Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on May 11, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter part two.

Disclaimer: This is fiction. I do not know any of the Backstreet Boys. The Characters in this fictional story is fiction. If this is illegal in your state or country and if you are a minor please leave now!

Special Note: I am starting a new story line. Diabetes is a very serious medical condition. One not to be taken lightly. I am taking this story down the path of a character getting diabetes. I will also be touching on a very serious controversial topic as well. But I will save that for later.

Any questions or suggestion please feel free to e-mail me at

Not on with the story!

"Welcome home sweetie," I said as I held open the door for Kevin. He smiled a tired smile of thanks as he walked into the house with a very small bundle that held his second son Kevin Jr. You see Kevin Jr. came home today. Mattie had been home for a week already. I had so much fun taking care of him. In fact so much fun that the little guy had gotten attached to me and wouldn't let anyone else hold him. As soon as I put him down he would start crying his little heart out and well that broke my heart so I would pick him up. I hadn't slept in my bed for a week because I had taken to sleeping in the rocker beside Mattie's crib. So needless to say, I was tired. Very tired. But I was also very happy. Happy that Kevin was finally home with Kevin Jr. There was also another problem. I was losing weight again and I was thirsty constantly and peeing all the time too. I knew what the symptoms were but I chose to ignore them. I looked at Kevin who was holding Kevin Jr. with a huge smile on his face. There was no way I was going to worry him tonight. Not when my sweetie was all happy and incredibly sexy.

"Pappa!" squealed Tyler as he came bounding in the room. "Kevie is home!" Tyler was so exited about Kevin Jr. coming home that he woke me up at four in the morning so we could get his crib all ready. I was so proud of Tyler. He was such a trooper. Always ready and willing to help pitch in whenever needed. Mattie liked him too for you see Tyler was the other only person who could hold him with out him making a fuss. Well actually there was one other person who could hold him too and that was his mommy. Well after all she had all the right equipment.

"It is so good to be home," Kevin sighed as he handed the little bundle to Troy. Troy grinned widely as he got a rare chance to hold one of the Richardson twins. Kevin grabbed me in his arms and pulled me close and gave me one of those mind blowing kisses. After assuring that I was breathless he let me go. "Hi," he said innocently.

"Umm yea um hi," I stammered. He giggled as he kissed me again. "How was the ride home?" I asked after I had caught my breath. "Did Kevie enjoy his ride home?"

"He slept through the whole thing," Kevin said as he tried to stifle a yawn.

"Tired?" I asked as I ran my fingers through his hair trying to tame it. He nodded and nuzzled my cheek and stole another kiss. "Well after we get Kevie and Mattie all settled for a nap we'll get you upstairs and in bed."

"Will you be joining me?" He asked as his hand brushed my crotch. I could tell by the fire in his eyes that he was horny too. In fact I was horny as hell too. It had been almost three weeks since we had been intimate and I was just about to go out of mind. I had thought of Jacking off once but than decided not to. I wanted the orgasm I had with Kevin to be mind blowing.

"Of course I'll be joining you," I whispered in his ear. "In more than one way." He whimpered softly as I nibbled on his earlobe. "Now go up stairs and get ready for bed. I'll put the twins down and be up in a minute." I rushed up stairs ahead of him and ducked into the bathroom to relieve myself again. As I shut the door I heard Anne's voice.

"Actually," Anne piped up. "You two go on ahead and head up stairs. "I have to feed them so I might as well take over from here." After I was done with the bathroom followed Kevin into our room and once I was in I was grabbed by him and pressed against the wall with him grinding up against me pressing his lips to mine I reached down and cupped his crotch and gave it a gentle squeeze. He groaned as his lips and teeth found my ear.

"I missed you so much!" he groaned as he tugged on my earlobe. "I want you naked now!" I let him pull my clothes off and soon I was naked and completely under his control. He wrapped his arms around and walked me to the bed and pushed me back. The cold satin sheets caused me to gasp out loud as I fell back on them. He came crashing down on top of me pressing his lips to mind. With one swift thrust he slammed into me driving his entire length into me. I groaned into his mouth at the sudden intrusion. He begins pounding into me with a wild urgency that I had never seen before. Every time he plunged into me I was racked with pleasure. "You like that?" he asked with his eyes ablaze with lust. "God! I waited for so long to have you again."

