Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 7, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part twelve

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

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And now with the story.

The look on Kevin's face was heart breaking to say the least. "But I don't understand," he said in a soft voice. I heard the quiver in it and knew that he was at the verge of tears. "Why don't you want to adopt them?"

"Because they are your children," I said calmly. "Would you adopt Tyler?"

"If you asked me to yes," Kevin answered with out missing a beat. "I love him as much as I love Kevie and Mattie."

"Why do you want me to adopt your children?" I asked shaking my head not really understanding.

"Because I'm thinking of their futures," Kevin said as he reached for my hand. "Matt, what if something was to happen to me? What if I die?"

"Don't say that!" I hurled at him. "Nothing is ever going to happen to you!"

"Matt be reasonable! Our lives are not set in stone. At anytime any of us could be taken from this world at a moments notice," Kevin said sternly. "Think about this, what if I died tomorrow. Who do you think would get custody of Kevin and Matthew?" Kevin had used their real names which meant that he was very serious about this. "Do you want Uncle Joe to get custody of them?"

"Hell no!" I replied. That was when it clicked in place. That was why Kevin wanted me to adopted them. With my name in place of Anne's name they would be protected from Uncle Joe or anyone else who would try and steal them from us. "I see," I mumbled.

"So will you?" Kevin asked hopefully again. I looked up into his eye and saw the love and devotion pouring out of them. "Will you become a real and equal parent for Kevin and Matthew?"

"Yes," I smiled up at him. How could I say no to those eyes? "Yes Kevin, I would be honored to adopt your children. Will you adopt Tyler?"

Tears filled Kevin's eyes as he pulled me into a tight hug. "Yes," he sobbed out. "I would be honored." I sat back against the swing and looked out over the beach. I could see Brian and Leo making out on the beach. Kevin kissed me on the shoulder. "So daddy," he said softly. "How are we going to do this?"

"You are friends with Rosie?" I asked.

"Yea," Kevin replied looking confused. "But how does knowing Rosie help us?"

"Well silly," I giggled up at him. "Rosie is out and she has adopted a couple of kids herself. She will be able to help us."

"You know you are right," Kevin said kissing me on the top of my head. "She will be able to help us."

"I'm always right," I said smugly.

"Oh really?" Kevin smirked down at me.

"Yes really," I said sliding my hand up his shirt.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked looking down at me as I started to pull is t-shirt off.

"Too many clothes on," I said bluntly as I pulled his shirt off. "There, much better!" I giggled as I attacked his chest with my lips and tongue. I found his nipples and slipped them into my mouth and started sucking on them. I heard Kevin moan softly as he reached for my shirt. I felt the cool breeze off of the ocean on my bare skin. Kevin pried my lips off of his chest long enough to get my shirt off. Once it was off I was back attacking him again.

"Ahem!" someone coughed. I growled as I continued to attack Kevin. Kevin laughed softly as he pried me loose. I looked up and saw the smiling face of my cousin Leo staring down at us.

"Yes?" I asked glaring at him. Hey! He interrupted my time with Kevin! So I have every right to glare at him!!!

"Having fun?" he snickered.

"I was until you interrupted us!" I hissed at him. "By the way you have a hickey on your neck." Instant blush.

"Um that would be my fault," Brian's voice spoke up from behind him.

"What can we do for you?" Kevin asked.

"Just wanted to talk is all," Brian said sitting down on the other swing. "Oh yea and talk about your wedding." I rolled my eyes and glanced up at Kevin.

"I have an idea," I smiled up at him.

"Elope?" he asked. I grinned and nodded. Glancing over at Brian I busted up laughing. The look on his face was priceless.

"You guys wouldn't!" Brian stammered out. Kevin busted up laughing and I followed soon after. "Brats!" he grumbled.

"Oh my poor baby," Leo soothed him. "Won't Kevin and Matt let you plan their wedding?" Brian launched himself at Leo tickling him hard. "Ok ok I give!" Leo laughed out. "Ok Kevin and Matt, no eloping and you have to listen to all of Brian's ideas!"

"Ok Brian," I giggled out. "What do you have planned so far?"

"Well what kind of wedding do you guys want? Informal or formal?" Brian asked as he produced a pad and pen.

