Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 19, 2001


Hey everyone! I'm back!!!! I just finished reading the latest installation of Forever. Ok so maybe I was too quick to judge Kevin. He did mess up by cheating on Dylan. But Dylan is acting like a spoiled brat!!! Great story! If you haven't checked it out yet, what are you waiting for? It is a good one.

Well thanks for all the e-mails

Disclaimer: The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Again comments are welcomed here. E-mail me at

Now on with the show!!!

Chapter 9 (ok so I've changed the chapter's name so sue me.)

Retreat and Regroup!

I climbed out of the limo and followed Kevin up to the corporate jet. I was amazed at how at ease Kevin was. Here he was walking up to a private jet like he did this every day. Oh wait a minute he did do this every day. I put my hand on the handrail and started up the steps that led to the inside of the corporate Jet. I paused and looked back. It was like I was looking on my past life. All the years I spent scraping pennies together to pay for my bills. Now in a matter of seconds my whole life was changed. I was a multi millionaire. This was going to take some getting use to.

"You coming up sweetie?" asked that voice. I looked up to see him standing at the top of the steps with his hand held out. I stared at him for a few seconds memorizing every feature on his face.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I asked with a lump in my throat. I finished the trek and took his hand and he led me the rest of the way into the jet.

"You showed up late for your first meeting with the Backstreet Boys," he laughed softly. "Now come on and don't keep the pilot waiting."

"He can wait," I mumbled. "Right now I want to enjoy this moment." I made my way into the interior of the jet. "Wow!" I exclaimed. Kevin just nodded silently as he inspected the jet with me. "This place is huge!" Kevin nodded again. "You see this stuff all the time don't you?" I asked.

"Well I've been on a few private jets before but not this nice!" he said as he sat down on the sofa. He smiled up at me and patted the seat beside him. I sat down in the soft confines of the sofa. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I snuggled up to him and laid my head on his chest. "You know I love you," he stated. I nodded. We heard a door open and I looked to see the pilot standing there looking at us.

"Um sir?" he asked. "We are ready and we just received clearance from the tower."

"Very well, take off when ready. And pilot?" I asked. He turned around and looked at me. "How long will the flight be?"

"Just over two hours sir," he replied. "Please buckle your seatbelt." Kevin and I buckled out seatbelt and sat back. I heard the engines gear up and I felt the jet move. I jerked and looked at Kevin. He was calmly sitting in his seat. I sighed heavily and grabbed the armrest.

"You don't like to fly do you?" he asked me.

"Not really," I mumbled taking a deep breath. I could feel the plane pick up speed. I closed my eyes and waited for the feeling of the plane lift off the ground. Suddenly I felt Kevin's lips on mine. His tongue gently probing my lips. I moaned and parted my lips and allowed him in. His tongue entered and started to probe my mouth. He gently massaged my tongue with his. I was in heaven as I allowed him to assault my mouth. All too soon he broke away contact. I sighed and sat back. "So when do we take off?" I asked. Kevin chuckled softly and unbuckled his seat belt and unbuckled mine and pushed me into the soft confines of the sofa. "Umm shouldn't we leave our seat belts on?"

"Nope," he mumbled as his teeth attacked the buttons on my shirt.

"Umm isn't it dangerous to umm mmmmmph!" Kevin's lips clamped down on my lips silencing me.

"You talk too much!" he said huskily. It was at this point that I noticed that the seat belt sign was off.

"Ohhh I see," I giggled. He grunted and resumed his attack on me. I decided that two could play at that game too. In a few moments we were both naked and locked in a passionate embrace. Kevin was grinding his crotch into mine. "Please Kevin," I begged.

"Please what?" he asked back his eyes blazing with lust and desire. He took one of my nipples in his teeth and bit down on it causing me to moan. "Please what?" he demanded again as he coved my sore nipple with soft kisses.

"Please make love to me," I moaned out as I reached in between his legs and took hold of his cock and started to stroke it. He groaned softly as he started to hump my hand. I pulled my hand away slick with his Precome. He grabbed it and licked it clean. "Kevin!" I wined impatiently. He chuckled as he continued to kiss and tease me. Finally I growled at him causing him to look up into my eyes.

"Oh does my sweetie want to join the mile high club?" he looked at me with pure lust in his eyes. I gulped and nodded. He snickered as his head lowered between my legs engulfing my cock in one movement.

"Ohhh boy!" I groaned.

An hour later I was snuggled in Kevin's arms. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "That was fun." Kevin busted up laughing. "Well it was!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself sweetie, but now it is time to talk about the future," he said seriously. I sat up and looked at him. God did he look hot. His hair was damp with the sweat from our lovemaking session. His shirt was still off showing off his chest rather nicely. "What are you going to do about Brian now that you have money and power?"

From Kevin's Point of View

Matt sat there thinking about what I asked. I could see the emotions raging within him. "I should destroy him! I should to what he had done to me. I should take away his most prized possession!" Matt hurled at me. I could see that the thirst for revenge was raging in his eyes. I placed my hand on his bare leg and squeezed lightly. I sighed in relief when the soft innocent look appeared back in his loving eyes. "But I wont because I wont sink to his level. So I will settle for getting my son back. The weight of the sofa shifted as he got up and walked to the bar and poured a shot of whiskey. He drank it down in one gulp. Before I could stop him he swallowed three more shots. When he was ready to drink the fifth shot I gently but firmly took the bottle from him and held out my hand for his shot glass. He glared at me before surrendering the shot glass.

"You know this," I gestured to the whiskey. "Is not going to help matters at all." He nodded and walked back to the sofa and lay down. I followed him and sat next to him and gently picked up his head and laid it in my lap. I spent the next few minutes running my fingers through his damp hair. My heart ached when I saw the tears flowing down his face. "Tell me how to make it better?" I pleaded with him.

"How about traveling back in time and beat the shit out of me for not listening to you when you tried to warn me about Brian?" he asked angrily as he wiped the tears from his face.

"That would never do," I said as I wiped his tears from his face. "You see I pinky swore with a cute little boy that I would never hurt his daddy." Matt sobbed loudly for a few seconds wrapping his arms around himself.

"I miss holding him Kevin!" he looked up at me. I bent down and kissed his lips softly.

"I know you do baby," I whispered in his ear. "I know you do."

