Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Apr 23, 2002


Remember this is fiction and in no way reflects the actual views of any true to life persons. If this is illegal for you to read this than please leave. Now on with the story.

Lions Tigers and Twins Oh My!

Part Four

I watched poor Kevin pace the waiting room. Anne was in the delivery room having a c-section done. Kevin was going out of his mind with worry. "Sweetie?" I asked softly. He looked at me and I could see the worry in his eyes. "It is going to be all right. Women have been having kids ever since God Created Eve." He nodded and sat down.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked as he tugged on my arm. "Am I a big brother yet?"

"In a little bit Tyler," I smiled down at him. He was so exited about being a big brother. The door opened and out walked the Doctor. Kevin was up and at his side in a flash.

"Am I--, how is - is she?" he stammered. The doctor smiled at Kevin's stammering.

"Mr. Richardson," the doctor said holding up his hands. "You are a father of two very healthy boys." I watched as Kevin stood there in the middle of the room with a smile on his face. "I can take you to them if you want." Kevin nodded and took my hand. I took Tyler's hand too. Together as a family we walked to the nursery. When we got to the window Kevin peeked in and grinned. I watched a miracle take place. Kevin looked in and spotted the two cribs. Each one had a very tinny identical baby boy in them. One sign had Kevin Jr. on it and the other had Matt Jr. on it. I watched Kevin's shoulder shake as he sobbed with happiness. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he laid his head on my shoulder.

"They are so beautiful," I whispered to him. "What do you think Daddy?" Kevin looked at me and smiled.

"I love that word," he sniffled. I felt the tugging of a little boy's hand on my hand again. I looked down to see Tyler looking up at me.

"Hey Tyler," I smiled at him. "Do you want to meet your brothers?" He nodded and held up his arms to be picked up. Kevin reached down and picked up Tyler and held him to the window. Tyler's eyes got real big and he gazed upon his little brothers for the first time.

"Hey big brother," Kevin whispered softly in his ear. "Say hello to your little brothers Kevin and Matt."

"They are so small!" he whispered loudly. Kevin chuckled softly as he kissed Tyler on the cheek. "Hi Kevy, hi Mattie," Tyler said waving at him. Kevin Jr. yawned widely and Matt Jr. started to cry. "I'm Tyler, I'm your big brother and I'm going to show you how to do all the big boy things!" I looked at Kevin and smiled. A shadow crossed over us and I looked up to see Brian and Leo standing behind us. I motioned them forward. Soon all six of us were crowding by the window staring at the future of our little family. After about an half hour we decided to see how Anne was doing and than head home.

Later that evening.

"Hey Kev," I said softly as I sat down beside him. He was unusually quiet tonight. "You all right?"

"Being a father makes you think of stuff," he mumbled. "Am I good enough to be a father? I mean I don't want to mess this up."

"Kevin sweetie," I smiled at him. "You are going to make an incredible father. You are loving and caring and funny. Look at how Tyler adores you. Even after you punished him he is till crazy over you. He loves you and not just because you are a member of the "Shape of My Heart Guys." But because he loves you as his pappa. The one man he choose of his own free will to be his Pappa. He is an innocent little child and he can see the love and devotion you have. So if you ever wonder again if you are going to make a good Father just ask Tyler."

"So now what?" Kevin asked looking out over the ocean.

"Now we go inside and go to bed and make love," I grinned up at him. "Cause I gotta tell you once the Twins get home we are not going to have very much time to our selves anymore."

"Are you ok with that?" Kevin asked worried.

"Kevin," I sighed. "I'm ok with it. I'm very ok with it. This is my life. I was born to be your lover and your husband. I was born to help you raise your children. I want this more than anything in the world. So yes you better believe it. I am way ok with this." I saw Tyler running into the nursery carrying a bunch of his stuffed animals in. I looked at Kevin and he shrugged his shoulders. "Umm I think we should go in and check on Tyler."

"Yea I think that would be a good idea," Kevin chuckled. We walked inside and into the nursery. Tyler was throwing his stuffed animals in the cribs. "Umm hey Tyler," Kevin said.

"Hi pappa!" Tyler replied with a huge grin. "I'm giving Mattie and Kevy my stuffed animals!" He tried to pick up the huge bear and heave it over the side of the crib. Kevy's crib was overflowing with Tyler's stuffed animals and I couldn't help it I started to laugh. "I'm a big brother now! And I don't need stuffed animals anymore! Mattie and Kevy needs them!"

"Well that is very nice of you Tyler," Kevin smiled as he knelt down to help Tyler pick up another huge stuffed bear and put it in Mattie's Crib. "But umm where are they going to sleep?"

