Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 4, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part eleven

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

And now with the story.

The clouds were gray and the mood was solemn as they walked from their cars and to the beach. Leo carried the urn that held his sister's ashes. Brian walked beside him with his arm around his shoulders. Matt and Kevin followed with Tyler clinging to Matt's hand. Josh was attached to Kevin's hand. Aunt Denise was on the other side of Leo and Uncle Joe was coming on the rear. They paused at the foot of a small cliff.

From Matt's point of view. My lover stepped forward and looked out over the crowd.

"Today we lay to rest the mortal remains of Anne Marie Whitewater. I would like to say a few words about the kind of person that Anne was. You see I'm a father because of her unselfish act. She volunteered to carry my children. She decided to be a mother to my children too. It takes a special type of person to do that. I for one will miss Anne very deeply. I am saddened that Kevie and Mattie will grow up without the love and support of their mother. I am making this vow today as we say good bye to a Mother, Daughter, sister and cousin and dear friend. I vow to keep Anne's memory alive so that Kevie and Mattie will grow to love their mother as much as we do," Kevin said in a very solemn voice. I choked back some tears after hearing Kevin talk. He spoke with such feeling and love that it shook me to the core. I watched as Leo lifted the lid off the urn and tipped it. The gentle breeze from the back of us caught the ashes of Anne and blew them across the ocean. Than the soft strains of Amazing Grace flowed out over the crowd. I knew that voice and I turned around to see who it was. JC and Justin were singing softly. I smiled my thanks to them. Finally it was time to go back to the house. When we got there I met Uncle Joe on the doorstep.

"Your daughter has been buried, your duty is complete. You have not need to be here now. Please leave now," I said bluntly.

"You wouldn't talk like that if you didn't have your Daddy's money!" he hissed at me. "That money should've been mine!"

"And why pray tell is that?" I asked.

"Because I was always the strong one," Uncle Joe ranted. "Your Daddy was fucking pansy just like you!" I know I shouldn't have done it but before I could stop myself I hit him. He landed on his rump rubbing his jaw.

"Don't you ever talk about my father like that again!" I shouted. Kevin heard the shouting and came to see what was wrong. "Get the hell off my property!" Uncle Joe scrambled up and hurried down the drive and into his rental and took off. I sat down on the porch and buried my head in my hands. I wasn't crying thankfully but I was mad. I felt the very welcomed touch of Kevin's hand on my shoulder. I grabbed it and kissed it hard.

"I'm so sorry," he said softly. "He had no right to say that about your father." I nodded. "Come on inside. Tyler is looking for you."

"Is something wrong?" I asked suddenly worried.

"I think he just needs some attention from Daddy," Kevin smiled at him. "You know he doesn't handle funerals very well."

"Who does Kevin?" I asked. Kevin nodded agreeing with me. I followed him into the house. I found Tyler sitting on the couch looking a little sad.

"Hey buddy," I said softly as I sat down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. I could feel him shaking. "It is going to be all right Tyler," I said softly running my hand over his silky blonde hair.

"I miss her daddy," he sniffled. "She used to play with Josh and me all the time." I looked over at Brian and saw that he was doing pretty much the same thing to Josh. Anne had played a big role in their lives. She was a fun lady and she made sure she took time out to play with Tyler and Josh. I smiled as I recalled the day that Tyler and Josh made it very clear to her that they didn't see her as a "Yucky Girl" like the other girls.

Both boys had lost their friend and they were having a difficult time dealing with it. "Tyler?" I asked softly while bending down and kissing the top of his head. "I know you miss her, and we all miss her. But as much as this is going to hurt to say, you need to understand that death is a part of life."

"Well I don't like it!" Tyler huffed out. "It makes me all sad!" I tried to keep from smiling and after a few seconds I managed to do that. "Daddy?" he asked softly. I looked down at him and saw him looking up at me with hope and trust in his eyes.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked back.

"Is Anne in heaven?" he asked snuggling closer to me.

"Yes she is," I said softly. "She is with Grandma and Grandpa right now."

"Good!" he smiled up at me. "Grandma will take good care of her. She will show her around and everything!" I nodded grinning back down at him.

"We all better now?" a deep voice asked. I looked up and saw a pair of very loving and caring green eyes staring down at us.

"Daddy says Anne is in Heaven and Grandma and Grandpa is taking care of her!" Tyler explained to Kevin in a very loud voice. Kevin looked over at me and smiled. "Do you miss Anne papa?" Tyler asked.

"Yes Tyler," Kevin said softly as he sat down next to him. "I miss her very much."

"Well Grandma and Grandpa is taking care of her, and they are showing her around heaven and stuff like that," Tyler said as he patted Kevin on the leg as if to console him. I snorted back a laugh and Kevin gave me a scolding look. "So you don't have to be sad anymore."

"Ok buddy," Kevin said grinning down at Tyler. "I won't be sad anymore." It was at this time that Kevie and Mattie decided that they were ready to get up from their naps. We all could hear them jabbering on the baby monitor. It consisted a lot of intelligible words and a whole lot of pappa and Dadda words too. "Let's go up and see what our children are up too," Kevin glanced over at me. I nodded and took his hand and followed him up stairs to the nursery.

From Leo's point of view.

