Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jun 24, 2002


Disclaimer: This is fiction. Not real. I do not claim to know Kevin or any of the Backstreet Boys. I do not know their actual sexual orientations nor do I claim too. This work of Fictions is written for adults minds. If you are a minor please back out now. I don't need the hassle and neither do you.

If you have questions or ideas please don't hesitate to e-mail me at I look forward to constructive criticism and ideas and praise. Now On with the story!

Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Six

From Matt's point of view.

I stood at the door way looking into the ball room. It was beautiful with silver and blue balloons everywhere. There was also sliver and blue streamers every where. Gay couples were all decked out in Tuxedos and dancing with each other. I noticed that Brian and Leo was there too and so was Nick and AJ. Kevin had gone all out with the prom. I looked up at him and saw that he had a very satisfied smirk on his face. It was obvious that he was very proud of himself.

"Where are the Kids?" I asked suddenly very worried.

"Troy and Jack are watching them," Kevin said as he kissed me lightly on the nose. "So don't worry and enjoy your special prom." I took his offer of his elbow and laid my head on his shoulder and allowed him to lead me onto the dance floor. The soft strains of "Drowning" drifted through the speakers. Kevin wrapped his arms around me and held me close as he waltz me around the dance floor. Half way through the dance I felt a tap on the shoulder. I glared up at Nick.

"Can I have this dance?" he asked formally. I clung to Kevin possessively not wanting to let go. Kevin chuckled softly and pried me loose and directed me into the arms of Nick.

"I promise that you can I can dance more," Kevin said softly as he kissed me on the cheek. So I reluctantly danced with Nick. He wasn't that bad of a dancer. He was more aggressive than Kevin was.

"So you enjoying yourself?" Nick asked me.

"Kevin is spoiling me rotten," I sighed laying my head on Nick's shoulder. It felt all wrong. I poked it a few times in an vain attempt to get it like Kevin's.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked chuckling.

"Your shoulder is all wrong," I pouted. "I like Kevin's better."

"Oh," Nick giggled. "You really have it bad for him don't you?"

"Well duuuuh!" I sassed him. "I'm sorry Nick," I quickly apologiesed. "I shouldn't have snapped at you. So how are you and AJ getting along."

"He asked me to marry him," Nick mumbled so softly that I almost didn't hear him.

"What was that?" I yelped.

"He asked me to marry him," Nick said louder.

"And what did you say?" I asked.

"I haven't said anything yet," Nick replied.

"Well how do you feel about marrying him?" I asked.

"I don't know," Nick mumbled. "Part of me wants to jump into his arms and say take me! But part of me wants to remain the carefree single kid for a little while longer. Part of me wants what you and Kevin has so bad that it kills me. I see you and Kevin with a family and I want that so bad."

"Does AJ know this?" I asked Nick as the song came to an end. I was glad because that met I got to go back to Kevin.

"Yea he knows," Nick said softly.

"Than say yes!" I said slapping him lightly on the shoulder. "Now if you will excuse me I have to go find Kevin." I felt another tap on the shoulder. "GRRRR!" I growled. I looked over my shoulder to see Brian standing there with this famous grin. "What?" I growled at him.

"It is my turn!" Brian said holding out his arms. "Kevin said I'm next!"

"But I want to dance with Kevin!" I wined.

"You don't want to dance with me?" Brian said giving me a puppy dog look.

"Oh fine!" I grumbled. "I'll dance with you!" I let Brian take me into his arms. This was strange. He had the same basic feel as Kevin only he was much shorter. He was a good dancer too. Finally the song ended and I rushed over to Kevin. He looked at me and grinned.

"Having a good time?" He asked as he handed me drink. I felt another tap on my shoulder and looked over it and saw AJ standing there.

"No!" I shot at him. "I'm dancing with Kevin!" AJ shrugged his shoulders and walked off to find Nick.

"Umm what was that all about?" Kevin asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I get the impression that everyone is trying to keep me from you," I complained as I laid my head on his shoulder. Kevin giggled softly. "How come I get the impression that you have some thing to do with this?" I looked up at him to catch him smirking. "Keviiiinnnn!" I scolded him.

"Well I had to bribe them with something," he replied. "And getting a chance to dance with a hottie like you was the deal clincher."

"How many more people do I have to dance with?" I asked.

"Just AJ and Leo," Kevin replied. "Than you get me all to yourself."

"Ok wait here," I said grinning. I took off after AJ and grabbed his arm and started to dance with him. I heard Nick mumble something about me being a dance hog and walk off.

"Ok what was that all about?" AJ asked grinning at me.

"Kevin told me all about the deal he made with you," I replied.