"Why did he do it?" he asked me. I shook my head no for I really didn't have an answer for why Brian did it. "I mean I know he can't father children but did he have to steal my son?" The tears had stopped and were replaced with anger. "Does he have any idea how much I hate him right now?"

"Please Matt," I pleaded. He sat up and turned to me with his eyes snapping with anger.

"Please what Kevin?" he demanded. "Please don't hate your cousin? Please don't be angry and upset. He stole my child! He took away my right to raise my son! Don't you dare tell me how to feel!"

"Babe, I'm not telling you how to feel. You have every right in the world to be angry and to hate Brian. But you have remember what Brian is going through right now." He stared at me like I had sprouted a third head or something.

"What Brian is going through right now!" he shouted. "I don't give a fuck what he is going through right now! I want my son back! Fuck him and his problems. His problems don't give him the right to steal my son!" I stood up and went to the bar and downed a few shots too.

"Have you given any thought as to what I am going through right now?" I asked him. "I mean here I am torn between two people that I love very much. No make that three people I love very much. I love my cousin despite the things he has done. I love you and I thank God every day that you came running into my life. And I fell head over heals in love with the cutest sweetest little boy I've ever met. And I am scared to death that I am going to loose everyone and everything that I love and hold dear!" I hurled out. It was only when I felt his hand on my cheek wiping the tears away did I realize that I was sobbing like baby. He gently took me into his arms and held me for a few moments.

"I'm so sorry Kevin," he said softly. "I was so wrapped up in my feelings and the need to protect my family that I didn't see how this was all affecting you."

I pulled away and looked at him for a few moments. I thought about how to word the next sentence.

"If there is something on your mind go ahead and say it," he reached out and took my hand and placed it on his chest. I could feel his heart beating beneath the skin.

"When you talk about your family I wonder where I fit in," I mumbled looking down.

"Where do you want to fit in?" he asked bluntly.

"I want to be included in that family of yours," I replied selfishly. "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to help raise Tyler and I want to be standing beside you when he makes his first soccer goal, I want to be jumping up and down in the stands when he makes his first touchdown. I want to be driving that mini van taking his friends to whatever kids do now. I want to be with you when he graduates from high school or college. I want to be at his wedding, I want to be there when you hold you hold your first grandchild!" I stopped talking when I saw the tears flowing down Matt's face. I had this feeling that I had said too much. "Umm I guess I should shut up now."

"Oh," stuttered out Matt. "Umm so what you are trying to say is that you --," he started. Ok here is where I, Mr. In Control all of the time goes over the edge.

"Marry me!" I exclaimed. Matt's eyes popped out of his head. He looked so cute that I couldn't help but laugh. "Well?" I demanded.

"Umm, I don't know what to say," he stuttered out. That made me laugh harder.

"Mr. Matthew Whitewater speechless!" I laughed out. "That has got to be a first!" I was rewarded with a punch in the shoulder. "Well Mr. Whitewater? Will you? Please baby, I love you and your son with everything I am. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Do you really know what you are getting yourself into?" Matt asked me. I nodded quickly. "I mean look at me! Take a good long look at me. I'm an eighteen-year-old kid. I've haven't been to college. I've just lost both of my parents. My son is gone. I'm a nervous wreck most of the time, and I ummmph!" I couldn't help it. He looked so cute sitting there babbling. I had to shut him up. So I kissed him. "You know this is getting really annoying!" he scolded me.

"You talk to much!" I scolded him. "I'll tell you what I see. I see an incredibly good-looking guy who I love with everything I have. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Now be a good boy and say yes!" I demanded.

"Yes!" he blurted out. "I'll marry you!" Now it was my turn to be speechless. I hadn't actually thought of what to say if he said yes. "Well say something!" he demanded lightly punching my shoulder.

"Ummm wow!" I gaped out.

"I just accepted your proposal and all you can say is wow?" he yelped at me teasing me.

"You will marry me?" I asked again. He nodded. I leaned forward and gently took his head in my hands and pulled it to mine and pressed my lips to his. His lips tasted so good to me. There was a wild urgency to the way he kissed that drove me wild. I pushed him down into the sofa again covering his body with mine. His hands wrapped around me pulling me closer to him. I moaned into his mouth as our kiss deepened. He began to buck his crotch into mine and for once I let this wild stallion have his way with me. He eagerly kissed and licked and bit his way to my pants. Ripping off the belt in one fluid motion and sliding down my pants exposing my cock to the cold air caused me to shiver. I groaned softly as his tongue touched the head of my cock. This only served his desire more. Whimpering softly he slid my cock into his mouth until the head of it touched the back of his throat. I looked down and a lump formed in my throat. His eyes were closed and a look of pure happiness graced his innocent features. I started to gently thrust in and out of his mouth. I could tell by his moans and whimpers that he was enjoying making love to me with his mouth. I was getting close and he knew it too. My orgasm started in my balls and worked its way up my cock. Soon my whole body was feeling the pressure of the orgasm. I tensed my entire body trying to hold back as long as I could. I was surprised that he allowed me to hold off. I finally let out a strangled groan and plunged in one last time flooding his mouth with my seed. I could see him swallowing as fast as he could. His eyes remained closed the whole time as he swallowed every drop of my cum. He continued to suck on my depleted cock causing my sensitive cock to remain hard. I lay back as he tortured me again with his cock sucking techniques. After my second orgasm I gently pulled him off of my aching cock. I could tell by his cute pout that he was disappointed. Panting I fell back on the sofa and he snuggled back up to me. He was lightly grinding his crotch in my leg. I looked into his eyes and the lust in his eyes told me that he needed release. "Please?" I begged.

"Please what?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Please fuck me," I begged. He smiled and shook his head no. "Why?" I asked.

"I won't fuck you baby, but I will make love to you," he said as he kissed me. I could still taste the remains of my seed on his lips and tongue. He reached for a condom but I stopped him. He looked at me closely and put it back down. He gently took my legs and placed them on his shoulders and position him self. I shivered as I felt his hard cock push up against my whole. In a quick swift push he was in. I groaned out in pain and pleasure. He stopped and looked at me with love and concern. "Go on!" I urged him. He pulled out and pushed back in. This time there was no pain. Only pleasure raged through my body. "Oooohh God!" I groaned out. This seemed to spur him on. He was like an untamed stallion ramming in and out of me. I looked up at his rock hard body shimmering in sweat and moaned again as he cock slammed into me. He fell onto me as he drove his cock in and out of me. His lips assaulting mine, his tongue driving into my mouth. It was like he was possessed. I flipped him over so that I was on top and continued the ride he had started. His eyes flew open wild with lust. I bobbed up and down on his shaft trying to force myself deeper and deeper onto his cock. By this time the compartment was full of our moans and groans.