"Fuck me Kevin!" I urged me. "Please fuck me." He just grinned as he continued to ride me. I looked up to see the sweat pour off of his rock hard body. He looked so hot that I moaned just at the sight of him. "Harder!" I urged him. He slapped me on the ass and started to ram in harder. The mixture of pain from him slapping me and pleasure of his cock slamming against my prostrate gland. "FUCK!" I groaned loudly.

"You like it when I fuck you?" Kevin smirked down at me. "You look so hot laying there taking it up your ass like that." He was talking dirty to me something that he never did. "You want my cum?" I nodded. "I can't hear you baby."

"Cum in me!" I ordered him. "I want you to fill me up with your load!"

"Can I cum in your face?" he asked with his eyes wild with lust. "I want to see my load splashing up against your face. I want to see it roll down your cheeks and down your neck." I whimpered at the prospect of him marking me with his seed. I whimpered again as he pulled out of me and straddled me and started to jerk off in my face. I watched as his hand wrapped around his cock and jerked off. "Ohhh!" he groaned. "I'm so close!"

"Cum for me baby!" I rasped out. I watched as his cock head begin to swell even larger than it was. I watched as his hips bucked uncontrollably and the first blast hit me square in the eye. I closed my eye and watched as the rest of his cum landed in my mouth and on my nose and cheek. Watching long hot white streams of his seed splashing on my face sent me over the edge and I started shooting too.

"Ohhh yea!" he grunted out. "Cum for me! Shoot your load all over my back!" He was rubbing his still hard cock across my face. He was scooping up his load and feeding it to me with his cock head. I was enjoying lapping up his load. After he finished cleaning up my face and I finished cleaning up his back I walked him to the bathroom and turned on the shower. "That was great sweetie," he smiled at me. "Really hot!"

"SHHH!" I scolded him. "Time for your shower and than it is off to bed with you!" He grinned at me and pulled me close to him and pressed his lips to mine. I moaned into his mouth and let him kiss me the only way he knew how. "I love you," I sighed as he broke away. He just smirked and stuck his head under the stream of water. "HEY!" I said loudly. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes dear," he chuckled. "You said you loved me."

"AND!" I exclaimed. "What about me?"

"I love you too baby," he giggled. "I love it when you get all fired up like that."

"Stop picking on me!" I pouted.

"Oh and the pout is really cute too," He continued to giggle. "Face it Matt, you are just way to cute for your own good."

"Oh yea?" I asked grinning at him. "And what do you plan on doing about it?"

"Nothing," he grinned at me. "I like you all cute." He reached down and took hold of my cock and started to stroke it. After he got me all hot and hard he smirked again and stepped out of the shower and turned off the hot water.

"AAAAUUUUGGGHHHH!" I screamed as the icy cold water hit me with full force. "KEVIN!" I yelled at the retreating giggling figure. "You are so dead!"

"Gotta catch me first!" he giggled. I growled at him and turned back on the hot water and than spent the next half hour under the hot stream of comforting water. I finally shut it off and climbed out. After drying off and drinking an insane amount of water I shuffled back into the bedroom and slid under the sheets. Kevin was already sleeping soundly. I looked at his peace full expression on his face. You would never have known that just a half hour ago he was responsible for getting me all cold. I smiled at him and snuggled up to him. He mumbled something about school and wrapped his arms around me and buried his head into my chest. "I Love you," he said as he opened his eyes and stared sleepily into my eyes. "You all warm now?"

"Meanie!" I pouted at him. "But I can't stay mad at your forever."

"I know," he giggled. "I'm way to cute."

"You keep telling yourself that and someday you will believe it," I snorted with laughter.

"HEY!" he exclaimed. "I am too really cute!"

"Yes dear," I said patting the side of his face. "If that is what you believe. Now be a good boy and get some sleep." Kevin grinned and snuggled up to me and drifted off to sleep. An hour later I was still up. I sighed and swung out of bed and padded the restroom to relieve myself and than into the nursery and looked into Matt's crib. Sure enough he was wide-awake looking around. He looked at me and whimpered. I smiled and picked him up. "Come on little guy," I smiled at him. "Let's go spend some time with Daddy." I laid him on my shoulder and carried him into our room. I carefully lay down in the bed with him on my stomach. "You are so beautiful, you know that?" Matt just stuck his hand into his mouth and started sucking on it. His eyes were moving all over the room. I looked at him and hard and could see a lot of Kevin in him.

