Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Apr 30, 2002


I watched Kevin stand at the bedside of little Kevin. He was holding the little guys hand and little Kevin's fingers were wrapped around his daddy's finger. The tubes going down his throat was supplying the air for him to breathe. The doctors were quick to assure us that Kevin's lungs just needed a little more time to grow. They hoped to be able to wean him off the respirator in a few days. I was relieved but big Kevin was still a wreck. He kept dwelling on those tubes. Even I had to admit that it did look pretty bad when you didn't understand what was going on. But his little heart beat was steady and strong so I knew little guy was a fighter. I felt the squeeze of a little hand around my finger too. I looked down in the sleepy eyes of Matt Jr. I was spending some quality time with him and he was soaking up all the attention he could get. The shadow of the nurse came over us.

"It is time for his feeding," she said with a smile. She went to take him away but the grip on his little hand was to strong.

"Sorry Mattie," I said with a grin. "But I don't have the right equipment to give you your dinner." He yawned and blinked his eyes at me and let go.

"He likes you," a tired voice sounded from the bed. Kevin looked up at me with tired eyes and my heart went out to him.

"Well I think Kevin Jr. likes you too," I smiled pointing at the grip the little hand had on Kevin's finger. "You look tired sweetie."

"I'm not going home," he said with conviction. "Not as long as Kevin is hooked up to this machine. He is scared to death and I want to be here for comfort." I knew I was fighting a losing battle.

"Than I'm not going home either," I said with a stubborn look on my face.

"Sweetie," Kevin said. "You have to go home and get some sleep. Remember you have Tyler to think about too."

"But what about you?" I asked wrapping my arms around him. "I'm worried about you."

"I'll be fine," he replied. "I'm not leaving." So that was the way it was. Kevin was being his stubborn little self.

"Fine!" I muttered. "I'm going home."

"Matt," Kevin said sighing. I looked back at him and saw the worry in his eyes. "I just don't want to leave him ok? I mean look at this place. It is all full of machines and beeping noises and stuff. I want to be here so that he can feel safe and loved." I had to admit that I would've done the same thing if Tyler was in his place. I walked up to him and give him a hug and kiss.

"And you were worried that you would make a horrible father," I teased him. "Look at you." He blushed and looked down. "Face it baby, being a father comes natural to you." Kevin blushed at the compliment. "Good night love," I whispered in his ear. I reached in and ran my finger over the face of little Kevin. "Good night Kevy, you behave for your daddy."

"Make sure you go right to bed when you get home," Kevin instructed me. I nodded as I headed out the door making sure I stopped by to say good night to Anne and Matt too. After making sure that little Mattie was happily sucking his dinner down I left the hospital and headed home to my little piece of heaven. Once there I checked on Tyler and made sure he was sleeping. Than I headed off to bed myself.

From Kevin's point of view.

"So it is just you and me little guy," I said softly. "So what do you think of all this attention you are getting?" Kevin wiggled his hand that was attatched to mine. His eyes were opened wide looking all around. "I know you are scared little guy but daddy is right here and he is not going to let anything happen to you." I smiled as he blinked is eyes at me and closed them. I assumed he was sleeping. "You are so beautiful you know that?" I asked. "Everyone here at the hospital loves you and Mattie." I had to go to the bathroom so bad. "I have to go the potty so I am going to let go just long enough to go and I promise I will be right back."

"I'll take your place," Brian's voice sounded from behind me. "Besides I want to spend some time with my second cousin." He slid his hand in and Kevin's small hand latched onto Brian's finger. "Man he has a grip! You going to be football player in high school like your daddy?" I noticed the love and warmth glowing from Brian's face. I left the room to go the bathroom and get something to drink. After relieving myself and finding me some coffee I snuck into the room where Mattie was and picked him up. He was sleeping soundly so I just held him for a few minutes. After a while he opened his eyes and peered up at me.

"Well hi there Mattie!" I smiled at him. He yawned and raised his little arm over his head. "I'm sorry I woke you up," I said as I gave him my finger. He latched onto it. I knew it was just a reflex but I enjoyed having him hold my hand. "I was just in seeing your younger brother Kevin. He is doing so much better. He misses you too." Matt just laid there in my arms looking around the room. I could tell by his little hand in his mouth that he was getting hungry.

"Would you like to feed him?" a male voice asked. I turned around to see a male nurse standing in the doorway.

"I thought he was breast fed?" I asked confused.

"He is but his mother is sleeping and we have some of her milk in a bottle," he smiled waving the bottle in his hand. Of course I jumped at the chance to feed him. After getting me all settled in the rocker I took the bottle from him and put the nipple in his mouth. At first he didn't like it.

