Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 30, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Nineteen

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

From Matt's point of view.

"What is going on?" I demanded as Nick ushered me into the guest room. "Where are you taking me?" Nick just giggled softly. Once inside the room I found that Josh and Tyler were in the room getting dressed. Than it hit me. "Nick?" I demanded.

"Yes Matt?" Nick asked all innocent.

"Tell me that you guys aren't planning on a wedding," I scolded him.

"Yes we are and no complaining!" Nick giggled at me as he started to toss pieces of a tuxedo at me. "Now hurry up and get dressed. Kevin is waiting for you."

"But but but but!" I stammered.

"Yes yes you have Kevin's butt on the brain but that will have to wait until the honeymoon!" Nick scolded me as he hurried to check Tyler out to see if he was dressed right.

"But but--," I stammered some more.

"No more thinking about Sex!" Nick ordered me. "Get dressed so you can get hitched."

"I'm not going to win this argument am I?" I asked Nick.

"Sweetie," Nick said in a serious voice. "You and Kevin have been going out for how long?" I started to open my mouth. "Don't talk just get dressed. It is time for you two to tie the knot and this time nothing is going to stop it." I sighed and resigned myself to getting married. I wondered how my sweetie was getting along. I missed him and I wanted to hold him. Nick must've sensed my thoughts. "The sooner you get ready the sooner you will be in his arms."

From Kevin's point of view.

"Brian!" I yelped at him as he started to pull off my clothes. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm getting you ready for your groom!" Brian stated bluntly. "You two are getting married."

"Brian you don't have to do this," I said looking at Brian as I slipped into a shirt.

"Yes we do," Brian said as he handed my pants. "Kevin you and Matt have waited for ever to get married. And everything has been working against you. Now please do us this one favor and get married!"

"But but--," I started.

"Think about Matt's butt after the wedding," Brian said as he stood back to inspect me. "Hmmm," he said as he squirted some gel in his hand. "Hold still!" I tolerated him as he manhandled my hair. After a few minutes he stood back and looked at me. "Here put this in!" Brian ordered me as he handed me an earring. Sighing I took it and put in my left ear. "There perfect!" Brian exclaimed as he pushed me out the door.

"Where are we going now?" I asked looking around the house. It was empty and quiet. "Where are the twins?"

"Jake has them," Brian said. "Get in the limo." Sighing I followed his orders to the letter.

From Matt's point of view

I watched as Kevin climbed out of the limo. We both wore matching white Tuxedos with blue ties. His hair was all gelled up and wild looking giving him a reckless and incredibly sexy look. He looked around as if looking for me. He finally caught my eye and smiled.

"Daddy daddy!" exclaimed Tyler. "There is Pappa!"

"Yes son," I said softly as I ruffled his hair.

"He looks pretty!" Tyler said. "So do you too!"

"Why thank you son," I smiled at him as I knelt down and gave him hug. "And you look very handsome in your tuxedo."

"I don't like it! It is all stuffy!" Tyler grumbled as he pulled on his neck collar. I choked back a laugh.

"Well as soon as the wedding is over you can take it off," I smiled down at him. The wind blew in off the ocean filling the evening air with a smell of freshness. I inhaled deeply and looked out over the sea. I wanted to memorize every moment about this evening.

"Ready to walk down the aisle?" a voice asked me. I looked and saw Leo standing next to me. "Hey you need a best man don't you?"

"Oh Leo," I whispered as my eyes filled with tears. "Thank you so--," I started only to have his finger touch my lips.

"No cousin," he said as tears filled his eyes too. "It is I who have to say thank you. You have done so much for me and Anne."

"I wish she were here to see this," I sniffled looking at the marble grave marker that overlooked the ocean.

"She is here," Leo said as a tear ran down his face. I wiped it clear. "In spirit."

"Yea I know, but it is not the same. Can you imagine what she would've said about this whirl wind wedding?" I giggled.

"No and let's not," Leo giggled back. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Kevin was talking to Brian. I wondered what they were talking about. He looked at me and winked at me. I blushed and looked down and I saw him laugh softly. It was so good to see him smile again.

From Kevin's point of view.

I watched as Matt and Tyler talked. Tyler looked so cute with his tuxedo on. I had to laugh a little as I saw him pull on his collar. It was such a typical kid move. Matt laughed softly and I thrilled at the sound of it. It did my heart so much good to see him smile again. "Did you ever see anything so beautiful?" I asked Brian.

"Yes I do and he is standing right next to him," Brian said with a sappy look on his face. I looked at Brian and realized how far he had come. Taking a deep breath I turned to him.

"Brian?" I asked softly. He turned and looked at me and I caught a small hint of fear in his eyes. "We've been through a lot haven't we?" He nodded as his eye filled with tears. "I owe my life to you," I said looking over at Matt. "It was you who pushed me to reach out to Matt."

