Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Mar 24, 2001


Disclaimer: The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Again comments are welcomed here. E-mail me at

Now on with the show!!! Chapter 11

Revenge, A dish that is best served cold!

"Actually we can't start the meeting yet," Matt said as he looked right at me. The cold hard look he gave me chilled me right to the bones. "We are still waiting for a couple of people." The door opened and in walked JC and Justin. By this time I was getting really nervous. Matthew was up to something and I didn't like where this was headed.

"What the hell is the faggot doing here?" Justin whispered in my ear. I shook my head and whispered back.

"I don't know, but I don't like it." Justin shrugged his shoulder and looked where JC was sitting. JC sat in between Matt and Kevin.

"What the fuck?" yelped Justin.

"I think we are all ready," Matt said softly. "I would like to start this emergency meeting by treating you all to an ice cream sundae." He got up and walked to the table and started to serve the sundaes around. When he got to Justin and me he smiled. "I'm so glad you two could make it." He placed the dish of ice cream in front of me and Justin. "Eat up," he smiled. I took a spoonful and smiled. "Enjoy it, Brian, I know I will. You know what they say about some things. Some dishes are just met to be served cold. And Ice cream is a dish that is best served cold, among other things too." He walked back to the head of the table. The rest of the board ate their sundaes but every one had a very confused look on their faces. All to soon we were finished with the treat. After the bowls were removed we were handed a copy of our contracts. "Please turn to page 24, paragraph 5 the 6th and 7th sentence," Matt said calmly. I flipped through the pages and found the page and glanced down at the highlighted areas. That was when my world came crashing around me. I was hurled back to the day that we all watched Star Trek II the Wrath of Kahn. Did you know that revenge is a dish that is best served cold? Obviously Matt knew this too.

"You understand?" Matt asked me looking at me with so much hate and revenge in his eyes. "If not I can explain it to you." For the first time since I started on this mission I felt scared. Scared & guilty. But I didn't dare let it show. I glared right back at him and stood up and headed towards the door.

"What the hell is he talking about?" demanded Justin. I glared at him shaking my head in disbelief. "What?" he demanded again.

"It clearly says that the chairman of the board can at any time cancel any contract if there is evidence of any immoral actions on the part of the undersign pending an investigation. It also states that all assets belonging to the undersigned can and will be frozen until after said investigation. To put it bluntly my blonde friend. You're out of a job!" Matt hurled at him.

"You can't do this!" screamed Justin. "Do you know who I am!"

"Ohh please Timberlake, your are nothing to me! The only thing you are is the little piece of dog shit on the bottom of my shoe that conspired to take custody of my son away from the only family he has ever known!" Matt shouted back at him. "Now you have exactly three minutes to vacate these premises!" He pushed a button at the head of the table and the door opened to admit two uniformed gaurds. "Officers, Mr. Litteral and Mr. Timberlake are leaving now! Unless of course if Mr. Litteral would like reconsider the custody hearing?" Everything in my being was shouting to give up and let Tyler go. But no not me! I am never wrong!

"There is no way in hell I'm going to let you have Tyler now!" I screamed at him. Matt just calmly walked up to me and patted me on the side of the cheek. I swatted his hand away only to have him grab it and hold in place. The look in his eyes were pure hatred. I've never seen pure hatred before but I saw it today and it shook me to the core. Again I was too stupid to turn back.

"That is your mistake Brian," Matt said to me sadly. "Because, you see, I now have the power to take everything away from you. And don't think I won't. You have fucked with the wrong person! I will fucking ruin you and everything you hold dear!" I stomped out of the room and headed down to child care. When I arrived there I picked up Tyler and Justin and I left the building. Once in the car Justin turned on me.

"You fucking bastard!" he screamed at me. "You've ruined me!"

"Watch your mouth around Tyler!" I said to him.

"Fuck you!" Justin shouted at me. "I don't give a rat's ass about that little piece of trash!" Tyler clung to me like a life line with tears streaming down his face. "Stop the fucking car!" I tapped on the window and the car stopped. Justin got out of the car and flagged down a cab and got in and drove off. I turned my attention to the frightened little boy.

"I want my daddy," he whimpered. I shook my head sadly and sat back leaving Tyler to cry by himself.

"Take us back to the Air Port!" I ordered the driver.

From Matt's point of view.

"Well that went really well," Kevin said wryly. The board room had long sense emptied out. I and Kevin and JC were the only ones left.

"It was a complete failure!" I muttered. Kevin walked to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I still don't have my son!"

"Hey," he tried to sooth me. "This is going to take time. Now let's go back home and plan our next strategy session." A shadow crossed over us and I looked up to see Nick standing there.

"What about Tyler?" he asked. "I'm not sure I like the idea of Tyler going back into that home with Brian alone."

"Well you sure as hell can't go back. Your cover is blown!" Kevin said as he sat down next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder thankful for the comfort that he offered me. "Let me try and get a hold of Leighanne and see what she can do. If that doesn't work I'll try Mom and see if she can't talk some sense into him."

"Nick is coming home with us," I said grabbing onto Nick's hand. Kevin nodded quietly and stood and headed for my office at to make the phone calls. "So you been trading sexual favors with Brian?" I asked bluntly. Nick looked away in shame. "Hey," I soothed. "I'm not judging you. I just want to know how Brian can justify hating gays and having sex with you."

"Brian is a changed man. Ever since he found out that he can't father children he has changed so much. I don't even know him any longer," Nick mumbled.

"Why did you do it Nick?" I asked. Nick shook his head from side to side. "That is not an answer Nick. My son's happiness is at stake here!" I barked at him. He cringed at my harsh words. "I'm sorry Nick. I didn't mean to yell at you. Did you love him?"

"No," Nick mumbled.

"Than why Nick?" I asked confused. "I mean he is good looking and all but he is not gay!" Nick looked at me hard and than stomped off.

"You wouldn't understand," he muttered.

"Want to try me?" I asked as I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I mean look at my track record. Please Nick I just want to understand why you would do something like this with a man who would do such evil things."

"I have needs too!" he barked back at me.

"But Brian?" I yelped. "Why not JC?" I asked. Nick looked shocked at me. Obviously he hadn't thought of that. "The important thing is that we make sure that Tyler is safe. We'll work on your love life later." I looked up to see Kevin walking up to me. He was wearing a huge smile on his face. "It looks like Kevin has some good news for a change."