"UUUMMMPH!" Kevin grunted as he turned over.

"You want to wake up Daddy?" I asked Matt. He just gurgled at me. "Close enough to a yes if I've ever heard one." I leaned down and whispered in Kevin's ear. "Waky waky!" Kevin growled at me and opened one eye. "Look who is here to spend some time with his daddy?" Kevin's glare turned instantly soft as he looked at his one son.

"Hey there Mattie," he said with his sleepy voice. The kind of voice that drove me wild. "Is Pappa picking on you?"

"Hey!" I pouted. "I'm not picking on Mattie! I'm just spending some time with him is all." Kevin held out his arms and I placed the infant in his arms. Mattie's little hand latched onto Kevin's pec muscle and looked up into Kevin's eyes. I watched as Kevin and Mattie just stared at each other. I loved watching Kevin in this mode. He was a great father and seeing him being one and loving it was somehow very very sexy. I shivered as I watched Kevin's lips very gently kiss Mattie's forehead. Mattie squirmed with joy at the sensation. "You are a great father." I heard the knocking on the door and glared at it. "Yes?" I asked. The door opened and a shaggy haired toddler stuck his head in. "Tyler come here." He came running in and jumped up in bed. He snuggled closer to me. "You here to see Mattie?" I asked kissing the top of his head.

"I want to hold him!" Tyler said exited. "I love to hold babies!"

"Well your pappa is spending some time with Mattie right now. How about you and I go see how Kevie is doing?" I asked. Tyler nodded his head eagerly and hopped off the bed and drug me with him. "I'll see you sweetie," I called over my shoulder. Kevin didn't answer me. He was all engrossed with Mattie.

From Kevin's point of view.

Ever wonder what would happen if the whole world stopped at a perfect moment and just stayed that way forever? Well that is what I was wondering right now. I was at my perfect moment. I had the love of my life and Tyler and now two beautiful boys of my own. I was in heaven. For the last few months it had been hell on us. Now everything had calmed down and I was enjoying it. Mattie locked eyes with me and yawned widely. "Is my baby boy getting all sleepy?" I asked him. I took my finger and ran it along the side of his face watching him squirm with emotion. I could hear Tyler and Matt giggling in the other room. "Let's go see what your Pappa and big brother is up to." I slid out of bed and carried my son to the doorway and out into the hallway. Heading into the nursery I could hear Matt and Tyler talking up a storm. I stood at the doorway and watched them for a few minutes. Matt was holding Kevin Jr who was fast asleep in Matt's arms. Tyler was busy rearranging the stuffed animals in the crib. I noticed that there was a pile of sheets on the floor.

"Kevie made a little mess," Matt said smiling. "But he is all better now." Matt laid Kevin Jr. in the crib and turned to me. "How are you and Mattie doing?"

"I think it is time for his nap," I said. I looked down at the small angel that I was holding and sure enough he was out like a light. I gently laid him in bed and kissed his forehead. "I love you Mattie," I whispered. I looked up at my sweetie and saw that he had a dreamy look on his face. "What?" I asked all innocent.

"You being a father is sooooo sexy!" he giggled. I blushed and looked down. "Umm I have to go to the bathroom." He took off running down the hall.

"Ok that was strange," I muttered as I trotted down the stairs and into the living room. Brian and Leo were snuggling on the couch and Josh and Tyler was busy playing with a video game. "Hey you all," I said as I plopped down beside Brian. "What's on the rest of the agenda for today?"

"Umm actually Leo has to talk to you about something," Brian said.

"Brian, do we have too?" Leo asked looking worried.

"Yes dear we have to," Brian lightly scolded him. Matt walked into the room with a huge glass of water and he was guzzling it down as fast as he could. "You thirsty again Matt?"

"Yea," Matt said looking guilty. "I can't seem to quench my thirst." I frowned back when I saw his guilty look Oh oh Busted! "I'm hungry too."

"You've lost a lot of weight too," Brian stated. "I can see it. Don't you see it too Kevin?" he asked me. I looked hard at Matt and nodded. He had lost weight but he was eating like a horse and drinking like on too. Not to mention the trips to the bathroom.

