I said as I sat on the edge of his bed. I patted my lap and he climbed up in it. "You know what you did was wrong right?"

"Yes sir," Tyler said. "I'm sorry pappa. I will never disobey you or daddy or Nick or AJ again!"

"I know you mean that Tyler," I said. This was getting hard. Tyler was looking up at me with those adorable eyes with tears running down his face. "I love you Tyler, and that is why this is going to hurt me so much more than it is going to hurt you."

"What are you going to do?" Tyler asked in a scared voice.

"No Lego's for a week," I said simply. Tyler hung his head and sobbed. I knew he liked his Lego's so much. They were his favorite toy. "I want you to collect all of your legos and bring them down stairs and put them in the living room. And than I want you to apologies to Nick and AJ for disobeying them and than I want you to come back up stairs and go to bed for a nap."

"Yes Pappa," Tyler sniffled. I left him alone so that he could do what I told him to do. Once down stairs I looked over at Brian. He too had a sad look on his face. I looked over at Matt and saw him talking quietly with Leo. He looked up at me and grinned.

"How did it go?" Matt asked.

"No Lego's for a week," I replied. Matt cringed at the sound of that punishment. "Was I too rough?" I asked worried.

"No dear," Matt said quickly. "Like you said, Tyler has to be taught to behave and listen to what his elders say." I sat down next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. "I love you Kevin," he whispered as he kissed my cheek.

"I love you too," I replied. I watched as Josh came in with his hot wheels in the carrying case and set them at Brian's feet. I than watched as Tyler walked in and put his Lego's by the fireplace.

"Uncle Nick, Uncle AJ?" Tyler asked softly.

"Yes?" Nick answered for both of them.

"Umm we are sorry for burying you in the sand when you told us not to," Josh said looking down.

"And we promise to listen to you for now on," Tyler finished as he sniffled and wiped his nose with the sleeve of his shirt. They looked so sad as they stood there with their heads low and their hands stuffed in their pockets. Nick reached down and picked up Tyler and gave him a big hug and kiss.

"Apology accepted," Nick said smiling. Tyler smiled too. Nick repeated the same to Josh.

"Ok Tyler," I said sternly. "Go to your room and lie down for a nap." Tyler walked quietly to his room for his nap.

"Well I for one am glad that is over," Nick said shaking his head. "I hate to see that little guy cry for any reason."

"Yea I know it is hard Nick but he has to know that he has rules to follow and there is consequences for not following them," Matt replied.

"Kevin!" exclaimed Anne. "My water broke!"

"Oh dear," Matt said. "The Twins are coming!" What do I do? Well I got up and walked to the door and passed out!


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Next: Chapter 38: Lions Tigers and Twins Oh My 4

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