Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jul 31, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Eight

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

And now with the story.

From Matt's point of view.

I felt Kevin's lips on my shoulders. I grunted and pulled the comforter over my head. I was sleeping really good and had no intentions of getting up. I heard his deep sexy giggle as he too joined me under the comforter. "Wakey wakey," he said as his lips continued to kiss me. I noticed that he was getting lower and lower. When he reached my cock and slipped it into his mouth I let out a groan. I wasn't going to get anymore sleep today. I looked down at my lover as he begin to bob up and down on my shaft. I shivered as his tongue begin to probe my slit on my cock head. "You like that baby?" he asked wile grinning up at me. I whimpered softly. "I'll take that as a yes," he giggled as he went back to work. By now my cock was rock hard and leaking Precome like crazy. "MMMMMMMM," he moaned with my cock in his mouth. The sensation drove me nuts with desire. I reached down and ran my fingers through his dark hair.

"Ohhh Kevin," I moaned out. "God that feels so good!" He just kept on sucking and tugging on my cock. I felt his soft but firm hand on my balls as he gently massaged them. Than I felt his other finger snake its way up me. He kept pushing deeper until I let out a yelp. He had found my prostate gland. He slid in another finger and than caught my prostate gland and gently massaged it. "OOOOOOHHHHHHH!" I groaned out as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. "God!" I whimpered as I started to buck forward. He pulled off of my cock and looked at me with those intense green eyes of his.

"Cum!" he ordered me as he flicked my prostate gland. He than shoved my cock down his throat again. I slammed into his hungry mouth and started shooting into it. I shivered and moaned and whimpered as his throat muscles worked my cock milking as much cum out of it as he could. Finally I stopped shooting and he pulled off and snuggled back up to me. "Good morning," he said with an innocent grin. I could feel his rock hard cock rubbing up against my leg.

"Fuck me!" I ordered him as I rubbed my ass cheek against his cock.

"No please?" he teased me as he slid behind me and lifted up my leg.

"Ok ok!" I grumbled. "please fuck me!"

"I aim to please," Kevin giggled.

"Just as long as you aim that cock of yours up my ass!" I ordered him. Hey it was his fault that he got me all horny!

"Bossy aren't you," Kevin said with a grin as he shoved his cock up my ass. I grunted at the intrusion. With out saying another word he begin to thrust in and out as hard and as fast as he could. I loved the feel of his well built body slamming up against me. Each time he slammed into me I could feel his hard pecs and abs press up against me. I could feel his hot breath as he racked his teeth across my shoulders. His tongue lapping up the sweat that rolled off of my shoulders. "God you are so tight!" I yelped as he bit into my shoulder. I tossed my head back and caught his lips in mine. I caught his tongue as he rammed it into my mouth. I sucked it into my mouth rolling it around my mouth with my tongue. Kevin was grunting and growling as he continued to slam into me. I could tell by how hard his body was that he was close. He tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him. Using my hand I kept his mouth attached to mine. Finally I felt the welcomed feeling of his cum shooting into me. He growled into my mouth as his body rocked and convulsed up against mine. At some point his kiss turned tender and loving. The animalistic desire that drove him was long gone. He pulled out and laid down on top of me and continued to cover me with his feather kisses and every once in a while he would lightly bite my shoulder.

"Wow!" I said grinning at him. "That was ummm wow um great!"

"Good morning sweetie," he smiled down at me. "You ready to shower?"

"I would rather stay in bed and make love with you all day," I said pulling him back down on top of me.

"Leo and Brian should be coming any time now," Kevin said with a hint of sadness. "Brian called me early this morning and Leo is not taking his sister's death well at all. Oh yea he says thanks for the loan of the jet."

"It is the least I could do. Leo is family and Anne is too. I didn't want her body being carried by commercial planes," I said as I swung out of the warm comfortable confines of bed. I headed for the master bathroom. Once inside I turned on the water and stepped in. I looked over at Kevin who was still covered with a light sheen of sweat from our morning sex. "You coming in?"

"I thought you would never ask," he grinned as he slid in behind me. Only he had other plans. I grunted as he slid into me again. "We got time for one more quickie."

"What has gotten into you?" I asked rearing back to meet his thrusts.

"You," he giggled as he set into a steady and fast pace. "You make me this way."

From Brian's point of view

"You ok sweetie?" I asked as I looked over at Leo. He was reading a magazine.

"Yea, I'm doing much better," Leo smiled at me. I could still see the sadness in his eyes. "I'll be glad to get home."

"Yea it will be nice to see Josh," I smiled. "I wonder what kind of trouble him and Tyler have been getting into?" I had to admit that I missed him so much. But I was thankful that he had a special friend like Tyler to keep him company. Tyler was Josh's best friend.

"If I knew them Tyler and Josh is keeping both Kevin and Matt very busy. I wanted to thank you for last night. I don't think I could've gotten through last night with out you," Leo said as he set the magazine aside and sat next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. I bent down and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you Leo," I replied. "You don't have to thank me for loving you."