"I'm close Kevin!" he groaned out. I grinned down at him and spurred him on by bending down and biting down on his nipple. He let out a soft scream and shoved into me one last time his entire body shuddering from the force of the orgasm. His searing hot seed shot up my ass sending me over the edge. I came with such force that most of it landed on his face. He groaned loudly as the hot seed landed on his angelic features. I collapsed down on top of him breathing heavily. The room smelled of sweat and cum. It was intoxicating for me. I lay there for a few moments and gently kissed his chest. By this time he had recovered enough to reach for a towel.

"Please let me," I said softly. I took the towel from his hand and gently cleaned up the mess I had made on his face. I enjoyed cleaning off his face because it gave me a chance to study his features. I noticed a small scar on his right cheek. I bent down and planted a small kiss on it. He chuckled softly at the attention I was giving him. "Where did you get that scar?" I asked as I licked my way down to his chin. His soft stubble tickling me as I continued my personal tour of his face.

"Football injury," he mumbled out.

"I think it is beautiful," I said giving it a last kiss before rolling over and grabbing my boxers and sliding them back on. He looked at me with a pout and I patted his leg. "Ok stud!" I teased him. "Time to get your clothes on."

"What if I don't want to?" he said with a naughty grin.

"Well it is cold in Vermont and although they treat Gays pretty well I think they would have a problem with a gorgeous guy like you and I walking around naked." He pouted for a few moments and I gave him. I slipped off my boxers and he grinned like a kid on Christmas morning. I pulled him too me so that he was lying in between my legs. He lay back against my chest and yawned.

"You tired?" I asked softly. He nodded. "Than why don't you catch a few winks before we land?" He nodded and mumbled something and closed his eyes.

From Tyler's point of view.

"Where is my Daddy?" I shouted at Brian.

"Your Daddy had to go somewhere for business," Brian said smiling at me. "Do you want to play with your legos?" OK so he was trying to be nice to me and I didn't like it one bit. He was keeping me from my Daddy and I was mad!

"I don't wanna play!" I shouted at him. "I want to see my Daddy right now!"

"NO!" He shouted. "Your Daddy isn't here right now! And there is nothing you can do about it. Now get to the dinning room for Dinner!" I swallowed hard trying not to cry but it was so hard. My Daddy never yelled at me unless I did something really bad. "And stop crying!" he shouted again. That did it. I started bawling real loud. Hey if you are going to do it make sure you do it right. He just rolled his eyes and stomped off. Man I can't believe I liked that guy!

"Tyler?" asked Nick as he stuck his head in the door. I liked Nick a lot. He was always there for me. He even let me sleep with him last night when I missed Daddy and Kevin.

"I want to see Daddy." I sniffled. He picked me up and hugged me close. I love to be held and hugged. It makes me feel good. I laid my head on Nick's shoulder and cried some more.

"I know you want to see your Daddy right now. But you can't," he said as he wiped my tears away.

"Why not?" I begged Nick giving him my best pout I could muster. Grown ups could never resist the POUT!

"Because the grown ups that took you away say that you have to live away from your daddy for now," he said with a frown. "But it won't be for long."

"Promise?" I asked. You see grown-ups have this thing about not wanting to break a promise. So I was taking advantage of this. But it didn't work

"Tyler, I can't promise you that," he said sadly. I could tell he was almost ready to cry. He shook himself hard and looked at me with a smile. "We are having pizza! Do you want to eat some?"

"No," I pouted some more. "I want to see Daddy."

"Tyler please you have to eat," Nick pleaded with me.

"No!" I shouted again. "I am never gonna eat until my Daddy comes to get me!" And with that I turned and ran from the living room and into my bedroom slamming the door real hard.

From Kevin's point of view.

I looked down at Matt sleeping peacefully. He was finally getting some sleep. Ever since Brian had taken Tyler from us he hadn't sleeping very well. So I guess the four shots of whiskey did the trick and the hot sex probably helped too. I frowned at the seat belt sign as it flashed on. "Matt honey?" I asked softly. He snuggled closer to me wrapping his arm around my waist. "Matt!" I said louder. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. "It is time to sit up and fasten your seat belt." He nodded and sat up stretching. I was amazed at his cat like movements. He was still naked from our love making session. I couldn't help but gawk at his hot tight dancer's body. I watched him slide on his pants leaving his boxers off. Than he turned and picked up my wife beater and pulled it over his head.

"It smells like you," he said grinning. He tossed me his and I slid it over. I could smell his scent on the wife beater and I closed my eyes enjoying the faint odor of his sweat and his cologne. "Earth to Kevin," he said softly. I opened my eyes to see him standing over me. God did he look hot. His hair was still damp from the sweat and it was sticking out all over the place. He was wearing that same lopsided reckless grin that I fell in love with when I first met him.

I swallowed hard and bit my lower lip. He caught me and smirked as he buckled his seat belt.

"Like what you see?" he asked grinning at me.

"Ummm yea," I stuttered out. It was at this moment when my cell phone decided to ring. Probably just as well because I was so hard right now that I could've taken Matt again right here and now. Growling in frustration I grabbed and yelled into the receiver. "What do you want?" I winked at Matt when I saw him laughing at me. The next voice I heard made me want to throw the phone out of the jet.

Chapter 10

New Doors Open

"Kevin it's me Brian," Brian yelled back.

"What the hell do you want?" I shouted at him.

"I need to talk to Matt," Brian said in a softer tone.

"Why the hell does he want to talk to you?" I hurled at him.

"It's Tyler," Brian said sighing. "He won't eat until he talks to Matt."

"Baby," I said handing the phone to a very confused Matt. "It's my former cousin. He wants to talk to you." Matt shook his head no. "It's about Tyler." That did it. Matt snatched the phone out of my hand.

"What is wrong Brian," Matt asked worried. "What did you do to my son?"

"I didn't do shit to your son Matt! And he won't be your son for much longer if I have anything to do about it!" Brian hurled at Matt. "He is staging a hunger strike and won't eat until he talks to you." Matt busted up laughing. "Hey!" Brian shouted. "It's not funny!"

