Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 6, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Second Chapter Part Twenty

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

From Kevin's point of view.

I was laying on top of Matt. He was naked and his cock was hard as a rock. I was enjoying my time with him. I loved to spend time with Matt making him all horny. I was doing a fine job. Not that I had to work hard at it. All I had to do is be around Matt for any length of time at all and sooner or later he would get so horny that he would go litterly nuts. That was how he was now. His breaths were coming in short pants and his eyes were partially closed and he kept licking the bottom of his lips. He would almost constantly grind his cock up against me. All the while making these very cute and sexy whimpering sounds.

"Please?" Matt begged me. I lay on top of him with my arms wrapped around him. Our erect cocks rubbed against each other. Matt's waist was grinding against mine. He was horny as hell and he was letting me know it. I looked down at his flushed face as his blue eyes sparkled with lust. His lips were swollen from the kissing we had been doing. His nipples were rock hard as they stabbed me in my chest. His erect cock was leaking Precome by the gallon. Yes this was how I loved him the most. Matt was beautiful indeed while in the throes of lust. He whimpered softly again rousing me from my trance. "Kevin?" he begged again. "Make love to me?" I bent down and kissed his swollen lips again driving my tongue into all to familiar ground. He moaned softly into my mouth as he ground his crotch into mine. His moans and grinding motions were getting more frantic by the moment. I realized that I would soon have a mess on my hands if I didn't soon take care of my new husband. I broke apart and looked into his beautiful innocent eyes as I reached for the lube. I took his hand and squirted some in the palm of his hand.

"Make me ready?" I asked him softly as I kissed his eyelid. I jumped as his hand closed around my shaft. He moved up and down on it several times making sure I was well lubed up. I bent down and took one of his nipples into my mouth and sucked hard on it. Taking my cock in hand I guided it to Matt's hole. Letting go of Matt's nipple I moved back up to his mouth and covered it with my lips driving my tongue deep into it. Bucking my hips forward in one swift fast movement I soon found my cock surrounded by him. He shuddered and whimpered into my mouth his eyes opened wide as I impaled him on my shaft. "You ok?" I asked in a raspy voice. He nodded as he bit down on his lip as I drove myself the rest of the way in. I watched in awe as his body twitched and shuddered as he became accustomed to my intrusion. I felt the heat from his balls as they rested on my lower abs. I was all the way in. I smiled down at him as I slowly pulled out and than drove all the way in again. I thrilled at the play of his muscles when he writhed in pleasure. His head thrown back against the pillow with his eyes closed tight and his very kissable lips opened just enough to see the white of his teeth. I took his chin in my hand and attached my lips to his neck and sucked hard as I started to thrust in and out of him. I felt his hands on my butt cheeks as he tried to pull me deeper into him with each thrust. I felt him tremble and quake as he blasted his load in between our bodies. I looked into his eyes as he came relishing in the wild and lustfull look that poured from his eyes. I continued to ride him for several more moments before stopping and looking down at his heaving and sweating body.

"Why did you stop?" he asked with a hint of pouting.

"I want this to last forever baby," I whispered as I ran my hand through his sweat soaked hair. I latched my lips onto another part of his neck and nipped at it with my teeth and sucked the delicious flesh into my mouth. I heard him whimper in pain from my love bites. His body arched up to meet my thrusts. I continued to ride my lover well into the night. Just as I was about to cum I would stop and rest. Poor Matt had cum three times already and he was going nuts. Finally I took pity on him and rode on to my orgasm.

From Matt's point of view

"Cum for me baby," I urged my riding stallion on. He groaned and shuddered as he slammed into me one last time. I held onto him as his entire body quaked as he pumped his load into me. The hot warm searing feeling of his seed sent me over the edge again as I too came for the unbelievable 4th time. We lay in each other's arms breathing heavily. Kevin finally opened his eyes and looked at me. "Hey," I said softly.

"Hey yourself," He smiled. "Are you ok?" he asked as his eyes took on a concerned look.

"Oh you know I'm fine," I breathed as I reached out and moved a stray hair from his face. As I was withdrawing my hand he snatched to him and slipped my finger into his mouth and sucked hard on it. "You on the other hand are a wild man." He blushed and looked down. "Who is blushing now?" I shivered as the wind blew in from the window.