"Yes I do," Leo replied back. "I mean you have been there for me for everything. When I came to Matt's place you were there for me. You didn't have to do that. But you did."

"When two people love each other like we do you do things like that for each other," I replied. "Now let's talk about something more pleasant."

"Like sex?" he asked grinning up at me. I shook my head and grinned back down at him. "What?" he asked all innocent. "I can't help it if you drive me crazy."

"I want to talk about Kevin and Matt's wedding," I pushed forward as I tried to forget about his hand sliding into my pants. "I think it is time that they tie the knot."

"Yea what is up with that?" Leo asked as he retrieved his hand. "How long have they been engaged any way?"

"Long enough that we need to bring in the heavy duty team," I smiled.

"Brian?" Leo asked in a scolding tone of voice. "What do you have planned?"

"I'm calling in Justin and JC. They just got hitched and I'm thinking that if all four of us work together we can umm kinda sorta hurry things along alittle," I said grinning.

"You've got that naughty grin again," Leo said looking worried. "Why does that make me worried?" I bent down and caught his lips in mine and kissed him until he was breathless.

"Trust me sweetie," I giggled.

"Ok I trust you," Leo sighed as he snuggled deeper in my arms. "Wake me when we land?" After making sure that Leo was sound asleep I laid him down on the sofa and covered him up with a blanket and pulled out my cell phone. I dialed a number. After it rang a few times I heard him pick up.

"Enrique?" I asked. "I need a huge favor."

From Kevin's point of view

"Pappa?" asked Tyler as he tugged on my shirt. I looked down at the very tanned little boy with out a shirt and a bright pair of blue trunks on. "Where did my sand castle go?" Josh and Tyler couldn't wait until they were done eating breakfast so that they could go back outside to continue work on their castle. I sighed and stooped down to talk to him.

"Well son," I started. "The waves came crashing in last night and took it out to sea."

"Oh," Tyler said as he shrugged his shoulders. "We have to build another one! It is for Uncle Brian and Uncle Leo!" He and Josh took off running down to the beach with blackie following them barking all the way. I looked back at the house and saw that Matt was getting ready to start the charcoal fire. Matt was in full cook out mode and was having so much fun working with his new charcoal grill and he had invited Troy and Jack over too. Justin and JC were flying in and Howie was coming too. I was looking forward to seeing Howie because we hadn't spent much time with him. He told me last night that he needed my help with something. I wondered what it was. Howie was pretty independent and rarely asked for anyone's help. I watched as Matt lit the fire. He jumped back as the flame shot up out of the grill. I had to laugh because he refused to use a gas grill. I walked over to him and looked over his shoulder as he started make the hamburger patties.

"Hey," I said kissing him on his neck. My tongue quickly lapped up the sweat that was rolling down his neck.

"Behave mister," Matt scolded me. "Want to help me with food?" I nodded and he steered me towards the stakes and handed me a hammer. "Beat that meat for fifteen minutes." I raised my eyebrows smirking at him. "Take your mind out of the gutter and tenderize the meat."

"Ok Sweetie," I giggled as I started tenderize the stakes. "When do Troy and Jack get here?"

"Anytime," Matt replied. "When do Justin and JC get here?"

"In about an hour," I replied. I glanced over on the beach and smiled. Tyler and Josh were busy building their castle. Blackie was really trying to get their attention. "You and I want to talk about the funeral when Leo and Brian get here?"

"I think that we should give them some time alone first. Leo is not doing so well," Matt replied. "We can talk about that after dinner." I heard a car pull up the drive. I looked over my shoulder.

"Jack and Troy just arrived," I watched as they climbed out of their car. Their blonde hair shined in the sun and their tanned bodies glistened. Since summer was in full swing Jack and Troy had obviously paid very close attention to their tans. They each carried a package and a cooler between them. This cook out was going to be a success.

"Hey guys!" I called out. "Welcome to the 4th of July bash!"

"Thanks for having us," Jack said as he gave me a quick hug. "What's cooking?"

"Well we have burgers and steaks, hotdogs for the kids and chicken too," I replied. Jack's eyes got real big as he spotted Matt's grill. "Ummm the grill is Matt's," I giggled.

"Ummm ok," Troy said smiling shaking his head. "You'll have to excuse Jack. He is a grill master, or at least he claims to be." I had to smile too because now Matt had returned and was showing Jack around the grill. "Come over to the car, I have something to show you." I followed Troy over to the car and he opened the trunk. There in the trunk was three boxes full of fire works. "I'm assuming that we are lighting fireworks?"

"Oh yea," I smiled. "You will have to talk to Matt about that, he is the fireworks department in this family." I heard another car pull up and looked over my shoulder again. Brian and Leo had returned. "Excuse me, my cousin has just returned. His lover, Leo, just lost his sister and they have just returned from New York to retrieve her body."

"You mean Anne died?" Troy said looking shocked. "Oh my God, poor Mattie and Kevie."

