Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 14, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Sixteen

Disclaimer: Copyrighted 2002 by the author: Travis Smith. This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

Special note: After this chapter I will be taking a week off. I will be going out of town and will not have access to my computer or the web. I will see you all in a week.


Now on with the Story!

From Kevin's point of view.

We stepped out of the house and looked up at the sky. It was dark and lightning streaked across the sky. "You sure the twins will be ok with Brian and Leo?" Matt asked me.

"Yes dear," I smiled down at him. "AJ and Nick was good enough to take Josh and Tyler back to their apartments for a sleep over so having the twins won't be so hard on Brian and Leo. And they will only have them long enough for us to set Tyson straight and than we will be back home." Matt didn't look convinced but we continued on our way. Soon we were standing outside the pizza place. I looked down at Matt. "You ready?" He set his mouth in a stubborn look and nodded. "Good," I smiled as I kissed him on his lips. "You go in first and I will follow you." Matt walked in and I walked around the building and knocked on the back door. True to form Antonio opened the door and let me in.

"You have the tape?" he asked. I handed the tape and the converter. "Good! This will teach him to mess with two of my best customers!" I thanked him and headed back around the building and into the pizza place. Once there I saw Tyson and my skin crawled. He was same guy that I saw scooping out our place. The hair on the back of my head stood up on end. Reaching into my pocket I took out my phone and dialed home. Brian picked up. "Hey Brian?" I asked. "Everything all right?"

"Yea Kevin," Brian said. I heard one of the twins in the background squealing with laughter. Obviously they were having a blast.

"Ok call me if anything weird happens," I said as I clicked off the phone. I turned my attention to my sweetie.

From Matt's point of view.

"All right Tyson," I said calmly. "I'm here so what do you want?"

"You know dam well what I want slut!" Tyson sneered at me. He wore the same cocky look he always wore whenever he was around me. The Typical jock, holier than though look that drove me nuts. "I want money and you as my personal cock sucker! Or I squeal to your lover boy!"

"Ok Tyson," I said pretending to be defeated. "You win. Please don't tell Kevin."

"Hey cutie," Tyson's voice sounded over the stereo speakers from the TV. "You ready to get the shit fucked out of you?"

The customers stopped eating and looked up in horror. Tyson looked up and paled when he saw the video of him and the hooker engaging in hard and rough sex. Tyson soon recovered and sneered at Matt.

"I don't know what the hell you are doing, but this is not going to work!" Tyson hissed.

"Oh I don't know," a deep voice sounded behind me. I looked up to see two green lasers piercing Tyson's chest. Well it sure seemed that way. I was used to seeing Kevin's eyes as loving ones pouring out raw emotion of love, mischief and lust. This was different. This was hatred. "I think this is going to work!"

"You fucking double crossed me!" Tyson hissed at me trying to hit me. Kevin moved quickly putting himself in front of me.

"Face it boy!" Kevin said using his southern accent voice. "You are way out of your league!" Tossing a stack of papers at Tyson. "You will find that interesting reading I think!"

"What the hell is this?" Tyson demanded as he stared at the stack of papers.

"Peace bound," Kevin said in a deadly calm voice. "You come within 500 feet of my family and you go to jail!"

"You think this is over?" Tyson screamed at me. "You are going down! The whole fucking bunch of you! Even your fucking twins!" Kevin took a sudden breath in and grabbed Tyson and picked him up.

"You even think of laying a hand on my children and I will hunt you down. And when I'm done with you there won't be enough of you left to fill a fucking thimble!" Kevin than tossed Tyson back who went sliding across the floor. "Stay the fuck away from my family." With that said Kevin wrapped his arm around me and we walked out of the pizza place and climbed into our car. Once there he turned to me and smiled. "Did you think we scared him?"

"Oh yea," I giggled. "We scared him all right. I don't think that old Tyson boy will be bothering us in a long long time." Kevin laughed as he pulled me close to him and pressed his lips to mine kissing me fully on the mouth. After making sure I was breathless he let go and started the car and we headed back towards the house.

"So onto pleasant things?" Kevin said grinning at me.

"Yea, like a nice quiet evening at home with the twins?" I smiled up at him. "Kevie crawled today."

"He did?" Kevin asked shocked. "Man I'm so proud of him!"

"Yea and he said Da da too!" I smiled. "Kevin?"

"Yes dear?" Kevin asked me as he reached for my hand.

"Are they growing up to fast for you?" I asked.

"I don't know, are they?" Kevin asked me.