"It seems as if Brian is working without the knowledge of his wife. I just got off the phone with Leighanne and she is hotter than a fire cracker. She had no idea that Brian was trying to get custody of Tyler," Kevin said as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Well what is she going to do about it?" I asked.

"She is on her way home now," Kevin snickered. "I don't think Brian is going to like what she has to say." I slid my arms around Kevin's waist and pulled him close. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you so much Kevy," I smiled as I nuzzled his neck. I could feel him shiver and I giggled for it had seemed that I had found one of his weak spots.

"If you lick him behind his ear he'll start purring like a Kitten," Nick whispered in my ear. I slid out my tongue and gently licked him behind the ear. Kevin let out a half a growl and moan. Ok so it was as close to a purr as a human can get. But it was so cute that I melted.

"Hey you're right," I giggled nudging Nick in the side with my elbow. Kevin glared at Nick and Nick just smiled smugly to himself. "Let's get back to Vermont my fiancé." Nick gapped at us like a fish out of water. I reached out and closed his mouth and took Kevin's hand and led him out the door.

"Hey wait a minute!" Nick shouted at us. "What is this about you being his fiancé?" I just shook my head and continued to lead Kevin down the hall. "You're not getting away that easy!"

"Patience my young Jedi Friend," I said using my Yoda voice. "All will be revealed to you in good time."

"But I don't want to wait," Nick whined.

"Has he always been like this?" I asked my chuckling lover.

"Only when he hasn't gotten laid in a while," Kevin said smirking.

"Hey!" Nick complained. "We will not be discussing my sex life or lack of!"

"Well it is true," laughed Kevin. "Find you a cute guy and let you get laid and you are pussy cat for a week. Let's face it dude. You need to get laid!" Kevin and I were busting up laughing and Nick just pouted as we climbed into the car.

"You know Kevin, I think we should hook him up with JC," I said looking at Nick. He buried his head in his hands.

"Are you kidding?" Kevin laughed. "He would rip poor JC in half." Ok so I was being real dense right now. Kevin caught on and leaned in and whispered in my ear. "He is about eight and half inches hard." My eyes bugged out and looked down at Nicks crotch and than looked back at Kevin.

"Has he ever-I mean have you ever--," I started. Kevin nodded and grinned. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "And you lived to tell about it?"

"Well I had a real hard time walking and dancing for a couple of days but it was a great fuck," Kevin said grinning. Nick looked up at us confused about what we were talking about. Than he caught on.

"Oh no!" he shouted. "You are not discussing my sex life with him are you?" Kevin nodded. "Ohh mannnnn," he wined.

"Don't worry, Nick," I soothed him. "It was all good." That seemed to smooth things over with Nick. "Hey what about Brad?" I asked Kevin. Nick looked up at me with interest in his eyes. "He looks like he could take Nick."

"I don't trust Brad," Kevin said shortly.

"Well who would you trust with Nick?" I asked. Kevin looked hard at me and thought about it for a few moments before answering me. The answer I got should've revolted me but it didn't. It turned me on like crazy.

"I would trust you," he said as he bent down and kissed my lips hard driving his tongue into my mouth. As much as I wanted to remain the object of Kevin's desire I had to break up the kiss. I gently pulled apart and I looked into his eyes. I saw something different in his eyes. A kind of wildness I hadn't seen before. He tried to kiss me again and I held out my hand and he backed off.

"Umm you want to explain yourself?" I asked softly. Kevin sighed and sat back and looked away. "Kevin?" I asked putting my hand on his leg. "What did you mean by that comment?"

"You're going to think I am stupid," he grumbled.

"I promise I won't think that you are stupid," I said smiling at him. "Come on tell me! Please?" I used my best pout and it worked.

"It is just a stupid fantasy I have is all," he said. I nodded for him to continued. "I have this fantasy of being involved in a threesome with you and Nick."

"Ummm wow!" I said raising my eyebrows. I looked over at Nick to see if he was listening. He was and he was looking right at Kevin. "I umm don't know what to say."

"See I knew you would think I was dumb!" Kevin grumbled. I shook my head and slid over closer to him and planted a kiss on his nose.

"I don't think you are dumb!" I said. "I just never been involved with anything like this before. I'm not quite sure to feel about it. I mean part of my is turned on and part of me says maybe we shouldn't do this and than there is part of me that says go for it!" Kevin jerked his head over in my direction. "Ever since you mentioned it I've been turned on in a major way."

"Umm guys!" spoke up Nick for the first time since Kevin brought it up. We looked over at him and saw that he had this scared look on his face. "Umm what are you two planning?"

"We were just talking is all," Kevin said looking out the window.

"Like hell you were!" Nick said loudly. "It sounded like you were planning some weird sex thing that involved me! If this does involve me than I have a right to know what this is all about!"

"Kevin has this little fantasy that involves you and me and him in a threesome." Kevin glared at me and I leaned over and started to kiss him on his neck and made my way over to behind his ear. Sliding out my tongue I gently licked him behind his ear. Bingo! Kevin was happy again. He glared at me with lust glazed eyes. "Now are you going to behave yourself or do I have to torture you some more?" He nodded sheepishly. "Good now Nick and I are going to talk about your fantasy and see what we can do to make it come true for you." A huge smile erupted on Kevin's face. I heard Nick moan softly as he buried his head in his hands. I was looking forward to this conversation. "Now Nick where were we?"

"We were trying to corrupt my innocent mind!" Nick grumbled.

"You learn quickly my young Jedi Friend," I said in my Yoda voice.

"Ok we'll have this talk but only on one condition," Nick said glaring at me.

"And that would be?" I asked innocently.

"You drop the Yoda voice!" he said grinning. I nodded and he turned serious. "Umm don't you two love each other?"

"Of course we love each other. And that is why I am having this talk with you. I'm not sure that I want to go through with this. But if it will make my lover happy than I should consider it. I'm sure that he would do the same thing if I asked." I looked over at Kevin and he nodded. "Good because I have similar fantasy that involves you me and JC." Nick busted up laughing and Kevin tossed a pillow at him hitting him in the face. I turned my attention back to Nick. "So are we going to do this thing or not?" I asked.

"I don't know guys," Nick said with a worried look on his face. "I'm mean what about protection?"

"We will use every precaution that is out there," I said soothing his concerns.

"Umm there is something you should know about Nick," Kevin spoke up. I looked at him nodding for him to continue. "Umm condoms don't work with him. They break when he uses them."

"How many people have you been with?" I asked bluntly. Nick blushed and looked away. "I'm not judging you Nick," I said softly.

"Only two, Kevin and Brian," he said in a soft voice.

