Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 19, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Seventeen

Disclaimer: (c) 2002 Travis Smith Fanfic Writings This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

Now on with the story.

From Matt's point of view.

The full moon shined through our window. Under normal circumstances I would love the chance to lay in bed with my lover and stare at the window all night. In fact many a nights that is exactly what we did. But tonight was different. In fact all the nights have been hell ever since the day that Uncle Joe took off with our children. Three weeks had passed since that horrible day. Three weeks ago we were planning our wedding. That was postponed until God knows when. I was concentrating all my efforts to keep Kevin alive and sane. Kevin was a shell of his formal self. He hardly ate anymore. Just eating enough to keep himself alive. He spent his every waking moment by the phones hoping beyond hope that the phone would ring and we would receive word that the Twins had been found and were on our way back to us. I could tell the FBI and police had just about given up hope and that scared me. I dreaded the day when they packed up and left. That day came this morning. Kevin just sat there staring out at the beach. I pleaded with the Agents to stay. But they said that the trail had grown cold. They had found that Uncle Joe and the twins had made it to the Caribbean on a cruise ship. I had to admit that it was a brilliant plan. One avenue of escape that the authorities had failed to check. Hell, Kevin and I had even seen a cruise ship sailing by our beach house the day of the kidnapping. For all we knew our children were on that very ship. I heard a whimper and turned and looked down at Kevin. His naked form was covered in a slick sheen of sweat. His eyebrows drawn together in a frown.

"No," he whimpered. "Please don't take them! I love them!"

"Kevin?" I whispered in his ear. "Please baby wake up."

"No," he shouted in his sleep. "Don't go! I love you!" Every night it was the same thing. Kevin would have these nightmares about the twins being kidnapped and than Tyler and me leaving him. And every night I would convince him that I loved him and that I had no intentions of ever leaving. He sat up in bed looking around frantically. His eyes finally reached mine. "Matt?" he asked in a small voice.

"Yes sweetie," I smiled at him. "I'm right here baby and I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" he pleaded with me.

"I promise baby," I said as I reached out and ran my hand along the side of his face.

"Hold me?" he pleaded. He lay down in the bed pulling me with him. I gladly wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. It was in the wee early hours of the morning when we both finally fell asleep. The next morning I woke to the sounds of Tyler and Josh laughing. I swung out of bed and slid on my silk pajama bottoms and rushed down stairs.

"Good morning son," I smiled down at Tyler. He grinned up at me with his hair all wild. He was about as brown as he could possible get and his hair was about as blonde as it could possibly get. The sun had bleached it well. "We have to be quiet so that Pappa can sleep, ok?" I asked as I ruffled his already untamed hair. He giggled and moved his head away. "Had you two had breakfast yet?"

"No daddy," Tyler giggled. "We want pancakes!"

"Well go into the kitchen and asked the cook to make you something," I smiled down at him. He took off running down the hall. "Walk!" I called after them. He slowed to a walk until he was out of sight than he tore off running again. I shook my head as I turned and headed back up stairs to rouse my lover. I walked in to our room to find that the bed was empty. I looked in the bathroom and saw his naked form in the shower. I raised my eyebrows. Usually I had to fight him tooth and nail to get him to shower.

"Join me?" he asked from the shower. I slid off my pajama bottoms and slid into the stall with him. His wet arms surrounded me and his lips found my shoulder. "MMMMMM good morning sexy," he growled into my ear. I could feel his erection pressing up against me.

"Umm Kevin?" I asked a little worried. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, dear," he said as his lips continued to torture me. "I've been thinking."

"About what?" I asked.

"I've been moping around this house long enough," he replied. "I'm a very wealthy man and it is high time I put my money to use. Baby, I'm going on the offensive. I'm going to hire a team of private investigators and we are going to find that son of a bitch and take our children back!" I was surprised to hear his change of heart. I was also surprised to feel his cock slide up me. Kevin moaned softly in my ear as he started pump in and out of me. I reared back and caught Kevin's lips in mine. Kevin's fingers found my nipples and he twisted them causing me to moan in pain. "Man you are so hot baby," he moaned out. "It's been so long."