"In the crib," Tyler said matter of factly. "They are going to sleep with the stuffed animals." By now Nick and Brian and Leo and AJ were watching us. "I'm a brother now!" Tyler announced to them.

"Wow!" Nick exclaimed. "That is so exiting! You are going to make an awesome big brother!" Tyler ran up to Nick and pulled on his arm and pulled him over to the crib.

"See I gave them all my stuffed animals! I don't need them anymore," he said pointing to the cribs. "I can't wait until they can come home. Daddy?" he asked me. "When are Mattie and Kevy coming home?"

"In a few days," I smiled at him.

"I wanna say good night to them!" he said with his little hands on his hips. I looked at Kevin he nodded.

"I'll take him to the hospital so he can say good night," Kevin grinned. "Besides it will give me some more time with them." I walked up to him and hugged him.

"Give them a hug and kiss from me," I said as I yawned. "I'm going to bed sweetie."

From Kevin's point of view.

I'm a father now. A real honest to goodness father! Wow! I looked over at Tyler as he sat in his little car seat. He grinned up at me with his wide innocent eyes. "Hey Tyler," I grinned. "You exited about being a big brother?"

"Yes Pappa!" He exclaimed as he clapped his hands together.

"What is the first thing you are going to teach them?" I asked.

"How to be good boys!" he said very seriously. "Cause I don't want them to get any of their toys taken away from them!" I cringed at that one. But I held firm. Tyler had to be taught that he had to be good. "Are we there yet?"

"In a little bit," I smiled at him. I turned the bend and pulled into the hospital and gasped. There was huge crowd in front of the hospital. The press was there along with hundreds of fans. "Oh oh," I said softly. I pulled around the back of the hospital and went in through the back entrance.

"Mr. Richardson?" said a man in a suit.

"Yes?" I asked as I took Tyler's hand and held him tight.

"I'm the hospital Administrator here and the press is here and they want a statement from you," he said.

"How did they find out?" I asked.

"We released a press release of the birth. It is standard policy," he replied.

"Listen," I said calmly. "I just brought Tyler here so he could say good night to his new brothers. I wasn't planning on a press conference." I looked out and saw the number of fans out there too. I sighed, as I realized that I couldn't resist going out there. "Ok maybe just a quick statement."

Outside the hospital.

"Umm may I have your attention please?" I asked. The fans started screaming when they heard my voice.

"We love you Kevin!" one of the girls shouted.

"umm thank you," I mumbled. "Umm this afternoon I became a father of twins. The mother was a surrogate mother and the names of the twins are Kevin and Matthew Richardson and both mom and twins are doing fine."

"Who is the cute little guy standing beside you," one of the reporters asked. I looked down and saw the scared little Tyler standing close to me. My heart melted when I saw him look up at me with trusting eyes. I knelt down and took him in my arms.

"What do we tell them Tyler?" I asked softly laying my fore head on his. "You tell me what to tell them and I promise I will be ok with it."

"But what about daddy and you?" he asked in a small voice. "Won't they find out?"

"I think it is time to let them know," a voice said behind us. I looked up and saw Matt standing there at the door. He walked towards me and picked up Tyler and stood beside me. I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek and than kissed Tyler too. The fans went wild cheering and applauding for me. Tyler looked out and waved at the fans. The awwws and oooohs filled the air making Tyler blush and he hid his face in Matt's chest.

"Umm I would like to make an announcement," I said into the mic. "I would like to introduce two very important men in my life. This is Matthew Whitewater, my lover and fiancé. And this little guy is Matt's son. I am gay and I am in love with Matt and Tyler here has asked me to be his pappa and I have agreed." The flash bulbs flashed and the questions fired at us right and left. I was out. I was gay and the whole world knew it! I looked at Matt and he smiled up at me. Tyler smiled too. I felt so full of love and support that I wanted to explode with happiness. "Umm thank you for your support and right now I have to go and say good night to my new twins."

"I'm a Brother!" Tyler blurted out. A rippling of laughter went through the crowd. I reached up and kissed his forehead. Turning we headed into the hospital.

From Matt's point of view.

I watched as Kevin held Kevin Junior in his arms. Tyler was standing next to him talking a mile a minute.

"And you have a room that you will share with Mattie and you have lots of toys already. I'm your brother and I will be showing how to do all the big boy things. Oh yea and we have a puppy too. His name is Blackie. He is really nice. You will like him," Tyler babbled. I heard Mattie crying.