"So Kevin was your first?" I asked. Nick nodded. "So it all boils down to trust." I looked over at Kevin.

"Well I'm pretty active. But I have always used protection except with you. And my last test came back negative," Kevin said softly. I smiled and kissed Kevin on the lips. It wasn't a passionate one. Just a light small peck.

"Well I not all that experienced either. James was my first man I slept with. We always used protection. And when he started beating me and after he left I made sure I was tested. I've always tested negative too," Kevin pulled me close when I mentioned James beating me. I still trembled with fear when I mentioned his name.

"So are we going to do this?" asked Nick.

"We don't want to push you into anything that you might be uncomfortable with Nicky," Kevin said patting his leg. "If Matt is cool with this and I am and you want to than let's do it. But if you aren't cool with it than we wont."

"Umm I'm going to need to think about this," Nick said softly.

"There is no rush Nicky," Kevin said. Than he turned to me and grinned. "So what is this about my sweetie having a fantasy involving a certain Nsyncer and me?" I blushed and looked down. "I'm waiting," he giggled. This time his tongue found my weak spot and I trembled and moaned. "Two can play at that game," he giggled as he continued to tease me. "Well are you going to talk?"

"Well you have to admit he is a hottie!" I said grinning. "And I did see him in the buff. He may be a little skinny but God what a body!"

"What about me?" asked Kevin looking a little hurt.

"What about you, Mr. Body Beautiful?" I asked running my hand over his crotch. "You know you are my favorite of all the boyband members." The car stopped and the driver got out and opened the door for us and we climbed out and headed into the terminal. Once we were cleared to board the Whittington's Corporate jet. I had to laugh at poor Nick when we stepped on board. "And I thought I was the curious one!" I said softly to Kevin. Kevin watched as Nick probed the different compartments before stretching his long frame out on the sofa. I sat on another sofa and patted the seat next me. Kevin plopped down and let a huge yawn. "I promise as soon as the jet takes off you can stretch out and use my lap as a pillow." Kevin nodded and buckled his seat belt. Kevin was nice enough again to distract me from the take off. And true to my word as soon as the seat belt sign went off I made him lay down and put his head in my lap and close his eyes and soon he was softly snoring. I spent most of the flight gently stroking his hair and gazing down at his face. The innocence of his heart shown through.

"You really love him don't you?" asked Nick. I looked up and saw him standing over us.

"Yes I do," I said as I went back to watching my sweetie sleep. "You know he has saved me so many times. And he has fallen in love with my son." I started to laugh when I thought about his invitation.

"What to let me in on the joke?" Nick asked.

"You should've seen him when he proposed to me. It was the cutest most adorable thing I have ever seen," I smiled. Kevin let out a little snort as he turned around and wrapped his arms around me. Nick and I struggled not to laugh but failed. After getting control of ourselves we went back to our conversation.

"Have you had your first fight yet?" Nick asked.

"Actually there has been two fights. And the make up sessions were so awesome!" I sighed. "That man can do things to your body by just looking at you."

"Tell me about it," Nick mumbled.

"What was it like?" I asked. I knew that I was treading on sacred territory but for some reason I had to know.

"It was great!" Nick sighed.

"Well spill the goods dude!" I pressed on.

Flash back.

"God I can't believe Brian was such an ass!" Kevin said as he guided Nick into his hotel room. They had just finished getting everything out of Brian's room. Brian didn't want to sleep in the same room that a "Sinner" was sleeping in. Kevin could still see the crushed look on Nick's face when Brian tossed him out. Nick put his stuff on one of the beds and sat down. He still had tears flowing down his face. "Tell me how to make it better," Kevin pleaded. Nick looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Hold me?" he pleaded. Kevin sat down beside him and pulled him close. Nick's arms wrapped around Kevin's neck and he buried his head into his chest sobbing loudly. "You must hate me," Nick sobbed.

"I don't hate you Nicky," Kevin soothed. "I could never hate you." He bent down and kissed him on top of his head. "I understand what you are going through."

"Really?" Nick sniffled as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. Kevin chuckled as he handed Nick a tissue. "I mean you don't think I'm dumb?"

"You forget Nick, I used to be your age too. I had the same frustrations that you did. Only you were lucky. You had friends who supported you when you made that decision to come out," Kevin said as he wiped the tears from Nick's face.

"But I've lost my best friend today," he sobbed out. "I mean I really like Brian. We were best buds!" Kevin looked at Nick and saw the hurt raging through him. "We were Frick and Frack! Now look at us. He can't stand the sight of me." Nick stood up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Kevin asked worried. He wasn't happy about Nick wondering around alone.

"I need to be alone for now," Nick said with his head hung low.

"Uh uh," Kevin said forcefully. "I am not going to allow you to wallow in your own grief and not be here to help you! Now come back and sit down next to me and we'll talk some more."

"I'm really tired right now," Nick said half heartedly.

"Than lay down with me and let me hold you," Kevin pleaded. "I know you are hurting and I want to help you through it." Nick walked back over to the bed and lay down. Kevin wrapped his arms around Nick pulling him close. "You just relax and go to sleep and I'll be right here. I won't let anything happen to you." Kevin graced Nick's cheek with a light kiss. In a few moments Nick was sound asleep.

The next morning Kevin and Nick walked into the AJ's room. Brian jerked his head up glaring at Nick. Nick shied away from Brian's hard glare. Kevin wrapped his arm protectively around Nick pulling him closer. "Morning all," Kevin said nodding to the rest of the guys. They all mumbled greetings and allowed Kevin and Nick access to the breakfast cart. Soon they were all seated eating their breakfast.

"So what is on the schedule for today?" Brian asked.

"We have today off," Kevin said as he offered Nick a piece of bacon. Nick took it from Kevin's hand and smiled his thanks. Brian rolled his eyes. "What?" Kevin asked harshly. "You have a problem?"

"No cousin," Brian snapped back. "I have no problem. No problem at all!"

"Good!" Kevin shot back. "Oh Nick you got some egg on your chin." Nick wiped it off and looked at Kevin. "Yep you got it all." Brian sighed and stood up and stomped out of the room. Nick let out a sob and took off running. "Fuck him!" Kevin shouted as he took off after Nick. "Nick! Stop!" Kevin shouted at him. He chased Nick all the way to the room. He finally caught up with him when Nick threw himself on the bed.

