Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 12, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part fourteen

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

Now on with the Story!

From Matt's point of view.


"Come on guys," I begged. "Not today ok?" I felt rough hands on my shoulders forcing me down.

"On your knees cocksucker!" leered Tyson. "We need to celebrate! We won and now we are all hard and we want to get off!" I watched as the well muscled teens worked their way around me. Tyson's hard cock slid past my lips first and slammed down my throat. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the cheers and jeers coming from the other team members. In a few minutes he blasted his load down my throat. Cock after cock was offered to me and I accepted them all for the alternative was something I didn't want to face.

From Kevin's point of view.

"No!" Matt whimpered as he thrashed around the bed. "No more no more!" he pleaded. "I don't wanna!" The tears streaked down his angelic face. "Please?" he begged. I finally had enough and slid into bed with him. I wrapped my arms around and for a few minutes he struggled against my hold.

"Shhhhh," I soothed him. "I'm here Matt and no one can hurt you." Finally stopped struggling and opened his eyes. "You were having a nightmare." He snuggled closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "You want to talk about it?" He shook his head no. "Why baby? All I want to do is help you."

"You will hate me," he whimpered. "I don't want you to hate me."

"I won't hate you sweetie," I said softly. "I love you and nothing you can possibly say can ever change how I feel about you." He looked up at me with pleading eyes. "Let me in baby," I said as I kissed his lips softly. "I want to help."

"You won't like what I have to say," he said sighing.

"I may not like it, but I can see whatever it is, is causing you pain. And I can't stand by and let you be hurt," I said as I brushed a stray hair from his face. He sat up in bed and looked straight ahead. Taking a deep breath he looked at me again. "Go ahead," I urged him. "I love you and I will not leave you."

"It all started when I was a senior in High school," he started.

Two hours later I sat there staring off into space. I held a sobbing and trembling Matt in my arms. My only thought was how could anyone do that to a beautiful creature like Matt? I had seen smaller cases like that when I was in school and usually turned the other way. I felt a huge wave of guilt. I should've stepped in and stopped them. I knew what they were doing was wrong. But hey! I was in the cool crowd and didn't want to jeopardized that. Now I was sitting here listening to my lover pour his heart out about how he was forced to be used a "Team Slut" or be outed just like the poor kid at my school. I couldn't do anything about the past. But the present? I could do something about that! Matt was my life. They had hurt and degraded him beyond anything I had imagine or witnessed.

"Now what?" he asked looking up at me.

"Tyson didn't expect you to tell me this right?" I asked. Matt nodded. "So let's continue with the plan. You will go and talk to him at the pizza place."

"No!" Matt blurted out. I could feel him tensing up against me. "I don't want to have anything to do with him!"

"I'll be with you sweetie," I smiled down at him. "And together we will teach Tyson a lesson he will not soon forget."

From Matt's point of view.

The look in Kevin's eyes scared me. For the first time I saw hatred in them. But the hate was not directed at me. It was directed at Tyson. "I don't let anyone hurt the ones I love," Kevin hissed out. He tightened his hold on me and looked down at me. "We will make him pay." At that point my stomach decided that it was time to eat. The rumbling caused Kevin to laugh softly. "Let's get some food down you sweetie." He climbed out of bed and took my hand and we walked down stairs together. I walked over to the kitchen and he whistled at me.

"Behave," I scolded him.

"Nope," he giggled. "I don't want to."

"Than what do you want to do?" I asked grinning over my shoulder.

"I want to make love to you all afternoon," he grinned at me. "So what do you say?" I opened my mouth to say something.

"Da da!" exclaimed the baby monitor. It was Mattie.

"Pa pa!" exclaimed Kevie too. I giggled at Kevin's expression. It was a cross between a look of frustration and a pout.

"Go take care of the twins and I'll fix us a lunch," I smiled as I kissed him on his nose. I busied myself with fixing him his lunch. I laughed as I heard him talking to the twins.