"Take your time baby," I said softly. "Take your time." Kevin lowered his lips to my neck and sucked on it hard. His teeth nipped at my neck causing me to whimper with delight. Kevin was right, it had been over three weeks since we had done anything remotely sexual. Now he was making love to me in the shower. I loved the feeling his cock sliding up into me. His rock hard chest muscles scraping against me as he plunged into me. I gasped when I felt his hand close around my cock. "Ohhh baby," I moaned out as he started to pull on it. I could tell by his grunts and moans that he was getting close. I could feel his cock swell in me.

"Fuuuuck!" Kevin rasped out as he bit down on my shoulder. I whimpered in pain as his teeth tipped at my shoulder. I felt his cock twitch in me as he pumped his load into me. The feeling of his hot seed shooting into me was too much for me. I grunted as I blasted my load all over the shower wall. I fell back leaning against his heaving body. I allowed his hands to travel over my body. He was quietly exploring my body as if he hadn't seen it years. I shivered in delight as his lips traveled the same path as he hands did. I looked down at his kneeling form in front of me as he tongue gently licked at my spent cock licking up the remains of my cum. Taking my soft cock into his mouth he held it there for a few seconds. I started an exploration task of my own. I knelt down with him and took his pouting lips and brought them to me and sliding my tongue into his trembling mouth I sucked his tongue into my mouth. All the while kissing him my hands traveled down the hard cut chest and stomach muscles. He giggled as I lightly tickled his stomach muscles.

"You like that?" I asked softly looking into his smiling eyes. I was so happy to see him smile for a change. He nodded and licked his lips. I noticed that the water was getting cold. "Umm we should get out now," I whispered.

"You want to continue this on the bed?" he asked huskily. I glanced down in shock to see his gorgeous cock rock hard again.

"Yea, I could do with a morning snack," I giggled licking my lips. It had been so long since I had his cock down my throat. We quickly shut off the water and dried ourselves off before collapsing onto the bed. In no time at all I was happy as I slid his cock into my hungry mouth. I relished at the tell tell signs of Kevin in pleasure. His moans and whimpers and thrusts of his hips drove me further and further. I wanted his load down my throat and I was going to get it.

From Kevin's point of view.

It always amazed me when Matt would suck my cock. He was the happiest when he was sucking me off. His eyes would close in contentment as he worked my cock. His fingers would play a tune of love as he played with my balls. His little sighs and moans and puppy dog eyes gazing up at me to make sure that I was enjoying myself. I felt myself getting close to the edge and let out a whimper as he pulled him self off. "Uh uh, my horny lover," he giggled up at me. He gazed at my twitching cock as I struggled hard to control my oncoming orgasm. He reached under my balls and lightly stroked the hidden part of my cock. I groaned loudly and arched my hips trying to force my cock back into his mouth. He snickered and slid his lips over my aching cock head. He slowly started to bob up and down on my cock again all the while stroking and massaging the space in between my anus and balls. I could feel the space aching for release.

"Please baby," I begged out as he pulled off again and stopped all movements. He gazed up at me with those puppy dog eyes that drove me nuts.

"Please what?" he asked in the most innocent voice and expression that he could muster.

"Make me cum?" I pleaded with him. He giggled that adorable giggle and engulfed my entire cock again and slid his finger up my anus. I could feel him probing with his finger until he reached his goal. He gently flicked my prostate gland with his finger and I let out a yelp of pleasure and blasted load after load of my cum down my lover's throat. He swallowed fast and hard as I continued to feed him my cum. I also noticed that he was jerking too. I looked down in time to see his load shooting from his cock too. I was amazed that he could cum without even touching himself. The very act of sucking me off and making love to me with his mouth was enough to send my lover into orgasm. The sight of his mouth on my cock as he swallowed every drop I had to offer and the sight of his tight body twitching and quaking from his own orgasm was a beautiful sight indeed. After I finished shooting he cleaned me off and looked up at me with a small amount of cum on his chin he gave me that puppy dog look again.