"Yes it is Brian," Matt snickered. "So raising a three year old isn't all fun and games is it?" Brian choose not to answer that time. "Put him on."

"Daddy?" asked Tyler. Tears flowed down Matt's face when he heard his son's voice. "I wanna go home!"

"You can't come home right now son," Matt said wiping tears from his face. "You have to stay at Brian's for a while longer."

"I don't wanna!" Tyler said loudly. "Please Daddy can I come home?"

"Brian says you refuse to eat your dinner. Is that true son?" Matt asked sternly.

"I wanna go with you," he whimpered. "I miss you and Kevin."

"Tyler honey, you have to do what Brian tells you. I know that you want to be with Kevin and me right now but the law says you have to stay with Brian. Now I want you to be a good boy and do what Brian tells you. I want you mind Brian like you would mind me," Matt scolded lightly. There was a long pause. "Tyler did you hear me?"

"Yes Daddy," he said softly.

"I have to go now Tyler. Please promise me you will be a good boy and do what they tell you to do," Matt said gritting his teeth.

"Ok Daddy, I'll be good I promise!" Tyler said in a cheerful voice.

"I love you baby," Matt struggled out.

"I love you too Daddy. Um Daddy?" Tyler asked.

"Yes son?" Matt asked.

"Can I talk to Kevin?" Tyler asked. Matt handed the phone to Kevin.

"He wants to talk to you," Matt told me. I nodded and took the phone from his hand.

"Hey Tyler!" I exclaimed into the phone. "You being a good boy?"

"No!" he hurled at me. "Brian is being a meanie!"

"Brian is just trying to help Tyler," I replied trying not to laugh. I was secretly happy that Tyler was giving Brian a hard time. It served him right. "Your dad and me love you," I said softly.

"I know and Kevin?" Tyler asked.

"Yes Tyler?" I asked back.

"I love you too and I don't think you're old anymore. I think you are cool!" Tyler giggled. "Umm I have to go now and eat. Bye!"

"Thank you for letting Matt talk to Tyler," Brian said in the phone.

"Listen here COUSIN!" I hurled into the phone. "You and I are through. I have no Cousin. The only reason I spoke to you is because of an innocent three year old boy whom you stole from his biological father!"

"I know you don't understand what I did but--," Brian started but I had already turned off the phone. I turned to see Matt with his head in his hands sobbing loudly. I quickly wrapped my arms around him to comfort him. After a few moments he finally managed to control himself. He shivered and snuggled closer to me. "Are you cold?" I asked softly. He nodded. "Why don't you put your shirt back on?" I giggled

"Cause I like being close to you," he mumbled nuzzling my chest. I heard the door slide open and saw the pilot standing there politely.

"Sirs," he said formally. "We've landed and you can disembark at your conveyance." After the pilot left I looked down at Matt. Matt?" I asked softly. "We can leave the plane now." He nodded and stood up and slipped his shirt on and than his jacket. I took his hand and followed him out. He looked back at me with questions in his eyes.

"I don't care what they think! I said stubbornly. "And besides we're in Vermont now."

"But you are a celebrity and what about the group?" he asked.

"You are my boyfriend and if I want to hold your hand than I will. Don't mess with the Richardson's stubborn streak. It will win every time!" I smirked at him. He nodded quietly and allowed me to have my way. "Now let's go see what Roger has set up for us."

From Matt's point of view.

The cold wind hit me in the face like a slap in the face. I shivered and I noticed that snow was falling heavily. Kevin went from holding my hand to wrapping his arm around me. Once at the bottom of the steps we hurried to the limo and the group of reporters.

"Mr. Whitewater!" shouted a reporter. "Can you answer a few questions for us?" I looked up at Kevin he nodded.

From Brian's point of view

"And when we come back we will have a report of a major collisions that will bring the business and music worlds together." I sighed and sat back in my easy chair. I had finished putting Tyler to bed. He was an adorable kid but he also could be a huge brat. My patients were running thin. At some point he was going to have to understand that I was his father now.

"Very rarely do the business world and the music world collide. This next report just happens to be one of those moments. We take you live now in Vermont." I watched in horror as I saw my cousin and Matt standing beside a limo. Kevin's arm was around Matt's shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted at Kevin on the TV.

"Mr. Whitewater, is it true that you are the soul heir of the Whitewater Estate and therefore will be running Whittington Enterprise?" asked a reporter. I felt a cold chill raged through my body. Matt was a millionaire. He now possessed the power to take his on back. He also had the power to ruin my life too if he wanted too. "What are your plans for the company?" asked the Reporter.

"Right now I have no plans other than getting my personal life back on track and getting my son back!" He glared right at the camera when he said that. It was as if he knew I would be watching. "If you are listening, your games are coming to an end!"

"Does this involve the so called custody battle over your son and Brian Litteral," the reporter asked.

"Mr. Litteral convinced the Georgia Social Service Department in Atlanta that since I was gay that I am a unfit parent!" Matt told the reporter. "I'm here in Vermont to set up the new headquarters of Whittington Enterprises and than I will be heading back to Atlanta to regain custody of my son!"

"Why is Mr. Richardson here with you?" asked the same Reporter.

"Kevin is a dear friend of the family, Matt started but Kevin stepped in front of him. Another cold chill ran through my veins.

"I can take it from here Matt," he said smiling down at him. "I'm here with Matt to offer him support. And to offer him my love." The cameramen around him scrambled to get into better position.

"Are you saying that you and Matthew Whitewater are involved in a relationship?" asked a reporter.

"Does this answer your question?" Kevin said smiling as he pulled Matt to him and kissed him fully on the lips.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed as I sat up in bed. I looked around to see what was going on. "Oh God, what a dream!" I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom and took a drink of water.

"Brian?" asked a soft voice. I turned and saw Tyler standing in the doorway of my bedroom. His arm was wrapped around his teddy bear and he had tears running down his face.

"What is it Tyler?" I asked sighing.

"I had a bad dream and I can't sleep," he said shuffling over to me. Ok so I do have a soft spot. I bent down and picked him up and carried him to our bed. Since Leighanne was visiting her parents I had the house to myself. Well except for Nick. He insisted on coming too to make sure that Tyler was taken care of.

"You want to tell me about it?" I asked as I lay in bed and he snuggled up against me. He shook his head no. "I'm a real good listener."

"Umm can I ask you something?" he asked looking up at me.