"Ohh," AJ said giggling. "We weren't serious you know."

"Kevin doesn't know that," I giggled. "Besides it will do him good to wait for a while." The dance with AJ was nice but not as nice as if I was dancing with Kevin. My next stop was to dance with my cousin. EEEEEWWWWW! That is really weird. Oh well as soon as I was done I rushed over to Kevin and grabbed his arm and led him out onto the dance floor. "Now I got you! And I'm not letting you go!" Kevin giggled as he waltzed me around the dance floor. I could tell that something was bothering him though. "Ok spill it," I ordered him. He sighed and looked down at me.

"I've been invited to testify in front of the senate tomorrow," he sighed.

"Really?" I asked grinning. "What about?"

"Mountain Top Mining," he replied. "I don't want to leave you."

"I'll go with you!" I readily agreed. "It's been a long time since I've been to DC."

"You would do that for me?" he asked shocked.

"Of course I would do that for you," I said as I laid my head against his chest.

"We would have to cut our break short by a couple of days?" Kevin whispered into my ear while nibbling on it. I shivered at the pleasure of it.

"That is fine with me. I can't wait to see my sweetie take on DC," I giggled when his lips nipped at my neck.

"Am I tickling you?" he asked with laughter in his voice.

"No," I lied. I felt his hands reach for my sides and started tickle me. I busted up laughing. "Ok ok!" I gasped. "Now you are tickling me!" Kevin giggled as he stopped. The music stopped and we headed for our table. My stomach growled loudly making Kevin laugh. "Hey!" I complained. "I'm hungry!"

"Yes dear," Kevin giggled again. "And we shall feed you."

From Kevin's Point of View.

I watched from the door way to our suite. Matt was stretched out on the bed stark naked with a huge hard on. He looked up at me and smiled. "You tired?" I asked as I slid into the bed beside him.

"Nope," He giggled as he reached down between my legs and took a hold me my cock. "I want to play!" He strattled my waist and lowered himself on to my cock. I groaned and arched myself so that I was as deep into him as I could get. "Make love to me?" He pleaded. I rolled him over so that I was on top and immediately started to pump in and out of him. I pressed my lips down on his hard driving my tongue deep into his mouth. His rock hard chest pressed up against mine with his sharp nipples poking me. I loved the feel his cock sliding along my abs as I pumped in and out. I allowed myself to be lost in his soft whimpers and moans. "I'm so close," he moaned out. I could feel the hot wetness of his pre-come on my abs.

"Cum for me baby," I whispered into his ear as I bit down on his earlobe.

"AAUUGGGHH!" Matt grunted as he blasted his load in between out hot bodies. I loved the feel his cock jerking up against my abs. The clenching of his ass muscles milking my cock drove me over the edge as I came too. We were both thrashing around moaning kissing and biting as our orgasms overtook us.

"Matt honey?" I said to him softly. He was napping after our lovemaking session.

"No!" he mumbled into my chest. "Don't want to."

"We have to shower baby?" I giggled at him. "We um made a mess."

"Do we have to?" he whined some more.

"I promise it won't take long," I giggled again. "Not come on." I watched as he untangled himself from my arms and shuffled off into the bathroom. I followed him and whistled at him.

"Hey!" he scolded me. "You behave!"

"What?" I asked. "I can't whistle at my sweet heart?" he just giggled as he stepped into the shower. After a quick shower I put Matt back into bed and headed out into the living area to prepare my speech for tomorrow. It had been a while since I had even thought of my foundation. I felt guilty about so I really wanted to make a good impression. Three hours later I was still working on it when I saw Matt walk into the living room. "Hey," I asked softly. "Why aren't you in bed?"

"Sugar is really low," he said. "I'm just getting up for a snack is all. You want something?"

"Yea whatever you are having," I said. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was three in the morning. The phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked.

"Kevin?" asked a voice.

"Yes this is him, what can I do for you?" I asked. I listen to what he had to say and bid good night and hung up.

"Who was that?" Matt asked as he handed me half of a turkey and cheese sandwich and a glass of milk.

"The Senator who invited me," I said. "Seems that the good Senator from Ohio has decided that I don't have anything important to say and thinks that having a Backstreet Boy testifying is a joke so he has decided along with the other Republicans to boycott the senate hearing." I cringed at Matt's response.

"What?" Matt yelped. "He can't do that! I'm going to call him right now. No one does that to my Kevin!" I knew he was serious but I watched in amusement and love as Matt stormed around the Living room ranting and raving. Finally I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. He looked at me like I was nuts. "Why are you laughing?" he demanded. "He had no right to boycott your hearing. You are an American first and have every right to testify! Where is the phone?" Again I started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" he demanded of me again.