"How was it?" he asked in a small voice. "Did I do it ok?" I fought back tears of happiness as I realized that Matt was always concerned about my happiness. I wondered it he ever thought of his own happiness.

Leaning down I licked off the remainder of my cum from his chin and than I kissed him lightly on the lips. "Oh baby," I moaned out. "You are so beautiful!" He snuggled back up to me laying his head on my chest. I took the towel and gently wiped him clean from his own orgasm. After making sure he was all cleaned off I snuggled with him for a few minutes. At some time I realized that his breathing had leveled off. I looked down to see that my lover had fallen asleep. I slid out from under him and he growled softly as he grabbed my pillow and hugged it close to him. I kissed him on the fore head and crept out of the room and down the stairs and into the study. I had some work to do. I had to find our children. Picking up the phone I dialed a number.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke to find that I was alone in the room. I searched for my sweetie and frowned when I found that he was out of the room. I slid out of bed and limped into the bathroom and turned the shower on as hot as I could take it. Kevin was rougher on me than I had thought. But it was worth it. I hadn't had any in almost a month and neither had Kevin. So a little pain and discomfort was worth seeing a smile on Kevin face. After quickly showering I slid into my clothes. I slid on a pair of right red shimmering soccer shorts and sleeveless white muscle shirt that highlighted my latest and newest hickey from Kevin. Walking down stairs I heard the very welcome sound of Kevin laughing. I also heard the high-pitched laughter of Tyler too. Walking into the room I found them wrestling on the floor. Tyler had Kevin pinned and was tickling him. I wondered how a four year old boy could pin a grown man. But I didn't say anything. They looked so cute playing. Kevin finally saw me standing there. "Well good morning," he smiled at me as he licked his lips hungrily. "You finally decided to get up?"

"This is your fault you know," I scolded him. "You really worked me over this morning." It was at this time that Tyler decided that he had won and took off giggling down the hall. I reached out my hand and he took and I helped pull him to a standing position. "I love you," I said looking into his eyes. "But you are a bad boy!" Kevin eyebrows shot up in shock. "You left me all alone in that big lonely bed!"

"I had to make some phone calls and some travel plans," he said as he glanced over at the door. I frowned when I saw only his luggage.

"What do you think you are doing?" I demanded. "And where is my luggage?" I heard Kevin sigh and look away. "Oh I get it! That was your whole plan wasn't it?" Kevin looked confused but I wasn't buying it. "Fuck the shit out of me and wear me out and than skin out on your little mission before I had a chance to wake up!" Kevin hung his head in shame.

From Kevin's point of view.

I looked at Matt and cringed. I had never seen that look in his eyes before. It was a look that said that he was ashamed of me. He was right to be ashamed of me. I had used sex to get my way and that was something that neither of us had ever done. I wanted to go the Caribbean to find my twins and I wanted to do it alone. I didn't want to put Matt through the heartache of running into one brick wall after another. I knew Matt wouldn't allow me to go alone. He cared to much for my happiness than to allow me to torture myself like that. That was the problem. Matt cared only about my happiness and Tyler's and the twins. He deliberately sacrificed his happiness time and time again just to see me smile or Tyler smile. That was what life was all about for him. He lived to make me happy and his little family happy too. I watched as he walked to the couch and sat down and patted the seat beside him. Sighing I sat down beside him. He slid his arm around me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked looking down into his very blue eyes. My heart broke when I saw a tear escape and run down his very adorable face. I reached out and wiped it away. "Baby," I said soflty. "I didn't want you hurt."

"Where you go, I go," he said bluntly. "My heart belongs to you and where your heart is my heart is with you. Do you honestly think that I would let you do this thing alone?" I opened my mouth to say something. "I'm not done yet!" His eyes flashed with anger and hurt. "I love you, you stupid big adorable lug! How dare you take my love for granted! How dare you use the one thing that makes us one to get your way. We promised along time ago that we would never use sex in that way!"

"I'm sorry," I replied softly. "I just don't want you hurt anymore than is needed."

