Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 11, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part thirteen

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

Now on with the Story!

From Brian's point of view.

"Well?" I asked frowning at Leo. "Why were you on the phone with the doctors?" Leo sighed and walked up to me and gathered me in his arms. "Are you sick again?" I asked as a tremor hit my voice.

"No," Leo replied as I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "I'm not sick again. Dr. Jones is my therapist. I got one after my father kicked me out. I talk to him once a week on the phone to let him know how I am doing. He helps keep me level."

"Does he know about me?" I asked smiling down at him.

"Oh yes," Leo said with a dreamy look in his eyes. "I tell him all about my lover."

"And?" I pressed on. "Tell me tell me!" I urged him. He giggled as he pressed his lips to mine. After kissing me he let go and walked up the hall. "Leeeeooo?" I wined loudly. "Tell me Plllllleeeeaaaasssee?" I could still hear his adorable giggle in the bedroom. My eyes popped out of my head as I saw his erect cock sticking out the door.

"Brian?" asked Justin. "Are you going to finish the meeting to plan their wedding?"

"Ummmm meeting adjourned!" I yelped as I slid off my shirt and raced down the hall and into the room where I found my sweetie all naked. "You want something?" I asked. He nodded and licked his lips. "What do you want?" I asked teasing him. He growled at me and pounced on me. I fell back on the bed and realized that tonight was going to be long night. But as long as he was happy than that was all that mattered.

From Kevin's point of view.

I opened my eyes to a wind blowing in my ear. I grunted and turned over. I heard a giggle and than more wind. "Sleep!" I ordered the wind.

"Nope," giggled a voice that was sounding very familiar. "Wake up and pay attention to me!" I opened my eyes and found a pair of very blue eyes and a very shaggy head of hair beaming down on me. "Good morning!" he said with a grin. "Some one here wants to say hi," he giggled as he plopped Mattie on my stomach.

"Da da da!" Mattie giggled out. His pudgy little hands reached out for me. I sat up and looked down at him. He was so cute still in his jammies and all cuddly.

"Good morning Mattie!" I smiled down at him. "Is Pappa being a good boy?"

"Da da!" Mattie beamed out. I reached out and picked him up and hugged him to me. His little hand reached out and latched onto my chest muscle and he squeezed really hard. "Da da!" he announced to us.

"Is Kevie up?" I asked Matt. He nodded and pointed to the foot of the bed where Kevie was busy playing with his feet. "Hey Kevie!" I smiled down at him. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Pa pa pa!" he informed me. I shook my head grinning.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Mattie and he stuck his hand in his mouth and started to suck on it hard. "Umm, I'll take that as a yes. What do you say that we go down stairs and get you two breakfast?" Kevie and Mattie squirmed with glee and smiled up at us. "I've got Mattie!" I smiled as I picked him up. He squealed with glee as I tossed up in the air and caught him. From the sound of Kevie I assumed that Matt was doing the same thing to him.

Later that morning after Mattie and Kevie was all fed and happily playing in the playpen I sat down at the table with Matt and started to eat my breakfast. The Butler had fixed our favorites. I took a sip of coffee and looked over at my sweetie. His blonde hair was still all shaggy and his blue eyes sparkled with mischief. "Yes my naughty little lover?" I asked.

"What?" he asked all innocent.

"What are you thinking of doing?" I asked reaching across the table and taking his hand.

"I want to go on a picnic," Matt replied. "We could take Tyler and Josh and the twins. Maybe Leo and Brian would want to come with us?"

"That sounds like a good idea," I sighed as I pushed my plate away. "Where do you ant to go?"

"There is a nice park up the road. You know with trees and shade and tables and stuff," Matt said. "I was thinking of getting away from the beach for a day."

"Is Tyler and Josh going to go for this?" I asked frowning.

"Well there is a mini golf course and a swimming pool there. So we'll just pack our trunks," Matt suggested.

"What about the wedding?" I asked. "Isn't there a fitting today?" I asked.

"Nope," Matt replied grinning. "That happens tomorrow."

"Ok than, I guess it is settled than," I said. "What are we brining to eat?"

"Fried chicken, what else?" the butler replied as he carried a huge picnic basket out. "Master Matthew asked me to cook up some first thing this morning. You also have potato salad and baked beans and cookies and butter milk biscuits."

"Well sounds good," I smiled. "Let's go get Brian and Leo up." I heard the squealing of Tyler and Josh and the sounds of Brian and Leo making monster sounds. "Umm maybe not," I giggled as Tyler and Josh ran into the dinning room breathless. Blackie was tearing after them barking loudly.

"Help us daddy!" Tyler squealed with laughter. "Uncle Brian is going to eat us!" Brian and Leo came walking in acting all innocent.

"Good morning," Brian said grinning at us. "What's on the agenda for today?" As I was about to answer the phone rang and Matt picked it up. I turned back to the conversation.

From Matt's point of view.

"Matt here," I said in to the receiver.