"Of course you can Tyler," I said softly.

"Why did you take me from my daddy?" he asked.

"Your Daddy is doing something that is wrong in the eyes of God," I said looking at him. His little nose scrunched up in confusion. "God says you can't lie with man. Your Daddy is sleeping with Kevin and that is a sin. And for me to allow you to be exposed to that is wrong."

"I love my Daddy," Tyler said with tears in his eyes. "I don't care if he sleeps with guys. I still love him and I want to be with him!"

"Well that is not going to happen!" I said harshly. "I have a duty to make sure that Matt doesn't corrupt you!" Tyler looked down and was quiet for a few moments.

"Umm I want to go back to my room now," he mumbled. I nodded and he climbed out of bed and shuffled back out of my room. I lay down and tried to get back to sleep.

From Tyler's point of view.

"I hate him!" I shouted at my teddy bear. "I hate him!"

"Tyler?" asked Nick. I looked up glaring at him. "Who do you hate?" He sat down beside me and pulled me close. I scrambled into his lap and snuggled closer to him. "I asked you a question. Who do you hate?"

"Brian," I said looking up at Nick. "I hate him because he wants to take me away from my Daddy!"

"Tyler," Nick said softly. "You know that you are not supposed to hate anyone. What did your father say about that?"

"I don't care!" I shouted at him. "I hate Brian! I will hate him until he gives me back to Daddy!" I snuggled closer to Nick and started to cry again. I wanted my father's arms around me. Nick was Ok but he wasn't daddy. "I want my Daddy." I sobbed. Nick just held me until I finally fell asleep.

Nick got up and lay Tyler down in bed and covered him up. He frowned at Tyler and saw that something was missing. Tyler had stopped sucking his thumb! "Thanks a lot Brian!" he muttered as he lay down beside the sleeping toddler and pulled him close. For the last few days Tyler had spent most of his nights sleeping with Nick. He trusted Nick to be there for him and he knew that Nick wouldn't let him down.

From Kevin's point of view.

The limo stopped and I opened the door before the driver could do it. I reached for my lover's (Fiancé's) hand and we walked up the steps of Matt's new home. The door to the house opened and out stepped a young man in a butler's uniform. He was very good looking. I was starting to see Roger's hand in this. The kid had jet-black hair and piercing brown eyes and a body to die for.

"Good evening sirs," he said formally. "Welcome home Mr. Whitewater."

"Umm thanks," mumbled Matt. "What is your name?"

"Brad, sir," the butler said smiling. "I am your man servant. I have prepared your evening meal. If you please sirs, this way." We followed Brad through the house. This place was huge! Roger had bought a mansion and had it furnished already. I looked around the house and at Matt. Matt was really quiet. I could tell that he wasn't comfortable here. I had to do something to calm him down. I had seen flight mode before when Brian first came to the Backstreet Boys. It was Nick who talked him out of running. It would seem that I was now stuck with the task of talking Matt from running away from his new life.

"Umm I left something in the car," he muttered as he turned and ran for the door. Brad turned and looked worriedly after him. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll go after him," I said with a smile. I ran after Matt. By the time I reached the Limo he was ordering the driver to take off. I opened the door and slid in beside him. He shied away from me looking out the window. "Umm going somewhere sweetie?" I asked softly. He shrugged his shoulder. The driver looked back. "Just drive!" I ordered him and pushed the button to the privacy screen. Turning back to Matt, "so where do you want to go?" Again he shrugged his shoulders. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He sank into my arms and started sobbing. I just held him in my arms rocking him back and forth.

"I must've looked so dumb in front of him," he sniffled.

"Hey, I soothed. "You are his boss. You're allowed to look any way you want too. Besides I'm sure he understood."

"You think?" he asked wiping some tears away from his face.

"Well if he doesn't he'll just have to get over it though. "You want to go back to the house?" He shook his head no. "Ok so we'll just drive around for a while."

Three hours later we pulled back up to the house. Matt was asleep and I carried him into the house. Brad was still up and met me at the door.

"Is everything all right?" he asked worriedly. I nodded quietly as I headed up stairs. "His rooms are at the end of the hall to your left." I nodded my thanks. "Will there be anything else sir?"

"No Brad, that will be all for now. You may retire for the evening, and please leave the kitchen open incase Mr. Whitewater wants something to eat," I said formally. He nodded silently and set about to close down the house for the night. I on the other hand carried Matt into his rooms. It was a small apartment with a master bedroom and a small sitting room and bathroom and a spacious office, which included a walk out balcony. "Matt?" I asked softly. He mumbled something in his sleep. Matt?" I said louder. His eyes opened as he sat up. "You need to take hot bath before going to bed," I said. "I'll go draw your water for you."

"Only if you join me," he said as he looked up at me with pleading eyes.

A half hour later we were decked out in black silk boxers with silk robes on sitting on the sofa eating sandwiches. I could tell that Matt was feeling better. He was laughing and smiling at my silly stories about my days in the band. "So any way there I was with shaving cream allover my face and hand and that little shit was laughing his head off," I said. Matt was giggling his head off and trying to drink some of his milk.

"So Nick was a major prankster?" he said grinning. "How did you fall in love with him?" I frowned when he asked me that question. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that question if you don't want too."

"No it's all right baby," I sighed. I thought back on those days. Most of them were good ones. I had just realized that I was gay and when I found out that Nick was too I though we were meant to be. He was so cute and energetic back then. "The first day I thought I was in love with him was when Nicky first came out to us. God he was so scared. He was trembling and shaking so bad that my heart went out to him. Brian of course did the old It's a sin to be gay which only made it worse. I tried to explain to Brian that it was not a sin to be what you are."

Flash back

I looked over at Nick. He was trembling with fear as he poured his heart to us. I wondered what could be so bad that he was so scared of loosing us. I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder. He jerked away looking at me as if I was going to bite him or something. "Nick," I said softly. "Whatever it is I won't feel any different about you. Please Nicky, tell me, and tell us what is wrong."

"I'm gay," he whispered softly. But everyone heard it. The silence was deafening. He started sobbing again. I moved quickly to pull him in close. "You all hate me now!"

"No Sweetie," I soothed him. "We can never hate you, you are our brother. And Brothers don't hate one another." I took his chin and brought his face up so that he was looking into mine. "Remember the first day of the tour together?" I asked. "The first day we were all there as a group. You and Brian had just met and had your first fight. I made a promise that day I promised myself that I would always watch out for you. I am sticking to that promise now. I promise you that I will watch out for you and try not to hurt you or let any harm come to you."