"My little pit bull," I said getting up and taking him into my arms. "Riding to the rescue." I could tell that Matt was really upset about this. "I love you, you know."

"I know you do, now get me the phone so I can chew him out!" Matt replied.

"No sweetie," I said seriously. "Not until you calm down." Matt sighed and looked up at me. "Thank you."

"For what?" he asked. I lowered my head so that my fore head was resting on his. I knew he loved it when I did that.

"For wanting to go to bat for me," I whispered as I ran my finger along the side of his face. "Seeing you jump in there and protect me is well ummm great!"

"I can't help it," Matt said softly. "I love you."

"I love you babe," I replied. "But if those ass's don't want to hear what I have to say than I say fine."

"Huummmph!" Matt pouted. "I still think he should have to listen to you!" I laughed softly as I pulled him into my arms. He snuggled close to me as we munched on our snacks. I was still working on the speech with Matt napping beside me. I heard the alarm go off in the other room.

"Matt sweetie?" I asked softly as I kissed the top of his head.

"MMMMMMMPH," he mumbled into my arm.

"Time to get up sweetie," I prodded him. "We have a plane to catch." I watched as my sexy sweetie opened his eyes and looked up at me with that adorable sleepy eyed look. "Did you have a good sleep?" I asked kissing his nose.

"Yes since you were holding me all night long," Matt giggled. "But what about you?"

"I'll be fine babe," I replied. "Let's get packed and showered so we can go to DC."

Later that day from Matt's point of view.

I was so proud of Kevin. He looked so important sitting up there with his suit on. He spoke so elegantly and he sounded to wise and knowledgeable and my heart was swelling with pride. When he was done with his testimony he turned and looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and blushed when I heard some of the fans ohhhing and awing. Kevin winked at me causing them to even oooooh and awww even more. I could hardly wait until we got back to the resort. We still had four more days left.

"Well how did I do?" he asked as his shadow crossed over me.

"You were great!" I smiled up at him. "You better watch out or they will be asking you to run for president."

"Uh uhhh no way!" he said holding up his hands. "There is no way I would do that."

"Well they would have to go through me first and there is no way I'm letting you out of my site. Speaking of which, when do we go back?"

"As soon as I get some more picture taken and talk to the press for a while," Kevin said as he planted a quick kiss on my lips. I watched for the next hour as Kevin posed for pictures and answered questions. Finally we were back on the plane headed back to our resort. After our plane arrived we got in a cab and drove back to the resort. I was thinking of all sorts of naughty things I could do to Kevin. "What are you thinking about dear?" Kevin asked me.

"What I am going to do to you when we get back to the resort," I giggled.

"Have you come up with anything?" he asked looking naughty.

"Ohh I've come up with lot's of things," I giggled.

"Care to let me in on them?" Kevin asked as he leaned over and nibbled on my ear. "Please?" he asked giving me his puppy dog eyes look.

"Nope!" I snickered. "You're just going to have to be a good boy and wait until we get there."

"Fine!" he pouted for a few minutes. I let him pout because he looked so cute doing it. I shivered when I felt his tongue lick at my neck.

"Hey!" I yelped. "Stop that!"

"Stop what?" he said in a husky voice. "All I'm doing is tasting my sweetie."

"Well wait until we get home," I said lightly smacking him on his leg. He sat back in his seat pouting some more. "That is not going to work mister." He busted up laughing as the cab pulled into the resort. Once we were in our rooms I was pushed up against the wall and his lips came crashing down on mine with his tongue driving itself deep in my mouth.

"Now!" he rasped as he lifted my shirt over my head. I slipped out from under him and ran into the living room and stopped in place. Kevin bumped into me. "Umm hi!" he said looking confused. I was confused too because sitting on the couch was Brian and Leo. Leo was in tears and Brian was trying really hard to comfort him.

"What is wrong?" I asked softly as I sat next to Leo. Leo let out a strangled sob and fell into my arms. I held and rocked him for a few minutes. After a few minutes he calmed down enough to look up at me. "You ready to tell me now?" I asked softly.

"It's Anne," he whimpered. "Ummm she was on her way out here to visit the twins and well her ummm she had an accident on the way to the airport. She didn't survive the accident." I heard a strangled sob from Kevin. I looked up to see him with tears running down his face.

"Oh God," he whimpered. "Mattie and Kevie." It hit me too. They would grow up with out their mommy. Kevin joined us in a group hug as we all cried for our loss and our children's loss.


Next: Chapter 45: Get Another Boyfriend 2 7

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