"He hates me!" Nick shouted into the pillow. Kevin sighed and sat down next to him and rubbed Nick's back. Nick let out a soft moan and Kevin slid his hand up Nick's shirt and started rubbing his bare skin. Nick let out another moan. Kevin than leaned down and lay beside Nick.

"Does that feel good?" Kevin asked as he slid Nick's shirt up around his shoulders. Nick groaned again. "I'll take that as a yes," he giggled as he planted a kiss on Nick's shoulder blade. Nick turned over and looked up into Kevin's eyes. "What?" Kevin asked worried that he had done some thing wrong.

"Kiss me?" Nick pleaded.

"Are you sure?" Kevin asked. Nick nodded and Kevin leaned down and pressed his lips to Nicks. Nick responded by wrapping his arms around Kevin's waist and pulling him closer. Kevin lightly probed Nick's lips with his tongue until he finally gained entry into Nick's mouth. Nick moaned softly as he slid his tongue into Kevin's mouth too. Kevin soon found himself getting hard and tried to pull back.

"Please," Nick pleaded looking at Kevin.

"Please what?" asked Kevin suddenly afraid of taking advantage of Nick.

"Please make love to me?" Nick asked his eyes wild with lust.

"Nick I don't want to do anything that you're going to regret," Kevin said softly.

"I trust you Kevin," Nick said as he swallowed hard. Kevin nodded as he got off of Nick.

"Well if we are going to do this than we have to do this right," he held out his had to Nick. Nick took it and Kevin pulled him up and pulled Nick to him pressing his body against Nick's. Nick groaned loudly as Kevin's body came in contact with his. Kevin slowly started undressing Nick until the only thing that remained was Nick's boxers. Kevin put his hands on Nick's boxers only to be stopped by Nick.

"My turn," Nick said with a grin. Kevin watched in amazement as Nick stripped Kevin of his clothes. Soon Kevin was standing with nothing on but his boxers too. Kevin swallowed hard as he beheld the near naked youth standing before him. Nick eyes were wide with wonder as he traced his hands over Kevin's lean and hard body. Kevin groaned softly as Nick leaned forward and took a nipple in his mouth. For the next few moments Kevin allowed Nick to explore every inch of Kevin's body. Finally Nick worked his way around so that he was kissing Kevin's neck. Taking his tongue and sliding along behind Kevin's ear. He giggled as he watched Kevin's eyes roll back and he let out the most adorable sound. It was a half growl and groan and at the same time. The closest thing to a purr that a Human could make. "Bingo!" Nick giggled. "I've found your weak spot," he said gleefully as he continued to attack Kevin's weak spot.

"Nick," Kevin groaned out.

"Yes," came a muffled response.

"Umm this is about to be over sooner than you want it to be if you don't stop pretty soon," Kevin rasped out.

"I just wanted to hear you purr again," Nick pouted.

"Well I want to hear you purr too," Kevin said as he knelt before the youth. Taking the waist band in his hands he gently slid the boxers down. A gasp blurted out of Kevin's mouth. "Oh my god!" Nick blushed and looked away. "It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," Kevin breathed as he reached out and gently touched Nick's cock. Nick's knees threatened to buckle but Kevin was there to hold him up. "You are so beautiful Nicolas," he breathed out as he gently kissed the top of Nick's cock. "And you taste good too."

"I want to see yours" Nick whined a little. Kevin smiled and stood up and Nick knelt before him and gently pulled Kevin's boxers down. "You call me beautiful?" Nick asked in amazement. "Please Kevin," he begged as he took a hold of Kevin's cock. "Make love to me and make love to me now!" Kevin was shocked when he heard the intense lust in his voice.

"I don't want to hurt you," Kevin chocked out.

"You could never hurt me," Nick said with tears flowing out of his eyes. "I trust you." Kevin gently lay Nick on the silk sheets and reached into the drawer and pulled out some lube and a condom. Nick shook his head. "I trust you Kevin," he said again. Kevin shook his head no.

"I won't put you in any kind of danger Nick." Nick nodded and reached for Kevin. Kevin turned Nick over on his side and slid in behind him. "Now this might hurt alittle," he said as he slid his cock in between Nicks cheeks. Picking up his leg so that he could get better access he guided his erect cock to Nick's whole. "I want you to bear down like you're getting ready to take a dump." Nick looked confused. "Trust me on this Nick, it will go in a lot easier that way." Nick pushed down and Kevin slid his cock up Nick's ass. Nick let out a strangled sob and bit down on his hand. Kevin saw the tears flow out of his eyes. He stopped what he was doing and wrapped his arms around the youth and lay his head on Nick's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Babe," he sobbed out. "I didn't want to hurt you." Nick looked back at him and smiled a small smile.

"It's ok Kevin," he gasped out. "It feels good right now." Kevin spent the next five minutes kissing and massaging Nick. "I'm ready now," Nick said softly as he pushed against Kevin. Kevin withdrew his cock so that only the head remained in and slid it back in. This time Nick let out a low moan and Kevin knew this time it was from pleasure and not pain. "ooooooohh God!" he moaned out his entire body trembling from the pleasure.

"You like that?" asked Kevin as he started to slide in and out of Nick's ass. All Nick could do is moan and groan in response to Kevin's thrusts. Nick's hand found his cock only to find Kevin's hand stopping him from touching himself. "Let me take care of you," he rasped out as he picked up his pace. Soon he was ramming in and out of Nick. Nick was rearing back to meet Kevin's onslaught. "I'm close Nick," Kevin rasped out again. Nick urged him on by Gently massaging his balls. "OOOOOHHH FUCK!" he groaned out as he slammed into Nick one last time, his cock exploding in the condom. He worked quickly and pulled out and slid down and engulfed as much of Nick's cock as he could. Nick let out a half scream and groan and begin shooting his load into Kevin's mouth. He watched in amazement as Kevin swallowed Nick's virgin seed down his throat. After he was done he spent the next few moments licking Nick clean.

"WOW!" exclaimed Nick. "That was great!" Kevin just grinned and laid down beside Nick gently massaging Nick's limp cock.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Nick," Kevin smiled at him kissed Nick fully on the lips driving his tongue into Nick's mouth. Nick could still taste himself on Kevin's tongue.

Back to present.

"So you see Kevin was real gentle and loving and caring," Nick babbled as he blushed and looked down.

"What happened?" I asked.

"JC happened!" Nick said harshly.