"Yea but it was me that--," Brian started but I stopped him by laying my hand on his shoulder.

"That is in the past cousin," I said softly. "Brian?" I asked looking into his eyes. Tears flowed down his face freely. "I forgive you." Silence racked our private world as the full weight of what I said settled on us both. I had finally forgiven Brian for trying to get custody of Tyler. Brian looked out over the ocean letting tears flow. "Can we move on now?" I asked. "As a family?" Brian looked at me and I moved towards him and grabbed him in my arms and hugged him tight. I could feel him sobbing against me. "It's over. It's finally over." I sobbed along with him. After a few minutes we gathered ourselves and moved into position. Blackie was already bounding up the aisle. A soft rippling of laughter rang out as Tyler chased him up the aisle. Yes this was going to be a very interesting wedding. The Wedding march sounded and Brian motioned to me and we started up the aisle. It was a double aisle and Matt and Leo started up the other aisle and we would meet in the middle. Finally we met and I reached and touched the hands of Matt. An electric shock raged through us as our eyes met. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Dear friends, and family members," the minister said in a solemn voice. "We are gathered here to witness this promising ceremony between Kevin Scott Richardson and Matthew Whitewater. They have been brought together by love and commitment. It is through their love and dedication that has brought their two families together. And we are honored to be a part of that. Kevin and Matt have written their own vows," the minister said. "Kevin?"

I took a deep breath and looked into the eyes of Matt. My mind wondered back to that first day that I met him. He was running late and ran into the board room just as I was about to fire him. He was wearing that same wild carefree look today as he did on that day. Taking a deep breath I opened my mouth.

From Matt's point of view.

"Matt," my sweetie's voice sounded. "From the first day I met you I fell in love with you. I never felt more sure about a love before. Baby, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my days with you. I want to raise Mattie and Kevie with you," Kevin said. Another soft rippling of laughter sounded through the crowd as Kevie and Mattie both blurted out Dadda and pappa. Kevin looked over at them and smiled. "Our children," he said looking back at me. "Who would've thought it? A year ago I wasn't ready to be a father. Now? Well I can't ever imagine a day without them in our lives. And Tyler? I love him as my own son. I was so full of pride and joy when he asked me to his pappa. My life is so full of love and joy. I promise you on this day," as he started to say his vows Brian's soft voice started to sing their single Drowning. "I promise you on this day that I will love, cherish and honor you. I will love through good times bad times, rich or poor times, sickness or health. I will love you all the days of my life until I take my last breath. This I promise you."

"Matthew?" asked the minister. The wind blew as I opened my mouth to talk. I watched in awe as the wind blew through Kevin's hair. His emerald green eyes sparked with unshed tears and the love was pouring from them. I willed this moment to last forever. In a moment I was back at the mansion in Vermont watching Kevin and Tyler sitting on the stone bench watching the sun rise. That was the day that Tyler asked Kevin to be his pappa. I knew from that day that Kevin and I were going to be together forever. Now all I had to do is get up the nerve to talk in front of all of these people. Public speaking was not a favorite thing of mine. I looked around the crowd and knew that they were expecting me to talk. I looked up at Kevin again drawing strength from his warm and loving expression. "Matthew?" the voice asked again.

From Kevin's point of view.

I saw Matt's mind drift away. I also saw the fear in his eyes. I had to do something to break his trance. "Umm Sweetie?" I asked softly. "You ok?"

"Umm sorry," Matt said blushing as he looked down. I loved him more and more each moment. He looked so cute standing there looking up at me. I leaned forward and placed my forehead on his knowing his weakness for that small gesture of love and affection. We both retreated to our small private world for a few seconds. He looked up at me and I saw a hint of fear in his eyes. Matt didn't like public speaking. Taking my hand I ran it along the side of his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. It had the desired affect on him. I could tell that he was calming down. I planted a soft kiss on his nose and he shivered at the gesture.

"I love you," I whispered. He looked into my eyes and smiled his lopsided grin. "You ok now?" I asked softly. He nodded and took a deep breath. "Good cause a lot of people want to hear what you have to say and I kinda sorta want to hear it too," I finished as I grinned.

"Kevin?" Matt said as he looked over at Mattie and Kevie and Tyler and Blackie. "My life is so full and I have you to thank for it. When I first met you I was involved in a bad relationship and you reached out your hand and took mine and took me away from all of that. You willingly gave of yourself to me and my son. When you brought Mattie and Kevie into our lives you offered me a chance to be a father to them. Through all the bad times you were there holding my hand and helping through them. I love you and I always will love you. So I make this promise to you my sweet love. I promise to love you all the days of my life. I promise to be there for your children and help you nourish them. I promise to love you in good times and bad and sickness and health, richer or poorer. I will do this for all the days of my life. This I promise you."