"Well I for one can't accept this!" blurted out Brian. All eyes turned to him. "He is a sinner!" Nick let out a strangled sob. I held him closer. "And I can't be a part of his life if he is going to be this way!"

"Well than I guess you can't be a part of my life either," I said glaring at him. "Because you see Brian. I'm gay too!" Nick looked up at me in shock. He looked so cute that I had to smile. "Did I surprise you Nicky?" He nodded. I bent down and kissed him on the top of his head.

Back to present day.

"Well Brian finally got over it or so we all thought. Nick and I broke up after I cheated on him. God that hurt him so much. He told me later that it wasn't because I slept around on him, it was because I broke my promise to him," I said softly looking down in shame. I felt Matt's hands on my cheeks and gently pulled me to his lips. Than he kissed my tears away.

"You were a different man back than. The Kevin I know would never hurt me or Tyler." Hey it was a sweet thing to say. And I know he was trying to stay awake but right after he said that he yawned really loudly. I giggled a little and kissed his nose. He pouted at my response. "Hey!" he scolded me. "Stop picking on me!"

"I'm sorry for laughing at you. I'll tell you what, you let me carry you to bed and let me hold you all night and I'll let you have your way with me tomorrow," I said as I nuzzled his neck. He let out a small groan when my mouth clamped down on his Adams Apple. "I'll take that as a yes." I lifted him up in my arms and carried him to the bed and lay him down. He was already asleep when I covered him up. I snuggled up to him and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. He moaned again and gently ground his crotch into mine. That little bugger was hard again. I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. Not that I was going to get much with "Mr. Horny Toad" grinding against me.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up to find Kevin holding me. I smiled and snuggled closer to him closing my eyes I tried to get back to sleep. But unfortunately sleep eluded me. Growling softly I swung out of bed. I walked over to the closet and pulled out some work out clothes. A place as big as this place had to have a work out place. I trotted down the stairs and ran into Brad. He was changing the flowers in the crystal vase.

"Good morning sir," he said formally.

"I'll tell you what Brad," I said smiling at him. "You tell me where the gym is to this place and I'll let you call me Matt for now on. Deal?"

"The gym is down the hall to your left," he said smiling. I turned and headed down the hall. "And Matt?" he asked. I turned. "The pool is in the same room if you want to swim later." I nodded and headed for the gym. I was going to get a good work out before I woke Kevin up. He had been taking care of my so much lately that I decided that he should get a chance to sleep in once in a while. Once in the gym I started out with a few stretching exercises and than I headed for the weights. I had to keep my body toned and looking good. After working up a good sweat on the weights I headed over to the treadmill. I settled into a good run when I saw my sweetie come walking in. He was dressed in a tight wife beater and a pair of baggy shorts. I mouth drooled over him and he saw me and smirked. I watched his cat like movements as he stretched and prepared himself for his work out. Than he too settled in for a run on the treadmill beside me.

"Good morning sweetie," he said smiling at me.

"Good morning yourself Kevin," I smiled back.

"Having a good work out?" he asked.

I nodded and kept on running. As I ran I begin to think about Tyler. The more I thought about him the madder I got. The madder I got the faster I ran. I guess I lost track of time because the next thing I knew Kevin had hit the emergency stop on my treadmill. Matt!" he shouted at me with concern in his eyes. "I've been yelling at you for almost fifteen minutes!" I sat down heavily on the floor gasping for air. My muscles ached and burn and the sweat was pouring off of my body. The anger was gone and all that remained of it was dull ache.

"I'm all right Kevin," I sighed. "I just lost track of time is all." I gratefully accepted his offered bottle of water and drank heavily from it.

"I just got a call from JC. He has some news that he wants to share with both of us," Kevin said as he plopped down beside me. "He'll be here in a few hours."

"Did he give us clue what it was?" I asked. Kevin shook his head. "Any ideas what it is?" Again Kevin shook his head no.

"All he said was that it was important and it involved Tyler," Kevin said.

"Well I guess we will wait until he gets here," I mumbled. I heard some footsteps and saw Roger walk in. I stood up and went to him and shook his hand. "Roger!" I scolded. "What in the world were you thinking?" I gestured around. "This place is huge!" He just grinned and handed me a glass of orange juice. I looked at him funny.

"You need to eat healthier mister!" he scolded. I've heard about what you've been eating while you were on tour." I blushed and took a drink of the juice. "I have an idea that we should move on at once." I motioned Kevin to follow us and Roger led us into a huge office. He sat in a chair in front of the desk. I looked at him funny. "This is your office Sir," he said stressing the word Sir. "I work for you, not the other way around."

"Sorry about that, I keep forgetting," I gave Kevin a dirty look when he busted up laughing. "You were saying about an idea."

"Well have you had a chance to take a look at Whittington's holdings?" he asked me. I shook my head. "Well let me direct your attention to this particular one." He pointed at a word and the word sent shivers up my spine.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. "What the hell was Dad thinking?" I asked. "I mean what did he need with that company?"

"Your dad wanted to make sure that your interest were taken care of. He knew that you loved to dance," Roger explained.

"OK so I own 39 percent of it. How the hell is that supposed to help us? And how am I going to get the rest of the stock holders to go along with this?" I asked looking at Kevin. I showed him the company that I owned 39 percent of he frowned and sat down looking down at his feet. I frowned at his reaction but listen to what Roger had to say. In about an hour we had a plan worked out to put our plan into action. After a few phone calls the plan was moving. I had just made my first major business deal. The rest of the board wasn't too excited about it. But they understood and would support me. I could tell that Kevin was not happy about it. But my son met everything to me. And nobody was going to stop me from getting my family back. Kevin would just have to understand.

Kevin was quiet for most of the afternoon and nothing I did could bring him out of it. Finally I resorted to cornering him. He didn't like it.

"Kevin," I said firmly. "Talk to me!" He glared up at me and refused to say anything. "Dammit Kevin!" I shouted at him. JC had just showed up and didn't have time to tell us what he wanted to tell us.

"You said you wouldn't destroy him!" Kevin shouted at me. "And what you have planned is going to destroy him! You lied to me!"