"I know it is not your mammas nipple but she is sleeping so you are just going to have to settle for this," I smiled at him as I tried to coax him to suck on the rubber nipple. Once he got a taste of the real stuff he was ok with it. I have to tell you there nothing more relaxing and enjoyable than feeding your own son. He was so cute sucking away at his bottle and noisy too. After about an hour he managed to get down two ounces than he decided that he didn't want it anymore. He spent the next thirty minutes looking around the room. He seemed to take particular interest in my face. At some point I decided to put him back in his crib and headed back to see how Kevin was doing. When I got there I found Brian talking quietly to him. Once I reached him I soon heard the quotes of bible scriptures. I smiled as I realized that neither of my sons would get away from Brian and his preaching. It was probably a good thing. "Hey," I said softly. "How is he doing?" I asked.

"Sleeping I think," Brian mumbled. "You are so lucky Kevin."

"Why?" I asked looking up at him.

"For your life," Brian said. I detected a hint of jealosy in his voice. "Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for you and Matt. You have such a beautiful family. I can't help wonder what and where I went wrong."

"Brian," I sighed. "You didn't go wrong or do anything wrong. Look at you. You've finally accepted who and what you are. You have a great boyfriend and very adorable son. You have loads to be thankful for."

"Thanks Kevin," Brian smiled. "Well I'm going to take Leo home and get some rest. You have fun with Kevie here." He let go of Kevie's hand and I smiled at the sight of the little hand reaching for something to grab onto.

I slid my hand in and his little hand latched onto a finger. I was in heaven again. "Hey cutie," I smiled down at him. "You ok with spending a little time with your old man." There was no answer but the beeping of the heart monitor and breathing of the respirator. I settled in for a long night holding my son's hand, or should I say him holding my finger.

Later that morning From Matt's point of view.

I felt the weight of someone climbing into bed. I looked up to see a shaggy haired Tyler crawling up in the bed. I held back the sheets and let him slid him. After he was all settled he snuggled up against me. "Good morning sleepy head," I said as I kissed him on the top of his head. "You want to go see the twins today. He nodded his little head up and down eagerly. "Well we had to put little Kevin on a respiratory last night."

"What's a respirator?" Tyler asked looking up at me.

"It is a machine that will help Kevie breath a little easier," I replied.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked looking up at me with a worried expression.

"Yes son?" I asked back.

"Is Kevie going to die?" he asked still looking worried.

"No sweetie," I quickly assured him. "Kevie was born a little smaller than Mattie, so his little lungs has to grow just a little bit longer. He is going to fine."

"Good cause I love Kevie and I don't want him to die," Tyler said in a very stern voice. "When are we going to go the hospital?"

"Well after we get up and get dressed and have some breakfast," I replied. I heard the ringing of the door bell and I swung out of bed and shuffled out into the living room and swung open the door. It was Troy and Jack. They had some flowers and a fruit basket and two teddy bears.

"Umm we got some stuff for you and Kevin and the twins," Troy mumbled. "Oh yea and we got something for Tyler too."

"Well thank you so much," I smiled. "Won't you two come in for some breakfast? And than we can all go into the hospital to see the twins." I had to smile at Troy's pleased expression on his face. "Oh I see," I giggled. "Some one needs a twin fix." He blushed and looked down. "There is nothing wrong with loving children Troy. I think it is very sexy for a man to show that he loves children. Don't you Jack?" I asked him. Jack gave me a look that said, "You've got to be kidding."

"Hey to each his own. So you all want some breakfast or not?" I asked ushering the two young love birds into the dinning room. I smiled at Tyler who was as usual trying to fit the entire pancake in his mouth. When he saw me coming in his sighed and resigned himself to cutting the pancake like he was taught. I decided to let it slide this once. Troy snorted back a laugh when he saw it though. Jack elbowed him in the side. I knew it was going to be one of those days.

"Are you sure Kevin is going to be all right?" Troy asked worried when I told him about Kevin Jr. being on the respirator.

"Oh yea the doctor just thinks his lungs need more time to grow," I said quickly. "You should see Mattie, he is a little sweetie. He is always sleeping and eating."

"Well that is all he has to do daddy," Tyler explained to me. "He is just a baby you know."

"Yes Tyler," I giggled. "He is just a baby but a very cute one at that."

"You're just saying that because he has your name," Troy said smirking.

"No," I said defending myself. "Kevie is really cute too. But personally I think that Mattie has him beat in the cuteness department. You should see him when he yawns. He is sooooo cute!" Troy and Jack laughed at me as I continued to brag about Mattie. Tyler didn't think it was so funny. He just rolled his eyes and stuffed some more pancake into his mouth.

Later that morning from Kevin's point of view. The steady beating of Kevin's heart lulled me asleep at some point. I woke to find that someone had put a blanket around me.

"So daddy is finally awake," Anne said from the side of the crib. "Kevin Jr. has been wondering when his daddy was going to wake up and spend some time with him."

I got up out of the chair and walked, or should I say hobbled over to the crib. Sure enough Kevin Jr. was looking around. "Hey there little buddy," I smiled down at him. "How are you doing?" He just looked at me and back up at his mommy. "Did the Doctor say how much longer he is going to need to be on the respirator?"