"I want them to stay all cute and little and cuddly like they are forever," I smiled leaning back in the soft confines of the leather seats.

"Well we both know that is not going to happen," Kevin chuckled. "Just wait until they start walking!" I chocked back a laugh when I saw Kevin shudder.

"What?" I asked looking shocked.

"Can you imagine that?" Kevin said shaking his head. "When they both start walking there will be no stopping them! They are going to get into everything!"

"Yes they are dear," I said patting his hand. "And you will be following them making sure that they are kept safe." We continued driving towards our little heaven in silence. About fifteen minutes into the drive we heard sirens screaming our way. Kevin dutifully pulled over. Not one or two or even three cop cars but a total of six squad cars came screaming by us and leading the pack was two ambulances. We could see the turn off for our drive way. Kevin took a sudden breath in when they all pulled into our drive. Kevin slammed his BMW into gear and raced after them. The rest of the ride was blur to me. I can remember looking at Kevin and seeing his face turn a very ugly gray color. Kevin was afraid of something.

"Kevin?" I asked in a shaky voice. "What is it?" He looked at me with his lips pressed thin. I struggled to breath and to maintain some sense of calm. I picked up the phone and dialed home. There was no answer. Our car reached the entrance of the drive. Kevin blasted by the two squad cars who waved us by. Skidding to a stop we surveyed the scene before us. Two ambulances were backed up to the front porch. Brian and Leo were sitting on the porch with Oxygen be given to them. About eight police officers were entering the house either through the front or back door. Kevin reached for the handle and opened the door. Climbing out he headed towards the officer in charge.

"Excuse me," Kevin said in a deadly calm voice. "What is going on?"

"You the owner of the house?" the cop asked.

"No I am," I spoke up. "What happened?"

"From what we can tell, there has been a break in," the officer started. "Those two were stunned and drugged and we're not sure what else has happened. There doesn't appear to be anything taken from the house. Were there any other people or children in the house?" I heard Kevin make a sick sound from his gut as he started to walk towards the house.

"Yes," I said softly. "Two infants, twin boys."

"Ok everyone!" the officer said in to his microphone. "This scene is to be treated like a kidnapping scene." I heard Kevin scream no from inside the house. I ran in and around the corner of the nursery to find the cribs empty. Kevin was standing there in the middle of the room with his head held low. I walked up to him and pulled him to me.

"Kevin?" I asked.

"They're gone," he sobbed out. "The Twins! They are gone."

Two hours later from Leo's point of view.

"Are you sure you don't remember anything else?" the officer asked Matt again. "Did this Tyson fella say anything that would make you think that he was after the twins?"

"Yes he did," a raspy voice sounded from the window. Kevin was leaning against the window. He turned and faced the officer who was still taking notes. "He said, 'You are going down! The whole fucking bunch of you! Even your fucking twins!" The officer took what Kevin said down. "Are you going to do anything besides take fucking notes? You've been taking fucking notes for the last fucking two hours!"

"Kevin," Matt said softly. "He is doing what he has to do to find Kevie and Mattie."

"Shut up!" Kevin shouted at Matt. It looked like Matt had been hit in the gut. "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't of become the team slut! This is all your fault!" I stared at Kevin in shock unable to believe that he had said that. I heard a door slam and looked around for Matt. He was gone. He was probably in the nursery or something. I saw rage but reigned it in. Kevin was staring out the window again. I also noticed that the cop was finally gone. I walked up to Kevin and put my hand on his shoulder. He jerked away from me and I grabbed him by his shoulders and turned him around so that he was facing me.

"This is not his fault and you know it!" I hissed at him. He nodded as fresh tears flowed down his face. "Get your ass in there and apologies to him now!" Kevin walked over to the nursery and opened it. I turned to Brian who was hooked up to a heart monitor. The paramedics were trying to decide whether or not to admit him for observation or not. I walked up to him and he smiled at me. I could see the sadness raging in his eyes. "Hey baby," I smiled down at him. "How are you doing?"

"Better," he said in a soft voice. "They want to take me in and admit me for observation."

"Than you should go," I said softly running my hand along the side of his face.

"I don't want to leave Kevin or Matt," Brian whimpered out. "They need me." I pressed my fingers to his lips.

"They have eachother and Nick and AJ are on their way back. I've called mom--," I stopped as feeling of dread came raging over me. "Baby," I said looking down at him. "I'll be right back!" I took off looking for the cop. I found him getting into his car. "Wait!" I shouted. "I have a lead!" He looked back and got back out of his car.

From Matt's point of view.