The sun was starting to come out finally. Anne was laid to rest and mom was back in my life. We still had to work on Dad but this was a start. I leaned back in the comforting arms of Brian. "Hey beautiful," he whispered in my ear.

"Hey," I whispered back. "Thank you for last night."

"I wanted to make you happy baby," Brian said softly. I loved it when he talked softly to me. It was like he didn't have to worry about his southern accent showing as much. Actually I loved his southern accent. I wished he used it all the time because it was so sexy and it made me horny as hell.

"Yea but did we scar poor Enrique?" I asked worried about the show we gave him.

"No sweetie," Brian giggled. "Enrique knew all along that we were going to do that. I think he was a little jealous though." I looked up at him and shivered at the love and devotion pouring out of his blue eyes.

"Oh really," I asked grinning up at him. I thrilled at the mischief pouring from his eyes.

"Yea I mean I got to be with the most incredible most sexy guy at the party," Brian giggled. I snuggled up to him and kissed him on his cheek.

"And don't you forget it," I giggled back. We sat back enjoying eachother's company. The rest of the day was quiet. Most of the people left at about four in the afternoon. Nobody was in the mood to cook so we drug out the leftovers from 4th of July cook out and sat on the deck and ate and than swam for a few hours. Matt drug out the remaining fireworks and lit them off too. I enjoyed watching Tyler and Josh squeal and giggle and laugh and eww and ahh over the fireworks. Brian made it his mission to stick to my side all night long. We made a couple of trips to where Anne's ashes were spread so I could be close to her spirit. Mom had left so that she get back home and decide what she was going to do with Dad. Kevin and Matt retired to their beach house and had hold up in the nursery with Tyler and the Twins. I had the feeling that they needed time to be by themselves. Anne's death had hit Kevin really hard. He wasn't at all happy about Kevie and Mattie growing up without their mommy. Tyler was doing better than he was at the funeral. I could tell he was still sad about losing his friend and second cousin but Matt had taken over and made sure that he was occupied with Blackie and Josh and the twins. Josh had clung to his daddy Brian all evening too. Justin and JC and Nick had gotten together with Brian earlier in the evening to plan Kevin's and Matt's wedding. That left me all by myself.

"Hey," a voice with a southern accent drifted over me like a soft comforting blanket. I looked up and smiled at Brian. I was sitting on the beach watching the full moon raise up over the horizon. "Want some company?" he asked as he sat down. I nodded as I leaned up against him. His arm snaked around and pulled me close to him. I could smell the faint smell of sweat on his body mixed with a hint of his soap that he used for showering. It was a comforting smell and I relished in it. "Looked kind of lonely all by yourself out here."

"Nope," I said softly latching on to his hand and kissed the back of it. "Not lonely at all. Just thinking about stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Brian asked as his lips graced my bare shoulder. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Just stuff is all," I replied.

"You ok?" Brian asked with a hint of concern creeping into his voice.

"I'm going to be," I sighed. "Time will tell."

"And hopefully heal all wounds," Brian added as he continued to cover my shoulder and neck with feather kisses. I found him laying me down on the sand so I allowed him to guide me down. Soon he was stretched on top of me pressing his lips to mine. After kissing me for a few seconds he looked at me and smiled that carefree at ease smile that drove me nuts. "Do you mind if I ravage you for a while?"

"Not at all," I giggled. "I was planning on doing some ravaging myself."

"What do you say we ravage away together?" Brian said as he nipped at my neck.

"That sounds good to me," I giggled back as I latched on his lip and bit down it lightly causing him to moan with pleasure.

From Matt's point of view.

"They are angles," I sighed looking over Kevin's shoulders down at Kevie and Mattie. "Umm Kevin?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes dear?" Kevin asked as he ran his finger along the side Mattie's face. Mattie squirmed with delight and grinned up at his daddy.

"Ummm have you umm thought of---," I started. Than I lost my nerve. "Oh never mind it was dumb." I should've know that wouldn't work. Kevin put Mattie in his own crib and gave him a kiss. Than he took me by the hand and led me out onto the porch and sat me down on the swing.

"No," Kevin said kissing me lightly. "I want to hear what you had to ask."

"I don't want to intrude into an area that doesn't concern me," I replied.

"Baby," Kevin sighed. "When it concerns Mattie and Kevie it does concern you. You are a major part of their family. They love you very much. Hell you spend more time with them than I do. Now tell me, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

"Have you thought of getting the twins baptized?" I blurted out. Kevin was quiet for a few minutes and than he looked at me. I couldn't read what he was thinking but I could tell that he wasn't mad.

"Yes I have," he said finally. I breathed a sight of relief. "But, what faith do we get them baptized in?"

"That is going to be a decision that you will have to make for them sweetie," I replied. "Tyler and I are Catholic, but we don't go that often," I said blushing. "I know we should and my mom is probably glaring at me from heaven right about now."

"Well why don't we get them baptized in the Catholic faith?" Kevin asked.

"What?" I blurted out. "Do you mean that?"

"Yes," Kevin replied. "I want Kevie and Mattie baptized in the Catholic Church."

"How?" I asked. "I mean you are not Catholic and Anne is dead. How are we going to get them baptized?"

"I want you to adopt them as your children," Kevin said bluntly.

"Kevin no," I exclaimed out. "I could never do that."


Cliffhanger? He he he he he

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Next: Chapter 50: Get Another Boyfriend 2 12

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