"Oh oh," Kevin giggled. "I think he is serious." I elbowed him in the side.

"Behave and listen to your cousin dear," I scolded him. "Formal."

"Where do you want to hold it?" Brian asked.

"Right here on the beach," Kevin replied.

"Day or evening?" Brian asked while taking down notes as fast as he could.

"Evening," I said.

"Morning," Kevin shot out. Brian stopped writing and looked up at us.

"Oh oh," Leo said as he sat up from his snoozing. "They disagreed on something."

"Evening is good," Kevin said grinning down at me. I snuggled into his arms and grinned up at me. "You owe me."

"Collect on it please?" I grinned back up at him and rubbed his crotch.

"Ok now onto the big question," Brian said sighing. "The date."

"A week from today?" Kevin asked.

"Is there time for everything?" I asked. "What about invitations?"

"You already have invitations. We stamp a date on them and put them in the mail. I don't want a huge crowd just very close friends and family," Kevin replied. "The less people here the less press and coverage we will have. I don't want our wedding to turn into a media circus."

"Good point," I replied. "A week it is."

"A week?" Brian yelped out. "Man you guys don't give us much time! Come on sweetie," he said to Leo as he pulled him up and ran into the house. "We don't have much time. "Nick! Justin! JC! Get your asses in here! We've got work to do!" I turned to Kevin and saw him grinning.

"That was mean Kevin!" I scolded him. He laughed softly as his lips came crashing down on mine. After kissing me breathless he grinned down at me with a look of love and lust..

"Yes it was but it got them out of our hair so I can take you to our beach and make love to you," Kevin said with a grin.

"Ooohh," I gasped. "I think I like where this is going."

"Shut up and kiss me," Kevin ordered me.

"Shutting up now," I giggled as I allowed Kevin to kiss me.

From Brian's point of view.

"Ok ok!" I shouted over the voices. "We've got a lot of stuff to do! And only a week to get it done."

"You've got to be kidding!" Justin yelped out. "We can't plan a wedding in a week!"

"Yes we can sweetie," JC mumbled as he attached his lips to Justin's collar bone. "We planned ours in a less than a day."

"We eloped!" Justin shot back at JC.

"That is what they threatened to do," Brian replied.

"Ok a week it is then," Justin hurriedly changed his mind.

"What do you have so far?" Nick asked.

"Well they want it formal, and during the afternoon," I replied. "We've already got the invitations ready. They can go out in the mail in the morning. Some of them will have to go next day air. We need to pick out tuxedoes and rings and flowers and music and a tent for the reception and ...'Brian rambled on.

From Leo's point of view.

I watched as my sweetie was in full wedding planner mode. Every once in a while I would steal a kiss from him. I glanced out the door and saw that Kevin and Matt were walking down to the beach. My eyes bulged out of my head when I realized that they were naked. I shook my head and grinned and turned my attention back to Brian. He looked at me funny and I pointed out the window. His eyes bugged out and I giggled.

"Behave yourself," he scolded me. "We have a wedding to plan."

"Correction my love," I said kissing him lightly on the nose. "You have a wedding to plan. I'm going to make a phone call." I got up and left the room and picked up my cell. I dialed a number and waited for the answer.

"Dr. Jones," spoke up the man on the other end.

"Hi Doc," I said softly. "Umm do you have moment?"

"For you," Dr. Jones laughed "Of course."

From Kevin point of view.

I looked down at Matt as he laid on the beach all naked and beautiful. He looked up at me and smiled. "I love you Kevin," he said softly. "Please make love to me?" I leaned down and pressed my lips to his and slid my tongue into his mouth. I could feel his rock hard body moving against mine and it filled me with content. I loved the feel of his naked flesh against mine. I thrilled at the feel of his shaft rubbing up against mine. I nibbled on his bottom lip causing him to moan softly.

"You like that?" I asked grinning at him. He whimpered as he bucked his hips against me. "What?" I asked suddenly feeling naughty. "You want me to put my cock up you?"

"Please?" Matt begged as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"You know I could never refuse you when you use that look," I smiled down at him. I picked up his ankles and placed them on my shoulders and very slowly slid my cock up him. He shivered and moaned loudly as my length slid up him. Finally my cock was surrounded my his very warm and tight glove. I let it sit there without moving for a few minutes enjoying the closeness that we both felt. We for the moment was joined together as one.