"You cold?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"It was just a breeze is all," I smiled. "We should take a shower or something." Kevin nodded as he pulled out of me. I pouted as he slid out of me. "I wish you could stay in me forever."

"So do I," Kevin said as he picked me up and carried me into the master bathroom.

"I can walk you know," I giggled.

"Yes you can but right now I want to carry you," he smiled down at me as he placed me back on my feet. After turning the water on and setting temperature he guided me in and I moaned softly as the hot water cascaded over the top of me. I shivered at Kevin's strong arms surrounded me and he pulled me close. I gasped when I felt his cock slide up me again. "Shhhhhh," he said in my ear. "Just relax and let me do my thing." I looked up at him and caught his naughty grin as he started to slide in and out of me.

"I soon won't be able to walk if you keep doing that," I giggled at him.

"Hmmm? The prospect of me carrying you around for the rest of yourlife. And that would be a bad thing?" Kevin asked as his hand wrapped around my cock. After feeling his cock slide in and out of me I had to agree with him. This definitely wasn't a bad thing.

From Kevin's point of view.

Watching Matt sleep was a delight for me. It gave me a chance to look at him without any distractions. Well not exactly. For you see Mattie decided that he needed some Daddy attention. So we were snuggled in bed watching Matt sleep. "Your pappa is so beautiful," I whispered as I kissed the top of Mattie's head.

"Pappa?" Mattie asked as he tried to touch Matt's shoulder.

"Yes that is your pappa," I smiled as I kissed him again. He squirmed with glee. "The most beautiful man in the world."

"Daddy?" Mattie asked looking up at me with his big trusting eyes.

"Yes my little Mattie," I replied touching my forehead to his. "You are a good boy!" He squirmed with delight. "Yes you are! You are such a good boy."

"Kevin?" asked a sleepy voice. I jerked my head up and saw that Matt was still sleeping. He wore this completely innocent look on his face. "Make love to me?" he asked in his sleep. I rolled my eyes at his stamina. Only Matt could endure a night of intense lovemaking and be ready for more the next morning. As tempting as it was I decided against fucking him senseless. Besides it would probably scar poor Mattie for life. I looked at my son as he cooed and played with his teddy bear trying to stick one of the bear's paws in his mouth. He caught me looking and his adorable face broke out into a huge grin that lit up his entire face.

"Why don't we go down stairs and watch the sun rise?" I asked Mattie. He just stared up at me with those incredible eyes of his. "That way we can let Pappa get some more rest. Your Daddy was a bad boy last night and wore Pappa out." Mattie giggled when he heard me call myself a bad boy. "Come on little guy," I smiled as I picked him up and cuddled him close to me. After padding down stairs I crept out onto the porch and sat down in the porch swing. The east was just turning pink. I inhaled deeply of the cool crisp air. I felt Mattie's hand on my chest. I looked down and smiled at him. He smiled up at me too. "So big guy," I asked running my finger along the side of his face. He promptly latched onto my finger and gazed at it for the longest time. "What should we do?" He just stuck my finger in his mouth and started to suck on it. In a few minutes he was sound asleep leaving me to watch the sunrise alone.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up and looked around. I was alone in the room. I did see a teddy bear on the bed so that met that at some point in the night Mattie or Kevie was here. I eased myself out of bed and walked down stairs. Jake was reading the newspaper. "Good morning Jake," I smiled at him. "Have you seen my husband anywhere?" He pointed to the front porch. I crept into the kitchen and retrieved two cups of coffee and walked out onto the front porch. I saw my sweetie sitting on the porch swing and he was holding Mattie in his arms. The little guy was sleeping soundly and his daddy watching the sunrise. Time could've stopped right here and now and I would be happy. Ok I have one weakness in this world. Kevin half naked and rocking an innocent baby to sleep. His eyes were cast down looking at Mattie as he slept. His eyes were opened as he took in every feature of his son. He looked so sexy as he sat there, no sexy is not the right word. More like beautiful. Yes fatherhood was one of the most incredibly beautiful things in this world. And Kevin wore it like a Knight of old did. He glowed whenever he was around his children. And right now my Kevin, my husband, the father of my children was glowing. The sun crested over the top of the horizon and cast a golden glow over everything. I decided that I couldn't stand if any longer. I walked over to him and sat the coffee down and wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders and kissed in the neck. I got a good smell of him too. The sweat mixed with his cologne just about sent me attacking him this morning but I reigned myself in. After all I was in front of a child. I continued to rain down kisses up on this Sex God. His deep moans and sighs told me that I had my man's attention. "Good morning sexy," I smiled at him. He looked up at me and smiled a bright smile, one that let me know that I was the most important person in his life. "I brought coffee."