"I see," I mumbled. Kevin groaned again and turned around in his sleep. I leaned down and kissed him on his lips. He opened his eyes and smiled sleepily up at me. "Go back to sleep!" I ordered. He snuggled closer to me and closed his eyes again. In no time at all he was back asleep. Nick and sat quietly and let Kevin sleep through the entire flight. I was starting to get worried about Kevin. He was usually awake and full of energy this time of the day. When the plane landed we got off of it and into the car and headed home. In the car Kevin finally woke up enough for me to talk to him. "You feeling all right?" I asked softly. He nodded his head with out answering. "You want to tell me what is bothering you?" I pressed on. He shook his head no. I was hurt but tried not to let it show. "Well we are almost home and when we get home I'll have Brad make you some soup." I said as I kissed him lightly on the lips. When he didn't respond to the kiss I really got worried. I frowned and looked at him hard and he looked away. "When you are ready to talk just let me know," I said wrapping my arm around him and pulling him close. He laid his head on my shoulder. After a few seconds I felt that my shoulder was getting wet. I looked down and was shocked to see him crying. "Kevin?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Please Kevin," I sobbed out. "Tell me what is wrong!" He looked up at me and handed me the cell phone. "You want me to call someone?" He nodded. "Who should I call baby?"

"Your son," he sobbed out. "Call your son and tell him that you love him!" I frowned and looked at the phone and at him. "Dammit Matt!" he shouted at me. "Call him!" I quickly dialed Brian's number. After a few rings Leighanne picked up.

"Leighanne?" I asked. "Can I speak to Tyler?" I was afraid that something bad was happening and that was probably what Kevin was upset about.

"Dadddyyyy!" squealed Tyler into the phone.

"Hey Buddy!" I smiled back. I felt Kevin heave a sigh of relief. "I think someone wants to talk to you little buddy." I handed the phone to Kevin. I watched in delight as Kevin face turned happy again. He was talking and laughing with Tyler. After a few moments he handed the phone back to me. "Tyler are you still there?" I asked.

"Yes Daddy," he giggled out. "I miss you and Kevin."

"I know you do Son, but you have to stay with Brian until the court says you can come home," I said to him as I struggled to hide the tears. I could hear the pain in his voice. And I knew that he was wearing that pout. "Tyler," I scolded him lightly. "Your face is going to freeze like that." It worked, I heard him giggle over that. "You promise me you will be a good boy?" I asked him. Silence on the other end. "Tyler," I said scolding him again.

"OK I'll be good to Leighanne but not Brian!" he shouted. I struggled not to laugh but failed. After controlling myself I started talking again.

"You have to be good for Brian too," I said.

"But why Daddy?" Tyler argued. "Brian is mean to me! He never lets me call you or Kevin and he won't let Nick stay here anymore!"

"If you promise to be good I'll let you talk to Nick," I said playing the trump card. Silence again. "Tyler, please honey you have to be good for Brian."

"Ok daddy," he said in a small voice. "I'll be good for him. Now do I get to talk to Nick?"

"Yes son," I laughed out. "I'll let you talk to Nick." I handed Nick the phone and let him talk to Tyler. I have no idea what they talked about but Nick was laughing through most of it. All to soon the conversation was cut short because Brian came back into the room and grabbed the phone out of Tyler's hand and shut it off. I was furious but couldn't do anything. I looked back over at Kevin and was still worried because he was wearing that same lost and scared look on his face. "Kevin?" I asked softly. "Please tell me what is wrong."

"I was just worried is all," he mumbled. "I'm better now." He was lying and I knew it. But I choose not to say anything right now. Kevin would tell me what was wrong when he was ready. So I turned to see how Nick was doing.

Later than night

"Matt?" Kevin asked. I looked up from my screen and saw him standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was dripping from his shower. "You want to come to the bedroom?" I shut down the computer and went to him and took his hand and let him lead me into the room. Once there he sat me down on the bed. "I love you so much that it hurts," he said.

"I love you too Kevin," I said laying a hand along side of his face.

"I'm sorry about how I was behaving infront of you this afternoon," he said as he leaned into my hand and kissed the palm. "I just was feeling blue and I felt afraid is all."

"Afraid of what?" I asked.

"Afraid of loosing what we have, afraid of loosing Tyler, and the band," He said softly.

"You're not going to loose me or Tyler," I said looking into his eyes. "As for the Band, we will work together to save that too."

"You fired Brian," he mumbled. "How are we going to function with out him? He is one of our best singers. Not to mention his huge fan base!"

"Hopefully Brian will come to his senses and give up this hateful custody battle and when he does I will reinstate his contract," I said.

"You will?" Kevin asked smiling for the first time since his talk with Tyler. "I mean after everything he has done to you?"

"Kevin," I sighed. "I'm a forgiving person. Yes, if Brian drops this vendetta he has against me than I will forgive and reinstate his contract." Kevin sighed and leaned against me. I was finding it hard to concentrate because Kevin's Towel was falling off and I could see everything. "Umm Kevin," I asked in a squeaky voice.

"Yes dear," he replied grinning as he tossed off the towel completely.

"You're making it hard to behave," I squeaked out. He giggled and took my hand and guided it to his cock. I wrapped my hand around him.

"Well," he said as he leaned forward and kissed my adam's apple. "I suggest that you don't!" His mouth traveled down to my shirt buttons and by using his teeth and tongue he managed to undo most of them. I was going nuts as he continued to torture me. Soon we were both naked and laying in the bed. Kevin lay down on top of and I let out a gasp as his body came in contact with mine. His lips found mine and we kissed and ground our bodies together. Our precome from our cocks pooled on my stomach making it cold. I shivered a little and Kevin picked up on it at once. "You cold?" he asked as he leaned down and licked up the precome. Only problem was that he didn't stop there. Soon his mouth and tongue found my cock.

"Ohhhh Kevin!" I groaned out as he engulfed my cock. I arched my back trying to drive my cock further into his mouth. We heard a knock at the door and we sat up and looked at the door. "Yes?" I called out. Kevin giggled when he heard the squeaky tone to it.

"It's me Nick," said the soft voice. I looked at Kevin and he smiled. I smiled back.

"Come on in Nick," I called out. Kevin choose at his moment to go back to sucking my cock. Nick walked in and at once his mouth fell open. "You need something?" I asked calmly.

"Umm I thought about what we talked about on the plane and I um want to do it," He stuttered out.