"He stole my son!" I shouted back. "How the hell am I supposed to fight that?" Kevin swore and left the room. I followed him outside. "Kevin!" I shouted at him. He stopped and looked back at me with anger raging in his eyes. And this time it was directed at me. "He stole my son!" I sobbed out. Kevin walked up to me and took me in his arms. "I don't want to do this either but I have to."

"Why?" Kevin asked me with pleading eyes.

"I have to make him understand that I will stop at nothing to get my son back," I said as I wiped a tear from his eyes.

"How far will you go?" he demanded.

"Don't ask me to choose between you and my son. Because you know who I will choose," I said harshly. Kevin opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it. "Maybe he will back out when he sees what is at stake," I said hopefully. Kevin nodded and turned to JC.

"You want to tell us what is going on in your camp?" Kevin asked.

"You're not going to like it," JC said looking at us. "Justin was helping Brian with his plan. And from what Justin says Nick was involved too."

"That fucker is going down!" I shouted and turned to head into the house.

"God this just keeps getting messier and messier!" grumbled Kevin.

I walked into my office and plopped down behind it and scowled at the computer screen. It still had the list of holdings on the screen. I fingered the mouse and debated on whether I should do this or not. A shadow crossed over my desk and I looked up and saw the smile of my lover. "Don't try to talk me out of this," I said looking away.

"Nick was involved in this too," Kevin said. I nodded and turned back to my computer. "I won't argue with you any more. This has gotten to far out of hand. Too many lives are being messed with. So do what you have to do to stop this. You will have my support." I looked at Kevin to see if he was really ok with this. "I just got off the phone with Brian. He is still convinced that he is doing the right thing in taking your son from you. It needs to be done babe." I looked up at him and he walked around my desk and took my mouse and used it to highlight the area I was staring at. "Do it!"

"Are you sure Kev?" I asked him. He nodded quietly. "I don't want to destroy him."

"You won't, you will just be sending him a very loud wake up call that he can't get away with stuff like this!" Kevin said harshly.

"I have to call Nick first. I want to know why he is behind Brian." Kevin took a sudden breath in and stared at me for a few seconds. I thought he was going to argue with me but he nodded for me to continue. "I want to give Nick a chance to explain himself. I know he loves Tyler very much so there has to be a good reason for why he is doing this." I picked up the phone and dialed Nick's cell phone. He answered a few rings later. "Nick, you and I need to talk."

"I know we do," Nick said in a soft voice.

"Why Nick?" I pleaded with him. "Why did you help take my son away from me?"

"You don't understand," Nick sighed.

"Well than make me understand how a nice guy like you whom my son trusts and admires could do something so evil!" I hurled at him.

"Someone had to be there for him," he sobbed out. "You should see him now. So full of hate and anger. I'm so afraid of what he might do next. He is not the same little boy that you knew. Matt he--," Nick stopped to gather himself. "Matt; he told me last night that he hated Brian." I wiped some tears from my eyes at the thought of my son's innocence being stolen from him. "I'm here because I love him. I'm here because right now I'm the only thing that he has to hang on to. I'm here because Brian is a cold heartless selfish human being that needs to be watched. I don't trust him around Tyler. So that is why I am here with your son." I sighed and looked at Kevin. He had been listening in on the entire conversation for I had it on speakerphone.

"Ok so you said you did it because you love Tyler and that you wanted to make sure that he didn't get hurt," Kevin said. "But isn't there a another reason for doing it?"

"How long have you been listening to us?" Nick demanded. I could tell he had fear in his voice.

"Never mind about that!" Kevin said. "Now tell me the real reason you are doing this!" Nick refused to answer him. "Ok so you won't tell? Than I will. Brian let's you suck him off!" I glanced up at Kevin in shock. "Isn't that the real reason that you are doing this?" Kevin shouted into the speaker section of the phone.

"That is not why I am doing it!" Nick shouted back. "And what I do to Brian is none of your business! And besides I was talking to Matt not you! Matt, you've got to understand I'm not doing this to hurt you or Tyler. I love you guys like family!"

"I believe you Nick," I said glaring at Kevin. Kevin just shrugged his shoulders and went back to looking at my computer. "Listen, you are going to have keep you eyes open for now. I'm getting ready to make a move and it won't be a pleasant one. Keep an eye out for Tyler and make sure he doesn't get hurt in this mess."

"You have my word Matt," Nick assured me before hanging up the phone. I turned to Kevin.

"What the hell was that for?" I demanded. Kevin jerked his head up at me in surprise. "You had no right to embarrass Nick like that!"

"You deserve to know the truth about him!" Kevin hurled back at me.

"Are you sure that is all it is?" I hurled right back at him. Kevin looked away refusing to answer my question. "Well I guess I got my answer." I walked out of my office leaving Kevin in there alone. On my way out I ran into Brad, he was carrying a tray with food on it. We collided and I ended up with the tray on me with the food all over me.

"Oh my," Brad said horrified. "I'm so sorry sir." He got up and helped me clean up the mess.

"Don't worry about it Brad," I said looking into his eyes. I knew him from somewhere but I couldn't place it. I had had that feeling this morning but shook it off. But now it was screaming at me. "Do I know you?" I asked. "I mean I have this feeling that I know you from somewhere."

"I'm sorry sir but we have never met before last evening," he mumbled looking down and quickly walking away. I thought about going after him but thought better of it. Instead I headed off to my room for a shower.

In Atlanta >From Brian's point of view

"Brian!" shouted Nick. "You have a phone call!" I sighed and handed the controller back to Tyler. I took the phone from Nick.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver. I listened the voice on the other end of the line. "Ok, we'll be there at nine sharp!" I hung up the phone and looked at Nick who was wrestling with Tyler. Tyler was giggling his head off. I smiled at the two of them playing. I hated to interrupt them but I had to. "Nick?" I spoke up. He looked up with his hair all messed up. "We have to be at Jive tomorrow morning at nine."

"Why?" Nick asked confused.

"I don't know, something about contract negotiating or something," I mumbled as I trotted off to the bedroom to pack. "You're going to have to pack Tyler's stuff too."

Back in Vermont.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and dried my self off. I heard a whistle and looked up to see Kevin standing in the doorway grinning at me. I glared at him and went about my business of putting on my clothes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off. I was angry with Kevin and I wanted him to know it. Well he warned me about the Richardson Stubborn Streak and I guess I should've listen. The next thing I knew I was turned around and facing him. "What?" I shouted at him.