"Thank you," Kevin replied as he patted the seat beside him. "We were watching the sunrise."

"I woke up and you were gone," I pouted as I handed him a cup of coffee. "I missed you."

"Well you see Mattie decided that he wanted some daddy time and woke me up. Than we played together and than we watched this really hot stud sleep for a while," Kevin said as he started to plant feather kisses on my bare shoulders and neck area. "Than I decided that I wanted to watch the sunrise with Mattie."

"Only problem is Mattie is asleep," I giggled pointing at the sleeping child in Kevin's arms.

"So that still leaves me a good reason to be out here," Kevin grinned.

"It does?" I asked pretending to be confused. "And what, pray tell husband would that be."

"You're here!" Kevin said with a grin. I snuggled closer to Kevin and laid my head on his shoulder. "Did you sleep good?" Kevin asked as he took a sip of coffee.

"Like an angel," I sighed. "You wore me out last night."

"That was the idea," Kevin giggled. "So you ready to go on our honeymoon?"

"Any idea where AJ and Nick are taking us?" I asked looking up at him. His green eyes sparkled down at me. They were so full of love and mischief that I allowed myself to get lost in them.

"Nope," he replied as he planted a quick kiss on my nose. "I'm worried."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well think about it sweetie," Kevin chuckled. "AJ and Nick planning our honeymoon." I paused thinking about it than I got really worried real quick.

"Do we have time to stop them?" I asked looking up at Kevin. I could see the laughter in his eyes.

"Nope sorry," a voice sounded behind us. We both looked back and saw Nick and AJ standing behind us wearing huge grins on their faces. "You guys ready?"

"Yes we are," Kevin replied. "Are sure we can take the babies with us?"

"I know how important it is for you two to be near them. So yes," AJ replied as he gave Mattie a quick kiss. "Take them with you."

"Where are we going?" I asked looking at Nick.

"You will find out when you get to the airport," Nick giggled. "Now come on, let's get going!" So Kevin and I and Jake and the twins left our little piece of heaven and got on a plane to start our honey moon. I had no idea where we going until Kevin sat down next to me after we boarded the private jet.

"Ok where are we going?" I demanded.

"AJ and Nick have rented us a chalet up in the blue ridge mountains," Kevin replied. "Here are the pictures of it." I took the handful of pictures and looked through them.

"Wow!" I gasped. "What a view!"

"Yea and we will be waking up to that every morning for the next week," Kevin said as he slid his arms around my waist. "Now why don't you put that brochure away and make love to me?"

"Yea that sounds like a good idea," I snickered at him. "Where are the twins?"

"Jake has them down for naps. We have about two hours before we get there," Kevin smiled as he started to pull on my shirt. I laid back and let him strip me of my clothes. It seemed that Kevin was always looking for a chance to get me out of my clothes. Soon we were both naked and grinding against eachother. I felt his hot cock rubbing against mine. I licked my lips and scooted down so that I was face to face with it. I knew that I had to have his cock in my mouth. My mouth watered at the thought of his cum shooting in it. I looked up at him and grinned my naughtiest grin possible. Than I promptly went to work making my sweetie feel good. After popping the head into my mouth I quickly went to work sucking him off.