"Well strip down and join us," I said with a grin. Kevin let out a groan as my hand found his cock and lightly began to stroke it. "Kevin's cock could stand some attention." Nick smiled widely and quickly stripped down and slid his head inbetween Kevin's legs and started to suck him off. I watched Nick as he sucked Kevin's cock. I could see that his cock was getting harder by the moment. I licked my lips in anticipation and manauvered around so that My face was in Nick's crotch. Now here is the difficult part. Nick was hung! I mean he was bigger than anything I had ever seen. How was I going to get that monster in my mouth? I shrugged my shoulders and went to work on it. I managed to get about five inches down my throat. I could tell by his moans and groans that I was doing something right. Ok so here was the picture. I was sucking off Nick and he was sucking off Kevin and Kevin was sucking off me. I was getting closer to orgasm but wanted to time my orgasm with everybody else. I guess they all had the same thought. Nick's cock was throbbing like a jack hammer and I could tell by Kevin's moans that he was getting close too. Kevin decided at some point that he couldn't wait for me any longer and rammed a finger up my ass. That did it. I let out a strangled groan and blasted my load down his throat. Kevin came right after I did filling Nick's mouth with his seed. Nick started shooting his load down my throat. Ever try to swallow water coming from a fire hose? Well it is possible but very diffilcult. His load blasted into my mouth hitting me in the back of the throat. It tasted about the same as Kevin's except a little tangier. I got most of it down my throat and some of it leaked out and ran down my chin and throat. After we finally stopped shooting down each other's throat we fell apart gasping for air. Kevin crawled back ontop of me and started to kiss me on the lips licking up all of Nick's cum. I was shocked to find another pair of lips attacking me too. Two people kissing me an driving their tongues down my throat was a major turn on for me. My cock started to get hard again and Nick stopped kissing me and reached for the lube. I looked scared up at Kevin. Kevin took my head into his hand and kissed me deeply while Nick took extra care in lubing me up.

"Are you ready?" Kevin asked me softly. I gulped and nodded. I was scared shitless but wanted to please Kevin. "Ok Nick go ahead but be gentle!" Nick nodded and positioned himself at my whole. I tensed as his cock touched my ass whole. "Go easy Nick!" he warned him. Nick nodded and started to push in. I yelled out in pain as his head popped through the ring. He paused to allow me the chance to get used to his size. Kevin kissed me gently and massaged my stomach trying to relax me rock hard stomach muscles. "You might want to breath sweetie," he teased me as he kissed me again I suddenly realized that I was holding my breath. By now I was used to Nick's cock being in my ass. I nodded for him to continue. He slowly pushed in until I felt the tick of his pubic hairs. I can't even describe what I was feeling at that moment. I felt so full. There was pain but also an incredible feeling of pleasure. He slowly pulled out and I let out a soft whimper because of the loss. "I think he is ready," smiled Kevin. Nick grinned and pushed in again.

"OOOOOHHH God!" I groaned out. I could feel every ridge and every vein on Nick's Cock as it slid and out of my ass. I looked down and saw that my cock was rock hard. It was so hard that it was actually hurting. Kevin looked down and chuckled as he lay down beside me and took my cock in his mouth. I looked at his cock standing tall and proud and I tried to reach it but couldn't. I let out another whimper and Kevin looked up at me and saw what I was trying to do and he slid over so that I could have access to his cock too. I eagerly took his cock into my mouth. I was getting close and Kevin knew it. Pausing to allow me to calm down he also told Nick to pause too. I growled in frusturation but decided that two could play at that game too. Bringing Kevin to the brink I paused too. Kevin moaned in frustration too. So began the most erotic war I've ever been in. For over an hour all three of us continued to bring each other to the brink and than we would stop. I was in lust induced haze from being penetrated in both ends and having my cock sucked at the same time. Nick was drenched in sweat as he continued to ram in and out of me. Finally Kevin took pity on all of us.

"Ok this is it," he called out. Nick went nuts and started slamming in and out of me. I went to work on Kevin's cock and he on mine. Than it happened. Nick let out a yell and I felt his cock expand in my ass. I felt as if a searing hot flame was shooting into me. It slammed against my prostrate gland. I almost blacked out from the pleasure. Kevin's cock slammed into my mouth one last time filling my mouth with his seed. I eargerly swallowed every drop. Finally we all pulled apart. Kevin dropped ontop of me holding me. I was soar and bruised from head to toe. I lightly nuzzled his neck and slid my tongue behind his ear causing him to purr like a kitten. I giggled when he glared at me. "I think we need to shower. We all staggared out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. Nick headed for the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Kevin asked.

"Umm I should head back to my room," he mumbled looking down.

"You shouldn't be alone tonight Nick," I said softly. "You're welcome to sleep with us." Kevin nodded and took Nick's hand and led him into the bathroom and we all climbed into the shower together. Once we had him the shower Kevin and I spent the next half hour cleaning Nick and ourselves. After showering we headed back to the bed. I climbed in first than Kevin. Kevin spooned me and I patted the space next to me and Nick climbed in next. He wasn't sure how close he should be so I took control and pulled him close to me and spooned him. It felt good to be sandwiched between two hot studs. I snuggled closer to Kevin and barely remember him kissing me goodnight before sleep took me over.

Chapter 12


The next morning I awoke to an empty bed. Kevin and Nick had already gotten up. I sighed and turned over and snatched Kevin's pillow and held it close. It smelled like him. I also liked sleeping in his spot when he was gone. No sooner than I fell asleep when a pair of lips found mine. I really didn't want to get up so I pretended to be a sleep. But Kevin decided to be stubborn. His lips kept bugging me. I growled and opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me. "Good morning sweetie!" he said with a huge grin on his face.

"Someone got laid last night!" I grumbled.

"Correction babe, I watched you get laid last night," he giggled. I glared at him and swung out of bed. Pain shot up from my ass to my shoulder blades.

"How long was that elephants trunk last night?" I asked glaring at Kevin.

"Now sweetie," Kevin said soothingly. "The pain will pass." I nodded and slowly stood up and went to the closet and pulled out a pair of shorts and pulled them on. "Not wearing any boxers this morning?" I shrugged my shoulders and headed down stairs. I met Nick on the way down.

"How are you feeling?" he asked soflty.

"I'm a little soar," I said rubbing my but.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Hey don't be sorry," I soothed him. "Last night was great. I know I won't be able to forget it in a long time." He smiled and blushed and looked down. I also noticed a few tears flowing down his cheek. "Hey," I said softly. "You really shouldn't make a habit of crying. You look much better when you're not crying." This was met to help him but it didn't. Instead he started sobbing and fell into my arms. I held him looking at Kevin with a confused look on my face.