"Why don't you let me decide what is to much for me to handle?" Matt asked. "I'm a strong person. Haven't I proved that too you yet?"

"That is just the point baby, this kidnapping thing is swallowing you whole!" I exclaimed. "You have put your entire life on hold for me and I can't keep asking you to do that!"

"I love you, you idiot!" Matt shouted as he stood up. I reached for him. "Don't touch me!" I jerked my hand back. "What the hell do I have to do to prove to you that your life is mine? I love you and only you! I want to be there for you for everything! Even the hard and nasty things and the good and comfortable things too. Stop pushing me away!" I went to open my mouth only to have him glare at me. "I'm not done yet!" he scolded me. "Now I am going up stairs and pack. And we are going to do this thing together! We are both going to find our children and we are going to bring them back home!" By now he sobbing as he continued talking. "I am their father too. And I hurt just as much as you do when they are not here. I want to be there to when you hold them again. I want to hear Mattie say Daddy and Kevin say Pappa and I want to see them both crawl to you and and--," I decided that I had to hold him. I gathered him into my arms and cradled his sobbing body to mine. Covering his forehead and cheeks with feather kisses he finally calmed down. His sobs subsided and he looked up at me with those incredible loving eyes again.

"Ok," I said nodding. "We will both go and do this thing together."

From Matt's point of view:

"Ok so Brian and Leo have Tyler and the house is locked up," I rattled off the list of things that we had to do. "Did we forget anything?" I asked Kevin.

"Nope," Kevin said as he looked nervously over his shoulder.

"Looking for someone?" I asked sliding my hands around his waist.

"Mr. Richardson?" spoke a voice behind me. Kevin turned and smiled.

"Jake!" he exclaimed holding out his hand. "Man it has been ages!" Ok I was confused. "Matt meet Jake Remmington, an old friend of mine." I shook his hand and he smiled at me. He was huge! Very good looking with very long blonde hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. He wore a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. "He is going to be your body guard!" I jerked my head glaring at Kevin. "Well actually he is going to be our body guard. Baby we need him. We have no idea what your uncle Joe is going to do.

"Fine!" I grumbled. I didn't like the idea of having a body guard. "But as soon as this stuff is over we get rid of him!"

"Hey!" yelped Jake.

"Sorry, No offence," I said grinning sheepishly.

"No offence taken," Jake said with a smile and winking at me. I looked at Kevin and he shrugged. "Hey you're a hottie and I can't help it!"

"You mean you are umm umm--," I stammered.

"Yes I'm gay," Jake said laughing as he tossed his head back. "Speaking of hunting down kidnappers I think it is time we get onboard."

I had insisted upon taking the corporate jet. That way we would have it at our disposal whenever we needed it. And I had the feeling that this adventure was just starting.

Some Where on an island in the Caribbean.

"Excuse me, Mr. Whitewater?" asked a large black man with a patch over his eye. "We just had report of the Whitewater corporate Jet landing on this island."

"Than we lay low and see if they get close to us. If they get to close we leave. Simple as that," Uncle Joe replied.

"Daddy!" shouted Mattie glaring at Uncle Joe.

"Your Daddy is not here so eat what I give you!" Uncle Joe replied glaring at the child.

(SPLAT!) Mattie replied by tossing his cereal at Uncle Joe. "Daddy! Daddy!"

"I'll take him sir," Lonnie replied as he picked up the child. "He likes me."

"Good see that he is fed and dry," grumbled Uncle Joe as he wiped the cereal off of his face.

"Lonnie!" cooed Mattie as he grinned up at the huge body guard. "Daddy?" he asked with his lip trembling. "Daddy?"

"I'm sorry baby," Lonnie replied as he looked back at his boss. He was starting to have second thoughts about this gig. "You can't go home yet." Mattie started to wail at the top of his lungs as Lonnie carried into the nursery.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Is this place secure?" Matt asked giving Jake a questioning look. We were standing on the balcony of a very plush hotel. "I mean this suite is for honeymooners!"