From Kevin's point of view

I looked down at Matt as he continued to work my cock. He had that completely at peace look on his face as he bobbed up and down on my aching shaft. I let him know that I felt good my moaning and gently moving in and out of his mouth. I jumped as his finger found my hole and it slid up me as if searching for something. I yelped in pleasure at his finger found my prostate gland. He giggled with his mouth full of my cock. "I'm close baby," I moaned softly. I tried to pull out but he wouldn't have it. He kept on sucking and bobbing and milking my cock. Soon I was shooting my load down his swallowing throat. Matt, being the true love that he is eagerly swallowed every drop. Some of it ran out the sides of his mouth and down his cheek. It made him look sexy when he did that. He made these little whimpering sounds as he milked me of my cum. He paused long enough to clean his cheek and chin of my cum than he slid my twitching cock back into his mouth. After making sure that I was all milked out he looked up at me with his cute expression as if gauging my reaction to ensure that I was feeling good. Finally he let my cock drop from his mouth. He gently licked it clean and climbed back up on me. His cock was rock hard and dripping Precome. I took his face in my hands and pressed my lips to his. After kissing him for a few minutes I growled at him. "Fuck me!" His eyes got real big.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I wasn't surprised that he asked me. I was usually the top but right now all I could think about is having him on top of me riding me as hard and as fast as he could.

"Yes baby," I rasped out. "I want you in me so bad!" Matt wasted no time in getting into position. I let out a groan as he plunged into me. On the few times that I let Matt fuck me there is one thing I can say. Uncontrollable wild horse! That was what he was like. And I loved it. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him down on top of me as he fucked me hard and fast. Pressing my lips to his and driving my tongue into his mouth I hung on for the ride of my life. I could feel his shaft sliding in and out of my ass. Every once in a while I could feel the head of his cock slam against my prostate gland. "Fuck me baby," I urged him. "Fill me with your cum!" I knew I was talking dirty but Matt loved it when I did that.

"You like it?" Matt smirked down at me. "You like a young stud like me fucking your brains out?" I nodded as he reached down and tweaked my nipples hard. I let out a whimper as the pain and pleasure raged through me. He than dove his head down and latched on to the fleshy part of my neck and sucked it into his mouth. All the while his very tight and well built body continued to fuck me hard. I could tell by his groans and whimpers that my baby was getting close. Finally he looked up at me and I saw the most beautiful thing in the world. His mouth was open in a wordless groan. His blue eyes were open and boring into mine. Matt loved to look into each other's eyes when we came. The look was wild and exiting beyond belief. I felt his cock twitch and than I felt the welcome flood of his seed rushing into me. I came too sealing our heaving and sweating bodies together.

I gently rubbed him down as he came down from his orgasmic ride. He breathing had returned to normal. He looked up at me and the wild look was gone and it was replaced with the innocent carefree look that I loved so much. He smiled a weak lopsided grin and leaned down to kiss my nose. I smelled the dreaded sickly sweet smell that I would smell from him whenever he wasn't checking his sugar. It filled me with a feeling of dread.

"What? Do I smell?" he asked grinning.

"It is your sugar sweetie," I said softly running my hand through his sweaty hair. "We need to check it and get you something to eat."

"Yea I guess we did kind of over do it," Matt giggled sheepishly.

"Did you eat this morning?" I asked concerned.

"Nope," he replied looking down. "I'm sorry, I was so exited about the honeymoon and the twins and all that I guess it slipped my mind."

"Baby," I said softly. "You can't let something as important as controlling your sugar slip your mind. Promise me you will be more careful in the future?" I pleaded with him as tears filled my eyes. "This is serious stuff baby."

"I know it is Kevin," Matt said softly. "I'm so sorry I upset you." I looked into his eyes and saw the tears too. There was one thing that Matt hated more than anything in the world and that was making me cry. In his mind he had done that. I gathered him up in my arms and held him close. "I'm sorry I made you cry," he whimpered out. "Forgive me?"

"All ready forgiven and forgotten," I smiled down at him. "Now lets get cleaned up and find something to eat." I helped him up and we walked hand in hand into the bathroom and cleaned ourselves up than got dressed and went into the dinning area of the plane in time to see Mattie throw a handful of baby food at Jake. It landed on the side of his face. I tried really hard not to laugh but failed. Jake glared at me as he wiped his face clean. The room was filled with very welcomed sound of Mattie's high pitched giggles. "Is Mattie being a good boy and playing with the nice bodyguard?" I giggled.