"You need to listen to me!" he shouted back. I went to turn around but he held me in place. His grip was starting to hurt. I had been in this position before just before James would start hitting me he would always grab me by the shoulders. I began to panic and tried to get loose. Kevin refused to let me go. "No!" he shouted at me as he shook me. "You are going to sit here and listen to what I have to say!" He was considerably stronger than I was. And the pain was getting worse. At some point in the struggle I was convinced that this wasn't Kevin any longer but James. My flight instincts took over. I put my knee in his gut and took off running. I heard him grunt but I didn't stay to find out what had happened. All I wanted to do was run. Matt!" he shouted. I stopped and turned around. I stopped seeing James and saw Kevin. He walked up to me and I shied away from him. I must've been trembling because I heard him sob out. I felt his hand on my arm. This time it was gentle and caring. I looked into those green eyes of his and melted. "I'm so sorry Matt," he whispered to me. "I didn't mean to hurt you or frighten you." I nodded and took his hand and led him back into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. I rubbed my upper arms where he had grabbed me. He took my hand and moved it to see. I heard him gasp and than he was gone. I sat there for a few minutes before getting up and walking out of the room. I passed a mirror and saw that the finger marks on my bare skin. There was going to be a bruise. Kevin's grip was a lot stronger than I had thought. I went looking for Kevin and found him in the living room looking into the fireplace.

"We need to talk," I said laying a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll leave first thing in the morning," he sobbed out.

"No Kevin!" I said loudly.

"I hurt you!" he said with anguish in his voice. "I promised myself and Tyler that I would never do that to you. I won't be a part of your life and hurt you."

"I don't want you to go," I said softly. "I love you."

"Isn't that what you said to me about James?" he asked. I looked into his eyes and saw the remorse and hurt in his eyes.

"You and James are two different people. James enjoyed hurting people and controlling them. You love Tyler and me and besides I was being a jerk and wouldn't listen to you. Please Kevin don't go!" I was getting desperate now. The thought of Kevin walking out of my life right now was too much for me to handle.

"I can't stand the fact that I hurt you!" he sobbed. "I promised that I would never do that. I can't stay here." He got up and walked out of the room. Swearing I got up to and followed him. I caught up with him as he was talking on the phone. I grabbed the phone from him.

"I'm sorry but Kevin is really busy right now and can't talk to you," I said into the phone and hung up. "I won't let you go!" Kevin stopped and looked down. "I would be so lost with out you. Please don't leave me!" Kevin sighed and tried to walk around me. The tears started and than I started to hiccup. That is so embarrassing. I guess he found it amusing because he chuckled. I glared at him and tried holding my breath. But you know those things never work. The next thing I knew I was in his arms and he was kissing me driving his tongue into my mouth as far as it would go. The hiccups stopped. The tears continued to flow though as he tried to get loose. "No!" I said forcefully. "I'm not letting you go!"

"What if I told you that I would stay?" He asked smiling down at me.

"Oh well if you are really going to stay than I will let you go," I said grinning up at him. He rolled his eyes at me and led me back into the bedroom. "Oh goody," I said with a naughty gleam in my eye. "Are we making up now?"

"You are so bad!" he teased me. "Yes we are making up but no sex!" I pouted for a few moments. "That is not going to work mister," he scolded me as he took my chin in his hand and pulled my face up so that I was looking up at me. I shivered when I looked into his eyes. His eyes turned from ones of love to ones of amusement. He leaned down and kissed me on the nose. "Now we need to have a talk." I realized that he was serious so I nodded and sat down next to him. "You know that I love you?" he asked. I nodded, "Well I have to tell you how I feel about Nick." My heart stood still as he looked down. "I still have feelings for him Matt." I felt tears come to my eyes.

"I won't be put in the middle Kevin," I said as I wiped some tears from my face. "I'm not that type of person."

"I still have feeling for him as far as wanting to protect him," Kevin explained. I breathed a sigh of relief. "When I hurt him back then I promised myself that I would never allow anyone to hurt him again. I fill that I have failed him in that. He is trading sexual favors with Brian so he can stay on Brian's good side. And that is what I am angry about. Nick is a beautiful person. He deserves to have someone to love him. Brian can never give him what Nicks wants and needs. That is why I am so angry right now. It is not because I am jealous. I love him and I want to keep him safe." I wrapped my arms around Kevin and laid my head on his shoulder. Kevin laid his head on mine. I enjoyed the closeness we were showing.

"Nick is a grown man Kevin," I said as I played with one of his many bracelets around his right hand. "I know you want to keep him safe. And I understand that you still have feelings for him. But I only have room for one man in my heart and that heart belongs to you and I don't wanna share you with anyone." I continued to play with his bracelets for a few moments. Kevin sighed and removed one of them and tied it to my wrist.

"There," he said grinning. "Now you have one of your own." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled closer to him. "Now that you have said that you don't want to share me with anyone how about some attention?" I laughed softly and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Now that is the attention I was hoping for."

From Brian's point of view.

The next morning I walked into Jive Records Board room and saw Kevin there talking to one of the board members. He looked at me and than looked away. It was obvious that he was still mad at me. I had left Tyler down at childcare. I wondered where Matt was.

"Ok let's get this meeting underway," the man at the head of the table. The door opened and in walked Matthew Whitewater. "I would like you to meet the new chairman of the Board, Matthew Whitewater." I stood up and looked at Kevin. He looked down and shook his head. I started shaking and felt Nick's hand on my shoulder pulling me back down. One of the office assistants handed me a card. I opened and read it.


You said checkmate. But you weren't counting on a come back. This game of chess you've started isn't over. Check!


I dropped the card as if it were on fire. I looked up at Matt only to see him talking to Kevin calmly as if he was discussing the weather. I knew better. He was discussing my future. I had this horrible feeling that I wasn't going to like the outcome of this meeting. I looked over at Nick who quickly avoided my glances. I grabbed his shoulder and jerked him around so that he was facing me. "You knew about this!" I hissed at him. "You faggot!" He glared at me and stood up and walked over to Kevin and sat next to him. He wore a look of complete disgust and it was aimed at me. Those idiots! I had all the cards! I had the trump card! I had Tyler and most importantly I had the law on my side! What could they hope to gain?

To be continued

Well here it is. I know it is late but I had no choice. The next one will come quicker. Remember, input is always welcomed.

e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 5: Get Another Boyfriend 11 12

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