I sat down in the rocker and looked at the cribs. The window was broken and the curtains blew with the gentle breeze off of the ocean. I was numb inside and out. Kevin had told me to shut up. He said it was all my fault. I looked around the room and saw reminders of Kevie and Mattie all over. I could still hear the laughter of us all. Tears started to flow as I realized that Kevin was right. This was all my fault.

"My fault!" I sobbed out. "This is all my fault!"

"No it is not," a voice said behind me. I looked up and saw Kevin standing there looking at me with pleading eyes. "I'm so sorry I said that." I got up and walked into his arms. They encircled me and pulled me close. I could feel Kevin sob heavily as he buried his face on my shoulder. I held him for as long as he wanted to be held. I'm not sure how long it was that he cried but finally he gathered himself looked at me. "Thank you," he whispered. I wiped the stray hairs away from his eyes. "I don't deserve you."

"Guys!" Leo said as he burst into the room. "Get in here now! I've just thought of something!" I pulled Kevin with me and we walked into the living room and sat down. I made sure that my arm was around Kevin the whole time. He actually leaned on me for support. "I think I know who kidnapped Kevie and Mattie."

"Who?" I demanded.

"Dad," Leo said bluntly. Silence racked the room. "Come on you guys think about it. It makes sense." I nodded and looked at Kevin. He looked at me and nodded too. "Mom said he never returned home after the funeral. None of his friends have seen him and the police said that as of this morning he was still booked at the Oasis."

"That's that ocean front joint on the strip right?" I asked and Leo nodded. I looked at the cop. "Well what are you going to do about it?"

"Well we have all airports and bus depots and train stations covered. We also have road blocks set up all over the place," the cop explained. "If he is still in the state than he not going anywhere." Silence filled the living room again and the sound a cruise ships horn sounded off shore. "Folks," the cop said as he stood up. "We have decided to bring the FBI in on this case. We are also bringing social services in on it too. If the children's grandfather is involved than they will know how to best handle it." Kevin nodded as he got up and walked to the window. I got up too and walked up to him and wrapped my arm around his waist.

"I love you baby," I said softly.

"I miss them," Kevin whimpered out as his shoulders shook and fresh tears flowed down his face. "I just hope they are safe and healthy."

"Kevin?" I asked. He looked down at me and the look in his eyes broke my heart in two. "I'm here for you baby." He nodded as he laid his head on my shoulder. "You want something to eat?" He shook his head no. I heard car doors slam and the patter of little feet. I dreaded this more than anything. I saw Tyler run into the room looking around. He saw me and took off running towards me. I gathered him up in my arms and held him close. I felt two more arms surround me and I looked up to see Kevin hugging us too.

"Where is Mattie and Kevie?" Tyler asked in a small voice. I looked at Kevin who started to cry again. Tyler looked scared up at Kevin. "Daddy?" he asked again.

"God," sobbed Kevin as he walked away. "I can't do this." I watched as Kevin walked outside and down to the beach.

"Let's go for a walk Tyler," I said softly as I gave him a kiss.

"Can Blackie come too?" he asked looking down at the sad faced puppy.

"Of course Blackie can come," I said patting my leg. Blackie fell into step behind us. Once outside we headed towards Kevin. "Tyler, do you know what kidnapping is?"

"That is when someone steals your kids from you," Tyler said. "Is that what happened to Kevie and Mattie?"

"Yes son," I said blinking back tears. "Kevie and Mattie have been kidnapped." I heard Tyler cry against my shoulder. I held him as he cried his little heart out. I watched Kevin as he watched a cruise ship sail into the horizon.

Speaking of cruise ships we follow one just entering international waters

"Welcome aboard the Pacific Princes Cruise Lines. Dinner will be served on the Starboard sun deck in fifteen minutes," announced the Captain of the ship.

"Well Kevin and Matthew, let's go eat dinner shall we?" Uncle Joe looked down at the large stroller he had bought for this occasion. Both twins looked up at him and grinned widely.

"Da da?" asked Kevie.

"Daddy? Pa pa?" asked Mattie squirming with joy.

"No I'm sorry, but Daddy and pa pa couldn't make it, and they have decided to check out on your lives for good. You see faggots have no business raising children," Uncle Joe smiled as he looked back at the beach. He could just barely make out the beach house where Kevin and Matt were anxiously waiting for information on their kidnapped twins. "Sorry boys," he grinned an evil grin. "But Anne's boys will not be raised as faggots!"


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Next: Chapter 55: Get Another Boyfriend 2 17

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