"I think Mattie wants some attention too," I smiled as I walked over and picked up the little guy. I looked over at Anne who was smiling at us. "What do you say Mom? You want to spend some quality time with Kevy and Mattie?"

"But they are Kevin's," she replied.

"Anne," Kevin said softly. "Kevin and Matthew are your children. You are going to be their mother that is if you want to."

"You would let me be a part of their lives?" Anne said with tears flowing down her face.

"Of course I will," Kevin replied shocked. "You are their mother. Nothing will ever change that. They need their mother as much as they need their fathers." He walked over to Anne and placed Kevin in her arms and I placed Matt in her other arm. Both of them went to work trying to get her breast. Tyler's eyes got real big. I looked at Kevin and realized that this was just one more thing that we had to explain to him.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked in a small voice. "What are they doing?"

"Well you know how little puppies get their milk?" Kevin asked Tyler. Tyler nodded as he still looked at Kevy and Mattie trying to get access to Anne's breasts. "Well for the first year or so Matt and Kevin are going to need to get their milk from Anne."

"Oh," Tyler said as he turned and headed over to me and climbed up in my lap and yawned.

"I think it is time to get Tyler home and in bed," Kevin said softly.

"Yea I agree with you, Anne you make sure you get plenty of rest and we will see you first thing in the morning," I smiled down at her. Mattie and Kevy was all snuggled up to her content and happy. Tyler leaned down and kissed the twins on the cheek and said good night. I had to smile at him too. It was obvious that Tyler was taking his brotherly duties very seriously. "Ok family," I said as I reached out and took Kevin's hand and led him out of the room. "It is time to get home." Once we were outside I went to let go but Kevin held on tight. I looked at him confused.

"Remember?" he said with his eyes twinkling. "We are out and we don't have to hide anymore." I smiled widely and leaned up and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Hey!" shouted a loud voice. "Take your faggot love somewhere else!" I looked up to see a crowd of people with signs. I looked at the signs and cringed.

"Faggots!" Screamed a young teen. "Get out of our town!" Tyler started to cry as he clung to me tightly.

"Someone should take your children from you!" screamed another protester. "You aren't fit to raise children!" We heard a bottle smash up against the wall of the hospital.

"Quick!" shouted a voice. "To the car!" I looked up to see Brian and Leo and several large men. It had seemed that they had brought protection. "We have to get you and Tyler out of here and to safety." I took off running in the direction of the car. Kevin was right behind me. Soon we were in the car and speeding away from the crowd. The body guard was on the phone arranging security for the twins.

"Kevin?" I asked in a small voice. "What are we going to do?"

"We are going to go home and go to bed," he said with his eyes hard and flashing. "That is what we are going to do. I'm not going to let a few ass holes disrupt our family." I nodded and slid next to him and welcomed the feeling of his arms surrounding me. I felt his lips brush up against my lips.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked in a tinny voice. "Why were those people saying those mean things to you and pappa?" I looked at Kevin and saw that his eyes were bright with unshed tears. "Do they hate you?"

"Tyler honey?" I asked. "Some people just don't understand that Kevin and I love each other. They don't understand that we want to be a family."

"Are they going to take me away from you?" he asked with his voice quivering. "I don't want to go."

"You won't have to go!" Kevin said with force. "We will stay together as a family." I heard the phone ring and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked softly.

"Matt," Nick's voice sounded over the phone. "We have fans and supporters here at the house."

"We just left the hospital and a group of protesters. They really have Tyler scared," I said softly. "Poor little guy just doesn't understand."

"Get him home quick and I'll help," Nick replied. He was such a nice guy. No wonder Tyler looked up to him.

"Thanks Nick," I smiled. "No wonder you have a special place in Tyler's heart."

"Well he is special to me too," Nick said back. "Now get home so that Tyler can see the good side to all of this. They are really saying some nice things about you and Kevin and they love Tyler too."

"Thanks Nick," I smiled. "We'll be home in a few minutes."

"What did Nick want?" Kevin asked. He had managed to calm Tyler down and Tyler was busy talking and giggling with Brian and Leo. They had brought Blackie too and he was busy trying to get Tyler's attention.

"We have a group of Supporters and fans out at the house," I replied.

"Shit!" Kevin swore. "That means that the protesters will be showing up next."

"We'll have to shut the gate," I said softly. "I hate doing that."

"But we have to protect our little family," Kevin reasoned with me. "I'll call the security firm tomorrow and have them beef up security around the house and property."

"But that is our little piece of heaven, I don't want them ruining it!" I mumbled. "I hate this!"

"You hate what?" Kevin asked softly as he kissed me on the fore head.