"The rings please?" the minister asked. I looked down and smiled at Tyler and Leo as they stepped forward and handed the Minister the rings. "The exchange of rings made of precious metals seal the commitment that they have made to eachother." I took the ring and slid it on Matt's finger.

"With this ring I seal our promise made between God, Friends and Family," I said softly looking into the eyes of my love.

Matt took my ring and slid it on my finger. "With this ring I seal our promise made between God, Friends and Family," Matt replied smiling up at me.

"It is with great honor and joy that I introduce Kevin and Matthew Richardson Whitewater!" the minister announced. "You may now kiss the groom."

From Matt's point of view

Finally Kevin's arms came around me and pulled me close. I was back home in the arms of my love. I loved the feel his warm heard body close to mine. I inhaled deeply as his scent filled my nostrils. His lips came crashing down on mine and I let out a whimper and my lips parted as his tongue stabbed into my mouth. It was like he was hungry for me. I opened my eyes to see his eyes boring into mine. I shivered at the intense love that seared into me. Finally he pulled apart and smiled at me. "Umm wow!" I gasped. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause. I looked over at Tyler who was jumping up and down and clapping as hard and as fast as he could. Kevie and Mattie was squealing with laughter and glee. Even Blackie was barking with excitement. I felt myself being drug down the aisle. I looked at Kevin who was grinning at me. I allowed my self to be pulled into the limo. Once inside I felt his weight fall onto me.

"I love you Mr. Richardson!" he said as he pressed his lips to mine. I moaned in pleasure as I returned the kiss. I was barely aware that the limo had pulled away and was whisking us back to the house for a reception. I was content to lay in the arms of my sweetie as he continued to ravage my lips. Finally he came up for air. "So what did you think? They really went out of their way to get us married. What should we do with them?"

"They are in so much trouble!" I laughed.

"Yes they are, but remember there is Brian and Leo left. I think that you and I take our revenge on them. They love us sweetie and they wanted us to be happy. We are so blessed to have friends and family like them," Kevin said grinning.

"Yea that is their only saving grace," I grinned as I snuggled closer to Kevin. The rest of the ride was in silence as Kevin continued to plant soft feather kisses all over my lips eyelids and cheeks and nose. I enjoyed the feeling his lips caressing my face and neck. Regrettably the limo came to a halt.

"You ready Mr. Richardson?" Kevin asked softly with his emerald green eyes twinkling.

"Are you ready, Mr. Whitewater?" I asked back grinning like a kid on Christmas morning. The door opened and the fresh crisp night air drifted in. Kevin stepped out first and took my hand and I stepped out next. I was in heaven as I let Kevin lead me to the reception tent. I could hear the soft rippling of music and conversation as we approached. I spotted JC and Justin standing at the entrance to the tent.

"They are here!" Justin shouted into the tent.

"Hey guys," I smiled at them. JC stepped forward and planted a kiss on my cheek. Justin planted one on Kevin's cheek too. "Thank you so much for all your help."

"Hey," JC smiled. "We were just glad that we finally got you two married."

"Come on come on!" Justin urged us. "We've got a party to get too." I had to laugh at his eagerness. As we entered the tent we were assaulted by clapping and cheers and the spoons against glasses. It had seemed that they were intent on making us kiss again. Not that I had a problem with that. After kissing for our guests again we walked around the room and greeted everyone. I finally caught sight of Tyler and Josh by the desert table.

"I'll be right back," I whispered into Kevin's ear. He gave me quick kiss on the cheek. Walking over to the table I bent down and placed my hand on Tyler's shoulder. "Hey buddy," I said softly. He turned and grinned at me.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a hug. I relished the feeling of his little arms around my neck. I could also hear the cameras going crazy too. "Where is Pappa?" he asked looking around.

"He is greeting some of our guests," I smiled down at him. "You having fun?"

"Yea the food is really good," Tyler said as he eyed the piles of cookies and cakes.

"Yea well try not to fill up on goodies. Promise me you will eat some healthy stuff too?" I asked as I snatched a cookie.

"Ok Daddy," Tyler said as he shifted uncomfortably.

"Want to ask me something?" I asked.

"Can I sit with you and Pappa?" he blurted out. "They have us sitting with the other kids and we want to sit with you guys."

"Of course you can sit with us," I replied. "You both can. Now why don't you help me get Pappa plate of food and we'll go sit as a family." Once we got our food together we sat down at the head table and waited for Kevin to sit down. Finally I felt his presence and looked up. He grinned down at me and sat next to me. "Hey sexy," I grinned.

"Hey yourself," He grinned as he plated a kiss on my lips. "Where were you?"

"Tyler needed some quality daddy time," I answered as I placed my head on his shoulder. "Now be a good boy and eat."

"Pappa?" Tyler asked.

"Yes son?" Kevin asked.