"It is the most private and most secure place on the entire island," Jake replied. I fell back on the bed and grinned up at my sweetie.

"Not to mention the fact that this bed is very comfortable," I grinned waggling my eyebrows at him.

"Behave mister," Matt scolded me. "I'm still not happy about this morning!" I gave him my patented pout and he grinned at me. "Ok ok I forgive you! But you will have to provide me with lots and lots of make up sex!"

"TMI!" grumbled Jake as he held his hands over his ear.

"Oh your just jealous!" I giggled at him.

"Naaaahh," laughed Jake as he walked out the door. "You're both to skinny for my taste."

"Now what?" Matt asked as he laid beside me.

"Now we wait until the Private investigators tear this island apart and find our children," I explained to him. "I can't stand the fact that Mattie and Kevie have been away from us for so long." I could feel the tears starting to well up again. "I just want to hold them." Matt wrapped his arms around and pulled me close to him. I buried my head into his chest and inhaled deeply. The smell of his cologne and sweat comforted me. I could feel his lips brush the top of my head.

"I love you Kevin," he whispered. "We will get our babies back and Uncle Joe will pay for this." The phone interrupted our time together and I snatched it up.

"We found them!" said the PI into my ear.

"Where?" I asked. Matt perked up at once. "Matt get Jake now!"

From Matt's point of view.

The car skidded to a stop outside the house. The local police were there too. Kevin walked up to them and talked to them. I walked up to Jake. "What is going on?"

"No activity inside the house," Jake replied. "They're not sure that are even here anymore." I watched as an officer exited the house with a package. He handed it to Kevin. Kevin turned and walked towards us. I could tell by the set of his mouth that he was not happy.

"Kevin?" I asked softly. He looked at me and shook his head no. No tears this time just the simple shaking of his head. I realized that we had taken a turn. Kevin was angry and when Kevin got angry--, well let's just say that the results are not pretty.

When we returned to the hotel room Kevin opened the package. It was a video tape. He put it in the vcr and pushed play. Mattie and Kevie showed up on the screen. They looked happy and playing with some toys. Mattie looked at the camera and smiled. "Daddy?" he asked holding out his hand. I looked at Kevin and didn't see tears this time either. I had plenty of tears flowing down my face but Kevin was just sitting there looking at his children. Finally the pictures shifted to Uncle Joe.

"Well you see that they are well, and cared for," Uncle Joe replied bluntly. "I have no intentions of hurting them. I love them because they are Anne's children. I don't want them raised by faggots like you. My advice to you is simply this. Cut your losses and go back home and live your lives. They are not going to come back home so forget them!" The screen went blue. I heard the door to the balcony slam shut. I got up and looked at the door. Kevin was looking at the sunset. There was a wind blowing and it blew his hair giving him a rugged and sinister look. His face was set in a permanent frown. I continued to watch him for the longest time. I knew that if we didn't find our children fast Kevin would never be the same. He would turn into a very bitter and mean person. I for one couldn't stand for that. Turning to Jake.

"Get me the Private Investigators!" I barked at him. Jake nodded quietly and left the room.

"Kevin the Private Investigators are here," I said softly as I stuck my head out the door. He nodded and turned and walked back into the room. I led him to the living area and sat down. "Let's get this meeting started," I said. "The twins were obviously in that house. My question is this how did Uncle Joe find out that we were on to them?"

"The corporate jet sir," spoke a large black man with a patch on his eye.

"Who are you?" I asked frowning.

"Lonnie," he replied. "I'm on the team."

"So we ditch the corporate jet!" I instructed Jake. "Find us alternative transportation and keep it secret!" Jake nodded again and left the room. "What is our next move?"

"We send out the team again," Kevin spoke up. "When they find something they notify us and the local police and than we get our children back. And this time no fucking mistakes!" The team of Private Investigators jumped at his outburst. "Now get out and get to work!" They scrambled to get out of Kevin's way. Lonnie was the only one who remained. "What do you want?" Kevin barked at him.

"We'll get them sir," he said softly. "I have two children myself sir. We will get your children back." With that said he left the room.