"I hate the fact that they are people out there that just don't understand us. I wish that everyone was as supportive as those people are," I said pointing to the huge crowd of supporters that were lined up along the road and up in our yard. "That is so nice of them."

"They are our fans and they want to show us that they love and support us," Kevin smiled. He pushed the button that opened the sun roof and stood up and waved to the crowd. The cheers and screams sounded all around us. I could hear Kevin's name being shouted as well as Tyler's and mine too. I stood up too beside Kevin and smiled and waved. Soon little Tyler's head popped up too and the crowd went nuts. He smiled and waved too. It was obvious that Tyler was enjoying the attention he was getting. Once the car stopped we got out and walked up on the porch. Nick was there and he took Tyler in his arms and swung him up on his shoulders. Kevin went about shaking hands and signing autographs. The screaming and cheers died down and soon they were quiet as Kevin stepped back up on the porch.

"Umm thank you all for your support," Kevin said into the mic that Nick and AJ had set up. "I'll say it again just as Nick has pointed out several times. Backstreet Boys has the best fans in the world. Thank you so much for your support. Now I would like to introduce to you two very important people in my life." He pulled me close to him and motioned Nick over. "This is my lover and fiancé Matthew Whitewater and his son Tyler. I love them so very much and I am blessed to have them in my life. And I am honored to share them with you my fans."

"Are you getting married?" one of the young teenage boys asked. It was obvious that he was gay because he had a very cute guy holding him and they looked very much in love.

"Yes we are," Kevin said as he held up my hand so that everyone could see the ring.

"Can we see a kiss?" someone shouted at us. Kevin turned to me.

"How about it sweetie?" he asked. I walked into his arms and let him hold me and I surrendered my self to him like I usually did. His lips came crushing down on me and I was lost in his kiss. The crowd whistled and cheered loudly. It was so nice to be in a place where we were accepted.

"Say something Matt!" the young Teen asked. I looked at Kevin for approval. He nodded at me.

"Umm Thank you for your support," I said softly. "We just left the hospital from seeing Kevin's new sons and the scene was not a pretty one. For you see there was a crowd of people out there that don't understand us. They hate us for who and what we are. And what are we?" I asked. "We are two people who love each other very much. That is all we are guilty of. Guilty of loving each other. I thank God everyday for putting me and my son in Kevin's life. Tyler asked Kevin if he would be his other Daddy and that made me happy to know that Tyler loved and respected Kevin that much. I thank you all for coming and supporting us. It means so much to us." I stepped away from the mic and Nick took his place next.

"I just want to say that I support and love Kevin and Matt. They are a major part of my life and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to know this little guy up on my shoulder. Tyler is an angel that is being thrust into all of this. Thank you again for showing the world that Backstreet does indeed have the best fans."

"I'm a brother now!" Tyler said in a loud voice. "I have twin brothers! Their names are Kevin and Matt!" Everyone laughed at Tyler's little speech. Than Tyler got serious. "I want the mean people to know that I don't hate them. My Daddy taught me that hating is a bad thing. I hope that they don't hate us anylonger." My heart went out to him as he poured his little heart out. Tears flowed down Kevin's face and I reached up and took Tyler in my arms and held him. He laid his head on my shoulder. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too," I said kissing him on the cheek. "Umm you all will have to excuse us cause we have to get this little guy to bed." I went into the house and but Tyler to bed. Once I was done putting him in bed I walked back on the porch and noticed that the crowd was gone. The two teens were still there talking to Kevin.

"Hey Sweetie," Kevin smiled at me. "Is Tyler in bed?" I nodded as I walked up to Kevin and he wrapped his arms around me. "Matt?" he asked softly. "I want you to meet a couple of fans. This is Troy and Jack." I nodded at the young cute couple. "They are in love and this is their second month going together."

"Well congratulations," I smiled at them. Troy blushed and looked down. "You two are very brave you know." They nodded and looked at each other. "Do you want to come in?" They shrugged their shoulders. "Come on in." Soon the four of us were sitting in the living room drinking sodas and talking. I noticed that Troy was looking at Kevin with eyes wide. "You want to ask Kevin something?"

"Umm yea umm how did you know you were in love with Matt?" Troy asked.

"Well when he first came barging into a meeting late. I remembered him asking if he was fired. I saw him so full of life and so hyper and so good looking well-how could I not fall in love with him. I mean look at him!" I blushed at his compliment.

"Oh hush!" I scolded him as I blushed.

"I love making him blush," Kevin whispered to Troy. "So how did you two meet?"

"Umm we met at school," Jack said looking at Troy. "We played on the team together."