"I think we need to take you to the doctors," I stated.

"Why?" Matt asked confused.

"Matt?" I asked softly. "Does Diabetes run in your family?"

"My Grandfather had it, why?" he asked.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Matt asked frowning.

"How much do you weigh?" I asked.

"132," Matt mumbled. I could tell that he hated me worrying over him. "Why?"

"You are down from 155," I gasped. "Matt why didn't you tell me that you were losing weight again?"

"Because I didn't want you to worry about me," Matt shot at me. "You have enough to worry about with the Twins and the group with out having to worry about me too." I could feel my temper raising but I forced myself to rein it in.

"Walk with me?" I asked softly holding out my hand. He took it and I led him outside and down the walk and onto the beach. After we were away from the house I turned and looked at him. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you!" Matt replied looking hurt. "Why would you ask something like that?"

"Why?" I asked back. "I'll tell you why! Every time you go south on me you use the excuse that you didn't want to worry me. Dammit Matt! I love you and worrying about you comes with the territory. Now are you going to trust me enough to let me in?" I paused for a moment to let it soak in. When he finally nodded to let me know that he understood I continued. "Now what are we going to do about your weight loss, frequent thirst and running to the bathroom and increased appetite?"

"What is there to do but go to the doctor and get diagnosed?" Matt muttered. "I mean face it! I more than likely have Diabetes!" My heart went out to him as I saw the anger hurt fear and frustration in his eyes. "Dammit! Why can't they just leave us alone?" I pulled him close to me and laid my fore head against his. I had found out a long time ago that this was his favorite position. It also worked to calm him down too. I gazed lovingly into his eyes. Tears of frustration and anger was flowing down his face. "I just want us to be happy and healthy!" he sobbed. "Why? Why does this have to happen to me?" I gently rubbed his tears away and kissed his lips.

"I'm so sorry baby," I whispered to him. "I wish I could say something to make it go away. I really do." I wrapped my arms around him and laid his head on my shoulder. "I promise to be right here at your side. You're not going to have to go through this alone." I guided him to the house and led him in. "Let's get you to the hospital sweetie."

"But what about Kevin?" he sniffled. "He just got home and he needs his daddy."

"He has his mother and all of his uncles and his big brother," I reasoned with him. "He is going to be all right for a few hours."

"I'm so sorry I keep messing up Kevin," he sniffled.

"You are not messing up anything Matt," I smiled down at him. "This is not your fault."

"What is going on?" Brian asked.

"I'm taking Matt to the hospital and get his sugar checked," I replied. Brian frowned at Matt. "This isn't something that we want to play around with."

"Ok well we'll watch Kevin and Mattie for you," Brian said as he cooed down at Mattie. Mattie gurgled and wiggled with glee. "Besides Mattie and I just getting to know each other." After saying good-bye to Tyler and Mattie and Kevie we headed to the hospital. By the time we got there I could smell Matt's breath. He had a sickly sweet odor to it. He was also very sleepy too.

"Matt honey?" I asked softly. "Come one baby, let's get you inside."

"I'm so tired," he mumbled.

"I know you are," I replied. "But I need you to walk for just a little while." He nodded and took my hand and together we walked into the emergency room. I saw Kevie's doctor.

"Hey Kevin!" Doctor White said with a grin. "How are my favorite twins doing?"

"They are home sleeping and being spoiled," I said with a grin. "I'm actually here with Matt, I um think his sugar is really high."

"Is he a diabetic?" Dr. White asked frowning.

"That's the point, we're not really sure if he is or not. He been really thirsty and going to the bathroom a lot and he has lost over twenty pounds in less than three weeks," I explained. "Oh yea and his breath smells really sweet."

"Well let's get him into the examination room and check his sugar," Dr. White said.

Later in the examination room Matt was napping on the gurney. I was holding his hand worrying to death. The door opened and Dr. White came back in. "Well?" I asked. Matt woke up when he heard me speak.

"Well his sugar is over 400," Dr. White said. "I'm turning his case over to Doctor Saluse, who is a specialist in Diabetes. We will want to admit him so we can regulate his sugar."

"Is he a diabetic?" I asked.

"Yes he is," Dr. White asked. "We need to start him on a insulin drip right away."


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Next: Chapter 41: Get Another Boyfriend 2 3

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