"More like driving me crazy," Jake grumbled as another blob of baby food found its way on top of Jake's head. More giggling from Mattie sent Matt in a giggle fit too. "You guys want to take over while I get cleaned up?" Jake asked as he kissed Mattie on top of the head. Mattie wiggled his feet and hands with glee at the kiss.

"I would love to feed my baby," Matt cooed. Matt cooed up at him and tossed a handful of baby food up at Matt. "First things first," Matt said as he wiped him self clean. "We need to teach little Matthew that it is not nice to through food at his daddies!" Plop, went another handful of food. More giggling was heard. I sighed as I went to find my sweetie some food. By the time I returned with a plate of Chicken and Pasta and fresh broccoli I was pleased to see that Kevie was up too. Mattie was now in his play pen busy playing with his toy. Kevie was very busy being spoiled by his pappa. I tapped Matt on the shoulder and he looked up at me with a grin on his face. "Hi!" he said cheerfully. "Did you bring me lunch?" I nodded and handed him his plate of food.

"I'll finish feeding Kevie while you eat," I smiled at him as I stole a piece of chicken from his plate.

Later from Matt's point of view.

After landing we rode up to the chalet in the smoky mountains of Tennessee. The place was beautiful. Rugged and comfortable with a huge fire place in the bedroom. The nursery was set up just across the hall. After unpacking I walked out onto the balcony and found my sweetie talking on the phone.

"I want to fly over it sometime this week," Kevin said in to the phone. "I want Matt to see this." I wrapped my arms around his narrow waist. "Yea just let me know when it can be arranged." After clicking off his phone he turned to me. He looked down at me and kissed me on the nose. "I want to take you somewhere."

"Kevin," I smiled up at him. "You can take me anywhere you want to."

"This isn't going to be a fun place," Kevin warned me. "I want to take you up in a plane to see one of the mountains that they have mining from."

"Oh," I said softly. "When?" I asked. I knew that this was important to Kevin. He wanted me to understand why he was so against this Mountain Top mining. And being his husband it was my duty to see what he wanted me to see.

"Some time this week," Kevin said as he bent down and kissed me again. I felt myself getting horny again but willed it away. "Is that all right?"

"Sweetie," I said laying my head on his chest. "If this is important to you than yes I want to go."

"Good, than I will made the arrangements," Kevin said grinning. "Now what do you want to for the rest of the day?" I looked up at the sky and saw that it was overcast. There was also a light mist falling. It was a perfect day for snuggling.

"Well there is a fireplace and it is all misty outside. Why don't we just start a fire and snuggle for the rest of the day?" I asked as I pulled Kevin closer to me. "We've been going strong for the last few weeks. It will be nice just to relax for an evening. But first thing in the morning I want to do something."

"What do you want to do?" Kevin asked as he kissed me lightly on the nose.

"Be a typical tourist. I've never been to the smoky mountains and I want to go sight seeing," I replied.

"Well if my sweetie wants to go sight seeing than sight seeing is exactly what we shall do," Kevin agreed. We both headed inside to start our afternoon of snuggling.

Dinner smelled good as I walked into the dinning room. Kevin had insisted that he cooked the evening meal. I relented and allowed him to do it. I looked at the dining room table and saw that the table was set up with candles and everything. "So what is for dinner?" I asked as I took my seat. I looked over at the high chairs and saw that Mattie and Kevie were sitting in them sucking on their bottles. Jake was there too so that he could feed them without distracting us. Only problem was Mattie wanted Kevin's attention and Kevie wanted mine. So we excused Jake for the rest of the evening and we fed our children. Dinner was delicious. Kevin had fixed prime rib and bake potato and a huge salad with my favorite dressing, ranch. He also had sugar free chocolate cake for desert. After eating my fill I was full. We spent the rest of the evening lounging in front of the fireplace playing with the twins. Once they were in bed we stripped down to nothing and climbed into the hot tub. We sat next to eachother sipping on champagne and munching on strawberries.