"Really?" Kevin asked leaning forward. "What team?"

"Football," Troy said. "I remember sneaking peaks at him in the shower. He was so hot. Well he still is."

"Well you are hot too," Jack replied blushing.

"So do you like our music?" Kevin asked.

"I love it!" Troy said. "I love "Shape of my Heart"! And "More than That" and "Drowning" too." Jack rolled his eyes at his over exited boyfriend. "Jack doesn't like you all that much. He is more a Nsync fan."

"Troy!" Jack said blushing. "I do like them! I really like the one you wrote!" he gushed at Kevin. "It's True."

"Yea that one is one of my favorites too," I giggled watching Kevin blush. "It is the one where I get to hear my baby really sing."

"Stop," Kevin scolded me as he blushed. The clock chimed 11 at night and Troy and Jack stood up. "You have to leave?"

"Yea umm we have class in the morning," Troy said. "Thanks for having us in."

"Well consider us your friends and feel free to come over anytime," Kevin smiled. "In fact be sure to come here when the twins come home."

"Really?" Troy asked beaming. "I love kids!"

"Yea he keeps watching 7th Heaven and ogling the Twins on it," Jack teased him.

"Hey!" Troy whined. "I can't help it if they are so adorable!"

"Yea Matt is the same way. Every Monday evening it is like. Twins is on!" Kevin said laughing.

"Well they are cute!" I argued siding with Troy. Kevin laughed at me and leaned in for a kiss.

"Awww you two are cute," Jack teased us.

"Yea well you two are pretty hot too," I teased back.

"Come on Jack," Troy said. "We have to go before we really get into trouble." They stepped out of the house just as Nick roared up in my dodge. "Wow what a truck!" Jack rolled his eyes. "I love it!"

"It is mine," I said proudly. "Come on I'll show it to you." I grabbed Troy's hand and we ran over to it. The door opened and Nick hopped out. "Hey Nick!" I said grinning. "Meet Troy, his boyfriend is talking to Kevin over there."

"Hey Troy," Nick said softly. "Nice to meet you."

"Yea umm wow! It is umm nice to meet you too," Troy stammered. I got the idea that Nick was his favorite.

"Well I'm beat," Nick said as he turned and headed into the house. "I'm gonna take a shower and than hit the hay."

"Ok Nick," I said as I gave him a quick hug. "Good night and thanks for everything."

"Good night Matt," Nick said and than he turned and gave Troy a hug and kiss too. "It was nice meeting you Troy." I busted up laughing when I saw the look of pure bliss cross over the face of Troy.

"Ummm wow!" Troy sighed. "I'm never going to wash my face again!"

"I think that Jack will have something to say about that," I giggled. "Come on, let's take my truck for spin." I tossed him the keys and hopped in the drivers seat.

Later than evening I woke up and looked around for Kevin. He had left me all alone in the bed. I climbed out and walked out into the living room and saw him sitting by the fireplace. "Kevin?" I asked softly. He looked up and smiled. "What are you doing up sweetie?" I asked as I sat next to him. "I woke up and found you was gone. I miss you."

"I couldn't sleep," Kevin said as he poked at the fire. "My mind is so full of stuff about the twins and the future and stuff."

"Want to let me in on any of it?" I asked as I slid my hand into his robe and started to rub his chest.

"When do you want to get married?" he asked.

"Soon," I said. "I can't wait to start our lives together. We have Tyler and now Kevie and Mattie and I want to be your husband so bad and I want help raise your kids so bad. I'm so full of love for you that I could burst."

"Well we can't have that now can we?" Kevin said with his eyes twinkling. I reached down and took hold of his cock. It was rock hard. "Want to fool around?" he asked as he pushed me down and covered me with his body. The phone rang and Kevin looked up at me. "It is past three in the morning," he said as he got a worried look on his face. I picked up the receiver and answered it.

"Home of the new Daddy!" I said cheerfully into the phone.

"Umm Matt?" asked Leo. "Umm you guys need to get down to the hospital like right now. It is the twins!"

"Leo?" I asked. "What is wrong with the Twins?"

"Kevin stopped breathing," Leo said. "They have him on a respirator."

"Oh God," I sobbed. "I'll get Kevin and we will be there as soon as we can." I hung up the phone and looked at Kevin. "Kevin sweetie, we need to go the hospital."

"What is wrong?" Kevin asked shaking. "What is wrong with my boys?"

"It is Kevy," I sobbed. "He's stopped breathing. They have him on a respirator."

"Oh God no," He sobbed. "Please no!"


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Next: Chapter 39: Get Another Boyfriend 2 1

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