Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 22, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Eighteen

Disclaimer: (c)2002 Travis Smith FanFic Writings This work of writing is the sole property of the said author. Permission is given to Nifty Archives to post in the Boy Band Section. Permission to post this story anywhere else is granted by a case by case basis and permission must be obtained through the author in writing or E-mail. This is a fictional story. Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. This is an adult story written for adults in mind. If you are minor please leave now.

Now on with the story.

From Matt's point of view.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Jake glared at me.

"You will be with me and he will be behind bars," I argued. "Please Jake," I pleaded with him. "I need to do this."

"Man I am going to get into trouble," He whined.

"If we do this right, Kevin won't even know we are gone," I insisted.

"Won't know who is gone?" asked my lover behind me. I looked up at him and saw him standing at the doorway frowning at me. "What are you planning?"

"I'm going to go to the jail and talk to Uncle Joe," I said bluntly.

"No way in hell are you even going near that man!" Kevin shouted at me. "It is not safe!"

"Kevin sweetie," I said trying to calm him down.

"Don't you sweetie me!" Kevin barked at me. "That man stole my children! I don't want you near him!"

"Kevin, he is in jail! He can't hurt me!" I argued. I went up to him and placed my hand on his bare chest. I could feel the heat radiating from his body. I looked up and saw anger flashing in his eyes. "I need to do this!" I said sternly at him. His anger soften a little when he saw that I was determined.

"But he could hurt you," he said softly as he laid his head on my forehead. He knew that was a favorite position of mine. And he knew I couldn't refuse him when he did that. "Stay with me and the twins?" I saw his lips in a small pout. I really wanted to kiss those pouting lips so I did. When I was done I looked up at him and grinned. "You will stay?" he asked.

"No," I replied. "Kevin I need to do this. This man has hurt my family! There is no way I am going to let him get away with this! I need to protect my family and going over to that Jail and venting all over him will feel better."

From Kevin's point of view.

Ewwwww Matt is always so damned stubborn! Always flying off the handle and wanting to pick a fight. I looked down at his adorable face as he looked stubbornly up at me. He was in his protecting mode and there was no stopping him. Sighing I gave up.

"Ok you can go," I relented. "But Jake stays with you the whole time!"

"I was going to take him anyway," Matt grinned as he hugged me tight. "Thank you sweetie."

"Yea well you hurry home so that we can spend some cuddle time with the twins," I replied as I kissed him on the nose. As if on cue I heard one of the twins yelling Daddy. It was probably Mattie because Kevie took after me to much. He valued his sleep.

"Your Children are calling you," Matt giggled.

"You mean our children," I grinned back at him.

"I like the sound of that," Matt grinned back up at me. It was one of his crooked wild grins that drove me nuts. He knew it too.

"Hurry up and go verbally bash your uncle and get back here," I said pushing towards the door. Turning to Jake. "If he gets hurt there will be hell to pay."

"I understand," Jake said as he nodded. Once they were out the door I turned and headed back into the bedroom.

"Daddy!" announced Mattie as I walked into the bedroom. He was standing up in his crib looking all cute with his blonde hair sticking out all over the place. "Daddy?" he asked looking up at me as I approached the crib. I picked him up and held him to me. He snuggled his head up against my chest. I relished the feel of his little body against mine. I had my children back and I was happy. I heard a grunt from Kevie and I looked down. He was still asleep.

"Come on Mattie," I said softly as I kissed his forehead. "Let's go back to bed." I slid into bed careful because I was holding Mattie. Mattie let out a squeal of laughter as I laid him down. He was wide a wake and had no intentions of going back to sleep. So I stayed awake too playing with him. After playing for a while with him I wondered how Matt was doing.

From Matt's point of view.

Ever heard the expression, "How the Mighty have fallen?" Well if any expression applied to anyone at anytime this one definitely applied to my Uncle. I walked into the Jail and well it looked more like a maximum security prison. Than it dawned on me. They had to keep him locked up like this. He was an international criminal. I was escorted through the double locked doors and into the visiting area. I sat in a booth and picked up a phone. Uncle Joe was seated on the other side. I looked into the eyes of the man that I once loved as a child and respected as a teen and early adult. I saw emptiness and hatred in his eyes.

"What do you want?" he asked in a emotionless tone of voice.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

"I didn't want my grandkids to grow faggots like you!" he shouted at me. "That is why I took them! I took them because I love them!"

"Like hell you do! You don't love them! You're not capable of loving anyone!" I shouted back at him. I cursed myself for yelling back. I swore that I wasn't going to stoop to his level. Taking a deep breath I looked back into his eyes. "When you get back to the states you will go to court and you will go to prison for the rest of your life. You will never see your grandchildren again. Is that the kind of life you wanted for them?"

"You're taking them away from me!" Uncle Joe shouted at me. "This is all your fault!"