"Hey Soccer slut!" shouted a voice that sent ice down my spine, I started to tremble so much that I almost dropped the phone. I looked over my shoulder to see if Kevin was still occupied. "I have a whole team of cocks for you to suck! You up for it?"

"How the hell did you get this number?" I hissed into the phone looking over my shoulder. Kevin was busy giving Tyler a Noogie of his life.

"Never mind how I got this fucking number Cock slut!" he hissed. Ok maybe here is where I should let you in on a secret. He was Tyson Ramsey, a captain of a soccer team I was on about a two and half years ago. He found out I was gay and decided to use me as his personal slave. For almost an entire year I was the team cock sucker. Not by choice. They would gang up on me and force me to suck them off. I tried to get away but they threatened to out me to the whole school. "Hey cum swallower!" hissed Tyson. "You still there?"

"What the fuck do you want?" I hissed at him.

"Ewwwww locker room slut grew some balls! What do you think I want?" Tyson laughed. "I want your fucking lips around my cock! That is what I want! And you know something? I'm going to have it too! You know why?"

"No but I'm sure you are going to tell me," I sassed him.

"You may be out of the closet and all but I wonder how your Backstreet boy lover would feel if he knew that you sucked off the entire soccer team on a daily basis," he replied. I shivered at the thought of Kevin finding out.

"You wouldn't dare tell!" I challenged him.

"Well we could make an arrangement," he said. I could almost see the leer on his smug face. "What do you say rich boy?"

"Money?" I asked shaking my head. "You want money?"

"Fuck yea! Oh yea and a year of you on your knees sucking my cock and anyother cock I feed you!" I sighed heavily not knowing what to do. "It will be our little secret." I looked at Kevin with watery eyes and he looked at me and smiled. I waved at him. "Meet me at the pizza place in two days!" He clicked off and I looked on the caller ID and found it said private. Swearing I placed it down.

"Who was that?" Kevin asked coming up behind me. I looked up at him and saw the love and the trust and suddenly my breakfast came up fast and hard. Covering my mouth I ran to the bathroom. "Matt?" he asked concerned following me. I made it to the bathroom just in time. I leaned over the toilet bowl and heaved my entire breakfast into it. I was barely aware of Kevin's hands on my back rubbing it as I continued to heave. Finally I stopped throwing up and sat down on the floor. A few minutes of silence passed. "Matt? Baby?" Kevin soft deep concerned voice drifted over me like a comfort blanket. "What's wrong baby?"

"I don't know," I lied wincing. "I guess I'm coming down with something."

"You want to go to bed?" he asked still rubbing my back. "What about your sugar? Throwing up like that can't be good for it." He was right. I would have to eat and regulate it and fast. "Come on," he said as he helped me up. "Let's get upstairs and in bed where you belong." Not knowing what the hell to do I allowed Kevin to lead me upstairs. I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out and allowed him to undress me and help me into silk pajamas. "You feeling better?" he asked softly. "What happened? I've never seen you get sick like that before." I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say. "Please baby," he cooed as he kissed me on the forehead. "Is something wrong?" That did it. I busted into tears sobbing loudly and wrapping my arms around my knees pulling them close to me. I fell into his arms as he wrapped his arms around and comforted me. "I'm right here baby," he said in a soothing tone of voice. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I can't believe it," I sniffled. "I thought I was rid of him!" Kevin looked hard at me. "God I hate him!"

"Who do you hate?" Kevin asked frowning. I looked down and refused to say anything. "Matt?" Kevin asked again. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what is going on." I looked up at him and saw the love and the concern and worry on his face. I looked at my self in the mirror and saw the rocker room slut that was forced to suck off the soccer team two years ago. I felt dirty and used and unworthy of his love. I shied away from him and I winced at his gasp. "Fine," he muttered trying not to let the hurt show. "When you are ready to talk I'll be here to listen." I felt his lips touch my cheek and than I was alone. I waited until I heard the cars start up. I waited until there was silence in the house before I lay down and hugged Kevin's pillow to me. The tears started and I couldn't get them to stop. The past was catching up with me and I had nowhere to go. At some point I drifted off in a fitful sleep.

From Kevin's point of view.

Watching Matt laying in the bed alone and crying his eyes out was torture for me. I had sent Brian and Leo and the kids off to the park without me. After putting the twins in the playpen I walked back upstairs and crept into our room. I heard him whimper to him self. I watched his body rack with sobs. I watched as my lover was hurting and for the first time I couldn't help him. Why? Because he choose not to let me. Sighing I closed the door and headed down stairs. When Matt was ready to tell me what was bothering him I would listen and I would support him and I would help him with what I could. I just hope that he would turn to me for help. I looked out the window and saw a blonde man standing on the beach overlooking our house. He was very good looking. His shoulder length blonde hair blew in the wind. I caught his eyes and the look gave me a shiver. He smirked at me and turned and walked away. I sighed again and walked over to the couch and sat down and looked over at the playpen. Kevie and Mattie were very busy playing with their toys and jabbering to eachother. I smiled at them and they looked up at me and smiled back.


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Next: Chapter 52: Get Another Boyfriend 2 14

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