"What are you two doing up?" Kevin asked. "You two ready to paaaarrrtyyyy?" The twins giggled and squealed loudly. "Oh yess you are!" Kevin said. "You are ready to get down and party with Daddy!" I heard Kevie blurt out Pa pa and Mattie argue with him by yelling out Da da. Soon their voices drifted away from the monitor and I could hear Kevin baby talking to them as he carried them into the kitchen. "There is pa pa!" Kevin said as he walked into the room with Mattie in one arm and Kevie in the other. Kevie squealed and held out his hands towards me. "Kevie wants to go to Pa pa!" Kevin said in his baby talking voice. "Yes he does!" I took the squirming child in my arms and held him close to me. The feeling of Kevie in my arms brought a smile to my face. He looked up at me with those big and trusting eyes.

"Hey big guy!" I smiled down at him. "You hungry?" He took my offered finger and stuck it in his mouth and started sucking on it. "Yes you are! You are a hungry boy!" I sat him down in the high chair and got him his bottle ready. Once I had it done I handed it to him and he stuck it in his mouth and started to suck very loudly on it. I looked over at Kevin and he was busy changing Mattie's diaper.

"Ewww!" Kevin smiled down at him. "You a stinky baby!" Mattie squirmed and giggled loudly at him. "Yes you are!" I laughed at Kevin as he continued to change him. I popped a bottle of formula in the microwave for Mattie. After turning back to our lunches I felt a small hand land on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Kevin smiling down at me. He was holding Mattie in his arms and Mattie was hitting me with his little hand and grinning at me. I grabbed his hand and kissed it. Mattie squealed with laughter.

Across town Tyson walks into his hotel room.

"So did the slut bite?" asked a voice. He turned and grinned.

"Oh yea," Tyson replied. "He bit all right. He is so fucking afraid that he is going to loose his precious Kevin that he would do anything for us."

"It is a shame that he doesn't know the real reason he is coming to the pizza place. Did you figure out a way to the inside of their house?" asked the voice.

"Not yet. I was scooping it out this morning. I think we should be able to use the back door. It is usually left unattended," Tyson replied.

"How the hell are we going to get Kevin out of the house too?" the voice asked.

"If I know Matt he is telling his lover boy right now about us, and Lover boy Kevin will want to tag along to stick up for his boy toy." Tyson said as he slid off his shirt. "He was always a stickler for honesty."

"So I can tell the rest of the team it is a go?" asked the voice.

"Hell yea!" laughed Tyson. "Tell them that we are about to strike gold!"

From Kevin's point of view.

"Are they asleep?" I asked Matt as he walked back into the living room. He sat down next me and nodded. "Who fell asleep first?"

"Kevie," Matt giggled. "He always falls asleep first."

"Well he did play harder than Mattie did," I spoke up defending Kevie.

"Speaking of playing," Matt said as he sucked my earlobe into his ear. "What do you say we play a little?" I looked up at him and grinned. "After all you did promise me an afternoon of lovemaking."

"That is right," I said as I quickly pulled off his shirt and attacked his nipples. "So where do you want to do this?" Matt's eyes darted up stairs. "The bed?" I asked. He giggled and shook his head no. "The hot tub?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"That's a start," he whispered he pulled off my shirt. "Come on Mr. Richardson, a promise is a promise." He took my hand and started to pull me up the stairs. Finally I gave up and let him lead me upstairs. I allowed his hands to undress me all the way. Finally I was naked and he wasn't. I coughed at him. "What?" he asked all innocent.

"Only one of is completely undressed," I scolded him.

"Well I can fix that if you want," he teased me as he pulled off his belt. I eased myself into the spa and watched my lover strip down until he was as naked as I was. I allowed my eyes to feast on his very young and very tan flesh. I loved the way his torso came down in the very classic v shape. I licked my lips at his erect cock as it bounced slowly and invitingly in time with his slow and steady heartbeat. I looked up at his full and luscious lips and his face. His lips was turned up in that crazy lopsided grin that drove me nuts. His hair was still wild and untamed from his nap earlier from today. "You going to sit and look at me all night?" he asked as he slid into the hot water too.