In another part of the same island.

"Well what did you find out?" Uncle Joe asked. "What is there next move?"

"Well," Lonnie replied. "They are not giving up sir."

"Damn them!" Uncle Joe replied. Lonnie grinned at Uncle Joe when he wasn't watching him. Mattie started to cry for his Daddy again. "Shut the fuck up you brat!" Uncle Joe shouted. This only caused Mattie to wail louder. When Uncle Joe left the room Lonnie pulled out his cell phone.

"This ends now," he said to himself as he dialed a number.

"Lonnie!" exclaimed Mattie as he grinned up at the huge black man with a grin.

The next morning from Kevin's point of view.

"Waky waky," said a very cheerful voice. I grunted and turned over. It was nice and warm and cuddly under all the blankets and this mattress was so comfortable.

"Don't wanna!" I mumbled as I reached for Matt.

"Daddy!" spoke a voice. I opened my eyes and found Mattie staring down at me. "Daddy!" he exclaimed again as he grabbed my nose and pulled on it. I heard a couple of ahhhs and oooohs from the crowd in the room. I looked up to see Matt standing at the foot of the bed with a sappy grin on his face holding a very cheerful Kevie. Jake was there too and so was Lonnie the Private Investigator.

"What?" I asked confused as I sat up and looked around. "When? What?" I asked shaking my head as tears of joy cascaded down my face. "How?" I asked as I picked up a squirming Mattie and held him close to me.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed again.

"It was Lonnie," Matt said as he sat next to me and plopped Kevie into my lap.

"Da da!" Kevie stated as he promptly crawled over to Matt.

"Thank God," I sobbed as I hugged Mattie to me. I felt Matt lower Kevie into my arms too. I cradled both twins to my chest sobbing loudly. Matt hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up at Lonnie. "How can I ever thank you enough?"

"Like I said last night, sir," Lonnie replied looking down. "I have children of my own."

"But how did you find them?" I asked.

"I was working undercover for Mr. Whitewater," Lonnie replied. "I've been working for Joeseph Whitewater since he arrived here. Last night after he went to sleep I called the police and that is how it ended."

"Where is Uncle Joe now?" I asked.

"In jail waiting trial," Lonnie replied. "Don't worry sir, he won't be coming near your children anymore."

"Thank you," I said as I got up and hugged him.

"Lonnie!" Mattie giggled up at the huge man. Lonnie smiled and leaned down and kissed him on the cheek causing Mattie to squirm with glee.

"Well I for one am very grateful for all you have done," Matt spoke up.

"Well like I said, I was just doing my job sirs, now if you will excuse me I have a family to get home too," Lonnie said as he walked out of our room and out of our lives.

"Sir, if you don't need me?" Jake asked.

"We will need you later but not for a few more hours," Matt said. After the room was cleared of all body guards and Private Investigators Matt turned his attention to me.

From Matt's point of view.

I looked down at my lover. He was holding both twins talking baby talk to them a mile a minute. I picked up the phone and dialed Brian's number and let him know that we had the twins and all was safe. I smiled as I heard Tyler squeal with joy in the background. I of course held the phone to Mattie and Kevie's ear so that Tyler could say hi to his younger brothers. Kevin busted up laughing when Mattie tried to eat the phone. After hanging up the phone I crawled into bed with Kevin and snuggled up to him. He ad drifted off to sleep while holding Matt in his arms. Kevie was still awake looking all around. He looked up at me with large bright eyes. "Pa pa?" he asked holding up his hands. I picked him up and carried him the door and looked out over the balcony. The sun was just rising over the horizon. I stood there holding Kevin's son in my arms and watched the sun rise. When the sun finally did make it's appearance I heard a little yawn and looked down to see Kevie yawning. He was tired and needed to sleep. I made my way back over to the bed and laid him down next Mattie. I took Kevin's arm and wrapped it around Kevie too. Than I went to the other side of the bed and crawled in between the silk sheets and snuggled up to Kevin and kissed his bare shoulder and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


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Next: Chapter 56: Get Another Boyfriend 2 18

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