"Please?" he pleaded with me again. I eased his legs down and laid down on his tight chest and started to cover his lips eyes and face with feather kisses as I gently rode him. His moans and whimpers filled the night air and filled me with lust and pleasure. Giving him pleasure was a joy for me. To me having sex was more than just getting my rocks off. Seeing him get his rocks off was an ultimate high for me. And by the amount of Precome that was flowing out his cock told me that my sweetie was ready blow at any second. I lightly bit down on his ear lobe and he squeaked out a yelp and I felt the welcome warm wet feeing his cum shooting between our bodies. His ass muscles clamp down on my cock spurring my orgasm too. I latched onto his neck and sucked hard nipping at him as I shot my seed deep into him. Finally our trembling bodies calmed down enough for me to able to pick him up and carry him into the pool. I gently lowered him into the pool and he slid out of my arms and started to swim in slow lazy strokes. I followed him like a puppy. He looked so beautiful swimming. Everyone of his muscles were flexing and relaxing. He turned over and started to backstroke giving me a very clear view of his peck muscles. I also got a good view of his abs muscles too. I found myself getting hard as I dove after him. I suddenly realized that he was playing a game with me. He was teasing me because he wanted me again. Well I wanted him too. I came up for air and looked around for him. I pouted for a few seconds when I didn't see him. That was when I felt his warm mouth close on my cock. I looked down and sure enough there he was underwater sucking my cock. After about a minute he let loose and came up for air and winked at me and than dove back under and sucked on me some more. I stood there in a state bliss. Finally I could take no more of this and blasted my second load of the night. I could feel his throat muscles swallowing hard and fast. I finally stopped shooting and he came up for air flinging his head back. I reveled at him as he twisted in the air flexing his body for me to see. I growled and launched myself at him and caught him and brought him too me. "I love you," I shouted. He smiled up at me and kissed my nipple before biting it lightly. I moaned in desire as I walked him over to the steps of the pool. After standing him up I dove between his legs engulfing his erection in one gulp. Matt through back his head and hissed loudly. His hips bucked forward driving his cock deep into my mouth. I loved the feel his cock sliding into my mouth. His mushroomed tipped head poked the back of my throat and I swallowed hard knowing that there was a huge droplet of Precome waiting for me. He shivered as my throat muscles worked on his shaft. I looked up at his abs as the flexed and relaxed them. The water droplets on his abs begged me to lick them off but I had more important things to do. He plunged into me again as he cradled my head in his arms. His eyes looked on to mine was pouring out as much love as he could. His heavy balls gently slapped my chin with each and every thrust. His moans and groans filled the night air as he continued to make love to my mouth. My throat muscles begin to ache as he continued thrusting in and out of me. I finally slid my hand around his butt cheeks and slid one finger up his whole. I pressed in until I felt his knob of pleasure and flicked it lightly. He yelped out and his knees buckled as his cum shot out of his cock and into my waiting and swallowing mouth. Shot after shot filled my mouth as I swallowed again and again. Every shot was a blast of flavor as I relished his unique taste. Finally the flow stopped and I let his cock slid out of my mouth. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his trembling body. He looked up at me and did the most romantic thing in the world. He yawned at me!

"Sorry," he mumbled blushing. "Guess you kind of sorta wore me out." He looked so cute with his blonde hair all wild and messed up. The diamond posts that were in his ear caught the moon light and sparkled at me. I took his chin in my fingers and brought my lips to his. As we were kissing deeply I pulled him close. "Thank you," he said softly.

"For what?" I asked grinning down at him.

From Leo's point of view.

"Ok Doc," I smiled. "Thanks for the help."

"Any time," Doctor Jones replied. "I'm here for you when you need me to be."

"I might take you up on that offer," I said as I clicked off the phone. I looked up to see Brian standing in the door way. "Hey," I smiled quickly. "Done planning the wedding?"

"Why were you talking to the doctor?" he asked frowning.


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"For loving me," he said softly.

"That is not hard you know," I replied.

"What?" he asked snuggling closer to me.

"Loving you," I replied. I felt him shiver. "And my love, it is time to get you in the house and dried off and into bed.

Next: Chapter 51: Get Another Boyfriend 2 13

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