"Thank you for this evening," Kevin said in his deep voice. His accent was really starting to show so that told me that he was tired. "This was nice."

"You're tired sweetie," I said as I kissed his neck. "Why don't you let me put you to bed?"

"What no making love tonight?" Kevin asked grinning.

"If you want to," I smiled at him.

"If it is ok with you I rather just go to bed and get some sleep. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a long one," Kevin replied. "You don't mind do you?"

"Kevin," I said sighing. "I don't need sex twenty four/seven. If you want to call it an early night than that is more than ok with me."

"Have you called Tyler yet tonight?" Kevin asked as we both climbed out of the hot tub.

"Nope not yet," I answered as I handed Kevin a towel. "I'm going to shortly though."

"Tell him that I love him," Kevin replied with a huge yawn.

"I will, but now you need to get into a warm bed and get some sleep," I replied as I guided him to the bedroom. After making sure that my sweetie was all tucked into bed and sound asleep I padded down stair sand picked up the phone and dialed our home phone number.

"Tyler?" I asked as I heard him answer the phone.

"Daddy!" Tyler squealed with happiness. "I miss you and Pappa and the twins!"

"Well we will be home in a week," I smiled. After talking for a few more minutes with Tyler I said good night and walked around the chalet checking things over. Mattie and Kevie were sound asleep. I stayed and watched them for about an hour. Soon I found myself falling asleep. I brushed my teeth and stripped out of my clothes and slid in between the cool silk sheets and snuggled up to Kevin. He was sound asleep but as soon as I touched him he latched onto me and pulled me close. I shivered as I felt his lips touch my shoulder.

"Hey," he said in a sleepy tone of voice. "It's about time you got here."

"You lonely?" I asked as I kissed his forearm.

"I was, but now that you're here I'm all better," Kevin replied.

"Good, than be a good boy and get some more sleep," I said as I snuggled closer to him. Soon I felt his breathing return to his sleep mode. After making sure that he was sound asleep I allowed myself to go to sleep too.

The next morning from Matt's point of view.

I woke up and looked around and saw a man sleeping in my bed. I smiled down at him and touched his shoulder. He moved his arm and I thrilled as I watched his muscles move smoothly under his skin. "Wake up!" I demanded. He grunted and turned over again. "Kevin?" I asked. "Kevin?" Still nothing from the sleeping god. There was no chance of waking him up this morning. So I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom and started the water. I stepped into the shower and slipped on the slick tile. I tried to stop myself from falling but failed and I hit my head on the cold hard tile floor.

From Kevin's point of view.

I heard the fall and sprung out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I saw him lying on the floor and than I saw the blood. I quickly grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

After loading him up in the ambulance I followed them to the hospital. Matt was still out like a light. That scared me. I could also tell that the EMTs were scared too even though they didn't say anything. Once they got him to the hospital they wheeled him into the ER and closed the doors in front of me.

After an hour the door opened again and the Doctor came out.

"How is he?" I asked him. "When can I see him?" "Is going to all right?"

"One question at a time," the Doctor replied holding up his hands. "Ok in answer to your first question. Matt suffered a severe trauma to the head. He is awake now but I have to warn you."

"What Doctor?" I asked as the fear gripped my heart.

"Have you ever heard anything about Multiple Personalities in his history?" the Doctor asked.

"No," I replied. "What is going on with Matt?"

"Why don't we go and talk in my office," the Doctor suggested.

"No!" I shouted. "I'm going to see Matt!" I barged into the room and saw the love of my life sitting in bed. "God Matt!" I heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm so thankful you are all right!"

"Who are you?" Matt asked frowning.

"Matt sweetie," I stammered. "I'm Kevin, your husband."

"I'm not Matt!" he exclaimed his face growing dark. "He is gone and won't be coming back for a long time."

"What are you talking about? Of course you're Matt, Matthew Whitewater," I pleaded with him. I felt the hand of the Doctor on my shoulder. "Matt honey, please you have to remember."

"Lay off with the honey stuff Faggot! Once again I'm not Matt, I'm Mark!" Matt shouted. "And get the hell out of here!"

End of Chapter Two

Next: Chapter 59: Get Another Boyfriend 3 1

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