"What is a honeymoon?" he asked. I looked at Kevin and saw the amusement in his eyes.

"Why don't you take that one dear," he giggled at me.

"Uh uh," I giggled back. "He asked you." Sighing Kevin turned back to the blonde headed little boy was waiting for his pappa to answer his question.

"Well Tyler," Kevin started. "When two people get married they um take a special vacation together."

"Can I come too?" he asked.

"Not this time buddy," Kevin replied. "You see Daddy and me need some real special time alone with eachother."

"So you can kiss and hug and get all mushy?" Tyler asked scrunching up his nose.

"Yes, so Daddy and I can kiss and hug and get all mushy," Kevin giggled back.

"Ewww! That is not a cation! That is yucky stuff!" Tyler replied shaking his head. Once he got his answer he went back to eating his dinner.

"Matt?" Kevin asked me softly.

"Yes dear?" I replied.

"I am going to check on the twins," he replied.

"I'll go with you," I smiled as we both stood up. As expected the crowd paused and looked up at us. "If you will all excuse us for a few minutes, we are going to check on the twins and make sure that they are in bed and sleeping." Kevin and I headed up to the house. Once inside we walked into the Nursery and found poor Jake trying to change Mattie's diaper. "We'll take over from here," I smiled at the huge body guard. He smiled his thanks and stepped aside. "And Jake?" I asked. He turned around. "Thanks for everything."

"It is my pleasure sir," he said with a formal bow. I'll be right outside the nursery if you need me."

"You could join us for the reception," I suggested.

"No sir," he said bluntly and frowning at me. "The twins need protecting and that is my place."

"Very well, but I will have the butler bring you up a plate of food," I replied. I looked around and saw that Kevin was very busy baby talking to Mattie and Kevie. Their little giggles and squeals filled my heart with joy. I watched as my husband, (Has a nice ring doesn't it?) played with the twins and changed them. Soon they were both snuggled up with their favorite teddy bear and sleeping. A pair of warm arms surrounded me. I leaned back in the protective embrace of Kevin.

"You ready to join the party?" his deep and soft voice filled my ear as he sucked my ear lobe into his mouth.

"I really want to make love to you for the rest of the night," I replied.

"That is good idea but first I want to dance with my lover," Kevin said as he took my hand and guided me out of the nursery. Once we were back in the tent the music started and Kevin guided me out on the dance floor. It was my favorite song. (Drowning.) Kevin and I had argued about this. He thought it was weird having all the Backstreet Boys songs played at our wedding. I pouted and said that they were my favorite songs and I was going to dance to them. I allowed Kevin to move me across the dance floor. My arms reached up around his back and held him close to me. His strong arms pulling me close. "I love you baby."

"I love you too," I replied as I laid my head on his chest. I thrilled at the strong and steady beat of his heart. I soon lost myself in the music and when one song drifted off into two and three songs I thought that maybe I was going to get lucky and have Kevin all to myself. But alas, no such luck. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Leo standing there. I glared at him and growled softly. Kevin chuckled softly.

"Can I cut in?" He asked grinning at my possessiveness towards Kevin.

"Matt?" Kevin said trying hard not to laugh. "Be a good boy and share." Sighing I turned my husband over to Leo and I fell into the arms of Brian." As it turned out I had to let my husband dance with several more people before I got him back. We had the toasts and Cake cutting and some more dancing and kissing. Finally the reception winded down and soon Kevin and I were left alone with the band. "Matt?" Kevin asked as he continued to move me across the floor.

"Yes dear?" I asked back trying really hard not to yawn.

"You need to rest," Kevin said as he kissed my lips. "You want to go up to the house?"

"As long as you come with me?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

"Like you could get rid of me?" Kevin asked grinning. He nodded at the Band and they finished the last song and started to pack up. Kevin took my hand and we walked up to the house. Once inside he carried me up the stairs and into our room. I gasped out loud when I saw the room. Candles flickered softly in the darkness. Soft music was playing over the speakers and the huge bay window was opened and the cool crisp air from the ocean filled the room. "Can I take you to heaven?" Kevin asked as he looked into my eyes. "Please?"

"Oh baby," I replied swallowing hard. "You can take me anywhere." At that point I surrendered myself to him allowing his strong hands to strip me of my clothes. Soon I was standing naked in front of him. Kevin stood back and gazed at my naked form. I blushed and looked down.

"Uh uh," he said bluntly. "You have nothing to blush about." He walked towards me as he too shed his clothes. His naked chest touched mine making me shiver in anticipation. "You are so beautiful."

"You are too," I replied swallowing hard.

"Let me take you to heaven?" he pleaded again as he laid me on the soft silk sheets. I watched in awe as his lowered him self onto me. Groaning loudly I realized that tonight was going to be a night remember.


There! Finally those two got married!

Now where do I go from here?

E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 58: Get Another Boyfriend 2 20

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