"Why not?" I asked as I slid my hand under the water and touched his cock. He reached out and touched my cock too. I slid over and pressed my lips to his. He whimpered softly and wrapped his arms around my neck and sat ontop of me. I gasped loudly into his mouth as he eased himself onto my cock. I relished the feeling him enveloping my cock. I looked up into his eyes as the feeling of me sliding into him overtook him. "God Matt!" I groaned out.

"You like that?" he asked in a shaky voice. I nodded. "Good cause I want you to relax and let me do the riding." I nodded and leaned back while my lover did all the work.

At the park from Leo's point of view.

"Come on you guys!" I shouted at Brian and Tyler and Josh. "Dinner is ready!" I had to laugh as I watched while Tyler and Josh tackled Brian as he tried so hard to score a touchdown. Finally they came trotting over to me. "You guys hungry for some fried chicken?" I asked. Tyler and Josh nodded quickly. "How about you sweetie?"

"Actually," Brian said with a naughty gleam in his eyes. "I'm hungry for something else."

"Behave mister," I scolded him as I placed a chicken leg on his plate. "Or there will be no desert for you." I laughed as he stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. "And pouting won't get you anywhere."

"I wonder how Kevin and Matt are doing?" Brian asked getting serious all of a sudden. "Matt got sick real fast this morning."

"Yea tell me about it. I've never seen him so sick before," I agreed as I piled food onto Tyler's plate. I followed his instructions as he pointed out the food he wanted. I handed the overflowing plate to him and than turned to help Brian fill Josh's plate too. Soon the kids had their food and we served ourselves and sat next to eachother and fed eachother. "This turned out to be a nice afternoon."

"Yes it did," Brian agreed as he popped a piece of chicken into my mouth. "I just Kevin and Matt and the twins were here to enjoy it."

"The Wedding is coming along fine?" I asked.

"Yes, as good as it can," Brian sighed as he took a drink of his soda. "I just wish they had given us longer than a week to plan it."

"If I know you guys it will turn out great," I sighed as I lay down in his lap. "Now that you have planned Kevin and Matt's wedding when are we going to plan ours?"

"I thought that we would plan our wedding together," Brian said as he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I smiled as I tasted fried chicken on him. We had finished our picnic dinner and was enjoying each other's company. We could hear Tyler and Josh playing by the swing sets. The cool breeze was blowing over us making me shiver a little. "You cold baby?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"Naahh," I smiled as I snuggled closer to him. "I'm fine, I just what to snuggle with you."

"Than snuggle away sweetie," Brian smiled down at me. Together we lay looking up at the sky and watching the lazy afternoon turn to evening. Finally Tyler and Josh came complaining that they wanted to go home. So we loaded up the car and headed back to the beach house. On the way down the drive we spotted a very attractive young man sneaking up the drive. He saw us and tried to walk by with out us stopping him. Brian frowned and stopped anyway. He rolled down the window.

"Can we help you?" he asked looking at the young man. He appeared to be the same age as Matt. "You do know you are on private property?" Brian asked as his frown deepened. "How did you get past the gate?"

"I used to know the people who lived here before. I rung the buzzer and the gate opened. I'm sorry for disturbing you all," the young man said looking down. "I'll umm be leaving now." Brian and I watched him walk through the gate and up the road. Brian shrugged his shoulders and continued to drive down the driveway until we saw the beach house in view.

Later back at the hotel.

Tyson walks into the room swearing. "God Dammit!" He tossed his jacket on the bed. "That was fucking close!"

"What happened?" asked the voice.

"What the hell do you think happened Joe?" demanded Tyson. "I almost got caught that is what!"


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Next: Chapter 53: Get Another Boyfriend 2 15

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