"You want to talk about it?" Kevin asked softly as he stepped up behind us and gently rubbed Nick's shoulders. "Come on Nicky," he pleaded. "We would like to help you."

"Why can't I find someone to love me?" Nick sobbed out. "I mean look at you two! You two are crazy in love. Why can't I have that?" I looked at Kevin and nodded and transferred Nick to Kevin's shoulders.

"I think you two need to talk. I'll be outside if you need me," I said kissing first Kevin and than Nick. I trotted down stairs and opened the door and than promptly closed it. It was a little cold out for just a pair of shorts. I turned and ran upstairs and threw on a pair of Sweats and headed back outdoors. I walked around to the back of the mansion. Once there I found a nicely furnished patio. I sank into the soft confines of a lounge chair. It was beautiful morning and it promised to be warm. I sighed as I sat back. How could I know that at that very moment things were taking place in Atlanta that would rock our world. Events were unfolding that would shred our very lives. But for now I was content to sit and enjoy the sun.

I dozed off enjoying the morning sun when I heard the phone ring. I heard Kevin call for me and I stood up and walked back into the house.

"Whoa slow down Brian!" he shouted into the phone. "Here he is now!" He handed me the phone. "Baby something is wrong, Brian is a wrek."

"Brian?" I asked already feeling that sick feeling in my stomach. "What is wrong?"

"Ohhh God!" he sobbed out. "I'm so sorry! I never met for this to happened. You've go to believe me!"

"Brian tell me what is wrong!" I shouted into the phone. "What did you do to Tyler?"

"I'm so sorry Matt, I never met for this to happened," Brian sobbed again.

"Brian!" I shouted again. "Give the phone to Leighanne!" I waited for Brian to relinquish the phone. I breathed a sigh of relief when Leighanne's voice sounded on the other end.

"Matt," she said. God she sounded worse than Brian.!

"What the hell did you guys do to my son!" I screamed.

"There has been an accident!" she sobbed out. "You need to get here as fast as you can!"

"Tell me what happened," I demanded.

"Brian and Tyler had an argument and Brian sent Tyler to his room. Well Tyler went into Brian's office and smashed his trophy case. Matt it's bad. They don't expect him to live," Leighanne finished.

"Tell me what happened to him!" I shouted again. By this time Kevin was at my side wrapping his arm around me.

"The Front of the Trophy case fell on him," Leighanne said.

"We're on our way," I said. "Give the phone to Brian." I demanded ignoring warning looks from Kevin.

"Yea this is Brian," Brian said. He sounded some what better.

"You had better be praying right now that Tyler lives!" I screamed at him. "If he dies you don't want to know what I will do to you!" I slammed the phone down and started up stairs. Kevin pulled me back. "Let me go Kevin!" I shouted. "We have to get ready to go!"

"Not until you calm down a little," he demanded. I sighed and stood and looked at him. As I stared at him I felt my son dying on me. There was nothing I could do to stop it. I sat down on the stairs and Kevin sat next to me. I made the mistake of leaning against him. That was it. I started bawling my eyes out.

"He killed him!" I sobbed out. "If Tyler dies Brian is the one who killed him!" Kevin took a sudden breath in. I had forgotten to tell him what I had found out. So inbetween my sobs I filled him in. After I was done Kevin's face was set in stone. "We have to get to him," I sobbed. Kevin nodded and helped me to my feet. In a hour we were headed for the airport. Nick insisted on coming too. Once on the plane I went to work calling the Doctor to find out what happened. It turns out that a big piece of Plate glass sliced through Tyler's abdomen. His Kidneys were sliced in two along with his stomach and liver. He had lost most of his blood and he was on total life support. When I got off the phone I was a wreck. I clung to Kevin for the remainder of the flight. Nick kept his distance but I could tell he was hurting too. I motioned him over. He sat next to us and I pulled him close. Once I wrapped my arms around him he broke down. "Let it all out now," I encouraged him. "We have to be strong in front of Tyler." Nick nodded and continued to sob. Kevin joined in on the group hug holding both Nick and me through the rest of the flight.

Later at the Hospital I walk in with Kevin at my side. Nick is on the other side. Both of them have their arms wrapped around me. I look up and see Brian standing outside the room. I walk past him with out even looking at him. I reach for the door handle and open it. The sight that greeted me was a sight that no parent should ever see. My son in a bed that was three times his size. He was hooked up total life support. Leighanne was holding his hand. A surge of anger welled up in me when I saw Justin standing there too. "Get out!" I hurled at him. He quickly bowed his head and left. JC was there too. He went to leave but I stopped him. "You may stay," I said. I turned and looked down at Tyler. My heart broke in two when I saw him laying there helpless. I sank to my knees and took hold of his tiny hand. Gently squeezing it hoping for some response. I didn't receive one. I looked up at Kevin and he knelt beside me and lay his hand on mine. Now both of us were touching Tyler.

"Has he said anything?" I asked Leighanne. She shook her head no. "Where it the doctor?" I asked looking around.

"She is expected back anytime now," Leighanne said. "I'll be outside with Brian if you need me." I nodded and heard the door open and close.

"He looks so peaceful," Kevin said as he gently stroked Tyler's blonde locks out of his eyes. "It is so hard to believe that he is fighting for his life right now." I looked at his face and saw that he didn't have a tube down his throat. He wasn't on a ventilator. I breathed a sigh of relief. Those things always reminded me a torture chamber.

"Excuse me Mr. Whitewater?" asked a female voice behind me. I turned around to see an attractive blonde woman behind me.

"Yes Doctor?" I asked grabbing onto Kevin's hand.

"I need to let you know about Tyler's condition," She said. "Can we step outside for a minute?"

"I don't want to leave him," I said stubbornly.

"He is stable now and is breathing on his own. Please Mr. Whitewater, this is important," she insisted. I nodded and drug poor Kevin with me. He didn't argue. On my way out of the room I turned to JC and Nick.

"Only Leighanne gets in here. Brian and Justin are to stay away from my son," I instructed. They nodded as we left the room. I passed Brian again and he tried to say something but Kevin stopped him with a glare. Once we were in a conference room we sat down at the table. "Ok Doctor, what is the prognosis?" I asked.

"Like I said, we have him stable for the moment. But, with his kidneys failing I'm afraid it is only a matter of time." She waited for the information to sink in.

"Will he be in any pain?" I asked as tears flowed down my face. "I don't want him in any pain."

"We will make sure he is kept as comfortable as possible," she said as she handed me a glass of water. I nodded my thanks to her.