"Yea I know," I replied. I'm not too happy about them growing up without their mother. Excuse me please. Your welcome to go inside out of the heat and have something cold to drink. Volley ball and horseshoes are also set up too." I left Troy alone and headed over to the limo just as Brian climbed out. Right behind him Leo climbed out too. "Brian," I said softly. "It is good to have you home." I pulled Brian in a tight hug and than turned to Leo. "Leo," Leo looked up and the sadness hit me like a ton of bricks. "I'm sorry for your loss. How are you doing?"

"Better," Leo replied smiling. "Brian has been doing a great job keeping my spirits up." He looked around the house. "I see Matt's 4th of July bash is in full swing."

"Yea, he said that Anne would've wanted us to go with it as we planned," I said as I pulled him into a quick hug. "You've been getting plenty of rest?"

"I got a very good nights sleep last night," Leo replied blushing. I looked over at Brian and saw that he was blushing too. I grinned and nodded.

"Good, you think that you're up to a cook out?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm up for it," he smiled. "Like you said, Anne would've wanted us to move on and have fun today. So let's do this thing."

Later that day from Matt's point of view.

"Bang!" shouted Tyler. I cringed and he ran off giggling.

"So the four year old firecracker has struck again," Kevin chuckled. "How are the steaks coming?"

"Almost done," I smiled up at him. I started to laugh and he looked confused. "That shirt says you all over."

"Tyler insisted I wear it," Kevin blushed. I looked at the very red white and blue shirt that Tyler had given him. "By the way this is yours," Kevin giggled as he handed me one.

"Do I have too?" I whined.

"Yes dear you do," he giggled. "Now be a good daddy and wear the t-shirt that Tyler got for you." I sighed and slid off my chef shirt and pulled the 4th of july shirt on. It was a very, well how should I put this. Patriotic. "Ohh you look so cute," Kevin giggled. I flipped him off. "No dear," he snickered. "We did that this morning." I rolled my eyes and went back to my grilling.

"Bang!" Tyler shouted behind Kevin. I heard Kevin yelp and I giggled.

"Is anyone invited to this party?" asked a voice. I turned and saw Justin and JC standing there with grins on their faces. "Where are the twins?" Justin asked looking around. I pointed to the pool. "See you!" I laughed at Justin's rush to get away.

"So when are you two getting married?" JC asked bluntly as he tried to steal a hot dog. I swatted his hand away. "Well?" he asked.

"We haven't set a date yet," I replied. I turned around and faced him and he started to laugh. "Ha ha ha ha!" I glared at him. And I suppose red white and blue rynstones on your shirt is in fashion too?"

"Hey!" JC yelped. "Justin picked this out for me!"

"Remind me not to go to him for fashion advice," I mumbled returning to my grilling. "So how is the marriage?"

"Great!" JC sighed with a love struck look in his eyes. "Justin is sooooooo great! Speaking of which, you two need to get married. I mean come on! You guys already have all the trappings!"

"We are getting married!" I sighed heavily. "It is just that we have had so much shit has happened that we haven't had time to think of the wedding."

"Well maybe we should change that!" JC said with a grin. Suddenly I had a feeling that things were going to get really interesting around here. I heard a car door slam and looked over at the drive way. Howie had arrived. I was shocked to see that he had cut his hair. He was hot! Now Howie and I really didn't have that much contact with each other. He was nice to me and I was nice to him. We just weren't all that close. Kevin ran up to him and started to talk to him. I turned back to the grill and continued cooking. I was almost done and was missing my son. I heard Kevie and Mattie squealing with glee in the pool. I also heard Justin's laugh. It was plain that they were having the time of their lives. I looked over at the lounge chairs and saw Leo and Brian lounging side by side. They were involved in a quiet conversation among themselves. Taking the last of the steaks off the grill I handed the platter to the butler who carried the platter to the tables that were overloaded with food and drink. I shivered when I felt a pair of lips on my neck.

"Hi sweetie," Kevin grinned down at me. "You finally finished cooking?" I nodded. "Good because now you can start to relax and have fun. Besides Howie has something that he needs to talk to us about." I slid my arm around Kevin's waist and let him guide us to the pool where we all picked a lounge chair and stretched out. "So Howie," Kevin started. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Umm well I really don't want to ad to your problems--," Howie stammered. I started to get worried.

"Howie," Kevin said in a soothing voice. "You and I have been friends for almost ten years. You are not adding to our problems. Now tell us what we can do to help."

"Well you know that I've been seeing someone. Well I thought that it was getting serious. But something has happened to change all that," Howie started. "She is pregnant."

"That is great Howie!" Kevin exclaimed. "You've always wanted a child." Howie buried his head in his hands and started sobbing. "Howie?" Kevin asked in a small voice. "What's wrong?"

"She doesn't want to keep the child," Howie sobbed. "She wants to abort it!"


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Next: Chapter 47: Get Another Boyfriend 2 9

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