"I will not play the bad guy here. I'm gay, yes I will give you that. My father accepted me for who I was and he was happy for me. You on the other hand are living in the past! We, Kevin and me gave you a chance to come around. We offered you an opportunity to be a part of their lives. You choose the other path! So deal with it!" I replied in a calm and controlled voice.

"I don't have to listen to this!" Uncle Joe said as he stood up to walk away.

"Sit your ass down Old Man!" I barked at him. "I'm not done with you!" He glared at me and plopped back down in the chair. "Stay away from my family, don't ever come around again and keep your fucking goons away from us! As of right now I have no Uncle. Kevie and Mattie have no Grandpa! You are dead to us!" I slammed down the phone and turned and walked from the room. I rattled the door and called out. "Guard!" He came quickly and let me through. Once outside I met up with Jake.

"How did it go?" he asked softly.

"How do you think it went?" I replied. "I just want to get back to the hotel." Jake nodded and we climbed into the limo once inside I sank into the soft leather seats relishing the comfort. "It is over," I sighed. "Thank God it is over!"

From Kevin's point of view.

"Yea Brian," I repeated myself again. I looked up at the ceiling and rolled my eyes. "They are fine and they are happy." I heard Mattie giggle up at me. I looked at him and he smiled up at me. I waved at him and he squealed with happiness. "We are going to stay here and relax for a few days."

"Are you sure that is wise?" Brian asked, his voice laden with concern.

"Yes Brian," I replied. "Matt loves it here and wants to enjoy some of the tourists attractions. They are flying Joe out this afternoon so don't worry. The danger is over."

"Let Matt know that they have arrested Tyson," Brian added. "We caught him snooping around yours and Matt's place again."

"You guys are at the beach?" I asked shocked.

"Tyler wasn't happy at the apartment. So we came out here and that is when we caught him," Brian replied with a chuckle.

"Going to let me in on the joke?" I asked

"Tyler is so much like his Daddy," Brian giggled. "I had to pull him off of Tyson."

"What?" I asked shocked. "How the hell did he even get near him?"

"He saw him and jumped on his back and started to beat him up. Poor Tyson never even saw it coming. Don't worry I was right behind him and got him out of the way before Tyson could do anything," Brian assured me. "Do you want to talk to him?"

"Yea put him on," I said grinning. In a few seconds I heard Tyler's voice.

"Pappa?" he asked softly.

"Hey buddy!" I said grinning from ear to ear.

"Ty ty?" asked Mattie as he looked up at me. I nodded and he grinned pleased with himself and went back to sucking on my finger.

"I heard you jumped Tyson," I said grinning.

"I was mad! He help steal Mattie and Kevie!" Tyler exclaimed. "Uncle Brian pulled me off of him!" I could almost see Tyler glaring at poor Brian.

"He did the right thing Buddy," I said softly. "You could've been hurt."

"Yes pappa," Tyler said softly. "When are you coming home?" I could tell by his voice that he was pouting.

"When are we coming home?" I asked again.

"We leave now," Matt said behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips came crashing down on Mattie's cheek. "Tell him that we'll be home in a few hours." Matt took Mattie from my arms and started to give him a raspberry on his belly. Soon the room was full of Matt's monster sounds and Mattie's laughter. After assuring Tyler that we would indeed be home in a few hours I hung up on him. Turning I saw Matt still holding Mattie as if he were a airplane. He was busy making airplane noises making Mattie laugh all the harder. I watched them interact with each other until Kevie decided that it was his turn for attention.

Back at the beach house from Leo's point of view.

"Ok so it is all set?" Brian asked Justin and Nick and JC. "The minute they get here we ambush them and get them dressed and ready for the wedding. Ok maybe I should pause here and explain what is going on. Brian had convinced Justin and JC and Nick that it was now or never. So the whole house was up in arms frantically getting ready for the wedding that was postponed. The plan was this, get Kevin and Matt married tonight and on their honeymoon tonight too. Brian had arranged for someone to baby sit the twins over the honey moon namely us. But given the fact that they had been kidnapped and rescued we figured that no way in hell Kevin or Matt would go for that. So reluctantly AJ arranged for babies to come along on the honeymoon. Poor Matt and Kevin had no idea what was hitting them.

"Come on come on!" Brian ordered everyone. "They'll be here any minute!"

"Limo is pulling up!" shouted AJ. He had been appointed the look out. "And it is them!"

"Places everyone!" shouted a panicking Brian. I laughed at him and he glared at me until I pulled him into a tight hug and pressed my lips to his and kissed him. He broke away with that dreamy look in his eyes.

"Better?" I asked grinning.

"Ummm yea," he stammered. The door opened and Matt came walking in. As if on cue Nick quickly took his arm and ushered him down the hall. Brian snatched Kevin's arm and rushed him up stairs. Their body guard was left standing at the doorway holding the twins. Oh yea this was going to be good!

Can anyone say, Wedding bells?


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Next: Chapter 57: Get Another Boyfriend 2 19

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