"He hopes to start weening him off this afternoon," Anne said as she let Kevie grab onto her finger. "I can't wait to hold him."

"Yea I know," I agreed with her. "I think he wants to be held too."

"Well duhhh!" Anne teased me. "All babies loved to be held and cuddled."

"So how is mommy doing?" I asked as I looked her over.

"Mommy is doing just fine," she smiled at me. "Sore and stiff but other wise just fine and ready to go home with my babies."

"Yea tell me about it," I agreed. "I can't wait to get home too. I want the twins home too."

"Did someone say twins?" asked a voice from behind me. I looked back and saw Justin and JC standing in the doorway.

"Hey Timberlake!" I said grinning. "Yes you heard correctly."

"Congradulations man!" Justin said with his million dollar grin. "What is poor Matt doing?"

"Well I'm doing just fine!" Matt said from behind them. "How are you two doing?"

"We're fine," JC said with a smile as he gave Matt a hug. "Boy did you guys hit the jackpot!"

"Tell me about it," Matt said grinning. "Daddy over there couldn't be more happy about it." I smiled widely at Matt.

"What is that little guy doing hooked up to the respirator?" Justin asked frowning.

"His lungs haven't developed enough yet so the doctor wants him to be on the respirator for day or so," I quickly explained.

"So he is going to be all right?" JC asked as he walked around the crib so that he could see Kevin Jr. better. "Aaaww what a cutie!" JC cooed as he stuck his finger in and let Kevin Jr. grab onto it. "Man what a grip!" For the next hour we all sat around the room taking turns holding Matt and talking. At some point I was getting really sleepy.

"Kevin?" Matt asked sternly. "Go home and get some sleep!" I knew I wasn't going to win this argument.

"Only if you come with me?" I asked grinning. Ok I admit it! I was horny! Very horny. I wanted Matt in a major way. I only hoped that he wanted me too. I watched as he walked around the crib and up to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me fully on the lips. I could feel his erection pressing up against me.

"Come baby," he said huskily. "Let's go home!"

"Ewwww!" Tyler said with a yucki face. "They're going to get all yucki!" Every adult in the room started laughing. Poor Tyler didn't know what they were laughing at. He walked up to Mattie who was being held and cuddled by Troy. "You see them?" he asked Mattie. "They are mushy! You don't want to be that when you grow up. I'm not gonna kiss anyone on the lips. Yuckie" By now the entire room was roaring with laughter. "Well I'm not!" Tyler said loudly.

"Ok Sweetie," I said ruffling his head. "You don't have to kiss anyone if you don't want to." Tyler nodded happily and went back to spending time with Matt.

"Come on sweetie," Matt said chuckling. "Lets go home."

From Matt's point.

I was watching Kevin all the way home. I was so hot looking at him. I noticed a different look about him. His eyes were different. There was a spark to them that I hadn't noticed before. Than it hit me! Kevin was a father and it showed in more than just one way. Kevin was head over heals in love with his twins. Only this was the kind of love and devotion that I shared with Tyler. I was really looking forward to spending my life with Kevin now. Because we both shared something unbreakable. We had a bound that would never be severed. For you see we were both fathers!

"What are you thinking about?" Kevin asked jerking me back to reality.

"About how fatherhood makes you so incredibly sexy!" I smiled at him. "I mean it Kevin. I can see it in how you walk and how you look. I can see the sparkle in your eyes. You are head over heals in love with Kevin and Matt. You are a father."

"Are you ok with that?" Kevin asked looking hard at me.

"Are you kidding?" I yelped. "Oh baby, I am way ok with that. You and I finally share something really big. We are both honest to goodness fathers! I'm so exited about spending the rest of our lives together and raising our little family."

"I'm exited too," Kevin said as he slid his hand into mine.

"You know something Kevin?" I asked as I watched the scenery pass us by. "You and the group have started a second chapter. Well I would like to think that we have started a second chapter in our lives too. Remember all the bad stuff that happened to us?" Kevin nodded. "And remember all the good stuff that happened to us?" Again he nodded. "Well I wonder if anyone will ever sit back and open our lives and look at it and read it like a book and look at our lives and I wonder what they would think about us."

"Well I would hope that they see two very in love people who have a very strong desire to share their lives with three beautiful children and become a family," Kevin said wistfully.

"Yea, I guess you right," I sighed. "I can't wait until tomorrow."

"What about tomorrow?" Kevin asked confused.

"Because I'm going to be spending tomorrow with the one that I love. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives. I want to make it the best life possible," I said grinning. I felt the car jump a little as it turned off the pavement. I looked out the window and smiled at the little beach house that was our house. Kevin, Me and Tyler, Mattie and Kevie, living in that little house for the rest of our lives.

I know I know corny! But I like it. And I'm the author so I get to write anything I want!! He he he he

Ok I gotta go.

E-mail me at


Next: Chapter 40: Get Another Boyfriend 2 2

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