"Umm Doctor?" asked Kevin. His voice startled me. I looked up in his face and saw that he was hurting as much as I was. "How about a transplant? I mean isn't there a way to transplant a healthy kidney into him?"

"Yes there is the possibility of a transplant. But there is a huge waiting list. We managed to move him to the top of that list. Right now we are hoping and praying that one comes available," she said but I could tell by the look on her face that the possibility was very slim.

"We have money," Kevin said. I stopped him before he said anything else.

"Kevin, is right when he says we have money," I said. "But we won't use our money to buy a kidney that should go to someone else that has been waiting. The only Kidney that we will accept is one that will not cause the death of another patient that is on the list." The Doctor nodded. "Will he be able to talk to us?"

"We have him pretty drugged up because of the pain. He does drift in and out," the Doctor explained. I nodded and looked at the clock. It was already after five in the after noon.

"Can I see him now?" I asked. She nodded and I got up dragging poor Kevin with me and we rushed back in the room. Once inside the room I went to his bedside and was pleasantly surprised to see him awake.

"Daddy?" he asked softly. I could tell that he was still sleepy from the drugs. "I hurt." My heart broke right there. I chocked back some tears and took his hand.

"The Doctors are going to make the pain go away son," I said softly.

"I'm sorry Daddy," he said looking down. I knelt at his bedside.

"Baby, what are you sorry for?" I asked as I tried to smooth out his unruly hair.

"I didn't obey you," he said in a serious voice. "I promised that I would do what Brian told me to."

"And you didn't do that did you?" I asked. He shook his head no.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked as he looked up at me with those eyes of his. I swallowed a couple of times and bent down and kissed his cheek.

"No baby," I said in a shaky voice. "I could never be mad at you. I love you too much." I decided to steer the conversation from this subject. "Hey guess what Tyler," I said smiling.

"What?" he asked.

"Nick and Kevin are here," I said pointing behind me. "They would really like to talk to you."

"Nick is here?" he said smiling for the first time.

"Hey what am I?" asked Kevin. "Chopped liver?" Tyler giggled a little and it filled the room with joy. I was praising God for letting me hear that little voice laughing again. Tyler held out his arms for a hug and Kevin knelt down and with the gentlest touch he gave Tyler a hug. I chocked back some tears but failed. Turning quickly I left the room. Once outside I leaned against the wall.

"OOOH GOD!" I sobbed out. "I can't do this!"

"You must and you will!" said a voice beside me. I turned and saw to my horror that Justin was standing there.

"Go to hell!" I hurled at him. "My son is lying in that room dying because of You and Brian!"

"Ok I deserved that," Justin said nodding. "But I love that little boy in there too. Maybe I've got a fucked up way of showing it. But I do care for him. And right now he needs his daddy to hold him and tell him that it is going to be all right."

"Get the fuck away from me!" I hurled at him. I turned and tried to walk away but he grabbed my shoulder and forced me around.

"You are going to listen to me first!" he hurled back. I glared at him while he continued to talk. "You've got believe me. I never intended for this to happen. I never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect this to end this way."

"And that is supposed to make it all better?" I shouted at him. "My son is dying in there! And it is all of your fault!" For the first time I saw tears falling down his face. "How does it feel do be responsible for the death of an innocent three year old boy?"

"Justin is not responsible for this," Brian said as he walked up behind me. "This is all my fault."

"You bet it is!" I screamed at him "And I swear by all that is holly and good I will destroy you for the death of my son! Now if you will excuse me I have my son to get back to. I turned to see Kevin standing there.

"Tyler is asking to talk to Brian," he said. I shook my head no. "Matt, he has to do this."

"Fine!" I muttered. "But I'm going in there with him!" I walked into the room and went back to Tyler's side. Brian walked up beside the bed and looked down.

"Tyler honey," I said softly. He was dosing off again. The doctor had just upped his dose of Morphine. He opened his eyes. "Brian is here." Brian knelt by the bed.

"I'm sorry Brian," he whispered. Brian jerked back and looked up at me. I nodded back at Tyler. "I didn't mean to break your trophies." Brian sobbed as he shook his head trying to control himself.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed. "I'm so sorry." Tyler looked confused. "I'm sorry for taking you away from your daddy and Kevin."

"I forgive you Brian," Tyler said grinning his famous smile. Ok so this was getting real hard for me. Kevin stepped in and wrapped my arms around me. I turned to him and laid my head on his chest.

"I can't do this Kevin," I sobbed. "I can't just let him die!"

"I wish there was a magic word for me to say that will make this all go away. But there isn't. Right now that little boy needs his daddy in the worse way," Kevin said as he wiped the tears from my face. "He needs you to tell him it is ok for him to go to sleep and wake up in the arms of God."

"Ohhh God Kevin," I sobbed. "I can't do that! I don't want to loose him!"

"You must," Kevin chocked out. "Please Baby, you have to."

"Daddy?" called a tiny voice. For the first time in my son's life I was afraid to look at him. Kevin gently but firmly forced me to turn around and look at my son.

"Yes son?" I struggled out.

"I'm sleepy," he whimpered out. I went to him and crawled into bed with him and held him. He snuggled closer to me laying his head on my chest. I gently stroked his head.

"Do you remember how you always said you missed Grandma and Grandpa?" I asked as I kissed the top of his head. He nodded and yawned at the same time.

"Well You go to sleep and I promise you will wake up in their arms," I whispered in his ear.

"Ok Daddy," he whispered.

"Good night my precious little angel, and always remember that I love you," I whispered back to him. The rest of the world ceased to exist for me. The only that mattered to me right now at this moment was me holding my son. I allowed my mind to wonder through his very short life. I smiled when I remember he taking his first wobbly footsteps towards me, and at the mess he made when he ate his first pizza. The rest of the happy moments came flooding back to me at full force. There was the laughter we shared when we teased poor Kevin about being so old. Than there was fun we had at the amusement park on the bumper cars. I was happy that he had the chance to meet his favorite music group. "The Shape of My Heart" Guys as he called them. There were no tears, only a profound feeling of thankfulness of the time I had with my son. I felt him breathe in one last time and I looked at his little chest rise and fall one last time. My son slipped the bounds of earth to touch the face of God. "Goodbye my son," I sobbed out. Kevin was there in a heartbeat holding me. The rest of the guys quietly left the room to allow us peace.

"He is in a place where there is no more pain," Kevin said softly.

"And he is with his Grandma and Grandpa," I said as I stroked his blonde hair.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 6: Get Another Boyfriend 13 14

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